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THE BRITISH MINER & GENERAL NEWSMAN A PUBLICATION devoted to the interest* of th( jfV. Working Miners of the United K/m^dom, Puto* Hed every Friday afternoon, in time for the evening Poet. Prine 2d. Stamped 3d. To he had at the Office, 7, Bnrleieh-streot, Strand, j°ndon, and throughout the Mining Districts of England, Gotland, and Wales. ^TRAORDINARY SUCCESS OF THE NEW MODE OF TREATMENT. U free for Six Stamps, open ends, or Fourteen in a Sealed Envelope. TlJE LAST NEW nOOK, on PREMATI'RE DECLINE and j its ready removal; the modern treatment of certain disqtiali- Jj^tions with rule? and numerous prescriptions tor the speed}' by very simple means of nervousness, debility, and all the common diseases and supposed incurable maladies of the >Ual system. Invalids will ho astonished at its contents. By DK lions, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.A.C., &c., of the Ecole de 5?ferine, Paris; Graduate in Medicine, Surgery, and Mid- fe'y- j the present law, none but the real Physician r Surgeon Reattach M.D. orM.K.C.S. to his n.ime and openly advertise .|js fees, as heavy penalties would be incurred. The public (?°uM therefore guard apiinst impostors who impudently style ^selves 'Dr,' 'Professor,' 'M.K.A.S. « M.A. &c, in order v Mislead the unwary as to their true character. None of these really know more of the diseases they profess to treat than ■J f"1"1 niay by residing: the above work. Pom lonp practical observation in the most famous Institutions I this country and the continent, the Author has had somewhat ifUsual facilities for acquiring that uniform success, which has Jtherto characfi ized hi- treatment, and he refers with pride to numbers he has been instrumental in restoring to health and "Pp.ness whilst to all who need such aid he offers every assu- ?"ce of speedy restoration. Persons at a distance should for- ard a detail of their case by letter, enclosing £ 1 Is for advice JJ*j medicines, which will be sent bv return. Patients corres- tb ded with till cured. Post-office orders to be made payable at £ e General Post Office, to I)r. WAT.TKR DE Roos, M.I)., 25, ^ford Place, Bloomsburv Square, London. Hours for con- ization, 12, till 2, Sundays" excepted. It is important to rccol- £ the address, as to meet the wish of patients, THK ENTRANCE 8TJUCTLT PBIVATE. tUg MOST WONDERFUL MEDICINE IN THE WORLD C'tJRF. IN FOUR WEEKS.-THE OTJTT.E VITJE, or VEGE- j TABLE L1FK DROPS, Protected by Royal Letters Patrtit. [^tinned by the Faculte de France orc., have in numberless stances proved their superiority over every other advertised H^.edy for langour, lassitude, depression of spirits, irritability, incitement, fear, distaste and incapacity for^ society,^ study or v"8iness, indigestion, pains and palpitations in the side, giddi- w* noise in the head, &c. This medicine strengthens the f, 'tv of the whole system, gives energy to the muscles, speedily i tftoves nervousness, renovates the impaired powers of life, and ?*i(?orates the most shattered constitution. For skin eruptions, J;re throat, pains in the bones, and those diseases in which mer- ''7, sarsaparilla, &c, are too often employed to the utter ruin health, its su\ pricing efficacacy has only to be tested. wasting valuable time in seeking aid from instruments, '^trieity, galvanism, with similar absurdities, professing to aside medicines, by American impostors and others, whose rested « distinguished qualifications' consist solely of their con- f^tnate impudence, sufferers will do well to make fair trial of a oc h?T-edy which, concocted on scientific principles, cannot fail. ♦i Ce 4s 6d and lis., or four times the latter at 33s per bottle, wr°Ogh all chemists, or direct from 25, Bedford Place, WHISKS °TJSANDS OP TESTIMONIALS MAY BE SEEN. IIP THREE DAYS' CURE.-NEW FRENCH REMEDY » THERAPION. as uniformly adopted in the French hospitals I? V the notabilities of the French faculty in a remarkably Hi0rt time, often two or three days only, without the slightest toeComfort, inconvenience, or risk, removes all discharges from j,e mucous membrane, whether of the urinary or other organs. Combine* a'l the desiderata to be sought in a medicine oft he and surpasses everything hitherto employed. Devoid of all .^Pleasant taste and smell. In packets 2s 9d, 4s 6d, 1 Is, and 33s, ''r°<]?h all respectable medicine vendors, or sent direct from the I?'ablishment on receipt of stamps or post office order. The Us contains three at 4s 6d, and those at 33* four of the lis. stamp, to imitate which is felony, bears the word R, "erariion,' in white letters, by order of HKR MAJESTY'S HON. « ^MissroNKRS, who thereby secure the proprietor against ju- dgement throughout the United Kingdom and the colonies. PAixg IN THE BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, GOUT RHEUMATISM, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, BLAD- mTHE COMPOUND RENAL PILLS correct acidity of the V'j^ach, and indigestion, promote the functions of the liver and w. therebv preventing stone in the bladder and kidneys, 0'tn many other serious disorders to which the«e important are piibjoct. Listlossncss, weakness, peevishness, and '"plaints long supposed to be nervous, often arise solely from v"nta,r-ination of the blood with certain impurities which should 4; ve been carried off by the kidneys several unsightly eru]>- of the skin and face also arise from the same cause, and e be as readilv removed by these Pills, which in nineteen out of twenty cure with a rapidity almost marvellous* lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d,'lls, and 33s per box, through all chen .Rts. TaocSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS MAT BK SEEN BY ANY ONE. r,8ol(i by James, Jov, and Evans, Cardiff; Roberts, chemist w°nWar; Hughes, chemist, Bangor; Griffith, chemist, High. Carnarvon; Edwards, chemist, Denbich; Hughes l*h Rftist, Holyhead; Price Brothers, Post-office, Bridgend n >mas, chemist, (opposite Angel), Merthyr Watkins, High rjr?et, Abergavennv Ward, chemist, Brecon White, chemist' r,idhail-square, Carmarthen Williams, chemist, High-street" 111; Ulgan; vieyler, druggist, Haverfordwest; Treweeks, che: li.t,t, Pembroke; Evans, chemist, High-street, Swansea; Hil. J;1 h, chemist Rhvl Moore, chemist. Broad-street, Newtown ,tcPhens, chemist, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil; Grindlcy 5/ niist, Chester Ryder, druggist, Mill-street, Macclesfield Sexton, chemist, Shrewsbury Pearce, Kinp-street, I.udlo>v i^nridire bookseller, Wellington Leake and Smith, chetusts {jTi'lgenorth • Mander, Weaver, and Co., Wolverhampton ?°Uier, chemist, Diullev; and at least one agent in almost every but should difficulty occur, enclose the amount by Post- Jtflce order otherwise, to 25, Bedford Place, Bloom-bury Sque-e, ^ndon, and thev will be sent securely packed per return. NOTICE <*■ CAUTION.—T>r. De Roos is the only lej-'illy ijtelified medical man who thus advertises his medicines; and as i, jFe are injuriour imitations of the above by self-sty.ed Doctors .d Professors, who copy his books, advertisements, &c, and '"fre testimonials to puff of their useless trash, sufferers shou.a ^>rd against the recommendation of the same, or other articles, dishonest vendors, <" ho thereby obtain a larger pront. i ne ha^e the words WALTER DE Roos, LoNnoN, printed J? *hite letters on the Government Stamp, BY ORDER OP HKR JJA'ESTY*B HON. COMMISSIONERS to imitate which is felony and Asportation. fpHE PLEASURE-SEEKER'S GUIDE, HOTEL DIRECTORY, and Excursionist's Handy-Book. This work, containing (in ^•htion to much interesting information) a Tariff of Hotel ^harges, will be found very serviceable to all who patronize recursion Trains. Post free for seven stamps by Johnson & Co, i Brooke-street, Holborn. ACT OF GR ATITUDE.—A gentleman who had been long suffering from a verv deplorable state of nervousness, ""tffuor, lassitude, low spirits, almost constant headache, dim- °f sight, threatened deafness, loss of memory and strength, short all zest for enjoyment and everything that renders life ? has been marvellously restored by very simple means, Inf 18 a Public duty feels it incumbent on him to impart the formation to others similarly affected, on receipt of a directed l?velope bearing two stamps addressed B. B. Laurie, Esq, "ontague Chambers, Montague-street, London. l?"NOW THYSELF! TITE URIOTNAL GRAPHIOLOOIST MARIE COUPELLE, continues her vivid, and useful delineations ho i aracter from the handwriting of individuals, in a style pecu- i.yher own. Persons desirous of knowing their own cnarac- to5??tics, or those of any friend, should send a specimen of ^ting, stating sex, age, or supposed age, &c., with 14 uncut stamps, and addressed envelope, to MARIE COUPELLE, ^f0rd House, Russell-square, London, W.C., when they will »lengthened detail of the talents, tastes, virtues, failings, of the writer, with many other things previously unsus- n, • and calculated to guide in the every day affairs of life, r,, thousands who acknowledge the value and aecuracy of Miss ,u8 fetches, establish the great utility of the seiencp. The ^<aracters you sent were wonderfully truthful.'—Mis* Hall, J Co. Oalway. I was much surprised atthe clever way j^hich you described mv character.'—Jane Bray, 105, /jam- iS? Pla"e, Brighton. It is pronounced quite extraordinary. "'Charles Hamilton. You described my character so truly, I could not have done it better.'—Louis Kioior. T^O YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS, MOUS- y STACHIOS and EYEBROWS !—Of the numerous prepara- intended for the ItAlR, none have maintained such r'ehrity as EMILIE DEAN'S CRINILENE, which is guaran- to produce Whiskers, Moustachios, and Eyebrows in a few and will be found eminently successful in nourishing, and beautifying the Hair, checking greyness in all its In »v8' "trengthening weak Hair, and preventing its falling off. rrProduetion of Hair in baldness, from whatever cause d from whatever age, ONE TBIAL will prove its astonishing P?wer. in tbe nursery it is indispensable, forming the basis of a head of hair. Price 2s per bottle; larKo bottlescon- more than four times the small ones, 5s each. Sold by ^'Chemists in the world, or sent post free, on i'eceiptof24 stamps, by Misses DEAN and COUPELLE, Hair Restorers, c-' Bedford House, Russell Square, London. W.C. .EXTRACTS PROM LETTERi,—'My hair was rapidly c°ming off, ln a week after using ye^r Oimlene it ceased.— I. Hickson, ^don-street, Sheffield. 'In the short time of one iormght I got a beautifnl moustache.'—H. Adams, Wilsden l ean boast of a head of hair, which many cannjt; I was quite rtld on the crown of mv head when I began ufing it.-W. B. Ch ery customer spe?>* highly of your Crinilene.'—F. P. Jones, ^leniist, 5, Paradise-street, Liverpool. V^ttNTS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF THE HAIR,' y hiskers, &c., with Testimonials, List of Agents, &c., sent post for four penny stamps. EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR. 0*or tK° stamps sufferers may avoid the sham *e*erouily caution the public agaxnst ptllt, fc.; tU ^trends; gentlemen of fortune; rvvture-curxng quae** and sicindlers who send their books for nothing, publish testi- j2lah which they write thcmscics, fictitious nu naU v,hich do not exist, orofess to cure diseases by galca- th< £ fectrie<!y, instruments, 4c., instead of me%* £ es' y^e 1 American treatmentand other aosurdttt.s Aey (ire deceptive* O! (iMvrric-an many extensively engft^ in Vff^tfons^re- fiuH? a!,(^ *he v»riouK mental and nervous 8 therefrom, will send free on receipt of two pennj p vt re a()stage, a pamphlet containing his highly di^nly 8afe treatment, with all the necessary proscriptions and Coat by which sufferers may cure themselves at trifling Address Mr Lawes, Medical Publisher, 14, Hand Court, **°lborn, London. ^TRICTUKKi OF THE URETHRA; its nature, consequences, lacer*K^til'3' and "Pepdy cure, without the pain and risk of and w '°j 0,;tting or other irrational measures. By Drs. Barker •Umn v ,m> M.R.C.S.K., &c. Price Is., or post free for 14 BO»n T J,,i>nson and Co., Publishers 10, Brooke-"treet Hol- J^>ndcc and through all Book*' .ers. KUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA,NEURALGIA ^LT8L!S 'LANDULARSWELLINOS, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, &c. 1 f*effects of heat, fumigation, &c., in curing the above and TUltIUSkokher chronic diseases are almost incredible. THE TTjltg XJnder tiJ?ATHS, ^0, Baker-street, Portman-square, London. A PamnK? ection two i'hvsicians. Consultations 11 till 3. P et> (Up pages,) post free for 14 stamps. fpHE* DISEASES' GOUT, RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO, &c 1 of wh-r i7ention and cure by heat and fumigation, the effect* BurPasses1° in the above and many other chronic maladies, don. (jn rythinf, 20, Baker-street, Portman-square, Lon- lll three direction of two Physicians. Consultations 11 §Umps»| y**Af>aaH»Wet( 132 pages), sunt post free for 14 v. R- EUROPEAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY, 122, PALL MAXiXJ, LONDON, S.W. I ESTABLISHED 1858, FOR the purpose of supplying the Nobility, Gentry, and Private Families -with PURE "WINES of the highest character, at a saving of at least 30 per cent. Royal Victoria Sherry 27s. per dozen. (The Standard of Excellence.) Splendid Old Port. 37s. per dozen. (Eleven Tears in tlx Wood.) SHEBRIES. CHAMPAGNE. Per doz. per do*. ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY. 27s Creaming Epcrnay 349 (The Standard of Excellence.) Sparkling Vei-z cnay 368 Excellent Dinner Sherry 20s to 249 Ay Mousscux 42s Superior Selected Ditto 30s to 30s Chansarel and Co's Gold Foil 48s Fine Golden 42s to 48s Moet and Chandon's (1st quality) 60a East India Sherry. 42s to 60s Madame Veuve Clicquot's 72a Manzauilla Roederer's Carte Blanche 80a In Pints, 4s per 2 doz. Pints extra. PORTS. SPLENDID OLD PORT 3711 GERMAN WINES. (11 years in the "Wood.) Sparkling Hock 42s to 86a Port from the Wood 24s to SOs Sparkling Moselle 42s to 66s „ Old Crusted 42s to 48s gtm JIock 36s tQ g4)j High-flavoured Old o4s 1to 60s Cabinet Do 78a to 100s Very Dry Old 72s to 120s CLARETS. SICILIAN WINES. ST. JULIEN CLARET 24s Bronte Marsala 20s Medoc 14s to IRs Virgin" 24a Bordeaux 188 to 20s Old Brown Syracuse 26a St. Estephe 30s to 36s Rauzan and Mouton 42s to 48s Leoville and Larose 48s to 54s SPANISH PORT lSa Sauterne and Chablis 36s to 60s PRUSSIAN SHERRY. 16B Beaujolais 20s. per dozen. (The Finest Imported.) SPIRITS 10f the Finest Quality only and at Wholesale Prices. Book Price-Lists forwarded on application to the AGENT FOR HAVERFORDWEST, THOMAS D. MEFLER, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST AND WINE MERCHANT, 11, HIGH STREET, T. D. M. begs to state that he has made arrangements with the above Tompany for a regular supply of their Choice Wineo, which are offered to the Gentry and Inhabitants of this neighbourhood on precisely the same terms as those of the Company, and he trusts by strictly adhering to their system to secure a share of pnblio patronage. The Wines will ail bear the Seal of the 'European and Colonial Wine Company.' Single Bottles are supplied.

