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Just Published, sent free for the amount in Stamps. t] OV TO BREW SPLENDID STRONG ALE at 7d. £ P<?r gallon. Extra Brown Stout at Gd. ditto, and Btrong Porter at 5d. ditto, without the usual brewing [ Btensils. Price Gd. fPHE BEST RECEIPTS EVER PUBLISHED for Summer Beverages, viz., Ginger Beer, Lemonade, -j?3? erryadr, all of which are fit for sale in a quarter of ,0ur after being made. Also, Cordials and Fruit DnnkB. price 6dt 6 fJ,HJ\GREAT MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION. A book nip W valuable receipts how to cure Blotches and Pim- j SiJL°c ^in, l'iles, Nervous Debility, Dimness ot h v«f, strictures, Weakness, and other Diseases of a pri- nature. Price 8d. P -■ -i J T9 EMIGRANTS or the KEY to the 4 Land villi Tables of Wages, Free Grants of 6 Pricc'Rii"^ for making a rapid fortune. ♦ Address II. HOWARD, 98, Berwick-street,.Goldfcn- j —_ square, London. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS l "W"aterford, Cork, and the South of Ireland. ID1?81 CLASS STEAMERS (in connection with the I KKII M. esfcrn and South Wales Railways), carrying »AJKRT\"S MAILS. l'lc Milford Haven Terminus for WATER- i CAY an|('I! MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, and FRI- and the -it '011 ,lie arr'Vi,l of the 9.15 a.in. Express, 4 ^ddingUMu"- Tl'ird ClaSS" aUd 10 a.m. Mail Trains from J r W*Kfrom Waterford every MONDAY L1\\vts • and FR11)AY> at 3 p.m. 3Vcry WKnvrJ"fortl Haven Terminus for CORK. ft Of the y .1,, and SATURDAY, on the arrival «» London' n„ LxPress and the 6 a.m. Third Class from { RCTuute fl'FRiO-xy r.Nt'1. from CORK every TUESDAY and Applv for 'i'i t0 Tides. ;->* «reat Western vC,tVU' 'he First Class Railway Stations IJ'*ckson. sr, (v?" Wales Railways; of Ford and <.Qiar, Wate'rf, l'10" s,reet, London or of Mr. Downcj word; or of ^srs. Murphy and Sons, Cork I6' T on W, .'THROUGH FARKS: ra jnt 0 }} aterford 50s, -10s, and 24s 6d. J' Milford H«v1,nediatc Stations in proportion. $Havei* to Waterford 12s 6d. 10s, and 7s 6d. IØf I PASSAGE—SEVENTY MII.KS. In, t0. C°rk 52s 6d, 42s, and 26s. Stations in Proportion. i' Lett Haven to Cork 15s, 12s, 8s. 'ditioinfrnml611'^to ')e forwarded by this short and cxpe- l~-■-— '^tnust be addressed via Pembroke-Dock.' STEAM COMMUNICATION ^(LIVERPOOL, MILFORD, SWANSEA, & BRISTOL 0 For the Month of APRIL, 1858. I*he ▼. ———— iverpool and Bristol Channel Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ships new s.s. Capt. W. J. Beckett J MewTAGtr, new ».». Capt. Wm. Clarke. dijj. 8M8RA1D, Capt. C. B. Tallan. BoL\We,°r SOme other suitable Vessel, is intended to sail witl tocurr ^assonffers, (unless prevented by any unforeseen reuse ls*^ as ^°^ows> 'with or without pilots, and liberty to to* From Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. anding passengers for Swansea at the Mumbles, (weather permitting.) 3 12inoon Saturday 17 12 noon °J 1" T^evcn | Saturday 24 Tjeven Saturday, May 1 llj morn Milford jor Bristol. (tr Landing Passengers for Swansea at the Mumbles (weather permitting) ?in^ay 4 7 morn Sunday 18 7 morn ""Way 11 2 after Sunday 25 2 after Sunday, May 2 6 morn From Bristol to Swansea and Liverpool. (Calling at Milford.) Jttesday 6 9imorn | Tuesday 20 .lOimorn yiUesday 13 5jevcn | Tuesday 27 5jeven From Swansea to Liverpool, ( calling at Milford Wednesday 7 .10 morn Wednesday 21 .10 morn rt«Wedncs(lay 14 4jafter | Wednesday 28 4jafter tAn addition to the above an extra Steamer will be dispatched 1 weekly from Liverpool to Swansea when cargo offers. Milford for Liverpool. Jednesday 7 4 after Wednesday 21 4 after "ednesday 14 lO.Jeven Wednesday 28 10.1 even *S<ew Screw Steamer GrYPSEY is intended to ply on th» *iuord Haven, in connection with the above Steamers, carrying Rnd I'aRsenet'rs to and from I'embroke-dock, Haverl'ord- 8t and the adjacent Towns. fares;— Cabin. Deck. luford to or from Liverpool 0(1 5s 6d Vsif ^to or ^rom Bristol bs 6d 5s Od Uiord to or from Swansea (Mumbles) 5s Od 3s Od ^OnCE.—Hct\irn Tickets available for Two Voi/ayes in this Captain 'ro,n l'lc undermentioned Agents, or the Milford to Liverpool £ 0 18s "ford to Bristol (with the option of Landing at J nn n Swansea returning j i0 138 I'er.gers are requested to take charge of their own safety8C* aS tlle Sllip is not responsible in any way for its Jtitti^w* are landed and embarked at Milford (weather per- 8) free of charge in the Steam Tender Gipsy. «MI .?^„E-RTH? landing or embarkation of Goods or Passengers | Of tjle hy whatever conveyance, or whether at the expense Owner ?mer or otherwise, is at the risk of the Passengers and Anr the Goods respectively. IPOof- (■ I'itzsimons, Applebee, & Co., 20, Water-street, Liver- 4 Evans, Bristol; J. lidwardes, Swansea; John Ken- 5 Jfotj Mauchcster. af'rXo g00<ls >yill be delivered until the freight has been ping'? n<? Roods for shipment will be received without a ship- he corrp 'i ^'v'nK ^u" particulars of their address, &c., so as to Good entered upon the vessel's manifest. »rriVa] Hn<led at Milford must be removed the day after their 5 Guard > °r will be stored, if necessary, on board the hulk I t •team1' which is the point of arrival and departure of the j »ery, r?' Storage will be charged upon all goods allowed to 9 ain in the hulk more than five days. j B. D. HORE, AGENT, MIUOBD. J. PHILLIPS, CHEMIST, CASTLE-SQUARE, 1 Haverfordwest A GENT for HORNIMAN S PURE TEA, in Packets |Xx TUB LKAF KOT COLOURED.—Dr. Scoffern, in his i Valuable work On Food Adulterations,' remarks at page ™ 523;—« The best Tea I can find is that imported by the j Aenrj. Horniman. Its appearance, manifests it to be I Jhat it professes—Tea which has been subjected to no §*"ul of outward embellishment—a manifestation which i "• dclicious flavour sufficiently confirms.' j H0RNI MAN'S ] P U R E TEA, »*Hk USUAL FINE SORTS, BUT TIIE LEAF NOT COLOURED I for^h full flavoured Tea of rare strength is thus secured; < aljirp 10t Emitting the different qualities to be coloured 1 th usua' powder, the brown flavourless leaves 5 to aut"nra gathering cannot be made by the Chinese 4 athi^K111^0 l'le valuable spring sorts, and so passed off J Zajf 7 r?tes t0 l°ss°f the English consumer. The f —-Thp pa^c 318 states of Horniman's importations; j Bely Hn\'iCas are wholesome, the Black has notan inten- i faced • i l^c ^rcen is a true dull olive not being l J1 ^^avour thcy exceed the sort generally sold. J PAPIT I."ro aPents througout the Kingdom and only in £ AberwoT" S Price 3s 8(1- 4s Od. and 4s 4d. per lb. 5 Aberrin y,h Jones, Pier Street 3 AbeSv 6 Jones-Thomas f Bristol Evan Evans i Ferris & Score.Union Street r C*mav„„ Davies, King Street HAVH.- Davies M RFor»WEST WILLIAMS, 17, Market Street La'ugham • 1>HILLIPS) Castle square J'laneli* David & Williams Stephens, High-street Neath Griffiths & Nicholas ^ernbrokV Hutchince, Wind-street ^mbrokft ri^i Trewent K0 Uock Trewent, Standard House Swansea Barrett, Pembroke-street Wilson, Castle Square Harries, Oxford-street Tenby Glover, Castle-street Mason-Walkingtoa AIM u irn C) T, T 0 YOU- GET T, ;z C).,INF-EIRIC)R '<INC)S RD 0 4fk OF E, 0 J AU i" STOMACH ind BOWEL COMPLAINTS proceed from s the accumulation of vitiated humours. These are effectually removed by the use of KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS, which speedily cany off all useless matter, and prevent the pain and" injury which would otherwise re- sult.—Mr. T. Chalder, Chapel-row, near Bishop Auck- bud, suffered greatly from a stomach complaint, lie could not. take animal food without feeling much pain and sickness; bur, trying KAYE'S PILLS, he was very soon restored to health. Hundreds of Cases of Cure accompany each box. Sold in boxes at Is. l £ d., 2s. Del., and 4s. Gd., by all dealers in Patent Medicines. Wholesale Depot, 22, Bread-street, London. A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN THE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE. PATENT OFFICE SEAL OF GUEAT BRITAIN. DIPLOlIIK DE ECOLE DE PlIAUMACIE PlIARMAClEN DT PARIS. IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF .MEDICINE, VIENNA. 'VHE Patentee considers it necessary that every expedient I should be adopted to secure the Public against DUTATIOSS of the Tiiesmar..None are genuine unless the engravings of the seals of the Patent Office in England, the Seals of the Ecole de i'harmacic de Paris, and the Imperial College of Vienna, are affixed upon eacii wrapper, and arouii'L each case. Imitations of the sum- are liable to the severest penalties the courts of law can award. TRIESMAR, No. I., II., III., prepared in the form of a loxenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tinca?es, divide;) into separate doses, as administered by Valpeau, Lalleman, Roux, Kicord, &c., &c., and adapted for both sexes. TRIESMAlt, No. I., is a remedy for Relaxation, and all the distressing consequences arising from early abuse, indiscriminate excesses, or too long residence in hot climates. It has restored bodily strength and vigour to thousands of debilitated individuals, who are now in the enjoyment of health. TRIESMAR, No. II., effectually, in the short space of three days, completely and entirely eradicates all traces of those disorders which Capaivi and Ciibebs have so long been thought an antidote for, to the ruin of the health of a vast portion of the population. TRIESMAR, Xo. III., searches out and purities the diseased humours from the blood, alul cleanses the system from all deteriorating causes it also constitutes a certain cure for Scur vey. Scrofula, and all Cutaneous Eruptions, removing and expelling in its course all corruptions and impurities from the vital stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disease, and expel it with the insensible perspiration through the medium of the pores of the skin, and is a never- tailing remedy for that class of disorders which unfortunately the English physician treats with mercury, to the inevitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and which all the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove. Price lis., or four cases in one for 3:Js., which saves lh.; and in £5 cases, whereby there is a saving of £1 12s. To be had in London of D. Church, 78, Graccchurch-street; Hooper, 43, King William-street; Watts, 17, and Prout, 229, Strana; Edwards, St. Paul's Churchyard; Watton, Chronicle Office, Shrewsbury; R. II. Ingham, druggist, 46, Market-street, Manchester; J. Priestly, chemist, 52, Lord-street, Liverpool; Powell, bookseller, 15, Westmoreland-street, Dublin Winnall, bookseller, High-street, Birmingham; J. Anderson, chemist, High-street, Worcester; Ponting, chemist, High-street, Bristol; W. Stafford, chemist, Westgate-street, Gloucester; Messrs. Garrett, Bros, druggists, Newport, Monmouthshire. Agents wanted in every town throughout the United Kingdom, -Apply to Mr. D. Church, 78, Graccchurch-street, London. HUMAN FRAILTY, a popular medical work on Nervousness, Loss of Strength, and General Decay of the Faculties, price Is. post free, beautifully illustrated with 100 engravings. This work contains in plain and sympathising langaage practical remarks on the various disorders acquired in early life, and recommends itself as a safe and unerring guide to the restoration and permanent preservation of health. It also informs the reader of the benefits arising from the chemical tests and exami- nation of the Spermatoza, by the Author's newly-constructed microscope with powerful lenses. J. Allen, 20, Warwiek-ldne; Gordo-, 146, Leadenhall-street, London, and from all Agents for the « of «Triesmar.' Nothing brings on Ncrvnm Debility, Premature Old Age, and shortens Human Life more than Diseases of the Chest. UNDER THE FSILSFE AND PATRONAUE OF THE Ik- THE PRINCIPAL QUEE); NOBILITY. I ROPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTERS, for coughs, asthma, •. hoarseness, indigestion, palpitation of the heart, croup, hooping cough, influenza, chronic strains, bruises, lumbago or pains in the back, spinal and rheumatic affections, diseases of the chest, and local pains. Pitchley Hall, near 18, 1857. Sirs,—It is with heartfelt gratitude thatI write these few lines, in order that sufferers from complaints similar to that under which I have myself laboured since December, 1840. I have been afflicted at intervals with croup and spasms, and, although I have tried many remedies, they were all next to useless, until a short time ago, when a friend coming from Sheffield brought one of your Roper's Plasters and since that time I have ex- perienced no recurrence of the malady. You are at perfect liberty to make any use of this letter. I remain yours truly, ROBERT POTTER. Providence Row, Hull, Jan. 15, 1857. Sir,—Having received remarkable benefit from Roper's Royal Bath Plaster, I wish to make my case known for the use' of others. Some months ago I caught a severe cold, which brought on shaking fits. These settled in my chest. I became so ill that I required constant attendance. One of Roper's Plasters was applied, which produced relief at once, and now I am fast pro- gressing to a recovery. I am, Sir, yours respectfully, MARTHA HANNAH ROBINSON. Mrs. Granger Whitham, Essex, writes:—'I have received much benefit from the use of your Roper's Plasters, once for a sprain of the back, and at another time for pain in the side. Dated Feb. 1857. Prepared only by Robert Roper and Son, chemists, Sheffield. Full-sized plasters, Is. l £ d.; and for children, Old. each, or direct by post on receipt of Is. 4d. or Is. each in postage stamps. Sold by most patent medicine vendors in the United Kingdom. Beware of Imitations!—Be particular and ask for Roper's Plasters. Puliic Opinion has proved the Plaster and Pills to be the Marvel of the Age. ROPER'S PILLS (though originally only intended to assist the operation of Roper's Royal Bath Plaster), have proved the best remedy for all those distressing symptoms attending a weak and disordered stomach, I liver complaints, bilious irregularities, indigestion, such as nausea or sickness, loss of appetite, loathing of food, pain in the bowels, languor and depression of spirits, giddiness, swimming or determination of blood to the head, &c., the forerunner of Apoplexy. I.. Sproatlev, near Hull, Oct. 3, 1853. Sirs,—Having found great benefit from Roper's Royal Bath Plasters and Pills, I wish to make my case known for the ad- vantage of those who suffer, as I have done, for a long time. I have been afflicted with spasmodic pains in the chest and palpi- tation of the heart, arising from indigestion and liver complaint; I was under medical treatmeut many months without feeling any better. At last I tried one of Roper's Plasters and a box of Pills, which gave me relief in a few days, from which time my health has improved, and I am now quite well. I remain, with thanks, yours respectfully, ELIZABETH THOMPSON Roper's Pills are a purely botanic compound, and warranted free from any deleterious ingredient, being composed of choice herbs, roots, gums, and balsams, by Robert Roper and Son, chemists, Sheffield, in boxes at by most chemists and booksellers in the United Kingdom. OW- Ask for Roper's Pills. THE BLESSING OF HEALTH BY HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Why are Diseases Fatal ? Merely because we prescribe for their effect, instead of their cause and try to relieve symptoms instead of striking at their root. The action of these pills is precisely the reverse. They expel from the secretive organs and the circulation the morbid matter which produces inflammation, pain, fever, debility, and physical decay and the basis of disease being removed, its mani- festations vanish. While ordinary remedies only afford a tem- porary respite to the sufferer, whereas these pills annihilate the disorder. lllllcalth Frequently arises from nervous disorders affecting the action of the heart and deranging the whole animal economy; these fine pills will restore the nervous system however deranged, and bring back health and spirits when all other medicine failed. Bilious and Liver Complaint Frequently lead to the worst phases of human suffering, yet how many are thus afflicted unknowing the means of cure, placed within their grasp: such should take a few boxes of these pills according to the directions given in the books, and their ailments will quickly leave them, in short, most diseases incidental to the human frame may be quickly subdued by their use. Dropsical Swellings and Turn of Life. This is a most distressing period in woman's history, it destroys thousands, the whole of the gross humours collect together, and like a tide sweep away health and life itseif, if not timely and powerfully checked. The most certain remedy for all these dan- gerous symptoms is Holloway's Pills. Armed with this great antidote, the fiery ordeal is passed through, and the sufferer is once more restored to the possession of unimpaired health. These Pills are equally efficacious in all female complaints, and obstructions at the dawn of womanhood. Nervousness and Lowness of Spirits. How many thousands are there suffering from a species of hypochondriasis, assuming the form of a monster to themselves, and all around them, not knowing what will give relief to their sufferings, to such Holloway's Pills have indeed proved a boon in numberless cases. By a steady use of these invaluable Pills, combined with attention to diet and regimen, the worst cases quickly yield to the power of this mighty medicine. The nervous system of the brain will become calm, and the nervous sufferer once more enjoy health as in the days of youth. Stomach and Liver Complaints. These are the complaints of the million. Few escape them and, if neglected, they lead to innumerable dangerous maladies. But why neglect them when Holloway's Pills will eradicate them as certainly as water extinguishes fire 1 During the last quarter of a century these wonderful Pills have been nationalized in all parts of the world. Dyspepsia and derangepient of the liver, the source of infirmity and suffering, yield to these curatives in all cases however aggravated, acting as a mild purgative, altera- tive and tonic; they relieve the bowels, purify the fluids, and invigorate the system and the constitution at the same time. They are admitted by virtue of special decrees into the dominions of despotism, and thus have become the great household remedy, A Word to Females. The local debility and irregularities which are the special an- uoyance of the weaker sex, and which, when neglected, always shortens life, are relieved for the time being and prevented for the time to come, by a course of this mild but thorough alterative. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases Ague Dropsy Liver Com- Tic-Douloureux Asthma Dysentery plaints Tumours Bilious Com- Erysipelas Lumbago Ulcers plaints Female Ir- Piles Venereal Affec- Blotches on the regularities Rheumatism tions Skin Fevers of all Retention of Worms of all Bowel Com- kinds Urine kinds plaints Fits Scrofula or Weakness, from Colics Gout King's Evil whatever cause Constipation of Head-ache Sore Throats &c., &c. the bowels Indigestion Stone & gravel Consumption Inflammation Secondary Debility Jaundice Symptoms Sold at the Establishments of Professor Holloway, 244, Strand; (neur Temple Bar), London, and also by all respectable Drug- gists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the Civilized World, at the following prices — Is. lid., 289d., 4s. Gd., lis., 22s. and 338 each Box. gggp There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B.—Diretions for the guidance of Patients in every disorder are afliwed to each box- SLATES FOR SALE. rpHE BANGOR SLATE COMPANY haxe a large JL supply of Slates of all sizes and qualities on hand at Neyland and Pembroke-Dock. For particulars apply to Fouo and JACKSOX, Steam Packet Office, Neyland, Milford Haven, or of ALLEN and WARLOW, Shipbuilders, Pembroke-Dock. STEEL PENSI W1LLETS AND LOWE'S warranted Good Stee Pens.—The Public are respectfully requested to trv them and judge for themselves. Universal Pen, for every style of writing. Superior Pen, for general purposes. Extra, Ground Fine Points, suitable for posting. of ladies' writing. School Pen, for general school use. Bank Pen, suitable for strong writing. Public Pen, adapted for all hands. Commercial Pen, suitable for entry desk. Correspondence Pen, for current or ladies' hand. Spear Point Pen, strong business Pen. Old English Pen, made as originally, of the very best metal, highly recommended. Eagle Pen, or small Barrel Pen, for commercial pur- poses. Otticc or Magnum Bonum Pen, suitable for every description of writing. MTAWIEO PENCILS. VVTlets and Lowe's Id., 2d., and 3d Pcncils will give satisfaction to loycrs of It really good Pencil. To bo had of J. Potter, Haverfordwest, and of all sta doners. CLARKE'S NEW PATENT PYRAMID NIGHT LAMPS, Tin at Is., Lacquered or Bronzed Is. Gd. each, ij^OR Burning the New Patent Pyramid Nipht Lights. The most convenient, safe, and economical yet intro- duced. So!d by all Grocers and Lamp Dealers, and wholesale by Palmer and Co.,Clerkenwell, London, E.C. TO BUILDERS, MASONS, &c. Sealyham Blue Metallic slate Quarry. WARRANTED to be as good in quality as any Slates in Wales. Situated seven miles from Haverford- west, within a quarter of a mile from the Turnpike Road leading from Haverfordwest to Fishguard-good easy new road to come out to the Turnpike Road. Slates supplied at the quarry on the following prices:- Good Locals per 1,000 0 16 0 Best Dry Tiling 1 0 0 „ 24 by 14 perl,200 7 10 0 „ 24 by 12 „ 6 10 0 „ 22 by 11. 5 10 0 20 by 12 5 10 0 „ 20 by 10 5 0 0 „ 18 by 10 „ 4 0 0 „ 18 by 9 3 10 0 „ 16 by 10 „ 3 0 0 „ 16 by 8 2 5 0 „ 14 by 8 „ 1 10 0 Apply to Mr. JOHS REES, Broadmoor, Wolfscastle. To Builders and Others. THE BARRY ISLAND SLATE and SLAB COM- PANY are prepared to SELL Slates and Slabs at the following Price", (i-eliverable at the Quarry, situate between St. David's and Fitihguard First Quality. Second Quality. Per Thousand of 1260. 24 by H £ 8 8 0 X7 2 6 24 by 12 7 5 0 5 17 6 22 by 12 6 0 0 5 0 0 22 by 11 5 0 0 4 10 0 20 by 12 4 17 6 4 0 0 20 by 10 4 14 0 3 15 0 18 by 10 3 10 0 2 12 6 18 by 9 3 0 0 2 7 6 16 by 10 2 17 6 2 2 6 16 by 8 2 5 0 1 12 6 14 by 8 160 1 2 0 14 by 7 14 0 10 0 13 by 7 I 0 0 0 15 6 12 by 7 0 18 0 0 14 0 Locals 0 14 0 to cover from 28 to 33 yards. Ditto 0 12 6 to cover from 25 to 28 yards. Superior Slabs for Tombs, Headstones, Cisterns, &c., from 30s., and upwards, per ton. Excellent Flooring Slabs, Sawn Edges and planed sur- face, 22s. 6d. and 25s. per ton. Mantlepiecee, Window Sills, &c., made to order. Apply tc r. J. JACK, Porthgain, Trevine. Hird's Francis's Pills HAVE been extensively made use of in this country lor nearly 30 years, are most deservedly recom- mended for their known efficacy in all bilious complaints diseases of the liver, indigestion, flatulency, jaundice, sick headache, habitual costiveness, and all diseases of the alimentary canal. In recent attacks of the gout it has nearly proved a specific, by alleviating the severity of the fit and shortening its duration; they are also highly advantageous to those who are liable to occasional in- dulgence at table. Europeans visiting the East and West Indies and other warm climates will find them an inva- luable medicine, and by their early use may escape those dreadful diseases which the disordered state of the liver but too frequently creates. CAUTION.— The high repute in which these pills are held has induced some unprincipled individuals to foist a spurious imitation of them on the public be careful to ask for Hird's Francis's Antibilious Pills, which are signed 'J. Hird' on the stamp label. They are sold wholesale by W. Sutton & Co., 10, Bow Churchyard; Barclay and Co., 95, Farringdon-street; Hodgkinson, Tonge, and Stead, 213, Upper Thames- street, London; the Proprietor. J. Hird, Chemist, Pem- broke and by all reputed vendors of Patent Medicine, in boxes, Is ljd, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d. N.B.—Should any difficulty occur in procuring the above, enclose stamps or post-office order to J. Hird, Chemist, Pembroke, when they will be forwarded free to any address. BENSON'S WATCHES, Manufactory, 33 & 34, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. Established 1749. rilllE most brilliant display of Watches in London, of X every description and construction, is at this old § established Manufactory. Those who cannot personally inspect this extensive and costly stock, should send two stamps for 'Benson's Illustrated Pamphlet,' con- taining important information requisite in the purchase of a Watch, and from which they can select with the greatest certainty the one adapted to their use. Silver Watches, from 2 to 12 guineas each —Gold Watches, from £ 3 15s. to 100 Silver Watches, from 2 to 12 guineas each -Gold Watches, from t3 15s. to 100 guineas each. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS ON BENSON'S WATCHES. Perfection of mechanism.ilfoy-ning Post. 4 Excellence of design, and perfection of workmanship.' •—Morning Chronicle. 'The qualities of his manufacture stand second to none.'—Morning Advertiser. All that can be desired in finish, taste, and design.'— Globe. The Watches here exhibited surpass those of any other English manufacturer. Observer. The Morning Herald, Sun, Standard, and numerous other papers, speak of the beauty & finish of these cele brated Watches. A Warranty witheach Watch, and sent carriage paid to any part of England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales, upon receipt of Post Office or Banker's Order. Merchants, Shippers, and Watch Clubs suppliedWatches Repaired. FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. Price Is. làd., and 2s. 9d. per box. a THIS excellent family pill is a medicine of long-tried efficacy for purifying the blood, so very essential for the foundation of good health, and correcting all disorders of tho stomach and bowels. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength a healthy action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys will rapidly take place and renewed health will be the quick result of taking this medicine, according to the directions accompanying each box. Persons of a full habit, who are subject to head-ache, giddis ness, drowsiness, and singing in the ears, arising from too grea- a flow of blood to the head, should never be without them, at many dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried off by their timely use, and for elderly people where an occasional aperient is required, nothing can be better adapted. The following cxtriict of a letter, from Mr. Thomas Province, of Winchmore Hill, Middlesex, is another proof of the invaluable medicinal properties of Frampton's Pill of Health:—' For up- wards of nine years I have experienced the efficacy of this excel- lent medicine. I had long previously been afflicted with head- ache and indigestion, but a friend having induced me to make a trial of Fi ampton's Pills, I now inform you that a few doses gave me great relief; and during this long period of time I have taken them in preference to any other medicine; and I have the happiness of saying that I never had a better state of health, which I attribute to Frampton's Pills. I beg further to add that this medicine is in general use by my family, and we know of nothing to equal it.' For Females these pills are truly excellent, removing all ob- structions, the distressing head-ache so very prevalent with the sex, depression of spirits, dulness of sight, nervous affections, blotches, pimples, and sallowness of the skin, and give a healthy juvenile bloom to the complexion. To Mothers they are confidently recommended as the best medicine that can be taken; and for children of all ages they are unequalled. They are an excellent aperient, create appetite, relieve languor, and invigorate the spirits, and if taken after indulgence at table they quickly restore the system to its natural state of repose they unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the most successful effect, and require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use. Sold by all medicine vendors. Observe the name of Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, London,' on the government stamp. LEWIS & REYNOLDS- Cfiliiiirt-Baltrrs, UPHOLSTERERS, P A P E R-H A N C E R S AND UNDERTAKERS HILL-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. PICTURE FRAMES AND BLINDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A NEW IP-A-TEISTT MANGLE FOR SALE. TO FISHERMEN. J. POTTER BEGS TO INFORM THE BUBMC THAT SHE HAS JUST RECEIVED HER ANNUAL 8UPPLT OF lisging Units, Uttls, tints, unit mrij rrqnisitr fnr a jfisjjHtnan, WHICH MAY NOW BE SEEN AT HER. ESTABLISHMENT, HIGH-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. SPLENDID FISHING PASTE AT ONE SHILLING PER POT. SUPEEPHOSPHATE JIBFE■ G U A N O- HARRIES TO P A L M E K HAVERFORDWEST, BEG to make known that tlicy have just received a large quantity of Gibbs, Bright, & Co's Peruvian Guano, and a Car^o of the best London-made Superphosphate, which they intend selling very cheap for cash. The Superphosphate is prepared in two ways, viz., for White and Green Crops. A great Reduction in Agricultural Seeds—Best Red Clover, 7!d. per lb; Second quality ditto, 6gd. per lb. A CLERK WANTED. <T A M E S D A V I E SAN D SON:, CASTL E-S QUARiE, HAVERFORDWEST, HAVE imported a large quantity of AGRICULTURAL SEEDS, namely, Vetches, Red and "White Clover, Cow Grass, Trefoil, Cork Grass, Foreign and British Italian Rye Grass, Paceys and Perennial Grasses of all de- scriptions, which cannot be surpassed for quality by any house in the trade. Turnip and Mangold Wurtzel Seeds of every sort. A Cargo of Superphosphate, just arrived, which is guaranteed to be equal to any manufactured at the price. SOUTH WALES MANURE WORKS, LLANELLY. HAVING appointed GEORGE N. HASSKLL my Agent for the lower part of Pembrokeshire, he will wait on the Agriculturists of that district to receive orders for Artificial Manures or Guano. T. MATHIAS DAVIES, Proprietor. N.B.-Orders can also be sent direct to the Factory. LAWES' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. T. II XJ O H E S BEGS to announce that he has landed a Cargo of 'LA WES' SUPERPHOSPHATE' of the usual high quality, and has also a Stock of the finest Peruvian Guano, and a few tons of damaged Peruvian, direct from Gibbs, and Co., ready for delivery at his Warehouse at the Quay. Early orders will oblige, and ready money customers will receive very great advantage in price. Haverfordwest, February 26th, 1858. NOTICE TO FARMERS. HARRIES AND PALMER, HA VERFORD WEST, BEG to state they have just received a splendid lot of NEW SEEDS of the best quality, suitable for Spring Sowing, viz.—Vetches, Italian and English Rye Grass, French and English Red Clover and Trefoil, splendid Seed Barley from St. David's and Roose, and English April Wheat, samples of which are sent per post it required. They have also received a cargo of Superphosphate of the very best make, and jGibbs, Bright, and Co.'s Peruvian Guano, all of which are to be sold cheap for cash. N.B.—An active man wanted as Clerk, and to superintend the stores. TO GENTLEMEN, FAMILIES, AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY!! FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, 1858. t GREENISH & DAWKlIISrS «— HAVERFORDWEST, ■■ T)EG to acquaint their numerous Friends and the Public JHk AJ generally that their Stock of READY MADE GOODS is CPf immense, comprising every article of Dress suitable for the ASTONISHING LOW PRICES, £ Wy\ LIGHT SUMMER PALETOTS, fiUs' til 1 THE NEW WALKING COATS, |1| 1 DRESS AND FROCK DO., ijr 1 THE NEW TWEED JACKETS, BLACK DRESS TROWSERS, TWEED AND DOESKIN DO., |T VESTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, J? S HOLLAND JACKETS ^FTHE^W MATERIAL VERY | J Also an Immense Variety of SCOTCH TWEEDS for Gen- llf^ tlemcn to select from in ordering their noted cheap 16s. 6d. S* |j ✓ TROUSERS so much sought after. ft 1 Cheap TWEED SUITS, Materials well shrunk Tind well f 9 V GENTLEMEN'S WHITE» COLORED, & DRESS SHIRTS j |f A LARGE ASSORTMENT^O^YOUTHS' AND JUVENILE MUCH WORN. Also an Immense Variety of SCOTCH TWEEDS for Gen- llf^ tlemcn to select from in ordering their noted cheap 16s. 6d. S* |j ✓ TROUSERS so much sought after. ft 1 Cheap TWEED SUITS, Materials well shrunk Tind well f 9 V GENTLEMEN'S WHITE» COLORED, & DRESS SHIRTS j |f A LARGE ASSORTMENT^O^YOUTHS' AND JUVENILE LIVERIES CONTRACTED FOR AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. NA VAL AND MILITARY UNIFORMS. Their NEW PLAN of FASHIONS and DIRECTIONS for SELF-MEASUREMENT for 1858 sent free bv post to any part of England and Wales. J Commerce House, Haverfnrdwest. Weekly Publications. rpHE "London Journal" "Family Herald," "CasseU'sl X Penny Illustrated Papers," Chamber's Journal," I &.).. &c., may now be had WEEKLY of J. Potter, Book- seller, Stationer, &c., High-street, Haverfordwest. PIANOFORTES, unparalleled (Patent Tubular) IP Obliques and Cottages, (equal in volume and quality of tone to horizontal grands, without their inconveniences) with Erard's patent check-action, Rust's patent tubular sounding board-i-proved soft pedal,& every other modern improvement. Warranted, and may be exchanged if not approved of. Piccolo pianofortes, in mahogany, walnut, or rosewood (packed free for the country), 25 Gunie&s each.—Rust and Co. (from Regent-street), patentees and sole manufacturers, 4, Great Marlborougli-street, Regent- street, London, W. Established 1850. Country Gentlemen in search of a Good and Economical London Tailor, ARE directed to B. BENJAMIN, Merchant Tailor, 47, Regent-street, W., who supplies Scotch, Heather, and Cheviot Tweed Suits, all wool, and thoroughly shrunk, made to order from 47s. to 63s. Two Guinea Dress or Frock Coats, Guinea Dress Trou. sers, and Half-Guinea Waistcoats. The Bulfanger, the Oude Wrapper, and the Pelisier Overcoats, from 21s, to 42s. N.B.-Ä perfect_fit guaranteed.- Vide I Times' COAL! COAL!! COAL! GEORGE N. HASSELL, HAYING completed his arrangements with the Pro- prietors of the Gorwydd Colliery, is now in a posi- tion to supply his Patrons with 3PTJRE RED ASH COAL, Possessing more bitumen (or oil) in its component parts, and consequently more brilliant and enduring burning qua- lities, than any other mineral deposit in the Coal fields of the South Wales basin. A considerable reduction per Ton to parties taking one or more Trucks. Coal Yard, Railway Station; Offices-9, Cambrian Place, Haverfordwest, where orders are requested to be sent. December 11, 1857. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. THOMAS D. MEYLER, BEGS to inform his Agricultural Friends that he has just imported a large quantity of Carragheen Moss for feeding Calves, Pigs, Horses, and Store Cows. As a general food for cattle it is invaluable, far better and cheaper than Oil Cake or Linseed. He has also received a fresh stock of Turnip Seed, comprising Skirving's Liverpool Swede, Purple and Green Top Scotch, Dale's Hybrid, Norfolks, &c., Mangold Wurtzel, French Furze, &c., &c. Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD ON APPLICATION High-street, Haverfordwest, February, 1858. ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. JB 1,000 IN CASE OF DEATH, OR a Fixed Allowance of £ 6 per week in the event of injury, may be secured bv an Annual Payment of £3 for a policy in the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' AS- SURANCE COMPANY. A special act provides that persons receiving compensation from this Company are not barred thereby from recovering full damages from the party causing the injury; an advantage no other Company can offer. It is found that One Person in every Fifteen is more or less injured by Accident yearly. This Company has already paid as compensation for Accidents £ 27,988. Forms of proposal and prospectuses may be had at the Company's Offices, and at all the principal Railway Stations, where, also, Railway Accidents alone may be insured against by the Journey or year. No Charge for Stamp Duty. WILLTAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Railway Passengers' Assurance Company Offices, 3, Old Broad-street, London, E.C. Agent MR. J. OWEN, Johnstone Station, South Wales Railway. TOWN AND COUNTY OF HAVERFORDWEST. TTI A T II. Notice is Hereby Given. A1 the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, w If.u ou-aid J°,7n and County, will be holden and Z;, Haverfordwest, on Friday, the 9th April, 1858, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, and that the Court will first proceed to audit and examine all accounts relative to the receipts and expenditure, and the assessment, application, and management of the rate for the said Town and County: and that all persons sum- moned to attend as Jurors, Constables, Persons bound by Recognizances to appear thereat, must attend, and answer to their names; and all persons having indictments to prefer, or appeals or traverses to try, or any business to transact, are required to attend; and all Justices of the Peace for the said Town and County are requested to return all depositions and recognizances taken and ac- knowledged before them, to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before the 8th April. JAMES SUMMERS, Clerk of the Peace. COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. EASTER QUARTER SESSIONS, 1858. Notice is hereby Given THAT the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace i for the County of Pembroke will be holden at the Shire Hall, Haverfordwest, on Tuesday, the Sixth day April next, at Eleven o'Clock in the forenoon, aud at the hour of twelve o'Clock at noon, of that day, all business relating to the County will commence and be proceeded with. And Notice is hereby given that the Justices of the Peace acting in and for the said County of Pembroke, will, at One o'Clock in the afternoon of the same day' proceed with the business relating to the assessment, ap- plication and management of the County and Police Rates. TRIAL OF PRISONERS. And notice is hereby given that on Wednesday the Seventh day of April next (the second day of the said sessions) at Ten o'Clock in the forenoon precisely, the Court will proceed with the trial of prisoners, when all Grand and Petit Jurors, Bailiffs of Hundreds, and per- sons bound by recognizances to appear thereat, must attend and answer to their names. And notice is hereby also given that all appeals and and traverses to be tried at the said sessions must be entered at the office of the clerk of the Peace, on or before ten o Clock in the morning of Tuesday the sixth day of April next (the first day of the said sessions) and the several magistrates of the said County are requested to direct their clerks to transmit all depositions and recog nizances taken before them to the office of the Clerk of the Peace, three clear days before the commencement of the said sessions if taken after the time mentioned, such depositions and recognizances to be returned not later than half-past nine o'clock in the morning of the com- mencement of the said sessions in order that the respec- *IVA J ^n^c^men^ may be prepared. And also the magistrates' clerks and attorneys prac- tising in the said court, are requested in all cases of appeal to be heard at the said sessions to transmit to the Clerk of the Peace, for the information and guidance of the chairman copies of the examination upon which the removal is grounded and the grounds of appeal, seven clear days previous to the sessions. POLICE COMMITTEE. And notice is hereby also given that the Police Com- mittee will meet at the Shire Hall Haverfordwest, on Tuesday the sixth day of April next (the first day of the said sessions) at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. FIANCE COMMITTEE. And notice is hereby also given that the Finance Com- mittee will attend at the Shire Hall, Haverfordwest, on Tuesday the sixth day of April next (the first day of the said sessions), at half-past eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of auditing the County Accounts, and all persons having demands against the county are requested to attend such committee at the time and place appointed. ROBERT LANNING, T, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Clerk of the Peace s Office. Haverfordwest, March 22nd, 185S. PEMBROKESHIRE. IMPORTANT TO MILLERS. rP0 BE LET, and entered upon immediatedly, a J capital newly-erected water-power Grist Mill, at Castle Pill, near Milford Haven, comprising several pair of French and English Stone. Bolting Machinery, and other apparatus necessary for carrying on a most lucra- tive business. A term will be granted (if required) to an approved tenant. Water carriage to the spot. For further particulars apply at the Estate Office, Mil- ford, or to Mr Henry Phillips, Auctioneer, &c, Haver- fordwest. Hill-street, 19th March, 1858. LLANSTINAN, PEMBROKESHIRE? GEAZING LANDS See-, TO BE LET BY AUCTION, By Walter Reynolds, Auctioneer, ON TUESDAY, THE 6th OF APRIL. 1858, On the premises, (Subject to such conditions as shall be then produced) U 1° suitable Lots to suit takers, PWARDS of 233 Acres of Prime Pasture Land, in- i. ,cju » upwards of nine acres Arable, part of the capital farm and lands of Llanstinan aforesaid. The fences are in good repair and the lands well- watered. Immediate possession will be given. The Auctioneer will be in attendance at twelve, and the Letting will commence at one o'clock precisely. Haverfordwest, March 22, 1858. RIDGEWAY, PEMBROKESHIRE" Important Sale of Prime Oak, Ash, Larch, Birch, and Sycamore, Timber and Poles, &c. WALTER REYNOLDS Has been favoured with instructions to SELL BY AUCTION, ON FRIDAY, APRIlJ 9th, 1858, AT RIDGEVVAY WOODS, In the parish ofLlawhaden, (Three miles from Narberth and from the navigable river of Blackpool,) A LARGE quantity of superior Oak, Ash, Larch, Beech, and Sycamore, Timber and Poles, of various sizes, made up in suitable lots. The Oak, Ash, and Larch are of good lengths, straight and clean, and of the first quality, worthy of tie attention of Shipbuilders, Railway Contractors, Colliery Proprietors, and Agriculturists, and the Sycamore and Birch suitable for Coopering and Clogmaking purposes. The above Timber is now lying in convenient places on the Ridgeway Demesne, near Blackpool, (an estuary of Milford Haven whence it may be shipped with the greatest facility, and at a moderate expense), and it is also in close proximity to the contemplated Branch Rail- way from Egrement to Pennar Mouth. The sale to commence at one o'clock precisely. Credit will be given, subject to conditions of sale. Haverfordwest, March 22nd, 1858. 18 5 8. TO SERVE THIS SEASON, AT MAESGWYNNE, NEAR LLANBOIDY, THAT THOROUGHBRED HOUSE ANTHRACITE, SIX YEARS OLD, At Two Guineas each Mare, and Five Shillings the Groom. HE is by Melbourne, (whose stock have proved him one of the best Stallions England ever produced, —instance West Australian, Blink Bonny, Blanche of Middlebie, Mentmore, &c,) out of Fausta, by Dr Fausta, her dam, Dinah, by Champignon, dam Louisa, by Orville, out of Tomasina, by Timothy. Melbourne, by Humphrey Clinker, out of the Cervantes mare, her dam by Golumpus, Paynator, sister to Zodiac, by St George, Abigail, by Woodpecker, Humphrey Clinker, by Comus, out of Clinkerina, by Clinker Dr Faustus, by Filho da Puta, out of the Maid of Lorn by Castrell, dam by Marske, Rockingham, Butterfly, by Eclipse. o J' Anthracite is a rich brown, without white; stands 16 hands hand, and for bone and power is exceeded by no thoroughbred horse in Great Britain. As a race Horse he has beaten Sirocco, Sandboy, Fatalist, &c, and at Nottingham, in March, 1856, giving Fisherman 241bs, he was only beaten by half a length. He is perfectly free from disease in wind and limb. and from his celebrated blood and great substance, good constitution, and fine temper, is calculated to get valuable Racing Stock, and high-priced Hunters. He has only served one season, and has proved him- self a remarkably sure foal getter. He will attend in Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, wherever a sufficient number of mares are put to him. Good accommodation for mares, and every attention paid them. Grass, six shillings per week; barren mares, five shillings. Corn (if ordered) at market price. Particulars of time and place of attendace may be had on application to Mr John Rees, stud groom. F. B. SANGUINETTI 52, Regent-street, §' 163, Fenchurch-street, London, ARMY AND NAVY CLOTHIER, TAKES the opportumity of drawing attention to the perfection to which he has now brought the con- struction of that most difficult article of dress—TROU- SERS. The material has been expressly manufactured for him, and it possesses such elasticity that, cut on his peculiar plan, neither Braces or Straps are requisite, and the Trousers consequently combine with the most fashion- able and elegant style the greatest possible comfort to the wearer. The style of his COATS are so well known throughout the different kingdoms as to need no comment. The materials used are of first-class-being only West of England and Scotch. He begs further to mention that for the Leather De- partment he has secured the services of MR. NICHOLL the eminent maker of the prepared Leather Shooting Coats, Hunting Breeches, &c., late of Pall Mall and Lombard-street, who received Prince Albert's Certificate and Medal, and was most highly commended in the Re,, port of the Royal Commission of the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Leather used for hunting and for other garments is manufactured under his immediate personal inspection, and the qualities are in every respect unsur- passed. The Waterproof Leather Shooting Gaiters and Leg- gings have received the highest patronage, and maintained an unrivalled position amongst all manufacturers for more than 40 years. It is almost unnecessary to say that for eveiy article made in F B. Sangumetti's establishment, none but the best and choicest materials are used,—that the Work- manship is of the highest class, and the Cutting per- formed by the best British and Foreign Artists, under F. B. Sanguinetti's immediate personal inspection The business of the City Branch will be conducted in the same vigorous manner that has been the characteristic of F. B. Sangumetti's establishment at Regent-street. Orders for outfits to India and the Colonies executed and dispatched by the return mail. 18 5 8. LLANBOIDY RACES AND STEEPLE CHASES ARE FIXED FOR Tuesday and Thursday, April 20th and 22nd. ON TUESDAY. A Handicap Sweepstakes of 3 Sovs. each, in case of acceptance, with an entrance of 2 Sovs., to go to the fund, to be paid at the time of nomination, or the entry will not be received; with 50 Sovs. added the winner to pay 5 Sovs. to the fund. Ten subscribers or no race. Two miles over the flat. Gentlemen Riders allowed 5lbs. The Open Steeple Chase, a handicap of 5 Sovs each 3 forfeit, and 1 only if declared, with 50 Sovs. added 2nd horse to save his stake the winner to pay 5 Sovs. towards expences; 4 miles over the steeple chase course. The Hunt Hurdle Race, a handicap of 3 Sovs cach 1 forfeit, if declared, with 25 Sovs. added by D. Pug'h Esq., M.P., for horses that have been regularlv hunted with any pack of hounds in Carmarthenshire, Pembroke- shire, or Cardiganshire, and that have not started for any race in 1858 previous to this date; the 2nd horse to save his stake; to be ridden by gentlemen, tradesmen or far- mers, that have never ridden for hire 2 miles over hurdles. Horses running for the Hunt Hurdle Race and U.C.H. Stakes will not be liable to the race horse duty. THURSDAY. Cefchraley Stakes, a handicap of 3 Sovs. cach, 1 forfeit, if declared, with 20 Sovs. added; the 2ml horse allo^eVsibs miles over the flat> gentlemffl^llers ThelLH-C. Stakes of 3 Sovs. each, I forfeit, if dHaied, with 25 Sovs. added by W. R. H. Powell. Esq., for fforses and riders qualified as for the Hunt Hurdle Race; list II the 2nd horse to save his stake 3 miles over the Steeple Chase Course. The Tally-ho-Stakes, an open handicap Hurdle Race, of 3 Sovs. each, 1 forfeit, if declared, with 30 Sovs. added the 2nd horse to save his stake 2 miles over hurdles; gentlemen riders allowed 51bs. The Consolation Stakes, a handicap of 2 Sovs. each with 415 added; forced for Winners; free for losers- 1 mile and a distance; the weights to appear immediately after the last race. Conditions.— Three horses, the property of different owners, to start for each race, or the added money will not be given. Tuesday's Races to close and name to the Secretary, at the Maesgwynnc Arms, Llanboidv on or before Monday, April the 5th the weights tn a™ ° BelVt Life on April 11th, and'forfeits to be SecK the Secretary on or before April the 16th. TbnrSv s Races to close and name as above, bv lettor ™ t .T evening, April the 20th, by eigl' JSk° appear by 10 o clock the same evening and forfeits to hp declared by letter to the Secretary by 10 oclockof'wed nesday morning Colours to be nLed at the tinie of ^e^ The Stew. (thc^• £ yo?s;en^^s5o,l 'VcdnesJay and Friday' An ordinary on Tuesday and Thursday at the Maes- gwynneArms. By order of the Stewards, Llanboidy, March lib, 185S.KEES' Cletk °f 'he Couree- MILFORD. TO BE SOLIJ BY AUCTION, IN THE WAREHOUSE, ON THE UPPER QUAY, On Monday, April 5th, 1858, (In suitable lots,) r^IYE HUNDRED SACKS of the finest quality (L B • Janc^) °* FRENCH FLOUR, about 170 sacks of winch have been slightly damaged by salt water. The sale to commence punctually at eleven o'clock. Milford, March 27th, 1858. MILFORD. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ON THE TTrZPEIfc QUAY O.V SATURDAY, THE THIRD OF APRIL, 1858, And not on Friday (beinp Good Friday) April 2nd, as advertised in the Herald of last Friday, AT 1 O'CLOCK, T.M., THE whole of the Strong Oak-built Vessel VICTOIRE of MORLAIX, now lying alongside of the said Quay, together with all her materials. This Vessel has just been repaired and over-hauled, and may be sent to sea without fnrther expense; she sails well, carries sixty tons, and would make a useful coaster. She may be examined on application to Captain Crechdon on board. French Consular Agency, Milford, March 24th, 1858. PEMBROKESHIRE. GRAZING LANDS. TO BE LET BY AUCTION, BY MR. GRIFFITHS ON TUESDAY, the Thirteenth of APRIL, 1858, ON THE PREMISES, At Minwere Lodge, in the parish of Minwere (Subject to the usual conditions,) ALL the capital MEADOW and PASTURE LAND belonging to the above Farm, and MINWERE MILL, which will be let from the 1st day of May next in lots to suit the convenience of takers. The company are requested to meet tho Auctioneer at Minwere Lodge at half-past 12. The Letting will com- mence precisely at one o'clock. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Powell, Mathias, and Evans, Solictors, Haverfordwest. March 24th, 1858. PEMBROKESHIRE. CRAZING LAN D S TO BE LET, MR. E E N R Y DAVIES Has been instructed by the Proprietor TO LET BY AUCTION, On the Premises, On TUESDAY, the 13 th of APRIL, 1858, In Lots to suit the convenience of Takers, (and subject to the usual conditions), ABOUT 54 Acres of good Meadow and Pasture LANDS, (which have a constant supply of water) belonging to the Farm ot ROSEHILL, in the parish of Harroldstone West, within an easy distance of Haverfordwest & Broad Haven). Immediate possession will be given, the term of letting to expire at Michaelmas next. The Auctioneer will meet the Company near Roaehill House, at two o'clock in the afternoon precisely, and the Letting will take place immediately afterwards. For further particulars apply to the proprietor. J. D. Roberts, Esq, Milford, or the Auctioneer, at his Office, Old Bridge, Haverfordwest. Haverfordwest, March 27th, 1858. Agricultural Seeds. MR. HENRY PHILLIPS, having just concluded a purchase of a large quantity of ENGLISH RED CLOVER SEEDS, of the finest and purest quality, direct from a celebrated grower in Bedfordshire, under the most advantageous circumstances, begs to solUit the favour of an early inspection, and feels confident that the quality and prices will please and give satisfaction, and cannot be superseded by competition. A fresh and very choice Stock of Cow Grass, Dutch Clover, Trefoil, Rib Grass, Italian, Perennial and An. nual Rye Grass, Meadow Grass, Boiling and Seed Peaa, Vetches, Spring Wheat, Mangold Wurtzel, and Turnip Seeds, has just been received. Samples with lowest prices forwarded by post or other. wise, and orders executed with promptitude. gSTCountry Shopkeepers supplied at Low Prices. TKRMS.—Six MONTHS' CREDIT. 5 per cent allowed on Cash Payments. Opposite the Corn Market, Haverfordwest, 30th March, 1858. Freight for Horses from the Cape of Good Hope for India. East India House, 18th March, 1858, NOTICE is hereby given to Shipowners, Colliers and 1H Exporters of Coal to the Cape of Good Hope and others Trading with that Colony and with India, that the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Cape of Good Hope has authority to Purchase such Horses suited to Cavalry purposes as may be procurable, to the extent of 1,000 Horses, jirovided Tonnage can be obtained for their conveyance to India. The Court of Directors of the East India Company therefore notify to the Shipping Interest in the United Kingdom, that Freight of that description may probably be in demand at the Cape of Good Hope, and that all vessels which may be offered at the Cape for such Service ought to be supplied with Water Casks or Tanks equal to maintaining a supply of water sufficient for the number of Horses lor which Freight may be tendered. J. D. DICKENSON, Secretary. Haverfordwest Union. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rpHAT the Board of Guardians will, on Wednesday, JL the 21st day of April, 1858, at Eleven o'clock, a.m., proceed to Elect a Medical Officer for the District of St David's. He must have such qualifications as are required by the rules and regulations of the Poor Law Board, and a knowledge of the Welsh Language. The Salary to be £,70 per annum, together with the fees allowed by law. He will be required to attend to all cases of accident and sickness of all paupers within his district, whether belonging to any parish in the Union or not. Testimonials of qualification must be sent to me on the day previous to the Election. RICHARD JAMES, Clerk. Board Room, Haverfordwest, March, 23, 1858. HAVERFORDWEST, PEMBROKESHIRE TO BE LET C^OR the unexpired residue of a term of Seven Yean /T fro!" Michaelmas, 1855, with immediate possession, the capital Mansion, called AVALLENAU, with two Gardens, Stables, Coach-house, and all the usual Out. buildings, and also Three Fields of Pasture Land adioin. mg, containing altogether about Seventeen Acres, situate in the Hamlet of the parish of Saint Thoma., in tie im- mediate vicinity of the Town of Haverfordwest, and late the residence of ANTHONY DENXY, ESQ., deceased. The house contains good sized Drawing and Dining Rooms, Library, Entrance Hall, Three Bed Rooms with Dressing Rooms, Three other Bed Rooms, besides Ser. vants Rooms, good Kitchen, capital Wine and Beer Cellars, and all other suitable offices of every description. The Stables contain Stalls for six horses. The premises are all in good repair The premises may be viewed on application to Mr Henry Phillips, Auctioneer, Haverfordwest, and all offers" &c., are to be sent to Messrs. Kingsford. and Dnrman' Solicitors, 23, Essex-street, Strand, London J. T. JON E S, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST BEGS most respectfully to return his sincere thanks to the inhabitants of Milford and its "Sty for thS ZtaT ess'andhopesbyacontinuedstrict attention to every command, and bv navinff a most Kfs' Z StK" ''ess °"f & thaf support ant* ri„ie,aVing hls establishment, to merit acknowledge. COnfiden< which he feels so'happy to o\ni wil*l 'at^am^f?S t0, state no other hands than hig bilitv of rlisno™ enOusted to the se*ous responsi- «c?i« u$physicians' prescriptions and family sent da'v WW J ™gs and chemicals of use in the pre- exnprion™ S 111 st0°k f°r that purpose; and the i derived as chief dispenser in one of the him tr. »k°U3esJn London will, it is hoped, justly entitle nim to the confidence of the public. Farmers can be supplied with horse and cattle medl- CIne of every description and of superior quality at the most moderate charges. A Vacancy for an Apprentice. HAVERFORDWEST. A Grand Amateur Concert by the Cambrian Glee Society of Swansea, WILL be held at the Sliire-Hall, on Monday Even- ing, April 12th, under the patronage of the Gen- tlemen and Ladies of the Town and Neighbourhood. DR. DENMNG, will preside at the Pianoforte. VOCALISTS Miss Williams, Miss James, Messrs »T Devonald, H. Davies, S. H Davies, T. T. Elias, Jones; Williams, &c. Admission-Reserverl S('.ts, 2s; Back ditto, Is; G i- lery, 6d; Childien batf-piioc. Tickets may be had "of Mr Perkins, and at the offices of the Tde9raPh and Herald. Doors open at half past soven, the concert to commenco at eight o clock precisely. Carriages may be ordered at half-past ten. The Society will perform at the Assembly Rooms, Car- marthen, on Tuesday evening, April the 6th; at the Tabernacle School-Room, Milford, on Wednesday evening, April 7th; at the Temperance Hall, Pembroke-dock, on Thursday evening, April 8th; and at the Assembly Rooms, Rutzen Arms, Narberth, on Friday evening, April 9th.