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CARDIGAN ELECTION. Yesterday the Town of Cardigan was the scene of .intense excitement, consequent on the nomination of a representative for these ancient Boroughs. The appear- ance which the town presented on that occasion was one ot unusual gaiety for, early in the morning, groups of influential electors and others might be seen wending their way towards that all-important spot—The Town Ball. The town, which was very liberally bespattered with heart-rending and eloquent appeals to the free i*nd independent," testified to the true liberality and Untiring perseverance of its respectable and numerous; inhabitants. The hall, on this occasion, we must say, J Presented, to our minds, the most decorous and respect- table appearance it, has ever. been. our good fortune to witness; and thi», coupled with the galaxy of beauty *hich was there a«sembled, presented a scene long to be teraembered. The time for nomination having arrived, and the writ being read, Thomas Lloyd, Esq., of Coedmore, ros? and proposed John Evans, Esq., Q.C., as a fit and proper person to represent" these boroughs in Parliament; which was 8eeonded by Thomas Lloyd, Esq. Thomas Davies, ex Mayor, then rose and proposed ■J• Lloyd Davies, Esq., of Hlaen DyfFryn, as a fit and PT°per persra; ▼'rich was seconded by R. D. Jenk n Esq. John Evans, Esq., Q.C., then rose and said that he •hould not have presumed to have come forth from the '^tircment into which he had very willingly secluded "lmself, if it had not been for the very numerously 4igned and respectable requisition which had been for- warded to him while he was engaged in his professional; duties nor would that have been sufficient to have in- ductd him to come forward and offer himself for their "iffragea, had he not been supported by the great in- fluence of the Go^jerddan family—supported, also, by his lIoble friend, Mr. Lloyd, of Coedmore, and his interest. a preliminary, it was necessary to state that he had .long been a politician, and that ever since he had been Capable of forming a political opinion, his mind had been fttiefled that it was the Liberal party which had rend red the greatest service to the country. In his experience, ^hen in the House, he found that in a tim3 when every state of Europe was shaken to its foundation, the state Of our beloved Sovereign remained unmoved and un- •ffectod by the troubles which then menaced other na- tions— solely, a3 he believed, by the liberal opinion which then fast gaining ground. He would wish them to took back but forty years, and then they might see the Mate of things that existed when the Tories were in Power. Then the rotten boroughs were in exigence, and ~*ho representative system was a farce; nothing more required to return a member to Parliament than mere assembling of his numerous servants, who forthwith declared him elected. When this system was 'cpt away Lord Eldon wept bitter tears, and even the Sreat Duke of Wellington wondered, and asked How 15 the Queen's Government to be carried on Then it that difference of religious belief prevented a gen- *'CTOm from rising above the rank of Major in the army; *nd likewise prevented a Dissenter from filling other offices—eron excluding him from the office of common *-ouncilman. It was the Tories that passed a law for protection of agriculture. His honourable friend v*'r. Davies), ,on most questions, adopted the opinion of highly influential paper the Morning Herald, Better *lown by the appropriate title of "My Grandmother's /azette." There were also several other laws regarding imports and shipping, which prevented us from enjoy- lng innumerable luxuries and benefits. All these, how had been done away with by Liberal opinion the Tories, meanwhile, hanging on. He was proud to say had been instrumental in removing some of them; *jut he must say, with regard to the representative of Carmarthenshire (Mr. D. A. S. Davies), that, during the *ltae he was in Parliament, he never appeared in the •#me lobby as himself. When the state of things to Jhich he had just alhtded was in existence, whoever •jared to open his mouth against them was immediately designated a Jacobin, and scouted from public society. The first hlow, however, to this state of things was given by Mr. Canning, by proposing Catholic Emancipation, Jnd for this he was bitterly persecuted by Sir Robert Tho Duke of WellingtoA then dame into power, within two years the Catholic Emancipation Act. passed. Lord Melbourne then succeeded, and id a Wort time turned out; then Sir Robert P.jel got in; arid rrl'at was the surprise when, one morning in the House Commons, that gentlennn turned round and said that the Corn Laws must be abolished. The country turned JLSainst him. Mr. Disraeli abused and persecuted him. jVhere stood Sir Robert Peel—and when he spoke of him wished to speak, not in terms of d jrision or ridicule, as a great benefactor of his people; but from that "°Ur the party he had belonged to kept apart from him, 'nd placed themselves under a new leader—a leader -ho, when lately sent for to form a Government, «eclared that he was altogether unable to to so out of materials placed at his corrimartd, and should only be JMe to succeed if he had some of the opposite parly r° help him. He offerred himself to theni as an advocat J civil, religious, and commercial progression and no *oubt his friend (Mr. Davies) would tell them that he J»o was for progression, but his progress, they might depend upon it, was in hanging on. Some persons bbJected to his opinions, arid said that they went too far, but he did not think they did. He was an advocate for extension of the suffrage, as he thought the present "*nchiso was far too high, preventing, in many instances, of good character and sound judgment from exer- £ the privilege which others enjoyed in this he may Wrong, but he did not think ha was. He had always -'oted for the ballot, because he never yet had heard an 4rguraent against it. The present system was productive Of great evils; now, for instance, there were men, who Wished to vote in accordance with their opinions, but -ho lived under Mr. Tomkins, and were under the im- !Qediata observstion of Mr. Flinkins, his agent, and con- Jfquently were compelled to vote according to his direc- tion. Now, he would ask them, would it not be much better that those men should be able to put whatever 44rae they chose on a bit of paper and so give expres- lioTI to their opinion. tf any person would stand up 44d say that a man should not have free opinion, he Jould admire hini; or if he came in and said, "I am Broadacres, you must vote for me!" but if they ^hed to have a true representation, let it be by the °*llot. One of the great evils under which we were Offering was the law. It was A hard thing to many a that he could not Buy a piece of land without going Jarough long formalities and, if they did him the honour of electing Kim as their representative, that •jhould be one of the first questions to which ,he should ^ect his attention. He could not say, like Mr. Davicj, Jhat he could bring a railway to their town, and, to tell the truth, he thought Mr. Davies could riot either. ■V hen the question of choosing a representative in Par- liament was to be discussed, to talk of electing a man £ ?cause ho could bring a railway to their town was, in opinion, nothing better than selling their birthright °r a mess of pottage. They were asked to vote for a who would bring back the worst state of things Merely for the sake of bringing a railway to their town, if they did it would be an evidence of the most sor- motives. With regard to our position in the present "ar, he thought there was a prospect of a good, a glorious, an honourable peace, and when this was attained, unprecedented and unequalled valour of our country- men will achieve for themselves a name which will pre- all other nations from coming into contact with Having expressed his regret that the female in- was arrayed against him, he resumed his seat llrilidat loud cheers. The cheers having subsided. J- Lloyd Davia», Esq., of Blneqdyffryn, after a few spoken in an under tone, said that he wa,s that in a position to which he never before aspired. He Jas proud to come 'orward as a candidate for their suf- rage, and h« had been told that if he came, he should Veil supported. That a requisition should be sent to When he came to the neighbourhood where he he found the roads in a very bad condition, but •'ice that he had repaired and extensively improved therefore, he thought, that if it was in his p>ower 1° bring a railway into their country, he should cotifer a ^nefit on them which they would feel if they lived to the of Methuselah. It had been said that one Coriserva- member was quite enough, but he did not think so, if they had one Conservative and one Liberal they *°uld then in a state of equilibrium. He was not there *° justify the Tories, but he would say, that in the five I"I)m in which Mr. Evans was in Parliament, he thought they had brought forward some honest measures be could have given his support; but during the whole that time his name never orice appeared in support any of their projects. Why did Mr. Evans com J b«r« from his niaitve home He was sure that if it had ltlt been for the Gorgeddan interest he never would have !Orlke here and he would not look upon Mr Evans in any ^her light than a warming pan for the heir of Gorgeddan. any of the Prices themselves had come forward he J^ould give his word thathe would have not opposed them; jjut he felt disgusted thait any opposition should have "fought a man 300 miles to force upon that constituency. (Mr. Davies) had beeri b'orn in humble circumstances, jndby his own exertions had worked himself up to what now was; (cheers) but he had still enough of spirit of a true Briton to protest against such a pro- ceding. Though he was to day supported by those ob- Joctionable Tories, they were rtfcn who were the well- wishers, and tho best friends of the County of Cardigan. in his opinion, were a,set of men who, when ?ut of office, talked and projected a variety of things ^"t when in forgot all their former professions. Mr. t'lang talked a great deal about law reform, but why did not, when in Parliament, propose th; t subje-1. *bo«o are the men, who sent fifty-four thousnn 1 of their ^mtrj--men—the bravest of the brave—to starve in Crimea. Hewould ask whether we—who conquered *Vane*, and nil the Countries of Europe—were now to xded t > a aecond rate power ? He hoped not. having referred, st sottiq length, to the ^rcat mis- ^anagemont in connection with the war, he then came to the question of Free Trade, which he hopped was now settled question and he shoud not have referred to it **d not h\t honourable friend (Mr. Evans) previously tn. It they took the troublo to look at the market ^nrnsj they would sea that tho price of corn was double to what it Vas previous to the abolition of Com Laws. Arwl now vre ace the truth of what the T*nw told thorn', that if they went to war and depended 671 Foreign natioiw-for supply, the result would bedisas- liaring spokon of the shipping laws, he then J^d he had been called a Torr, brit on what authority did not know. Ho was neither W hig nor Tory but .Tii ay C^mservativo a man as any in that assembly. ttiey did him the honour of sending bin! to Parl1^- he sVuld attach hims-if to no party.. If the ■ bi^jj brought on a rnwura which ho thought was right, U? "bonM «tf|»port that; and so with all parlies. As to BtiiA ahr>ut tho Tories h»Ilowin £ of ths Whig., tho Free Trade qiiesti >a was c^ncd ^ijf 'R-Sbort —a man of tho opposite ;>al"ty, Tfi^re -oao thing to bs taken notice of with rofercuc.) to »f Liberal o^niona, an I it his boliet that had it not been for the contrary tendencies of som( persons, the Liberal party would have revolutionised all' England. If they did him tie honour of electing him. he would fulfil the trust with honesty; and he would say that if any measure was brought forward to relieve them from any burden, it should have his earnest sup- port. After speaking-of some personal circumstances, connected with Church-rates, he said that it was a most! odious law; but still he was not the dishonest man to oppose it because his property was subject to it. As to the Ballot, he,had not the slightest objection to it, as far as to enable an; honest man to vote in accordance with his wishes and had it not been for the pressure on the side of his honourable friend, he thought there would have been no opposition there that day. The Squire Tomkinses were all-in opposition to him. They had been told that dissenters were much restricted, but he was not aware of it. They were enabled to worship God in their own way, and he did not know of any restriction to which they were subjected. He bad chapels of all denominations, on his property, and he re- ceived nothing but a more acknowledgement. Reference had been made to the Morning Herald, and he would say that he thought it was a very good paper, and, though it may be conducted with less ability than the great leviathan," ,it certainly bad more steadfastness, as it never denied .one day what it had said the previous one. Mr. Evans had told them that if they returned him (M. Davies) to Parliament he should vote with the Carmarthenshire member; but that gentleman was nothing to him, and he could assure them that he would never vote to .please any man. After having viewed the present aspect of affairs at some length, he assured them thrtf he should 1 persevere and poll to the last man. He hoped they would examine and exercise their privi- lege in a proper manner, and congratulated them on their decorous and gentlemanly behaviour, instancing it as an evidence of the advancement and improvement of of the peoples. The worthy gentleman concluded his speech in the natural dialect, and resumed his seat amidst uproarious cheering. The Mayor then called for a show of hand, which was announced to be in favour of J. Lloyd Davies, Esq. A poll was also demanded on the part of Mr. Evana. Thus, with a necessary condensed report of the day's proceedings, we terminate our account of this interesting event. The poll will commeiice this morning at eight o'clock.


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Family Notices