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BRIDGE-STREET, Haverfordwest. ELIGIBLE BUSINESS PREMISES, DWELLINC-HOUSE, ETC. LET, and entered upon at Lady-Day next, the r7.~ j L"EST A HI' IS H K D S l-l O P, comfortably ar- "roU DWELLING-HOUSE, with commodious pre- Rarden attached, advantageously situated in DGE-STREET, Haverfordwest, and now in the ■ ccupanon of Mr. Edward Thomas, grocer. These pre- anrl f ve 'on? been known as "The Old Corner Shop,' an !?Ve a ays commanded a large and excellent trade, tenf,tage that may be readily maintained and ex- Haverford''011'3'8 t0 ^r* Rees» accountant, ordwest. SPECIAL NOTICE. 0 ccure the Advantage of this Year's Entry, Proposals must be Lodged at the Head-office, or at any oj the Society s Agencies, on or before 1st March. SCOTTISH EQUITABLK LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, jjjj (.Incorporated by Act of Parliament,') BURGH-26, St. Andrew-square. LONDON—61, Moor Hi» Gra-a ,i. gate-street. ™ "e Duke of Boccleuch & Queensberry, president. ASUM ASSURED £ 3,067,376 annual revenue 114,106 Vikw U LATED FUND 496, £ 55 ° THE PROGRESS OF THE SOCIETY. Amount r Revenue Accumu- Assured. Annual latedFund AtlBi^arch'l837- £ 740,462 £ 26,993 £ 56,115 Ditto' 1,707,716 64,000 227,755 —I849 3,067,376 114,106 496,535 among P&°FITS belong to the Policy Holders therefoie im •}' are allocated every THREE YEARS. It is ^vantages for any Assurance Office to afford greater '"creasej'u, effected on 1st March, 1832, is ndvv a-1>4A &nd other Policies in proportion. PEMBROK. T ROBERT CHRISTIE, Manager. — E J. R. BRYANT, Surgeon. 'AWTTAKy £ If J) J-EBRUAB.Y, 1850. STEAM COMJVIUNTCATION BETWEEN BRISTOL, TENBY rt AND CARMARTHEN, IN TEN HOURS, IRON SCREW AUTIFUL STEAM SttlP T ALB O T, '8TPt*» 140 HORSE POWER. ^PHEN ings, commander J\ is INTENDED TO SAIL "RING THE MONTHS OF JAN. & FEft, AVITH Pa AS FOLLOWS :— dp fngers) Goods, Live Stock, &c.,affording a most sjrable and Speedy Communication between the p r,0«s Places of the Counties of Carmarthen and r^mbroke and the Metropolis, via Bristol & the Great western Railway; also, with Manchester and the p0rt"» via the Gloucester and Birmingham Railway; asse igers are conveyed from Bristol to London by tail way, jn 4 hours & 20 min., at 27 s., 18s., or 9s. lid BRISTOL, TENBY Frm« T> AND CARMARTHEN.. Zr rat Basin, Bristol, From Carmarthen to Bristol •"Carmarthen, in 10hours, in 10 hours, calling calling at TENBY. TENBY. "esday Jan. ]_ 7im0rn Thursday Jan. 3.. 8 £ morn ttesday e> 8.. 2 morn .Wednesday.. 9.. 2 after Tuesday 15.# 7 morn Thursday 17.. 7 morn ^nesday 22..1Umorn Thursday 24.. 1 after Tuesday 15.# 7 morn Thursday 17.. 7 morn ^nesday 22..1Umorn Thursday 24.. 1 after Wednesday.. 30.. Tfmorn Friday Feb. 1.. 8 morn •jesday Feb. 5.. 12 noon Thursday 7.. 2 after Wednesday.. 12.. 7 morn Friday 15.. 7 morn luesday 19..12 morn Thursday 21..ll^morn r. et\nesday 27.. 6 £ <norn Friday March 1.. 7|morn Carriage, 40s.Pair-Horse Phaeton,28s.; Small One-Horse Phaeton, 20s. Gig 18s.; Horse, 15s. Dog, 2s. Ttye Vessel is elegantly fitted up for the comfort and Con venience of Passengers. CARRIES AN EXPERIENCED STEWARDESS. Rafreehtrfeats may be had on board at moderate charge Goods taken in at the Warehouse, Back, Bristol, to awai the Packet's arrival if required for Carmarthen, Milford Pembroke, Tenby, Haverfordwest, Narberth, and places adjacent. Further Information may be had on application to tha master on board, or to the following Agents:—Mr. Thomas & son, Packet Office, Back, Bristol, Mr. North Rees, Packet Office, C«trmarthen, Mr. J. Daviess, Talbot Office, Tenby, or Mr. Wm.'Jenkins, Packet Office, Port Talbot. Freight of Goods to be paid for on delivery. For Lists of the Freights, apply to Mr. North Rees, at the Talbot Office, Quay-street, Carmarthen. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packe give Notice, that they will not be accountable for Passenger? Luggage, nor *ill they be answerable for any Goods, Packaf ges, or Parcels (if lost -or damaged by fire, leakage, 01 otherwise), unless booked at eifher of their Offices, at Bristtè I ,or Carmarthen, if above the value 'of Forty Shillings unles entered at its full value, and carriage in proportion paid fo the same at the time of booking. Goods consigned to order ]?r not taken away before six o'clock in the evening of the; of Landing, will be warehoused at the risk and expend °* the consignees. All-goods to be considered as liens, no-: for Freight and Charges due thereon, but for all previ-' ?Usly unsatisfied Freights and Charges due by the Consignees 0 the Proprietors of the said Packet. Disputed Weights measurement, Claims for Loss of Damge, &c., cannot be fite etl> unless a written notice of the same be sent to the on the day of delivery. TENBY TO BRISTOL Two HOURS AFTER LEAVING CARMARTHEN. ARES REDUCED FROM BRISTOL TO TENBY, BEST CABI*, 5s-i POBE CABIN, 2S. 6d. o^ent for Tenby, Pembroke, Narberth, Pater, and Haver J^west, Mr. JAVES DA VIES, Talbot" Office, Tenby. 4s. 6d., and lis. each box. Post-free, 3s., as., S{ l'^s. COPAIBA AND CUBEBS ENTIRELY W SUPERSEDED. rAY'S JUSTLY CELEBRATED BALSAMIC PILLS, for cure of gonorrhea, gleets, local debil ty, the kidneys, strictures, seminal weakness, whites, fr-"1" the loins, gravel, irritation of the bladder or urethra, in» ° disease of the urinary passages,frequently perform- ^cent case, a perfect cure in the space of a few days & found decidedly efficacious in^ case of remP,u riL ^^umatism, Lumbago, &c., r 1 T Prwdente removal of the evil effects of a Youthful Im- an toi'ld diuretic. a soothing balsamic, a powerful tonic,tad rp teUent in\ig°rating pill."—Sanday Times. tral; Un £ recedented success that has attended the adminis- jjfon of WRAP'S BALSAMIC PILLS since they were «nv ?ublfc> has Acquired for them a sale more extensive than stanoA Proplrietary medicine extant; and the circum- of ltleir entirely obviating the necessity of having hiKki those disgusting, nauseous, and, in many cases, obtain \nJur'0lft mejicines (as copaiba, cubebs, &c.), has iu„j; .e<^ for th'em a reputation Unequalled in the annals of PillRC'Ue- Within three years pr!or to being advertised these cagps, re employed in private practice in upwards of 1,800 sine*' Inany them being inveterate, in many thousand cases Unj.1' n°t w one instance known to fail, tir to produce those pJf^Sant symptoms so often experienced while taking co- coiY,nia- t',at class of medicines usually resorted to in those ceiet'a'nt» for which the Balsamic JPills have now become so ticle nf The proprietor pledges himself that not one par- teriniu> either resin or balsam, cubebs, or any delej c„beU ,lBgfedient, enters their compositon. Copaiba and Ciu~ long been the most commonly employed medi- se comP'aint3 but from the uncertainty in their fas» J8* ^?g?ther with their utter inefficacy in many cases, are "torn* fcf .n?' 'n reputation and from the unpleasant symp- the aria"ly produced from taking copaiba, especially in 'nodftp stage of the cbmplaint, many of the most able «ine n Pract'tioners condemn it as dangerous, and a medi- a 8„au"ot to be depended upon. Many persons after having ^eiirp f t?ore from the effects of the remedy than the viru- ran<» °v. e disease, and after a patient but painful perseve- sj'stem u e 136611 compelled to relinquish its use, the whole -as having become more or less affected, and the disease cube) 'n°t worse, than at the commencement. As regard* Wh;i • u true that those violent effects are not experienced morietal?in8 copaiba; but they seldom effect a cure, unless are f. ctMre medicines are administered. The Balsamic Pills call ee *r°m anv of the above objections they act specifi- tend °n the urinary passages; and from their tonic properties heai,Lt0 strengthen the system, and improve the general <ljet They require neither confinement hor alteration of infl_^fXcept abstinance from stimulants! where considerable theJ ^twn exists), and, as experience has amply proved, Result effect a cure sooner than copaiba (the dangerous itnon of which, in the inflammatory stages, are too well- re t to need further comment), or any other medicine in use>and may be justly considered the only safe and tiorTf101?8 ren*edy in all sttiges of those disorders. In a thia ° ese advantages, the very convenient form in whic « in Valuable rreDaration is offered to the public must a so p nsidered a desideratum. teta„ePared only by M. O. Wray, and sold, wholesale and from J?1 453, New Oxford street, London, (remove 010 N°. i18> Holbum-hill); at Haverfordwest, of Mr. Hn»k Navies; Jenkins, druggist, Merthyr-Tydvn 8» Bangor; Williams, Cambrian Office, Swansea; Offi lan,8> Silurian Office, Brecon Nibber, Advertiser Jo. Evans, Journal Otfice, Carmarthen; Penny> Sh "al Office, Sherbourne; Walton, Chronicle Office, J0n Wsbury; Pyefinch, Shrewsbury; Heath, Monmouth; Welshpool; Jacob Johnson, County Office, W m- tj tiev SICI NS ADVICE, GRATUITOUSLY, from in„ till one, every day. Surgical Attendance every even- seven till nine.—Consultations on payment of the ti *ee> from Two to Six, p.m. be t«r80na residing in the remotest parts of the country can l0m eated successfully, 011 describing minutely their symp- Mvf' habits of life, &c., and inclosing a remittance for the an<l medicine, which can be forwarded to any part ol 0k World, securely packid, and carefully protected from 7f.v«ion. jT)1( to be addrrgged to M. 0. WRAYj 453j New °Ju-«treet, London. SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. TO SECURE the ADVANTAGE of THIS YEAR'S ENTRY, proposals must be lodged at the Head-office, or at any of the Society's Agencies, on or before 1st March. ROBT. CHRISTIE, Agent at Pembroke, J. R. BRYANT, Surgeon. CAMBRIAN & UNIVERSAL INSURANCE COMPANY, led by Act of Parliament,) PRINCIPAL OFFICES—61, MOORCATE-STREET, LONDON. EVERY SPECIES OF LIFE INSURANCE at mo- derate yet safe rates. ANNUITIES AND ENDOWMENTSupon as Iiberal terms as can safely be conceded. New and Important Application of Insurance-Marriage Dowries, Life Assurance, and Deferred Annuities, in oue Policy, at Moderate Premiums, ceasing at 2J, tnr.^e- fourths thereof being returnable in the case of prior deatb Five-sixths of profits divided every fifth year among the applicable for ChaHia^o, Educational purposes in Wales. Prospectuses with full Tables of Rates, Forms of Proposals, and every information, may be obtained at the offices, or of thAgS! Medical Referees, Sc., required for towns in Wales where none have been appointed. Applications from active and respectable parties to be addressed to H. FEliTON. Manager. 6l,Moorgate-street, London. Aient for Haverfordwest—Mr. Joseph Potter, High-street. XF MANKIND are liable to one disease more than another, or if there are any particular affections of the Human Body we require to have a knowledge of over the rest, it is certainly that class of disorders treated of in the New and Improved edition of the "SILENT FaiENO. The Authors, in thus sending forth to the world another Edition of their Medical Work, cannot refrain from expressing their gratification at the continual success attending their efforts, which combined with the assistance of Medicines exclusively of their own preparation, have_been the source of and averting the Mental and Phisical misehes attendant on those peculiar Disorders; thus proving the fact, that suffer- ine humahity must always derive the greatest advantage from duly qualified members of the Medical Profession, adopting a particular class of disorders for th.eir study, in preference to a superficial knowle § eases that affiict nvu'ki.nd. nff.»r hrmp Messrs R & L. RERRY can with confidence offer hope, energy and vigour to those whose constitutions have become debilitated from generative diseases, nervous and mental irra- tibilitv focal and constitutional weakness, &c., and beg to acquaint those suffering, that one of the firm may be person- al consulted daily at No 19, Berners street: Oxfcrd-stroet, London, from 11 till 2, and on Sunday from 11 tirrI. THIRTY-FIRST EDITION. Illustrated by anatomical coloured engravings on steel. ON PHYSICAL DISQUALIFICATIONS, GENERA- TIVE INC APCITY, AND IMPEDIMENTS TO MARHIAGE. Gleets, strictures, irritations, and chronic inffammations of the bladder, pains of the loins and kidneys, gravel, and other disorders of the urinary passages, in either sex, are speedily and permanently cured, without confinement or the least A^new aud improved edition, enlarged to 19G pages, price 2s. 6d.; by post, direct from the establishment, 3s., 01. in postage stamps, THE SILENT FRIEND; A MEDICAL WORK on the exhaustion and Physical dtcay of thes-'stem, producedby excessiveinuulgence, the consequencc, of infection, or the abuse of mercury, with observation.? on the married state and the disqualifica- tions which prevent it; iilustrate4 by 26 coloured engravings, and by the detail of cases. By R. and L. Perry and Co., 19, Berners-street, Oxf6rd street, London. I ujlished by the authors, and spld by Strange 21, Paternoster-row Hannay, 63, and SangAr, 150, Oxford street; Mane 23, Tichborne-street, Haymarket; and Gordon, 1^6, hall-street, London J. and R. Raimef and Co" Leith- walk, Edinburgh; D. Campbell, Argyll-street, Glasgow J Priesiley, Lord-street, and T. Newtoh, Church-street, Liverpool; R. H. Ingham, Market-street, Manchester. PART THE FIRST Is dedicated to the consideration of the anatomy and phy- siology of the organs which are directly or indirectly en- gaged in th.i process of reproduction. It is illustrated by six couloured engravings. PART THE SECOND. Treats of the infirmities and decay of the system produced by over-indulgence of the passions, and by the practice of solitary gratification. It shews clearly the manner in which the baneful consequences of this indulgence operate on the economy in the impairment add destruction of the social and vital powers. The existence of nervous and sexual debi'ity and incapacity, with their accompanying train of symptoms and disorders, is traced by the chain of connecting results to their cause. This section concludes with an explicit detail of the means by which these affects may be remedied, and full and ample directions for their use. It is illustrated by three coloured engravings, which fuller display the effects of physical decay. PART THE THIRD Contains an accurate description of the diseases caused by infection, and by the abtise of mercery; primary and se- condary symptoms, eruptions of the skin, sore throat, inflammation of the eyes, disease of the bones, gonorrhclea, eleet, stricture, &c., are shown to depend on this cause. Advice for the treatment of all these diseases, and their consequence is tendered in this section, which, if duly fol- lowed up, cannot fail in effecting a cure. This part is II ustrated by seventeen couloured engravings. PART THE FOukTH Contains a Prescription for the prevention of disease by a simple application, by which the danger of infection is Obviated. Its action is simple but sure. It acts with the virus chemically, and destroys its power on the system. fhis important part of the work should not escape the reader's notice. THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYBIACUM. IS exclusively employed to renovate the impartial powers of-life> when exhausted by the influence exerted by soli- tary indulgence on the system. Its action is purely balsamic its power in reinvigorating the frame in any case of nervous and sexual debility, obstinate gleets, nn- poter.cy, barrenness, and debilities arising from venereal excesses, have beeh demonstrated by Its unvarying suc- cess in thousands of cases. To those persons who are pre- vented from entering the married state by the consequence of early errors it is invaluable. Constitutions refaxed. weak or decayed, trembling of the hands, headache, fainting?, and female complaints, are under its immediate influence, and when the system has received a shcck, and is debilitated from imprudence and inattention in the early part bf life, or is sinking under the advance of years, or by lone residence in hot or cold climates, this medicine will afford immediate assurance of returning strength, by giving tone to the musciilar System and organs of digestion. All cases of local and general debility, nervous irritability and excitement, consumption, indigestion Of the most fearful and exhausting kind, intense melancholy, depression bf spirits, partial or complete extinction of the reproductive powers, and non-retention of urine, are permanently cured by the CORMAL BALM OF SYRIAFCUM, and patients restored to the full enjoyment of health and functi mlt of manhood. Price lis. per bottle, or four quantities in one TrHS' CONCENTRATED bETERSlVE ESSENCE, An anti-syphilitic remedy for purifying the system from venereal contamination, and is recommended for any of the varied fornls of secondary symptoms, such as eruptions on the skin, blotches on the head and face, enlargement of the throat, tonsilsand uvula threatened destruction of the nose, palate, ckc.; scurvy, scorbutic humours, old wounds, ulcers, sore legs, venereal ulcers and sores, glandular swellings, erysipelas, leprosy, king's evjl, pimples diseases of the skin, ciitarieous euruptions on any part of the body, and all Impurities bf the blood. Price lis. and 33s. per b°The £ 5 cases of Syriacum or Concentrated Detersive Essence can only be had at 19, Berner s-street, Oxford- street, London whereby there is a saving of £ 1 I2s. and the patient Is entitled to receive advice without a fee which advantage is applicable only to those who remit €5 Stfa PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILES. J. Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., ana lis. pei They d influence on the urethra, and arrest the future llrogress of l'1 Pa dents'are requested to be as minute as postern the S2ph° complaint, me w 0f Hvine general occupation, and po- of the world no difficulty can occur, as they will Dese curely packed, and carefully protected from all obser ^Me'ssrs. R. L. Perrv and Co Lon- sulted as usual at 19, Berners-street, Ox ord-sjrce1, LOII- don, (where may be had the Silent Friend) from 11 till and 5 till 8, in the evening, and on Sundays ni,iai fee V all cases of consultation by letter, 'e ™ tee_ of one pound must be forwarded, either by po.. der or otherwise. i„hn Sold by Thomas A. Roberts, chemist, C^way J<>h Brown, Chronicle office, Bangor 5 Robert Orriffi s, ■>• » High-street, Carnarvon: W. Edwards, chemist, 8 > H. G. Hughes, chemist, Holyhead John Beale, c High-street, Wrexham; E. Ward, chemist H'gh-street, Brecon; Philip Price, Post-office, Bridgend H. Webber, Guardian office, Cardiff; Walter Thomas, chemist, (oppo- se Angel), Merthyr; J. W. White, chemist, Gu.ldhHll- sauare, Carmarthen; W. Williams, chemist, High-street, Cardigan Owen Edmond Davies chem.st and dn^t, Hitrh-street, Haverfordwest; Richard C. vflveeK chemist Pembroke; Thomas Evans,chemist, High-street Swansea; John Moore, chemist, Broad-street, New I own, Thnmas Stephens, chemist, High-street, Merthyr rydvil /LTsVore druggistsj Union-street, Bristol John Wauon, Chronicle office, Shrewsbury James Chilcot, W bcviLr Kroad-Street, Leominster; Draper, chemist,, T. Farrer, Demon*oHice, Mon- „,ou.h; E.V.Jenkins. Com.iwrcKl-s.rrer, Nf»porl i ol ^11 of whom uiav be had Ike Sileud J-iieiuL THE Steamer advertised to leave Liverpool on¡ihe 23rd February, will not leave until the 24th, and will only proceed as far as Swansea.- F urt hei- notice will be given of the time of sailing from Milford. —— STEAM COMMUNICATION BET JVEEN LIVERPOOL & BRISTOL CALLING AT SWANSEA & MILFORD, FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1850 POWERFUL STEAMER TROUBADOUR, (CAPT.JOHN ANDERSON) OR some other suitable Vessel, is intended to sail with goods and passengers, (weather perniiiting) as f()lIows :-(with or without pilots, and liberty to tow vessels) FROM LIVERPOOL,TO BRISTOL & MILFORD, landing passengers for Swansea at the M umbles (weather and time permitting). Saturday, Mar. 2.12 noon I Saturday Mar. 1(5.11 morn Saturday „ 9. 7 morn | Saturday „ 2.1.. 6 morn The Steamer will sail for Bristol immedntelyjaftar her arrival at Milford, (which is seldom under 22 honrs after leaving Liverpool. FROM BRISTOL TO SWANSEA & LIVERPOOL. Tuesday Mar. 5.10 morn Tuesday Mar 19..9 morh Tuesday „ 12. 5 £ morn | Tuesday „ 28.5 morn FROM SWANSEA TO LIVERPOOL. CALLING Y. T MILFOIF D. Wednesday,Mar. mor Wednesday, Mar.20.8 mor Wednesday „ 13.5 mor Wednesday j, 27..5 mor The Steamer will sail from Milford for Liverpool imme- diately after her arrival from Swansea, which is nearly about six or seven hours after leaving the latter place. AH transit of goods from the Steamer to shore whether by Lighter or otherwise, and whether at Steaiher's expense or not, is at the risk of the Consignee or owner of the G<FARESCABIN, Liverpool to Miiford, Swansea, or Bristol, 17s 6d; Milford to Bristol, 17s 6d.; Bristol, to Swansea, US. DECK 5S NOTICE._The proprietors give notice that they will no't be accountable for any passenger's luggage; nor will they be answerable for any goods, packages, or parcels, If lost or damaged, unless booked or if above the value of forty shillings, unless entered at their value, and carriage in proportion paid for the same, at the time of booking, nor will they be accountable for goods without shipping notes. All goods are considered as liens, not only on freights and charges due thereon, but for all previously un- satisfied charges due by the consignees and shippers to the proprietors of the concern. Disputed weight or mea- surement, claims for loss, damages, &c., cannot be allowed mless a written notice of the same be sent to the office on the dA" -f,]-Iivery. All goods to be taken away the day after the arrival of the steamers in Milford. Apply to G. H. Evans, Liverpool Steam Wharf, Can- non's Marsh, Bristol; Edwin Edwards, Swansea; Fitz- siinons and Applebee, 20, Water-street; Liverpool or Mr. C. H. N. HILL, Agent,-Milfbrd. BftisTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY OFFICE, QUA Y, BRISTdZ. THE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL,and as jnder mentioned, with or without Pilots,and with liberty to tow Vessels, during FEBRUARY, 1850. FOR MILFORD, PATER, & HAVERFORDWEST CALLING AT TENBY. OSPREY. Tuesday 5.. 11.^morn Tuesday ..19..10 morn Tuesday 12.. 6 morn Tuesday 26.. 5 £ morn FROM HAVERFORDWEST, CALLING AT MILFORD, PATER, AND TENBY. OSPREY. Friday 1.. 9 morn 1 Friday 15.. 7|morn Friday 8.. 2^after | Friday 22.. l atter FROM MILFORD.—OSPREY. Friday 1.. 4$after I Friday ..15.. 4 after Friday 3..11 night | Friday 22.. 9 nigh FOR CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY. PHCENIX. For further particulars see future Bills. FROM BRISTOL FOR DUBLIN. SHAMROCK,^Fridays. RemriisTueadays. Friday 1.. SJmorn I Friday 15.. 7Jmorn Friday 8.. 3|*fter Friday, 22. l|after FROM BRISTOL FOR CORK. JUVERNA, Tuesdays.-SABRINA, Saturdays. Saturday 2 U morn Saturday 16.. 8 morn Tuesday 5 .12 noon Tuesday IP.. 10 morn Saturday 9 4 after■' Saturday 23.. 3 after Tuesday 12.. 7 mort|- Tuesday 26.. 5 after Tuesday 12.. 7 mort|- Tuesday 26.. 5 after Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FROM BRISTOL FOR WATERFORD, VICTORY, Tuesdays,—ROSE, Fridays. Friday 1.. 8 £ morn Friday 15.. 7§morn Tuesday 5..12 noon Tuesday 19..10morn; Friday 8.. SJafter Friday .22.. IJatter Tuesday 12.. 6 £ morn Tuesday 2(j.. 6 morn Return Tuesdays and Fridays. BRISTOL AND TENBY.—OSPREY AND PHCENIX. FDR TENBY. I FROM TENBY. Tuesday 5..ll^morn Friday l..l0Jnight Tuesday 12.. 6 morn I Saturday 9.. 5 morn Tuesday 19.. 10 morn Friday 15.; 9 night Tuesday 26.. 5|morn 1 Saturday 23.. 3Jmorn BRISTOL AND SWANSEA. FOR SWANSEA. FROM SWANSEA. COO NIT: BERESFORD, BERESFORO: COUNTY Friday 1.. 9imorn Friday 1.. 9 morn Saturday 2.. 94morn Saturday 2..10 morn Tuesday 5.12 noon Tuesday 5.H$morn Thursday 7. 2 morn Thursday 7. 3 morn Friday 8.. 3 morn Friday 8.. 3§morn Saturday 9..4imorn Saturday 9.. 5 morn Tuesday 12.. 61inorn Tuesday 12.. nmorn Thursday 14.. 71morn Thursday ..14- 8 morn Fritlay 15.. 8 morn Friday 15.. 9 morn Saturday 16. 8imolll Saturday 16.. 9 morn Tuesday 19..10Jmorn Tuesday •. 19..I0imorn Thursday 21.. 1 morn Thursday 21.. 1 mom Friday 22.. ljafter Friday 22.. 2 morn Saturday 23.. 3 morn Saturday 23.. 3|morn Tuesday 26.. 6 morn Tuesday 26.. 7 morn Thursday 28.. 7Jmor 1 Thursday 28.. 8 morn Friday, Man. 1.. 8 morn Friday Mar.. 1.. 9 morn BRISTOL AND NEWPORT, SWIFT dnd USK. FOR NFEWPORT. FROM NEWPORT. Friday i. 1.. 9 morn Friday 1.. 7 morn Saturday 2.. 9imorn Saturday 2.. 8 morn Monda/ 4..10 morn' Monday 4. 9 morn Tuesday 5.. 11 morn Tuesday 5..10 morn Wednesday.. 6..12 noon Wednesday.. 1 Thursday 7.. IJafter thursday 7.. 12ja er Friday 8.. 2 £ after Friday 8. Ha ter Saturday 9. 3 after Saturday 9— Rafter Monday 11.. 6 morn Monday 11.. 5 morn Tuesday 12.. 6jmorn Tuesday 12.. 5Jmorn Wednesday. 13.. 7 morn Wednesday.. 13.. 6 morn Thursday 14.. 711norn Thursday 14.. 6 morn Friday 15.. 8 morn Friday 15.. 61rnorn Saturday 16.. 8imorn Saturday 16.. 7 morn Monday 18.. 9 morn Monday 18.. 8 morn Tuesday 19.. 10 morn Tuesday 19.. 8 £ morn Wednesday.. 20..10 £ morn Wednesday.. 20. 9 morn Thursday 21..11Jmorn Thursday ..21..10 morn Friday 22.. 1 after Friday 22..12 noon Saturday 23.. 2 after Saturday 23.. Hafter Monday 25.. 5Amorn Monday 25.. d^atter Tuesday 2(i.. 6 morrt Tuesday 26.. SJmorn Wednesday.. 27.. 7 morn Wednesday.. 27;. 6 morn Thursday 28.. 7imorn Thursday 2d.: 6 morn BRISTOL AND CARDIFFJ STAR and PRINCE OF WALES. FOR CARDIFF. FROM CARDIFF. triday 8Jmorn Friday 1:. 7 morn Saturday 2.. 9Amorn Saturday 8 morn Monday 4.. lOfinorn Monday 4.; 8$morn Tuesday 5.. llimorn Tuesday 5.10 morn Wednesday. 6. Tafter Wednesday.. 6.;10imorn Thursday 7. 12*after Thursday 7..I2Jafter Friday 8.. 3iafter Fndav 8.. 1 after Saturday 9.. 7 morn Saturday 9.. 2Jafter Saturday 9.. 7 morn Saturday 9.. 2Jafter Monday 11.. 5 £ -motn Monday 11.; 3|aiter Tuesday 12.. 6 morn Tuesday 12.. 4^after Wedriesday.. 13.. 7 morn Wednesday.. 13.. 5 morn Thurgday 14.. 7 £ morn Thursday 14.. oimorn Fridsv 15.. 8 morn i Friday 15. 6 morn Saturday 16.. 9Jniorn Saturday 16.. 6Jmorn Monday 18.. 9|morn Monday 18.. 7 morn Tuesday 19..10|morn Tuesday 19.. SJmom Wednesday.. 20. 12 noori Wednesday.. 20.; 8|morn Thursday 21.. Haftef Thursday 21..lOJmorn Friday 22.. 3 after Friday 22.. 1 l|morn Saturday 23.. 5 morn Saturday ^3.. ljafter Monday 25., 5Jmorn Monday .• 2-J.. 6 arter Tuesday 26.. 6 m«rn Tuesday •• 4Ja(ter Wednesday.. 27.. 7 morn Wednesday.. 27.. o morn Thursday 28.. 7Jmorn i Thursday 5#morn J.°_- ..1_- The whole ot the above Vessels are nueu up ior u e conveyance of Passengers and Goods.. Female Stewards on Board.-Carriages and Horses shipped with Care. Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. x AGENTS.—Mr.Joseph Morgan, Tenbv; Mr. J. lvees Haverfordwest; Mr. Palmer, Milford; Mi. Bowen Pater; Mr. John N. Smart, Swansea; Mr. Pridham Bideford; Mr. Martin, Ilfracombe; Mr. J. Clarke Lynton and Mr. It. Stacey, Carmarthen. NOTICE.—The Proprietors ofthe above Steam Packets will not be accountable for any Cabin Passenger s Lug- gase (if lost or damaged) above the value of Five Pounds norforany Deck Passenger's Luggage(it lost or damaged) above the value ot Twenty Shillings unless in each case entered as such, and freight in proportion paid fdr the same, at the time of delivery; nor will they be answerable or any other parcel above the value of fcorty Shillings it lost or damaged) unless entered as such, and treigm in proportion paid for the settle at the time o delivery.— No accountable for any Goods without Shipping Note .i ii letters seeking iulormati n to oe pi»s> paid.


[No title]