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PEMBROKESHIRE. TO BE SOLD-BY AUCTION, At the Commercial Inn, St. Havid's, ON WEDNESDAY, the 13th day of FEBRUARY, 185p, T BY MR. JOHN HOWELL, HE whole of the FREEHOLD BOUNTY LAND, > situate at the \7ILLAGE of TRELERWR, in the In » i ^ayid's, containing by admeasurement, "it" lR; nP-, including HOUSES and GARDENS, valuable RIGHTS of COMMON, now in tenan°fCCUpati0n °f Mr- GeorSe Thdmas, as yearly suh-a'e t0 con,mence at Two o'clock in the afterhoon, Prochic d*SUC'1 c°nditiona as shall be then and there Bur!?0* an*' Part'culars may be obtained of John of V- ?r' Solicitor, Parliament-street, London ? entln'e Davis, Esq.. Solicitor, Carmarthen'; or of l°e Aoctiofteer, Solva. PEMBROKESHIRE. To BE SOLD-BY AUCTION, At the Dragon Hotel, Pembroke, BY MR. JOHN JONES, 0 the 16th day of FEBRUARY, 1850, A< n iecttosuch conditions as shall be then produced) LLTHAT VERY DESIRABLE FREEHOLD LT •ESSUAG.E and LANDS, called WINTER ofMm'p1 Par,sh of Nash, now in the occupation The T ranCE8 as yearly tenant. garden enement comprises a dwelling-house, offices, •dow n orc^ard, and several closes of excellent mea- «cres afiS^ure' .antl arable land, containing about 17 ^od'mn. a "D8 fence, well watered and sheltered, Town irat>ly sitnated within two miles of the Maient Tjmbroke, two and a half miles from Her "Varrfu e& **oyal Dock-vard, and only a few hundred Sale t the line the South Wales Railway, j. ° commence at Two o'clock in the afternoon. Solicitor F^er Par|icu,ars apply to John Burder, Esq., P Parliament-street, London or Valentine tioiSfee'r jv* ^0''c'tor> Carmarthen or to the Auc- r^MBROKESHIRE, SOUTH WALES. ESTA TT?iaa^e an^ Important FREEHOLD Sites f Wel1 Timbered, and presenting Eligible of A \T™ ^uiWing, with extensive Mineral Seams crTv ACHE COAL, and Veins of IRON STONE. **88RS, SHUTTLEWORTH & SONS RTt Are favoured with instructions to SUBMIT for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, AT THE AUCTION MART, n Rida*, the Twenty-second day of FEBRUARY, 1850, IN SEVEN LOTS, Hess an acceptable offer is previously received, by j, private contract) an important fREEHOLD PROPERTY, ■» MOST ELIGIBLY SITUATE ITHIN half a mile of Sanndersfoot Harbour and Rail- ]• way, four miles from Tenby, seven from Narberth, ™ Pembroke, 16 from Haverfordwest, and 14 from <hn.r_5°- R°yal Dock-yard, in the county of Pembroke, near'v 250 ACRES of LAND, beautifully for P088688'"? the rare advantages of splendid sites Win 2? nK speculation, combined with great resources of Wealth, capable, with a small outlay, of returning an *o°VseveraJ thousands a year. The surface land is of atin«<1UaIity' P«>autinR the present low rental, £ 213 per An^1' •an<^ ne £ ,rly 180 Acres contain valuable Seams of ™te Coal—one alone of which is estimated to produce ■stntl Tons and several very rich Veins of Iron- yje^ing when calcined from 40 to 44 per cent., all "Wo^Li ams an<^ ^e'ns Coal and Ironstone are being most advantageously and extensively on the adjoining Properties the whole of this Compact estate presenting to a Inoder-ate capitalists, such a secure and profitable investment Ma^ be viewed by application to Messrs. Evans, Powell, *nd Co., Solicitors, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire and descriptive particulars and plans may be obtained by applica- ion to Thomas Stokes, Esq., Hean Castle, Tenby, Pembroke Messrs. Trinder & Eyre, Solicitors, 1, John-street, °T; the Auction Mart; and of Messrs. ohuttleworth and SonsJ 28, Poultry. PERUVIAN GUANO. AS Agents of the Peruvian Government for the importa- tion and sale of this valuable manure, we think it yignt, for the protection of consumers and respectable dealers to apprise them that the adulteration of the article is still extensively practised, and to recommend them to apply either to ourselves, to our agents, Messrs. Gibbs, Bright, and Co., of Liverpool and Bristol, or to dealers of established character, in whose honesty and fair dealing they can place implicit confidence. <- ANTONY GIBBS and SONS.—LONDON, Ta Y EKE YOU DESPAIR ill HOLLOWATS PILLS. CURE OF ASTHMA. -Ext"tet of a Letter from Mr. Benjamia Mackie, a respectable « i dated Creenagh, uear Lottghall, Ireland, September 1848.J "To Professor Holloway. RESPECTED FRfEND.—Th$r excellent Pills have effec- cured me of an Asthma,ifwhich afflicred mej for yeaJs to such an extent, that I Was obliged to walk room at night for air, afraid of being suffocated if I p?nt to bed, by cough and phlegm. Besides taking the I rubbed plenty of tne Ointment into my chest, and morning. (Signed) BENJAMIN MACKIE. OF TYPHIS FEVER, WHEN SUPPOSED TO BE AT THE POINT OF DEATH. A remarkable female in the neighbourhood of Loughal, ~?5!at,ack€d with'tTyphus fever, and Jay for five days having tnstea any description of food. She was fork over the Surgeon, and preparations were made ■whJ,er Mr. Benjamin Mackie, the Quaker, ^n2te case referred to above, heard of the circumstance, *rom ur0wil,S rt,e immense benefit he himself had derived -anfi • LMoway'8 Pills recommended an immediate trial, ?'ght were given to her and the sameinumber was Bhort""6** nigllt anP nrtornin« for tliree days» and in a very R11ne was completely cured. j\ •"•-Frora advice just received, it appears that Col. "cur!^ ?• ° ^t'1 his regiment in India, the 21st Fsuileers ■erf k 1,n,self of a very bad attack of Fever by these ^ebrated PHlg. There is no doubt that any Fever, eve,i malignant, may be cured by taking night and oroing, copious doses of this fine medicine. The J^went should be induced to drink plentifully of warm d tea w barley water. ^^CURE OF DROPSY~IN THFgCHEST; fr°m u jitter ftom J. Munday, Esq., Kennington, To plr^orrf' Decemter 2nd, 1848. I*01" ttol,oway- Shepherd was for sortie time was afflicted advUpirL-0" behest. When I heard of it, I immediately Perfectl to try yottr which he did, end was Ttfe I ^red, and is now as well as ever he was in his from v \myself received so astonishing a cure last year earne and Ointment, it has ever been my most st endeavour to make known tneir excellent qualities. (Signed) J. S. MUNDAY. t?,4RL OF ALDBOROUGH CURED OF A JBvtr VEER ani> STOMACH COMPLAINT. °fa letter from his Lordship, dated Villa Messina Tn P. c Ler/horn,S2\st February, 1845. £ lTr-Holl«wa>- ■^ytha 1 • an°os circumstances prevented the possibility 0 ^nK me*1 y0u before this time for your politeness in send- 's«ndiii/'>Ur asJy°a now t^e thi" opportunity of %° add^h °U an or^Pr f°r the amount, and, at the same time hjfc £ ftt your Pills have effected a cure of a disorder in ^acu]-r at1'J Stomach, which all the most eminent of the ■*We t fr ^0Ine' an<^ over Continent, had not been 2Mari ° k?ec^ » nay, not even the waters of a Carisbad and ;ient6" to ^ave an°ther box and a Pot of Oint- aost'1,case any of iny family should require either. Your "■•ged and obedient Servant, (Signed) ALDBOROUGH. CURE OF A DEBILITATED CONSTITUTION. jjgp rj: Mate, a Storekeaper, of Gundagi, New South Wales -°nKt't°r ?0Ine t'me in a most delicate state of health, his Ook rl Ut4°n waB so debilitated that his death was shortly °rn h nJ)0n by himself and friends as certain but as a for- An he was induced to try Holloway's Pill's, which had *esul/B 'e a"d surprising effect upon his system, and the _ai,d a.Was t° restore him in a few weeks to perfect health «1(je l^8th, to the surprise of all who knew him. He con- f0t n. 8 ?a8e 80 extraordinary that he, in gratitude, sent it Vanpr a*'oa't0 t'ie Sydney Morning Herald, in which flf tho D^PPe^ed on the 2nd January, 1848. A few doses 'Wind i! 1uirkly rally the energies of both body fjnd Thp W °ther medicines have failed. ee^r(ded Pills are wonderfaUy efficacious in the fol- Jioua lowing complaints. Aati, Fenlale Irregularities Scrofula, or King's Bilim.. Fevers of all kinds Evil BioJ|8 ^ornp!aints Fits Sore-throats BOWTI P°N T^eskinGoiit Stone and Gravel C0licg ^oniplaintB Head ache Secondary symptoms ■C0n t- Indigestion Tic-Dolouroeux g0 °1 the Inflammation Tumours Con«! Jaundice Ulcers Dehiii. Liver Complaints Venereal Affections Lumbago Worms of all kinds UyW Piie8 Weakness, from Ervc;^1^ Rheumatism whatever cause „ Pe'*8 Retention of Urine &c., &c. KTRA°N'J a} ESTABLISHMENT of Professor HOLLOWAY, 224, Pectal?' ^e,nPle Bar,) London, and by most all respec- civi!; '? „ru88lsts, and Dealers in Medicines throughout the 6d. I] 00"^ at t^e ^°"ow'ng prices ;—Is. l^d., 2s. 9d.,4s. «av5n«k ,ail(^ ^s- box. There is a considerable £ by taking ths larger sizes. SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. TO SECURE the ADVANTAGE of THIS YEAR'S ENTRY, proposals must be lodged at the Head-office, or at any of the Society's Agencies, on or before 1st March; ROBT. CHRISTIE, Agent at Pembroke, J. R. BRYANT, Surgeon. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL 8c BRISTOL CALLING AT SWANSEA & MILFORD, FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1850 (I( THE IRON POWERFUL STEAMER TROUBADOUR* (cA.rT.jOHN ANOEKSON) OR some oth £ r suitable Vessel, is intended to sail with goods and passengers, {weather permitting) as follows:—(with or without pilots, and liberty to tow ] vesselS) FROM TRAVALGAR-DOCK, LIVERPOOL, TO BRISTOL, CALLING AT MILFORD. Saturday Feb. 2 Ii after Saturday „ 9 .8 morn Saturday „ 16 .12 noon Saturday 23 .7 morn The Steamer will sail for Bristol immediately after her arrival at Milford, (which is seldom under 22 bonrs after eaving Liverpool. FROM CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, TO LIVERPOOL, CALLING AT SWANSEA. Tuesday Feb. 5 .11 morn Tuesday „ 12 .6 moiil Tuesday „ 19 10 morn Tuesday „ 26 .6 morn FROM SWANSEA TO LIVERPOOL. CALLING AT MILFORD. Wednesday „ 6 12 morn Wednesday „ 13 5 morn Wednesday „ 20 9l morn Wednesday 27 u .5 morn The Steamer will sail from Milford for Liverpool imme- diately after her arrival from Swansea, which is nearly about six or seven hours after leaving the latter place. All transit of goods from the Steamer to shore whether by Lighter or otherwise, and whether at Steamer's expense or not, is at the risk of the Consignee or owner of the Goods. FARES :-CABIN, Liverpool to Milford, Swansea, or Bristol, 17s 6d; Milford to Bristol, 17s 6d.; Bristol, to Swansea, lis. DECK 5s NOTICE.—The proprietors give notice that they will not be accountable for any passenger's luggage; nor will they be answerable for any goods,packages, or parcels,if lost or damaged, unless booked or if above the value of forty shillings, unless entered at their value, and carriage in proportion paid for the same, at the time of booking, nor will they be accountable for goods without shipping notes. All goods are considered as lietis, not only on freights and charges due thereon, but for all previously un- satisfied charges due by the consignees and shippers to the proprietors of the concern. Disputed weight or mea- surement, claims for loss, darriages, &c., cannot be allowed iniess a written notice of the same be sent to the office on the dav "fH»livery. All goods to be taken away the day after the arrival of the steamers in Milford. Apply to G. H. Evans, Liverpool Steam Wharf, Can- non's Marsh, Bristol Edwin Edwards, Swansea; Fitz- simons and Applebee, 20, Water-street, Liverpool or Mr. C, H. N. HILL, Agent, Milford. JAJTUAB.T ■ £ WD FBBH.VAR?. 1850. STEAM COMMUNICATION BTSTWEEN BRISTOL, TENBY AND CARMARTHEN, IN TEN HOURS, G; THE RAPID IRON SCREW BEAUTIFUL ^STEAM SHIP T A L B O T, 140 HORSE POWER. SfEPHEN INGS, CO M M AND ER IS INTENDED TO SAIL Curing THE MONTHS OF jan.-& FEB., AS PCtLLOWS :— With Passengers, Goods, Live Stock, &c.,aSordinf;amoat desirable and Speedy Communication between the various Places of the Counties of Carmarthen and Pembroke arid the Metropolis, via Bristol & the Great western Railway; also, with Manchester and the North, via the Gloucester and Birmingham Railway; Passe lgers are conveyed from Bristol to London by Railway, in 4 hours & 20 min., at 27s., 18s., or 9s. lid BRISTOL, TENBY AND CARMARTHEN. From Bathurst Basin, Bristol, From Carmarthen to Bristol to Carmarthen, in 10 hours, in 10 hours, calling calling at TENBY.. TENBY. Tuesday Jan. 1.. 7 Jmorn Thursday Jan. 3.. 8 J morn Tuesday 8.. 2 morn Wednesday.. 9.. 2 after Tuesday 15.. 7 morn Thursday 17.. 7 morn Tuesday 22..11imorrt Thursday 24.. 1 after Wednesday.. 30.. 7{morn Friday Feb. 1.. 8 morn Tuesday Feb. 5.. 12 noon Thursday 7.. 2 after Wednesday.. 12.. 7 morn I Friday 15.. 7 morn Tuesday 19. 12 morn Thnrsday 21..11}morn Wednesday 27. 6imorn Friday March 1.. 71morn Carriage, 40s.; Pair-Horse Phaeton,28s. j Small One-Horse Phffiton, 20s.; Gig 18s. Horse, 15s. Dog, 2s. The Vessel is elegantly fitted up for the .comfort and con venience of Passengers. CARRIES AN EXPERIENCED STEWARDESS. Refresbments imay be had on board at moderate charge* Groods taken in at the Warehouse, Back, Bristol, to await ;he Packet's arrival if required for Carmarthen, Milford Pembroke, Tenby, Haverfordwest, Narberth, and places idjacent. further Information may be had on application to tha master on board, or to the following Agents:— Mr. Thomas & son, Packet Office, Back, Bristol, Mr. North Rees, Packet Office, Carmarthen, Mr. J. Daviess. Talbot Office, Tenby, or Mr. Wm. Jenkins, Packet Office, Port Talbot. Freight of Goods to be paid for on delivery. For Lists of the Freights, apply to Mr. North Rees, at v the Talbot Office, Quay-street, Carmarthen. NOTICE,-The Proprietors of the above Steam Packe give Notice, that they will not be accountable for Passengers Luggage, nor will they be answerable for any Goods, Packa- ges, or Parcels (if lost or damaged by fire, leakage, or Otherwise), unless booked at either df their Offices, at Bristol or Carmarthen, if above the value of Forty Shillings unless f ntered at its full value, and carriage in proportion paid for the same at the time of booking. Goods consigned to order, or not taken away before six o'clock in the evening of the day of Landing, will he warehoused at the risk and expenct of the consignees. All goods to be considered as liens, no- only for Freight and Charges due thereon, but for all previ- ously unsatisfied Freights and Charges due by the Consignees to the Proprietors of the said Packet. Disputed Weights and measurement, Claims for Loss or Damge, &c., cannot be a))owed, unless a written notice of the same be sent to the Office on the day of delivery. TENBY TO BRISTOL TWO HOURS AFTER LEAVING CARMARTHEN. FAlfcES REDUCED FROM BRISTOL TO TENBY, BEST CABIN, SS.) FORE CABIN, 2S. 6D. Agent for Tenby, Pembroke, Narherth, Pater, and Haver ordwest, Mr. JA?*E<S DA VIES, "Talbot" Office, Tenby. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. R. B. PRATT, GOLDSMITH, JEWELLER, AND GENERAL DEALER, BEGS to inform the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Haverfordwest and its Vicinity, that he has taken the extensiveand commodious premises known as the OLD BANK HOUSE, HIGH-STREET, where he intends carry- ing on his Business, and which will be OPENED on or about the 20th of April next. In the mean time the greater part off his ptesent Stock will be Sold at very REDUCED PRICES. The following will give a slight idea of the variety of Stock now to be disposed of:- 200 Doien Cut Glass Ale. Wine, Champagne, Claret,Tumblers, 50 English and American Clocks, from 10s. 6d. 'J.1!6' ^T'assfs' 1^ per doz. 50 Dozen Table and Desert Knives and Forks, from 6s. 6d, 50 Pair of Quart and Pint Decanters, from 5s. 9d. per doz. j 100 Tea, Breakfast, Desert, and Dinner Services. 50 Sets of Glass and China Ornaments, from 4s. iJ, pet set. eCo'ered and other Jugs. 50 Bronzed and other Fenders, and Sets of Fire Irons, 50 Toilet bets, from 10s. 6d. from 5s 6d, 50 It48 0f.P"I,ier Mache and Japan Tea Trays, from 12s. Gd. 12 Sets of Dish Covers, from 25s. per set. ?«.&RPI,ILR.;NDD.,TF £ I0P"S; & £ 1',an?,r",dr Bro"z,d Tsa K,t"es'r,a u™'in make r60m for an ent.re New Stock of Furnishing and other Goods by the time stated. g P 8 'd t0 that the JIOUSE AND SHOP, now occupied by him, is TO BE LET It is well adintod f«r Offices, or any Light Genteel Business is in the most central and eligible situation in the town* The nromi'dif • nt repair' and rent moderate. Possession may be had at Midsummer next. Application to be ma'de to the said R.B.P! EMMENT'S PECTORAL PILLS rea COUGHS, CtllDS, HOARSENESS, SHORTNESS or BREATH, ASTHMAS, &0. UPWARDS of a twelvemonth has elapsed since the above Valuable Medicine was introduced to public noticfe. The uniform success which has attended its use during that period in the most inveterate cases of Bronchial and Asthmatic affections, has fully borne out the recommendations which accompanied its first appear.mce, whilst its great and constantly increasing sale, has surpassed the most sanguine expectations of the Proprietor. It is therefore; with no ordinary confidence that he offers his PECTORAL PILLS, as a safe and effectual remedy in all complaints of the throat and chest, td which 'V"GSen' chan £ eable and trying season renders even the strongest constitution peculiarly liable. Their action is mild u-Uu s.ear°h'n!J' their effects decisive and permanent, enabling the patient, in a short tinie, to resume those occupations Which his malady nftay have presented him from pursuing, and restoring a firm and healthy tone to the organs affected. 1 hough the Proprietor feels satisfied that his medicine needs no other testimony in its fafcoiir, than that afforded by its unequivocal and welt authenticated cures, and its extensive sale, he at the same time cannot refrain from directing attention to a, letter, received from that eminent analytical chemist, William Herapath, Esq., of Bristol, a perusal of which, from the cessar 6an wr'ter» 's believed, render any further remarks on the superiority of the PILLS, perfectly unne- T Bristol, Jdniiary 2$rd, 1850. an,-iVt 5 Q j V I *hefortAula from which Mr. Emmfint's Pectoral Pills are compounded, and feel satisfied that they will be found beneficial in that class of complaints. WM. HERAPATH. Prepared only by JOHN P. EMMENT, DEW-STREET* HAVERFORDWEST, and sdld by appoint- ment by the following Druggists, in Boxes at Is. lid. and 2s. gd. each; Carmarthen Mr. DAVID JONES Narberth Messrs. GRIFFITHS & NICHOLAS Fishguard Mr. THOMAS EVANS Pembroke Mr. JOHN ORMOND Milford Mr. J. D. MERRtTT, Druggist Pembroke-dock Mr. JAMES McLEAN Tenby Messrs. FREEMAN & SLOOPER. BRANDE'S ENAMEL FOR FILLING DECAYING TEETH & RENDERING THEM SOUND & PAINLESS.has from its un- J' questionable excellence, obtained great popularity at home and abroad. Its curative agency is based dpon a true theory of the cause of tooth-ache, and hence its great success. By mpst other remedies it is sought to kill the neilre, and so stop the pain. But to destroy the nerve is itself a very painful operation, and often leads to very sad consequencesj tor the tooth then becomes a dead substance in a living jaw, and produces the same amount of inflam- ination and pain as would result trom any other foreign body embedded in a living organ. Brande's Enamel does not destroy the tierve, but by restoring the shell of the tooth completely protects the nerve from cold, heat, of chemical or other agency by which pain is caused. By following the directions instant ease is obtained, and a lasting cure' follows. Full instructions accompany each packet. Price Is. per packet post free, Is. Id. Out of many hundreds of Testimonials, the following are published in proof of the efficacy of Brandes Enamel The Brinn, nor Newtown, Montgomeryshire, Dec. 25th, 1848. SIR,—Having had D hollow tooth of some years' standing, which was periodiacally giving me those excruciating paroxyisms of torture which" scarce the firm philosopher can scorn," 1, by chance, a few weeks back, ourchased of my Newtown druggist (Mr Moore) a box of your valuable Enamel, and subsequently, I have not been distressed with that tearing, tormenting ache of aches, the tooth-ache. G. R. WYTHEN BAXTER, Author of Humour and Pathos," The Book ot the Bastiles, &c., &c Clay Cross, near Chesterfield, April 14th, 1819, SIR, It is now about a year since I took advantage of an advertisement setting forth the remedies proceeding from the use of Brande's Enamel. I was, before that time, troubled very much with acute pains, not only in one or two hollow teeth, but in gums of the opposite side. My applying the Enamel not only stopped the further decay of my very bad teeth, but effectually cured the pain in the gums. I should have every one suffering thus to apply imme- diately the only artificial means whereby to remedy, and which I am sure is found in the use of your agreeable pre- paration. I doubt not you have multiplied instances of cures effected, in certificates; but if you think to add this one-uosham-you may with assurance'do so. I am, yours truly, CHAS. LOUIS WILKINSON. TESTIMONIAL AFTER TWELVE MONTHS' TRIAL. Hull, 3rd April, 1849. Sm Twelve months since I got a packet of Brande's Enamel for filling decaying teeth, from you. I am happy to say'this has completely answered its purpose, having stood the test for that period, and still remains as firm as the tooth itself. Be so kind as to send me another packet of the same, and oblige yours, &c. WM. JACKSON. DO YOU SUFFER WITH COUGH, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, OR ASTHMA ? IF so, send for a packet of BitANDE'S BRONCHIAL SEDATIVE, sold by Chemists everwhere at Is. lid. per packet, post free Is. 3d. and 2s. 9d. per box, post tree, 3s. Since the introduction of this medicine, it has been rapidly supplanting all other preparations administered for pulmonary disorders. STARTLING FACTS ATTESTED BY AN EMINENT FRENCH THYSICIAN. M. Micliea recently published the following remarks in the Repertoire de Sharmacie," Paris:—" I have fre- quently taken occasion to exhibit this substance in cases of bronchitis, chronic catarrh, pulmonary phthisis, asthma and other affections of the chest. I must say; I have derived highly favourable results from its application. The action which th s medicine exercises upon the respiratory organs seems to be both stimulating and sedative; itabates the violence of the cough, and diminishes or relieves altogether the oppression of the chest, by facilitating expectora- tion. I feel even inclined to believe that it exercises a special action (and such as no other remedy is known to exercise) upon the respiratory organs. Some facts that have come under my personal notice have convinced me that Lange was perfectly justified in his assertion that it stops the spitting of blood, and arrests the formation of pulmonary tubercles." Excruciating Cottgli, Shorness of Breath, and Hoarseness, cured by Brande's Sedative, after all the Medicai Men in the neighbourhood had failed. Portfield, near Haverfordwest, Ftb. 12th, 1819. Gentlemen, Having been a great sufferer for upwards of three years, with an oppression of the chest, and an ex- cruciating cough and pain in my stomach, which at times nearly deprived me of my breath, I was induced (after having tried all the doctors in this neighbourhood) to send to your agent at Haverfordwest for a packet of Brande's Bronchial Sedative, and to my great astonishment I found relief in less than two days: I was enabled to breathe with perfect ease, and my voice, which was before hoarse and husky, became quite clear. I then sent for another packet and I have now thank God! got rid of my cough, and am perfectly restored to my former health. You are at perfect liberty to make use of this information in any way you may think proper. UAVtD GOODRIDGE. BAD ASHMATIC COUGH OF SOME TIME STANDING. 48, Northampton Street, Clerkenwell, London. Gentlemen,—I am one of those who never allow a benefit received to pass by unnoticed and it is with much plea- sure that I congratulate you on having conquered a bad asthmatic cough, which has troubled me for a long time. I con- fess, after having t,-it,(i so many Hdvertised nostrums, I commenced taking your Lozenges with much prejudice, but finding myself better from the first packet, I persevered, and now, without hesitation, [ wiite to tell you they have relieved me altogether. I breathe without effort, free from cough, and my once feeble voice is restored to its original compass.—Heartily wishing you the success your medicine deserves, I am yours &c. WM. HI LL. I Brande's Preparations are sold by respectable Chemists, Booksellers, and Medicine Vendors throughout Great Britain; or may be ensured by return of post by sending stamps to the Proprietor's Agent, i. WILLIS, 24, East Temple Chambers, Whitefriars, Fleet-street, London. W holesale Agents for all Scotland, Messrs. Campbell and Taylor, Brunswick Court, Glasgow f >r all Ireland, William Jackson, 9, Westland-rew, Dtiblln. Agents wanted. Sold by O. E. DA VIES, High-street, Haverfordwest: W. Williams, High-street, Cardigaft; Tardrew and Smith' Carmarthen j G Phillips, Duke-street, Cardiff) B. V. Jenkins, Commercial-streeti Newport/


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