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PEMBROKE. BOARD OF GUARDIANS. :tsr P.T AND OB^KIIVATT.O.VS OI* r¡:rs CI.KUX OP TEL: 1'2\1 BaOiJLX POOR-l.AW UNION, ON TUB OFRaATION Op T: E Law, as AFFECTING THH INTERESTS >F THE POOR AN: OP THUS R A 1'-PA YIIRS. THE FORMATION OF "I In UNION TO .MARCH 25. 184", AS LAID BF.ftlHK THH BOARI" OF <lt.!s:tOIANS, O.N THE 2JTH Of J AX 11 Alt y, 1847. Gentlemen,—In accordance with your instructions at trr list meeting of the Board of Guardians, I have drawn t p certain tables from the Oi'C'Htrt6 of the union, shewing the comparative expenditure of the union, with the three yea! averages ending- Lady-day, 1836, according to the 1.IíPthod adopted by the chairman of the Haverfordwest union, a? follows: — X E.\1t ENDING .UARCII 2O, !O;;B. A s. d. N o. 1. (hn-r'.1 :ef. in-rnai" tnimuee. establishment charges, building loans repaid, with in- terest on principal borrowed, amount- ing to 5517 5 6 No. 2. Law-charges expended by parish officers 25 2 G No.3. Expenses before magistrates for orders of removal, a1]ow.a¡;ce of poor rates, and, accounts of parish officers 31 11 0 No. 4. Payments on account of the registration act, fees to clergymen and registrars, outlay for register office, books and papers 74 11 0 No. 5. Money expended for all other purposes, including costs of voters, burgess and jury lists, collector's wJè¡.,óage.P'X1)('!JsP!! of witnesses for the removal of paupers, Rorririg orders of removal, conveyance of paupers, &e. 225 10 G Total expenditure 5^78 9 0 Three year's averages 5842 0 0 Increase £ 135 9 0 YEAR ENDING MARCH 25, 1829. No. 1. Out-re!ief, in-maintenance, establishment charges, &c G277 2 0 No. 2. Law-charges expended by paihh officers 63 10 0 N 8. Expenses before magistrates, &c 13 15 0 No. 4. Payments on account of registration, &c. 57 IB 0 No. 5. Money expended forali otherpurposes,&c. 2 77 0 0 Tola' expenditure 6695 5 0 Three years' averages 5812 0 0 Increase £ 853 5 0 YEAR. ENOT.NO MARCH 25. 1840. No. 1. Out-relief, in-maintenance, establishment &c 5931 3 0 i No. 2. Law-charges expended by pairsh officers 20 0 0 No. 3. Expenses before magistrates, &c 29 0 0 No. 4. Payments on account of registration, &c. 66 1 0 No. 5. Moneyexpendedforallotberpurposcs,&c. 206 13 0 Total expenditure 6252 17 0 Three years' averages £ 842 0 0 Increase. £ 410 17 0 YEAR ENDING MARCH 25, 1841. No. J. Out-relief, in-maintenance, establishment s, 5772 19 0 iI No. 2. Liw charges expended by parish officers 112 5 0 No. 3. Expenses before magistrates, &c 23 4 0 No. 4. Payments or, account of registration, &c. 83 3 0 No. 5. Money expended for all other purposes, &c. 203 8 0 Total expenditure 61.09 19 0 Three years' averages 5842 0 G Increase £ 357 19 0 YEAR ENDING MARCH 25, 1812, Iso. 1. Out-relief, in-maintcnauce, establishment FV 6 0 No. 2. Law charges expended by parish officers 55 3 0 o. 3. liefore m,-tgistr-,7tes, LIZC 0 0 No. 3. Expenses before magistrates, &c 26 0 0 No. 4. Payments on account of registration, &c. 145 19 0 No. 5. Money expended feral! other purposes,&c. 165 11 0 y Total expenditure 5.934 ID 0 Tiiree 5f142 0 C Increase. £ 152 19 6 Yr.\n ENDING MARCH, 1843. No. 1. Out-relief, in-niaintenapce. establishment charges, &c. 6062 5 0 No. 2. Law charges expended hy parish officers 16 7 0 "No.3, Expenses before magistrates, &c 3! 18 0 No. 4. Payments on account of registration, fee..98 17 0 No. 5. 2»Ioney expended for all otherpurposes, &c. 02 15 0 .r,2 2 0 '1 liree ytinrii' averages 5842 g g j Increase "0 £ 160 2 0 YEAR ENDING MARCH, 1344. No. 1. Out-relief, in-maintenance, establishment charges, &c £ 3.96 3 0 No. 2. Law charges expended by parish otiicers 5 15 0 No. 3. Expenses before magistrates, &c 5a (I ft No. 4. Payments on account of registration, iXc. 7.9 18 0 No. ,? illoneyexpended fcrallothcrpl>rposcs,&c, 160 15 0 Total expenditure 5700 12 0 Decrease ] 41 8 0 Three years'averages £ 5642 0 0 YEA?. F.NOINO MARCH 25," 18-15. No. 1. Out-relief, in-maii.tenance, establishment charges, &c 5704 0 0 No. 2. La w charges expended by parish officers 54 3 0 No. 3. Expenses before magistrates, &c 60 6 0 No. 4. Payments on account of registration, &c. 102 0 0 No. 5. Money expended for all other purposes, &c. 145 14 0 Total expenditure 6066 3 0 Three years' averages 5842 0 0 Increase £ 22-1 3 0 YEAR UNDINC- MARCH 2.5, 1846. No. 1. Out-relief, in-maintenance, establishment charges, See. 631.9 7 0 No. 2. Law charges expended by parish officers 20 r 17 G No, 3. Expenses before magistrates, &c. 47 19 0 No. 4. Payments on account of registration, &c. C4 I 0 No. 5. Money expended forallother purpcjes, &e. 112 12 0 Total expenditure 6778 18 0 Three years'averages 5842 0 0 Increase £ .936 16 0 I must now state to you an increase in the expenditure of £ 3,3.91 2s. in the nine years ending the 25th of March, 1846, but in this sum is included £ 1,830 2s. principal repaid to the Exchequer Loan Commissioners, &e., and £ 1,185 5s. in- terest, making the sum of £13,01.5 7s. Nor is this- the only charge which the rate has had to bear, and it may be inter- esting to you to see the total amount paid since the formation of the union, under the various acts of parliament passed 6ince that time, by the authority of winch the payments are made out of the poor rates. /• A .T." s, a- Toblunrier the act for the registration cfbirths, deaths, and marriages 596 J5 0 Do. under the vaccination extension act 204 18 0 Do. under the parochial assessment act 116 2 0 Do. under the enumeration act 88 13 0 Grand total £ 1006 8 0 Yon will now have seen the general operation of the law I as applicable to the whole of the union and although an in- crease has been the result, it may be consolatory to reflect that the rates have been cleared of many impositions in per- manent relief to the able-bodied, and tin,, the relief to the aged and infirm has been, increased from a scsfle of Is. 6d. to 2s. weekly, to 2s. 8d. to 35.; and also it will be seen by the table that the number of illegitimate children maintained by the parishes have been reduced from 256 to 56. [Then follows the amount of the increase or diminution that has taken place in each parish, for which we must refer to the report.] As everything connected W.IP. the county assessment must be deeply interesting to you, and as the county ntes are not included in the accounts which I have laid before you, I sub- join a statement of the payments made to the county stock in the union. I £ s. d. County rate for the vear 1^1-8 8.95 6 0 I Ditto ditto 1839 1093 5 0 Ditto ditto 1840 793 0 0 Ditto ditto 1341 1135 8 0 Ditto ditto 1842 824 1 0 Ditto., ditto 1843 724 19 0 Ditto.. ditto 1844 1214 14 0 Ditto ditto 1845 1457 0 0 Ditto ditto 1846 971 19 0 Total £ 9109 12 0 I am, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, JOHN JONES, Clerk. Ordered — On the motion of the Earl of Cawdor, seconded by John Henry Pbiiipps, E<q., that the above report, be printed and circulated among the guardians. Board Room, December 23d, 1846. [A meeting of the above board was held on Wednesday last, which we shall gi,e next week.] ST. DAVID'S DAY.-On Monday last, in honor of the tutelar saint, the members of the St. David's Friendly Bene- fit Society crnnme-unrated the event by dining together at the Victoria Hotel, Pembroke-dock. This is the first time of their meeting in their new clnh-room, which is a spacious apartment lately added to the hotel for such, and other punlic occasions. The worthy surgeon of the soci ty, TV. Thomas, I E-<J., presided, and from first, to last maintained that goad order so essential to the comforts of such meetings. His first task he said was a pleasing one, namely, that ot reading the secretary's report, which, he was happy to tell the members, was a prosperous one for, notwithstanding the severity of the season, the distress of the neighbourhood, anc^_the pre- valent sickness, the funds had considerably increased. The glasses being replenished, the chairman gave the customary toasts together with a number of local ones. The members of this club have long.been famed for some good songs, and this year they certainly gained fresh laurels. Thus, wid, singing, toasting, and other merriments, an evening smooth,ly glided away, long-- very long to be remembered by the party. Several gentlemen honored the festive board with their pre- sence, among the rest were A. Kneebone, Esq., W. Gibbon, Esq., Mr. Codd, Sodgeston, Mr. Good, St. Clears, &c. At first, a band of music was in attendance, after which Mr. and Mrs Richardson (late of Codeiir.'s circus.) were introduced, and delighted the company with their harmony: Mrs. Richardson lias one or tne most powerful voices imaginable she excels in such hunting songs HS-" Hunting we will go," "The death 0t 70m Moody," &c. She accompanies herself very prettily on the guitar, and's assisted by a tramlione and her husband on the violin. During the evening two com- mercial travellers joined the party, and added greatly to the hilarity of the meeting. The able catering of Mrs, Jcnes gave universal satisfaction. The officers njid men of the Coast Guard of the Pembroke! district have Mib&cntx d £ 6 for the relief of the distressed lri»h. V f -■it* -■it* COMM-SSION flGNrn BY TT-TE Lotto LtEUTKNANFOf;' '• I'J.'ITY or Pr:vnR0^2.—Coertland Skinner Snaw, 0 e Deputy-Lieut.. Pembroke PETTY SESSIONS was hell on Saturday- '•7*.ft It., '"dVa the mayor and G. Dunn, Esq. 1 wyther, W;am Thomas, and John Griffiths, appears •immons to answer th? cnmidamt of Mary Phillips, 'r « issanlt fiord 3s. ed. with 7s. (id. cost or, in defau t •>; nent, to imprisoned in t lie house of correct; for 14 dry*1' abor. fh° defendant* were n'rinw-y ennv^vd topr^-v Mr. John Morgan, overseer of St. Mary's parish, *PP" -,j- he bench, with the view of getting sundry persons exc»"' •he poor rate through poverty. Application refused. rt. The Ca.sth>nl:1rt;n steeple chase, \(\ aw har>v to >nS of will come off the b:tC'r ('rd f' thi, :11;th, Part;<,(¡¡¡¡,5 which will appear in our nest number. IRISH DISTRESS.—On Sunday, tne 21st ult.. the letter was read in the parish church at Stack) e.!e EHtlciN, 'Q-- thorisin»f a collection in b-'half or the IH-h. The Rev. l'y Leach, M. A., preached, when .£5 3s. <?jjl. was taken at church door, which iias since been remitted to London. be In obedience to the directions given by the bishop diocese, on Sundaj*. the 21st ult., the Queen's letter was in the parish churches of Johnston and Steynton. At l'Ct-> • churches a sermon was preached by the incumbent, the j W., B. Thomas, who, 0.1 the following Xiif-scln", rtccon*p^'»• by his churchwarden, R. H. Bvers, Esq., calirri at of most of the inhabitants of'Milford, and collected !,on\.p| £ 11 and £ 12, Vbich, with the addition of contiibiii'5^ lected in the central district of the parish, and the J £ 2 12s. 6d., collected by the Rev. T. Richards, in the N.W. districts, male up the tct.ti of £ i5 17s. c.0i £ i collection at Johnston was £ 2 I2s„ thus making^ip the united parishes the sum of £ 18 9s. 4*1, exclusive 'cf collection made at St. Katheririu's chapel, the ,< which was not given in the notice of.it in last week's From the foregoing statement, however, it will be s?''nt '# the concluding sentence of the said notice was incorrf-(jr. gether distinct from that which was increased by the e^- tions of Mr. R. II. Byers, one of the church wardens- author of the sentence alluded to will do well to be j eurate in his future cOI?1IT11!11lCatlOns, unless he wish t0- himsetfopen to the charge of wilful misrepresentatinn. j- RBBECCA RIOT.—Oil Wednesday night last, there great many of the family of Rebecca assembled in the a publican, at Cresswell Qua}-, and in a few minutes 3^; piished their design they first began tearing down tn? 11 of the publican's field, mid then engaged themselves ipg down a freeth, which had been made on the 1T^»' day. 'idle motive the publican, had in view was to s. u road which passes through his field, and leads to a supplies the neighbourhood with water—the Foad _has r open to the public upwards of one hundred years. S'J publican lias been unsuccessful, jiM Rkbecca AT Wonx AGAIN.—On Thnrsdav night j a large md) assembled in the parish cf .Mcnaehlogd^1' proceeded to demolish a hedge, the property of 1 Williams, Esq.. ot< Trellefain, and entirely tore it d<>*ni one end to the other. It seems the hedge was a boo « between different estates, and had been presented a' ,1 leet court, and had since been repaired at much eXP1- u which circumstance did not please these midnight j It is stated that the real original old Rebecca, who first causa of so much disturbance in the county, since, was present on -this occasion as her ladyship^ well known in this neighbourhood, her career of dcstrU g |cannot be of long duration, p STLENIIID RUN* WITH THE CRSSSELY HorN^^Jl Tuesday iast, the meet was at Kilee'ty. After those covers blank, the gallop was off for Tregaled 1 i, tions, where a burst immediately took place, reynard >"Vj direct for Chapel-hiil,. Pantglas,and White Mill •, here. headed, he turned back over Llangwaddan, towa"uj| Narberth workhouse, Eastwood, Mdlleston, Highgat^ tletwy, and Coedcenlas, and back from thence to the '• Knowles: he was at lenth run into in the open fieljl farm of Coe Icenlas, The distance of this chase cool" lets than fifteen miles which was run ever in a rex1 *f| space of time. jjj I.-ITAL OCCURRENCE.—On Tuesday morning last* |( Lewis, of the Lion Inn, Tenipieton, left her child, months old, in a folding-bed in her bed-room, whC' girl, an aunt to the child, who was particularly f°"5J came into the room and folded up the bed, nneonsc10;^ the in:ant was there. The mother almost iuimeoly^^ turned, and found the chiid as above described, dead. An inquest is to be hohien on it this day (F~: SOLVA.—We are glad to find that Captain paratus has ntlength arrived at this place, on its v.1}' I David's, where we find its destination is fixed. J On the 2nd inst., a large ship was seen passing F'8"1)^ bay, in tow by a steamer, supposed to have s;1rnng 'Jf consequently was obliged to have the assistance of a boat to convey her to Liverpool. f SERIOUS ACCIDBNT AT PARXYMORVA, nea* ifl 6UARP.—An o!d man, aged 76, wo< driving his cart a the Cymro coach coming against him at a quick Pace',j F knocked tile o1d mrm dawn; the wheels going 0 caused a compQund fracture of the leg..( ST. DAVID'S.—About two months since a petition d np by Chancellor Melville, G. J. H.rries^Escj., trentry, &c., of the neighbourhood, addressed TO the for sioners of customs, praying that a- Li !a apparatus (.10 purpose of saving shipwrecked seamen," s houkl be M in answer to which the following has been received jf/f E. Williams, of the above place;—"Skylark, 1st, 1847- Sir,—In compliance, with instructions tain P. B. Stewart. R.N., Inspecting-commander of ford district, I have landed at Solva the Life V stores, taken from Fishguard, and given them in fyfA Mr. Jones, principal officer of customs at Solva, to b? up to you when e^'er it is convenient for von to send JwB My orders are to take duplicate receipts for the sam«* to! sir, your obedient servant, JAMES JOHNSON, Jk the Skylark." 91 \It NEWPORT.—Between the 11th of January and th? | Februiry, in the present year, ten persons have dieaj^j jlK port and its vicinity, whose united ages amount to Cj| If we. select five out of the ten, their united ages WI: H to 425 years, thereby averaging 85 year* each—*he*. the greatest mortality duj^if the present quarter vai!-d among the atp-d the eiiaegribbity ami se pa-t winter having nad great effect en die constitute ? aged and infirm. j WORTHY OF IMMITATION.—The Rev. John vicar of Nevern, in this county, has collected the j' sums for the distressed Irish —Mrs. Evans, JH Mrs. Bo wen, L!\vyngvv.air, £ l Mi-? Griffiths, £ 1 collections in church Sunday week, £ 1 Ss. iC JT