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y--FROM The Aberystw, ,h 1861…


y FROM The Aberystw, ,h 1861 MARCH 23RD. >ii Tits 'WEATHER.-—During t e GREATER part cf this wcok w, Lav- had a coni-maous si-ni of wind and ii. Oü ii,v iabt, whau a strong ga.!a fioui iiia t. on a hrge Shi¡ seen in he off ng, driven out "f her e,ui-se, m iir.-aH' bv »trees of weather. At, iha time she wa firs5 SOn appease 1 to had her masts on, to i a couple of hou-rs WDS RO'.icsd to have iaU thesu either cut or fallen it. Druma; t( e Tttrjuindor of t'lat dav and n'x day she w is rtdi ni anchor. fTer position was a ilicll, iieycni ti tvajtcrly p'U'r.- of the Patches, some 14 miles off thu port. Yesterday one of her yards washeo. jasiiore. THE PROPOSED LIFEBOAT T.1e following appeal is issa-'d to tho •>. i hi tbio town and district, soliciting Ihei" < u'" c»- »- iioil to assist in forming here an snt da ? m 4i.cn to tt3 Royal Kat:onal Lifeboat leis Îtu.i" — APPEAL. As the unfortunate of A.i n ox B-Jrtb, whioli took DL," Ab.-rys'■ t ri ;ite 19th of FOluarv h> of i-eve'&i others :n former years, are so a k-mwn to all, and h: excited the aytnpat1' v humane pei resides in this to," noghboarhood, the Iu ecimiittee feel i h tr could only weaken ap,oc-al by ».i-y teasouing of tLeir own on cfaa subject. The, nre, however, happy to ba in the position -to statq tiiat tLe N <tional Lifeboat Institu- tion has made a liberal '-ff -r to place in our porI", a lifeboat and transporting carriage, the expense oi which cannot b, under £ 300. oa condition that the OUJ-& of a substantial boat house, and subscription-- oF about £20 a year to meet the expense of the coxswiin'a salary and of the crew for practising in the lifeboat every quarter, be collected in our toW¡' and its vicinity, the parent institution i.i London paying all expenses of rewards to the ere vv of th-* lifeboat for eavinsr or attempting to rave lite. an the cost cf reoaira, painting, replacement of &o, on the lifeboat establishment. The local committee having received the prorata of such va'aable assistance from the parent icstitn- iioti la London in aid of their own exertion*, aI" anxious that the inhabitants of Aberystwyth and its u 'iybhourhood sh(,nd as far as pos:Ve av<; tí., sariisfuctujTt c-edr. i.f i•)to p ,¡v, 'e [1' mai,t ,in b\ HI. «>w n exe i.>o ,t > i r'.o >■ t uwu reso,irce,, iifei)oic f Jr affording sueeour t, ihose aufortunaie persons who may be cast away t)i.i Aeir shores. Without, however, the pecuniary assistance and .iljC hearty general co-operation of tha community at hu-ge, the objects of the society cannot be carried I)u L. The local comaiittee, therefore, earnestly sippoul to the benevolent people of Aberystwyth uud its neighbourhood generally to aid them in this xieccssiiry and philanthropic nudert--tki<ig. Captain Pryae, M P., lord-lieutenant of the ^county, has accepted the presidency of the branch, tho North and South Wales Bank acting a- ireuuurevs, George Hughes has been üppoillted cuxawaiu. L'.c.aAUKABi,K CiBcaiisT&ivCB.—A young man of the lwnte of Thomas Walters, a servant, at Peny gurreg, Llanrhvstyd, wert home in in the small- pox and on Wednesday night, the 13oh instant, tho family finding him composed, retired to rest about 11 o'c'cck, and thongh his brother slept in the same bed with him he contrived to get up and to GO cut of the home unknown toanybo:iy. When ti,,4v got up about 5 0'1 ck in the in lo behold he was not to bd found aitv whre a' d •• s pout* mother was almost frantic, and upbraided liereeif for not having eat up all night. The repoc oi; his bainsc mUsing soou spread through the aitjjghbourhood and though there was diligent search oaade in oil dire-t'on», and peoo:e"DT t Aberystwyth and A^era^x-oa t.) make i.- qairi. •. Hilt there were no iidiugs o him until about six -o'clock in the evening of Thursday, the 14th, when a fehceniuk-r in the neighbourhood, of the name of Ito'viau'i Dairies (who had a so:t of presentiment all day that be must have been on the beach, near a place colled Pigen, but who notwithstanding delayed going to search for bim, he did not kn-w v.by or wherefore), started from heme about half- past, live o'clock iu the eveuing, and when he reached tLo beach found him very near the spot where he had the impression bo Wf), He was slivering and exhauatH1, eoui not waik with- •uui assistance. Eowland D-.viej, like a good Samaritan, immediately tuo: eft his own coat and put it on him, and put hioJ handkerchief round hi, ill,ad. He then took him on i,is back and carrie i him aloug a narrow path in the rock-so narrow that he could not put one foot before the other, iut-u in one place the path had crumpled away ttiicgefcber and iuid he made one false step they would both have been precipitated to the bottom, a of OlU bandied feet and upwards. When he Lad brought him to a place of safety be laid him tiowu and charged him not to move from where tie was until he returned, lie then ran toPeEtygarreg for a cart. in which the poor invalid was conveyed Iiom->. What is very r In ak ble is this, that, though the morning wfn Vrry cold and frosty, and tbe v an man had nothing on excepting his shirt, drawers, stockiaas. and in that urate had WHl'l'd between one and two miles even if ha went in a fefa vjht 1 na, and had b-i-n exposed to the cold ,lIIf.'bpb'le fo- from 14 to 18 hours, and according lo his own i o if(?.«>• ion iiai been eating raw shell- fish and d ia d-iix sea vrat: r. still bo is progressing faxvourably jowaids recovery. He must have b -an (if conree deliiious when be left his home, and though he mnot have gone down the narrow path above alluded o, hi-i life fcas been preserved. And tvlxo would lit t recoguide the hand of God in'his preservation, and when Rowland Davies carried bitn on his back in such a dangerous place LInre w-is no eye upon them but G and no band to guidn bur iii-. SAtMuN FISIIEBXES—The Commissioners for erquiry into the Fishariea of England and Wities Sir William Jardine, i., :rt., W. J. Ffenuel aul G. K. Ricfeards, E. qs., by their report dated 7th Febtuary, 1861, state that, commencing with the Severn, they vi-ited in sa-oe«sion the Wye, the TTsk, and chn principal rivers in S )[1i-,11 and North \Valf'. They then pn.-ceede < northward, taking. in course the pri nci pal rivers of Cheshire, Lancashire, and Cumberland, and those which empty themselves into the English side of th? Soiway Firth, and conti' ued treir course through the counties of Northuqiberland and Durham, and obtained the besr- information respecting the Ouse ard other important tivera wn cfei flow through Yorkshire into the Hamber. ALa the Trent and its iributaries, and the ata^.e of certain fisheries in Iltiapshii-e, the valuable salmon rivers of Devon- shire, and some fisheries in Cornwall- As to the poisoning of rivers by mines, the most striking instance the/Commissioners state that carne TInder tuoir n. tics wis in two livers, the Yatwvth and Elieidol, wich form a junction as they fall into the fit the town of Ab:N,st-, vyth, in Cardig.inshire. TnooO two rivers boty, on?aine<i salmon "n tome abaiidauce about 30 yes-a-s g). Siuca the working of the Goger do an lead mi' es, or rather since riachinery has bten employed there to make the caching process more effestiia a total extinction cf animal life has rake- piac > i I t, ie waters of the Eheídnl. which reo iv the tei.tae watur from I MiObe mines, about 7 mi. s above she ou Lil. The r Yatwyth tias been simnw '-y atTeoted by other lead T»..»es. The most d:s!(o, vU.'rtin/e was given to the Comm'ssioners of the de-i ruction of the salmon and other fiah from > hat c u lo was even stated that, the sea fishery, to extent of snms ir-'les from the poi.,t where the r,vtr, ill/VII in, a.- tl where for some distance out, the were vi ibiy du- coloared, had teea much de eriorated the fame causa. Farther, it wa-a proved bevon i doubt that not only the fi-iii in those rivers, bus ai.imals o/'on their banks—cows, horte?, pigs, and ponlirv—o-d been »>oi<*o- ed, no- so n>uofi by <• I. ii-j \Yo (-I., by eaM it i bji;r 3 w: 1eh iu uu.'js • f t1 o I hld b -en c bv the iafected y, g 0r, 1'u ee statements woio a'te t d y the f».e- icia' the none owners had in several ins acces c Wud, and after due eucpi'ry pai c airns for tK-upsnsation for loss of cattle, that the cccupi .rs tK-upsnsation for loss of cattle, that the cccupi .rs of land near the rivers had been obliged to give up k4 poultry; that the rent of land in the vicin ty had been reduced, and even, as the Com- it.. sio:ur- were told, on the authority of a gentle- man -,v iio w o< himself to a large extent both land- owner and a miue owner, acres upon acres of land '■.ad b en mate waste and useless." No oher case o« d>-st' notion «o complete as tha abovj was oio.ig t uvi ler notice of the Commissione. s, though -hetv w ,d others in which the noxious effect of mine wrer, in more or le^s degiee, ill killing or driving uway th- fish, h-id been expei i<-u :ed, a the Tawe, Nearh, Towy, TaS hi souib T>ne,&c,&c In C "nwail the salmon ffsheries may be said to haVd been de-tioyed by tit-, mines. W understand that a petition, grounded on the oaendation of the Co n mis i) is in course ,u7e b, the landowners of lie county and i hose ••■'iterest.-d, praying for it3 adaption.

Family Notices


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