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Sales by Auction. MORGAN AND ROBERTS. AUCTIONEERS, ACCOUNTANTS, AND VALUERS. Sales, Valuations, etc., promptly attended to and terms of sales punctually carried out. Accounts Audited and Balance Sheets pre- pared. Rents collected and Debts recovered. Short JLoaos arranged and Bills discounted at reason- able rates. For terms apply at Offices- No. 9, BAKER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Branch Office at Tregaron open Tuesdays. MR A. LLOYD WILLIAMS (For over eight years with Mr J. E. James), AUCTIONEER, ACCOUNTANT, AND VALUER, No. 3, BAKER STREET (Next door to the National Provincial Bank). Sales, Inventories and Valuations promptly attended to. Account Books audited and Balance Sheets prepared. SALES PROMPTLY CASHED UP. For terms apply at above address. Private Address— Brynilar, Trinity Road. ABERYSTWYTH. MR. J. E. JAMES, PROPERTY AGENT, AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR & VALUER Of Real Estate, Tenant Right, Probate Succes- sion, Duty in Town and Country. Season's List of To Lets," Furnished and Unfurnished, on application. OFFICES CAMBRIAN CHAMBERS, ABERYSTWYTH. ARTHUR C. EDWARDS, Mus. Bac., Oxon, Fellow of the Royal College of Organists sometime Deputy Organist of Llandaff Cathedral, Organist and Choirmaster of Holy Trinity Church, gives LESSONS in ORGAN, PIANOFORTE, SINGING (Ladies. and Boys' Voices), CHOIR TRAININ G, and cdl Branches of MUSICAL THEORY. For Terms apply— TAN-Y-GRAIG, TRINITY ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. FOR PURE DRUGS & CHEMICALS E. P. WYNNE, M.P.S., CHEMIST, 7. PIER STREET, Aberystwyth. DISPENSING A SPECIALITY. THE GREAT WELSH REMEDY. I COUCiM .11IXruti- RELIEF FROM I S)»ifcS'S MIXTURE COUGH R)XIEVS tOUtill MIXTURE IN 5 MINUTES BAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE for Coughs j J>AV ES'S COUGH MIXTURE lor Colds f t^UUH MIXTURE for Asthma COUGH MIXTURE for Bronchitis JJ'^jES'S ChUGH MIXTURE for Hoarseness COUGH MIXTURE lor Influenza 9 COUGH MIXTURE for Coughs i!.y,,ES's COUGH MIXTURE for Sine Throat OAJ!Es»s COUGH MIXTURE Most Soothing RAVIEIS-S COUGH MIXTURE Warms the Chest JMVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE dissolves the Phlegm DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE for Singers OAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE for Public Speakers DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE By Chemists everywhere f OAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE 13Ad. & 2/9. Postage 3J. OAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Proprietor— 8 DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE HUGH D/VVIES, | _»AVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Chemist, MACHYNLLETH | W. H-. TRU SCOTT (Established over 30 veais\ WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, LAPIDAHY AND OPTICIAN, GREENWICH HOUSE, 37, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. A- large assortment of WTeddiog, Diamond and Gem Riueis. PINCE-NEZ A SPECIALITY. R. J. JONES, COLLIERY AGENT AND GENERAL MERCHANT, ABERYSTWYTH, Invites enquiries for every description of COAL. Trucks of Coal supplied direct to customers from Coliicry at colliery prices. Truck Loads made a speciality. •"■-J.J. can compete with any Colliery Agent in Cheapness a/iul Qualiij. I'laase try him. Also small quantities sold at the Lowest Prices. N.B.-Hay and Cement Sold at Tempting Prices. Note the Address— U. J. JONES, Railway Station Yard, (First Oaiee from Railway Station, T»r> f„ Alexandra Road. Address, South^M^:nc Terrace. CL1fSp~?^1 ^LL;ranted to cure DI,C,I F J A JAC,|jnred OR constitutional S ff trr 1* Vriuai7 Organs, Gravel and Estah'i 1 10 V;lCn'0 *ree from Mercury, ^stabn.hed upwards of 30 years. ln boxe3 4a. Cd. C1B0MISTS .TAD ^TENT Medicine STAVNR,RV> *K>U^ vox-Id or sent for sixty R2 BY t:;e makers, TLI- Lincoln and Midland unties DRUG Company, Lincoln. JAMES MORGAN, 1; -.J..A ,-Y Á,.iL JL (; L,;L..L. \¡ 11, PIEIi STREET, A])ERYSTWYTH, .1", C, .1. .i) 1\, C 'j ,r.l GREENGROGER, I I-IIMONGL'P, GAME AND POULTRY DLALEB. Prompt attention given to all Orders. NOTE THE ADDRESS. Public Notices. 'FIRE OFFICE. The Oldest Insurance ( ffi e in the World. ft* Funds in Hand— °0/S; ( n £ 2,545,328. *OED — Insurances effected against He following risks FIRK. WORKMEN'S COMPKNSA- PERSONAL ACCIDENT, TION & EMPLOYERS' SICKNESS & DISEASE, LIABILITY, including FIDELITY GUARANTEE, ACCIDENTS TO I BURGLARY. I DOMESTIC SERVANTS. LOCAL AGENTS— ABERYSTWYTH MR HUGH HUGHES. Aberayron Mr Thos. Pugh, Paris House Bala Mr R. L. Jones, Mount Place Cardigan Mr M A. Jones. Dolgelley Mr Thomas P. Jones-Parry. » Mr John Richards. Glandovey Mr Charles Williams. Liandyssil Mr Leonard C. Farleigh Llanon Mr John Thomas. Lampeter Mr Wm. Davies, 17, Station Terrace >, Mr H. W. Howell. Llanybyther Mr David Thomas. Newquay Mr David Enoch. Sarnau Mr David E. Thomas. Talsarn Mr Llewelvn Davies. Towyn Mr E. H. Daniel. FASTEST New "EMPRESS" Royal Mail twin screw steamers. LINE 14,500 tons, 18,000 h.p. Weekly TO service from Liverpool. Only CANADA. foui'f d?y* T" fea* Quick comfortable travel. Apply C.P.R., 24, James Street, Liverpool, or Local Agents. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! ARMY CLOTHING. Trousers, 3s fid Breeches, 3s Od Overcoats, 74 Gd Leather Leggings, Is nd; Handsewn Army Boots (new), 9s Cd Army Pattern Boots (Special Line), 3« lid Flannel Shirts (new), 4s lid Blankets (new), 4s (kl. POLICE CLOTHING. Trousers, 3s Gd Over- coats, 7s Gd Oil&kin Capes, 38 3d: Cloth Capes, 5s. RAILWAY CLOTHING. Cord Trousers, 2s Cd Cloth Jackets, 2s Cd Sleeved Vests, Is Gd Overcoats, 3s üd. OILSKIN CLOTHING (new). Son*westers, Is Jackets, 5s Gd Long Coats, 8s 6d Leggings, 2s 3d. BRITISH GOVERNMENT HARNESS, &c. Riding Saddle., complete, 17s 6d Riding Bridles, 2s Gd Head Collars, 2s Cd Brecchings and Cruppers, 6s 9d Fawn Wool Horse Rugs, 2s to 4s Gd. WATERPROOF CART COVERS, Gs 6d Loin Covers, 3s 9d Driving Aprons, 5s Cart Lamps, Is 4d etc., etc. Catalogue Post Free. Dept. No. 33., THE ARMY & GENERAL STORES, LTD., Contractors to H.M. Govt., Nottingham. ]LOOK~CM* I' FOR J. E. HUGHES' SALE ON Saturday Next, February 1st. EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED. ADUR E&S— 34 & 36, LITTLE DARKGATE St., ABERYSTWYTH. THli OLDEST BIL! POSTING K^TABLlSHMUNT IN TOWN AND DISTRICT. John Lloyd & Sons, TOWN CRIERS, BILL-POSTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS FOPLAR ROW, HAVING THE LARGEST NOMBER of most JTjL prominent Posting Stations in all parts of Aberystwyth and District, they are able to take large contract. of every dfi-cript-ion. OVER 100 STATIONS IN THE TOWN AND DISTRICT. Official Bill post era to the Tcwn and County Conn- cils, G.W.R. Co., Cam'- rian Railways Co., VI. & M. Railway Co., A.I.C., all the Anct ooeera ot the Town and District, and other Public Bodies. PRIVATE A DDRFSS- MAENGWYN, TRLNTJ Y ROAD Tlte "DON" Hairdressing Saloon, 3, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH (OPPOSITE STATION). H JONES begs to thank his many friends • and customers for their generous support since lie has been in Aberystwyth, and to inform them that since opening his new premises he has better and more up-to-date accommodation to offer them. H. J. will be pleased to see all his old Customers STEAM LAUNDRY, ABERYSTWYTH. B. JONES BEGS to inform his numerous Customers that Owing to the increase of Business he lias put down additional NEW AND MODERN MACHINERY To enable him to execute all orders with promptness and despatch. and hopes to still merit your esteemed patronage and support. HOTELS AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS SPECIALLY CATERED I-'OR. SHIRTS AND COLLARS A SPECIALITY All Goods Collected and Delivered Free of Charge. SPECIALL Y CATERED FOR. SHIRTS AND COLLARS A SPECIALITY All Goods Collected and Delivered Free of Charge. Send a Postcard and the Van will call. PARTICULARS AND PRICES ON API LICATION. ABERYSTWYTH OBSERVER ci I]- Published every Wednesday cveairg | for Thursday. PIUCE ONE PENNY. lias an Influential Circulation, rind | is an excellent IVeJuim (or Advertising. DAVID ROBERTS & SONS, LIMITED, BREWERS, ABERYSTWYTH, BEG TO DRAW ATTENTION TO THEIR DRAUGHT AND BOTTLED ALES WHICH ARE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. TRADE PRICE LIST. I ™=— p r "= Barrels, Kildkns, Firkins, ;3G Gallons!# Gallons 9 Gallons. __| ,J XXX MILD A.LK 48/- 24/- 12/- XX Do. do. 42/- 21/- 10/6 B BITTER ALE 56/- 28/- 14/- K STRONG ALE 56/- 28/- 14/- K STRONG ALE 56/- 28/- 14/- REA'S BLACK BOTTLE" AND PLYNLIMON WATER Is a perfect Blend of the Purest Whisky out of Scotland with the Purest Water in Wales. Per 4B. Bottle. R,EA'S STORES. MANCHESTER & BRADFORD HOUSE, ALEXANDRA ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. WE HAVE MUCH Pleasure in informing the Inhabitants of the Town and Neighbourhood that we have OPENED our NEW PREMISES I N ALEXANDRA ROAD (OPPOSITE THE STATION), WITH A LARGE VAHIETY OF MANCHESTER & BRADFORD GOODS, Consisting of DRAPERY, BLOUSES, UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, LACE CURTAINS, &c. Come in Thousands. Prices mill Astonish Yon. WE ARE MAKING UP A VARIETY OF GOODS ON OUR OWN PREMISES. PURCHASERS who are sending for Parcels to Large Towns save expense and visit our Premises. We guarantee to supply you at more Reasonable Prices to what you are paying. You will save at least 25 per cent. rll,, W A D. SYLVAN US EDWARDS, Lion Tea Stores, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. BUTTER from HOME FARMS and DEVONSHIRE. BACON from WILTSHIRE, IRELAND & DENMARK. TEA, the PICK of CHINA & INDIAN PLANTATIONS. SAMUEL G LITHEUO, BAKK VAULTS, 3, NEW STREET, ABERYSTWYTH (OFF PIER STREET). City Brewery (Lichfield) and Worthington's Ales, and Guinness' Stout in fine condition. Excellent Wines and Spirits. Cigars. Fresh Mushrooms and Blackberries bought in any quantity. WE BEG TO OFFER A LARGE SURPLUS STOCK OF MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AT Greatly Reduced Prices for Cash. FOR BARGAINS SEE OUR WINDOWS. NVn AT MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT STORES, 46, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. ARTISTIC, COMMERCIAL 9- GENERAL PRINTING Executed with Despatch and at Moderate Charges by DAVID ROWLANDS, OBSERVER OFFICE, ABERYSTWYTH. SALMON, TERMINUS HOTEL ROBERTS' MILD AND BITTER ALES ON DRAUGHT. BASS AND GUINNESS' IN BOTTLE. WINES AND SPIRITS OF TEE BEST BRANDS. p9s LLSOP Ales and Stout i i Cask or Bottle. Allsopp's "Lage1." in Bottle. OF ALL THE PRINCIPAL DEALERS IN ABERYSTWYTH AND waoe DISTRICT. C. SMITH, SOUTH WALES MANAGER, 0 Deput-G3, VVTIXD STREET, SWANSEA ABERYSTWYTH STORES — Great Western Railway Depot, Smitlifield E. HINDLEY, Agent. THE anh Coniiti) [imtz, O 7 SCALE OF CHARGES FOR A DYE UTISE M E N TS. ADVERTISERS AND THE PUBLIC are respectfully info, rued that Advertisements are inserted in the Observer and County Times at the following rates ° Parliamentary Notieos and Addresses, &c., Gd per line per insertion. Public Notices, Legal Advertisements, Pros- pectuses of Public Companies, &c., 6d per line per insertion. Notices of Municipal and Council Elections, &c., 4d per line per insertion. Sales by Auction-Properties, 5d per line Miscellaneous, 3d per line per insertion. Announcements of Charitable and Religious Institutions, Sermons, Literary and Competitive Meetings, Dramatic and Musical Entertainments, Lectures and Public Services, Anniversaries, Dinners, &c., 3d per line per insertion. BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS. a d 1 insertion 2 0 per inch. 6 insertions 1 6 „ per insertion. 13 insertions 1 0 „ 26 „ 0 9 „ „ 52 » 0 8 Across two columns, double the abo, e rates. ADVERTISEMENTS in manuscript; may be calculated at seven words to a line, and nine lines to an inch. On charging advertisements, how- ever, the lines aro not counted, but the advertise- rnents, including large lines and dashes, are measured, and the space occupied charged at per inch. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Prepaid Advertisements of the classes specified below will be charged according to the subjoined scale :— Apartments Wanted Businesses to be Sold Apartments to be Let Partnerships Wanted Situations Wanted Articles Lost Situations Vacant Articles Found Houses to be Let Miscellaneous Wants Sales by Private Contract Miscellaneous Sales, &c Lines. Words' T °*e T Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertion _1- 3 21 Is Od 2s Od 3s Od 4 28 Is 3d 2s 6d 3s 9d 5 35 Is 6d 3s Od 4s 6d 6 42 Is 9d 3s 6d 5s 3d 7 49 2s Od 4s Od | 5s Od This scale applies only to consecutive insertions of PREPAID Advertisements. If not prepaid these Advertisements will be charged according to the Public Notice Scale. ° Wanted, &c. C\OOK-Giiii\ERAL Wanted for near Welshpool- 1 —T586, COUNTY TIMES Registry, Welshpool, V\/ ANTED.—Head Workman Waggoner, Cot- e 1 tage, d'e, provided.-Apply H. Jones,! Sutton, Montgomery. Wf ANTED at once, Between-Maid, not under » 17, and must have been out before.— Apply Mrs P. A. Beck, Trelydan Hall, vVelshpool \\> ANTED a Strong Girl for Kitchen Y\Tork in » Country Hotel.—Apply 55, COUNTY TIMES, Welshpool. COOK-GENERAL wanted, understanding dairy C work, good wages.—Apply R.E.D COUNTY TufEs Office, Welshpool. OOD GENERAL, age about 18 to 20.—Apply J Mrs Humphreys, Medical Hall Hotel, Welshpool. STATIONERY.—Young Lady Wanted as Ap- o prentice, out-doors.—For terms apply COUNTY TIMES Library, Welshpool -tute(i for MOTHER'S HELP or General Wanted for Churchstoke, age 18 to 20; farmhouse.— TO90, COUNTY TIMES Registry, T>rcIshpool. (^lOOK-GENERAL Wanted for Market Drayton, J two iu family, age 25, wages £ 20.—T591, COUNTY TIMES Registry, Welshpool COOK-GENEILU, wanted for Aberystwyth, age J about 18.—T584, COUNTY TIMES Registry, Welshpool. \ATANTED a Situation by respectable Girl as » Nurse; some experience.—Apply 57, COUNTY TIMES Office, Welshpjol. ASSURANCE Agent wanted (for a leading A Oiliec) at Llanymynech and Four Crosses, and Welshpool.—Apply No. uti, COUNTY TIMES Office, Welshpool. -1 ANTED a strong Youth, used to driving, to T T look after horse and cart, and make him- self generally useful.—lliggius, Grocer, Welsh- pool. T OUNG Man Wanted for Hotel Yard used to X horses and driving1; knowledge of garden-' ing live in about 20.—Trewythen Hotel, Llan- idloes. COD General Wanted for Westbuiy, for, U Farmhouse, able to milk. Good references, fond of children.—T5S9, COUNTY TIMES Registry, Welshpool. O L^TEKIOR General Wanted for Colwyn Bay, O experience in cooking and willing, small family, nurse kept, good wages.—T593, COUXTY TIMES Registry, Welshpool. ( \OOI> Plain Cook or Cook-General Wanted for J near Newtown two in family house- parlourmaid kept; must be able to Va'xe bread ar.d cakes.—T690, COUNTY TIMKS Registry, AAVULpooL WANTED Working Housekeeper Cor W Lovesgrovo Farm, near Aberystwyth. Must bo experienced Dairymaid and have good references.— Apply ::1. P. Edwards, Lovcsgrove Farm, Abery:.itwyth. (lOOD Cook Genera?, age 23 to oo Nurse- housemaid, willing to do a little waiting, age over 20, and must be a good needlewoman, in family.—T585, COUNTY TIMES Registry, Welshpool. \VAXTKD' a Genera), able to do [)laiii r cooking, about 24 or 25 years.—Apply W. Jones, Market square, Llanrair. T^XPETilENCED Housemaid Wanted for Welshpool. T58I, COUNTY TIMES Registry, Welshpool. \V/"ANrED Full and Spare-timo Agents for tlie Law Integrity Insurance Company at Nov.town, Lianjdloes, Borth, Abera\ron, Mnchynlleth and distriet.-Apply, Jones, Siiporinlerident, C..radog Road, Aberystwyth. > OOKS Wanted Life, Death, John Mytton ) published hy Rudolph Ackermann, Loudon f letcher Moss's Pilgrimages, Cheshire .*xnd iSbroL- shire.—Thomson, Egerton Yilla, Welliu^ton Road, Manchester. ANTEO Ladies and Gentlemen to send or bring their UMBRELLAS to bo Repaired or Recovered equal to new to McDOW ALL. 14, i'n.H STREET, Aborvstwvth. Btoken Ribs. Sticks, Springs and Handles repaired. Nothing too small, nothing too large in Umbrella work. Carriago Umbrellas repaired and recovered. Selld to the Umbrella Expert and you will get-satUI'aclion. Postage paid to country customers on Ua,brellas sent for recovering. Notieo the Red White and Blue Uuibi ella over the Golden 14, Pier street. COUNTY TIMES Regijtry have now on the books Housekeeper for private house, age 30, wages X24, 5 years in last situation, good references. General or Plain Cook, age 34, wages £ 22. Cook-General, age 25, wages ±.15 to i'lG. General, age 19, wages .£1-1. General or House- maid, age 20, wages .S12 to zE14 Under-House- maid, Befcween-maid, or in Nursery, age 16, good ,:e reference. General or Housemaid, strong big girl, age 16, where two servants kept. ° For Sale. FOR SALE. Pedigree Shorthorn Bulls aud Heifers. Shropshire Pedigree Sheep. Good Wethers and Store Pigs. Alders and all kinds of Timber. D. H MYTTOX, Garth, Welshpool. AERATED WATER BUSINESS for sale, cheap near t o Llyfnantand Artists Valley, also Corris and Talyllyn Vendor can thoroughly teach trade.—Apply No. 58, COUNTY TIMES Office, W elshpool. TO CABINET MAKERS AND OTHERS. FOP, SALE as a going goncern the Business jL carried on by Messrs T. JAMES < £ SONS, at the Machine Cabinet Works, High Street, Llan- idloes, as Cabinet Makers and Suite Manu- facturers, including the Valuable Plant and Machinery only recently laid down. The Works are weil arranged, conveniently situated, and the rent low.—Further particulars may be obtained from Messrs Cooke Bros., F.A.I., Auctioneers, Newtown. X^ARM AGREEMENTS, and Agreements -° for Small Holdings, Newly Revised, 6d. cacli.—"Observer" Office, Aberystwyth. Xj^OR SALE, Pure Buff Orpington Day Old Chicks, 6s. per dozen. Eggs, 2s. 6d. per Sitting. Trussed Chickens, 3s. each. Private families supplied. Orders taken at 10 and 12, North Parade, and atPantgwyn Poultry Farm, Llanfarian, Aberystwyth. i^ALE. —10 Hearses and Washington Cars, 8 oJ Mourning Coaches, Brakes, Char-a-bancs, Landaus, 10 Hansoms; low prices some equal new.—Catalogues Marston, 24, Bradford street, Birmingham. To Let. r|0 LET,—Salmon and Trout fishing, one bank JL of Severn from Peuartli Weir to Bechan Brook,-Apply E. Elwell, Neuoudfraith, New- town. rpO BE LET, The Cambrian," Llanfyllin, full JL licensed, free house, good fetabling, close to Station. Same tenants 21 years. Early possession.—Richard Owen, Kn -ckin. filo BE LET, Bank Farm, 131 acres also Crow i. Wood Farm, 199 acres, both situated near Churchstoke, Montgomeryshire.—For particulars apply Messrs C. E. Williams & Co., Land Agents, Oswestry. DO you want to let your Rooms ? Then advertise them in the Montgomery County Times." Hundreds of people from the district in which this paper circulates visit the seaside every year. Secure your share. Office, Welshpool. 1^0 LET, the old-established and well-known house "The White Lion Hotel," Taly- bont.—For particulars apply to Messrs Morgan & Co., Wine and Spirit Merchants, or to D. M. Davies, 18, New street, Aberystwyth. MONTGOMERYSHIRE (two miles from 1. Welshpool) to be let on lease from Lady Day next, Lower Garth. House contains three reception rooms, five best bedrooms, w.c., bathroom, h. and c., and usual domestic olliccs, good stabling and cottage. Eight acres of excellent pasture land and about 1,100 acres of good mixed slx oting can be included.- For particulars and cards to view apply T. Hickman and Son, Land Agents, Pride Hill Chambers, Shrewsbury. Px. JONES, L BILLPOSTER AND TOWN CRIER 4, GREAT DARKGATE ST., ABERAYRON £ 100 TO £ 1,000 ON THESE TgRMS. Loan zelo, repay £11 10s. Loan £ 20, l'opsiy Cs. Loan £ ;)0, repay ,ea 10s. Loan £30, repay 71 C) 10s. Loan £ 100, repay £113 Os. Loan £ 200, repay £2:2.ï Os. Apply W. Jackson, 25, Eastgatc row, Chester.