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HINTS ON POULTRY KEEPING. WINTER MANAGEMENT. Persons who keep fowls, and think that by siviaa the birds some extia food in winter in adlition to what they can gather for themselves on the grass and that hM that w requisite has b?on done, wilt hnd that the expeuse of keeping the stock will ke greater than the profit yielded by it at that time .n egBs and ch.ckens killed for the table whereas if a little extra oare is given to cbe birda then which need not be a natter of much troub!e b anyone, and none at all to those who take a real interest in their poultry yards, encouraging result* will fallow, even m tne face of such an unfavourable time ior fowls, as they have had to pass through for many weeks now of almost constant rain. Fjf this reason the mouiting season has been a bad one, and unless the birds whi sh have gono through it have been strong and healt iy, as a result of judicieus breeding and good management, besides, it may be some time yet before they begin to pro- duce eggs in paying quantities. And in the case of weakly and more or less uneared for, this year' late summer and autumn ha ched chickens the amount of meat which they will yield when killed will be disappointing, owing t > tllG adverse time which they have had to oonteud with of late. There are many poultry yards which do not produce as ma.ih prutit no w a* should be the case because the fowls have not sufficient dry shelter to make use of when the weather is against them nor, only shelter that will keep the rail off their backs, but will give dry warm standing room be- sides. They cannot thrive at this time of year to the ex sent that they are capible of if they are oon- stantly raging abont or standing on wet or frozsn ground and grass, for it is distinctly a fact that it the feet of Lhe birds can be kept dry and warm and ploviding the oth.r management, such as the selection and quantity of f,„i is We|| judged much beuer results in egg production and' iu th^ growth of chicken, will accrue. Laying e«*sin winter is not a natural proofs for birds, and if tho heua are wanted to do it, special means mujt be taken to encourage them. uuder foot. largely uelp. Other points to ba note 1 are that fcht fg-ound of all shelters shoulj be kep; clean so as to preserve the health of the fowls, and not to have at aov time too many running together, for a few birde well attended to will a!way* piy better than t larger number with possible neglect. Some years ago thew.iter heaid that a person ia the neigh- bourhood kept a few fowls which were remarkably good layers in winter, ant he went to see how they were managed. Their owner was m business and at the back of his premise- hid a yard whicti contained a stible, some other oiifc.buidinsw and a loan to" henhouse and run, both covered over and built against a wall. Thelongthofthe home and run together would be about four- teen feat and its width probab'y four feet. In this house and run six: or seven Black Minorca hens were kept, and they were rarely let out of it. When the stable was cleaned ost the owner of the fowls was in the habit of throwiu^ abcufc a 1mlf. barrow full of the fresh litter into the ran for the purpose of giving the birds some oeoapation by IJratcuing amongst it. A much more important. thing happened. As the litter accumulated, until it wus perhaps a foot deep on the !bor of the tua j it began to heat slightly, asd it was that slight I whieh kept the fowls feet dry and wafm j whi :h was the secret of the good winter lay in* Uw birds The wnter is certainly not recom- men ling that f,wis in order to be indued to lay to win er should be kept on hotbeds, but gives the forego.ng as an instance of the good laying results '•« **»"• at that time.




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