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Sales by Auction. TOWN HALL, ABERYSTWYTH. FFRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29TIT, 1907. jRemcved for Convenience of Sale. MESSRS MORGAN & ROBERTS HAVE received instructions to Sell by Public Acctioc, at the above, at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon, a large assortment of Valuable HOUSEHOLD FIT UN! PC RE & EFFECTS. IFOR further particulars see Posters. THE Auctioneers beg to call the special attention of the public to this Sale, all the articles to be ottered being nearly new, having l.m}y been in use for six months. Terms—Credit on Conditions. Auctioneers* Offices: I !■>, Baker Street. Aberystwyth. MOKGAN AND ROBERTS, AUCTIONEERS, ACCOUNTANTS, AND VALUERS. Sales, Valuations, etc., promptly attended to AS<3 terms of sales punctually carried out. j ACCOUNTS Audited and Balance Sheets pre- PARED. J&eois collected and Debts recovered. Short 3L>>ans arranged and Bills discounted at reason- able rates. } For terms apply at Offiees- No. 9, BAKER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Branch Office at Tregaron open Tuesdays. MB A. LLOYD WILLIAMS twor over eight years with Mr J. E. James), AUCTIONEER, ACCOUNTANT, AND VA LUER, No. 3, BAKER STREET |K«xt door to the National Provincial Bank). Sales, Inventories and Valuations promptly attended to. Account Books audited and Balance Sheets prepared. SALES PROMPTLY CASHED UP. For teNrls apply at above address. I Private Address- Brynilar, Trinity Road. ABEKYSTWY'IH. MR. J. E. JAMRF, I PROPERTY AGENT, AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR & VALUER *OI Real Estate, Tenant Right, Probate Sac ces- sion, Duty in Town and Country. Season's List of To Lets," Furnished and Unfurnished, on application, ORO-xcss CAMBRIAN CHAMBERS. ABERYSTWYTH. COAL! LIME! J}JPE8! If. JENhrN JONES; 9 COAL, LIME, BRICK, PIPES, AND SLATE ALWAYS IN STOCK. BUILDING MATERIALS at Lowest Maiket Prices < Before Ordering your Winter Supply of COA.L Wfir.e for Price List.. Truck Loads to any Station at Lowest Rates for Cash. AdAress-No. 6. OFFICE AND WHARF, RAILWAY STATION, and 3, STANLEY TERRACE, ABERYST- WYTH. The "DON Hairdressing Saloon, 3, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH (OPPOSITE STATION). H JONES begs to thank his many friends • and CUSTOMER for their generous] support since he lias been in Aberystwyth.and to inform them that since opening his new premises be ) as brtter and more up-to-date ^accommodation to oiler them. R.f. will be pleased to see all Lis old Customers. C, LONGLETAND~ SON S, THE ONLY JilGH-CLASS TOBACCONISTS IN ABERYSTWYTH, GREAT DARK GATE ST. AND PIER STREET. Inventors of Archdruid Mixture. The best selection of High-Uass Swiss, Italian and British C.onfectionc1 y in the Provinces i" at LVI'\t1LEY & SONS, "L'crr;(€c Road amI Pier Street, Aberystwyth. If you are troubled with COUGHS OR COLDS go to the fashionable BON MARCHE, TERRACE hOA, For an Unrivalled Selection of MEDICATED LOZENGES AND PASTILLES. ijr-TI.-H & Foreign C nftvtionrry :1.nd Chocolates from the Highest Class Manufacturers.. CLARKE'S B41 PILLS are warranted to cure CLARKE'S B41 PILLS are warranted to cure in either sex, all acquired or constitutional •Discharges from the Urinary Organs, Gra vel and Pains in the back. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of 30 years. In boxes 4s. 6d. each. of all Cr eruists and Patent Medicine Vendors, throughout the World or sent for sixty stamps by the makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. FOR PURE DEUGS & CHEMIGALS E. P. WYNNE, M.P.S., CHEMIST, 7. PIEIi STREET, Aberystwyth. DISPENSING A SPECIALITY. If" ——"TAR," Best in 1787: Best ever since. A Test of Reliability. 9 100 Years' Reputation. FOR LADIES. @3 FREQUENTLY ordered by Specialists. M Awarded Certificate of Meat for the cure <>F all obstructions, 1 "regularities, suuemi», ami all f.-male complaints. THE" havo 1 9 «»A approval of'THE MeJica! Prof ration. BUXFS J/11 and 2/9, of B 9 SI Cheinifts, or t,/ post, 1/2 and 2/10. C. & O. KLISRUT. 42 8 ^V/ATERLOO Road. London,S.B. Inti«t on having KEASSLEY'S JF Public Notices. MESSRS. HENRY STUDT & SONS Are now at the SMITHFIELD. HUGE PLEASURE AND FANCY FAIH. Including VENETIAN GONDOLAS, And a variety of other first-class attractions. Bowling at the Coco:muts, Shooting Gal- teries, Jungaloes, Striking Machines, Aunt I Sallys, Pipe Breaking Machine, and various side shows, which will provide a pleasure to everybody. There will also he a Confetti Carnival every evening. TUESDAY evening for the BENEFIT of the INFIRMARY and the NURSING ASSOCIATION, commencing at 5-30. School Children half price. ARTHUR C. EDWARDS, Mas. Bae., Oxon, Fellow of the Royal College of Organists sometime Deputy of Lland iff Cathedral, Organist and Choirmaster of Holy Trinity Church, gives LESSONS in ORGAN, PIANOFORTE, SINGING {Ladies' and Boys' Voices), GIIOIR TRAINING, and all Branches of MUSICAL THEORY. For Terms apply— TAN-Y-GRAIG, TRINITY EO AD, ABERYSTWYTH. FASTKST New "EMPRESS" Royal I no o twin screw steamers LINE 14,500 tons, 18,000 h, p. Weekly O service from Liverpool. Only P A V A n four daws op n sea. Quick C. i\ 1\ A L»r\. comfort:b!e travol. Apply C.P.8., 24, James Street, Liverpool, cr Local AgentH. STEAM LAUNDRY, ABERYSTWYTH. B. JONFH BEGS to inform I.is numerous Customers that owing to the • increase of Business he has put down additional NEW AND MODERN MACHINERY To enable him to execute all orders with promptness and despatch, and hopes to still merit your esteemed patronage and support. HOTELS AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS SPECIALLY CATERED FOR. SHIRTS AND COLLARS A SPECIALITY All Goods Collected and Delivered Free of Charge. Send a Postcard and the Van will call. PARTICULARS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION. ]rA JAMES MORGAN 11, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH GREENGROCER, FISHMONGER, GAME AND POULTRY DEALER. Prompt attention given to all Orders. IVGTE THE ADDRESS. R. J. JONES, COLLIERY AGENT AND GENERAL MERCHANT, ABERYSTWYTH, Invites enquiries for every description of CO AL. Trucks of Coal supplied direct to customers from Coliiery at colliery prices. Truck Loads made a speciality. R.J.J, can compete with any Colliery A-gent in I Cheapness and Quality. Please try him. Also small quantities soid at the Lowest Prices. IXote the Address— li. J. JONES, Railway Station Yard, (First Oílicc irom Railway Station), Alexandra Road. Marine Terrace. J. F. HUWES. Hosier & Fancy Draper, 34 & 36., Little Darkgate St., ABERYSTWYTH, Is now showing a Large A ss< rfcinent of NEW AUTUMN and WINTER GOObS. SEE WINDOWS. LOANS £ 10 TO £l,')OC. £10 rej ay £ 11 5 0 £ '20 repay zL2 10 I) £ 30 i C| ;i y £im 15 0 ifiO n pay £ 5(5 £ H,0 repay £ 112 £2\30 repay £22,1 Apply— W. JACKSON. 70. Ply month Crove, Manchester YOUR ADVERTISING In your newspaper should occupy a certain place on a certain page regularly, It should be found there at all times, and judicioui alteration of the wording will bring yoa the returns you seek. ) 1 DAVID ROBERTS & SONS, LIMITED, 'W. -NAT 'm 'm '4 BREWERS, ABERYSTWYTH, BEG TO DP. AW ATTENTION TO THEIR a" DRAUGHT AND BOTTLED ALES WInCH ARE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. ¡ -m_ on -1 D. SYLVANUS EDWARDS, Lion Tea Stores, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, BUTTER from HOME FARMS and DEVONSHIRE. I BACON from WILTSHIRE, IRELAND A DENMARK. TEA, the PICK of CHINA & INDIAN PLANTATIONS. SAMUEL GLITHFJL.O,'BANK VAULT*, 3, NEW STREET, ABERYSTWYTH (OFF PIER STREET). City Brewery (Lichfield) and Worthington's Ales, and Guinness' Stout in fine coadition Excellent Wines and Spirits. Cigars. Fresh Mushrooms and Blackberries bought in any quantity. REA'S "BLACK BOTTLE" AND PLENUM ON WATER Is a perfect Blend of the Purest Whisky out of Scotland with the Purest Water in Wales. Per 48. Bottle. IAEA'S STORES. I -m. FOUU-IN-HANI.) COACH DAILY FOR THE DEVIL'S BRIDGE. DEVIL'S BRIDGE HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOU II111 MONK'S CAYE PLYNLIMON Ji-V ,1,e D'-v or Hour CARADOG FALLS RF.ASONABI.E TE11MS. 4 LLYFNANT YALLEY A..d all ABERAYIION PLACES oy INTEREST m 22, TERKACH H' >AD, A BKRYSTWYTII, bTLATA FLORIDA Queen's Stahles, »nH at North Par.de. Iu L 10 HAFOD Office—At cade, Teir.iee Itond- NEIGIl BOUBHOOD. I WE BEG TO OFFER A LARGE SURPLUS STOCK OF MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AT Greatly Reduced Prices for Cash. FOR BARGAINS SEE OUR VVINDOWs.1 WHEATLEY'S Music AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT STORES, 46, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. ARTISTIC, COMMERCIAL 98 GENERAL -vi -y PRINTING Executed with Despatch and at Moderate Charges by DAVID ROWLANDS, I OBSERVER OFFICE, ABERYSTWYTH. I J SALMON, ) TERMINUS HOTEL II ROBERTS' MILD AND BITTER ALES ON DRAUGHT. I BASS AND GUINNESS' IN BOTTLE. I WINES AND SPIRITS OF TEE BEST BRANDS. I ja^. MR. JAMES REES, j 30, ALEXANDRA ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH, VISITS- (Same Street as Raihyay Station). MACHYNLLETH the 2nd and 40TH V7EDNESDAYS in each Month, at Mrs. R. Jones (Tanner's), Pentrehedyn Street (opposite Lion Hotel). HOURS—1-30 to 4-30 p.m. TEETH extracted Painlessly by the Latest Process. Teeth Filled. Sets Remodelled & Repaired. j. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed Moderate Changes Advice and Information Free. J YJR UNIG GYMKO. t THE OLDEST BILLPOSTfNG ESTABLISHMENT IN TOWN AND DISTRICT. John Lloyd & Sons, TOWN CRIERS, BILL-POSTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS POPLAR ROW", HAYING THE LAKGESF JSCMBER cf mosi prominent Pot-tin? Stat;ons in all parts 0 Aberystwjth and District, thpy are able to tak< larae contracts of every d«(-cripiion. OYER, 100 STATIONS IN THE TOWN AND DISTRICT Official Billposters to the Town and County Conn oil, G.W.R. Co., Caml, rian Railways Co., M. & M Railway Co., A.I.C., all the Auet oveers ot the Towr aud District, and other Publio Bodies. PRITATK ADOKF-SS— I MAENGWYN, TRINirY ROAD. M ALLSOPP'S y/mi A les and Stout i-i Cask or Bottle. W* ■ § AUmpjis Lager in Bottle. or ALL THE PKIKCIPAT, DEALERS IS ABERYSTWYTH ANU DISTRICT. C. SMITH, ^OUTH WALES MANAGER. Depot—63, WIND STREET, SWANSEA ABERYSTWYTH STOltES-M, & M. Railway Depot, Smithfield. T E. HINDLE Y, Agent! I TIIE i anb Connin O SCALE OF CHARGES FOR. Y) \'}_" I) '1'1'" r '\1 j.1' 'r' ADVE KTJ SEME NTS.! ADVERTISERS AND THE PUBLIC are respectfulr. iuf,) mod that Advertisements are insert-ed in the Observer and County Times at the foliowing n"tes Parliamentary Noticos and Addresses, £ C., 9d per line per insertion. Public Notices, Legal Advertisements, Pros- pectuses of Public Companies, &c., (id per line per insertion. Notices of Municipal and Council EL< ctions, &c., 4d per line per insertion. Sales by A 5d per line Miscellaneous, 3d per line per insertion. Announcements of Charitable and Religious Institutions, Sermons, Litemry and Competitive Meetings, Dramatic and Musical Entertainments, Lectures and Public Services, Anniversnrier, Dinner's, &c., ad per line per insertion. BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS. s d 1 INSERTION 2 0 per inch. I:> INSERTIONS 1 0 „ per insertion 26 09 52 „ 0 (! „ Across two columns, double the above rates. ADVKHTiSKMENTs in manuscript mav be calculated at seven words to a line, and nine lines- j to an inch. On charging advertisements, how- ever, the lines are not counted, but the advertise- ments, including large lines and dashes, are measured, and the space occupied charged at pt;I inch. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Prepaid Advertisements OF the classes specified below will be charged according to the subjoined. scale :— ► Apartments Wanted Businesses io be Sold Apartments to be Let Partnerships WANTED Situations Wanted Articles Lost Situations Vacant Articles Found Houses to 1: Let Miscellaneous Wants Sales by Private Contract MISCELLANEOUS Sales, AC ( Lines. Words' One THREE Six ( Insertion. Insertions. Insertion ( 3 21 Is od 2s Od 3s Od 4 28 Is 3d 2s od Ss 9d b 35 Is öd 3s Od 4s Od 6 42 Is 9d 3s 6d 5s 3d 7 49 2s Oil 4s Od lis Od I his scale applies only to consecutive insertions of PREPAID Advertisements. If not prepaid these Advertisements will be charged rlt:col'ding' to I the Public Notice Scale. ° ] m t Wanted, &c. WANTED a J'espectable Boy AS Clerk, Apply W. P. Owen. Solicitor, Aberystwyth. £ ENEUAL, able to do plain cooking and J I( assist in shop age about 20 wanted for Abery:twyth.-TCJ:J4, COU.NTV TIMK,< Registry, WCL.-lipool. JJL OUSEM AID-WA1THKSS wanted for an Hotel, near YVebhpooI.—T5T">9, COUNTY I TIMKS Registry, Welsiipoo!. G- OCD GENERAL wanted for an Hotel in Oswestry. —1540, COUNT TJXILS, liegistrv, Welshpool. t! OUSM-PARLOURMAiD wanted for New- town, age 2.'l to 21, Church of England, MUST have good references.—T540, COUNTY TUILS Registry, Welshj)ooL GOOD Strong General, age 22, wages £]2 to £ ID railway fare p I id one way. '1548, COUNTY TIMKS Registry, Welshpool. (1 EN ERA L wanted for the country, near Towyu, Abie to wash, 3 it) family private HOUFC.—T553 COUNTY TIMES Registry- Welsh- I pool. G"4001> Plain C OT ^ANIED for quiet country place mar Aberystwyth; 4 in family; 3 servants t f) t. Waires £ ](J to £:0. S'FC<>»-diug tocapabiiities.—T555 COUNTY TIMKS Registry, Welshpool. VI OLE Skins wanted. Highest p ice, A* Names EF Mole i'rappers RETJU'^IED.— Ooard Brothers, Furriers. Edinborgit. AbVIOK FHEE FOR STAMP. Mrs. Stewart's F. mons Female Remedy Never Faiis.- Add ess Grove p ee. Swansea. LA L »IES, do not destroy yeip- TA:U OMIS ¡,G" but send them to JOINSON'S, 14, PrEIt STHEET, ABSKYSTWYTH, and have them made into a nice Tail, Coil or coveied Pad for the front at reasonable prices. Transforma- tions, Wigs, Fringes, Pin Curls, made to order. Fringe Nets in ail shades, 3d, 4d, 41.), and extra large Ctl. Postage on 3 nets paid. Try our Hair Stain, sample bottle post free, 7d large bottles, Is, :2. 3s. J. J. McDOWLL, Proprietor. PRINTING of every description ex< cutcd neat, QNIR.K, and cheap at the COUNTY TIMES Office, Aberystwyth and Welshpool. For Sale. T7>ARM AG:T!JEJJENTS, and Agteeimnts 5 LOI* Sma I lio'dings. Newly R v S d, GJ'. each.—' O s-rver" Otiiiv, ABERYSTWYTH. FOR SALE. Light one-hors-e covered \Vag- gonetie, detachaide Head Lamps, 1 Cushions complete, excellent condition, cheap. A pply Humphreys, Coachbuildeis, Aber- mule. ()LD-EXGLI8II Bob-tail Puppies for Sale, (Jure bred from the best strain, six weeks old price £ 3 os.-Leo Owen, Garthinyl, Mont. T^OR SALE, Pure Suit Orpington Day Olo • Chicks, Gs. per dozen. Eggs, 2s. tid. pet Sitting. Tru^ed Chickens. 3s. each. Private faniiiics supplied. Orders taken at 10 and I. North Parade, and at Pantgwyn Poultry i ..r Hania) ian, A be r y s t v\ y t h. \V71iEN YOU ARE TIRED OF PAYING fancy prices for your Wrapping Papers and Paper Hags, write for Price Lists to Cubbon & Co Winkle Street, Soothampto? the best and cheapest- house for eter-y des< ra tion of Paper. Sugar Bags from Ss. per cut loz. Sweet Bugs 4}d. por thousand, &< Genuine Greaseproof 17s. nJ. per cwt. /"I YC LE.—M a r vol Ions Bargain. Gents' New ) 1007 Coventry Machine, highest grade, fitted with Clincher tyres, Crnbbe roller lever Iront and back rim brakes, the very Jatest- Perry's ball bearing free wheel, plated rims. I'oloured centres, black e: am. lied and lined frame, mudguards. Magniticent machine, not soiled, complete with gas lamp, bell, spanner, E'tc.. 4:4 9s GJ. Great bargain worth double, Will bend on approval any distance before eanh sent.— M. House, St Madge, Pitman road, \V e» t on -s u pe r- M a re. QTANWARDTNE HERD OF PEDIGREE k LAliGE WHITE L'tGS. -A Good Selec- tion of Young Bjars and Gilts for Sale at Farmer's Prices. Bred onlv from the Hi st "id MOST SUCCESSFUL BLOOD. Prizes n-on 1907-2 Firsts Shropshire and West Mid- land, 3 Firsts Wem Society, 4 Firsts Wt.it.- :iurc'i Society, 2 Fitsts Cswestry Society, [nspeetinn invited. Apply, Jos. Darlington, Sta n wa rd3 ne, Shrewsbu ry. To Let. I )0 yoit want to let your Hooms? Then advertise them in the Montgcmtry ronnty Times." Hundreds of people front the listrict in which this paper circulates isit -he seaside every year. Secure year share. 3ilice, Welshpool. TO LMT. the Braich-goch Tnn, Corriv. For ■ particulars apply D. M. Davies, 18, New street, or Morgan & Co., Wine and Spiii: \1 erchants, A beryst wy t h. 'L '0 LET, the oUl-established and well-known house "Tne White Lion Hotel," Taiy- .)o i i t. ri, a r t i c u I zi r s apply to Messrs Morgan Sc Co., Wine and Spirit Merchants, or ;o D. M. Davic-s, 18, Newstreet, Aberystwyth. TO BE LET FURNISHED. 4 BER11AFKSP HALL, near Newtown, CA Montgomery, io be L> t partially nrnished from 25ih March, 1903, the above Residence together with Shooting over A ber- liafesp Hail Estate of 2,876 acres; about i iniies of Fishing in River Severn and swr. large Lahes Coachman's and Keeper's Cottages. Att: clell to the House are large Gardens, Greenhouses, Stables, Orchards and about 11 acres of Pasture Land. The Residence contains Drawing and Dining Rooms, Libni v. Large Central Hall, 10 Bedrooms and a number of good Attics and Servants" Rooms with excellent Kitchen and Domestic Offices, and is about 3 miles fõ'nm Newtown Station and near to the Parish Church and Post Offices. The game is well preserved. For particulars, game bag. &c., apply to FIELD, SON & EROM- FIELD, 5, Feuwiek Street, Liverpool. THE. GREA T WELSH REMEDY. & tUVIr.S > RELlliF I ROM ■ WVVSES'S C'JU.ii HUXiURK CclGH B CDl'fiH MiXTCKE IN 5 K1NUTE5 B DVviES'S CttU j'i MiXTl'KE for Coughs ■ COUUii MIXTURE tor Colds B •tAVtES'S COU'iH MIXTURE tor Asthma N DAVIE j' > COUGil MIXTURE for Krorchitis g DAVIES'S C 1.111 StlXTURf; for Hoarser.esi B lUVIUVS C')mH MIXTURE lor Influenza ?)AVIES'S coni ( MIXTURE for Cotighs DIViES"* COI;(iH MIXTURE for !toi.- Throat UAVIES'S C >UfitI MIXTURE Jlost Soothing aiVIES'S OUa'I MIXTURi: Warms the Chest DAViES'3 COUGH MIXTURE dissolves tie I'hlcgm DAVIES^S CO!m-I MIXTURE for Singers DAVIEVS COUGH MIXTURE for Public Speakers DVViES'S COLKiH MIXTURE Dy Chemists evtrvwhers UAVIES'S C0U(i:i MiXTURt; ISW. & 219. Postage JJ. D\VIES'S COU'.ill M5XTUR); J'roprictor- DAVIEVS ((WI: I MiXTURt- HUGH DAVITS, t)AY t ES'S COUGH MIXTURE Cheiais', MACHY\i ).TH IF IF u c Ol I (Established over 30 ypas" WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, LAPIDARY AND OPTICIAN, GREENWICH HOuSE, 37. TERRACE ROAL, ABERYSTWYTH. A large f.S30! tmeiit of Wttddiog, Diamond and Gem Riucs. PINCE-NEZ A SPECIALITY. CLARKE'S This Famous Medicine will cie&nr- the Biood from all impurities frcr, whatever cause rising. A safeReir.ec tiTAfin for Eczema, Bad Legs, Scrofula, Blo< Poison, Sores of all kinds BoiU, Eruptions, Ulcers, Glandular Swelling m &c- °f a11 Stores, &c. Foity yca;; ^1IXTLRK. success. Beware of imitatit lis. T. R. JONES, BILLPOSTER AND TOWN CRIER 4, GREAT DARKGATE ST., ABERAYRON