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ABERYSTWYTH RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. The monthly meeting of the A.berystwyib Mural District Cosmeii was held on Monday* wfcea. there wore present, Mr Jofca Ik>»«er fiiiairman, Mr E. 4. Enws, v iee-cbaivmn», the licvs. ^Nathaniel Tfcc-snas, J [¡1. Lewis*, snd Davies, Messrs 35. J. Williams, D. 3. Lewis, £ ewi* Kiehards, "Willi am Jor.es, W. T. Iie".v?s, John James, David Jones, Ll;>»b»:hi;r» Law*?, Wiiiiam Mason, homas Jones, Th««nas- 0- JtHies, Isaac Jones, Joseph Porry, Kiehard Thomas, John Richards and ISoboyts with Mi* iiujh n u h es (trier.}, Mr Lleweliin, depisty clerk. LLANGAWSAI. With relcyeacc to channelling-ai -¥Ji0 Rev. N. Thomas thought the Coestiy Council should contribute Wv#a.rds the cost- They had tlosvo so at Pwllhebi, The- Clerk su!<d it would be difficult to get the C'mmty Council to contribute. They were hound, do the work unless it wasprovedthat vvaier, by accumulating there,.created a Buisawce- CWMYSTWYTiL Among the accounts were two bills lOT repairs done to a road fchjee quarters of a mile in length, at Cwur stwyth. during the past three years.— Mr E. J. Evans drew .attention to the matter, and said he Y$a& ito understand that Mr Gammon was-ready to ■•icontribute towards the cost, as it was con- nected with the mi nos, and KM raiiiw "SieiiYy traffic over it.-1h Tbranns- Jones said Mr Gammo:* had given a large quantity of Í>I.111eJ but he did not premise to contribute s>therwiso. The traflie from the mines was not wry heavy, and roach less than is heordinary Jtratlic of the district- He thought the County Council should be asked to eon; r:bwte fx-wanis tnú repair of the road. The Surveyor aid Mr ^Gammon had allowed the Council the use o. Mimes free. Mr J. Davies proposed that a CoB3j«ittee should lie appointed to consider the question with a view to having the ose of ..t.\3:(; steam roller for the repair of the road from the County Council. —Air J. Kiehards .et)fHlcù, nd the following were appointed: "Messrs T. J DUOS, T. Oliver Jones. E. J. Evans, liK J. Lewis, Chair:nan and the Clerk. YOTE. OF THANKS. On the proposition of the Kev. J. Da vies, .seconded' by Mr J. Richards, a h-early vote vj £ h»nks- was accorded Mr Seyjuonr Davie", tifanrafon, and Mr James Evans, for the improvements. which they had 1..k-t> (¡;> L 1 A 01 ELECTION INCIDENT, lir Daniel Watkins, the secretary registration agent of the Cardiganshire Con- ¡ .y-ervative Awsoeia!ion, wrote drawing the Clerk's attention to the case of a woman who •»i LlbnShnogel on March 27th was alleged to Toted in tho District Coaweii there in the name of her mother, who was of the same name. It was, he said, pointed out ¡ to the woman at the time that it was her "another who was the person entitled to vote, sini that she was liable to prosecution if site claimed a ballot paper in res poet ot No, 335 &it the list. After this was done by the per- &Oii.;tion agent, she left I he polling booth, and "J mod later with a nwta, who iosia-ted oa her could not be th" slightest tk ubt a-; to i&o person cuU.t!«d to the vote, ss t>J.th the- moth of and t&u uroiterof the woman ■w-^re- ik>WQ øa Û¡14 1,2tù obiwted •io at the last revision eour-4. At that 4i:¡Ïi!dJw ) .«-lal!a was made Oil b-ohaU* off the Riot&e-r ae^- iiuvseqa: ntly allosveJ. Wiioa tho attieatlou ol the presiding o'llcer was drawn to the matter, I aiiit a charge was raade by the agent that she ¡ &3.i j^i'sonatisw, Ik-5 mcite, It was the duty j of the pre&iitlr.y officei- to iniiucdiately Gmer the constable in attendance to take her i.u jth&rge, and as ho noglected to do tins, it wao mm the daty of the Cierk, as ret timing otlleer, 3J9& only to prosecato the woajan, but also- HI8 asrm who aided and abetted ilea^efel 5 tli.it tUis occarreace, was more or loss a com- j won practice in this polling district.—The j dliors dccidpJ to leave the ar.Uter in the j L of the- Cler fi^ I A NATIONAL CB ARC EL The Settle- (Yorts.)^ tinrsi Dis-trie-t CooiacflM ifc-rwarded Îw consFd'eratson a resohitton. h! &vour of maia roads- bCjD made a »atio:>al trhurge.—Xo neti011 was taken in tbe BsaMor-i TALYBONT BOUSING QUESTION, "Mr J. Davios drew attention to the ihiifc the Inspector had cojideuiiMitl two houses st Talybont as uniit for habitation, and eo:n- pbuued tfJHt Mr Iwnl singloil these ■itsr special me-Htioii, who: there were oiher use to have bo-su reported pM,}- -M1" E. «?..Kvans It is a test case.— Mr levies said that jjersonaJ feelings were ksiro- disced 1111;) the inatter.—TSfO Inspector; «-;unoofc »«<jept that.— Mr Davies; I any it jsl-iWiily..—The Inspector said the reason why ht;, had reported the houses was l>ocax»ie they "were not s«pp!ied wrth. water, lie would act grant » certificate unless they had the water, I ami the ?>oej.tif>» of water at Talylwmt snest forwanl sooner or fater.— M"? !>.»vk?» ihe vsJlagess had peii&iaji&d the Parish CcMiocil t wel vc yea rs ago ia rospect to t-he wai en suppij, feci: tbe ci^iceirjj wa« too-big a- cno lor them, and he thought i-t waathe er the .EisraS CooneiS tha t» proper witer supply was-providedi.— Mr Jo.-«?pfe. tbo £ fgh»; the rt*p reseat ati ves- ef TJVI J Son I sh..oi-skl bars hand in the matter. lis did BO & think Mr l>.iv$es had* been very fair in saving w-kat hG; \(.lit..i,nf,the Inspeetoif, but if he proved that the sitsrveyox w;}'.) in leHgoe with eertaiiv people m the village, it a very insporkist ehargw against SR e-fis^ij; of febe Conj«:y. But he did: aot think Mr Hagbcs descBd so lowr as that. The ysrasoo why'otber- hnnes had isot. besivpeponted' vom thaS the- watts'- scSM?me VAJS- mider c«#»5— ^"deration at the tisno, but BOW tlse s'hc»)« *s so obey an <se and the house's were without, •v Sf.'mier or the liispctioy would ha;e to' take measures in roga^l to ■Suases, and' Iky as- a ComicS >m>st act: fairly' towards- Ism- Mr Da vies said he had the Jiigbest oj^iiion of M? .as- u8i«ia! was only asljiog for reasons. — JBv«nt^jl*y it was Inspector sJsr.ald- ptn*- pare a lisfe of1 hooses fetsla wit&in iiie district duriag tlie-lh»t six n»o»tsad-* it to the C'j>n«ei5?at its nest aiacting. OA PEL. BANaOii The Loe:d Governrnerf-t Bfoard «-roi«> si;v.ir;rg.. it h E W". *,< c »hg the ct»%v»hod 10 hon:>8^. They »i ieistood that ordoi*-wm».nvMliyfov Htt, NJ- utovaK a4?d' they asked'why wan-ikis a«>t carried' nut. They also' aoked' Jhr tho- r<or&ol> Hie- ilwi iea 'i Oiliet-T to- S he <jo»id!v .;m of the- -oow- »!iet; — Mr L i-iiahartiss-ihl she occupier of c«ws-Tjc<i' ;H?«H)-VC it. LIB tirst IW»»VH -<> rsof tfw CJitm-ail be-^ippoi»•».-] t-»> 4-o<-i'er> iiTm es»: the nia.tt«H*.— Mi sasa It. d«-h u;k-v J .Kzarsf were ALLWMYNYJHy f:Kl^^TO??jTu'M. ) Tile- CboocrJ was asSoti' tvj. >-iga-^>o- she Ce<ioaiii f&xoor C {¡:J; j tfce West Wales Sa«ia4u>-i«if»> »4 A:i"iv;^ydik. —The CL^rk- fc'iai S«f€«»i»ty CowieiS a» su*rb aouJd not f»»b.«i«aiba ?>ho i>»»t;$»t jura withojft She- fn>i>p<er&4i:x» ;J vit&- Duitriafe t'tmnt:il:y. Tlwry, a** Me- siMiits-sry z>t Itad'to the ?rtPt5aO-r- w» S&e* »»tf«»r-—Oa Mie mot ion of M r oJ" ici»te>r»fe, sfccoiM^eci by -M'c S. Da vies., it j. »«tition. REPORT. ¡ The inspeet&r i M r xlaghes) reported that tht- drain wfefseh conveytsl the refuse water I Ncay Taly&o&t police st-aiion was a IlUlance I 141le remained stagiiast in the field and should be c&aveyod away in pipes to the leet ¥ The we!l at Captl Keion was in its origi&ai statB-open, snprotcctcd, and liable io pollution.—"Peotreg-eafford "village, near i^siiltsyo, bad a fiiiriy good supply of water, I but aa. analysis it was of a suspicious t ehaFciister, being situated near the village d*»iuage. An alR\!¥laøt ana wholesome supply r coidd be obtaijied in the lie Ids to the north of, Sba village. The water supply at Goginan was- si-arce and ijic&avenient in the summer. It wad. high time that. villages of th is class should have a water supply. His attention r had; been called to the state of the out-oilices at Idaugwyryfon scboool. The buckets were • tafeen- with their eciiieots and deposited in the brook which ran through the village.—Re- ferring to the last portion of the report, Mr E. J. Evans said the District Education C&msnittee had had under consideration a setxMue for snpp'jii>g water to the school, and ¡ that explained the present state of things. But it appeared that there was no intention ef proceeding with abe scheme. That was what a member of tHe Coiamittee said at the hist ntiDg. It vvss high time that some f'asthoritg: should tahe the matter in hand, and be PMI-OFC-A the Education Comtnittee be --A, with a statutory notice.—Mr J. r Richards sccoijded, and it "was carried. i; VARIA. The Council spent some time in further con- sa?eriag the Medical GfiSeers" reports. It was dcsid&d thai ibn lospector sbonld take steps to cover some wells in the district that were liable to* co^auiinatioB, »od to write to the Cos.*niy Comic!I -io regard to nuisance caused bj acctiin/oclatiou of sarfaeo water. With re- garti to the- sla??-gfeterlio:ise, it was reported | th^t tho 5>ye-laws wu not c-n'"oreed, and this f was t!epk>red. -Tlie said it was necessary that every slauglth:x-houso should be licenced, a!;d the Iis^peeloJ was io^trucied to liave a list pyepajfod by il;, ii-wetijig.-Tli(- small cowsheds in the- strict were rejiorted to be I i»«jani{ary, Jr vv- badly drained. The dairies VitTe- also oaelean and were used for storing all seris of things, The milk was II often liepfe eader fa-joitore (t1 member: Or in beds Jaughte?-). it wss recommended that i a list of milk sellers SIXNUid be kept, but the Ejattor was deferrfiiJ.










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