-O>I fusinesa ftoiitfs. HIGH-CLASS TAILORING. D. JONES Is showing a very fine range of the Newest Materials, now. just to hand select in design and quality, suitable for gentlemen's wear, at very moderate Prices. LADIES' TAILORING. For ladies' wear a very extensive rangeof ) Patterns are to hand in COSTUME CLOTHS, SERGES, HOME SPUNS VESTINGS, &c. Ladies on placing their orders for these can con- fidently rely on having them made by tailors on our own premises correct in every detail; at very low Prices; ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION. JNOTE THE ADDRESS— 5, CHALYBKATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. COALS! COALS! COALS! R, J. JONES, General Merchant. SUPPLIES ALL QUALITIES AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. QUOTATIONS GIVEN ON APPLICATION For every Description of Building Materials. Business RAILWAY STATION OFFICES. Private Address— 19 SOUTH MARINE TERRACE. C) c¡;¡ C,) C\:i C) Q. the Eyes Scientifically Examined and Tested, and Glasses fitted to suit EACH PERSON, Young ond Old. W. MI ALL JONES, CHEMIST AND OPTICIAN, FELLOW OF THE SPECTACLE MAKERS' COMPANY 33, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH, ever since. Test ot Reliability. 1* ii of 100 ycnrn; awarded certificate of merit*. ;ro\y.>'(1 i»v ''ti'dical Profession. Sold by all chemists, or by post \h HSKi & I!. KcMTtfl- v, 4'2, Waterloo Road, S. E. HAVE YOU CONSIDfDILED Siow very many serious illnesses develop from .smaU ailments ? The digestive and secretive "organs become slightly deranged, and unless the cause is removed, the trouble becomes aggravated and lasting sickness is almost, ■certain to follow. The secret of good health is to ri^liit the wrong in its early stages, and no hotter corrective is known that 'fJ!' By ttlieir specific action on the stomach, Jiver and kidneys, they assist those organs to perform their proper functions, and so restore formal condition. Don't wait until you are really ill, but when you feel out of sorts, take BEECHAM'S A ILLS, the handy remedy of the home. REMEMBER that in taking BEECH AM'S I ILLS you are not trying* an experiment. -Tliey are. and have been for many years, the only Family Medicine in innumerable healthy homes. With a box of BEECHAM'S PILLS handy -You have a ready relief without risk. <• w Sold everywhere in Boxes, ^Pyice Is X|d (56 pills and 2s 9d (1(58 pills). "Smhim Ufftic^s. James' London & Provincial STORES, TEA, WINE, SPIRIT, AND PROVISION MERCHANTS, Terrace Road, ABERYSTWYTH. WHOLESALE & RETAIL AGENTS FOR Bass and Co's CELEBRATED BURTON ALES & STOUT, Supplied in U and 18 gallon casks to private families and the trade. BASS'S PALE ALE in Imperial Pint Bottl(.s at 4s per dozen Imperial Half-Pint Bottles at 2s 6d per dozen BASS'S SPECIAL BOTTLING STOUT in Imperial Pint Bottles at 4s per dozen Imperial Half-Pint Bottles at 2s 6d per dozen. Special attention is called to BASS'S LIGHT DINNER ALE in Imperial Pint Bottles at 2s 6d per dozen. All BOTTLED ALES and STOUT in splendid condition. ¡ AGENTS FOR W. & A. Gilbey's WINES & SPIRITS. *jg|Piease Note the Address — 32 & 34 Terrace Road W. H. TRUSCOTT, (Established over 30 Years), WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, LAPIDARY & OPTICIAN, GREENWICH HOUSE, 37, TERRACE ROAD A large assortment of Wedding, Diamond, and Gem Rings. PINCE-NEZ A SPECIALITY. THE OLDEST BILLPOSTING ESTABLISHMENT IN TOWN AND DISTRICT. John Lloyd & Sons, TOWN CRIERS, BILL-POSTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS POPLAR ROW, HAYING THE LARGEST NUMBER of most prominent Posting Stations in all parts uf Aberystwyth and District, they are able to take artf" c.ontracts of eveiy ?eruption. O'VKR 100 STATIONS IN THR TOWN AND DISTRICT. Official Billposters to tb" Town and County Conn. ui)-, G.W.R. C" (I Wail ways Co., vI. & M. Hallway Co., A.I.C., all the Anct "ueers ot the Town ;1I]d District, and other Publiu Bodies. PRIVATE ADDRESS— MAENGWYN. TRINITY ROAD SAYCELL BROS.7 FISHMONGERS AND POULTERERS, LICENSED DEALERS IN GAME. TEIFY SALMON & ICE WAREHOUSE, WARWICK HOUSE, GREAT DARKGATE ST. Fr. sh Salmon from the Severn, Teifi, Wye, and other Rivers DAILY. DEALERS IN WENHAM LAKE ICi-1. Sole Agents for PALKTHORPB'S ROYAL CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGKS, Horner'd Clot ted Cream and Cream Cheese Daily. Members of the National Sea iVhen«.-> Protection Associati p. Ti'1 ^tri'am—" Sav II, ft.w v h w %C -tI I 3FLACKINO Souses People Who araPar-S ticu iar, for boots polished with Crozine ¡'Ii hshSh! ^eepfli "tflY black, and Jon\& jAvj 1 is the j-jl mm- rtmjw applied —imparting a correct Mac.: tS fklriJ 4 polish of unequalled durability. It § PrnMP Hhpbnff improves leather, and is not itself S$ hj UMIA'Hg affected bv dan.pncss, and will not I ■ j C. L HAUTHAWAY & SONS, Inc. | M BOX CAt.P BOSTON, MASS., U. S. A. M ,dom Id Agents for Cnited Kingdom id m «ijg*jS £ JOHN S." DEED- & SOWS, Ltd. 1 II London, England. 8 lubltc gotices. r- /r' ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC Tenterden Street, London, W. Instituted 1822. Incorporated by Royal Charter 1830, THE METROPOLITAN EXAMINATION Of Musical Composers, Performers and Teachers. Successful Candidates at which are created LICENTIATES OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC, and have the sole right of appending the letters L.R.A.M. to their names. The exam- inations are held during the Summer and Christmas vacations. Last day for Entry for the Christmas examination, 31st October, 1906. Syllabus, Entry Form, and all further informa- tion may be obtained on application to F. W. RENA-CT, Secretary. SUN FIRE OFFICE. The Oldest Insurance Office in the World. the World. Funds, in Hand- £ 27ssm. OfrAmlww\4t^ "tOSD X LOCAL AGENTS— ABERYSTWYTH MR HUGH HUGHES. Aberayron Mr Thos. Pugh, Paris House Bala Mr R. L. Jones, Mount Place Cardigan Mr M A. Jones. Dolgelley Mr Thomas P. Jones-Parry. „ Mr John Richards. Glandovey Mr Charles Williams. Llandyssil Mr Leonard C. Farleigh Llanon Mr John Thomas. Lampeter Mr William Davies. Mr H. W. Howell. Llanybyther Mr David Thomas. Newquay Mr David Enoch. Sarnau Mr David E. Thomas. j Talsarn Mr Llewelyn Davies. Towyn Mr E. H. Daniel. BELLE VUE HOTEL. ABERYSTWYTH. ONE OF THE MOST COMFORTABLE FAMIbX AND COMMERCIAL HOTKL8 IN WALES. FACING THE SEA. Boarding Teirns from 2! guineas per week, or per day. 'Bus meets aU Trains Tariff on application to the Mana«ernss W. H. r'A'MKR. Prot,r inniiiTTir Best in 1787 Best ever since. A Test of Reliability- 100 Years' Reputation. FOR LADIES. & frequently ordered by Specialists. 1 I Awarded Certificate of Merit for the curenf all obstructions, R irregularities, artanaia., mid all female complaints They have a the approval of the Medical Profession. Boxes l/li and 2/9 of 1 all Chemists, or by post,1/2 and 2/] 0. C. & G. KKARSLKY! 42 | Waterloo Jtoad, London, S.E. Insist on having KEARSLEY'S 1 TO MOTHERS^ MRS. WINSLOW'S Soothing Sypap FOR CHILDREN i-EETHING Has been used over 50 years b> millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect RUPCRS. it SOOTHKS the child, softens the gums, allays all PAIN, cures WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for PIARBHCKA. Sold by all Chemists at 1/14 per bottle. | THE SREAT WELSH REMEDY*I UA'V.iliri'S Cjliiiil MIXiUKB COUGH I iiHviiia S C nj(ifi iiiXTtjlvE KELIEF I-HUM w nyu: .'s cot-uii MIXTURE IK S .UI.NLTES B DAV'iES'S COCUii MIXTURE for Coughs 1 i!AVn: >S COUGH MIXTURE for Colds g DAV'iES'S COL'id MIXTURE for Asthma I ( ;?AVEES'S COUGH MIXTURE for Bronchitis H I DAViES'S CttUGH MIXTURE for Hoarseness I j DvVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE for Influenza B DAV'IES'S COUGH MIXTURE for Coughs I RVViES'S COUGH MIXTURE for Sore Throat! !>WIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Most Soothing g I DvVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Warms the Chest B RVViES'S COUGH MIXTURE for Sore Throat !>WIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Most Soothing g I DvVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Warms the Chest B I ;).VVinS'S COUGH MIXTURE dissolves the Phlegm ■ j DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE for Singers B I OAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE for Public Speakers 9 s DVVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE By Chemists everywhere B I "AVtES'S COUGH MIXTURE 134d. & 2/9. Postage 3d. 1 | DAV'IES'S COUGH MIXTURE Proprietor- U I DjVVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE HUGH DAVIES, B 1 iiAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Chemist, MACHYNLLETH § STEAM LAUNDRY, ABERYSTWYTH. B. JONE.S Begs to inform his numerous Customers that owing to the increase of business he has put down additional NEW AND MODERN MACHINERY to enable him to execute all orders with prompt- ness and despatch, and hopes to still merit your esteemed patronage and support. HOTELS AND L-UBLIC INSTITUTIONS SPECIALLY CATERED FOR. SHIRTS AND COLLARS A SPECIALITY, Ail Uoods. Collected and Delivered Free of Charge. Send a Postcard and the Van will call. Particulars and Prices on application. •SSARMfcliSTON'S H ANSSBOOSCSo jj, "Sir Henry P'ui.sonby is commanded by the Qiifcn i« thank Mr. Darlington for a copy of his handbook." "Nothing better could be wished for."—British J Wi-ikly. A bi-iliiant foooli." The Timer.. Host emphatically tops them all."—-Daily Ora.'U i, "Particularly good.4cademy. VISITORS TO LONDON SHOULD USE 'I DARH MOTOR'S Ath edition, LONDON 4u"dm~v..M.^ IbllBll'™ Few maps md plans- Biin By E.C. COOKanci 34 ma ps AND E. T.COOK, 1VT aiicj Plana. ENVIRONS." Visitors to Brighton, Eastbourne, bastings, Bourns, mouth, Exeter, Torquay, Plymouth, Dartmouth, Dartmoor, Falmouth, Penzance, St. hes, Newquay, Tintage], Clovelly, Ilfracombe, Lynton, MineheRd, jExmoor, Wye Valley, Severn Valley, Bath, Westoti- luper-Mare, Malvern, Hereford, Worcester,Gloucester, Llandrindod Wells, Llangollen, Bala, Aber, Llandudno, Eoiwyp Bay, Conway, Penmaenmawr, Llanfairfeohan, Bangor, Carnarvon, Bettwsycoed, Scovvdon, Rlivl, Dolgelly, Aberystwyth, Towyn, Barmouth, OriccirHi, Pwllheli, Norwich, Yarmouth, and the Norfolk Broads, The Isle of Wight, and Channel Islands, should use DARLINGTON'S HANDBOOKS, is. Each. LLANGOLLEN: DARLINGTON & Co. LONDON: SIMPKIB^ NEW YORK & PARIS Brentano's. Railway Bookstalls, and all Booksellers. I PHOTOGRAPHS Boautiful Plupus of Scenery, Ruins, etc., in Italy, Grope. Russia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, iv! ( Egypt, also North Wales, Is., Is. 6d. und i.- I Post Free. DA»LINQTOK & Co., Llangollen. ISAAC & GEORGE LLOYD, CARRIABG|ILDEBS, 1 « MILL STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. T j WAGGONETTE S, PHAETONS, DOG CARTS, EUSTIC AND S1NESS CAiiTS, and every description of Carriages -ixilt to order. Eubber Tyres filled. Lamps, Loose Aprons, &c. All work done with I y7 good seasoned materials Private Address—28 Portland street. Estimates given on application free. SALMON, TERMINUS HOTEL (Opposi^ £ ailwa0- ROBERTS' MILD AND BITTEH ALES ON DRAUGHT. BASS AND GUINNESS' IN BOTTLE. WINES AND SPIRITS OF TEE BEST BRANDS. ALLSOPP'S §Ales and Stout in Caslc or Bottle. Attsopp's Lager" in Bottle. OF ALL THE PRINCIPAL DEALERS IN ABERYSTWYTH AND Attsopp's Lager" in Bottle. OF ALL THE PRINCIPAL DEALERS IN ABERYSTWYTH AND MADS DISTRICT. T. H. H. KIBBLER, SOUTH WALES MANAGER. Depot—63, WIND STREET, SWANSEA ABERYSTWYTH STORES—M. & M. Railway Depot, Smitlifield. E. HINDLEY, Agent. HOW EXPORTS ARE MADE. 0 F, 5" 4 4 Vvvi -Y, 'BOFIRD OF TH?R01" R"?TUKN5, M I -w- ;f;ifiJ S I DUMPER "Ach, John, but you are von big fool Pour von million a of goods in here to go to America-a leetle bit sticks in ze railway tube, and zat is all you %et: but ze machine he registers von million imports and von million exports and you sink you are doing big bizness, eh DAVID ROBERTS & SONS, LIMITED, BREWERS, ABERYSTWYTH, BEG TO DRAW ATTENTION TO THEIR DRAUGHT AND BOTTLED ALES WHICH ARE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. VERA BAD FOR THE COO I I r -— -HOSTILE il ik v I tl/ ^1 > t, \■ ——————————————————— I. I C.-B. There you are, free grazing, cheap food Why put her inside a fence.* b o I J. JCKES> Jaines Morgan, FANCY DRAPER. 11, Pi^- a ^THEI'/R, ABKRYSTW V J! GUKKNGROCER, F18HMONGE&, 20 lerrace Road, and POULTRY DEALER: ITA RN, NAR> Prompt Attention given to all OrdeM. UP-10-DATL i OR 1* A*s GY ARTICLJbS NOTH THK APDKKBS— i PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS Prepaid Advertisements of the classes spec below will be charged according to the subjoined scale :— Apartments Wanted Businesses to be Sold Apartments to be Let Partnerships Wanted Situations Wanted Articles Lost Situations Vacant Articles Found Houses to be Let Miscellaneous Wants Sales by Private Contract Miscellaneous Sales, &c Lines. Words' T 0nfe T Tkfee T Insertion. Insertions. Insertions. 3 21 Is Od 2s Od 3s Od 4 28 Is 3d 2s 6d 3s 9d 5 35 Is 6d 3s Od 4s 6d 6 42 Is 9d 3s 6d 5s 3d 7 49 2s Od 4s Od 6s Od This scale applies only to consecutive insertions of PREPAID Advertisements. If not prepaid these Advertisements will be charged according to the Public Notice Scale. R EPORTIXG.- \Vanted. a well-educated *-•- Youth with a knowledge of Shorthand.- Apply Observer Office. r 1 10 LET with immediate possession Lion Hotel, Tregaron. Good country and commercial connection. Apply Watkins, Solicitor, Lampeter. WANTED a lock-up shop in Terrace road Great Darkgate street. Pier street, or other leading thoroughfare. Apply 8 Observer Office. Observer" Office. EVENING EMPLOYMENT, Hundreds of Men have three or four hours to spare daily, and could in that time earn a sub- stantial addition to their income. If you wish to take advantage of a genuine offer of evening work, address for particuars—Boyd, Box 12, Office of this Journal. QECOND DIVISION, Excise, customs, and other Government appointments. We have placed 17,000 students, and can train you for a good position, by post, direct to your home. Fees iModerate, Send for Free book to Postal, Clark's College, Chancery Lane, London. T \OL BLE your salary by qualifying yourself to become an electrical Engineer we can do this for you at your home: write for our free book. "How to Become an Electrical Engineer" to Elect. Eng. Inst, 413, Norwich House, Holborn, London. PURNISHED APARTMENTS. -Londoners to a very large number visit Aberyst- wyth each year, and those having Apartments would quickly let by inserting a small adver- tisement in the Eastern Mercury," 30 words Is., or 3 times 2s. This journal is the leading1 mid-weekly for Suburban London and Essex. —Address, Publisher, "Eastern Mercury" Oilice, 827 High road. Leytonstone, London, N.E. FUENISHED APAKTMENTS—Londoners to a very large number visit Aberystwyth each year. Those having Apartments would quickly let. by inserting a small advertisement in the Eastern Mercury," 30 words for IE, or three times for 2s. This journal is the leading mide weekly for Suburban London and Essex.- Address Proprietor, Eastern Mercury Office 827, High road, Leytonstone, London. APARTMENTS.—To all having Apartments A to Let. Do not lose Pounds by having your Apartments empty, when for Is (or three weeks 2s) you can have a 30 word advertisement in Six London Suburban Newspapers, circulating in Districts which each year send hundreds of London Visitors to Aberystwyth. Names of papers Ley ton," Leytonstone," West Ham," "Wanstead/" "Woodford," and "Forest Gate, Manor Park, and Ilford Express and Inde- pendent."—Address Publisher, Independent Office, Leytonstone, London, N.E. CUT FLOWERS AJ^D PLANTS FOR SALE. WREATHS, &c., TO ORDER. PALMS, &c., on HIRE FOR DECORATION.—Apply to R. C. WILLIAMS, Queen's Gardens. CLARKE'S B41 PILLS are warranted to cure c in either sex, all acquired or constitutional Discharges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel and Pains in the back. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of 30 years. In boxes 4s. 6d. each, of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, throughout the World or sent for sixty stamps by the makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. CLARKE'S This Famous Medicine wiil cleanse the Blood from ali impurities from whatever cause rising. A safe Remedy BLOOD for Eczema, Bad Legs, Scrofula, Blood ——————' Poison, Sores of all kinds Boils, Eruptions, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings MTYTTTT?ff "ii' Stores, &c. Fc-rty years Lau. success. Beware ot imitations. THE L i SCALE OF CHARGES FOR A DYE RTISEMENTS. ADVERTISERS AND THE PUBLIC are respectfully informed that Advertisements are inserted in the Có Aberystwyth Observer at the following rates :— Parliamentary Notices and Addresses, &c., 9d. per line per insertion. Public Notices, Legal Advertisements, Pros pectuses of Public Companies, &c., 6d per line per insertion. Notices of Municipal and School Board Elec- tions, &c., 4d per line per insertion. Sales by Auction-Properties, 4d per line Miscellaneous, 3d per line per insertion. Announcements of Charitable and Religicas Institutions, Sermons, Literary and Competitive Meetings, Dramatic and Musical Entertainments, IJUCUU'OS and Public Swrvkv* Anniversaries Duiueto, &,e.. 8d |M.M -i.. 1""1 i)j;t Uun. I" i'.t. V KKTl.SJKMKNTS. [HI j.vr per insertion. Across t..niimus, doable the above rates iVKVK.uriHKM f.T> in manuscript may ,j¡tLI, I" «■>« "I'llb Lu a line, and nine lines tu AN I..EN. Vb O:■ .AGIUG advertisements, how- ever, Mif ii lies a n- not counted, but the advertise* meuts, including large lines and dashes, are measured, and the space occupied charged at per t inch. The Observer" has a large Postal Circulation amongst the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy and Ministers, Solicitors, Auctioneers, Mining Agtmta Farmers, &c., and i. an Excellent AdveKiMag medium.