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Ii t fttsiiUSS lot'rCKS. THE LION HOTEL, TALYBONT. I: RT FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL. c ? THIS weU-knowii old Establisbmont has been, entirely He-built and re-famished, and is now one of the most .comfortable Hotels in Wale". 1 he neighbourhood in which this Hotel is situated i< very picturesque, and is jaobed-for fishmg. Gentlemen stving, at. the aVove, Hotel have the privilege of fishing in Sir Pryse Pryae a Lakes, the Leery, and other ritefr's. J HEADQUARTERS FOR THE' C.T.C. r — propnetor-JOHN MORGAN. ESTABLISHED 1850. X':1 OWEN & SONS, 11, & 13, NORTH PARADE, V ST Tlf, Beg to announce that they have opened A LADIES' DEPARTMENT, And lave secured the Services of a Qualified Ladies' Cutter of large experience, they will be glad to receive any orders for Walking and Cycling Costumes, Coats, Jackets, Riding Habits, etc., which sball receive prompt and careful attention. THE GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT is replete with the NEWEST GOODS in SUITINGS, COATINGS, TROUSERINGS, BREECHES, MATERIALS, HUNTING SUITS, SPORTING.SUITS, GOLF SUITS, FLANNEL SUITS, &c., (.r v ;v. i"1 Made-to Order in best Styl§. LIVERIES,-Ac. t. V THE OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. Shirts, Collars, Neckwear, Hosiery, &c.,&p. Ladfes' abfl Gent's Waterproofs, Trunks* Dress'Ba^kjet?, Bags, Rugs, &o., &c.' "S: OWEN & 'S'OW&I W. JENKINS, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, &c.f RHYDLYDAN. ARMS, PONTERWYD. SALEBCOKDPCTED. VALUATIONS MADB, FOR ALL BILIOUS AND NEBVOUS '<, DISORD Ens, SUCH AS SICK, 'R • H EAD AC EE Y "f FEMA LE AILM^TS, ■ i: 'WEAK STOMACH, J 'IM,PMREI)- • •: •< W- DI GESTION, ■ •••••■ 'm • -s ,r:< I^IVER EBMP-'LAINM- J AND .CON; Prepared only- by the Proprietor. THOMAS. BKKCHAM, St. Helen's, Lancashire, and1; Sold -Every- where. '•> *>•: j; V WM. ROWLANBS & SON, 'I. CABINET MAKERS, { UPHOLSTE^R^ M)LISHERS AND UNDERTAKERS; RESPECTFULLY announce that they have REMOVED their Business from Bridge Street to the commodious premises ° adjoining the Victoria Hotel, in BAKER STREET, where they hope by strict attention to Business to merit a continuance ef he fayoure hitherto bestowed npott them. IHE EASY PAYMENT- MANCHESTER JEWELLERY, DRAPERY & CLOTHING COMPANY. Manager for. Aberystwyth & District-. M* LIPMAN, 17, Terrace Road. Heltwiol jVade are few and simple. The successful trader it > he who supplies what the people want at t price satisfactory to them and remunerative to him. People will trade where they ,V are best satisfied with the artiole offered and the price charged for it. The dealer, from constant hand ling of a certain class of articles, knows Sreoisely their quality .and value, and is information should be freely placed at theaerviceforhispatrona. But the best ar- r tioles will not sell even if you wait hour after hour and can offer them at very low prices, nn- -ba those who use such articles know where to And them. Everybody reads the ABERYSTWYTH OBSERVER for the purpose of seeing the local news, and afterwards they turn to the advertising column to earn what the business men arc doing.. In fact, pro per. and jndicions advertisements form an important part of the local is. a"' telligenoe. By means of them the man who has and the mas who wants are brought to fether. If yon wish to am* Mod in business there is V, NO means that oaa bo meed equal to advet. • ttfdnsr. ThorefoM isriiTiia » AHU47WXTB OB811T32L« k isriiTiia i. is the OB811T32L« k 6b\UEti0U ABERYSTWYTH Preparatory School for Boys from seven to fourteen, JASPER HOUSE. "< HEAp, MASTER: JR. A, POPE, M.A., Late Scholar of Sidney. Sussex College, Cambridge, Iand formerly. LApaistant Master at Shrewsbury School. Preparation for Public Schools. Limited number of Boarde-rs,. ABERYSTWYTH COUNTY SCHOOL HEAD MASTER: MR DAYID SAMUEL, M.A., (Cantab), ASSISTANT MASTERS: MR W. P FULLER, M.A., (London), MR THOMAS ..OWENS, Mr I>EWl ELLIS, B.Sc. (London) Forms of application for admission, and. any farther information, may be had from SAMUEL EVANSK, Clerk to the Local Goteitnihg Body. >6, Portland Street, Aberystwyth.^ 1, :• m;\ "ABERYSTWYTH BAZAAB, ,11 8, GREAT DARKGATE ST., ABERYSTWYTH MECHANICAL TOYS SUITABLE|FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. DOLLS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. :;1 ■ MAGIC LANTERNS. SMOKERS' REQUISITES OF-EVERY ,0' DESCRIPTION. -J II '7 FANCY WARE of every conceivable variety. RESENTS SUITABLE FOR ALL CLASSES. NOTE THE ADDRESS- J. E. & L. A. WARD, THE BAZAAR, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH IMPORTANT NOTICE. J. E. HUGHES BEGS to inform the Public generally that he has JD taken ONE OF THE SHOPS ADJOINING THE N MARKET HALL, AND HAS OPENED THE [SAME WITH A COMPLETE STOCR OF GENTS' MERCERY. All Orders entrusted to him will receive the best at tention at Lowest possible Prices. DAVID PHILLIPS, POSTING STABLES, PHILLIPS' HALL, TERRACE ROAD BRAKES, PHAETONS, WAGGONETTES, LANDAUS, PON* CARRIAGES, &( BY THE DAY OR HIRE. q'. HIGH CLASS TAILORING. ¡ D. JONES IS SHOWING a very fine] range of the Newest Materials now just to hand (Select in Design and Quality Suitabletfof Gentlemen's wear at very Moderate Prices. LADIES' TAILORING. For Ladiea' wear a. very extensive range of Patte,tus are to hand in COSTUME CLOTHS, SERGES, ilomig- SPUNS, VESTINGS, &c. Ladies on placing their orders for these can confi- dently rely on having them made by tailorB en our own premises correct in every detail; at very low Prices. NOTE THE ADDRESS- 5, CHALYBEATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. ESTABLISHED 1846. EVAN "SIMON, GJSNERAL TAILOR, WOOLLEN DRAPER, &c., POST OFFICE, LLANBADARN FAWR Every description of Gentlemen's Clothing, on the most reasonable terms. BJFTEEUHES AND LIVERIES OF ALL KINDS. MOURNING SUITS, &c., &c. All Prices charged are the lowest possible for godd qualities and first-rate workmanship. AGKNT FOB ANDEIiSON'S ARMY & ADMIRALTY WATERPROOF J fitblU Sottas. ON SUNDAY EVENING, AT 8,15 P.M., ,0' THE A.I.C. BAND WILL PLAYA SELECTION OF SACRED MUSIC AT THE PIER HEAD, Weather Permitting; otherwise in the PAVILION. FOR THE BEST SELECTION OF TOOLS CALL AT w. H. JONES" MARKET STREET, AND INSPECT HIS STOCK Estimates given for Building Ironmongery. MODEKN AND ANTIQUE FURNITURE DEPOT HUGH C. RICHARDS CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, UNDERTAKER, 0:; AND ANTIQUE CARVER, No 2. Life,E" DARKGATE STREET, AND PORTLAND LANE, ABERYSTWYTH. g of all kinds. Old Oak Furniture V, Altered and Carved. DANIEL THOMAS IS NOW Showing New Goods IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. A CALL I S INVIT ED. NOTE ADDRESS- 22 & 24, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET. SPRING IS COMING." Lace Curtains from Is. OJd. per Pair; Towels, It d 2id., 3!d. to Is. in Honey-Comb and Turkey's. White Quilts from 4s. lid. Pillow Case from5id. Toilet Covers from 6i-d. T) NORTHEY Begs to draw Special attention to • a large and varied Stock of Oilcloths and other requisites for Spring Cleaning. R. NORTHEY, TOTTENHAM HOUSE, ABERYSTWYTH Richard Edwards, FAMILY BUTCHER AND DAIRYMAN, 31, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, Has always in STOCK, PRIME BEEF, AND PL YN. UMON WELSH MOUNTAIN IMUTTON, and LAMB when in Season. Pure Milk, Cream, Fresh Butter, New Laid Eggs, &c., Daily. ORDERS PBOMPTLT ATTBNDED TO. PHOTOGRAPHY. GYDE'S STUDIO FOR PORTRAITURE, Views in every variety of Finish, FRAMES, ALBUMS,'ETC. LEATHER AND HIGH-CLASS FANCY GOODS. 22 & 24, PIER STREET. HOLLIER, PRACTICAL CYCLE REPAIRER, MILL STREET WORKS AND COMMERCE HOUSE. Cycles for Hire. Bought, Sold, or Exchanged, Agent for all Leading Makers. Finest Stock of Accessories in Wales. Visitors will find it to their advantage to give HOLLIEK a call. VISITORS' CYCLES STORED AND CLEANBD. Official Repairer to C.T.C. Please Note the Address. NEW MARKET HALL. DT%/T HAMER begs to inform the inhabitants # 1VX* of the town and surrounding district that the Market is NOW OPEN. And Hopes to receive a eontinuation of the Patron age accorded his Predecessor. Applications for STALLS. &c., to be made on the PREMISES. FIRST-CLASS CONCERT ROOM, Splendidly decorated, and fitted throughout with Electricity. Commodions and Comfortable Tea and Coffee Rooms. l Excellent Rooms for School Treats, &o. MODERATE CHARGES. T. EVANS AND Co., GROCERS, 61, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. AGENTS FOR THE Wonderful Present Tea Co. PBESENTS WITH EVEBY y LB, = iusttuss Holies. Go to HOWELL'S GENERAL DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, GREAT DARKGATE STREET Where yon will find a WELSH LOOM weaving AND THE FINEST SELECTION OF Welsh Shawls, Flannels, &c., ON THE WELSH COAST. J. & E. EVANS, Drapers and Milliners, etc,, 40, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ARE now SHOWING A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Real Welsh Flannels and Shawls. INSPECTION INVITED. E. P. WYNNE, DISPENSING CHEMIST, 7, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Large Assortmer»o ofCho;cest Cigars and Tobacco. ISAAC AND GEORGE LLOYD COACHBTJILDEBS ALFRED PLACE, ABERYSTWYTH D. EVANS, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, II., 39, GREAT DARKGATE STREET. (Opposite the Lion Royal Hotel). GOOD SELECTION OF JEWELLEKT, WATCHM It JtWJtLLMT THOFTOUOHLT BMAIUB A-I) GUUXIB. WILLIAM" PROBIN RELIANCE HOUSE, (Opposite the Meat Market, and 15, Pier-itreet) WORKING WATCHMAKER, LAPIDARY, AND JEWELLER. PuchMerofBrillianta, Old Gold and Silver, Modern and Antique Plate. JOHN LLOYD, TOWN CRIER, 18, SKINNER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. BILLPOSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Permanent Stations in the best parts of the Town CONTRACTS MADE. MESSRS MURPHY & ROWLEY SURGEON DENTISTS, ABERYSTWYTH. Established 1857, CORNER or TERRACE ROAD AND CORPORA- TION STREET. MB RoWLKT visits the following places twioe a month; Towyn, Machynlleth, Lampeter, and Aber. ayron. „ 'ff ('nMrr QUICKLY 'F:ORRKCT ALIMES, BEHOVH ALL OBSTRUCTION'S, ami tac distressing symptoms go prevalent unth the *ex. & 2,9 (contains ihreo times the quantity). Chemists. Sent ianywhero on receipt of 15 or 34 stamps, by K. T. TOWLIi & Co., ilanufacturers, Nott.-rieharn. f -Be-J-arc of Imitat" a»,l mirthUn. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS COCOA. E P P S' S QRATEFUL-COMFORTINGU A s!'s, Oqk A COCOA FOR BREAKFAST AND 6UPPUL WT H. TRUSCOTT, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, LAPIDABY & OPTICIAN, 37, TERRACE ROAD, Opposite the Post Office, A large assortment of Wodding1 Diamond, and GttEt Kiuga. LAWN TENNIS, GOLF, CRICKET, CROQUET & TENNIS REQUISITES. AGENTS FOREST CLASS BICYCLES. HUGHBf) AND OWEN, SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS, 29, GBEAT DAMMATB St., ABEBYSTWYTH litstttfss RDtirts. OOOPERS^HOTEL, NOETHGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. ROBERTS' CELEBRATED ALES. ON DRAUGHT AND IN BOTTLE. Pins. t Firks. I Kils. gallons. 9 galloas. 18 gallons. XX 4s 6d 9b Od 18s Od pSR.. •AK 4e 6d 9s Od 18s Od Roberts' Pale Ale 3s 6d 2s Od XXX 5s 6d lis Od 21s Od Bass's „ 4s 3d S 6 •B 6s 9d 139 6d 27s Od Guinness's Stout 4s 3d 2s 6 K 6a 9d 13s 6d 27. Od Roberts' Table Ale 2616 Ales marked are specially recommended for household use. Martell and Hennessy's Brandies; Special Sootoh;—Roderick Dhu, Mountain Dew; and Danville's Irish, etc. M. MORGAN, Proprietor BILLIARD TABLE by Orme and Sons- JOHN WATKINS, WHOLESiLF. AND RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, STOUT AND ALE MERHCANT. OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, ABERYSTWYTH. ESTABLISHED 1833. ALL GOODS OF THR BEST QUALITY AT REASONABLE PRICES. .W-lw JOHN RICHARDS & Co., PRACTICAL TAILORS, Outfitters, Hatters, Hosiers, and Juvenile Clothiers. -Elm Breeches a Speciality. Gents' Railway Rngs Morning Suits I! m Portmanteaus Lounge Suits f TW O -J. Carriage Dress Suits Aprons Clerical Suits mm li'sff T r If R| Umbrellas Livery Suits If j Stable Suits Leather & Box Mackintoshes. Leggings. PATTERNS FREE ON APPLICATION. 4, MARKET STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, BUYERS AND GONSUMERS OF FLOUR ABE CAUTIONED AGAINST ACCEPTING ANY OTHER MARK OF SO-CALLE REDTIE THAN THAT LABELLED IN RED PAPER- ,yVu.krs AND BAKERS, ua, REDTIE 1!}jJ)) n-k-DCL-IFF BACK, BRISrr01;. or Ticketed SPILLERS AND BAKERS, LTD., EEDTIE. This favourite Flour was originally introduced by WILLIAM BAKER & SONS, Bristol and is still manufactured by SPILLERS & BAKERS, Ltd., at their Bristol Mills, and IS kept in stock by all the leading Grocers and Floar Dealers in the district o See that your Flour has on the Label or Ticket the words SPILLERS & BAKERS, LD., Bristol, as well as REDTIE, and refuse to accept any other. -its, liistrumej a Pianos Organs, and Musical AT VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH, OR ON THE EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 2D. MUSIC. WHEATLEY & SONS, PIANOS AND ORGAN TUNERS, MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT DEALERS,

