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&uqtion. ESTABLISHED 1850. OWEN & SONS, 11, & 13, NORTH PARADE, ABERYSTWYTH, Beg to announce that they have opened A LADIES' DEPARTMENT, And Lave secured the Services of a Qualified Ladies' Cutter of large experience, they will be glad to receive any orders for Walking and Cycling Costames, Coat", Jackets, Riding Habits, etc., which shall receive prompt and careful attention. THE GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT is replete with the NEWEST GOODS in SUITINGS, COATINGS, TROUSERINGS, BREECHES, MATERIALS, HUNTING SUITS, SPORTING SUITS, GOLF SUITS, FLANNEL SUITS, &c., Made to Order in best Style. LIVERIES, &o. THE OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. Shirts. Collars. Neckwear, Hosiery, &c., &c., Ladies' and Gent's Waterproofs, Trunks, Dress Basket*, Bags, Rugs, &c., &c. OWEN & SONS. THE LION HOTEL, TALYBONT. FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL. THIS well-known old Establishment has been entirely re-built and re-furnished, and is now one of the most comfortable Hotels in Wales. The neighbourhood in which this Hotel is situated is very picturesque, and is noted for fishing. Gentlemen staying at the above Hotel have the privilege of flatting in Sir Pryse Pryse's Lakes, the Lerry, and other rivers. HEADQUARTERS FOR THE C.T.C. Proprietor-JOHN MORGAN. FOR ALL BILIOUS AND NEBVOUS DISORDERS, SUCH AS 81 C K HEADACHE, FEM A LE AIL MENTS, WEAK STOMACH, im Paired D I GESTIOIV, Liver COMP L.AINTS, AND CONSTIPATION. Prepared only by the Proprietor, TROKAS liicmif, St. Helen's, Lancashire, and Sold Every- where. WM. ROWLANDS &. SON, CABINET MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERC I-OLIGHERS AND UNDERTAKERS, RESPECTFULLY ftnnounoe that they have REMOVED their Business from Bridge Street to the oommodious premises adjoining the Viotoria Hotel, in BAKER STREET, where they hope by ■trick attention to Business to merit a continuance Of he favours hitherto bestowed upon them. T. EVANS AND Co., GROCERS, 61, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. AGENTS FOR THE Wonderful Present Tea Co. PRESENTS WITH EVERY t LB. NEW MARKET HALL. D-m yr HAMER begs to inform the inhabitants • 1V1 • of the town and surrounding district that the Market is NOW OPEN. And Hopes to receive a eontinnation of the Patron age accorded his Predecessor. Applications for STALLS, &c., to be made on the PREMISES. FIRST-CLASS CONCERT ROOM, Splendidly decorated, and fitted throughout with Electricity. Commodions'and Comfortable Tea and Coffee Rooms. Excellent Rooms for School Treats, &o. MODKBATH CHARGES. JOHN MORGAN, "OBSERVER" OFFICE, I 10 TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. D&bwtfttioK FTOTIQA. ABERYSTWYTH Preparatory School for Boys from seven to fourteen, JASPER HOUSE. HEAD MASTER: R. A. POPE, M.A., Late Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and formerly Aesistant Master at Shrewsbury School. Preparation for Public Schools. Limited number of Boarders. ABERYSTWYTH COUNTY SCHOOL HEAD MASTER: MR DAVID SAMUEL, M.A., (Cantab), ASSISTANT MASTERS: MR W. P. FULLER, M.A., (London), MR THOMAS OWENS, Mr DEWI ELLIS, B.Se. (London) Forms of application for admission, and any farther information, may be had from SAMUEL EVANS, Clerk to the Local Governing Body. 6, Portland Street, Aberystwyth. IMPORTANT NOTICE. J. E. HUGHES BEGS to inform the Public generally that he has JD taken ONE OF THE SHOPS ADJOINING THE N MARKET HALL, AND HAS OPENED THE (SAME WITH A COMPLETE STOCK OF GENTS' MERCERY. All Orders entrusted to him will receive the best at tention at Lowest possible Prices. DAVID PHILLIPS, POSTING STABLES, PHILLIPS' HALL, TERRACE ROAD BRAKES, PHAETONS, WAGGONETTES, LANDAUS, PONY CARRIAGES, &f., BY THE DAY OR HIRE. HIGH CLASS TAILORING. D. JONES IS SHOWING a very fine; range of the Newest Materials now just to hand Select in Design and Qualit7 j Suitable for Gentlemen's wear at very Moderate Prices. LADIES' TAILORING. For Ladies' wear a very extensive range of Patterns are to hand in COSTUME CLOTHS, SERGES, HOME- SPUNS, VESTINGS, &c. Ladies on placing their orders for these can confi. dently rely on having them made by tailors on our own premises; correct in every detail; at very low Prices. NOTE THE ADDRESS— 5, CHALYBEATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. ESTABLISHED 1846. EVAN 13IMON, GENERAL TAILOR, WOOLLEN DRAPER, &c., POST OFFICE, LLANBADARN FAWR Every description of Gentlemen's Clothing, on the most reasonable terms. BKEEO'HES AND LIVERIES OF ALL KINDS. MOURNING SUITS, &c., &c. All Prices charged are the lowest possible for good qualities and first-rate workmanship. AGENT FOB ANDERSON'S ARMY & ADMIRALTY WATERPROOF ABERYSTWYTH BAZAAR, 8, GREAT DARKGATE ST., ABERYSTWYTH MECHANICAL TOYS SUITABLE!FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. DOLLS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.. MAGIC LANTERNS. SMOKERS' REQUISITES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FANCY WARE of every conceivable variety, RESENTS SUITABLE FOR ALL CLASSES. NOTE THE ADDREsa- J. E. & L. A. WARD, THE BAZAAR, GREAT DABKGATE STREET, ABEBTSTWYTH IHT&LU SOTTAS. 1 CAR DGAKSHIRE SUMMER ASSIZES, 1898. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Com- mission of Assize and General Goal Delivery for the County of Cardigan will be opened at Lam- peter on Wednesday, the 13th day of July next, be- fore the Honorable Sir Alfred Wills, Knight, and the Honorable Sir Walter George Frank Phillimore, Baronet, Justices of h'-r Majesty's High Court of Justice, when all Jnstices of the Peace, Mayors, Coroners, Eschfators, Stewards, Chief Constables, and Bailiffs of Hundreds and Liberties within the said County, and all Jurors, Persons bound by Recog- nizances, Witnesses, and others having business are required to attend. JAMES WEEKS SZLUMPER, Knight, High Sheriff. N.B.—The business of the Assizes will commence on Thnrsday, the 14th Jnly next. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, when all Jurors, Witnesses and others are to attend. DAVID LLOYD, Under Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Lampeter, 22nd June, 1898. ON SUNDAY EVENING, AT 8.15 P.M., THE A.I.C. BAND WILL PLAY A SELECTION OF SACRED MUSIC AT THE PIER HEAD, We&ther Permitting; otherwise in the PAVILION. SUN X'- Sam insured in 1897, Exceeds £ 425,000,000. For all particulars apply to the following AGENTS— 1*7 ^°" ABERYSTWYTH MR. HUGH HUGHES. Bala Mr R. L. Jones, Mount Place Dolgelley Mr Thomas P. Jones-Parry Mr John Richards Llandyssil Mr John D. Thomas Llanon Mr John Thomas. Lampeter Mr William Davies. Mr H. W. Howell. Llauybyther Mr David Thomas. Sarnau Mr David E. Thomas. Talsarn Mr Llewelyn Davies. FOR THE BEST SELECTION OF TOOLS CALL AT W. H. JONES', MARKET STREET, AND INSPECT HIS STOCK Estimates given for Building Ironmongery. MODERN AND ANTIQUE FURNITURE DEPOT HUGH C. RICHARDS CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, UNDERTAKER, AND ANTIQUE CARVER, No 2. LITTLE DARKGATE STREET, AND PORTLAND LANE, ABERYSTWYTH. P.S.~ Jobbing of all kinds. Old Oak Furniture] Altered and Carved. DANIEL THOMAS IS NOW Showing New Goods IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. A CALL IS INVITED. NOTE ADDRESS— 22 & 24, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET. II SPRING IS COMING." Lace Curtains from Is. Oid. per Pair; Towels, LID 2 £ d., 3id. to 1s. in Honey-Comb and Turkey's. White Quilts from 4s. lid. Pillow Case from5id. Toilet Covers from 6ld. RNORTHEY Begs to draw Special attention to • a large and varied Stock of Oilcloths and other requisites for Spring Cleaning. R. NORTHEY, TOTTENHAM HOUSE, ABERYSTWYTH Richard Edwards, FAMILY BUTCHER AND DAIRYMAN, 31, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, Has always in STOCK, PRIME BEEF, AND PLYN- LIMON WELSH MOUNTAIN (MUTTON, and LAMB when in Season. Pure Milk, Cream, Fresh Batter, New Laid Eggs, &c., Daily. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PHOTOGRAPHY. GYDE'S STUDIO FOR PORTRAITURE, Views in every variety of Finish, FRAMES, ALBUMS,IETC. LEATHER AND HIGH-CLASS FANCY GOODS. 22 & 24, PIER STREET. ISAAC AND GEORGE LLOYD COACHBUILDERS AUPJBED PLACE, ABEKYSTWTTH! ittsratss Hoties. Prepared T nder Medica I USor Instruction n aring PureCoc Elements Kola Nu of Malt.an OOCI. FERRU-COCOA, IS DISTINCT FROM ALL OTHER COCOAS. FERRU-COCOA contains a rich proportion of the FERRUGINOUS or IRON-BEAKING ELE- MENTS which enrich the blood. The Red COLOUR. ING MATTER of the blood is the OXYGEN CARRIER of the body, and its power to carry oxygen DEPENDS upon the quantity of IRON present in it. Increase these ferruginous elements in the blood by drinking FERRU-COCOA, and the result will be a ruddy and healthy complexion with a strengthened and sound constitution. "The HOSPITAL "says:—1" A sample of FRRRU COCOA has been submitted to us by the FERRU COCOA MANUFACTURING Co. The results of examination of Ferru-Cocoa showed it to be a prepar- ation of Cocoa from which a large proportion of the natural fat of the Cocoa bean has been removed, thereby rendering the preparation more digestible. It contained mineral constituents amounting to 6 per cent. The amount of iron evident in the ash was ABOVE THAT^NO KM ALLY PRESENT in such preparations. Ferru Cocoa makes a very palatable and nutritious beverage. For all who require a larger amount of ferrnginons material than is provided in ordinarp articles of diet, this preparation is likely to be useful." FERRU-COCOA can be obtained of all Chemists and Grocers, in tins 6d., 93^ and Is. 6d, each; or direct from the Makers- FERRU-COCOA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 329, Goswell Road, LONDON, E.C. D. EVANS, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, 4A, 89, GREAT DARKGATE STREET. (Opposite the Lion Royal Hotel). GOOD SELECTION OF JEWELLERY, WATCHES A JSWILLKST THOtOMHLT Exraims AMD CLUlCD. WILLIAM PROBIN RELIANCE HOUSE, (Opposite the Meat Market, and 15, Pier-street) WORKING WATCHMAKER, LAPIDARY, AND JEWELLEB. PMohttMr of BrilliMite, Old Gold and Silver, Modern and Antique Plate. JOHN LLOYD, TOWN CRIER, 18, SKINNER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. BILLPOSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Permanent Stations in the beat parti of the Town CONTRACTS KADI. MESSRS MURPHY & ROWLEY SURGEON DENTISTS, ABERYSTWYTH, Established 1857, I CORNER or TERRACE ROAD AND CORPORA- TION STREET. MB ROWLET visits the following places twice a month; Towyn, Machynlleth, Lampoter, aad Aber* ayron. TELEGRAPHIC ADDBtBS :— "DAVIS, ABBBYSTWTTH." ESTABLISHED 1834. M. H. DAVIS & SONS. FURNISHING AND GENERAL HARD. WARE ESTABLISHMENT. 4, BRIDGE STREET. CABINET FURNITURE DEPOT 20, QUEEN STREET. MINING STORES AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WARE- HOUSES, 18, 3UEEN ST., & 25, GRAY'S INN RD ABERYSTWYTH. QUICKLY CORRECT ATA REMOVE AIX OnsTUUCTION's, and relieve t"e "Stressing symptoms *0 prevalent with the sex. Boxes. 1(^4 & 2 0 (contains threo t times the quantity), cf 0.11 Clwnists. Sent anywhrre t on receipt of 15 or 84 T. TOWLE" Co., < Manufacture™. Dryden ':a"h,n,Trl- f Beuxire of "l "rtklcti 'J THE MOST NUTRITIOUS COCOA. E P P S' S COCOA row BREAKFAST AND auPPIIL W. H. TRUSCOTT, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, LAPIDARY & OPTICIAN, 37, TERRACE ROAD, Opposite the Poet Offioe, A large assortment of Wadding, Diamond, and OIL Rings. LAWN TENNIS, GOLF, CRICKET, CROQUET & TENNIS REQUISITES. AGENTS FOR F1KST CLASS BICYCLES. HUGHES AND OWEN, SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS, 29, GBEAT DAfiKGATE ST., ABEBTSTWTT H SUSMWS ITOTOS. TOHlT^ICHARDS^ PRACTICAL TAILORS, Outfitters, Hatters, Hosiers, and Juvenile Clothiers. Breeches a Speciality. GENTS' Railway Rugs Morning Suits |CT95|| „ I V\, "M Portmanteaus Lounge Suits § ,J| t* o, Carriage Dress Suits gm Aprons Clerical Suits MM MM n ft1! Umbrellas Livery Suits II JL ] Stable Suits J JLS J [_ Leather & Box Cloth Mackintoshes. Leggings. PATTERNS FREE ON APPLICATION. 4, MARKET STREET, i ABERYSTWYTH. i t BUYERS AND CONSUMERS OF FLOUR iiuz CAUTIONED AGAINST ACCEPTING ANT OTHER MARK OF SO-CALLB c REDTIE i THAN THAT LABELLED IN RED PAPER- Q-P1.1¡J-¡ERS AND BAKERS, W REDTIE i I DOLIFF BACK, BRISTOL € a or Ticketed SPILLERS AND BAKERS, LTD., KEDTIE. ] This favourite Flour was originally introduced by WILLIAM BAKER & SONS, Bristol and is still manufactured by SPILLERS & BAKERS, Ltd., at their Bristol Mills, and is kept in stock ( by all the leading Grocers and Floar Dealers in the district > See that your Floor HAS on the Label or Ticket the words « SPILLERS & BAKERS, LD., Bristol, as well as REDTIE, ] and refuse to accept any other. COOPERS' HOTEL, ] NORTHGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. ROBERTS' CELEBRATED ALES. ON DRAUGHT AND IN BOTTLE. ] AT-PA PINS. FIRKA. KILS. I 4I GALLONS. 9 GALLONS. 18 GALLONS. J 4' Imp. Imp. i XX 4s 6d 9s 01 18B Od Pints. Pint 8AK 4s 6d 95 Od 18s Od Roberta' Pale Ale 3. 6d 2s Od XXX 58 6d lie Od 21s Od Bass's „ 4e 3d 2a 6 8B 6a 9d 13a 6d 27s Od Gainness's Stout 4s 3d 2.. K 6a 9d M. 6d 27. Od Roberts' Table Ale 2 6 16 Ales marked are specially recommended for household use. Martell and Hennessy's Brandies; Special SootohRoderick Dhu, Mountain Dew; and Danville's Irish, ete. M. MORGAN, Prepristor _6 BILLIARD TABLE by Orme and Sons. A Pianos Organs, and Musical AT VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH, OR ON THE EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP 2D. MUSIC. WHEATLEY & SONS, PIANOS AND ORGAN TUNERS, MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT DEALERS, ABERYSTWYTH. I lID«tUtb, .e PEEPMDA Prepaid Advertisements of the classes apeeifie below will be charged according to the sabjmasi scale:— Apartments Wanted Businesses to be Soli, Apartments to be Let Partnerships Wanted Situations Wanted Money Wanted Situations Vacant Articles Lost Houses to be Let Articles Found bales by Priavte Contract Miscellaneous Wants Miscellaneous Sales, Ac. Words. One ] Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertioas. 12 6d. Is. Od. Is. M. 18 Pd. 18. 6d. 2s. 84. 24 Is. Od. 2s. Od. Ss. M. 30 Is. 3d. 38. 6d. St. M. 36 b. M go. Od. do. M. 42 Is. 9d. 3s. 6d. 5s. M. 48 2s. Od. 4a. Od. 8s, M. This scale applies only to consecatire insertions PREPAID Advertisements. If not prepaid- these Advertisements will be charged according te the Public Notice Scale. AGENTS WANTED to push first-elass Maohiaery .aL Oils. Liberal Commission.—Box 31, Port Office, Liverpool. WANTED, Sitting Boom and Bedroom for two .,a State lowst inclusire T4HBS« 3, While Goad, Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire. A^ADY requires a respectable Woman for occasional liffht duties. Quarterly EkH|t> mont.-Apply G., Observer Office, Aberystwyth. SPRING CLEANING.-All kinds of Skin Bapsncl S Mats He-dressed and Repaired like new. All Parcels should be Carriage paid to Borth Station. -0. MORRIS, Brynowen Cottage, Borth, R.S.O. SMALL DETACHED HOUSE WANTED near Aberystwyth. Possession at Michaelmas. Send particulars to G..THORPE, Beaufort Road. Beittate. Surrey. ANTED, SITTING ROOM & BEDROOM, \n £ h Attendance and Cooking, from July 25th to August 6th near Promenade. State term, whieh must be moderate, to T. W. SHAW, 15, Montgomery Street, Cardiff. TAILORS WANTED. GOOD PRACTICAL MEN. APPLY JOHN RICHARDS & CO., MARKET STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Yorks or^ Berks, from 15s to 50s, Carriage • 1(L" „ A trial solicited highest references given. P.O. or Cheque, Post dated. Dealers given. P.O. or Cheque, Post dated. Dealers supplied. Good value guaranteed. W. N. TOMPKINS, Shefford, Bedfordshire. T>RINTING.—Wanted, an Intelligent Youth as IT" it ^PPreiltice to the Printing Business.—Apply mt the Observer Office. SADDLERY AND HARNESS.-Saddlera' Iron- S mongery, Iron Goods, Wire Netting, &c., ao. Those in want of articles of above description ahoatA- advertise in the "Walsall Free Press," extMisifel# circulated in Walsall, Brownhills, and the Cannodk Chase District. 16 words, 6d 32 words, Is Three Insertions for price of two. Office, Arcade Buildinm. Digbeth, Waleall. ABERYSTWYTH. To be sold by private treaty several Freehold Dwelling Honses, 10 rooms and upwards; pleasantly sitnated, Immediate oooapa.tion.-Apply, Daniel, Son and Meredith. Auctioneers, Aberystwyth. PRIDING OR DRIVING. °Nr AND PHAETON FOR HIRE by Day or Week, wihout driver.—Address, Mrs BICHABDIS Kneidol Cottage, Penllwyn, near Aberystwyth. APARTMENTS VACANT. PIANO. A all having Apartments toLet XX 1>° not lose pounds by having your apartments empty when for Is or 3 weeks 2a you can hmmStormd advertisement in six newspapers circulating i* dia triots which each year send thousands of visitors to Aberystwyth. Name of papers:-Leyton. T nrtnnntnna West Ham, Wanstead, Wwdford S iSStoff Manor Park, and Ilford Exprew and Ind^eudsSl Address Publisher, Independent Offioe, I rrrtrirntmiM > £ S86Z» OBAN, CONNEL, TAYNUILT, BENDmtoOH BALLACHULISH, GLENCOE, Ac. Anyone visiting the Highlands of Scotland mav oasilv gMm apartments. To do this insert your wants is the j *2? the Oban Express," twenty woKis od* j three insertions, 1. j copy of paper imI gratis to all who advertise.—Addr»«, Pnbfafci*. Ob°aS:NiXPrei8" °fflceB' 12°' SflteJg 1 LONDON VISITORS REQUIRE APARTMENTS" If you want to let yonr rooms, send tt' advertisement for insertion in the Sooth Eastern Herald," the Woolwich Herald," the West Kent Argus, and the Brockley News and New Creaa Review. Advertisements appear in the four papers at one price-20 words, 6d; three insertions. Is: aig* insertions, Is 9d; 13 insertions, 38 3d; 2d for each ^^onal, eigh.t words for one insertion. Orer 50,000 readers in South Ijondon. Specimen oopy Head Office, 139, Greenwich Boad, T^mt S.E. BOARDING HOUSES AND HOTEL PRO- PRIETORS desiring to attract visitors froatiia Midland Counties should advertise in the Liohneld Mercury," the Tamworth Mercury," the" Cannock Chase Mercury," the "Rugely Mercury," and "Sntfeoftr Coldfield Meroury," the best family papers in the Midlands, and the only papers printed and published in the Lichfield Division. 20 words, once, 6d.; tinve times Is.; for the holiday season, 4s 0d prepaid. Offices :—36, 38, and 40, Bird Street, Lichfield. OLACKPOOL.—Intending Visitors to the above B seaside resort, requiring reliable apartnteftts should insert a small advertisement in the Blaek. pool Visitor." Price, 18 words 9d; 3 times 2s. Pab* lished Saturdays. Address-MANAGBB, Talbot Chambers, Blaokpcol. APARTMENTS WANTED.—The best way to Let your rooms and to secure a constant succession of visitors, is to send a small advertisement to the Lichfield Mercury (established over 80 years), the Tamworth Mercury," the Rugeley Mercury," the Cannoek Chase Mercury, and the Sutton Cold* field Mercury (best family papers in the Midlands), 100,000 readers weekly. Read by all the beat people. Prices for the five papers, 20 words 6d.; 3 times la. | 6 times Is. 9d.; 13 times 3s. 3d.; or for the holiday season, 4s.;6d. prepaid.- Offices: 36, 38, & 40, Bird Street, Lichfield. « TSLE OF WIGHT EXPRESS AND COUNTY X PAPER (price one penny), published at Newport every Friday, is an old established, and the best and most popular paper in the Isle of Wight; its circulation is varied and increasing; it goes into the homes; it is an up-to-date and real live paper, and its advertisements give lightning results; agents in every village in the Island, and branch offices in every town wanted class of advertisements, 90 words 6d. Chief Office, 54, High-street, Newport. I.W. APARTMENTS WANTED.—The best way to let your rooms and to secure a constant succession of visitors throughout the season, is to send a small advertisement to the East London Advertiser" (established over 34 years) and the Essex Gaardian It (best family paper in South Essex). 20,000 readers weekly. Read by all the best people. Price for the two papers, 20 words 6d 3 times Is 6 times Is j 13 times 3s 3d. It is better to spend even 3s 3ad on a long series of advertisements than to hare your rooms vacant except in the busiest part of the season.—Address, Publisher, ffU, Mile £ sd Boed« London, E. ..#t.