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bn gturtioll. „ PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. MB OWEN DANIEL will offer for sale, at the Talbot Hotel, Aberystwyth, on Thursday, 34th M »rcfi, 1892, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, all that Desirable LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING BOUSI: and Garden known as Milton House, Llan- badarn-ro»d, Aberystwyth. For f arther particulars see posters, and apply to Burh Hughes, solioitor, Joseph Daviee, solicitor, and the Auctioneer, all of Aberystwyth. JOHN WILLIAMS, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, TY'NLLIDIART, CAPEL BANGOR, Niis ABERYSTWYTH. MR. W. H. WEMYSS, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ACCOUNTANT AND APPRAISER, INSURANCB AGBNT FO* GUARDIAN, PALATINE, AND OTHER OFFICES. OFFICES, MARY STREET. SALK ROOKS,—SKATING RINK, PORTLAND STREET. Amotions oonducted for Sales of Cattle, Farms, Land, Household Furniture, and General Merchandise. • Taluatiol18 for Houses, Land, Farm Stock and Furniture. Terns moderate.—Cash same Day as Sale if Required. -JIEFIREFCES—National & Provincial Bank, Aberyst. wyth. JONES & JONES, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, Ac., ABERAYRON. JOHN JAMES, AUCTIONEER,J APPRAISER, -ARBITRATOR AND GENERAL VALUER, 10, NORTH PARADE, ABERYSTWYTH. uctions conducted for the Sale of Farms, Land, Houses, Household Furniture, Farming Stock, and Merchandise of every description. Valuations made for Sale of Farms, Land Houses, SFnrnitare and Farming Stock. Real and Personal Property for Probate, Mort ages Compensation, &c. TRUSCOTT, PRACTICAL WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER LAPIDARY AND OPTICIAN, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. EDWARD EDWARDS, 13, GREAT DARKGATE ST., ABERYSTWYTH, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, &c. PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS BY VALENTINE, BEDFORD, AND FRITH. BOOKS OF VIEWS, GUIDES BOOKS, &C. Back Numbers of Serial Works obtained. THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.Clarke's world. Sained blood Mixture is warranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities, from whatever cause arising. For Sciofula Scurvy, hczema, skin and blood diseases, pimples, and Sores of all kinds, its effects are marvellous. Thousands ft testimonials. In bottles. 28 9d and 11s each, of all Chemists. Proprietors, Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. Ask f, 'larke's Blood Mixture am do not be persuaded to take nutation. REES REES, BILL-POSTER, &c., LIT fLE DARKGATE STREET. X>EGS to inform the Public that he leasee the most prominent Posting Rotations ia Aberystwyth. Orders for Town or Country strictly attended to. (jC? ESTABLISHED 37 YEARS D. THOMAS & SON Watchmakers, Jewellers, & GREAT DARKGATE ST., ABERYSTWYTH. DRAWING ROOM SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, CABINET FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SOLD BY M. H. DAVIS & SONS, HARDWARE MERCHANTS, BRIDGE STPEET & -ZUEEN STREET ABERYSTWYTH. IhthU, ftottas ♦ PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE Y, LIMITED. CHIEF OFFICE: HOLBORN BARS, LONDON. Summary of the Reports presented at the Forty-third Annual Meeting held on 3rd March, 1892. ORDINARY BRANCH.-The number of Policies issued during the year was 58.118, assuring the sum of .85 932,493. and producing a New Annual Premium income of £ 355,980. The Premiums received during the year were £1,442,746, being an increase of < £ 280,097 over the year 1890. The increase in the Premium receipts for the Quinquennium 1887-91 was Xl,045,806, giving an average annual increase of £ 209,161. The Claims of the year amounted to -8387,106. The number of Deaths was 2,784. INDUSTRIAL BR INCH.— The Premiums re- ceived during the year were j63,688,338, being an increase of £ 170,413. The increase in the Premium receipts for the quinquenniun 1887-91 was X777,043, giving an average annual increase of .8155,408. The Claims of the year amounted to .81,647,300. The number ef Deaths was 183,927. The total number of Policies in force was 9,6,17,484: the average duration is six years and three-quarters. The total Assets of the Company, as shown in the Balance Sheet, are Y.14,623,627, being an increase of X2,043,757 over those of 1890. The Directors have again prepared a supplement to the Report, showing in detail how the assets of the Company are invested. The Balanoe Sheet has been again submitted to the Independent professional audit of Messrs Deloitte, Dever, Griffiths and Co., whose certificate is ap- pended to the accounts. SUMMARY OF THE QUINQUENNIAL REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDIKG 31ST DECEMBER, 1891. The Directors have much pleasure in submitting their Report.and that of the Actuaries of the Company upon the valuation of the Company's Assets and Liabilities, whish has just been completed. As on previous occasions, the processes and results of the valuation have been submitted to Mr A. H. Bailey, and his report is also attached. During the five years now under review the Assets of the Company have grown from £6,811,954 to ^14,623,627, being an increase of ^7,811,673. The annual premium income of both Branches combined, at the beginning of the Quinquennium was £ 3 472,911, and at the end £ 5,386,990, being an inerease of £ 1,914,079. The valuation of the Ordinary Branch has been made upon the same principles as those of the pre- ceding Quinquennium, namely, a net premium valua- tion on the Institute of Actuaries' (HM.) Table ef Mortality for the life risks,and Mr Finlaison's Govern- ment Annuity Table 1884 for the annuities, the rate of interest in both cases being 3 per cent. The valuation of the Industrial Branch has also been made on the basis of a net premium valuation at 3 per cent. interest, the Table of Mortality being Dr Farr's, I English Life Table," No. 3. At the beginning of the Quinquennium a. revision of the Table of Assurance was made considerably in favour of those of the assured who keep their policies I in force for five years. These increased benefits have been made retrospective, and, as will be seen from the Actuaries' Reports, a corresponding increase has been made in the necessary reserves. Extract from Mr A. H. Bailey's Report. The time having arrived at which another valua- tion is required to be made of the liabilities of your Company, I inspected, during the progress of this immense work, the various processes that had to be adopted for the purpose, and the results have been submitted to me for examination. On the 31st December, 1891, the total number of assurances in force was 9,880,103, besides 1,557 grants of annuities. By the last Census it was ascertained that the total number of persons living on the 5th April, 1891, in the United Kingdom was 37,740,283 so that, after making allowance for the cases in which two or more Policies have been granted upon the same life, it appears that the lifes of about one- fourth of the population of Great Britain and adopted for the purpose, and the results have been submitted to me for examination. On the 31st December, 1891, the total number of assurances in force was 9,880,103, besides 1,557 grants of annuities. By the last Census it was ascertained that the total number of persons living on the 5th April, 1891, in the United Kingdom was 37,740,283 so that, after making allowance for the cases in which two or more Policies have been granted upon the same life, it appears that the lifes of about one- fourth of the population of Great Britain and Ireland are assured by your Company. The numbers have increased by more than 37 per cent, during the Quinquennium now under review. The funds that have been accumulated to meet these liabilities amount to £ 14,087,303, exclusive of the Proprietors' capital. The principles upon which the liabilities have been estimated are those now generally adopted by well- conducted Asauranee Companies. fhe baisis of valuation has my full concurrence, and having been set out in the Actuaries' Reports, together with the results in the came of each Branch, need net here be repeated. Extract from the Reports of Messrs T. C. Dewey, W. Hughes, and F. Schooling, the Actuaries of the Company. ORDINARY BRA.NcH.- The number of Life Policies in force at December 31st, 1891, was 262,619, assuring, with bonus, X28,570,567, and producing a gross annual premium income of ^1,487,344. The results of the Valuation are as follows :— Life Assurance Fund on the 31st December, 1891 ••• ^65,505,095 Reserve for Life Assur- ance Polities, includmg reserve for immediate pay- ment of claims ^3,983,469 Reserve tor Annuities 502,241 Net Liability 4,485,710 Surplus J61, 019,385 INDUSTRIAL BRANCH.—The number of Policies in existence at 31st DECEMBER last was 9,617,484, AND the amount assured W £ 33,3J0,879. 1'he weekly premiums receivaole in raspeot of shese POLICIES amounted to Y.74,993 per week, or £ 3,899,T>46 pwr annum. The above number includes 246,152 free or paid-up Policies granted in lieu of discontinued assurances, on which 80 premiums are payable. The average duration of ail the Policies now in existence is about six and three-quarter years, and when the large amount of new business introduced in recent years is considered, taid is strong evidence of the success of the means whion have been adopted to promote the stability of the business. The results of the Valuations a.re as follows :— Life Assurance Fund on 31st December, 1891 £ 3,582,207 Net Liability for Life Assurance Policies including reserve tor immediate pay- ment of claims 7,776,712 Surplus < £ 805,495 Of this net liability upwards of J>30J,000 is In reo spect of free Policies granted in lieu of discontinued assurances, and to provide for the increased benefits conferred on Industrial T'oiicy-holdere during tne Quinquennium. It is worthy of remark that in the two Branches together there are 233,358 Policies assuring amounts of irom ^50 to J2LU0 eacn, producing an Annual Premium Income of upwards of One ivlillion Pounds, and of these 54,777 are with weekly Premiums, 44,645 quarterly, 21,010 half-yearly, and 112,926 with annual premiums. When it is considered that every proposer for an amount of < £ 50 and upwards has tne option presented to him of paying the premiums in any of these methods, it is remarkaole hew many deliberately chouse the weekly premiums, tnus affording a strong illustration of the adaptaoility of Industrial Assurance to the wants of the public. With a view to secure accuracy, two independent Valuations were made in bOLh Branches. The Valuation of nearly Ten Million Policies, divided into a very large number of groups and classes, has employed the energies of a staff of about 700 for many months. The arithmetical processes alone have involved an immense amount of labour and would have been almost impossible of accomplish- ment without the aid ot the Arithmometer, no less than fifcy of these instruments having been employed. General Balance sheet of the Prudential Assurance Company, Limited, on the 31st December, 1891. LIABILITIES. ASSETS^ s d s d Shareholders' Capital 500.000 0 0 British Government Securities(Con- Ordinary Branch Funds. 5,505,095 11 8 sols) 1420159 9 9 Industrial Branch Fund 8,582,207 16 9 Railway & other Debentures and Claims under Life Polioies admitted 36,324 1 9 Debenture Stock 1 915 3,98 18 5 Loans on Municipal and other „ Rates 3,492,099 (I 1 Freehold Ground Rents, & Scotch FEN DUFCIES 2,119,643 1 5 Mortgages 1,912,365 14 3 Metropolitan Consolidated Stock, & City of London Bonds 3">0 785 8 0 SANK,.S^0JET U ,-I'» 167>837 0 1 B reehold & Leasehold Property 872 967 13 2 Indian and Colonial Government Securities 754,377 13 1 Reversions !39,454 16 « Railway and other Shares 451 705 8 6 Loans on the Company's Policies 119,021 15 2 Loans upon Personal Securities 707 10 0 Outstanding Premiums 359,396 9 0 Cash in hands of Superintendents & Agents' Balances 43 333 14 5 Outstanding Interest, and Rents 12653412 3 Cash — On deposit, on current accounts, & in hand 402,699 6 7 .814,623,62710 2 | X14,623,627 10 2 ^^LLIAM^HUGH^S } Managers. EDGAE HORNE, Chairman. W. J. LANCASTER, Secretary HENRY HARBEN J Dil-ectors ROBERT CROSS I Directors. -_J Cash transactions, Receipts and Payments, affecting the Accounts of the Assets S;4 FOR W ended December 31st, 1891, and we find the same in good order UDnroperly vouched We have also examined the Deeds and Securities, Certificates, &c., REPRESENTING the AssSs and DEVOEM^ER 33LSM°89IM Account, and we certify that they were in possession and safe custody AA on 17thFebruary, 1892. DELOITTE, DEVER., GRIFFITHS, & Co. And a staff of 21 i™"0, P°plat aoid' Machynlleth, HO L LOW AY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, ARE ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL TO BE THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILY USE. MANUFACTURED ONLY AT 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON And Seld by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. Advice Gratis at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by leitei ISfttittittoiu CAERLEON HOUSE. PRINCIPAL.—MISS TRUBSHAW, Agisted by Masters, and Resident Foreign and English Governesses. Oupils prepared for the Oxford a.JJd i;vmbri<i»e XT Local examinations. For Terms, &c., apply to the Principal. The School year consists of three terms, oeginning respectively January 15, April 30, September 17. but pupils can be received at any time during the erms. A R D W Y N SCHOOL, ABERYSTWYTH. LONDON University Matrieulation Examinations. SuooesB June, 1888. One Honours, Five First Division, One Second Division. Over 25 boys have passed the Matriculation frem this school. For particulars and terms, apply Rev. LLEWELYN EDWARDS, M.A. THE ABERYSTWYTH COMMERCIAL AND GRAMJiAR SCHOOL. HEAD MASTER: THOMAS OWENS, C.M. (In Honours of the London University, and late Senior Scholar of the University College ot Wales). There are a FEW vacancies for BOARDERS, Terms Moderate. Prospectus and tCeports on application to the Head Master. MISS RUSSELL, GOMEK, HOUSE, 20, QUEEN'S ROAD. DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Prospectuses, Terms, &c., to be had on application. ABERYSTWYTH GRAMMAR SCHOOL (FOUNDED 1812), HEADMABTER: R. A. POPE, M.A. (Late Mr EDWARD JONES.) Formerly Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cam- bridge, and lately Assistant Master at Shrewsbury School. Second Master: H. B. Herbert, B.A., Late Mathe- matical Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford This School has won many Scholarships at Oxford and Cambridge, either direct or through Brecon and Llandovery. Boys are prepared for tue Universities, the Cambridge local examinations, the College of Preceptors, and the various professions while special attention is given to modern languages and commercial subjects. The Headmaster receives a limited number of Boarders at Jasper House, Laura-plaoe. YSTHAD MEUR1G SCHOUL. RECENT SUCCESSES. 1889-JrING'S SCHOLARSHIP at ETON COLLEGE. Senior Scholarship at St David's College. 1S90—Passses in the OXFORD and CAMBRIDGE Certi- ficate Examination in Greek, Latin, scripture, and Mathematics. 1891—< £ 50 Scholarship tenable at OXFORD. Passes in the OXFORD and CAMBRIDGE Certificate Examination in Greek, Latin, Scripture, His- tory, and Mathematics. FOR EN rRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS NOW VACANT APPLY To THE REV THE HEAD-MASTER. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY without sureties) by the CHARING CROsS BANK (estab. 1870). 28, BBDFOltD^T., CE ARING-CROSS, London, W.C. Capital £ 300,(09. Reserve Fund £ 100,000. AFLVAMUW, IMMEDIATELY M.vDli. Upon Approved Promissory .Notes as lollows, with bill of sale. Advance X25 -12 monthly repayments r f X2 5 10 » so „ „ 4 11 8 „ 100 „ „ 4 3 4 Larger ameunts in the same proportion. ADVANCE of X30 to £2,000 granted at a few hours' notice, in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, &c., witnout removal and to assist persons into business. Also on deeds, policies, and reversions. Nt:t1'lU1<j.-ány one requiring money will do well before applying elsewhere, or paying fees, to think of tlii*—>urely I can do better with a Bask having large capital at command and deveting themselves to tiiis class of business than I can with so-called private money lenders or agents with small means. Good borrower,; can obtain money here I on reasonable terms, quickly, privately, aad without deductions, payable by easy instalments. Distance no object. Cali personally, or write. Special facilities te all requiring backing accounts. 8 per cent, interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of Xio, and upwards received as under 4 per cent per ann., subject to 3 months notice of withdrawal 6 6 »> » 12 Special terms for larger amounts. Interest paid quarterly. Write or call for Prospectus. A. WILLIAMS, Manager COALS COALS COALS RAILWAY STATION (Wharf and Office), ABER- YSTWYTH. JOHN JENKIN JONES, (Of the Cooper's Arms), COAL AND LIME MERCHANT, HAS always in stock the best selection of HOUSE COALS at the cheapest possible price. Special terms made for Truck Loads and large quantities also LIME supplied in truck loads at a very low rate. CEYLON TEA STORES, 53, NORTH PARADE, ABERYSTWYTH. (Removed from 7, North Parade.) S. EVANS, TEA DEALER AND FAMILY GROCER, FLOUR & PROVISION DEALER. BACON OF THE FINEST QUALITY. Huntley and Palmer's Biscuits, Crosse and Blackwell's Goods. Keiler's Marmalades and Jams. Tobacco, Cigars, &c. Agent for the Tower Tea. Fresh Bread, Butter, and Eggs Daily. D. JENKINS, Mus. Bac. (Cantab STATIONER, BOOK & MUSIC SELLER, 4, NORTH PARADE. CHOICE SELECTION OF BIRTHDAY CARDS AND PRESENTS. RODERICK WILLIAMS, BUILDING ISURVBYOR AND UNDERTAKERS 13, NEW-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, AND AT MILLFIELD COTTAGE, LAMPETER. Drawings and Specifications. Works Superintended and Measured.. FOR CHEAP GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS GO TO EVANS' AMERICAN MARKET, No 14, BRIDGE-STREET. $ttblic llotim, ABE^RYCTWYTH^NIONr CONTRACTS FOR PROVISIONS, &c. The Guardians of the Poor of the Aberystwyth Union are ready to receive tenders (accompanied by samples or patterns, where practicable) for the snpply of the following Articles and Materials to their Work- house, from the 25th day of Muah, 1892, to the 27th day of Septamber, 1892, viz ;-Stones from the Beach per tan, Fresh Meat, Milk, Straw, Potatoes, Coals, Firewood, Coffitis, Ironmongery, Disinfecting Powder and Fluid, Boots, and Shies, Linen and Woollen Drapery, Harberdashery, &c., Provisions and Grocery Printing and Stat:onery, Printing Abstract of Accounts. It is competent for any person to tender for any of the Articles separately. Tne Contractors will be required to deliver the goods at the Workhouse, free of expaase. in such quantities and at such times as as the said Guardians IIhall require by their written order. Ferms upon which the tenders, must be ma le can be obtained at my office, where particulars of the goods required daring the six monttis may be seen. The tenders must be delivered at my offi -a, sealed and properly endorsed, by One o'clock p.m., on Saturday, the 19tn day of March next. Allliamples sent in by persons tendering, and whose teaders are accepted, will be retained by th i said Guardians, and no charge shall ba made against the Guardians for such samples. The Guardians do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. By Order, HUGH HUGHES, Clerk to the Gaardians5 Union Offices, Aberystwyth, 9th March, 1892. ELECTRIC LIGHTING ACTS, 13A2 & 1S83. ABERYSTWYTH ELECTRIC LIGHTING. NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Trade have made and issued a Pro visional Order under the provisions of the Electric Lighting Aots, 1832 and 1888, with a view to the same being included in a confirmation Bill about to be introduced iIlt) Parlia- ment to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borough of Aberystwyth, authorising them to supply Electric Energy for public and private purposes witkin the whole of the Municipal Borough of Aber. ystwyth. Copies of the Provisional Order have been deposited for public inspection with the Clerk ot the P,caee for the County of Cardigan, at his office, No. 52, Ma.rmo-terra.c Aberystwyth, and with the under- mentioned Town Clera, and printed copies of the same can be obtained at the offices ot the undermentioned Town Clerk and Parliamentary Agent at a price not exceeding one shilling each. Dated this 10th day of March, 1892. ARTHUR J. HUGHES, Town Clerk, AberyBtwyth. CHARLES E. BAKER, 22, Great George Street, Westminster, Parliamentary Agent. TriNDiSRS ARE INVITED for carrying out improvements at the "Fountain Inn" and other property in Trefechan. Plans and Specifications of the sam; can be seen at the office of Messrs George Joues & ->ons, Architects, 49, Portland-street, or at Mr W. H. Wemyss' offices, as below. Sealed fenders must be sent to the undersigned before the 25th inst. It is not to be understood that the lowest or any Tender will necessarily be accepted. (Signed) W. H. VVfiilYSS, Offices- Auctioneer, Valuer, &c. Mary-street, Aberystwyth, 7th March, 1894, FREE GRANTS OF LAND IN CANADA. 160 ACRES IN MANITOBA AND THE NORTH WEST, AND MONEY bONUS TO SETTLERS. REPORTS OF THE BRITISH TENANT FARME ES' D ELEGATES,1890, and other newly-issued illustrated and aatnentic PAMPHLETS, MAPS, and full INFORMATION RESPECTING MANITOBA, Or any other part of Canada—its Resources, Trade, Demand for Labour. Wages paid, &c., supplied Free on application to MR JOHN DYKE, Canadian G jverntneno Agent, is, WATER C>TRECJT, LIVERPOOL. A. PEKRY, PAINTER, PLUMBER, GLAZIER AND GENERAL BOUSE DECORATOR BREWER-STREET, AND 48, MOOR-STREE1 Estimates Given. Charges Moderate. PLEASE. NOTE THE ADDRESS. SPRING CLEANING. STOVE ORNAMENTS AND FIRE SCREENS Of the best and newest designs GOLD AND SILVER SHAVINGS CRYSTOGRAPHS TO IMITATE STAINED GLASS. Black Laquer for grates and all requisities fot spring cleaning. Also a large assortment of Japanese and other goods suitable for presents at the Cambrain Bazaar. D. LEWIS, 15, GREAT DARKGATE STREET. MR J. D. ROBERTS, MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF VETERINARY SURGEONS, VETERINARY SURGEON, 38, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Provincial Veterinary Surgeon for the Ceunty of Cardigan to the Royal Agricultural [Society of England. DAVID JONES, PRACTICAL TAILOR, BREECHES MAKER, LADIES' RIDING HABITS & JACKETS LIVERY, &c., 5, CHALYBEATE, TERRACE, ABERYSTWYTH. SUITS MADE TO ORDER FROM 50s. GOOD WORKMANSHIP. NEWEST STYLES. J. COMPTON, 26, MARY STREET, MARKET GARDENER AND SEEDSMAN. All kinds of Home-grown Vegetables Daily. ¡ itD, vVc. PREPAID ADVERTISEMEN TsT Prepaid Advertisements of the classes speeiSeft below will be charged according to the scale:— Apartments Wanted Businesses to be Soldi Apartments to be Let Partnerships Wiafafc Situations Wanted Money Wanted Situations Vacant Articles Lost Houses to be Let Articles Found Sales by Private Contract Miscellaneous Wtcttt Miscellaneous Sales, &c. Lines. Words. One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insert tcaflt 3 21 Is. Od. 2s. Od. 3s. 4 28 Is. 3d. 2s. 6d. 3s. 5 35 Is. 6d. 3s. Od. 4s. tfd. 6 42 Is. 9d. 3s. 6d. I 5*. 3d. 7 49 2s Od. 4s. Od. 6s Od. This scale applies only to consecutive insertions at PREPAID Advertisements. If not prepaid theefe. Advertipements will be charged according to tb* Public Notice Scale. SE^Dd! SEEDS!! SEEDS WANTED TO KNOW WHERE TO BUT. E. P. TAYLOR Has received his annual consignment of iFIELD AND GARDEN SEBDSL OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY. COMPRISING OF POTATOES: Old Dwarf Top Ashleaf. Sutton's Ringle&3flV» River's Royal Ashleaf. Myatt's Ashleaf. Eariy Rose. Beauty of Hebron Pink. Beauty of Hebron Whits< Snow Drop. SECONDS: The Bruce, from Essex. Imperator. Magnums, from Essex. FLOWER SEEDS IN ID PACKETS. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. Note Address— E. P. TAYLOR, RADNOR HOUSE, Terrace Road, Aberystwyth. NATIONAL SCHOOLS, ABE Li- YSTVVYTH. WANTED A CLE \NER. For particulars as t, duties, payment, &c., apply to Mr B. p Wynne, Pier-street. "*■ &ENERAL SERVANT Wanted immediately, on* not out before taken.—State wages *&d refer-" ences to 48, South-road, Waterloo, near Liver- pool. WANTED, Improver tj Ironmongery Bn.siaeae; Vacancy for an Apprentice. Small premiums Indoor. CAMPBELL & SJNS, Waterloo, Liverpool. TJAlBRELLAS RECOVERED ia Smfz- any quality by a best Lcadoat maker, in 48 hour j.—DANIEL THOIMFLL » Aberystwyth. APARTMENTS (perinanen;). Business irau wis ties Bedroom and Sitting Rao a good locality of Aberystwyth; G)od plain e >-king essential; Terms must be moderate.— Address^ stating full particulars, to Annick, Observer Uffiae. i^O LET, on 25tii March, No 9, Cambrian -terraee^ Borth.—Apply J. E. Marpay, Derby. REPORTING.—Wanted, a well-edueated Yoaiht with a knowledge of Shorthand.—Apply it Observer Office. WANTED, resident Agents in the Hard war*, trade to represent the "Flexible M.:t-alli« Fabing Company (the most important invention of the day), in district. AppiY, with fall particulars- to Manager, 96, Hi5h Holborn, London, W.C. OIX CABINET PORTRAITS, 3s; three for 2s. O Twelve Carte Portraits, 2s 2j six for Is 4d. Eight-inch Enlargement, 3s; three for 6s. Siatna size, 24 for Is 6d, 100 for 3s 3d. Send Carue or Cabinet a.nd Postal Order, and in about 10 days yoa, will receive Highly-Finished Copies, with Original. —FRANCIS & Co., 2J, Ludgate Hill, London. DENTISTRY. jl/fR A.. C. POWELL, L D.S., R.C.S., Licentiafc •i-L Dental ciurge.m of the Royal College of Surgeons, The Cottage, 35, Terrace-roal, Aberysfc, wyth, late of 10 Port-and-street. Attendance daily from 9 a.m. ta 7 p.m. Mr Powell will visit Machynlleth on, the first aaj third Wednesdays, in each monta, at Mr Ma.rpole", Maengwyu-street. Lampeter on the first and tbir4 Fridays in each moutn, at Mr Roderick Evafis Chemist. Siaredir Cymraeg. Consultations free. Mr Powell has an opening for a pupil. T. & R. FEAR, FISHMONGERS, FRUI rERER & POULTRY DEALERS, CENTRAL FISH SHOP, ntrance of New Hall, Terrace Road, Aberystwyth All Orders Promptly Executed. WEKaAM LAKE ICE DAILY. COAL. OIL. LIME. For he best quality at the lowest price for Cask GO TO R. ROWLAND JONES, COLLIERY & INSURANCE AGENT, LEWIS TERRACE COAL YjiRD AND WEIGH* BRIBGB. English and Welsh, House, Steam and Smith CoaJ. Finest American and Russian Lamp uit. Cement and Aberthaw Lime. Wholesale an 1 tietaiL Special quotations for Coal & Lime by the t- u^k. Lamp Oil by the Cask. Agent'for Queen Fire and Life Insuia <•.« Company. Best prices given for Empty Petroleum Barrels. GENTS' HAldDRESSiNG. W. PERCIVAL WETTON, HAIRDRESSER, PERFUMER, TOBACCONIST, 23, Little Darkate-Street (opposite the Corn Market). Aberystwyth. Smokers' Sundries, Toilet Requisites: Stationery, &c. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. T^HE Public are respectfully informed thit Mir -L EDWARD ELLIS has taken those large Commodious Premises known as the AUCTION MART, 28, LITTLE D AR K G A T E S T R E E P „ Next door to the Corn Market, Where he now show s a large stock of new and second- hand Furniture. Brass and Iron B d-t -ads, Spring, Hair and Flock Mattresses, Feather beds. Flock Bed?, Children's Cribs, Oilcloths, Lin »i-um, Carpets*, Heaith Rugs, Pier Glasses, Wardrobes, Chests of Drawers, Clocks, Dining, Sitting and Bedrooax Fnrnitnre, in great variety, &c. Parties about Furnishing will do well to visit that Auction Mart Stores, before buying elsewhere. Bsstt prices given for secondhand Furniture.