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TH8 CRISIS HlpTHE^AST. (Through Reuter's Agency.) PHILIPPOPOLIS, Nov. 7. The news that the Czar has by a special ukase Itruck the name of Prince Alexander off the Russian Army List has produced a painful impression here. Shis official act is regarded as extinguishing all hope ■of Russian sympathy in the present crisis. People here cannot understand the motives of the Czar a, policy in, as it seems to them, striving to destroy what his father accomplished. The position here is becoming more critical. M. IC&r&veloff, the Bulgarian Premier, is expected to arrive here soon. SALONICA, NOV. 6. Four battalions of Turkish infantry, just arrived here, have been at once despatched to the Greek frontier. YOLO, NOV. 8. Letters from Salonica report that more than 50,000 Turkish troops are guarding the Macedonia frontier from Mitrovitza on the north all round to Raslok on the south-east, the chief stations being Palanka, with ttskusb as base, and Djuma and Nevrokop with Strumdja as base. No disturbances are reported from the frontier, an"ll, owing to the presence of the troops, the brigands are being held in check. The notorious brigand, i^ico, who captured Colonel Synge, has been appro- tended in Greece, where he lived last year. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 7. The situation is regarded in diplomatic circles as affording some prospect of a solution, through the Lowers making mutual concessions with the object of giving some satisfaction to the Bulgarians, though at the same time no support could be given to the pre- fusions of the Servians and Greeks. The prospect a peaceful settlement has been greatly increased by ^6 attitude assumed during the last few days by Serr von Radowitz, the German Ambassador, who has been endeavouring to reconcile the opposing views o! Sir William White and M. de Nelidoff, the Rus- man representative. In this matter Germany, not- withstanding that her relations with Russia continue -011 an excelient footing, has now shown herself to be JOQiewhat at variance with the Government of the Czar, whose position is now much more isolated than at first. It is stated that the earliest difficulty to ?*i8e at the Conference will be a demand of M. de ^elidoff that Prince Alexander should be dethroned, a Proposal which would be opposed by the British repre- sentative but the report that Sir W. White, at the sitting of the Conference, made a formal protes- J^tion to this effect is without foundation. Equally pise is the assertion that Lord Salisbury had agreed •jo the Conference without any reservation whatever. J-he British Premier, on the contrary, expressly stipulated that the basis of negotiation, which limited Jhe work of the Conference to the Roumelian ques- should not be enlarged. Lord Salisburj also kado another reservation with regard to the means i° be employed in enforcing the decisions of the Con- letence. This latter reservation was accompanied by explantion of Lord Salisbury to the effect that all j?e Powers were doubtless animated with the desire II "yoiding the employment of armed force and of ,°Wing the question by pacific means. The Porte in the event of the Conference deciding upon 116 restoration of the status quo ante, would insist _P°n the Turkish troops being accompanied by the ^Hsuls of the Great Powers, who would testify to the °nduct of the soldiers and Mussulman inhabit- ?'8 in order to avoid the possibility of ultimate c&rgeg of massacre. The discussion of the essential b art of the question, however, will only be entered by the Conference at its sitting to-day. fin rv,e -Porte has sent by the Austrian Lloyd steamers >000 Martini-Henry rifles, to be distributed jl?°Dgst the Mussulman populations in Albania and acedom'a. These rifles are principally intended for ■pan arinament of the Mustafiz, which has just been vaJjed out in Albania. ej n con(^uct the regular troops is everywhere roll t> aid the Redifs and Mustafiz likewise j* of enthusiasm to defend the frontier. The jj Pular sentiment of the Mussulman and Catholic In •ation in Albania is opposed to any concession of rjTntory being made to the Servians and Greeks. be large number of troops already concentrated, I d the arming of the people are designed not only -0r the purpose of defence against any eventual attack frora Greece and Servia, but also to give proof of Urkey's military power. These military prepara- >obS ^een recornmended to the Sultan by Herr Bro ~va^owitz> the German Ambassador, on the 3?i '1 that assertions were made in Europe that uUrfy had not the means of placing a large force in field. Q ^he Sultan, at an audience given this week to Ton der Goltz, stated that the Empire not only bhf ln parts of the country 450,000 effective men. ho • i0011^ in case of need caM out 300,000 men °esides. j. -^jemal Pasha has left for Essen to hasten the de- of 150 Krupp field guns. ji vf William White yesterday paid a visit to Said 8bp • ^'Qister for Foreign Affairs, at the latter's imitation. It is believed that the subject Ai r discussion was the Czar's Ukase striking Prince an?er Bulgaria off the Russian Army List, an jv *hich has produced a painful impression on the ,j. P'ornatic Corps here, and which is regarded as in- ^cating a return to the hostile sentiments with which Czar formerly regarded the Prince. It has ^jjlSiven rise to apprehensions that Russia has a IQ ,<?en motive in her absolute demand for a return tie status quo ante. ■"•he Porte has informed the Ambassadors that it °Uld consider a Servian invasion of Bulgaria a belli. f Conference held its second sitting to-day, and gained in session for two hours and a half. Its ■^liberations were devoted to the drawing up of a fusion, which is to form a general basis for the ture regulation of its labours. The representatives « aU the Powers expressed themselves as anxious for fp maintenance of peace and the rights of the Sultan. Conference will meet again on Monday. CONFERENCE.—RUSSIA AND PRINCE ALEXANDER. Bro ~va^owitz> the German Ambassador, on the 3?i '1 that assertions were made in Europe that uUrfy had not the means of placing a large force in field. Q ^he Sultan, at an audience given this week to Ton der Goltz, stated that the Empire not only bhf ln parts of the country 450,000 effective men. ho • i0011^ in case of need caM out 300,000 men °esides. j. -^jemal Pasha has left for Essen to hasten the de- of 150 Krupp field guns. ji vf William White yesterday paid a visit to Said 8bp • ^'Qister for Foreign Affairs, at the latter's imitation. It is believed that the subject Ai r discussion was the Czar's Ukase striking Prince an?er Bulgaria off the Russian Army List, an jv *hich has produced a painful impression on the ,j. P'ornatic Corps here, and which is regarded as in- ^cating a return to the hostile sentiments with which Czar formerly regarded the Prince. It has ^jjlSiven rise to apprehensions that Russia has a IQ ,<?en motive in her absolute demand for a return tie status quo ante. ■"•he Porte has informed the Ambassadors that it °Uld consider a Servian invasion of Bulgaria a belli. f Conference held its second sitting to-day, and gained in session for two hours and a half. Its ■^liberations were devoted to the drawing up of a fusion, which is to form a general basis for the ture regulation of its labours. The representatives « aU the Powers expressed themselves as anxious for fp maintenance of peace and the rights of the Sultan. Conference will meet again on Monday. CONFERENCE.—RUSSIA AND PRINCE ALEXANDER. ^rd sitting of the Conference was held in Con- on Monday. It is stated that Sir William e> in accordance with instructions from Lord Usbury, has signed the collective declaration agreed at the second sitting. This declaration tends to 6 restoration of the status quo ante. correspondent at Philippopolis telegraphs the news of the expulsion of Prince Alexander the Russian army has made a deep impression ^e Bulgarian people. Should it portend war, are quite prepared to face that danger. As for c 6 Prince he is determined to fulfill his duty at any s°8t to himself. Prince, people, and army, our corre- ftdent adds, are resolved to repel any invasion, and M* unconditional union already accona- ^l8hed, no matter what may happen, or what may be result of the present Conference. j8 St. Petersburg Daily News correspondent says it reported that Russian agents are displaying the Latest activity throughout Bulgaria and Roumelia, L are endeavouring to persuade the people that they Te been deceived by Prince Alexander, and that be deposed the greatest dangers threaten telegram from Nisch, published on Tuesday ortiingi sayg there is no truth in the report that a >?8Piracy has been discovered against the life of ji ?8 Milan, A contradiction is also given to the ^psQient that his Majesty told the French Minister Servia would require to be guaranteed against 0f6recurrenceof events like the recent proclamation Wk union, and would not be satisfied to the mere restoration of the status quo ante. telegram from Sofia states that rifle shots were Ranged on Monday between some Servian and CWn patrolling parties on the frontier near Trn, Yj„ that no one was wounded. A body of 300 Ser- gj11 troops is said to have crossed the frontier and » *arieed some distance in order to cut off a Bul- Xh Patrol of 23 men, who, however, retreated. ? outposts have now been strengthened, and a retjjUs con^ct is apprehended unless the Servians Servian Government issued an official Note on Cfo 5% iQ which it denied that its troops had the Bulgarian frontier. It had no need to n\a casus belli, as ample ground had long existed declaration of war; but Servia abstained from ^ot"*8 8Uctl a course> because she was governed by w!Ve8 of an altogether special character. Servia MicJ. a State policy; Bulgaria a revolutionary Cot^r sitting of the Conference was held at Mont ^^tiQople on Wednesday. No resolution was their f the Ambassadors defined the aim of ytto berations to be the restoration of the status





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