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".,'",..u Ol^lALTAMaAMiSr…


,u Ol^lALTAMaAMiSr '(!i'"li. Jr J THE SEATS BILL. n the HOTJSS OF LORDS, June 8th, on the motion to tta 1°.Committee on the Redistribution of Seats Bill, claim of the Royal University of Ireland to separate presentation was urged by several peers, but the Earl &afc !?kcrley declined to accede to the request, alleging /here was a strong and growing feeling against the representation of universities. A Marquis of Salisbury also pointed out that the Wsuggested would necessitate a series of impor- j iterations in the bill. Ue ,e House having gone into Committee, an amend- KWas ad°pted at the in stance of the Marquis of |e Ury,with the assent of the Government, reversing ( C*86 ^a^eri b>' the Commons with, regard to the (jje of Westminster. A provision, indentical with I the Marquis of .Salisbury had placed upon p f fer>empowering the Queen in Council, uponpeti- lie n inhabitants of a county division, to alter ^foh16 division, was moved by the Earl of er%, but, being objected to by the Duke of Rich- ^hdraD^ ^or(ion an<i Viscount Cranbrook, was kt5?t0P°sal by the Marquis of Lothian to take Jed- Li°Qt: ^e county of Roxburgh and group it with (5 tOU§hs was carried against the Government by Several divisions were taken with regard to i^nclature of new constituencies, and eventually '6tePo te? passe(* trough committee and ordered to In a, ZULULAND. nsWer to the Earl of Jersey, the Earl of Derby ^Ulul Proclamation had been issued by the Boers in protesting against the action of Lieutenant ln ta^mg possession of St. Lucia Bay, and |ing the rights of the new Republic over the bay lUdiat entire country. Sir Henry Bulwer had re- the Boer pretensions without loss of time, and had been approved by her Majesty's Govern- ^b'p c^a™8 Germany with regard to the bay ^Ht6? disposed of by diplomatic action, and were \i l to De revive< 1 lordships rose at a quarter to nine o'clock. IN J. NEW MEMBERS. HOUSB OF COMMONS, Mr. Sinclair and Sir « nu took the oath and their seats for county 3 and Denbighshire respectively. HJT PRINCESS BEATRICE'S MARRIAGE PORTION. >or>cbere gave notice that he should oppose the '•ice ^0r a ffiarriaSe Por^on to the Princess IN SIR PETER LUMSDEN'S "OPINIONS." jSt-py to Mr Arr,olc3' Mr-J- K- 0ross saM the Jl°n of the Prime Minister and the Secretary of or India had been directed to statements reported f&Pej Co been made by Sir Peter Lumsden to a news- j^J^espondent at Vienna. Sir Peter Lumsden's ^Ml0a n°t been annulled. He had always Stinw^sserted, regardless of all party questions, the did evacuation of Caadahar was an error. %rail tot consider himself responsible for alleged incorrectly reported by newspaper corre- u' an<^ he disavowed any intention of making c* upon the Government which he served. RAK THE SOUDAN "SURPRISE." lo i of Hartington informed Sir G. Campbell I^SonJ. ^rolseley, who had been instructed to make <!om_ inquiries into the conduct of operations in the ,"J Generals Graham and M'Neill, strongly jjuei any further inquiry. Up to the present f'eliur ^olseley had not reported further, and the Commanding in-Chief held the opinion, ij. noble marquis expressed his concurrence, :tl1t¡¡ bWfoUld be advisable to await Lord Wolseley's 0re coming to any final decision. J>0 THE GOVERNMENT ON THE BUDGET PRO- IHE GREAT EXCITEMENT IN THE HOUSE. Nt6 ?ct'l°r °f the Exchequer, in moving the D.S of the Budget Bill, made some brief re- 8h*8- to rfefe:rence to the suggested repayment v/ho had paid the 2s. increased duty on This he maintained, was contrary to prece- ^°U8e increased duty had been sanctioned by the 'n all probability it had been paid by the e, eri,iately. He went also at length into « a§lard increased duty cn spirits, showing that C<icl the revenue was 5J times larger than in j'it jj' 4^ times larger than in Ireland. .^icks-Beach moved an amendment con- ges ,[*e Proposed increase of the beer and spirit Wjje absence of any corresponding increase of a ^ODp'f declining to increase the duty on iT^ion while the resolutions in regard to local P?ssed in 1883 and 1884 remain unfulfilled, j the first branch of the amendment, he di8 s°Oie article of more general consumption, to\¡jd looted altogether from the suggestion that wine substituted for beer as a popular beverage. If 5s fatt the wine duties were to be proposed t liHe j0^ a bargain, he complained that the Go- fe? ^oth ta!vfn altogether the wrong course, <»,, '-pain and France knew they had nothing coarse to compel Spain to Nkea^Se,r?lai facilities would have been also+n?> J antaSeous to her wines. He Sud brannh nF +1, Bger °f adulteration. As to the w^sal +-,• tlle ^solution, be argued that the S aconn iD?,reaKe succession duties did not take tW t"e capacity of real property to bear them, k at a1! taxation of real property was to be dealt j0". »l. should be by way of a complete equilisa- !)« for 1-me 0 ?Sricultural depression was not oppor- burdens on land, and as the t'8 Jear were estimated to produce so small a sum -L v Postn' e urged the Chancellor of the Exchequer Wetlsiv matter until he could deal com- with the duties on real and personal pro- Qlr 0 e in a sarcastic vein on the JJW] shown by Sir M. Hicks-Beach for an in- c ih^ on tea5 remarking that, however un- Aet J. present Budget might be, the Opposition ittNd°SLbe more disliked. As to an increase in adverse to Spain, he pointed out that '^erfete with a growing colonial trade, and J>a/erise<3 as claptrap the argument founded on 8ifl ^c]1SOri the beer duties with the duty on wine 3*? dn|;va? a beverage of the rich. As to the succes- tersQ ,Was an a°t of justice as between landed dproperty, and there was no reason why it elayed. The Government, be said in con- yarded the Budget as a whole as a matter of "waters ';iE<^ the amendment were carried its t to c„r '"ould hfive to form a Government of their L^ttl (j out their own financial policy. h 0 Vj f^torj, referring to a preference expressed f°r Radical teetotallers" as against 6 P°liticians," twisted him with haviDg Jifr.Polif1'101'6 pothouse meetings than any other C^als ■a member, and commented at length on the 111 Budget to suspend the repayment of tl> O's i V in an animated speech, maintained tj}e Imposed increase of the spirit duty would It1*86 of C* re^ev'1:g taxation in England at the i& •O'TJ xPayersin Scotland and Ireland. QV-the ,.e!rie, Mr. C. S. Read, and Mr. Coope joined tl8cUf.s'on> all(1' Dr. Cameron, who strongly '^Xaf0 an increase in the duty on whisky, contended °t ti°Q s^ou^ equally upon the different sec- C0lnmunity, which, as regards the duty on ev*be attained by imposing a duty of 4d. or gallon of proof spirit in either beer, wine, contended that there was a decided un- fii amendment, which, he maintained, was in LSe of iDg tbe working-man argument for the ad- k;*t. f)rf1, 0 wealthier classes. 'HW n" dwelt on the injustice to the agricul- est which would bo caused by ibe increase In vNafv c'^ties, and on its demoralising effect in Vr; "Whif ifdulteration • ri -a^ criticised the proposed increase of duties, especially if they were to be per- il 4 H\\n ^'Connor referred to the returns illustrating in various British industries and the in- tk M s(riK°re%n trade, contending that the Budget 'h. reia blow at home industry while benefiting 0h^Pro<3ucer- 0^Hrjj, ,r'cell°r of the Exchequer declared that the w\]f' °aronet opposite had set up the proposition party to which he belonged that tea V!^ of'rf article on which duty should be increased 0f ^uty on spirits. The Government were dis 8Writs°^n'on that duties on liquor, such as beer °r a'Were preferable to increased duties on tea, of the articles of necessary consumption. It ? °f r]e that it was better to adopt his gradual (lMp a with the death duties than to postpone >0 lHg j, When the more drastic plan of at once ''idh tava\pr°Perty on the same footing as personalty W? en adopted. In having recourse to taxa- 1illor ^or Patti;d payment of expenditure warlike preparations, the Government W^tripti sound principle of making articles of K 'o share with property the burdens which eCe<Jeilt0riD<! upon an emergency, and had followed SirSa. set uP°q a previous occasioD, when brandy ote expressed the hope that tke decision V t wou-d be taken on purely fiscal grounds. •? of the I ixehequer had given as a reason Vi* hai?1?8 anc^ beer that the revenue from those c'al decreased. But he thought it was a E°t to tax a falling revenue, because SolH T ? ^urther revenue was not likely to be ?0t ?stQ, th^ n a<^ apologising for such a financial If if Chancellor of the Exchequer took credit ^8 f °Wever; the reason given by the right hon. gOo(j Pitting a further tax on beer ami spirits If iine' would apply equally to wine. (Hear, V J t'fitici i matter were to be dealt with on purely rther t ^eer an £ i spirits would not be selected axation. His right hon. friend gave tea as an illustration of articles to which resort might have been had, and did not make the proposition which the President of the Local Government Board seized upon so fiercely and flung at him. (Opposition cheers and counter cheers.) That was altogether a mis- representation. If the object were to punish those who were thought to support war and what was called Jingoism, there was a fallacy in the proceed- ing. Who was it who had the power to bring about all the evil things which were referred to as Jingo- ism ?" Why, the Government of the day. And who supported them ? The hypothesis was that it was those who were to be punished by this legislation; whereas, it was the Government who had brought about this state of things, and they were supported by what the President of the Board of Trade called Radical tee- totalers." (Opposition cheers and laughter.) This was a year when they had a right to expect a very carefully arranged Budget. The conditions of trade and agriculture, and of the country generally, made it necessary to have a careful diagnosis of the causes of those conditions. He believed that, taking house tax and land tax into account, houses and lands bore their share of burdens equally with personal property, with- out going into matters of local charges at all. (Oppo- sition cheers.) The Government were not fortunate in their commercial treaties—he did not indeed know that they were fortnnate in any of their undertakings. (Hear, hear.) The financial failures of the Govern- ment had arisen from their fidgeting, and not dealing with questions on broad principles, so that there was an uncertainty as to what the Government intended, and as to what they would do. In the present case nothing could be more unsatisfactory and injurious than their action. If the beer and spirit taxes were to be educa- tional, to educate the people to temperance, why did the Government forget their morality as soon as they had a few millions to spare ? (Opposition cheers.) The real point of the Government was to get over a difficulty-to carry over the beer duty to the next Parliament, just as it had been suggested to carry the Crimes Act over and let the next Parliament deal with it. (Opposition cheers and laughter.) He did not think that would redound to the credit of the Government. His own view was that they ought to raise the money they required in the form that would be least for the disadvantage of the country as a whole, and that as far as possible they should keep their taxation steady, though, of course, he admitted that it was not possible to do so absolutely. With respect to the two modes of paying off debt, the Prime Minister was contemptuous of his (Sir S. Northcote's) plan, and said that the real way was to establish terminable annuities. (Mr. Gladstone: I never said so.) Well, he had a recollec- tion of having something like a fight across the table over it, and of the right hon. gentleman treating his proposal with some amount of contempt. But the course taken by the Government destroyed entirely the effect of their terminable annuities. He hoped the House would accept the amendment of his right hon. friend, and he was sure that there would be no difficulty in readjusting the Budget to meet the contention which he had raised. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Gladstone, who was loudly cheered on rising, said there was but a moderate connection between the speech they had listened to and the motion on which the judgment of the House was invited. (Ministerial cheers.) The motion of his right hon. friend only appeared in the speech by fits and starts. The speech of his right hon. friend (Sir Stafford Northcote) con- sisted of a criticism of the Government, and a highly laudatory review of the finance he himself conducted (Ministerial cheers) — an exposition of general principles which some might call truisms and others platitudes — (laughter) — with only an occasional reference to the subject before the House. The right hon. gentleman said he found nothing in the finance of the Government but a series ot the most miserable failures—(Opposition cheers)- and he thought the present year was eminently favourable to a general review and exposition of all matters connected with the financial state and prospects of the country, with a view to preparing the way for the new Parliament. The right hon. gentlemen said there had been nothing but a series of failures on the part of the present Government in regard to finance. He drew a comparison between those who came into office in the year 1874 and the present Government. Then the right hon. gentleman (Sir g, Northcote), with a surplus of f 6,000,000 presented six Budgets to the House, and out of those four were deficient. (Ministerial cheers.) What had been the case of the present Government ? For four years, although they had had to meet great emergencies, they had presented a surplus of revenue over expenditure. (Cheers.) The right hon. gentleman who moved the amendment made a most candid speech. He found fault with him (Mr. Gladstone) for describing his amendment as a vote of censure. It was not a vote of censure-it was simply a Government question of life and death. (Laughter.) That it was an error, he admitted, but it was more in form than in substance. (Hear.) While he agreed with the right hon. gentleman opposite (Sir S. Northcote) that it was a very bad thing to have unsteady and fluctuating taxation, he was very glad his right hon. friend proposed to make the beer duty terminable next year, because it could not fail to have the effect of inducing the new Parlia- ment to consider seriously what he hoped it would be inclined to consider on many other grounds—namely, the general scale of the expenditure of the country. A certain amount of charge had been sanctioned by the House, and that amount of charge presented a sum of £13,000,000 to be provided for. The first question was as to whether that sum ought to be provided by taxa- tion, by borrowing money, or by arresting payment of payment, or in what proportion those different methods ought to be applied to meet the exigencies of the case. Well, had the Government submitted to the House an extreme or an unreasonable place in that respect ? When his right hon. friend first produced his Budget he pro- posed to take one moiety by taxation and to make no provision for the others, but to allow it to be taken out of the sums which were applied to the reduction of debt. He did Rot think that that was an unfair proposal. It certainly was net an extra- vagant amount to be asRed in the shape of taxa- tion—at least, if the House did consider it an extrava- gant amount, it was very desirable that that should be plainly and unequivocally examined. The next ques- tion was the apportionment of taxation between direct and indirect taxation. The right hon. gentleman oppo- site had been good enough to say he recognised that the entire burden should not be laid on property, and that a portion should be raised from articles of con sumption. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, then, had been so far fortunate in attracting the approval of the right hon. gentleman. But he (Mr. Gladstone) could not compliment the Opposition upon the pruder ce of the course they were now pursuing. The motion would be a severe blow to Chancellors of the Exchequer who should attempt to act upon the prin- ciple that part of this increased taxation should be levied indirectly. (Hear, hear.) The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in proposing a budget which affirmed the principle that taxation ought to be divided between direct and indirect taxation, was met by the party opposite not with a motion re- fusing some of the proposed taxes, but by the most obstructive of all methods of proceeding -by an adverse motion to the second reading of the Customs Bill. He believed that when the time came for an Administration to be formed out of the ranks of the party opposite they would repent of the step they were taking to-night, and as v-ell as of many other steps they had taken. (Cheers.) Sir M. Hicks Beach offered a counter budget to-night, but the leader of the Opposition did not seem altogether to support it, for he described the proposal for a tax upon tea as a mere illustration. (Laughter.) One illustration was as good as another. (Laughter and cheers.) What was the cause of all this tremendous opposition to the budget of his right hon. friend, and what was the reason the Opposition did not raise their point in committee ? He believed the secret of this adverse motion to the second reading was not to omit the beer and spirit taxes, was not through any compassion for the beer-drinker— (laughter) -the reason was to be found in the death duties. (Loud Ministerial cheers.) The Chan- cellor of the Exchequer had invaded the sanctuary of landed property. (Cheers.) Although the reference to the death duties modestly retired to a second place in the motion of the right hon. baronet (Sir M. Hicks-Beach), it constituted the ground and basis of the whole of the opposition The proposal of the Chancellor of the Exchequer was a mild one. It was not the fact that the whole of the revenue on this head would be drawn from realty; a considerable por- tion would be drawn from personalty. But the duty undoubtedly tended to the removal of a distinct anomaly as regarded the incidence of the death duties upon real property. Besides that, five years was allowed for the payment of the succession duties, and supposing another death occurred in the five years, then the duty fell back, and a new life commenced to run. It was therefore a total mistake to suppose that the very modified proposal ot his hon. friend came anywhere near the point of equalising the death duties between real and personal property. With respect to the non-taxation of wine, he did not deny that upon the surface of the case that was a very tempting object of criticism. The real question was whether it would have been prudent to tax wine. Hon. members said this was an attempt to favour the foreigner. (Hear, hear.) There was no article in our tariff which had done so much to promote the interests, not of the foreigner but of trade and industry at home, as the article of wine. The reduction of the wine duties in 1860 had not only had the effect of enormously cheapening wine at home and putting an end to all the worst kinds of adulteration, but it had had the effect of securing an opening for British industry to the extent of millions of pounds per annum. It was a delicate machinery upon which these results depended, and it was a serious matter to touch. He did not say it never ought to be touched, but the question was whether it would be wise to do so now, especially considering the small amount, say JE300,000 or B300,000, which it would bring in. The tax upon wine was already heavier than upon beer. Then the House was asked to refuse a tax of Is. a gallon on spirits, and Is. a barrel on beer of little more than one year. He did not think it had been well considered how very strong, he might say how very mild, certainly how very unusual, such a request was. A great necessity had cc.me upon the country, and, apart from the question of who was responsible, they had had a great danger impend- ing over the country. Although they now hoped that the danger might pass away they were not at that moment in a position to say it had passed away-and it would be premature to do so. The preparations to meet that necessity had been sanctioned, the charge had received the unani- mous support ot the House, and now the House was asked to provide a moiety of it by taxation and the regular Opposition, the loyal Opposition, the national Opposition, the patriotic Opposition—(loud Ministerial cheers)-and the Constitutional Opposition-(renewed cheers)—refused the Government the money. (Loud Ministerial cheers.) This was an unprecedented pro- ceeding, as the Opposition on both sides usually shrank from and abhorred the idea of withholding money for military preparations wirch had been recognised as required for the honour of the country. (Cheers.) The right hon. gentleman the leader of the Opposition not only refused the money, but suggested no other means of raising it. The leader of the Opposition now proposed to deny to the Government the means ^o meet the charge, and proposes no substitute for those means, but said that the Budget might easily be readjusted. Was that a course worthy of the position held by that right hon. gentleman—(cheers)—who claimed still to perform the functions whi2h in other times were per- formed by Sir Robert Peel and by the late Lord Derby? (Cheers.) He wished to appeal to the people of the country and to have judgment passed. (Opposition cheers.) All the ancient and approved modes of Parliament were to be abandoned, and that by a party sometimes calling itself Conservative and sometimes a Tory democracy. (Laughter and cheers.) He meant the right hon. gentleman who had just sat down, for the mover of the amendment was per- fectly intelligible; he said, You should cast your net wider and cover a broader surface," and he showed his meaning when he said, You should lay a tax upon tea." He said that the tax upon tea was moderate. The tax now of 20 per cent. upon beer was not moderate, and the tax upon tea was not less, he believed it was more than 48 per cent. at that moment. (Hear, hear.) To obtain the requisite sum from tea you must put on an additional tax of not less than 3d., thus raising the tax to 75 per cent.—(cheers)—because they would not add 3 per cent. upon the back of a 20 per cent. tax on beer. (Cheers.) Mr. O'Sullivan: 400 per cent. upon whisky. Mr. Gladstone: He spoke of beer. (Laughter.) Mr. O'Sullivan: I spoke of whisky. Mr. Gladstone His speaking was orderly, and the hon. gentleman's was not. (Laughter.) As long as he could recollect it had been uniformly held that it was desirable to lay upon spirits as much tax as it would bear. In conclusion, he would say that a fundamental objection lay to a tax upon tea. The right hon. gentleman said that it would be easy to readjust the Budget but why did he not tell them how ? (Cheers.) Were they going to tax the raw materials of industry, or were they going to reimpose Drotective duties ? (Cheers). If not, what was open to them ? Was it to be alcoholic liquors, or tea or sugar ? And that was the issue upon which they were attacked upon a question of life and death. As such the Government accepted io; and he I did not envy those who, if they gained the victory, would have to bear the consequences. (Loud cheering). The House divided- I For Sir M. Hicks-Beach's amendment 264 L Against 252 1 Majority against the Government —12 The result was received with loud and long continued Opposition cheers. Lord R. Churchill and several other Conservative members stood on the benches and waved their hats. Amid the cheering, which lasted for two or three minutes, some cries of Buckshot and Coer- cion were heard from the Irish members. After the excitement had subsided, Mr. Gladstone, who was received with loud Minis- terial cheers, said In going through the remainder of the orders of the day the proceedings in most of them will be merely nominal. No real business would be taken to-night, though I will not absolutely pledge my- self with respect to every (iescription of business with- out taking an opportunity of looking over the list, but I think as nothing would be gained by that, the best thing would be for me to move the adjournment of the House, (Cheers.) The motion was at once agreed to, and the House adjourned at ten minutes to two. THE MINISTERIAL CRISIS. In the HOUSE OF LORDS, June 9, after some formal business had been disposed of, Earl Granville adverted to what had occurred in the other ITouse on the pre- vious night, and moved the adjournment of the House until Friday. This was at once agreed to, and their lordships rose at twenty-five minntes to five o'clock. In the HOUSE OF COMMONS there was a crowded attendance, and the Prime Minister, on entering at twenty-five minutes past four o'clock, was loudly cheered from the Liberal benches. Sir M. H. Beach, on his arrival two minutes later, received an equally warm reception from the Opposition. At half-past four Mr. Gladstone rose, amid renewed cheering, and intimated that in consequence of the division on the previous night the Cabinet hadj thought it their duty through him to make a communication to her Majesty. He was not then in a position to state the nature of that communication, but it was obvious that some few days must elapse before the result of it could be arrived at so as to be made known to the House. In these circumstances, and following the course dictated alike by considerations of convenience and by invari- able custom, he moved the adjournment of the House until Friday. Sir S. Northcote acquiesced in the motion as being both convenient and usual, but wished to know whether there would be any business which it was specially im- portant to transact in connection with the Redistribu- tion Bill. Mr. Gladstone replied that if the House of Lords should carry forward the Redistribution Bill so as to cause it to reach that House by the time it re-assembled, it would be the duty of the Government to advise the House as to the propriety of proceeding to deal with any amendments made in the House of Lords; but his information was not to the effect that it was likely the Upper House would proceed with that Bill in the interval. The motion was then agreed to, and leave having been given to committees to sit, notwithstanding the adjournment of the House, Mr. Gladstone then moved that the House should adjourn. This being also agreed to without discussion, the House adjourned at twenty minutes to five o'clock until Friday.




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