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"TX7IND0W BILLS, This House to Let," may f V be obtained at the Obarver Office, price one penny each. "WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. BEECHAM'S PILLS A EE admitted by thousands to be worth a GurniA A. Box for bilious and nervous disorders, such M Wind and pain in the stomach, sLk headache, giddinesa, fulness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drewsinesi, cold chilli, teshing of hsats, loss of appetite, shortness of bretth, costive- aect, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful ttreamit. and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The first dose will give release in twenty minutes. Thia in GO fiction, or they have done it in thousands of cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to oe WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are Invaluable, as a few them carry otfltH gross humours, open all obstruction. and brinjabout ail that is required. No female should be with- out them. There is no medicin, to be found Jo equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregu- larityof the system. If taken according to the to the directions given with each box they will soon resto e females of all agtl KB sound acd robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and at disorders of the liver, th-y act like "MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs in the human machine. Tney strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD or health, the whole physical energy of the human frame.—Theae are TACTS" admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of •oeie'y, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any pftUrei' aieiiicine in the world, BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. 4ta remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, difficulty 01 fcreathir.g, ehortassa of breath, t ghtness and oppression ef the tbest, wheezing, see., these Pills stand unrivalled. They ■peefiiiy remove that sense of oppression and dliSculty ef fcwatiung which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any per so i. ve BSECHAM'S Cores PILLa a trial, and the most violent cough will in a shori Ome be removed. CAUT")IG -Tlie public ars sft!J3eited to notice that the words "BKECKAM'S PILM, St Helena" are on the OovenuMnv^tvap affixed to each box of the Pills. If not on, they are forgery. Piepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, X. BEXCHAM, chemist, St Helens, Lancashire, in boxes at Is. If and 2s 9'i. sach. Sent post free from the proprietorf or IS or M ltamp.Sold by 3011 druggists and patCSA Medicine Detlara la like kij id»ui. tt-Es .lull directions are given witn each hoi. FOR THE BrOOD IS THE LIFE."—CLABKEM WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE is warranted to clean e the blood from all impurities from whatever cause arising. Ii;) Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of a dnds, its effects are marvellous. Thousands of testimonials tis in bottles, 2s 9d or 33 stamps each, by Chemists a a ern Medicine Ven iors everywhere Mourning Cards, in various patterns, printed, in Welsh and English, at the Observer Office, 1, Nort parade, Aberystwyth. To IIOTiu AND JJODGING-HOXJSB KEEPERS.— Wine Lists and Business Cards, printed in the best -,tylo. MONEY LENT WITHOUT DELAY by the CHARING-CROSS BANK (Regd.). Yo. 28, Bedford-street, Strand, London. Established 1870. Capital £ 150,060. Reserve Fund. £ 50,000. ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE Upon Approved Promissory Notes as follows, wi hout deductions Advance £25-12 monthly repayments of £2 5 10 ,,50 „ „ 4 11 8 „ 100 „ „ 9 8 4 Larger amounts the same in proportion. Advances of X2-, to £2,000 grante at a few hours' notice in town or countiy, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, ix.c- without removal, and to assist persons into busine;s. Also on deeds, policies, and reversions at 5 per cent. for one mortli to 14 years. Distance no object. Ba y repayments. Strictly private. Call or write. Notice. -Before applying elsewhere, ask any solicitor, auc- tioneer. &c., in England and Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find out you are treating with an old- established (1870) safe and bona. fide Bai,li. Having large capital, we do busipess cheaper than others. Responsible Traders, Farmers, and others can have money without bill of sale. Na good 1 ;an ever refused. Current accounts opened according to the usual practice of other banks. No charge for Keeping accounts, or clearing country cheques; Interest at the rate of 4 per cent. allowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of 101. and upwards received at 4 per cent. per annnm payable on demand. Subject to three months' notice of withdrawal, 6 p r cent. Subject to six months' notice of wit hdra VIal, 8 per cent. Subject to twelve months' notice of withdrawal, 10 per cent. Interest paid monthly, quarterly, or as agreed, A. WILLIAMS, Manager. To HER MAJESTY To the Prince of Wale. By Special Wariant, By Social Warrant. Dated Deer. 27, 1805 Feby-10> 1866s DAY, SON,~&~HEWITT'S STOCKBREEDER'S MEDICINE CHEST, No. 2. Contains the first Cattle Medicines ever known as DAY'S." Unlike all other medieaments, they possess those special gases (discovered over 50 years ago) which have made them of universal fame. THE Chest complpta with Guide to Farriery is JL R2 16s Od, carriage paid, and contains, besides other articles The BROWN CHEMICAL EXTRACT," for wound-, sprains, sore throats, relaxed ligaments and tendons, pufftd legs in horses, swollen udders, and sore lest in cows, sheep, and dogs. The "GASEOUS FLUID," the marvellous remedy for Fret, Colic, Gripes, and Chills in horses for scour or bad flux in calves, sheep and lambs; for creating healthy appetite, and putting a perfect check to flagging life. The" RED DRENCH," great siomach cleanser and fermenta- tion germ destroyer. It rectifies the blood and expels all inflammatory matter, keeping oil' chills, yellows, red-water, and fever in covrs, oien, and sheep. The BRONCHOLINE," for Husk and Hoose in Sheep and Calves. It enters the blood aud impregnates it with a pun- gent gaseous odour des:.iuc ive to the Worm or Parasite in the Windpipe and Lungs. The "RED PASTE BALLS AND POWDERS," for condi- tioning horses. They give tone to the relaxed system from over-work or other cause, impa ting sharp appetite, con-titu- t:onal firmness of nerve and muscle, buoyant life, and great vigour. Any article can be had separately. 22, DORSET STREET, LONDON, W. HAXELL'S HOTELS. LONDON AND BRIGHTON ONLY. London Telephone, 2577. THEY are scarcely one hour's distance from each other. Their several situations are world-known The London Hotel in the best part of the West Strand. The Brighton Hotel facing the sea, every Room commanding it. The Tariffs of both Hotels are the same :-Apart. ments, 2/6 Drawing-room with Bed-room en suite, 10/6; 12/6; visitors, en pension, 10/6 daily. No extras whatever. The best breakfast table and table d'hote in London and Brighton. Visitors at either Hotel can patronize the other without any further expense than their railway fares, their Apartments during their absence being retained without any charge. Every room in both Hotels being protected by The Harden "Star" Hand-Grenade Fire Extinguisher, it is impossible that any serious accident can occur. BENSON'S NEW PATENT (No. 4658), "LUDGATE" WATCH, SILVER GOLD £5. 5. £ 12.12. IS A SPECIAL STRENGTH" SILVER ENGLISH LEVER, MY BEST LONDON MAKE. WITH THREE-QUARTER PLATE MOVEMENT. JEWELLED THROUGHOUT. CHRONOMETER BALANCE, WITH DAMP AND DUST PROOF PATENT RING BAND, AND EXTENDED BARREL, IN MASSIVE STERLING SILVER DOME CASES WITH CRYSTAL GLASS FRONT WINDS & SETS HANDS & OPENS AT BACK, MAKING IT A BETTER WATCH THAN ANY Xio WATCH IN THE MARKET, ITS ADVANTAGES OVER THE OLD AND FAULTY FULL PLATE BEING ENORMOUS, AS THE '< LUDGATE" WATCH WILL LAST ONE HUNDRED YEARS, IT NEVER BREAKS, AS IT CANNOT BE OVERWOUND, AND NEVER NEEDS EXPENSIVE REPAIRS. IS A BETTER TIMEKEEPER. I IS A BETTER WATCH, AND IS BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OTHER WATCH SOLD FOR mo IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. WILL STAND ROUGH USAGE OF ALL KINDS, AND IS THEREFORE THE BEST WATCH AND EQUALLY SUITED FOR WORKMEN, RAILWAY MEN, MINERS, GENTLEMEN, BOYS, AND ALL WHO REQUIRE A PERFECT WATCH OF EXTRA STRENGTH FOR HOME, INDIAN OR COLONIAL USE. MADE IN THREE SIZES, AS UNDER: WORKMEN'S, LARGE SIZE.. MINER'S & RAILWAY MEN'S, EXTRA LARGE SIZE, AND FOR GENERAL WEAR, MEDIUM SIZE. SENT FREE AND SAFE AT OUR RISK TO ALL PARTS FOR £5. 5. 0 CASH, OR P.O.O., PAYABLE AT G.P.O. PRICE IN 18-CARAT GOLD CRYSTAL GLASS CASES TWELVE GUINEAS, SPECIALLY NOTE that J. W. BENSON is the only Maker of a Three-Quarter Plato English Watch for £ 5 5a., and that our Patent Lud- Watch for X5 513., and that our Patent Lud- gate Watch, cannot be had through, or of any Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any Infringe- ment of the Patent Rights will be proceeded against. A Book explaining the advantages of this Watch over the Full Plate English Watches sold by all other makers, will be sent Post Free on application, to J. W. BENSON, I WATCHMAKER TO H.M. THE QUEEN, THE STEAM FACTORY, 62, AND 64, LUDGATE HILL, E.O. AND 25, OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDON. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches from X2 to £ 500, Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks, (House, Chime and Turret) and Musical Boxes, IVee on Application. CLUB ASSOCIATIONS.- FOREMEN, SECRE- TARIES OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, and others will find their Incomes considerably increased by establishing Clubs, for the New Patent Ludgate Watch, as it is worth from X5 to £ 10 more than any English Watch sold, and therefore bound tompmedo all others ia the Market, Business Notices Gogerddan Arms and Lion Royal Hotel ABERYSTWYTH. THE "OLD COUNTY HOUSE." FIRST-CLASS FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL. THIS HOTEL is close to the Castle and Clock Tower, and within three minutes' walk of the Railway Station. The Hotel is now replete with every comfort. Spacious Ladies' Coffee Room. Well-furnished Sitting Rooms and Bedrooms. HANDSOME BILLIARD ROOM, CONTAINING TWO TABLES. WINE AND SPIRIT STORES ATTACHED. OMNIBUS MEETS ALL TRAINS. FIRST-CLASS POSTING, STABLING, & LOOSE BOXES Conveyances leave the Hotel at half-past Nine every Morning for the Devil's Bridge. Fare there and back 4s. Tariff on Application. JOHN ROBERTS, Proprietor. W. H. PALMER, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, QUEEN'S HOTEL WINE STORES, MARINE TERRACE. Per Bottle. I Bottl s. s. d. s, d. WJS from 2 3 I SHERHY from 2 0 IRISH WHISKY 0, 3 0 I, PORT „ 2 6 SCOTCH WHISKY „ 3 0 MARS1LA „ 1 9 PALE BRANDY „ 4 0 CL ARET „ 1 3 RUM Is 2 9 CHAMPAGNE 3 6 WINES DRAWN FROM THE WOOD. THE CELEBRATED EDINBURGH ALE—3s. PER DOZFN IMPERIAL PINT BOTTLES. Sole Agent for—GLEN ROSA SCOTCH WHISKY. BELLE VUE ROYAL HOTEL, MARINE TERRACE. All ORDERS over X2 sent Carriage Paid to any Station on the Cambrian and M. & M. Railways. ESTABLISHED 1826. THOMAS WHITE, (Son and successor to the late Elizabeth White,) MANUFACTURING LAPIDARY AND JEWELLER, EGYPTIAN HOUSE, TERRACE ROAD, AND YORK HOUSE, MARINE TERRACE, ABERYSTWYTH. A splendid collection of Jewellery of the newest designs, comprising Necklets, Brooches, Ear Rings, &c., always in Stock. GEM AND OTHER RINGS. OLD CHINA IN GREAT VARIETY &if" ANYTHING NOT IN STOCK MADE TO ORDER. DEALER IN SILVER AND ELECTRO PLATE. N.B.-No connection with any other firm in the town the same name. GILDING AND ELECTRO PLATING. Beach Stones and other Pebbles Sliced into Slabs, Drilled, and Cut into any Shape or Form. Cabinets, Tables, &c., inlaid. Church Decorations. ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES. THE ONLY WORKING LAPIDARY IN TER RACE ROAD. WORCESTERSHIRE Q ABOn°r! w HALF PRICE. A U L HI WORCESTERSHIRE g IRUffLrr,pi HALF PRICE. WHEN BUYING WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, SAVE HALE THE COST tt^T BBAnlf0 oT On 'Q S0LD BY ALL XXULOKUUH OT/ V^VJ. O. GROCERS & OILMEN* EVERYWHERE. RECKITT'S BLUE LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD." '(jII6> PATRONISED BY ROYALTY. THE SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM OF DRESS CUTTING. (N. HANBURY, LIMITED.) DRESS CUTTING TAUGHT UNTIL PERFECT. RPHE Jury Commission, appointed by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, have awarded the ONLY MEDAL for DBESS CUTTING of -*■ the International Health Exhibition to The Scientific; Dress Cutting Association. The Scientific System of Dress Cutting was introduced in 1882. Until that time there was no known method of cutting a dress, except by the old-fashioned rule of thumb and guess-work. Slowly but surely the new system has worked its way, until now no lady of taste is content to have her costumes cut by any other plan. OUR PATENT DOUBLE TRACING WHEEL, tracing two lines at a time, one to cut by and the other to sew by, making the seams all the same width, enables a young girl to do the tacking as well as an experienced Dressmaker. The wheel will be sent to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of 2s. (Two Shillings) POST FREE. 11\1 Post Office Orders-crossed-to be made payable at General Post Office, London, to N. HANBDKY, Limited, 272, Regent Strefit, Regent Circus, London, W. A few more ladies of intelligence and good address Wanted, to team our bystem, as teachers to give instructions at private houses. Unexceptionable references required. Agents wanted in every Town to sell our System. Send for Agents' Special !Price List. Scientific System, with general instruction at the office as long as desired, including a double tracing wheel .« ••• "'v,- ••• ••• £ £ 2 0 One System in full, with special printed instructions, enabling anyone to thoroughly understand it, including a double tracing wheel, "will be sent by post to any part of the United Kingdom for £ 12 0 Address all communications to the General Office- I THE SCIENTIFIC DRESS CUTTING ASSOCIATION, 272, Regent Street, Regent Circus, London, W.—Local Agent Wanted. w ORTH KNOWING THAT— I D. H. RICHARDS, I BILL-POSTER AND ADVERTISING AGENT, 43, BRIDGE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, I LEASES the Largest Number and most Prominent BILL-POSTING STATIONS IN ABERYST- WYTH; and that Orders for Town and Country are Promptly and Efficiently Executed, at Lowest Charges. ADVERTISEMENTS received and inserted in all Papers. PASSENGER TICKETS to the States, Canada, Queensland, &c., by Royal Mail Steamers. JjlREE j "QELIYERY To ALL PARTS OF GREAT BRITAIN; AT WHOLESALE pRICES. E. D. & Co.'S pURE TEAS E. D. & Co.'S PURE New Season's TEA-S ET\ & fW.'S rrEAS JLf. KJ X THESE TEAS Are of the Highest Quality. ET\ St fiO.'S rrEAS Are supplied at • -U. v> A the Whole.-ale Price. Are forwarded Carriage Paid E. D. & C°'S TEAS to all parts. E. D. & £ J°.'S PURE New Seasor's TEAS ETfc & flO.'S "DURE rTEAS Price Is 8d • U. KJ i J- to 3s, per lb. Write for Samples and contrast ETfc & "DURE FTVEAS with U. A J- any.other. Write for Samples to JgLLIS J^AVIES; AND CO., 44, LORD STREET, (LIVERPOOL. TFGG°AT.T. PARCELS CARRIAGE PAID. BORTH HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, In connection with the Cambrian Hotel MATLOCK SYSTEM. THE ABOVE IS NOW OPEN. JPROSPECTUSES Olf APPLICATION. SAMUEL ALLSOPP & SONS, BURTON- ON-TRENT. SEASON BREWED ALES & STOUT IN PRIME CONDITION. A BERYSTWYTH Office—Hampton House, Rail- [way Terrace. ■> Stores-Railway Station. ONE BOX OF CLA.RKE'S B 41 PILLS warranted to cure all discharges from the Urin- ary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel, and Paina in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent to any address for 60 stamps by the Makers, THE LINCOIISR & MIDLAND COUNTIES' DRUG COM- PANY, Lincoln. Wholesale—all the Wholesale Houses. BOOKBINDING OF EVERY DESCRIP. TION AT EDWARD EDWARDS, GREAT DARKGATE- STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Back numbers of Serial Works Obtained. JUST PUBLISHED, THE BEST AND MOST MAGNIFICENT ILLUS. TRATED WATCH PAMPHLET EVER ISSUED IN GREAT BRITAIN. RARE OPPOmUNITY. SPLENDID present (worth half-a-guinea) consisting of enher ef the following ai ticles will be given to every readfr of 'his paper who sends for our superb new Illustrated Watoh Pamphlet." and who then becomes a purcha er ef one of our world-famed Levers:—Ladies' Morocco Jewellery Case, Handsome Album, Sterling Silver-mcunttd Pipe, Ten Kejei Accordion, or a Con- certina, Half-dozen Table Knives and Forks, Ladies' Handbag, Nickel Clock, Electro Breakfast Cruet, &c. We cannot supply these presents U' the watches, which are about half retail prices, unless ou first send for our new Pan phlet, and read and realise the marvellous value we oner in the best and mOot perfect English Lever Watches ever made. Largest sale in the world. Read facts and what your neighbours say. Beware of imitations. The price of our Catalogue it Is. per copy, but to the readers of this paper we will send a copy post free for two stamps, which is the cost of pcstage only. WritE at once to STEWART DAWSON & CO., 2, Ranelagh Place, Liverpool. HAVE WOOL. Y 0 UR A. & J. MAGNAUGHTON, /-X W KT WOOLLEN MANUFACTURERS, OWN PITLOCHRY, PERTHSHIRE, Pay carriage for Wool sent them for Manu- n T facture into their Celebrated PITLOCHRY TWEEDS, DRESS TWEEDS, BLANKETS, BED COVERS, DRUGGETS, SHEETINGS, KNITTING YARNS, &c., &c. Highest eulo- MADE INTO giums from the leading Journals. Patterns, C charges, and full particulars as to time re- T m quired, yield of wool, &c., on applicatio LOTH, above. » as Printing for Churches, Chapels, Sunday Schools Concerts, and entertainments of every sort is exe- puted at the Observer Office, 1, North Paradf cromptlv and at fair charges. RECEIPT FORMS, in books of 50 each, price Is, may bepurchased at the Observer Office 1 North Parade. very useful. TOWLE'S PENNYROYAL AND STEEL PILLS FOR FEMALES quickly correct all irregularities and relieve the dis- tressing symptoms so prevalent with the sex. BOIes 111 lid any IChemists. Sent anywhere for 15 or 31 Stam ps, b E. T. TOWLB Qbemigt, Nottingham, $u5Iifatton0. EVERY FRIEND OF THE COLLEGE SHOULD SEE THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF WALES MAGAZINE, CON rAINING Full Reports of College News Original Articles, &c. Subscription for the Session (6 numbers) 3s 6d (post free). Send name and address to Magazine Secretaries, U. C. W., Aberystwyth. Orders payable to R. H. Edwards, financial Secretary. JO HN MORGAN, PBINTB R, Observer Office, Aberystwyth. Printing of every description executed at the Observer Office, 1 North Parade. Estimates furnished. Moderate Charges. NOTICES TO QUIT, from Landlord to Tecant, and Tenant to Landlord, may be had at ths Observer Office, price ona penny each. THE MAGIC CLEANSER. gINCLAIR'S QOLD ^TATER g0AP Saves TIME—MONEY—LABOUR—FUEL. The Family Wash without the misery of a steamy house. Cannot injure the most delicatefabric. SINCLAIR'S COLD WATER SOAP A Lady writes to The QMeen—' I find it saves time and material,as the clothes require less rubbing,no boiling, and has a much purer colour than with or. dinary soap. I recommend it to every housewife.' SINCLAIR'S COLD WATER SOAP A Government Inspector of Soap Factories says- My opinion of it is very high; on no account would I be without it in the house.' Beware of Imitations. Ask for "Sinclair's." 4d. per lb. OF ALL GROCERS and OILMEN JAMES SIITCLAIB, Southwark Street, London. S.E E. & R. REES, COACH BUILDERS, AINRY STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, BEG to announce that, having extended their premises, th»y have additional facilities for conducting their Business. NEW CARRIAGES ON HAND. Broughams, Landaus, and all sorts of Carri- ages, made to order. JOHN ELLIS, IRONMONGER, GUN & LOCKSMITH, BELLHANGER, &c., GREAT DARKGATE-ST., ABERYSTWYTH. JE. begs to draw the attention of his numerous • customers to his Stock of BREECH and MUZZLE LOADING GUNS and BREECH and MUZZLE LOADING GUNS and AMMUNITION. Curtis and Harvey's Gun Powder and Chilled Shot. P. & W. GORNALL, PLUMBERS, GASFITTERS, PAINTERS PAPERHANGERS, AND GENERAL HOUSE DECORATORS. AU orders promptly attended to. All sizes of Iron and Lead Pipes, Paints, Varnishes, &c., in Stock. Sanitary Pans and Trap from 2s. 9d. each. A LARGE STOOK OF PAPURHANGING8 From 3d. per Piece. 3, NORTH PARADE, ABERYSTWYTH GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. patronised by several eminent Physicians and Burgeons, and UNIVERSALLY held in high esteem. Though you have suffered despaired for years and tried Remedies in vain, be assw £ i 'Sbsre is still a safe and speedy care for you at a small cost by ssing jTiEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. vJT which arc now recognised by all as being the best Medicine yet discovered for PIlE AND GRAVEL, as waU as for the following pains, which in >'inefy-iiine Cases out 01 erery Hundred, are caused by these painful Mala(iles:- Pain in the back, Flatulency, Griping;, Colic, Asense of weight in the back and loins, Darting Pains in the region of tho heart, Liver, and Kidneys, Constipation, Pains in the thighs, sometimes shooting down to the calf of the leg and foot, Suppression and retention of urine, Pains in the Stomack and all Liver Complaints. Fhousa'ads have been cured by these Pills, and many whe had bec j pronounced hopeless have been thoroughly restored to their health by their use. ONE BOX WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SCEPTICAL Ot THEIR EFFICACY. In order to suit all who may be suffering from One or Both et these Maladies, the Proprietor piepares this Vegetable ReDNdl in the following forms No. 1.—GEORGE'S PILL AND GRAVEL PILLS. No. 2.-GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. No. S.-GEOBqE'S PILLS FOR THE PILES. Important Testimonials from Doctors, Chemists, and In- valids, from all parts of the country, will be forwarded, to any address on receipt of a stamped envelope. SfJld in Bcies, Is lid and 2s 9d, by all respectable Chemists, by Post, Is 4d and Ss, in postage stamps. XVEltY BOX IS PROTECTED BY THE GOVERNMENT STAMP. NOTICE.—The title "PILE & GRAVEL PILLS8 is Copyright, and entered at Stationers' Hall. Proprietor, J. E, GEORGE, M.R.P.s., HIRWAIN, GLAMOBGANSHIRE. HOLLO WAYSlttLlSr- Impurities of the Blood. These wonderful Pills are valued at the humblest beartiui ab well as in the houses of comfort and wealth. They work a thef- 3ugh purification throughout the whole system, without duor- Aering the natural action of any organ,and eradicate those germ* of complaints which consign tens of thousands to an early fPave. Debility, Loss of Appetite, Headache, and Loumes* of Spirits. These Pills will, in a few days, effect a truly wonderful change in Debilitated Constitutions (no matter their exciting cause). M they create a healthy appetite, correct indigestion, remic ire exem of bile, overcome giddiness, confusion, sick, beadache, and &U those gloomy forebodings arising from a bad stomach or dis- ordered digestion. 7 The Medicine for Females, Young and Old. For overcoming all obstructions and restoring suspended secre- tions, there is no medicine to be compared to these Pills. UHI- versally adopted ap the one grand remedy for Female Complaints, these Pills cannoifail, they strengthen the system, and always bring about what is required. To females entering into woman- hood, or at the turn of life, they are invaluable, being a perfect safe-guard against dropsy, headaches, palpitation of the heart and all nervous affections often distressing at those periods. Complaints Incidental to Children. Whooping cough, measles, scarlatina, fevers, and all diseases of the skin, may be immediately checked, and soon cured, by these purifying Pills. No mother should be without them. On3 two, or three (reduced to a powder), may be given nightly witis the certainty of doing good. Nervous Disorders. Any derangement of the nerves effects disastrously both the body and the mind. To the nervous invalid these Pills are of vital necessity, as they impart tone and vigour to thfl internal organs, and consequently to the nervous system which pervades and connects them. Hence their marvellous cures of hysteria, low spirits, spasms, fits, nervous twitchings, and other kinds of eomplaints. Hollorvay't Pills are ths best remedy known in the world for the following diseases :— Ague Headache Stone and Gravel Asthma Indigestion Secondary Symp- Bilious Complaints Liver Complaints toms Asthma Indigestion Secondary Symp- Blotches on the Skin Lumbago Tic-Doloreux Bowel Complaints Piles Ulcers Debility Rheumatism Venereal Affections Dropsy Retention of Urine Worms of all kinds Female Irregularities Scrofula, or King's Weakness from Fevers of all kinds Evil whatever causes G»ut Sore Throats &c. &e, Gout Sore Throats &c. &e. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities cannot be too highly commended. Sold at Piofessor HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, 78, New Oxford St (late 533, Oxford St.), Lor don; also by nearly <5very respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised Worlls in Boxes and Pats, at Is lid., 28 gd., 4s (ld, lis., 22s and 33a each. Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can be had in any language. N .B.-Advice Gratis, at the above address daily* between tbe bows of U aad i, or by letter. Tmagnificentw Illustrated Work, on EGYPT. In Monthly Parts, price 1s. EGYPT: Descriptive, Historical, and Picturesque, By Prof. G. EBERS. WITH ABOUT 800 BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS. In this magnificent Work will be found a Fu r Description of Egypt and its People, the ExqUISIte Illustrations bringing every subject of interest vividly before the eye of the reader. A Large Map of Egypt and the Soudan, beautifully printed in Colours, is as a Presentation Plate with Part 1. Prospectuses at all Booksellers', or post free/rotf* Cassell & Company, Limited\ Ludgate Hilly Londo^ gag0 Canadian Life and Scenery. The Publishers of "Picturesque Europe" and "Picturesque America" have the Pleasure to a nounce that they have arranged to issue a Compantotl Work to these Magnificent Fine-Art Publications. In Monthly Parts, price 2s. 6d. Picturesque Canada. WITH ABOUT Six Hundred Exquisite Origincl Illustrations. } (To be completed in 36 Parts.) Prospectuses at all Booksellers', or post fycc Cassell å; Company, Limited, Ludgate Hill, LoniO' "A little library, in my opinion, is a JIlott precious possession."—Rt. Hon. John Bright. j„ "The true University of these days is a lection Of Iboolss."—Thomas Carlyle. tection of books.If-Thomas Carlyle. Messrs. Cassell & Company will issue in MONTHLY VOLUMES CasselVs 4 Red Libi-ary. Price One Shilling each, in stiff covers; or, Two Shillings each, handsomely bound in cloth. Cassell's Red Library will consist of the very books of the best authors, and will form a sentative library of works by leading EnS Scotch, Irish, and American writers, of Cassell's Red Library will present a varied supfv recreative and enjoyable reading, and V-1 be selected so as to suit the tastes of all, both yoU and old. ze Cassell's Red Library will be set in clear, han readable type, printed on fine paper of & quality, and handsomely and strongly bound. ;) ÍJI The following Volumes will appear (amongst other! by CASSELL'S RED LIBRARY :—The Old Curiosity Shop., CHARLES DICKENS; "Rienzi," by LORD LYTTON ,ERS)' Talisman," by SIR WALTER SCOTT; Tales of the COR „; by J. M. WILSON Pride and Prejudice," by JANE AU ,6 "The Last of the Mohicans," by FENIMORE COOPER s\el Pickwick Papers," by CHARLES DICKENS The o „ Letter," by NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE Handy A^gtoii SAMUEL LOVER "The Last Days of Palmyra Wash Irving's "Sketch-Book;" Sheridan's Plays," &c., s:c. 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