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AN INTERVIEW WITH THE KING OF ABYSSINIA. The Special Correspondent of the Daily News with Admiral Hewitt's mission to the King of Abyssinia describes an interview with that potentate. We ex- tract the following: The sun was well up over the hills before the advance guard of the King appeared on the heights immediately above our camp—irregular horsemen, who scattered over the uneven ground without any particular order or formation. Then in a compact body came the deputy Abuna and other Church dignitaries, the choir of boys still chanting. At an interval of a few yards rode the King, dressed in a black silk gabardine, bare-headed and bare-footed mounted on a mule richly caparisoned with silver and red leather. A large magenta silk umbrella was held over his head by a page; and on either side, at a respectful distance to prevent the pressure of his un- ruly subjects, werefjotmen at short intervals march- ing in Indian file. The King's son rode beside his royal father, also mounted on a mule, and looked very princely with his rather handsome face and good bearing. The rear was brought up by the army- infantry and cavalry all huddled together, fighting their way to the front, so that they could get a better view of the arrival at the palace. The inhabitants of Adowa had been brewing tedge and making bread for the last three weeks, but how they were to provide for this inroad of more than seven thousand warriors and their animals was quite a puzzle. The King's hospitality towards us com- menced that evening, much to the delight of our servants, for two oxen, several sheep, five hundred loaves of bread, many jars of tedge and honey, and a few horns of red pepper were brought into camp by the Royal slaves. This quantity became our daily allowance while we were guests at Adowa. During the afternoon there had been much overhauling of personal gear in our little camp, turning out dress uniforms, polishing buttons, and rechalking helmets, for the following day early we were to pay our formal visit to the- Negus Negusti. At half-six the next morning we left our encampment, I believe quite a gay and brilliant spectacle, to the great delight of our followers, who seemed surprised that we had so much gold and glitter with us. The admiral for the first time used his chair, for the journey from our camp to the palace was rugged and precipitous. The rest of us were mounted on mules. The shrill cries of jthe women camp followers as we gradually toiled up the heights to the palace told those in rear that the admiral's cocked hat had been sighted, and very soon butter-headed warriors, women, and children huddled and jostled us to the palace gate. Dismounting in the court yard, and facing the King's hut, the Ras came forward to meet us, shaking hands with Sir William Hewett and Mason Bey. He immediately ushered us into the presence of the long-looked for Monarch. Facing the entrance and against the circular wall of the hut, on a throne covered with violet satin cloth, and supported on either side by pillows of the same rich stuff, with the cross of Solomon worked in gold thereon, sat the Negus Negusti" and King of Zion. On his right stood a servant with a silver-handled horsehair fly-switch, which he kept swaying to and fro to keep the flies from feeding off the butter on the Royal head, for in the habit of greasing doth his Majesty indulge as well as his lowly sub- jects, and the fat sparkled on his crisp hair, neatly plaited in three broad pieces stretched from the forehead over the Royal cranium to the nape of the neck, where the plaits narrow, and are held together with a diamond-headed pin. Drawn up just over the tip of his nose, and totally covering the lower part of his face and body, was the shemma or toga similar to the one given by Allula to the Admiral, embroidered with various- coloured silks in a broad stripe down the centre of the cloth, which is the token of nobility. The King, who was indeed all eyes and ears, scanned us each suspiciously as we approached the throne and bowed. He shook hands with Sir William Hewett and Mason Bey, this movement necessitating the partial un- covering of the body, showing the massive Order of Solomon gleaming on a gown of black silk but only for a moment was so much Royalty seen; and as the Admiral and the Egyptian representatives seated themselves on cane- bottomed chairs provided for them a little distance on the left of the throne, the toga was up to his mouth again, as if our presence had suddenly made him feel very ill. The Admiral soon settled down to business, and rose to present the Queen's letter, which looked a very formidable epistle as it lay in the pretty blue silk case worked by Lady Strangford. Mason Bey followed with the Khedive's letter, and Captain Speedy with that of Lord Napier of Magdala. The Ras took each letter, and held them towards the King, who only bowed. They were then handed to the Chan- cellor. Allula, who a few weeks ago was playing the haughty chieftain with surroundings more regal and a retinue as large as the King's, and muffled up to the nose as that monarch was to-day, now stood abashed and humble before his monarch with his shemma down to his waist and lowered head. The interview becoming slow and oppressive, the admiral asked per- mission to go, expressing a hope that now his mission was nearly finished, and having waited the King's pleasure for five weeks, that his Majesty would allow him to return soon to the coast and his ships. The Negusti then opened his lips for the first time during the interview, and whispered the word "Echee," which in plain English means all right, or very well; then the toga once more closed his mouth, and also our interview, so we rose, bowed, and left the hut. On issuing into the courtyard we found that all the presents had now arrived from our camp below, so the Admiral to avoid another journey resolved to deliver them at once, and again we found ourselves in the presence of the King. As servant after servant brought in the numerous bulky presents and placed them at the feet of the Negusti a deep interest was apparent in his keen black eyes, and as the glittering plated weapons came to his view, as box after box was prised open, Johannas gradually dropped his toga from his mouth, and became visibly affected by the sincerity of a mission thus provided with such valu- able arguments.


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