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IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. TEA! TEA!! TEA! THS Qnaiit'ty of Tea consumed is now so great, and the rile staff thrown upon the market and j offered to the Public is so dangerous to health, that it is highly satisfactory to know onthe evidence of FiRST-Ct-ABS LONDON TEA TASTERS, who reported to the Aberystwyth Board of Guardians that the Sample No. 1 is Undoubtedly and Decidedly the Best and Strongest Tea," which was that t submitted by THOMAS GRIFFITHS, LION TEA WAREHOUSE, At 2s. 6d. per Pound. ESTABLISHED 1826. THOMAS WHITE, (Son and sucsessor to the late Elizabeth White,) MANUFACTURING LAPIDARY AND JEWELLER, EGYPTIAN HOUSE, TERRACE ROAD, AND YORK HOUSE, MARINE TERRACE, ABERYSTWYTH. A. iplendid collection of Jewellery of the newest designs, comprising Necklets, Brooches, Ear Rings, &c., always in Stock. GEM A$I> OTHER RINGS. OLD CHINA IN GREA.T VARIETY I§3IR ANYTHING NOT IN STOCK MADE TO ORDER. DEALER IN SILVER AND ELECTRO PLATE. N.B.—No connection with any other firm in the town the same name. GILDING AND ELECTRO PLATING. Beach Stones and other Pebbles Slico into Slabs, Drilled, and Cut into any Shape or Form.. Cabinets, Tables, &c., inlaid. Church Decorations. ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES. Gold Medal Paris Exhibition, 1878. K INA H A N'S PURE, MILD and MELLOW. ■« t — n n — w DELICIOUS and MOST WHOLESOME. I | THE CREAM OF OLD IRISH WHISKIES. 1 1^ Dr. HASSALL says—" Soft and Mellow, Pure, well Matured, and of very Excellent Quality." WHISKY. The Gold Medal Dublin Exhibition, 1866. 20, GREAT TITCHFIELD STREET, LONDON, W. D A 1 Direct from the Manufactory. Handspun and Hand- le \J j p\ L made. Cheaper, Finer, Better and More Durable than any other make. Patterns free on Application FLEMISH LINEN The Editress of 1 he Queen says Yonr patterns of Eoyal I I f* f V 8W B Flemish Licerss are very beautiful goods, and most moder- ft""1! 8" I™ | | |\3 ff mm ftte in price. They resemble the old-fashioned homespun W H B ■■■■ Ban 1 111 im make and appearance, and hence one great advantage both for sheetings and Underclothing, that, being made t, in -n -a a n With round threads, they do not strike cold as Irish and P«irC6lS Carnage Paid to all parts 01 Yorkshire makes do, a reason, in my opinion, for linen England. going so much out of use. ° SOLE AGENTS FDR GREAT BRITAIN, JOLLY & SON, Merchants BATH, MONTSERRAT LIME-FRUIT JUICE For Cutlets, Cliops, Cur- *», Adds an appetizing charm Ties, Steaks, Fish, Game, Qfl | ]|j P to the plainest & daintiest Soups, Gravies, &c. of dishes. "THE CLIMAX OF PERFECTION." UNRIVALLED for Pungency, Fine Flavour, Strength and Cheapness. The usual 2a. size bottle for 2r. Retail of Grocers, Druggists, and others throughout the world. The Trade supplied by the principal Wholesale Houses, and the Sole Consignees of THE MONTSERRAT COMPANY, LIMITED, 56, HANOVER STREET, LIVERPOOL BUBB & PEAKE, PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS, GASFITTERS, HOUSE DECORATORS, AND BELLHANGERS, GLANYMORFA HOUSE, NEWFOUNDLAND ST., ABERYSTWYTH. (NEARLY OPPOSITE THE SWIMMING BATHS.) THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF NEW SP, ING PATTERNS OF PAPER HANGINGS In the Town or Coanty. UPWARDS OF 5,000 PIECES TO SELECT FROM. FAR FAMED LICHFIELD ALES. The Finest Ales are Brewed by the City Brewery Company The most delicious Ales in the Kingdom. In all size Casks. Carriage Paid to their destination. For Special Terms and Prices AGENT FOR THIS DISTRICT- Ms. D. M. DAVIES, 18, NEW STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, To whom all orders and communications may be sent. JAMES, HOSKING, AND MILLER, ABERYSTWYTH STEAM MONUMENTAL WORKS, MOOR STREET, AND OPPOSITE THE RAILWAY STATION, ABERYSTWYTH. MONUMENTS,TOMBS, & HEADSTONES IN GRANITE,MARBLE, SLATE & STONE MANUFACTURERS OF ENAMELLED SLATE AND MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ENAMELLED SLATE AND MARBLE GOODS. AND AT PORTLAND PLACE, PROSPECT STREET, HULL. FLANNEL FLANNEL FLANNEL For Real WELSH FLANNEL, WOOLLEN DRESSES, CLOTH, SHAWLS, KNITTING, YARN STOCKINGS, &c., try the WELSH FLANNEL DEPOT TERRACE ROAD, ABERYS1 WYTH. JOHN EDW ARDS & Co., Proprietors. All GOODS CORKED in plain figures at last year's prices. Agents for L ELLIS & Co., Dyers, Bleachers, and Muslin Curtain Finishers, Birkenhead TERMS, CASH. fVAILNING! When you ask ibr RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE tflicl/ti Von •if?'" As bad qualiti es ar« often substituted; JiU • eThe genuine is used by the Laundresses of !C THE PRINCESS OF WALES & DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH: ■ JL HirAy BRONZE, SILVER, ft COLD A IUII— International Medals awarded sno. XI t% B ¥ 8 mm M cessively Hot Excenence of ETh jft. Ok a §■»■ Cleanliness in us#, 11 fl IMI I"" BRILLIANT! I V 8i«ai ECONOMIC AX! CLEAN! BLACK LEAD AVOIDS DUST on Ornaments, Carpets and Furniture. It adheres at once to the stove or grate. SOLO BY CROCERS EVERYWHERE. Bft Sixpenny Boxes. In KhiiW decorated Metal Boxes with •propelling holder." In Penny "Domes," and in Halfpenny |» Domes. Bole Makers, E..tamwr & SONS, Plymouth. JOHN MORGAN," STEAM PRINTER, ciobserver" Office, 1, NORTH PAEADE, 1BEJ2YSTWTTH, AND BRIDGE STREET, ABERAERUN. Kaye's Worsdell's PILLS. ARE SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED AS THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE, AS THEY COOL AND PURIFY THE BLOOD THOROUGHLY remn a n*ttd but effectual Aperient they have no equal. They alj impurities, Spots, Rashes, &c., brace up the %htl restor« the Health. Bile AW? IndiKestionj Headache, Dyspepsia, Constipation, n'f it &c. a" C}>emi8ta. Price Is ljd, 2s Od, and 4s 6d per box. Marble and Stone Works, SWAN HILL, SHREWSB-URY R. DODSON RESPECTFULLY begs to intimate that his Show Rooms contain a large collection ef Marble, Stone,and Enamelled Slate Chimney Pieces Marble and Stone Mural Monuments. Cemetery and Churchyard Memorials.' Fonts Fountains, Vases, &c. JOHN MORGAN, PRINTER, Observer Office, Aberystwyth. Printing of every description executed at the Observer Office, 1 North Parade. Estimates furnished. Moderate Charges. EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS. ] V O e I;IGHFTRLSIN5EDAL3. AD VAN TAG-E3. Are entirely free from SMBliL 1 Arc not POISOI'TOTJS I Are manufactured vvitliout PHOSPIIOB.U3 Are perfectly harmless to the OFEBA riVJJS I &.ro very Darap Proof [EMPLOl ED I Are not'"liable to Sponfcaiieous Combustion only on the Eox. WOKTH A GLINKA A BOX. BBECHAM'S PILf S A EE admitted by thousands to be worth a GUINEA A Box for bilious and nervous disorders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold cnills, Bushing of heats, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costive- liess, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The first dose will give release in twenty minutes. This is no Action, fer they have done it in thousands of cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few dosesof them carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions and bring about all that is required. No female should be with- out them. There Is no medicine to be found to equal BEECH AM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregu- c larity of the syslem. If taken according to the to the directions given with each box they will soon resto e females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like ''MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring baek the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame.—These are "FACTS" admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any patient medicine in the world, BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs ilil. general, asthma, difficulty of breathing, shortness of breath, t shtness and oppression of the ehest, wheezing, See., these Pills stand unrivalled. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEBCHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed. CAUTION.—The public are requested to notice that the words "BpEcHAialg PILLS, St Helens" are on the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the Pills. If not on, they are forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, T. BEECHAM, chemist, St Helens, Lancashire, in boxes at Is. and 2s 9d. each. Sent post free from the proprietor for 15 or 36 stamps,—Sold by all druggists and patent Medicine Dealers in the kisgdom, N.B.— Full directions are ?\ven with each box. J^IIAPEES' POSTERS & HANDBILLS displayed in first-rate style, and on the shortest notice. OBSERVER OFFICE, ABERYSTWYTH AND ABEBAERON. MATTHEWS'S^ Avoid the many dangerous | 11 B if" and doubtful compounds sold 8 j | 8 as Toilet Powders; always ask ■ SWESH A for Matthews's Prepared Pullers g™3 A I Earth, used in the Eoyal Nurseries, |™ j>\ §»s 1 BaaS and highly recommended by the B a I {j jg Faculty; it protects the skill from cold winds, chaps, ire., and preserves the complexion. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS ROUSE & Co., 12, WICMORE STREET, LONDON. GEOKGETS PILE A1SD GBAYEL PILLS. Patronised by several emihent Physicians and Surgeons, and UNIVERSALLY held in high esteem, Though you have suffered and despaired for years and tried Remedies in vain, be assured there is still a safe aad speedy cure for you at a small cost by using O.EORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. m which are now recognised by all as being the best Medicine yet discovered for PILE AND GRAVEL. as well as for the following pains, which in yinefy-nine Cases out of every Hundred, are caused by these paiaful Maladies:— Pain in the back, Flatulency, Griping, Colic, A sense of weight in the back and loing, Darting Pains in the region of the heart, Liver, and Kidneys, Constipation, Pains in the thighs, sometimes shooting down to the calf of the leg and foot, Suppression and retention of urine, Pains in the Stomach and all Liver Complaints. Thousands have been cured by these Pills, and many who had been pronounced hopeless have been thoroughly restored to their health by their use. on BOX WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SCEPTICAL OF THEIR EFFICACY. In order to suit all who may be guttering fro-n One or Both of these Maladies, the Proprietor piepares this Vegetable Remedy in the following forms :— No. l.-GEORGg'S PiLL AND GRAVEL PILLS. No. 2.-GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. No. 3.—GEORGE'S PILLS fOR THE PILES. Important Ttsiiiuoiiials from Doctors, Ctiemistd, anm In- valids, from all parts of the country, will be forwarded to any address on receipt of a stamped envelope. sold in Boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d, by all respectable Chemists, by Post, Is 4d and 8s, in postage stamps. EVJlEY BOX IS K-ROTECTED BY THE GOVERNMENT STAMP. NOTICE.—The title "PILE & GRAVEL PILLS" is Copyright, and entered at Stationers' Hall. Proprietor, J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., HIRWAIN, GLAMORGANSHIRE, r% id. VMS&, I '%I L Vtgk pe, 11). SINCL AIR'S ZZA COLD^JS water M Beware of SOAP jjgfl Imitat-ions. for SINCLA^R'S.^ JAMES SINCLAIR, Southwark. London.S.E. TO BE "WEIL AND KF/EP WELL, TAKE BRASS'S vegetable QKARCQAL tt -apt, v It absorbs all impurities in the Stomach and Bowels, and thus gives a healthy toDe to the whole system. Sold m Bottles 2s., 4s. and 6s.^jich. OF ALL CHEMISTS. RRACG'S CHARCOAL B!SCU!TS Children like them. They speedily eradicate Worms. In Tins Is., 2s. & 4s. each. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS. Also BRACC'S CHARCOAL LOZENCES. In Tins Is-Ild- FOR DYEING AT HOHS. CRAWSH AW'S coCrs. in Packets 1d.,2d.,8d.&6d. each A Sent by post for one stamp extra. g f yff g"" ANYONE CAN USE THEM. B Ribbons, Feathers, Neck Ties, Dresses, &c., maybe made look equal to new. One Sixpenny Packet will Dye a Lady's Dress. E. Crawshaw d, Co., 80, Fann St., Aldersgate St., LONDON. E.C. AND OF ALL CHEMISTS. YORKSHIRE RELISH It is the most delicious sauce That you can have with any courw. Taken with soup it hath a charm; Si? ffravies blending does no hamt Is luxury rare. i? F0^ yjands it makes you dan.' The daintiest dishes more delicious; And even renders cheese more speciom, Erery dish it does improve; 5,e? epicures this sauce do love. Of please beware; T17.?.^ e r sauce take great care. BOXJ) EVERYWHERE IN 6d,, Is. & 2s. BOTTLES. GOODALL, BACKHOIJSE°^& Co., LEEDS. FOR inn EXCELLENT AND IVU PALATABLE HOUSEHOLD RECIPES Write to GOODALL, BACKHOUSE & Co., LEEDS, jsnelosing a penny stamp for postage, when you will be pre- Bentea_witn a valuable book of 100 pages, bound in cloth, and "GOOD THINGS," MADE, SAID, AND DONE FOR EVERY HOME AND HOUSEHOLD.










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