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ODDFELLOWSHIP at ABERYSTWYTH The half-yearly meeting of the Aberystwyth Dis- trict was held on Thursday, at the Town Hall. The district officers and delegates were-Dr. Rowland. G.M., John Morgan, D.G.M.. J. J. Griffiths, Prov, C.S., E. P. Wynne, treasurer, James Purton, P.G., St. David's John Morris, P.G., Rheidol Edward Evans, sec., Temple of Love David Jones, P.G., Earl of Lisburce W. Spurway, see., Druid; Thos. Roberts, P.G., Dovey Evan Jones, P.G., Cam- brian John Lewis, P.P.G.M., St. John's; John Lewis, see., Llynlleoec'd; J. O. Jones, sec., St. Padarn: W. Hotvells, sec., Gogerddan; T. R. Jones, V.G., lolo Goch John Hnghps, P.P.G.M., inside guard Evan Jenkins, P.P.G.M., and John Thomas, V.G., auditors. The business transacted was unimportant. At three o'clock the officers and delegates, to- gether with a goodly number of guests sat down to. an excellent dinner, provided in Mr and Mrs. Jones* best style. The guests invited included Mr Vaughan Davies; Mr H. S. Richardes Alderman Jones, mayor; the Revs. J. Pugh, J. A.-Morris and J. H. Davies Mr A. J-Hughes, town clerk Mr Griffith Jones, cor- poration solicitor Drs. Gilbertson, Morris Jones, and Griffiths Mr E. J. Jones P.P.G.M.' Hs, Humphreys, Tbomas Jones, Edward Williams, Thoroas Davies, David Poghe; Messrs. Superintend- ent Lloyd J. Roberts, Lion Hotel; .John James, John Watkins, junior, Tom Griffiths, E. Hamer, W. H. Jones, R. G. Smith, J. T. Jenkins, H. Hubges junior, and Joseph Davies, solicitors John Row- land, Capt. Trevethan, J. D. Hughes, &c. The cloth ha ving been removed, The Chairman proposed the toast of the Queen, and the health of the Prince, Princess of Wales, and the rest of the royal family, both of which were drank loyally, The Chairman said the next toast that he was going to ask them to drink was one he had often given them before, when the smile of peace was wafted over the spirit of the army and navy; but now they bad staring at them the horrible image of war, find if their services were called into requision he felt quite sure that they would rely upon. them sustaining the honour of Queen and country He also felt quit", sure the reserve forces would do honour to themselves. With the toast he coupled the name of Surgeon-major Morris Jones. (The toast was drank with musical honours). S >rig," The Great Russian Bear." Dr Jones replied to the toast in a humorous man- ner. 'I:he Chairman next proposed the bieho and I clergy ot all danomina tion, and might their lives be { to them a bright example, and their prayers of great use to them at this season of the year. He coupled with the toast the name of the Rev J. H. Davies, who respoded in a few well chosen remarks. Song, Twenty years ago," Mr J. T. Jenkins. Dr Rowland proposed the health of a gentleman whose name, he said, required very few words from him. He was a gentleman who gave them plenty of sport, and he was a good magistrate. He also proposed with this toast, the healths of the county magistrates, coupled with the names of Dr Gilbert- son and Mr E. J. Jones [The toast was drank with musical honours.] Song,—Mr Roberts, Lion Hotel. Mr E. J. Jones thanked them for the kind way in which they had coupled his name with the toast. With regard to Colonel Pryse, he was universally respected by all, and was a good specimen of what a county gentleman ought to be, and he wished they had more of them. As to the county magis- hates, there was not a body of men more anxious to do their duty in the office which they bad taken upon themselves without favour or affection. He thanked them for the kind way in which they had responded to the toast. Dr Gilbertson also responded to the toast, and spoke very highly of Col Pryse as a country gentle- man.. The Mayor proposed .the toast of their represen- tatives in Parliament. They were both well known to them, and he did not intend to dwell upon their politics, but he would speak of them as members who were attentive to their duties in Parliament, and they would all give them credit for a faithful attendance at their post of duty at all times. Their borough member, with whom they were better ac- quainted, was a thorough good fellow, and he asked them to drink their good health (applause). Song. "May every good fellow become an Odd- fellow," Mr R. E. Williams. The Chairman next proposed the toast of the Manchester Unity, and said that he was not going to give them a tirade upon thejgreat and splendid position that the Unity held in this country, but since they had last met there had been a great gathering at Cardiff, the first that had been held in Wales for many years, but he most truly hoped that it would not be the last. They all knew that there was a great debate and consultation there as to where they should hold the A.M.C in future years, and among theDamesJbroughiJmGst prominently for- ward was the town of Aberystwyth (applause), and he thought it was their duty to get the A.M.C here next year, or in two or three years to come. They as Oddfellows would be proud to have that body here, but it would be an enormous good to the town, and he assured them that nothing should be want- ing on his part to help them to carry out that ob- ject (applause). With the toast be coupled the names of Bros J. J. Griffiths and John Llejd (hear, hear). Song-Capt. Thomas. P.P.G.M. Lloyd thanked them for the kind way in which tbe toast had been received, and referred to the A M.C., predicting that it would come to Aberystwyth in the year 1885, a remark which was received with lottd applause. Bro Roberts, Lion Hotel, proposed the toast of the Mayor and Corporation, and humorously re- ferred to the fact of the Mayor's visit to London, and the obligation of the town to provide the Mayor with a suitable robe. [The toast was heartily received]. The Mayor, on behalf of himself and the Corpora- tion, be felt grateful for the way in which the toast bad been proposed and received. He assured them that the Council were not now going into difficulties, but there were old difficulties which had been in the way for some years. He thought, however, that the rates were higher years ago than they were now, the general district rate being now Is 6d, and itwas a few years ago 2s (hear, hear). He wished the worthy Town Clerk and deservedly so (applause) had been present, as he would have been better able to re. spond to the toast. Mr Roberts was quite right in the matter of the robes, and then referred to his visit to London, where, he said, the town was not unworthily represented (hear, hear,). He went in a robe, and no did not borrow that robe, but he paid for it (applause), and he would assure them that none cf them would be ashamed to see it on their backs. It would not be very much that the Mayor should have a chain and badge, and he bad thrown out the chatlenge that if they presented the chain and badge he would present the robe (applause). Mr Thomas Griffiths and Mr Edward Hamer also responded. Dr Jones next proposed the health of the Aber- ystwyth district officers, coupled with the came of Dr Rowlands, grand master (applause). Dr Rowland responded, and said that he elt proud to hold the position of grand master of the district, as to be grand master over about 1,600 members was no small thing. He assured them that he tried to do his beat, and he would do all he could for the district as long as he was connected with it, and he hoped he should live and die an Oddfellow (applause). D.G M. John Morgan and E. P. Wynne also re- sponded, the latter remarking upon the small amount of fatality in the district for the past six months. Out of the 1600 members they had only three deaths, and instead of taking some R200 down to the Town Hall that day, he had only to take about £24. But St David's lodge bad suffered a good deal during the past six months, and no less than £133 had been paid out fer sickness, which which was an example of what the other lodges were doing. Mr G. R Smith, having apologised for the ab. sence of Mr Griffith Jones, who fully intended to be present, but for a pressing engagement, proposed the toast of the borough magistrates, a finer body than whom, he said, they could seldom see on any bench. [The toast was drank with musical honours J. The toast was responded to by Bros Hamer and Tom Griffiths. Dr Rowland proposed "success to the kindred societies, and coupled with the name of Mr J. D. Hughes, a Forester, who responded. Prov. C.S. Griffiths, who had been compelled to leave the room on account of ill-health, now re- turned, and was hailed with loud cheering. The Chairman asked them to drink the secretary's health, whom be was delighted to see enter the room [applause]. Soog, "Pulling hard against the stream," Mr Davies. Bro J. Lloyd proposed the health of the visitors, coupled with the names of Mr Hugh Hughes and Mr Jenkins, solicitor. Song, "Never miud the rest," Mr E. Hamer. Mr Hugh Hughes, on behalf of the guests, re- turned thanks, and said this was not the first occa- sion, and he hoped it would net be the last, that he had spent an hour or two with them. It was in consequence of these invitations he became an Odd- fellow, and hoped that the other guests would fol- low his example by joining some lodge. Mr J. T. Jenkins also returned tbanke, and said that he was now a member of three such soeieties, and he was a subscribing member to the Oddfellows. Bro J. Lloyd proposed the health of the district examiner, Mr Williams. He referred to the exam- iner's report, as being most elaborate, and one worthy of perusal. Song, Mr R. G. Smith. Bro Williams thanked them for the high compli- ment paid him. Br6 Rowland, Grand Master, proposed the health of tboICbsirman, who said, had travelled nearly the whole night to be present. He had done more good to the farming interest of the country than any man he knew, and he should be glad to sea him in the position of grand master of the Order. [The toast was drank with musical honours]. Song,-Capt Thomas. The Chairman, who was received with loud ap- plause, thauked them all for the way in which his name had been received. He asked them to be- lieve him that be had not come there for the reason of what he could get out of them but he caaae^there simply as an Oddfellow, a man, and a neighbour, and he assured them that he would join with them in every single way to carry out everything that was for the good of the neigh boarhood, and come what might he would ever stand by the people and the neighbourhood be lived among (applause). Song, Bro T. R. Jones, Talybont. Bro E. Hamer proposed the health ef the vice. chairman, whom they were all pleased to see (ap- plause). Song, Bro Hughes, Northgate-street. The Viee-Chairman responded. The Chairman proposed the toast of the Press coupled with the name of Mr John Morgan and Mr Lewis. The toast was responded to by Mr J. P. representative of the Aberystwyth Observer Song,-Bro John Lloyd. The Vice-chairman proposed the toast of the host and hostess (applause). Mr Jones responded.




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