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TREGARON AGRICULTURAL SHOW. The folluwing is a continuation of the- report of this fh^w— THE DINNER was held in the Talbot Hotel, after the show, when t.h 1 chair was taken by the vh;e-preiid tit of the society. Mr Sylvanus Lewi^, Nauteos, s ipp irted by Mr T. E. Lloyd, M.I' Coedmnre, Can!3.1-1. and Mr Vaughaa Denies, I anyb*lch Captain Vaughao, Brynog. Talsarn Mr \V. Joti.s, Llwynygroes; Mr H. Gar mer, Cros-wood the lidv Mr Jones, Tre- ,i, o The vice-elixir was occupied hy I)r J ehn Rowland, Ar^oed supported by the Rev Ootavius Da\ ies, M. A., Tregaron Dr H. Rowland, Garth, Nl, J, D,z,v ()i-in(ii-id; and Mr Daniel Rowlands, Ystrad. There were about thirty other persons p eient Grace wis faiil before and after dinner by the Rev (.k-tavius Lavi. s, .M J A After'th" cloth had be 11 removed. The President proposed Toe Quei-ri," and" The Prince and I'r.no-as of W T?s, an 1 the rest of the Hnyal Family," an remarked that the Welsh were remarkably loyal. The President next proposed The Army, Navy, and Reserve Forces," coupled with the name ot Mr Ingiis Jon. s. Mr Inh 1 is Joti' s said hecoulil only repeit what he ■5-iid the o'hei day, that our army, though composed ol youiiK soldiers, had proved thut it could do its dutv. They bad done what they had at the ex- pense ot tlifi officer*3. The President proposal The Bishop and the ("lcgy ot tlie Diocese, and Ministers ot all de- nominations," coupled wiih th- names of the Rev. Oct vi"S Davids nn l tlie Rev Mr Jones. The Kcv Oi-taviu* Davies, in respondiag, said a thing whs row taking place that had never taken pl .C since the 13th century—an archbishop preach- in.- in WaS'S. He hnp.-d tlie result of the congress DO'" being hell at Swansea, would be to aid the t lunch ami dissent to fraternise mure together. The Rev Mr Jones in responding, said they met logrthn- not as Church and Dissent, Liberal and, Conseryatlve, but as ftllow-meii, to consider the question «f agriculture. He did his best to promote tlgrieulture i. the county, and tried to teach the peofle to be economical, and to be just, toward their landlord aid their neighbours. The Chairman proposed "The County and Borough Members." Mr T. E. Lloyd. M.P., who was received with cheering, said Mr Chairman, Mr Vice-chairman, and geniletm-n, I beg to thank you most sincerely for the manner in which you have received and drunk the toast just proposed to you My old friend and colleague, Mr David Davies, of Llun dm:,m, has shown a somewhat anxious desire of late to disconnect himself from me, but notwithstanding that I do not allow my political feelings to interfere with my private friendships, and I can assure you it gives me the greatest pleasure to return thanks for him in his absence. I have never visited an agricultural show in Mid-Cardiganshire before this week, but seeing that there was a show at Lampeter and another at Tregaron, I thought I would do myself the pleasure of coming up and seeing what sort of cattle my friends in Cardiganshire can show, I can assure you I am greatly pleased with what I have seen here and at Lampeter. Considering the season, the greatest credit is due to the gentlemen who have shown at Lampeter and t.day. I think 1 the shows do a deal of good in the country; they bring persons of all classes togeih'-r, from the gentleman of the highest order to the smallest farmer—-all meet together on these occ isions and •njoy themselves. It ^ave all of them an opportunity of interchanging thfir opinions on matters in general, arid expressing their views on agricultural mutter-tin particular, and I can assure you it is of great s rvice to the farmers themselves, who -n theso oecr-o.uns have the opinions, of the judges as to the cattle and crops. We all know the j judges arc perfectly straightforward men, and give their decision to the be*t of their ability. I III give you an instance. At Lampeter the other dry a number of mountain sheep were exhibited by a gentleman, which the judges considered an ill- different lot. He did not only pass judgment, condemning the sheep, and leave tlie poor farmer to i>o ho i-e, but gave him instructions what, to do, and in which points the sheep were deficient He told him that they had been neglected during the out th-it winter mouths, and pointed out that if rhey Iwd been fed during that time ulld attended tn, rhey would have been a greater credit. I- have spoke;, so many times of late of the bad gea-ons under which the agricultural classes have suff.-rr<-d, that, notwithstanding the invitation I had received from my friend Mr Jones, I shall not say much on that point. I have spoken as to the causes of usjrio'ii- tural distress, and feel diffident about repe ituu what I have said at Ab rystwyih and Lampet r, i presume you all read the newspapers, and I am -me you have all rear) w hat has been said. I do not, therefore, think it necessary to no into that subject again. I think there is one subject, to which 1 might refer. When I was at Aberystwyth the other day a proposal was on fool for the amalgamation of some of these shows; it was thought that too me.uy of thorn lie! scatterpd all over the country, and it was proposed that there should be one for the whole COUll try. I do not think that a proposition likely to meet with the approval of nil. When a show took place at Aberystwyth, Cardigan people could not be expected to drive their cattle thirty- six miles to show ihem, and when the show was held at Cardigan it would be vice versa, but I do think the question of the amalgamation of Lam- peter, Tregaron, and Aberayron shows might be considered, with some degree of profit to all con- cerned. With regard to the future cultivation of wheat in this country, I have no doubt most of you have seen all important letter in the FFestein ivail, written by the Duke of Beaufort, in reply to a gentleman named ÜWpII, who had issued a pamphlet to show that the English farmer might compete with the American farmer, provided he would adopt a certain mode of treatment for his land. Now his grace the Duke took up the cudgel, and figures to show that the American producer would be able to send wheat into this country to be gold at 3iis. per quarter. Which of these two authorities is right I canoot say, and. no one can at present determine—it is a question for the future. But I cali only say this, if his grace is right it wiil put an end to wheat-growing in this country altogether, and we shall have to turn our hands and our farm to sOIme other use. The only other thing that occurs to my mind is whether we cannot improve the cattle and meat, and thus compete with the American, who must be handicapped on i account of freight and insuran e and carriage on the other side of the water. The recent sufferings brought on by the depressed state of trade had brought on again the question of free trade. No one doubted that free trade was a good thing when they got it, but I do not think anyone imagines for a moment that 've have fr.-e trade, puiv arid sitnnle, in England. Cobden, in urging f,-ce g.ll(j other nations would follow in our fojt&teps I what was the result ? America, whi"h s.>ru!s wheat into our ports free, puts oil a duty ef about 30 p> r I cent, upon our goods. I call that, gentlemen, a 'sham free trade. America is not the only sinner, (xes many enacts duties that almost amouut to pro- hioition, and as regard.. France, the Government have had tlie greatest difficulty in extending our commercial ta 1 if fto that coun ry. even for one year. I call that one-sided free tra le, and I trust some measures will be invented beforelong by which we can induce America to behave more liberally towards our manufacturers if not, we must look out of course for ourselves, to ascertain whether we cannot meet our difficulty in some other way. Wheat is our principal diiffculty—-we import to the extent ot 13,000,001) quarters more than we grow. Now Ameriea is not the only coun-ry that supplies us with wheat. Oar Australian colonies and India supply us with wheat. There has been an interest, wig report lately made by Mr Forbes Wilson (in indian wheat. lie said India exports 40,000,000 quarters more wheat, than he consumes herself, »:uch would be indefinitely extended. The princi- pal part that produced this wheat is the north-west, provinces, and when the railway, now in formation down the Indus vall y (o'Kurraches, is completed, India will be able to send wheat to this country at about the same pi ice as we now get it from America. It is with great importance to England and English Manufactures whether we pay America in money for wheat, or to get them to exchange wheat for manufactures. If we pay cash to Ameria we shall be denuded of' tiold in the course of ten or twelve years, and we linow the meaning of that. But if we exchange our commodities for the wheat we consume, it must keep our manufacturers well employed. The hon. gentleman then briefly alluded to the fact that trade was improving, and that such improvement would benefit agriculture, and sat down amid leud applause. Mr Vaughan Davies proposed the health of the president, the Earl of Lisburne (cheers), and regretted that he was not present; he was sure they would receive the toast in the cordial manner they had done, and it was right they should, as no one took a greater interest in the welfare of the district than their president, who farmed largely himself, and set a good example to them in every way. Mr Gardiner, replying to the toast, said he had been requested to apologize for the Earl of Lisburne's absence, as an important engagement, unfortunately fixed for the same day, rendered it impossible for him to be there that day, which he very much regretted. His Lordship would be much pleased to hear how cordially the toast of his health had been received. Mr Davies had very truly said that no one took a greater interest, not only in the welfare of his own tenantry, but also of all thefirmersinthedistrictthan Lord Lisburne, and next to the pleasure of being able to see their show himself would be that of hearing how successful a show they had had, considering the time.