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SALES BY AUCTION.- Aberystwyth. IMPORTANT AND EXTENSIVE SALE OF FREEHOLD PROPERTY. MR. G. T. SMITH 1ms rcccived histructiors from the Propria tor,. Mo RRis DAVIBS ot Ffosrhydgaled, to offer .for bale by PUBLIC AUCTION, in the follows or £ n -h other Lots as- i Tl^lOTl ivt t^O tiTl1? of Oil SSJ&rTfcjSV of Jim., 1375, at *», n'#loek in tl« Afternoon, Huhject to conditions, at the BrLLJi-virE JROYAL HOTEL, ^h(?.ry^jt^Dpj,TjQf'p in** olitriblc and hijruly .detns.blc iRIjLHOLl} PROPERTY, situate in sorao of tho most ptoimncn.. and important positions in the Town of Aberynt- wytll, Ecrid opportunities for occupation and invastniont rauelyvto be mc.t with. Lot '1.-All that woll-sitn»ted nuv extensive FREEHOLD PROPERTY in Trefeohin, near the Three Tons Inn, comprising Office, BhM-ksmtth s 8h»p, Storehouse, Limekiln, and lttrffe Yard^ no w in the occupation of Mr Jo.m Richirrts, fo.mit capital Business Promisos, as well >ia a most dc- siniblo and paying Bnil'^i«X Sit». „1TT.pv LOT 2— All that FREEHOLD COTlAOrb .with Urm G«rd«, in *Hi<jh-Ktre»t,_iJC-vr the ILirhonr, now iu the occupation of Mrs Boweti and Mr John ^T3^iaerl3npStSan.l wcll-ttmlt FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSE in Bridge Street, in the o'et:- p1.tion of Thomas Owon Morg-.in, Esq., with tha Yard ind largo Malt-house at the back thereof. The Hons,e contains in the baso'.ucnt capital. .dry Cellarage; on the ^rouii«1-fl-J^r Entrancc-hall, Diaiflg-room, sriiall Parlour or Srn'y, large Kitchoii, Pantry, and Back Kitchen with Boom over; first floor, Drawintr-room, 2 Bedroo-iis, and Store-room aacond floor, S good Bedrooms. There are also 3 r°Lor 15-Ali that well-sitnated FREEHOLD COT- TAGB in Grey's Inn Line. coranrisinj 4 rooins, with pellar njid back yard", in the occupation of Mr Abra. ham Owens jas yearly tenant. LOT 5.-Thc FREEHOLD COTTAGE adjoining the la3t Lot, also of 4 rooms, with coil collar and yard, in the occupation of Mr Williim Dwios. LOT6.—The FREEHOLD CO r iAG E, consisting of 4 rooms, with yard and coal cellar, adjoining Lot 5, now In the occupation of Mr Lewis Edwards, carrier. LOT 7.-Tho FREEHOLD HOUSE, with yard and garden, in Qaeen-street, in the occupation of Mr David Artcr, and consisting of parlour, kitchen, back kitfefcen, cellar, and 3 bedroom*. LOT 'The FREEHOLD HOUSE, with yard and garden, adjoining' Lot 7, and comprising precisely similar accommodation, now in the oc-ial)ation of Mr WilKam Jenkin?,' Tailor. Lor 0. -All that FREEHOLD COTTAGE in Queen-street; containing 4 rooms, in the occupation of Mrs Jane Williams. LOT 10.-The FREEHOLD COTTAGE in Qncen- etrcert, adjoining the last Lot, and of similar size and acoommodatioTi, in the ocenpation of Mr James Morg Lft IP—The FREEHOLD COTTAGE in Qneen. street, adjoining the lAst Lot, aiid of similar, size and accommodation, in the occupation of Mr Edw.ird Mason, Shoemaker. LOT 12.—-The FREEHOLD COTTAGE in' Quern- streot, adjoining the last Lot, and of similar size and accommodation, in the occupation of Mr Evan Recs, ^LotTs.—The very import,int and mostrlcsirably situated BUSINESS PREMISES in Great Darkgate- streot, known as Eagle Home,' now in the, occu- pation of Mr Evan Williams, Wholesale Grocer, for an nnexpired term of five yearb. The Premises consist of large and iofty shop wim handsome plate glass -front, hall and suitcase, parlohr, lafgc kitchen, and pantry. First Floor — Drawing-room, 3 bedrooms (one of unusually large dimensions)» and largodosfct Second Floor-o large bedrooms and closet. Tne-bedrooms are all fitted with fire-places and grates and ovrr all are extensive attic* easily convertible into additional chambers, or suitable as a dry goods storage. There is lofty cel- larage .under thp whole of the House; and a large yard, entered by a covered gateway, containing a back kitchen, fitted with boiler, with loft over and a roo'mv'shed now. used as a flour store. In addition, thére will be included" in this-Lot the Premises in the rear consisting of the whole of Eagle Contt," com- prising two Houses, now used as storehouses by Mr John Jenkins and Mr John Griffiths; two Cottages, occupied by Catheriue Jones and John Evans and a igubstaiftidl Dwellinglibnse in Queen-street, of of 4 roolns, in the occupation of Mr Edward Nightin. gale the whole forming a most valuable Property,- extending from GreatD.irkgate-street to Queon-gtreot, which for extent and importance as Business Pre- mises has Co equal in Aberystwyth. Possession of the various Lots, with tho exception of Lot 13, may be obtained on the 18th of November ^Farther partictilars may be had of Mr F. E. EoflERTd) Solicitor, or tho AucTioicE-Er., both of Aberystwyth. Victoria Terrace, Aberystwyth. MR Ot. T. SMITH beg. to announce that tho 'LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE occupied by Mr Roderick, Mr Ho::hster, and the Rev James Jone^, not having been sold by auction, m ly no.v be treated for by PRIVATE CONTRACT. JOHN BAKER, RHYDYPENAU FARM, )J!>W STREET, BY the rtqnest ftf numerous friends has been Indtu-ed to takv n VALUKU'S LICENCE, smtl he will be hnppy to nUmd to the commands Clf penflemen leaving their farms or requiring a" Vajner's services connected with lan4 or stoek. ;3r<MSejMeinbtT, 1873. Machynlleth and Towyn. Notice. MR O DANIEL, Auctioneer, Valnor, and Estato Asent, Towyn, begs to announce that lfc has OPENED an OFFICE at MACHYNLLETH, and resoectfullv solicits tho patronage of the nobility, gcntrjr; an^. inha.bitn.nta of the town ftnd surrounding C°8ALES and VALUATIONS of LAND. HOUSES, LIVE STOCK, FURNITURE, and all other personal Effects, undertaken with care and personal supervi- ion. OFFICES—MAENGWYN-STKEET, MACHYNLLETH, AND HIQS-STBZET, TOTVTN. Towyn, Jab. 1st, 1875. T MORGAN A ND CO., (LATE J. DOIVNIE.- -ESTABLISHED 1810), WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. PIER "STfiEET AND LITTLE DARKGATE STREET ABERYSTWYTH. T^INS old. (5rnsted Poc', clioico ClAKT?T, Moot JJ and Chandon'% and other CiIAMPACtMErt, HOCK, MARSALA, KOTA Test (for Sacramental purposes), MADEIRA. &c. -——— Fino olfl French BUANDT (PA,lo and. Brown), best old Jamaica RUM, Schiedam. HOLT.ANTW, GIK, Irish and Scotch WKtaKBT. JKennessey's, Martell's, and other BbANDIBS, in Bottle. Foreign Liqujweb. IMFOBTEBS OF Pete IT DiniKcg & Co.'s SUPRKIES. X yvhi> CARGO OF GUINNESS & CO.'S -DUBLIN EXTBA STOUT, In Cask, io Bottle, and on Draught. Ban)', Allsdpp's. alid Yonngor 6 Alxs, in CTask and III Bottle. Ellis's MtNZBAL WATERS' HAWKIK8, Ooiffeui*, Perftimer, < Artist in Hair, c" 2 3, PIER STREET ABEttYST\VVTIT. LOANS AND -MORTGAGES^MONEY TO LEND sums of jfiiiO and upwards ou personal RCCU» rity, at 5 per ct'iit. per annum iiitorest, rcnaj'ablo in duo to seven ycarf. Also several sutiiH upoll mortgage df freeholds or leaseholds, from 31 per cent. Terms, 10- to 21 years. No commission charged.—App!y personally (prefetred), or by letter, to Messrs BEVAN, No. 10, Lincoln's Inn Fiolds, London, W.C.—N.B.— Interest ia payable half-yearly, and is not roqnired in »i|rapc9 PUBLIC NOTICES. .r" Dissolution of Partnership. This is to give Notice thattho Partnership hitherto •ixir<t.ing between un, the niitieisigiied, trading nndor the style or firm of. D. and D. Jones, Joiners and Builders, is this day Dissolved by mutual consent. Dated this 12th day of May, 1875. DAVID JONES, No. 2 Cam'«rian Place, DAVID JOAS, No. 1 Cambrian Place, Aberystwyth., Cambrian Railways Company.g | TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an Extra- L^( ordinary Meeting of the Proprietors of the Cambrian Railways Company will be held at«..thc Crewe Arms Hotel, Cnwe, ot) THURSDAY, the-27th day of MAY instant, at Two o'clock in the afternoon. to receive and consi lcr, and if deemed expedient to adopt .certain Heads of Arrangement enterod into,, between the Directors of the Company and the pro- meters of a Bill now pending in.Parliament, entitled A Bill for making better provision for Settlement of Differences lictween the Coast Section and the Inland Section of the Cambrian R u!w:t, s Compfiny." and for other pnrnoscs anil further to consider, and if thonght fit, to approve and adopt the said Dill; as amended in conformity with the said Heads of Arrangement, and to authorize and empower the Directors to take such other steps in reference there- to as may beiound necessary. •• And Notice is Hereby Further Given, that at the termination of the before-mentioned business, the said Meeting will be made Special for the purpose of revoking the Resolutions for the adjournments of the 21st and 22nd Half-yearly Meetings of the Company, which by Resolutions of the Proprietors of the 26th February last now stand adjturned to the 18th day of June next. Dated this 10th day of May, 1875. VANE-LONDONDERRY, Chairman. S. E. BOLDEN, Deputy-Chairman. GEO. LEWI& .Secretary. Company's Offices-, Oswestry. Notice. THE ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS' FRIENDLTT SOCIETY. COURT "Old Castle" hold their Meetings at the New Inn, Great Darkgate-street, Aberystwyth. on the FIRST TUESDAY in every month, commencing punctually at 8 p.m. Respectable Young Men be- tween the ages of 18 and 35 years are invited to join. The above society has been established upwards of; five years, and is connected.with the Montgomery- shire District. Further particulars of ths advantages to be ob- tained by joiniitg 'the above society may be had by applying to E. HEATH, 7, Railway Tcrrace, Aberyst- wyth. • • •• IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. BX ROYAL APPOINTMENT. HER MAJESTY, rillNTK OK VVAT.I S. Bj- Wnri-Hut, sIl(>rjal Wjwrn.it, dan-d "IVe. L'7, 1S(>5. Feb. 10, ]8(iC.. DAY, SON. & HEWITT, Sole Originators and only Proprietors of the STOCK-BREEDERS' MEDICINE CHEST, For all DISORDERS in HORSES, CATTLE, CALVES, SHEEP, and LAMBS. And the Inventors of the FIRST" Animal Medicines ever known as "DAYS." This matchless Chest contains all that a Farmer can require to keep his f;lt".ek free from disease, and in fine healthy condition. DAY, soy, it iiKwrrfs "CHEMICAL EXTRACT or GREAT 1'AIX IHtSTHtfVKU jSrevent* I'aiiiiiij nn.l Heaving in ":lrl J.-initiiovir. currs .wrllrn iind Ilrokeu UiMer* in Ewe* ,1 Cows,, apil .11 Onnt;rfUi)us Wounds, CuI., and Sol-en in all Animal. DAY, So\, & HEWITT'S "GASEOUS FLUID or BLACK MlXTUR fT litoji1 Int. rn:)t fain. Colic. Scour, or Hinn hten Dcliilitv, Colds, Shivering Kits, ond sreiit Exhini'tion in Horses, Oien, ra-.rt. Slieep, and Ldmbu", impitrlingrjreS(rent;li, Vigour, ntid Al'peiif' n DAY, sox, tc HKWirrs ""Kn nnR.vc.n or INFLAM- MATION POAVDHK," the nliniMt nmr.cllotDi Cl*iin»lne JJrench l» ot fmm<f!*e iiiliie in rli^ekiliK nll JWerlsh Sympt -ro* iiftor Ctlvlnjr lIud Ltirn.ttitig, renderin; the milk of flic Cflw and Die Ewe eopiou?, |>iirc; mid wholenome.for their cll.pring pvAY SOX fc llKWITTV^ UllO.XCHOLJXB' for Hu-k nnd Hoo«c in Sheep ;in+i Culvrs. It »i»tw* ond iin- preznntes imittt n )>11nir-< ->11 afi.»ecii» odimr ilotrutive to the Worm Or Piiranite in the Wind I'ipo nnd Ltinp*. DAY, FOX, ft IIKWITT'S )t):t) |»,VSTE orf'OXDITIOX BALLS," for 'Mare* lifter V-iilinc'.it tn-iiis 11 sr. nr (mrifli r of tile milk for the coli} it ffittcrt iiiitt d(,Atr(ite nil lltnnotirs )t"d Feu«i.ili S)ui|ittml'< in Horse' ttMtt i" J'IIH the remedy to rentori> npfietlte anil impart. II eomlition. | \Y. SOX, & HEWITT'S « GASEtfDYXK." "CARMIXA- U TIVE CIIAI.K, &c., lire coutuioed ill Niesc Chests Price of Chest complete, including Key to Farriery," 21. IGs. Ud. seiit carriage paid. Any article ciin bo had separately in boxes. Thct'c important ir.vci<Uonr havo withstood alike the test of time, '.nd the clamour of opposition (the sure signal of their nuapproaehed worth), and arc the true Farmer's Friend and Guide in all his Cattle diseases. CAUTION.—Beware of and see that the name of DAY, SON, & HEWITT is on all bottles a ml 2iac^e^s' DAY, SOX, & HEWITT, 22, DORSET STREET. BAKER STREET. LON- DON,' W.j AND WANTAGE, BERKS. PULVERMACHERS PATENT GALVANIC CUAIX-BANDS, BELTS, BAT- TEHIES, KECENILY IMPROVED. rJ"/Jrot'crl by the Academy of Metticinc nf Paris Pnfl other Afe'liral uullmrilien in England and abroad The existence of EUetrieity in livinz heinsrs is known in all, and tlie identity of nerve force with eleetrie forer i< fio eenjecture, but n iiwitive ueietnific fact, tlieivfore those Miflennp from nervous exhadstion ai d its coiifequent evil* Ciin iwrtainly find no water and better reKtomtive thmi (•nlvanic Eleetricty, which is Xature's sole remedy those di»trvM<in £ niliocnts arising from mental strain plipleal exci ssr*. It is equally certain that the chief merit of-Pulver- nuielier'n Patent Ualvnnlr A;*)>lianec<t ilt tliat they have their marvellous" riftiplit iiy rendmd this natural iigen arccnnible to all, nod t'rofii im))oveuient.< which have been quite jveently maile in these appliance* by the Inventor their isclf-npplication has now become easy and Agreeable te the pti tictit. Time, health, nnd money would have been fared by nini^y, and thousand* would Imve escaped the trap ad>'ei'timtpnettt« M gnd gxiiirtionii of <li.v/ui«»d quack doctor*, who publish Hatterbiz noti< es of their appliance* sulci)/ on their atm authority, h»d .fhey only known in time tlie above fact*, and availed tlicm'vlves of this invaluable re- medy hefoiehnviTij: recourscto quasi-magnetic contrivances Mr Piilvermnclier, in contriidi<tincfion to titoae unprin-. clpled advertisers, abstains' from puiting forward any statements of hili pwn, amd quotes ynly the coiupctenV ojiinion* of uiiiioulitw m' iUciU and scientifc authorities in favour of his Medico-Galvahie Appliances. He clmllfiiKcs the strictest investigation of his docutnrnts and IDonial-" both medical and private, which,lire published. in his Pamphlet, r;"¡"tI¡ti.$JII, Saturt't Chief Urtltm r of Jmp""ll ,¡-,r,,1 i>«en;.v," sent, p«M.free for three stamps, on application to J. L PI IAEBIIAUHJBR, 194, liegent- Btreet. London, W. A FEW SELECT SCiEXTIFIC EXTRACTS. Sucrc-siyc Improvements have leil 'to the fojlowin* testi- monial. signed ci.llertivel) by the»//Ve of the "Medical Pro- r fession in the Metro|H»»is, such ilsSir C. Locock, Hart.; M.M., 5 'i H4'ny Holland, Bart., M.D., F.ll.C.S and F.U^.f^r-ir J. II. Miirtin, Uiu-t. t'.ll., F;W,C.S„ P.M.A. and FBS.; Sir W. F<Tgti»soii, Bait., M.D., F.R.s F.R.C.S.; fcc fee., ice. ;— r u We, the above-mentioned, have much pleasure in totifvine that i. l>. Fulvi rmm lier's" recent yiiprovements in 1»}s Voltaic Bstleries-wtind Lalvonig Apjliat.e.s for medical v pnrjioses aic of srfiit importance to sciri.tiflc medicine, and that he k entitled to the consldeiati.^i ond supfwrt of evfj' one dispo^td to further the (idvoncciiieniof real nod useful progress." The Eauctt,Xb. 1, Vol, II., 1W8. i— ■ This ingenious apparatus of Mr Pulvcrmacher licts 'now stood the test for some yF"r- It may lie used by the mcdif) !'th-n<t)))tt.or'y<he patient himself anil the op. rotor ciln ,now fliff',Ime tile ltifiliewco f'er an extensl"e surface, or concenti'Wc it on a single Point. In these days of medico-galranic quackery it ig relief to .>!>«*ne '^c rery pl»in ifpl otritfxlitftq*v,rartl trial), ner- In tthl!'b Mr Pdlvcrinachef^ a}>i:iifa'las is recotii- wientfp>j tc>- the profefsirtfi." jnese chAltis-are verr fitful in many DCHTHIS disorders .— r,U"r."cbili'r Aphonia ttheumatism P'friilV'fi' ,»»W T Dyspepsia i i» i i Torpid Liver I'nralvsis (Bladder) -Whma Chorea s, l..al l .»ralj»i8 Amenoirl,a-a w Impoteae.y \VtUe.r> t!r«mp 'rH«ati«n llyst. ric»l Cramps Stifl .IfHiits ;V'!US '•ebility. and Coiitntctlons Hysteria C«msi'ipatim, Jwss ot Shiell Hysteric Paralyse Deutness (Xe„.8) Utf„ T(,s( &(>> For fiirthi'f »nfprm.»ti»„ i,„d j)rice lis. ,>[)lv 1o J. L. PLI.YKIIMj ESTABLISHMEXT liM, IIW'I-.M SILhLl. I.W.VDQX. \V. MONEY TO BE ^Ni^^in^To^n or Cutisi'ry, to Gentlemen, >arinei>. Tradesmen, orotliers from Fitly I'ounds "lid upwifrfs. tipO'i ^personul seeuritj-. In- te; est five |.er cent, per aiinum, frum que to seven yeiu*. X'o commission or charges made. Also sums from one Thousand Pounds on inortpiijies, at three an.1 a halt per cent. on freehold or leasehnbl property, fyr any term not exceiUing tvlcnty-one yenrs.—Apply to MR HKXRY HOWARP, Civil Engitieer sin) Suneyuj; (late (iir<lh>to»e & Barclay), 11, fcUS'iyx gt^L AHii, tuxuv.v, PUBLIC NOTICES. -J' St. Michael's Church, Aberystwyth. THERE Will bVa -\VEEKLV OFFERTORY in this Church every Sunday throughout tho vear. The Money collected to be devotetl to the follow- Lng good Works:—The Now English Church to be erected—The New National Schools, and their sup- hort-The Curates' Aid and Pastoral Aid Societies— The S. P. G. and Church Missionary Society—The Infirmary and the Relief of the Poor. N.B.- Donations towards either of the' above objects will be thankfully received by the undersigned, and any information readily given. E. OWBN PHILLIPS, M.A., The Vicarage. JOHN WATKINS, TH5O^«~hs', < £ t. Darkgato-street, J Subscriptions will be thankfully received for the Restoration of the above C'hnreh, also for;the New English Church, fey TliomaS Jones, Esq., Trea. surer, or by the Wardens. LITERARY COMMERCIAL. THE undersigned begs leave to inform the nobility, gentry, and leading merchants, that he has, after visiting different partsof the globe, in the capacity • of professor of diverse European languages and Eastern dialects, removed to this country through failing health under an oppressive Eastern atmos- phere, and has selected this town, for his present and permanent residence, whote he hopes to be enabled to continue his profession. He ventures, therefore, to request a share of public patronage and counte- nance. 1-te feels at the samg time con-strained to adi that by an entirely different and novel method of tuition, any selected language can be acquired by a student of even ordinary intellect, in tho shortest possible time, to such an extent as to enable him to converse and correspond on any literary or commercial subject without assistance. And it is only the work of daily exercise and perseverance on the part of the student at first to improve himsdf in order to reach gradually the centre of perfection. The translation and correspondence of all Euro- pean languages attended to. CARLO WALRAVEN SCHLOSSER, "6, Portland-street. Aberystwyth Grammar School. ESTABLISHED IN 1812. TRUSTEES :-Re\" Canon Phillips, M.A., Vicar of Aberystwyth; Sir Pryse Prysc, Bart., Gogerddan; Thomas Bonsall, Esquire, Glanrheidol; Rev John Pugh, Vicar of Llanbadarn-fawr; Vaughan Davies, Esquire, Tanybwlch; and George G. Williams, Esquire, Wallog. —————- HEAD MASTER: EDWARD JONES. (In Honours of the University of London.) ASSISTED BY QUALIFIED MASTERS. DURING the last six years ten pupils from this' School entered directly into the Universities, of Oxford, Cambridge, and Lampeter, and were admitted into Holy Orders eight passed the Medical, and ten the Law preliminary examination; six took Queen> Prizes for Mathematics, and seven first-class certifi- cates for Physical Geograghv; and many"ontcrcd the various Banking Establishments and Mercantile Offices. The Academy, Towyn. RESIDENT MASTERS. English,$c.—Mr EDWIN JONES, PRINCIPAL. Classics, <f'c.—Mr ALEX. GUTHRIE, of St Andrew's and Edinburgh Universities. Mathematics, «$*C.—Mr R. JONES. German, French, Music, Sfc.~Herr WILHELM \VAKMBOLD. A few Vacancies for Boarders. TyUPILS are ctfrefully traired for commercial and r professional pursuits. Spccialclnsscs are formed to prepare for the various -examinations conEected with the Universities and the Civil Service, and for the Law and Medical Preliminaries. The locality is most Salubrious, the pretmses are commodious, the dietary in libel al and healthy, the supervision thorough and constant, and the terms moderate.. DUTIIS RESUMED JAN. 29TH. For terms, &c., apply to • MR EDWIN JONES, Principal. Hill House College, ■ HAVERFORDWEST. THE • attention of Parents and Guardians is T earnestly directed to the abova College for YOUNG LADIES, which has been established for more thah sixty years, and is still conducted in a thoroughly efficient manner. Modern improvements are adopted and appreciated by the Principals, who have resided for many yoars on the Continent and are accomplished linguists.. Good principles are care- fully instilled into the minds of the pupils, who reo ceive a really cultivated education, capable of fitting them for any sphere of life. Hill House College is situated in a most healthy neighbourhood, ssven miles from the sea, and it ac- commodates fifty boarders it has extensive grounds to the back. The climate be-in,- mild is well adapted for delicate girls. An annual Concert is held for the encouragement of music. References on application to Principal. *6 m H E HERMITAGE" GRIMSARGH, NEAR PRESTON. PREPARATORY SCHOOL TO ALSTON COLLEGE. PRINCIPAL: REV. T. ABBOTT PETERS, M.A. CHAPLAIN REv. L. SOUTHCOMB. Assisted by a Staff of well-qualified Masters. Boys Me thoronghly grounded in the following subjects :— COMMERCIAL COURSE.—Readinp, Writing Arithmetic. Ki'alisl* Jifammar and Composition, History, Geography, Arith- metfe, BotiK-keejiiTi! AleeUnv, Euclid, Chemistry, Drawing (Free-hand and Mechanical), and Music. PROFESSIOXAL COURSE.— Latin, Greek, French, and German. „ PtSiils requiring a commercial education are exempt from the classical course, if desired. Divinity.—The religious teaching is based upon stricttv Pro- testant principles, in accordance with the Doctrines and Liturgy of the Church of England. The Scholastic Year consists of two terms, during which there are no holidays, the only vacations being at Midsummer and Christmas. The u^ of all class book. and stationery is included in the fteneral feet.. which are moderate and strictly Inclusive. No extras of tiny kind. "The Hermitage" is beautifully situated about four miles from Preston, a quarter of it mile from (.'ritnsnigh railway station, and considered by medical professors to be one of the healthiest localities in Unhand— aj;ict sufficiently proved hy the remarkably good health enjoyed t>y the pupils ami regularly con- firmed by-the half-yearly medical rcporto. Connected with the School is a lurjre covered gymnasium, re rrndinjr-room and library, swimming bath, 1S6 square yards, and cricket field six acres in extent. Each pupil htr» a separate bed ■ Reports of all examinations, and references kindly permitted to the Protcftanlejerigv, and other professional gentlemen, par- enft of prrsent'pufiils in London, Mvncheste'r, Liverpool, Uir- mingham, Chester, Preston, Ulaekburu, Burnley, Leeds, icc. Wale, a-(-arit i tr. Volil, Aberdare, Swansea and Kbyl. Scotland, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Ireland—Dublin anil Belfast; besides many otlu r towns in Great llritain and lrelaud, Brazil United States, and Australia, forwarded on application to the Principal T. ABBOTT PETERS. J WILLIAMS, Llanflhangel Enamel Slate Works, LLANFIHANGEL-GENEU'RGLYN, BORTH, CISTEUNS, Chiinnfy Pirceti, Tombslones, Monu. c TOents, SJtFtes. Sills, Flmnring-, and every drs- eripiion of Slate Work made to order, on reasonable terms. Enamelled Chimney Pkces'aiways in Stock. EDWARD SAMUEL, THE GOUDEU BOOT. ,LAI>IES.' AXD 0EXTLKMEX'S FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER 10, GT. DARKGATE ST., ABERYSTWYTH. Obtained a Prize Medal for Excellence of Quality of Hoots and Shoes at the Great Xjitional Eisteddfod, held at Aberystwyth, September 12, ISO5, Ladies' aiwl Misses' Bull and Wedding Boots alwhys in Stock. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. 2&FL J. SUKGEON DFNTIST, HAS REMOVED from 5, Iving-street, to 26, TEUliACE UOAD, ABEHYSTWYTJI. lkfr Ifttrphj- uttends tit MAUPOLE'S, Macngwyn- s'.reetj ^achynll#Ui> ty. 've a.inynlh, BUSINESS NOTICES. ..r. .r", 'JV" SPECIAL NOTICE. JOHN RICHARDS & Co., TAILORS, DRAPERS, AND GENERAL OUTFITTERS, 10, MARKET STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, DEC (ft inform the PubliC; at Ja.tgc that fhey have a LARGE ASSORTMENT of MEN'S-. AND BOYS' STJITS. OF THEIR OWN MAKE, KEPT IN STOCK. ALSO, THE NEWEST PATTERNS IN c REAL SCOTCH TWEEDS, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. N.B. ORDINARY SUITS FROM 42a., BOYS' SUITS PROM 7s. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, FROM WHICH NO ABATEMENT WILL BE MADE. All Oitiers Promptly Executed in good Style and Workmanship on the shortest notice ANY ARTICLE NOT APPROVED OF MAY BE EXCHANGED. CHEMICAL HALL DISPENSING ESTABLISHMENT w. IjTyaughan (CHEMIST BY EXAMINATION), FROM T. MORSON & SONS', LONDON. NO, 51, NORTH PARADE, ABERYSTW Y|T H. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY DISPENSED. r Cigars, Tobacco, Meerschaum and other Pipes in great variety. W. G V. begs to drnw the attention of Invalids, acd Persons suffering from weak clirsfs, to his stock of superior COD LlVKR OIL^ recently received. E. O. AVILUAMS, (LATE WILLIAM WILLIAMS,) PRINTER, BOOKSELLER, AND STATIONER, 6, Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth, BEGS most respectfully to announce the inhuhitants of Ab*Ty»twyth and neighbourhood that she inti nds to earr}' on the business «'f her l ite husband (having a competent man to nndertnke the l'rintinii), arid hopes by strict attention to business t« merit a continuance of thiir kind patrunllge and support so liberally awarded before. CHELTENHAM HQUSE, 27, PI.ER STREET. c, IMPORTANT SALE OF JFANCY DRAPERY, MILLIlsnEIRrZ", AND BABY LINEN RTOOK. H- L- IT Begs to announce that the whole of the above, consisting of HOSIERY, GLOVES, LACES, JACKETS, SKIRTS, CORSETS, CRINOLINES, SUN SHADES; UMBRELLAS, &c., &c., Is now arranged for Sale at a considerable REDUCTION from Cost Price. — ■ All Goods marked in Plain Figures, off which 20 per Cent. will be allowed for Cash H. L. E. begs to call special attention to a SPLENDID PARCEL OF BLACK LYONS SILKS. J. JENKINS, GROCER AND FLOUR MERCHANT, BRISTOL HOUSE, CHALYBEATE TEBBACE, BEGS to rail attention to his Stock of Tens from 2s. to.3s. 8d. per lb Home-cured and American Bacon and Warns; Gloucester, American, and other Cheese. Barley and Indian Meal always in Stock. J. J. begs o thank the Public and the Visitors for their favours in the past, and hope*, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same in the future. Country orders strictly attended to. S Y D E N H A M HOTJSE, 25, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. W. T. "WILLIAMS Begs to aillnounce that on and after SATURDAY, the 8tli instant, he will show his STOCK OF NEW GOODS SUITABLE FOR THE SPRING &, SUMMER SEASONS, And which will be found replete in the different Departments. W. T. W. also wishes to intimate that he has a large Stock of FURNISHING DRAPERY, And respectfully solicits the kind patronage of the Public, and the favour of an early call. May Gth. -4- ESTA.BLISHED 1.848. M. TRUSOOTT & SON, (Lute J AMES TllUSCO IT.) WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELLERS, 4, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. BEG to announce to the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry,Jund the Public genernlly that they carry on the Business as USUHI tit the above address. M. Triiecolt also begs to thank the patrons of her bile husband for the favours so liberally accorded to Itiin for 27 years, and trusts, by strict attention to Business, to merit a continuance of the sauif in future. 13. irLSIIOI\ COOK & CONFECTIONER, BREAD & BISCUIT BAKER, 38,'PIEK SI KEET, ABERYSTWYTH (OITOSITE THE TOWN* CLOCK). TTAMILIES supplied with Slock Turtle and other Soups Hams, Tongues, and Chickens Came, Raised IT^AMILIES supplied with Slock Turtle and other Soups Hams, Tongues, and Chickens Came, Raised Pies, Pigeon, > eal, and Hani Pies Oysters and Lobsters Vol an Vents,-Patties, Salads, &e.—Jellies, Creams, lee Puddings, Ices and Trifle, Maringncs, Frnit, Tart, and Custards. JJest White wvl Bread, Brunswick LWVCH, Brioche Rolls, Frwcb Bread, and Scotch Scones, 4c, BUSINESS NOTICES. 8 AND 9, PIER STREET, AND l, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET. SPRING SHO W. EDWARD EDWARDS BEGS RESPECTFULLY TO ANNOUNCE HIS RETURN FROM LONDON WITH ALL THE LEADING NOVELTIES FOR THE SEASON IN EVERY DEPARTMENT: CONSISTING OF MILLINERY, COSTUMES, DRESSES, MANTLES, SUNSHADES, SILKS, LACE & LINEN GOODS, &c., &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAPER HANGING WAREHOUSE. T THOMAS, PAINTER, &C 12, GP.XAT DARKGATK STREET.—CHIMNEY and other GLASSES in • -L ^rreat variety. GAS g]ohf«/—PICTURES.—FEAMS mouldings.—PAINTS OIL VARNISH Wmpow-GLASS, PAINT BRUSHES, Ac.-PICTURES framed at most rea.onibk termJ^JLAT^ beTt MANUFACTURERS.6d" each-~PAPER from 3d- Per Piec« nP to CHOICEST designs by the THE ABERYSTWYTH SANATORIUM AND PUBLIC BATHS, UNDER the personal superintendence of the Proprietor, C. RICE WILLIAMS, ESQ., M.D., To whom all letters of enquiry relative to Tenrs for Residence, &c., may be addressed. HOT AND COLD SEA WATER BATHS. SHOWER AND MEDICATED BATHS. TO SERVE THIS SEASON, "ALONZO," The Property of Mr Richard Evans, Cefncae, Llan- geitho. This Roadster took J650 Prize for 1874, and again ii30 Prize for 1875, at the North Cardiganshire Agri- enltural Show. ALONZO travels this season throngh Aberystwyth, Llanrhystid, Aberaeron, Ystrad, Lampeter,Llangybi, Tregaron, and Ponrhydfendig-aid. Dates may be had on application to the Groom or the Committee. ALONZO will call at Farm Houses, &c..by arrange- ment. Seventy-eight Mares were covered by'Alonzo' last season, and of these seventy-two prodnced foals. At.oxzo comes, you know him by his walk; He is tlie horse tlnit trots so fast, and makes the people talk. Look At his fret and lrps, look at his siie anil length, At hid st. iterior notion, his breeding,and his strength. ESTABLISHED 1836. JOHN "MORGAN, 12, PIER ST., & DRESDEN HOUSE MARINE TERRACE, JEWELLER AND WORKING LAPIDARY. ABERYSTWYTH STONES Cut and Mounted. Wedding Rings, &o. Customers anxious to see the process of cutting are allowed to go to the workshops. —A large collection of rare old English and Foreign China. Wedgwood, Worcester, Swansea, Chelsea, Dres- den, Chinese and Japanese Vases in great variety. THOMAS GARNER; Pastry Cook and Confectioner, FANCY BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKER, 21, TERRACE ROAD, BEGS to return his sincere thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, Glergy, Visitors and Inhabitants of Aberystwyth and Neighbourhood, for their kind support, and hopes, by strict attention to all orders entrusted to his care, to merit a continuance of their favours. T. G. begs to call attention to his Pure Welsh Digestive Bread, and his superior Pastry, of the very best quality, in Ham and Veal Pies Ornamental Sponge Cakes Chicken Pies German ditto Raised Pies Seed ditto French Pastry School ditto Fruit Pies, from 9d. each Jellies Patties Creams Custards Ices Rich Wedding Cakes Iced Puddings Christening ditto Maringues Mould Sponge ditto Gattcane, Ac., &c. Blanc Mango Hot Kolfc, Twists, Tea Cakes, and Buns, fresb every mnrninJe.-Sweets in every variety.—Peek, Frcan & Co.'s London Biscuits.—Schweppe's Letuonvde.—Soda Water and Ginger Beer, GAS PITTING AND BELL HANGING. THOMAS BOWEN, GAS FITTER. BELL HANGER, WHITE AND GUN SMITH, BEGS most respectfully to take the opportunity JL) of informing the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood of Aberystwyth that he has just commenced business in the above branches at this own, after having had several years' experience in tilt* trade at Liverpool. T B. hopes to merit the patronage of the public generally by his best attention to all orders he may be favoured with. Apply at the Gasworks, or at No. 12, Cbalybentc- terrace. .> ON AND AFTER 1ST MAY, 1875, THE ROYAL MAIL FOUR-HORSE COACH Will run daily (Sundays excepted) between DOLGELLEY AND BARMOUTH, Leaving Dolgelley about 9.15 a.m., returning from Barmonth and arriving at Dolgelley at 4.30 p.m. Booking OfBce Ship Hotel, Dolgelley. ISAAC AND GEOTLLOYDT COACH BUILDERS, CASTLE STREET, ABERYSTWTTH, (Back of Pier-street and Laura-place.) Carriages Repaired.—Ordera promptly attended to. PURE AERATED WATERS. <3§» ELLIS'S RUTHIN WATERS. CRYSTAL SPRINGS. SODA, POTASS, SELTZER, LE- ^VWWAM GTTIIJ MONADE, LTTHIA, AND, IIIOB GOUT, LITHIA AND POTASS. CORKS BRANDED "R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN, and every label bears their trade mark. Sold every where, and Wholesale of R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. PH(EBE THOMAS, CONFECTIONER AND BAKER, 5, SOUTH PARADE, BEGS to announce that she has given up the GROCERY in favour of the CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS. P. T. also begs to thank the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood for the kind patronage and support accorded to her in the past, and hopes, by striot attention to business, to merit a continuant* of their favours in the future. DAVID JONES, CABINET MAKER. UPHOLSTERER, fro. BAKER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. CARVING ANt) EVERT KIND OF FANCY WOOD WORK EXECUTFID. THOMAS BUDD RESPECTFULLY announces that he haa taken the large Shop in Terrace Road at the corner of Newfoundland Street, which he has opened M » SHOW ROOM. In addition to his extensive Stock and choice designs in Paper Hangings from London and Paris, he has also added a large Slock of FURNITURE". comprising Loo and other Tables, Chairs, Conches, Cheffoniers, Ac. &c., in Mahogany and W*bwt^ Chimney and Bedroom Glasses of varioat sizes designs. Perambulators, Fancy Baskets, JKfe BRONNER'S Patent Gas Burners give 99 per c. nt. of light as compared with 37 per cent. given by ordinary burners, with equal consumption of gas, -Vide Gas Refereee Report, June, I860. T. S-U:B:B, TERRACE ROAD, SOLE AGENt FOR ABERYSTWYTH t)istRlCT. THOMAS H. JONES, PAINTER, PLUMBER, GLAZIER, PAPER HANGER, &c., 6 GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. PAPER HANGINGS of every description. PLATE, STAINED, AND COLOURED GLASS. GAS FITTINGS of all descriptions in stock, and a Gas Fitter eig* plvyt-d.