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T. B U B B RESPECTFULLY announces that he has taken JLi the large Shop in Terrace Road at the corner of Newfoundland Street, which he has opened as a SHOW ROOM. In addition to his extensive Stock and choice designs in Paper Hangings from London and Paris, he has also added a large Stock of FURNITURE, comprising Loo and other Tables, Chairs, Couches. Cheffoniers, &c, &c., in Mahogany andWatnut, Chimney and Bedroom Glasses of various sizes and designs. Perambulators, Fancy Baskets, &c., &c., BRONNER'S Patent Gas Burners give 99 per Ct nt. of light as compared with 27 per cent, given by ordinary burners, with equal consumption of gas. ■—Vide Gas Referees' Report, June, 1869. T. EUBB. TERRACE HOAD, SOLE AGENT FOR ABERYSTWYTH DISTRICT. PLANTING SEASON. TAMES DICKSON AND SONS invite attention to their Excellent and very Extensive Nursdiy Stock, embracing Forest and Fruit Trees, Comfers, and all Ornamental Trees and Plants, Roses, Vmes, Thorn Quick, and all other Hedge Plants, c., &c. FOR QUALITY, VARIETY AND EXTENT UNSURPASSED. PRICE LISTS POST FREE. NEWTON NTJRSEBIES, CHESTER. Branch Nursery-NEWTOWN, Montgomeryshire^ EMIGRATION TO ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ASSISTED PASSAGES. THE Government of South Australia grant Pas- sages to the followmg persuns:- 1 Artisans, Agricultural and other Labourers, Miners and Gardeners under 50 years of age. 2 Single Female Domestic Servants, or Widows (without children under 12) not exceeding 40 years of age. Subject to the payments ns under;- For Males or Females under 12 years of age, 31. each over 12 and under 40, 4I. each over 40 and under 50, 8I. each. Persons paying their own Passage receive a Land Warrant of the value of 201. Handbook descriptive of the Colony, gratis on application. For further information apply to THE EMIGRATION AGENT FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIA, 37, Great George-street, Westminster, London. TMPROVED and ECONOMIC COOKERY. J. Use LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT as "stock" for beef-tea, soups, made dishes and sauces gives fine flavour and great strength. Invariably adopted in households when fairly tried. CAUTION.—Genuine only with Baron Liebig's fac- simile across labe NEW WORK BY DR. SMITH. Just published, post free for Two Stamps. GUIDE TO HEALTH: or ADVICE and IN- STRUCTIONS for the CURE of NERVOUS DEBILITY. By HEXUY SMITH, M.D.. of the University of Jena, Author of the" Volunteers' Manual," &c, GUIDE TO HEALTH is a new Medical Work on the Treat- ment of all Diseases of the Nervous System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy, Pains in the Back, Con- stipation, Blushing, Hysteria, Timidity, Self-distrust, Dizziness, Love ol'Solitude, Groundless Fears, Local Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, &c., resulting from Exhaustion of Nerve-power. Illustrated with testimonials from grateful patients; with means of Cure used in each case. Sent free by. post on receipt of two penny stamps. REVIEWS OF THE WORK. "In this work the Doctor gives 'Advice as to the Choice of a Physician,' Importance of Physical Education,' What to Eat, Drink and Avoid,' 'Health: how to procure it,' and othu subjects of intercst to man as well as wOlllan.Surldlllj Times, May 4, 1873. "To all classes of the community a 'Guide to Health'must be an invaluable L'ade.-lIltculIl. This has just been supplied by Dr. Smith, who has published some excellent advice ond instruction for the cure of nervous debility. Naval and Mili- tary Gazette, April G, 1873. T » Address, Dr. H. SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London, W.C. T?OR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." JL —See Deuteronomy, chap, xii., verse 23. CLARKE'S World-famed BLOOD ^MIXTURE. 1 TRADE MARK,—"BLOOD MIXTURE." The Great Blood Purifier .and Restorer. x. and clearing the blood from all impurities, va-t«s last, **$hly recommended. roPv. -^t^jkeurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds it s a never-rsflflksj-^mi permanent cure. It Cures Old Spres Cures Ulcerated-Sores in the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on Face Cures Scurvy Sores Cures Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter, from whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give ita trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold in Bottles 2s 3d each, and in Cases, containing six times the quantity, lIs each-sutfident to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases-BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATEXT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the Lvnited Kingdom and the world, 01' sent to any address 011 receipt of 27 or 132 stamps, by F. J. CLARKE Chemist, Apothecaries' Hall, Lincoln. Wholesale: All Patent Medicine Houses. ^LONDO.Y DEPO r: 150, OXFORD STREET. F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High Street, LINCOLN. nolesale; All ifatent Medicine Houses. SCOTT'S ODONTALGIC^ For the immediate relief of Toothache. In boxes at 74d and Is ijd each. SCOTT'S NEURALGIC PILLS, AX instantaneous cure for Tic-I)oloreux, or Xeuralgia. In boxes at Is each. Testimonial from Mr J. G. Rees, Post Office, 5, St. John's-street, WhitJand, 27th March, 187:3;- I have much pleasure to bear testimony to the efficacy of your Odontalgics. I have tried it in many cases, and have intro- duced it to my friends, and in all cases it gave immediate relief from the dreadful toothache. In future I shall always keep a bottle on hand, and would advise everyone to do the same. I hope the whole world will soon become acquainted with the merits of this invaluable discovery. Please send me another bottle per return of post I have also found your Neuralgic Pills very beneficial, send me a box in course. Yours very truly, J. G. Rees." Prepared solely by D. W. Scorr, M.A.S., M.R.P.S., Medical Hall, Church-street, and Apothecaries' Hall, High-street. Barmouth. London Ag-ents-Jlessrs Barclay and Son. Liverpool—Messrs Evans, Sons and Co. DR. HUNTER'S SPECIAL LECTURES to YOUNG MEN on HEALTH, its RESTO- TRAION, and HAPPY MARRIAGES: when tc niarry, with advice to those who conieruplate mar- riage, pointing out certain impediments which render married life unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age.-Post tree on receipt of two stamps. Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham CURE FOR A I. I.. ->- The Ready and Reliable Remedy. .k metl with thi, powerful antidote to disease, every man h-s own fumi y physician. T he fin t Hospital Surgeons admit ]' imp ailclfd and healing- virtues. Poreigir Governments <am fi'-iri jts use in their naval and military services, and /nark;: II through"ut the world reposes the utruost confidence in ll" curative properties. Cora Throat, Diphtheria, Quinscy, Mumps, and all Derangements of the Chest and Throat. If" on the appearance of any of thesediseases, tie Ointmerr bo freil rubbed, at least throe times a clay, upon the life, ♦v. u:'P"r Par^ the chest, so as to penetrate to the gland — the worst eases will yield in a comparatively shoit i ;nc particularly if Holloway's Pills be taken in appropriate dc-bc to puiiiy the biood. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Ulcerous Sores, and Old Wounds. y. thousands of martyrs from the -above complaints 'TL i,l!Uv almost insupportable; but if HoLoway's ll Cn, jjp k'i- kly and plentifully rubbed upon and around 'tli 1'' Quickly penetrate to tiie source of th-e ^TST ♦gua:anteod, and diseu.se driven from vac can be more simple or safer than tho niipiiei l it is applied, nothing more eanitary than it a BCtua on the body, both locally and constitutionally. The Mother's Friend-Skm Diseases however Desperate may be Radically Cured. Scald heads, itch, ^ot^.s. °n the skin, scrofulous fores, dnpr's evil, and such llko affections, yield to the mighty power tftUis fine Ointment, provided it bo well rubbed around tho itfrete'l put; two or three tunes a day and the Pills be talien sjgoi-ding tu the printed directions. _i ——————————- Both the Ointment and Pills should be used m the following complaints: Bad^egs Corns (Soft) Scalds Bad^-oasta Fistulas Sore Inroats Gout Skin Disease# Glandular Swellings Scurvy Churns Lumbago Sure Heads 0naptd Hands Piies Tumours Concreted and Stiff Rheumatism Ulcers Churns Lumbago Sure Heads Churns Lumbago Sure Heads 0naptd Hands Piies Tumours Concreted and Stiff Rheumatism Ulcers JolAs Sore Nipples Wounds JolAs Sore Nipples Wounds TIe Oymeat and Pills are sold at Professor Hoilovav's E-tblihaiuiit, 533, Oxford Stnet, London; also by ncinly 1 ^ectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised Wiirid.n Pots and Bjxes, at Is. Ijd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33.- each. The smallf st Pot of Ointment contains ono once and the smallest Box: of Pills four dozen. lull prifed directions are affixed to eai Pot and Box. arid can bubal in any language, eveu in Turkish, Arabic. 'r .;J Armenian, Persian, or Chinese. ABEEYSTWYTH'SANATORIUM AND PUBLIC BATHS, TTNDER the personal superintendence o t e IJ Proprietor, -»r c RICE WILLIAMS, fcSQ., M.D., To whom all letters enquiry:;1Ssted Residence, &c., may he addressea^. NNT A vn COLD SEA WATER BATFIS. mOM MP MEDICATED BATHS. .aTAI1LIBHBD 1854. .0.13. Great Dk-gate St. ABERY8TWYTH VTatchm&ker WEDDING RINGS Gohl Chains, kc. LEA & f^RRINS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. Pronounced I'll Be careful by Connoisseurs \O ask for THE ONLY LEA" PERRINS" "GOOD SAUCE."SAUCE. See name on wrapper, label, bottle and stopper. Sold by Crosse & Blackwell, London, and by all dealers in Sauces. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. LEA & PERRINS, WORCESTER. — BRYANT AND MAY'S MATCHES. WfllTEfJS, Pf^ESE^ES^ND JHIE TEETli ,FRE\/EMfl^Jq DEC/^Y ANV ClplEW]isf Of^ pEP/UMEF^ FOR. ROWLAND'S ODONTO. ANOTA\E NO OTHEK. ROWLANDS' MACASSAE OIL, Of unparalleled success during the last seventy years in promol- inp; the growth, restoring and improving the human hair Price 3s. 6d., 7s.; Family Bottles (equal to four small), 10s. Gd. and double that sizê, 21 s. ROWLANDS' KALYDOR, An Oriental Botanical Preparation for improving and beautify- ing the complexion, eradicating all cutaneous defects, and rendering- the skin soft, clear and blooming. Price 4s. 6d., and 8s. ed. per bottle. Sold by all Chemists and Perfumers. Ask for ROWLANDS'" articles. PHOCOLAT MENIEE for BREAKFAST. I AWARDED MEDAL at the VIENNA EXHIBITION. Beware of Imitations. Observe Trade Marks and Real Name. PHOCOLAT MENIER for LUNCHEON. YJ AWARDED JIEDAL at the VIENNA EXHIBITION. Beware of Imitations. Observe Trade Marks and Real Name. 1VTENIER/S COCOA. Sold in t and lIb. packets ATJL and lib. tins. AWARDED MfiDAL at the VIENNA EXHIBITION. Beware of Imitations. Observe Trade Marks and,Ueal Name. IX/TENTER'S ESSENCE OF COCOA. Sold in lIb. and lib. tins, 2s. per lb. AWARpED MEDAL at the VIENNA EXHIBITION. Beware of Imitations. O1),ene Trade Marks and Real Name. IX/TENIER'S CHOCOLAT POWDER. Plain and XTJL Vanilla flavour. Sold in 5lb. and lib. tins. AWARDED MEDAL at the VIENNA NXHIBITION. Beware of Imitations Observe Trade Marks and Real Name. CHOCOLAT MENIER defies all honest competi- Vy tion. Annual consumption exceeds 8,000 0001 lw. AWARDED MEUAL at the VIENNA EXHIBITION Beware of Imitations. Observe Trade Marks and Real Name. Factory and Warehouse, Southwark-street, and Worcester- T o street, Borough. PULVEEMACHER'S # PATENT GALVANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS BAT- TERIES, RECENTLY IMPROVED. Approved by the Academy of Medicine at Paris and other Medical authorities in England and abroad. This Self-Applicable Physical Curative, unlike noxious drug", is perlectlfiiarmless and of an efficacy vastlv superior to all other e.>ternal.remedies. Owmf&o the jfoysfttogical, physical, and chemical effects of the Illicit wity they gently and permanently impart into the systemjjthese Appliances exercise an internal action, promoting tBe digest!on, circulation, and nutrition, therein- assisting Nature in her efforts to restore the normal balance of health and, vigour in a debilitated constitution; hence the remarkabte cures,they daily effect in cases of Rheumatism Head and 'fpothache Epilepsy Lumbago General and Local Sciatica Live* Debility Neuralgia. Paralysis Functional Disorders, Gout ^errous Deafness v &c., &c. Gout Nervous Deafness v &c., &c. After all other remedies have failed, and thus popularising Electricity iB accordance with, the authentic encomiums in the Medical and Scientific Press. Recent improvements in these appliances by the Inventor render their self-application extremely comfortable and effective, and thus remediate former inconveniences. ACADEMIE DE MEDICINE, PAKIS.—Extract of an official Report at a meeting, April 1, 1851. The Voltaic Chains of Mr Pulvermacher are really a most wonderful apparatus. The committee beg to propose to the Academy to address their thanks to Mr Pulvermacher for his most interesting communication. Adopted.— Bulletin de 1' Academie, Tome xvi. No. 13. SUCCESSIVE IMPROVEMENTS have led to the following testimonial by the elite of the Medical Profession in the metropolis. Such as Sir C. Locock, M D., Bart., Sir J. R. Martin, Bart., C.B., F.R.C.S., &c. Dr. J. PEREIRA, F.R.S., F.L.S., in his "Materia Medica," page 53. 1854. Fourth edition :— The application of the Voltaic circuit has ùeen largely Jirescribed, and has become a popular remedy in the form of Pulvermacber's Galvanic Chains. They should he worn so as to encircle the part affected, in cases of Rheumatism, Paralysis, &c. They are regarded by practitioners as a valuable and convenient means of applying the continuous Voltaic current. THE "LANCET," NO. 1, Vol. II., 1856:— ThIs ingenious apparatu3 of .l\I1' Pulvermacher hab now stood the test for some years. It may be used by the medical attendant, or by the patient himself and the operator can now diffuse the galvanic influence over an extensive surface, or concentrate it on a single point. In these days of medico-galvanic quackery it is a relief to observe the very plain and straightforward manner in which Mr Pulvermacher's apparatus is recommended to the pro- fession. CAUTION. — PULVERMACHER'S VOLTAIC Ar- PLIANCES have, by their unparalled curative success, incited envious speculators—unable, as they are, to infringe his patent—to an absurd competition with articles falsely repre- sented as Electrical; therefore observe that no Galvanic or Voltaic Bands or lielts can be genuine unless bearing the fae simile of J. L. PTTLVERMACKEH'S signatureon the box. Scientific extracts and a selection of the daily increasing number oftestimonials, together with price list, are em- bodied in pamphlet. "GALVANISM, NATURE'S CHIEF RESTORER OF IMPAIRED VITAL BKERGY," sent post free on application to J L. PULVERMACHER'S GALVANIC ESTABLISHMENT. 194, REGENT STREET, LONDON. QIGHT is the GREATEST GEM of NATURE. 0 —Save your Eyes Restore your Sight 1—EDE'S PATENT AMERICAN EYE LIQUID has been proved by thousands to be the best offered to the Public. Dimness, aged, weak, watery, sore, bloodshot, l",l1s, specks, colds, inflamed, near-sighted, over- worked, and every disease of the eyes cured in a few dressings. Thousands of testimonials can be seen. Some of the most wonderful cures ever witnessed In men, women, and children; some who had been in hospitals, and under the best medical men of the day. Sold in Bottles at Is. ljd. and 2s. 9d. Prepared oniy by JOHN EDE, Birclifield Road, Birmingham. By post, 15 and 33 stamps. Sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers Ask for Testimonials. ear Agent for Aberystwyth Mr W. G. VAUGHAN, Chemist, 51, North Parade. VR OLWG YW Y GEM WERTHFAWROCAF X YN NATUR —Arbedwch tich Llvgaidl Adferwch eich Gnlwg!-OLEW AMERICANAIDD BREINTEBOL EDE I'R LLYGAID a brofwyd gan filoedd y goreu a gynygwyd etc i'l' Byd! Gwellheir pob anhwyldeb y niae y llygaid yn ddarostyng- ed'g iddo, megvs pylwch, henaint, gwendid, dyfrllydrwydd, clwyfus, gwaedlif, miiglau, oerni, fflamep, byr-olwg, gorweiih- [Iro'r "Jrwy ddefnyddio yr olew gwerthfawr hwn ychvdig r I'll'0"' Gell'r gweled miloedd o dysliolaethau i'w effeiihiau lIalOnUs a gryrnus. Ownaed 1'hal 0'1' gwdljadau Dlw)'af hynod fimnt erioed ar wrywaid, benywaid, a pblant drwyddo— rhai rvllir ui ^"e)Vn ysPy-ai. a than ofal meddygon penaf v dyd.d. 8Tar?i, £ e"" Pf't^li am Is. IJd. a 2s. 9d. yr un. Paroto- "N EDE, Birchfield Road, Birmincham, a chanddo Y mae ai-wmh!" d>.rWy y "yth-vray ara 15 a 8;3 ° stamps. irwy y Deyrnas. hoUwerthwyr Xleddygmiaelhau Breintebol — am Dysliolaethau. -^9 GoruchwYhwr droB 4berySi«ythMr W. G. VAUGHAN, Chemist, 51, North Parade. JOHN BAKER, RHYDYPENAU FARM, BOW STREET, BY the request of numerous friends has been induced to take a VALUER'S LICENCE, and he will be happy to attend to the commands of gentlemen leaving their farms or requiring a Valuer's services connected with land or stock. 23rd September, 1873. NEW MARKET HALL, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. T. SMITH, FISHMONGER AND FRUITERER, ALSO the well-known cheap BACON, CHEESE and PROVISION STORES. ICE ALWAYS ON HAND. CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGES DAILY. All orders promptly attended to.—Fresh Fish daily. THE "ABERYSTWYTH OBSERVER" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TERMS FOR THE INSERTION OF EACH ADDRESS— PREPAID-5s. FOR THE YEAR 1874. THE NAMES ARE ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. Accountants. Griffiths, T., 30, Bridge-street Smith, G. T., 6, Portland-street Auctioneers. Appraisers, etc. Collins, T., Lisburne Honse, Terrace-road Evans, J., Castle Inn, Bridge-street Rogers, John William, Alfred-place Smith, G. T., 6, Portland-street—see Announcements Baby Linen & Under Clothing. S. N. Cooke, 6, Pier-st., and 20, New-st., Birmingham Boot and Shoe Makers. Davies, Elias, 52, North Parade Dicks' Gutta Percha and Leather Boot and Shoo Warehouse, 16, Great Darkgate-street Pugh, J., 31, Great Darkgate-street Brazier, etc. Williams, Edward, Church-street Brush Manufacturer. Ellis, David, Great Darkgate-st., opposite the Jail Bakers, Confectioners, etc. Garner, Thomas, 21, Terrace-road—see Advt. Griffiths, M. (successor to Griffith Evans), 3, Little Darkgate-street Jenkins, John, Bridge-street Poole, H., 26, Pier-street—see Advt. Brewers. Roberts, D., The Green, Trefechan Allsopp, S. and Son, Burton-on-Trent—G. Careswell, 9, Portland-street, agent Younger, WM. and Co. (Edinburgh Ale)—I. Morgan, 9, Queen's-road, agent Butchers. Edwards, M. and Son (late Humphrey Edwards), Bridge-street. Cooper. Jones, William, Bridge-street. Chemists and Druggists. Cole, J., 31, Pier-street Davies; J. H., Pharmaceutical Chemist, The Apothe- caries' Hall, Terrace-road Hughes, R., Medical Hall, 1, Market-street Wynne, E. P., 38, Pier-street China, Glass, and Earthenware Dealers. Doughton, R., 54, Bridge-street (seven doors from the Town Clock). Mcllquham, J., Bridge-end House Coaehlmilders. Lloyd, Isaac and George, Castle-street (back of Pier- street and Laura-place Rees, E. and R., Mary-street—see Advt. Coal Merchants. Evans, D. H., Railway Station Jones, John, Railway Station, and Coal Yard, Tre- fechan office, Bridge-end Jones, Peter, Railway Station Richards, J., Three Tuns, Trefechan Corn Merchant. Morgan, Richard, 7, Great Darkgate-street. Drapers, etc. Davies, L. 0., Mercer's Hall, 33, Great Darkgate-st. Davies, T., 36, Pier-street Davies, T. J., 5, Church-street Edwards, E., 8 & 9, Pier-street, & 1, Little Darkgate-st. Jones, J. P., 2, Little Darkgate-street Lloyd, D., 36 and 37, Great Darkgate-street Rees, J., 37, Pier-street Richards, J. and Co., 10, Market-street—see Advt. Thomas, J., 9, Market-street Williams, C. M., New Drapery Establishment, Little Darkgate-street (near the Old Corn Market) Williams, W. T.. Sydenham House, Great Darkgate-:t. Williams, C. M. New Drapery Establishment, Little Darkgate-street (opposite the Infirmary.) Estate and House Agent. Smith, G. T., 6, Portland-street Fishmongers. Bamber, W. B., 7, Terrace-road Fear, F., Great Darkgate-street—see Adut. Willis, H., 19, Pier-street Grocers, etc. Cole, E. L., Melbourne House, Pier-street Evans, Rowland, 35,-Pier-street Griffiths T., "Lion" Tea Warehouse, Great Dark- gate-street James, John, Railway Tea Warehouse, 51, North Parade, and Terrace-road—see Advt. Powell, Thomas & Co., Market-street and Little Dark- gate-street Richards, D. P. and W., 30, Little Darkgate-street Hairdressers, etc. Hawkins, H. P., 13, Pier-street—see Advt. Lewton, Mrs., lS,Pier-street-see Advt. Nowcll, E. LI., 8, Little Darkgate-street. Gun Manufacturer. Agnew, Samuel A., 27, Little Darkgate-street Iron and Metal Merchant. Mcllquham, J., Bridge End House—see Advt. Insurance Agents. Evans, D. H., 34, North Parade, Lancashire Fire and Life Griffiths, T., 30, Bridge-street, Guardian Fire and Life, and Norfolk and General Farmers' Hughes, H., North P-.irade, Sun Fire and Life Jenkins, E., 28, High-street, Prudential Assurance Company; Norwich and London Accident and Casuality Iusurance Association; and Norwich and London Plate Glass Insurance Jones, G., 7, Pier-street, Atlas Fire and Life Smith, G. T., 6, Portland-street, Alliance Fire and Life, London and Liverpool Thomas, R. P., North Parade, Life Association of Scotland, Lombard-street, London; and Provin- cial Insurance Co., Wrcxham and London Williams, Philip, 12, Bridge-street, Norwich Union Fire and Life Ironmongers. Ellis, David, Great Darkgate-street, opposite the Jail Hughes, Mrs A., Great Darkgate-street, (opposite the Town Clock); warehouse, Little Darkgate- street—see Advt. Jones, Erasmus, 53, North Parade Jewellers, etc. Leon, M., 5, Pier-street—see Advt. Morgan, J., Mocho House, 12, Pier-street Prohin, W., Reliance House, Church-street. White, E., Egyptian House, Terrace-road, and York House, Marine Terrace White, C., St. David's House, 63, Marine Terrace Joiner. Lewis, D. J., Lewis-terrace and Skinner-street Market Halls. The Old Corn Market, Market-street (Limited Co., G. T. Smith, Sec.) The New Market, Terrace.road (Limited Co.) Painters, Plumbers, etc. Bubb, T., 38, Portland-street—see Aclvt. Thomas, W., 2, Northgate-street Provision and Fruit Merchant. Manwaring, F., New Market Hall Smith, T., New Market Han-see Aclvt. Photographic Artists. Edwards, J., Aberystwyth Photographic Establish- ment, Pier-street Printer. Morgan, John, Observer Office, 5 and 29, Little Dark- gate-street—see Advt. Refreshment-House Keeper. Evans, Mrs E., 4, Market-street Salt Merchant. Richards, J., Three Tuns, Trefechan Slate Merchants, etc. Ellis and Owen, Aberystwyth Slate Works, Moor- ¡ street; and at Hull—see Adrüt. Dodson, R., Marble and Stone Works, Swan-hill, Shrewsbury—see Atlvt. Williams, J., LlanShangel Slate Works, Llanfihangel Geneu'rglyn, Borth-see Advt. Seedsman. Hughes, R., Medical Hall, 1, Market-street Surgeon Dentists. Murphy, J. A., 5, King-street, Aberystwyth Jones, H. M., and Son, Pier House Tailors. Francis, J., 48, Portland-street Hall, Thomas, 4, Mary-street James, J. A., 13, Pier-street Jenkins, David, 55, North Parade Richards, J., and Co., Cardigan House, 10, Market- street—see Advt. Tallow chandler. Richards, D., Llanbadarn Candle Manufactory, 14, Thespian-street (opposite Lewis Terrace.) Toy and Comb Warehouse. Doughton, R., 54, Bridge-street (seven doors from the Town Clock). Watchmakers. Jones, John P., 2, Pier-street Truscott, J., 4, Pier-street—see Advt. Wine and Spirit Merchants. Cole, E. L., Melbourne House, Pier-street (Agent for W. & A. Gilbey, Wine Importers and Distillers, London.) Culliford, Henry, 24, Great Darkgate-street James, John, Terrace-road—see Advt. Morgan & Co. (late J. Downie, established 1810) Importers, Pier-street Rea, John, White Horse Stores (corner of Portland- street and Terrace-road) Watkins, John, corner of North Parade and Terrace. road

-""""""" Cambrian Railways.




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