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Aberystwyth, Cardiganshire. GT. SMITH has been instructed to offer for SALE BY AUCTION, on TUESDAY, the Cth of DECEMBER, 1870, (instead of Nov. 29th, as previously advertized,) at the GOGEUDDAX AMIS HOTEL, Aberystwyth, at Three o'clock iu the ATter- noon. ihf be-tutiful and fast-sailing » HILDA," now lying in Aberystwyth Hartour. The" Hilda" is built of the very best mate ah, and eopp.-r-fiistened is a remarkably swift s.ukr, Ld ,s admirably suited either for a gentleman s well found luh Sails, Anchor, Boat.«d pother sea-going requisites. on Tftn= feet Beam, 12 feet. Wdlcany 30 Tons. feet; Beam, feet. y t'culars apply fo the AuctIOneer, For further pvrticulars apply 1° the Auctioneer, for juitner Thomas, 1 envparke, 7$Ly!h, who will 'appoint a person to show the Vernal. 57, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth. A. T. S Al I T H H\S been instructed to LET the above commodi- 1 uUS premises either as a Shop or Private Dwelling-house. If as the former, the Shop Fixtures to be taken. S^MARKET STREET 7 ABERYSTWYTH. EDWARD VAUGHAN REES BEGS respectfully to inform his Friends and the Public generally th t he has taken the above Old-established Vaults known as the GLOBE INN, and solicits their kind patronage and support. CI «T B>Iter and Mild Ales. Wines, Spirits, and Cigars of the, Jin eat quality. THE APOTHECARIES' HALL, (.4 Dispensing Establishment,) TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH, CONDUCTED BY JOHN HE. DAVIES, Pharmaceutical Chemist. Soda, Potash, Lithia, and Seltzer Waters. Lemonade, &c. Depot for Foreign Mineral Waters. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. FOUR GOLD MEDALS. CAPTION —Kequire Baron Liebig's signature on every Jar and Tin. nlfi. Tins supplied in enormous quant-ities to both French and C>er .isin troops in the field, and this size specially recommended to Relief Committees. TO BE LET, With possession on the Twelfth, oj November, A PARLOUR and Two BEDROOMS, with a Gardeu attacned. Terms moderate. Apply to the Publisher. ELLIS & OWEN, ABERYSTWYTH SLATE WORKS, ABERYSTWYTH, MANUFACTURERS of Plain and Ornamental Slate Chimney Pieces, Baths, Cisterns, Milk Cuoiers, Head Stones, Urinals. Mangers, Cattle Tri ughs Dairy, Larder, and Wine Cellar Shelves Window Sills, Door Steps. Hearth Stones. Flooring. Skirting, and every description of Slate Works. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ENAMELLED SLATE WOHK MADE TO ORDER. Hoofing St/at.s of all sizeq always in stock. BENSON'S WATCHES AND CLOCKS. By kpeeiit] appointment to H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. Prize Mci<n!s — London, Du'lin, and Paris. Maker of the Gold Caskets presented by the City of London to H. R. H. till I'KI^CK OF WALES, H. R. H- the DUKE or KUIMU R'JH, SJR. JOHN BCRliUYNE, M. 1,ps8p,p. 4CC. W A T C II E E Chronometers, Chronographs, Keyless, Repeaters, Levers, Horizontals, for Ladies anri C Ii O C & S — For Dining and Drawing Rooms, Carriages. Ciiurcl.es Hall or SlKp, Perpetual Cait.n- dars, Wttd nials, t c. J IS W E 1< 1 E R Y Specialities in Monograms, Dia- n.ondx. Crystals, and Mae Gold, for Rririil and other presents. Imal SIlVES ELECTRO.pt flTr or T,A '7T"1,' RACIN?' 1JINERS "u«E, or lea iKbie, &c. kc w 0 3t it o o r IL P- T in Bronze> by the best PRICES and Descriptions of Watches, Clocks, Plate, Jewellery, Chains, &<• see Illustrated Witches Clue I,* T Ps"h|pts. Post Free for il Stamps. W ate Clocks, Jewellery. Chsiins, Plate, &.C., sent to a'.l parts of the fforld. J. W, BENSON. Steam Factory and City show Rooms, ItTOiGATE HXX.X.. And O X. i> BOND STREET, W LONDON. oties repair,-d, >.y Rkilled workmen. Old Silver, Watches, "(I, Jewellery, &e., exchanged. Merchants, Shippers, and a'eh Ciubs supplied. NATURE'S CURATIVE. (ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM.) HEALTH AM) MANHOOD RESTORED f H' ithnu t M ulicinc ). Cure yourself bv ttie Electric and Magnetic Self-Adjustlng Curative. SeFFRREHS from Nervous Dif'ihty, Painful Dreams, Mental and Phusual Depression, Palpitation of tlx Heart, x„ut» in the Heart and Ears, Indecision, Impaired vi'/ht alld siMtmry, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, De- Prmtum of Spirits', Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pains in tht: Hack and Limbs,'Ti.niidit.it, Pelf-Distrust. Dizziness, Lone of Solitude, G roit ndtess Fears, A'r., CAN NOW CURE THEMSELVES By the only "Guaranteed Remedy" in Europe, prote. *ed and sanctioned hy the faculty. Details free for One Stamp by Waiter "EKNEH, Esq., Medieni Electrician. PEltCY HOrSE, RElwonn SQUARE. LONDON. X.B. Medicine and Fees superseded. In proof of the WONDERFUL CURES effected, Invalids can n:ive the ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC CUltATIVE" on •MAL, with vpfei'oi)c« to the leadiufj Physicians of the <lny. Established 1840 a., Surgical Mechanician, &c. A TEST (iRATIS.—Send for Details. CAUTION. This is the onln acknowledged durative Appliance as in use at the rations Hospitals, and recoanised by the Medical Faculty of Great Britain, and none tire genuine unless had dhe,t fun,: Ji r Walter Joiner; vho cant ions the public againsi a person vsitt/t hi* name, and Imitating his discoveries. Vide Prize Medal and Hospital Reports. LAMPS LAMPS I LAMPS I I The Cheapest Light in the world I 12 Hours' Light for One Penny. B 1.NJAM IN HUGHES, IUON MONGER, OPPOSITE THE TOWN CLOCK, ABERYSTWYTH, HAS just received his Winter Stock of LAMPS Cottage Lamps from Sixpence upwards. Best Lamp on, Lamp Glasses, and Lamp Wicks a 'n *■ ,c'<- 1 kimts of Uangincf Lamps and Brackets for F"bhc BuildinRS, &c MUSIC WAREHOUSE, ho. 2, N.Liv Street, OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE. MR. INGLIS BERVON, ORGANIST OF ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH Teacber of the Organ, Singing, & Pianoforte, (Pupil of Signor Randegger, London.) Singh Lessons given for the convenience of Visitors. ft.if Ai-ent for Rroadwood and C^lhu-.l s Grand and Cottage Pianofortes. A liberal percentage allowed oft all new Instru- ments. £ eeo»<i-lu>n<i Pianofortes taken in exchange. %« All New Music at iia-lf the marked price; if not in stock, Sent for by return of j>ost. Piano-Fortes for Hire, Tuned, and Repaired i *> THE IsIQN TEA. OPPOSITE THE LIC THOMAS Gi GROCER AND PROVISION BEGS to call the attention of the Inhabitants of < to his extensive Stock of Prime ENGLISH & W WELSH, & WESTPHALIA HAMS; Fine Old Rich CH CHEESE, &c., &c. r\ FRESH BUTTER in Daily from the principal Dairies i EGGS, LARD, &c &c. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SAUCES, PICKLES & TEA, 2s. 6d. per lb. V WAREHOUSE OPPOSITE THE TOW* COMPTON BOUS. No. 1, PIER STREET, ABERYi. i JOHNEDWARD LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPER, Milliner, Silk Mercer, Laceman, Haberdasher, Hosier, G. General Warehouseman. J. E. is now showing the Newest Styles-in Hats, Bonnets, &c. Ladies' Out! Underclothing. Wedding and Mourning Bonnets. tSST Agent for JOHN BERRIE, Dyer, Cleaner, and Finisher, London and Manches (jABDIGAN HOUSE. J. RICHARDS & Co. Tailors, Drapers, and General Outfitters. IlEG to announce that their Stock is well-selected from the PRINCIPAL MARKL and adapted for the present Season. One Price only, from which no Abatement can be made. Ladies' Cloth Jackets and Waterproof Cloaks are made to measure on the shortest notice. Gentleme i\i I C hildren's Suits kept in stock or made to order in good style and workman- like manner. India Rubber Coats and Leggings at small profits. All Goods not approved of may be exchanged. BelT Patterns on application, except on Market days. Agents for the Sale of Howe's Lockstitch Sewing Machine, 10, Market Street, Aberystwyth. .v y v r DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH I Are the sources of the deadliest maladies. The Pills in such disorders cleanse F the bowels, regulate the liver, bring the relaxed or irritated stomach into a. L natural and healthful condition. Changing sickness into health and strength. AIIJIMIIEIERTS OF FEMALES. At the two epochs in life the system undergoes the most critical changes, the Pills then become priceless in disorders to which the sex is liable and at the turn of life re a sure safeguard against evil and dangerous consequences. THE BEST REMEDY TCITOWILT FOR Asthma. Debility. Influenza. Stone and Gravel Bilious Complaints. Diarrhoea. Liver Complaints. Seeoi dy. Symptoms Blo;eh<v nn the. Skin. Female Irregularities. Piles. Weakness from what- |H 'I Constipation of the Bowels Indigestion. Retention of Urine evei- cause Sjj I' || Sold, with full directions, atthemanufy. of Professor HOIAOWAY, 244. Strand, j|| fij London, ami by all Dealers in Medicine, in boxes at Is. l-|d., 2s I'd., 4s. 6d., |K §\ lis., 22s., and'oSs. There is a considerable tavftg by taking the larger sizes. !| | il If your Hair is weak or falling off. try To EXCURSIONISTS & VISITORS LEWTON'S HENRY MITCH ELI,, CELEBRATED BOTANIC HAIR WASH. NANTEOS ARMS. ^TESTIMONIALS from all p«s of .he -rid. | G^AT DARK-GATE ST ABKKVWWTTH I W. only by M. LKW.OK, Perfumer and Dealer m 1-ancy Oroods. b(lttle> is of the most genuino quality> as EXTENSIVK STOCK OF PKIME CKURS. by first-clahs, h«IUS*-S. ToYs, &c.-PIANOFORTES FoIz HIRE. IjNEN and SPIRITS, of a supn iior (!H-riy,ai. No. 15 Piet Street, Aberystwith. fre '^ceived direct from bond, i'rices low, as enn be quoted, and the quality guaranteed to be high. MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. y- Refreshments supplied on the shortest notice SWAN HILL, SHREWS B URY. A superior Bagatelle Room on the premises. Do. DODSON T. BUBB, RESPECTFULLY hpgs to intimate that the PLUMBER, PAINTER, GLAZIER, Show Rooms contain a lart-e collection of AND HOUSE DECORATOR, Marble, Stone, &. Enamelled Slate Chimney p0RTLAND STREET> ABERYSTWYTH. Cem^er^lt^Churchyard^^Jlemorials, Fonts, A ^ARGE assortment of PAPLR HANGINGS Fountains. Vases, A.C. of the Newest designs from the best makers. Designs forwarded for inspection; and cornmu- Baths fitted up on the most approved principle. nications oy letter will receive immediate attention Picture and other Frames gilded. CARSONS MM P A t N f, PATRONISED BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, THE BRITISH GOYERSMENT, I THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, j RAILWAY and Canal Cowan-iks, THE INDIAN GOVBKNMENT, | THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, I COLLIERIES, IRUN MASTERS, 7,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For all kinds of OUT-DOOR WORK, And is proved, after a test of upwards of 70 years, to surpass any other Paint. It is especially applicable t" Iron Roofing, Park Fencing-, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts ;< Wagons, Gates, &c. &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Sa.ving of more than 50 per cent., as it is chea.per, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryers are necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with Oil Mixture," according to Directions for Use, and at. same time avoiding the objectioiui to all paints sold TO xed ready for Per Cwt, COLOURS. per Cwt White -rnr M1J1,f Bright Red Light Stono J Re<i J Bath Stona Chocolate r Cream colour >80*. XHTlC0HROSlO^f\Ja| Purple Brown t Light Portland StoneV I PAINT \CLII-h|3 Black I Portland Stone 1 L.^cTBrtE JCCsSaf Green J Buff (for Stables). ) Bn^at Green N Oak colour 1 V SSDO'NMedium Green I „ Lead colour J 26s. Deep Green >4<is. Light Lead cr Slate 28s. Bnwi.«n«r..KiMiwi. Blue •• j Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &c. CARSONS' PAINT, For PUBLIC EDiriCE8, MANSIONS, "VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., IS unrivalled, and is the } only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, &c. 8 Cwt. delivered CARRIAGE FREE to all RAILWAY STATIONS in the United Kingdom. PatteTtx and Testimonials sent Post Free on application*' No Agents, WALTER CARSON & SONS, I LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C.' And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. PARSONS PAINT. PRELIHI.UK1 If OTICJE. When seen, make a note oJ." L. 0 DAVIE S REGS respectfully to announce that he has taken the NEW SHOP, No. 33. GREAT DARK GATE STREET, and that he will shortly Open the same with a splendid Stock of LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERY, &c,&c. L. O. D. hopes that his extensive experience in Aberystwyth and other large towns, together with unceasing attention to business, will secure him a share of public support. I i ] FOR GOOD B001. B 16, GREAT Gentlemen's Balmorals, good quality, from n. Ditto Elastic sides, ditto 10 b I Ladies and Gentlemen's Sea-side Boots in great variety, from 4s. 6d. ..io t" cheap. GUTTA PERCHA DEPARTMENT We confidently recommend our Gutta Percha Boots as being an excellent preventive from damp. All our goods are wade with leather tops and insoles, which are of the best quality. Gentlemen's Bluchers, from • (i 6 Ladies'Balmorals, from 4 (i Ditto Elastic Sides 7 6 | Ditto Elastic Sides ,4V Boys and Girls' B"ot» proportionately cheap. New Elastics put in old Boots as under:— Gentlemen's Cotton Elastic, per Set 1 4 j Ladies' Cotton Elastic, per Set In Ditto Silk or Terry, ditto 1 9 ] Ditto Silk or T<jrry, ditto .14 All kinds of Boots neatly repaired with Leather or Gutta Percha, as under:- Gentlemen's soled and heeled G. P. from 2 3 Ladies' soled and heeled G P. from I f. Ditto ditto Elastic Leather 3 6 | Ditto ditto Eeiltjier 2 :■ Kepsiirs speedily executed.. Ladies' Fitting Room attached to the Shop. I > r —- gP^I STABLE DELICACIES, i!, !j Of the Highest duality, j i, M-J>tfattureJ by • | IpOSSE^sBL ACKWELL 5 PURVEYORS TO THE QUEEN. "tt, il PBOFRIRIORS OF CAPTAIN WHITE'S ORIENTAL PICKLE V. iji: AND CURRY PASTE. I !{i | I- &tj retail in all parts )t the and II 4 j|v Wholesale at the Manufactory, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. #01; |JJ^3 PRIZE MEOAIS, MKS NHI3!TI5», 1867.(|| 300 Gold and Silver Watches to select from, At Wo. 4, PIER STREET Aberystwith. J- TRUSCOTT, mi<SS3atc^mafter. 31dl1rIIcr. 5mitb, oi,,riCIA Established, 1848. gentlemen's Patent Lever Watches, in £ s. d. £ s. a. strong Gni,i Ca-es, frem 10 10 0 tc 25 0 0 I Ladies (into ditto, from 10 10 0 to 20 0 0 e,'Wntc'>e»,in Silver Cas«'s,from 4 i 0 to 10 10 0 Flat Hoiuontal Watches, ditto, from. 2 •) to 3 10 0 Warranted to perform correctly, & a Tweivemontb's trial given. The most complicated Watches repaired and ad- justed. Watch Glasses of every size and description fitted immediately. y- Gold Chains, Wedding Rinas, and Plate sold according to weight. HORSE CLOTHING I AND SADDLERY ESTABLISHMENT, ABSHYSTWYTH. W. EVANS BEGS to call attention to his General Sto k of SALDLERY GOODS, and olso his Winter Stock of Horse Clothing-Skin Rugs —Ditto Foot Mutfs- Waterproof Driving Aprons hiding and Shooting Leggings- Macintosh Coats, Double and Single TI'xt'IJ'P, and of all Colours and Descriptions. WATERPROOF FLASK LEGGIX^S & FISHING STOCKINGS made to order and Repaired. NOTICE. J. DOWN IE, fflne mini Spirit Merchant, deceased, • /bery.st tcyfh. Messrs. R. WATSON & Co., London, HAVING purchased this Old-established and important Business from the Executors. be" to announce that it ivill be curried on under the direction of MR. r. HUGHES. Who bus bad the eutire control for many years. MESSRS. R. W. & Co. having (in addition to an extensive London experience) unusual advantages it purchasing W ines. &c.. will leave the Quality of their Goods to speak for itself. They wislil. however, to draw attention to two New features which will be introdjscei',—viz I. SHERRIES IN WOOD. Quarter Casks and Octave Casks fur Family 3jse, by which a saving of time and trouble, as well as of expense, is effected. 2. DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENTS. Purchasers of One DozM. ^nd upwards, of Win s or Spirits, will be allowed -2 per cent, for immediate payment. Abf-ro-stwyt^^r; W'A TSOCo. ■V- jy- '.¡: • .a 4* 1 H w |g COMBINING H All the advantages of Wood Shell, Lead I and Oak Coffin. ■ The most enitnent.Niedical Practitioners have H given certificates testifying as to the superiority of ■ rhese Coffins over all others in a sanitary point 01 F • iew, and as a complete preventive to the spread o. ■ ontagions disease. They are specially adapter K for safe conveyance to any distance, by rail || way or otherwise. & The Coffins are covered with black, white S i-ey, or crimson cloth or velvet, and furnished v, ith u superior linings and choice dfsiirns ot furniture. :.<• j|| ^■leered, and they are considerably lighter and c<.i> w -eijuently more easily removed than Lead Coffir.s with their necessary wood coffin and shell, beins.' B ilso better adapted for the purpose. jg UndertaKers and others requinnc thr-se Coffin* H should applv to the PATENT METALLIC All' B TIGHT COFFIN CO., LIMITED, 158, GIIi A'l g CIIARLES ST., BIRMINGHAM, or to any o' K the Company's appointed Agents. n A Coffin of any size can be »ent oflf «t an h g notice. i? r U. ESTABLISHED N-o. 13 81, DAVID THOMAS, Watchmaker J t:Jl'clllr..}'C., The most im- .1 eWI lIer)' very price,. All of 'Y awht's ('¡paned "nd on the nl;tiee. Jewel lerv relmir. and wade to or- der. WEDDING RINCS (iulJ Clio;<, &c. |/LsEH ferrins\ j| WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. »! j: Pronounced JP18 Be careful • i: by Connoisseurs to ask for } il THE ONLY LEA & PERRINV": 1: IlEAlPERItMsf 'i<!GOOD SAUCE; SAUCE. :j See name oi NN-rapper, label, bottle, and i stopper. Soid bv Crosse & Blackwell, London, j and by all dealers in Sauces. = BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS, LEA & PERRINS, WORCESTER. .I. READ THE WARNING VOICE. A SPECIAL WORK FOR PRIVATE IS STRL'CTIOX. By HEXRY SMITH, M.H., of tl.e University of Jena, Author of the "People's Guide to Health," &c. THE WARNING VOICE, a medical work (160 pages) giving 'h< NEW SPECIAL TREATMENT f,)r the perfect cure of Nervous Dehilitv. Painful Dreams, Mental and Physiol-DepiesSioi), Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Imptsirid Memory, Indigestion Prostration. Lassitude, Depression of t-pirits, Loss of Energy mid ApJ.,etite, Pains in tiie Back and Limbs, Timidity, Self Dis- trust, Dizziness, Love of- Solitude, Groundless Pears, See. With New Chapter on the T'e and Abuse of ELECTRICITY for the Lure of Nervous J), biliiy. Contains many letters from patients who have tried the so-called remedies wirbont medicine, proving that ELECTRICITY IS NOT LIFE. iLi.uSTitATEB with Cases and Testimonials from grateful patients WITH MEASS OF CUBE TTSEP in each case. Sent free by post to "ny 1J,),!rc.s, secure from observation, on receipt of two stamps. Address—Dr. H. hmit8, 8, Burion Crescent, London, W.C. IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY PATIENT". CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN WITHOUT FEB.—D-. "MITH -.vi'l, for the Benefit of Persons sutlering from NERVOI"? liEUiLITY, Sic., on receiving a description (f hi- written opinion, with advice and directions, for the most Mtcoe.fiit treatment and curg; Address—Dr. H. South, 5, Burton Cratprnt, London, C. 'W. i0s. ou., lHs 22s and 40s. E. BROAD CH AI. !sA XD:, for Writers' Cram;), Trembling, Nervousness, &c. 22s. to 80s., 40s., and 60s. F. C OMBINE!) BANDS for General Debility, Central Para- lysis, Epilepsy, and Functional Disorders 50s. to 60s. G. CHAD. BATTERIES for Extreme Nervous Debility, Para- lysis, and for restoring exhausted Vital Energy, (to be used in conjunction with specially combined Bands) £ 3 10s. to 4 Guineas. H. A COMPLETE SET OF COMBINED ELECTRIC CHAIN BANDS and Flexible Galvanic Belt, for restoring Vital Energv £ &. I. HKiH-TEXSION FLEXIBLE CHAIN POCKET BATTE- RIES, with a complete Set of Combined Band" Belts, and accessories (for special cases! X10 and upwards. A. NARROW CHAIX-BAXDS for 8 iatica, Rheumatic, Neu- ralgic, and Gouty Pains, Chronic Rheumatism, Local Pa- ralysis, Cramp in tl)e Extremities, according to Electric Power 18s., 22s 4s., and upwards. B. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS or BELTS, for Lumbago, Indi- gestion, Lin-r, Chest, and Nervous Complaints, &c., wear- able as a Belt 22s. to 40s. and 55s. So Galvanic Bands or licit a are genuine but I hose bearing the jac-stmile of J. L. I't'LVERMACBEH'S signature on the In bei. CAUTION.- A PERPETUAL INJUNCTION in CHAN- CERY. dated Ittii August, 18R9 was granted to J. L. PrLVtR- MACHER asainst ALTHED BARBOWS, alias C. D. HAUMOSD, alias HFNBY JAMES, alius C. T. RAPHEY, their assistants, agents, and servants, restraining the said person 01' ].er,;ons, under a penalty off.5000, from deceitfully advertising Belts, Acc., de- lusively representing them as electric. This decree is printed in extenso in PVLVEIDIACHER'i" PAMPHLET ofTesrimonialn and Reports of cures containing likewise numerous extracts from many standard scientific works, Dr. i'ereiru's Materia M. dica," 4th idit on Dr. Tanner's Practice of Medicine," 8th edition and Dr. Handheld Jones on Nervous and Functional Disorders, &c." Sent post free on application to the Sole Inven tor and Patentee, J. L. PULVERMACHER, GALVANIC LSTABLli-HMENT, 200 KECtENT STREET, LONDON, W And of 7ohu Cole, Chymist, Aberystwyth. ASSEMBLY, BALL,&BILLIARD ROOMS. LAURA PLACE, ABERYSTWYTH. JOHN EVANS, who has recently taken to the Business of the above Establishment, begs tu announce to the Nobilitv, Gentry, and Public gener- ally. that he has completed extensive alterations on rhe Premises, and hopes through strict attention to business to be favoured with a share of their patron- age and support. WINES, SPIRITS, ALE, FORTER, & CIGARS, Of the bl."t quality. LEMONADE, SODA & OTHER MISKRAL WATERS. Gamed the only First Prizes at the Great Exhibitions of London, Paris, Sic. IT IS NOT SUFFICIENTLY CONSIDERED hy those who take C >d Liver Oil. that the quality depends upon the condition of the fish. The Lofoten Waters, in Norway, are the only known district where the cod migrate for the purpose of spawning, and consequently in an excellent coddition-the other large fishing places being \isited merely as feeding grounds, the fish are caught in a poor and emaciated state. Hence the well known superiority of Lofoten Oil; many reject, however, the light brown (first introduced", on account of its unpleasant taste arising from its being prepared from putrid livers. PETER MOLLEU, therefore, hy a special process and extracting only from fresh and selected livers, prepares at LOFOTEN a pale Oil (distinctly diflerent to the pale NEWFOUNDLAND), retaining all the curative virtues with a remarkable pure smell and taste. MOLLEB'S Oil, liotrled in Norway, is the only one offered to the public under the direct guarantee of the Manufacturer him- spJí; in fact, the only reliable guarantee of genuineness See therefore "PETER MOLLER'S" Name on each bottle: Sold by all Chemists, at 2s. 3d. and 4s., and attheLondonDepot. 521, Oxford-street, W.C. Agent—J. H. DAnEs. North Parade, Aberystwyth. WEDNESDAY. DEC 21-T, is (he LAST DAY for TICKETS. 1870-TWENTY-SECOND SEASON.—1870. ART UNION OF GREAT BRITAIN. ONE SHILLING PER SHARE. 1,801,979 Tickets have bt.cn sold in tht 1 wt ut.> -v.riC p evi..ns drawings, and 22.Sft2 PRIZES distributed, including 4.\145 Paintings, in amounts varying from 200 guineas down" aids. The DI! AWING icr PRIZES will take place ON SATURDAY. DECEMBER 30TH, 1f<? And Will consist of ONE THOUSAND PRIZES The fist Pri-e) JAMES WJ-.KB o Llyn Qv.-ynant find Prize) C. MARSHALL. t •<*» And othtrs. see detailed List a1' Prizes. Tickets, ONE SHILLING each, mux hi <i froin, cr will be forwarded hy. the underire: i i agents on receipt of envelope (stainp^d < ted), together with postage stamps cr po-t■ft < •- order for the miu.ber ot Tickets required cr tn 1 LC unde> signed. JAMBS G. LAW, Secretary, S9, Ox! .ir<i-str> LOCAL AGENT MR. E. LEWTON, Pt-rluuier, Pier Street