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G. T. SMITH, AUCTIONEER & VALUER, ACCOUNTANT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, No. 6, Portland Street. AGENNT FOR THE SCOTTISH WIDOWS' LIFE AND ALLIANCE FIRE AND LIFE ASSORANCE SOCIETIES. Commercial Inn, Railway Station, ABERYSTWYTH GK T. SMITH HAS been instructed by Mrs. Mellings, who is about relinquishing the Posting Branch of her Business, to offer for SALE BY AUCTION, on MONDAY, the 9tb day of MAY, 1870, at- the YARD OP THE ABOVE INN, at Two o'clock in the After- noon, the following superior CARRIAGES, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FAST AND POWERFUL CARRIAGE MARE, STABLE REQUISITES, &c., namely, excellent strong well-bred Harness Mare capital Wagonette; Phaeton; Gig; Two sets superior Harness; Two Saddles; Bridles; Patent Chaff Cutter; Carriage Jack; Corn Bin; Corn Measures; Steelyards; Sundries, &c., &c. A punctual attendance is respectfully requested. ABERYSTWYTH. SUPERIOR FULL-LICENSED OLD-ESTAB- LISHED INN, in one of the most prominent Business positions in the town, where an excellent Trade has for many years been carried on, TO BE LET, with immediate possession. Stock, Fixtures, and a portion of the Furniture to be taken at a Valuation. Apply to Mr. G. T. SMITH, Auctioneer, Aber- ystwyth. Bridge Street, Aberystwyth. G. T. SMITH HAS been instructed to SELL by PRIVATE CONTRACT the Excellent Newly-erected INN, or TAVERN, known as the "MASONS' ARMS," in the occupation of Mr. E. VAUGHAN, and, the Neat and Commodious DWELLING HOUSE adjoining, in the occupation of Mr. R. WILLIAMS. Bridge Street, Aberystwyth. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY For Sale by Private Contract. G. T. SMITH HAS been instructed to to DISPOSE of FOUR Excellent and Substantial DWELLING HOU- SES, in the best part of Bridge Street. ABERYSTWYTH. VALUABLE Leasehold Ground Rents for Sale BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. G"- ,T- SMITH R H"MNTRAPT"? T0.SI?LL BY PRIVATE A1 CONTRACT the original Lease and Ground Kents arising from an important Property, comDris- °F GRAY'S INN LANE, the WHOLE of POW^T? S™ET, WILLIAM STREET, and STREET STILEET> AND a Portion of MILL OV MARBLE AND STONE WORKS, SWAN HILL, SHREWSBURY. R. DODSON RESSH^WCR(FULLY BEGS TO IRITIMATE THAT ow Rooms contain a larne collection of Marble, Stone, &. Enamelled Slate Chimney Pieces, Cemat»'ll5 & Stone Mural Monuments, emetery 4, Churchyard Memorials, Fonts, „ m Fountains, Vases, &c. » esignt1 forwarded for inspection; and c&mmu- mca.ions oy letter will receive immediate attention J EPILEPSY OR FITS. F1T R°" V I T S.Foreign and Native HERB^ P I T P I T 1 a providential FIT S 'liiii '!i cannot conscientiously refuse to FIT a 'ltoj' -1, known, as it lias cured everybody who has F I T s;ea^P t1°V never havi»g failed in a single FIT S^'chemi ♦ ingredients may be obtained from any f FIT S Pmf ™rersons desiring a coiiv may address F I T S;VENT\;AVDE"P'ITPANHI'0WN',X0' 2' K'N" STRE<,T' C°" r .three stamp" 0 don> enclosing stamp six copies, J 'jQ PATENT ^CALVANLC^ CHAIN-BAMns. BELTS, I POOIET BATTERIES, RPHESE HIGHLY IMPROVED INVENTIONS 1-enfler Electricity perfectly self-applicable, in a mild n .inuoup form, and extremely efficacious, no shock or unplea- fount^r exPer'enced, whereby it becomes a true reanimat f.frr?,? ./1, u'g0"r' speedily soothing agonising pains, and imno,.?iJ^rP revivin" the 'l»?g>sh functions of life, leebled if "T enerPy and vitality to constitutions en- ,M,VJ J?Y various influences. The daily increasing number nf & PULV^MACHBR.S M EDI CO-GALVAN W in entirm 1 o exteif"'e and varied, that it forcibly points to this -n tun as tbe embryo ol a universal remedy. "rUE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY signed bv the elite of the English medical faculty has been received "fyirethat Uvrdel'signed. have much pleasure in testi-" improvementl i L' PULVERMACHER'S recent" Appliances for v Vo,a,ic batteries and Galvanic" ANC?e to Sciemi^M^1 PURP0SES ARE 0F ^port-" the consideration lcine' and that he is entitled to" further the atlvan™ Support of ever>one disposed to" Dated thIs 9th day of 1866." "s^k HFVRYESm0C0CK'> Bart- M-D-' r.R.c.p.- WfLi)'LAN"l'Ba,lM D F.R.S." "S H Bart., F. R.S." "SIA J. RANDAL ^VRXIX| F AFHER'S SYSTEM is also approved Royal Society Of LONDO^'LLOJJL (TOLWE'"F Pamphlet gratis.) testimonials of cures effected. S 101 Loss °f oice and other affections of the Gouty Sciatica, Rheumatic' Neuralgic*,0 and Cal Paralysis. Cramp, &c. B. CHAIN-BANDS fo 188. to 22s., and 40s. Functional DISORDER, Indigestion, Liver, Chest, and > nervous Debilityworn as a Belt. B. CHAIN-BA>DS for -Writer" 22s- to *0s., and 65s. ness, &c. 8 Lramp, Trembling, Nervous- B. COMBINED CHAIN-BAN^' £ — 22s. to 80s., and 40s. General Debility, Functional Du«f?tral Paralysis, Epilepsy, A complete Set of COMBINED CHAIM1IU\^CC 30S- TO 50S- CHAIX BATTERY for restoring vital E^DS' BELTS' AND No Galvanic Bands or Belts are genuine "3 t0 ^5' Jac-simile of J. L. PULVERMACBSbearing the label. '^nature on the CAU-rioN.-A PERPETUAL INJUNCTI0n- in „ ^RY, dated 18th August, 1869. was granted to J. L- ^HAN- againtit ALFRED BARROWS, alias C. D. HAMMOJJN" H'Z HENRY JAMES, alias C. T. RAPHBY, their a servants, restraining the said person or persons, under lu^nalty °f £ 5000, from deceitfully advertising Belts, &c„ de_ in r-J] rePr9senting them as electric. This decree is printed 'A PULYERMACHER'S PAMPHLET ol Testimonials *^ANV E^.0RT? cures containing likewise numerous extracts from SJANDARD scientific works, viz., Dr. Pereira's Materia e<tion'. edition; Dr. Tanner's Practice of Medicine," 8th ^r* Handfield Jones on "Nervous and Functional tor unci p'at^ t" free on application to the Sole Inven- J. L. PULVERMACHER, Or\s\ GALVANIC ESTABLISHMENT, ^UO, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. John Cole, C by mist, Aberystwyth. S. ALLSOPP k SON. G. CARESWELL, Agent for Aberystwyth, HAS now on hand a Supply of MILD & BITTER ALES. Office: 9, Portland Street, Aberystwyth. CI.OVEB. AMP OTHER SEEDS. THOMAS GRIFFITHS, General Grocer and Seedsman, OPPOSITE THE GOGERDDAN ARMS AND LION ROYAL HOTEL, BEGS to call the attention of Farmers to the large Stock of AGRICULTURAL SEED he has just laid in, and which he guarantees to be of the best quality. T. G. takes this opportunity to return his sincere thanks to his numerous Customers for the support they have afforded him during the many years he has been in Business, and begs to assure them that it will be his constant study to merit a continuance of their kind favours. Fine Cowgrass Clover Fine Red Welsh Clover „ Red English ditto Alsike ditto White Dutch Trefoil and Pacey's Scotch Perennial Ryegrass, from 181bs. to 281bs. Bushel. Also, a large Stock of English and Welsh VETCHES,-the latter grown at Pantyreryrod, near Aberayron, and at Gilfach-yr-halen, near Lianairth-both places celebrated for this particular Crop. The whole of the above Seed, of the respective kinds, bad been selected from the very best stock known, and grown with great care; they therefore cannot fail to give every satisfaction to the purchaser. 2, LITTLE DARK-GATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. J. P. JONES RESPECTFULLY announces that he has returned from the LONDON and other MARKETS .H; with a CHOICE SELECTION OF NOVELTIES for the present and approaching Season. The Stock is now replete with the LATEST DESIGNS el in every department. N.B. Ladies' Paris Kid Gloves, 2s. Gd. per Pair. CARSONS PA INT, PATRONISED By HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, I THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, I RAILWAY and CANAL COMPAN'FS, THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT, | THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, | COLLIERIES, IRON MASTEUS, IC.. 7,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND .GENTRY, For all kinds of OUT-DOOR WORK., And is proved, after a test of upwards of 70 years, to surpass any other Paint. It is especially applicable to iron Roofing, Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts ami Wagons, Gates, &c. &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Saving of more than 50 per cent., as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting. straining, or dryers are necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with Oil Mixture," according to Directions for Use," and at same time avoiding the objections to all paints sold mixed ready for use." Per Owt. COLOURS. Per Cwt. White Bright Red Light Stone 1 ™ £ OEMARK. DARK RED 1 BathStona Chocolate f9(. Cream colour S80a. XHTitoSRQsioK\a Purple Brown ( L glit Portland Stone V I PAl NT1 nHl «1 Black Portland Stone | IMANUFACTUAEOFITL-—3FL| Bronze Green Buff (for Stables). WTER Bright Green Oak colour n«_ \^H°OONM!IB5S3E^~ Medium Green I Lead colour J Deep Green ( Light Lead cr Slate 28s. Blue J Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brashes, &o. CARSONS' PAINT, For PUBLIC EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, Sea. 8 Owt. delivered CARRIAGE FRXH to all RAILWAY STATIONS in the United Kingdom. Patterns and Testimonials sent Post Free on application. No Agents. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON EC- And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN CARSONS 4H P A t N T. TRY POOLE'S BREAD! 26, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, (Oppo»ite the National Provincial Bank,) WARRANTED Genuine, and stamped "Poole" on the top of every Loaf. Ga,ned the only Prize8 at the Great Exhibitions of London, H. POOLE also professes to sell Goods of every de- Paris, &c. •cription in PASTRY, of the very best quality,—viz., IF in UMY „ SEED,' GERMAN FRUIT, and other CAKES, in great I J8 "0T SUFFICIENTLY CONSIDERED! variety if not on band, will be made on the shortest ^ose who take Cod Liver oil, that the quality depends upon lotice. Also, SOUPS, JELLIES, CUSTARDS, BLAI«C the only known I T The Lofoten Waters, in Xorway, are MANGE, PIES, TARTS, PUDDINGS, &C., suited for spawning, AND CONA«RN1!;TW«E,-ETBE 00(1 migrateforthePurPoseot nvalids ,„d other,» »,der. British W^Lmo.aA-Soto Water-SherbH- Ginger Beer, SfC.,—Also, Ices, lrom i(s b„- °duced) on aceeunt of its unpleasant taste arising therefore, by a s^^Fna,red from Putrid livers- PBTEB WORKINGTON, HINGSTON, & Co., MANUFACTURERS of BONE SUPERPHOS- witn»p™ lh" c°r*"™ PHATE and SPECIAL MANURES, Che- KomJ-„be one meal Manure Works, Bristol. gelf. in fact the o i lr<,ct guarantee of the Manufacturer him- This Bone Superphosphate has been known in gf'e therefQre ..pZJreliable guarantee of genuineness. nany instances to repay its whole cost by the excess gold BY A]1 CHEMI TELT ROLLER'S" Name on each bottle, n weight of Roots grown with it. 8 3d. and 4s., and at the London Depot. Apply to J. ROBERTS, 51, Portland Street, Aber- R R. Xfo_rd'gtreel' w-0, 'stwyth. • -AJAVIES. North Parade,Aberystwyth. p 7H 0 L'L 0 V' ■ 19-S l ———— DISOiaiDIEiaS OF T5BP',?T°^CH Are the sources of the deadliest maladies. The FiHs in such disorders cleanse the bowels, regulate the liver, bring the relaxed or irritated stomach into a natural and healthful condition. Changing sickness into health and strength. OF FEMALES. At the two epochs in life the system undergoes the most critical changes, the Pills then become priceless in disorders to which the aex is liable and at the turn of life dje a sure safeguard against evil and dangerous consequences. THE BEST IRIEiyLEIDir KNOV.;rN FOR Asthma. Debility. Influenza. Stone and Gravel Bilious Complaints. Diarrhoea. Liver Complaluts. Secondy. Symptoms II Blotches on the Skin. Female Irregularities. Piles- Weakness from what- Constipation of the Bowels Indigestion. Retention of urine ever cause Sold, with full directions, at the manufy. of Professor HOLLOWAY, 244, Strand, i London, and by all Dealers in Medicine. in joxes at Is. l^d., 2s 9d., 4s. 6d., II ( lis., 22s., and 33s. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. ] ,J>WTOI^—I j pa I ^HTDNLY ON 1 THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST r OANGEROUS IMITATIONS J THE ABERYSTWYTH MARKET & PUBLIC HALL COMPANY LIMITED. Incorporated under the Companies' Acts 1862 and 1867, the liability of each Member being limited to the amount of his Shares. CAPITAL £8000, IN 1600 SHARES OF £5 EACH. PRESENT ISSUE 600 SHARES. Deposit 5s. per Share on Application. nTld 5s. on A llotment, the remainder at intervals as required. ..¡ Should no Allotment be made the Deposits will be returned in full. CHAIRMAN. JOHN MATTHEWS, Esq., Mayor of Aberystwyth. BANKERS. THE NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANK, Aberystwyth. SECRETARY pro tem. MR. DAVID LLOYD, Accountant bt W. H. THOMAS, Esq., Solicitor. The Directors to be chosen at the First General Meeting oj the Shareholders, of which due notice will be given. The Articles of Association are strictly limited to those prescribed by the Act of Parliament. PROSPECTUS. THE Company has been established to supply want long felt by the flourishing- and rapidly rising town of Aberystwyth—viz., a spacious Market for Corn, Meat, Fish, Poultry, Vegetables, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, &c., &c., of an area suitable to the increased prosperity of the town, the present Market being whol,ly insufficient for the purpose. It is proposed to build an extensive Market on Corporation Ground facing Terrace Road, with additional entrances from Baker Street, and an area of about 10,000 square feet. This is the finest site in the town, and being the leading thoroughfare from the Railways to the Marine terrace, is the part most frequented by visitors and others. The land has been secured upon extremely advantageous terms, based upon an impartial -'urvey and valuation, the Vendor of the land io Terrace Ruad taking for the same JE600 in cash, <|nd £ 400 in fully paid-up Shares, and Mr. ELJAS DA VIES and Mr. ERASMUS JONES £ 50 each or the gardens at the rear. As it is proposed to form entrances from Baker Street, two houses have been secured therein for the purpose. In order that the town may possess a large and commodious Market this season, without the delay caused by the erection or the permanent building, the Vendor proposes to erect at once a TEMPOHA HY M A Ii KET. to be opened on or about the 9th of May next, drawings ot which can be seen at 51, North Parade. The Vendor guarantees 5 per cent. upon all Shares subscribed of the present issue for two years. In order to render this Market a strictly municipal one, a proposal' will be submitted to the Shareholders, at the First General Meeting, to the effect that upon an efficient application of the Loctil Act compelling the use of our Market, all profits over7! per cent. will be divided between the Shareholders and the Ratepayers, and an approved number of the Town Improvement Com- uiissionerK shall be ex-officio Directors of the Company. Municipal Markets in this country are in nearly all cases great pecuniary successes. Car- marthen Market was let, for the present year, to the highest bidder for JE1490, and there is every reason to believe that this enterprise, efficiently carried out, will be equally remunerative to the Shareholders. tion S\S? pr Promotion-m°ney | been, or will be, paid to any one in respect of the forma- ness of the undeTaktog subscribcd bein« d"°ttd the busi- Prospectuses and FormsI of for Shares can be had of the Bankers; of JOHN MATTHEWS, Esq., Mayor; W. ll. THOMAS, Esq., Solicitor; J. J. ATWOOD, Esq., Solicitor; and J. PEl.L, Esq., Aberystwyth. » M > » .A Jarp number of Shares are already subscribed for- Iramediate application should be made to the Bankers for the remainder, as the subscription list will only be open for a few days. JOHN JAMES, LONDON & ABERYSTWYTH WHOLESALI: & RETAIL TEA, WINE, AND SPIRIT STORES. 51, NORTH PARADE. SOLE Agent for Bass & Co's Pale & Burton Ales. „ Guinness's Dublin Stout. „ Martell's Brandy. „ Hennessy's ditto. „ Moet & Chandon's Champagne. „ Fisse, Thirion, & Co's ditto. TA „ Max Greger's Hungarian Wines. Cross & Blackwell's Goods in great variety. FAMILIES AND THE TRADE SUPPLIED. DR. HUNTEft'4 Special Lectures to Young Men, on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with idvice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing >ut certain impediments wbich render married life in happy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, md manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age.— Post free on receipt of two sta,mpS.-Address, Secre- ;ary, Institute of Anatomy, Birm. PAPER HANGINGS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PAPER HANGINGS, at greatly reduced prices, AT T. THOMAS's, FAINTER, PLUMBER, GLAZIER, & HOUSE DEOORATOR, Bridge-street, Aberystwyth. Pictures framed in Gilt, Maple, &c -Mouldings supplied to the Trade at moderate prices. Terms- jash. If your Hair is weak or falling off, try LEWTON'S CELEBRATED BOTANIC HAIR WASH. TESTIMONIALS from all parts of the world. -L Prepared only by EDWARD LEWTON Hair Cutter and Perfumer to His Royal Highness Prince Arthur, and His Imperial Highness Prince Lucien Buonaparte. ATo. 15, Pier Street, Aberystwitk. FIELF" As EXTENSIVE STOCK or PRIME CIGARS. FANCY TOYS, &C. POTATOES! POTATOES?! JAMES MACHONOCHIE, Mary-street, Aberystwyth, HAS just received a vessel-load of very fine WHITE ROCK POTATOES, price £ 5 per ton, or 5s. 6d. per cwt. N.B. One trial will prove the same to be of a VERT SUPERIOR QUALITY. SYDENHAM HOUSE.; AB'EBTiTWYTH. 3 WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS i B EGSto announce his return from LONDON with a CHOICE SELECTION of the most j Fashionable Goods for the Summer Season. rhe Stock will be found replete with all the prevailing NOVELTIES, and is now ready for inspection, j ø- The favour of a Call is respectfully solicited. 6 TO BE LET, FURNISHED, For One or Two Months, or for the entire Season, A GENTEEL RESIDENCE, centrally situated on the Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth. The House contains a large Drawing Room, Dining Room, airy Bedrooms (7 or 8 Beds), and all the other conveniences required by a Family of distinc- tion. Apply to the Publisher. BAZAAR, IN AID OF THE NEW ENGLISH WESLEYAN CHAPEL, ABERYSTWYTR. THE above BAZAAR of Useful and Ornamental Articles will be held towards the end of JULY. Contributions in Articles or Money will be thankfully received by MRS. ROWSE, TREASURER, MRS. THOMAS, SECRETARY, Or any of the Ladies connected with the Church. RICHARD PRYCE, SKINNER'S ARMS HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH, (Late of the "Pheasant Inn, Welshpool,") BEGS to inform his Friends and the Country at large that he has taken to the above OLD ESTABLISHMENT, and hopes, by strict attention and moderate charges, to merit a share of their patronage and support. All kinds of Refreshments provided on the shortest notice.-Private Families supplied with Board and Lodging, per week or per day, on reasonable terms.- Wines and Spirits.-Mild, Bitter, and other Ales.- Porter, Cider, fyc. T. BUBB, PLUMBER, PAINTER, GLAZIER, AND HOUSE DECORATOR, 38, PORTLAND STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, A LARGE assortment of PAPER HANGINGS of the Newest designs from the best makers. BATHS fitted up on the most approved principle. OW Picture and other Frames gilded. LLANDRINDOD WELLS. LLANERCH HOTEL, THIS old-established Family Hotel and Board- ing House is now ready for the reception of vsitors. Terms, from the I st of April until the 15th of June, £1 15s. per week, including Board, Lodg- ings, and Attendance. After that date, £ 2 2s. per week. E. DAWSON, Proprietor. ESTABLISHED 1809. MR. H. M. JONES begs to intimate to his numerous patrons and friends that he has entered into Partnership with his Son (an eminent Dentist), and the Practice will henceforth be con- ducted by the firm of Messrs. H. M. JONES & SON, Surgeon Dentists, M.C.D.E., 19, NORTHAMPTON PLACE, Swansea, who invite inspection of their numerous improvements in Dentistry. One of the firm in constant attendance, and will be happy to render every information gratis. Children's Teeth simply and successfully regulateds An entirely new system of perjectly painless operating. PURE AERATED WATERS. flBe Ellis's Ruthin SadaWater EUis Ruthin Potass water Eiiis'santiiip seitnrwa* Ellis's Rotatin Lemonade Ellis's Lithia Water Ellis's Xiithia and Potass Water FOK GOUT-the last-named is a splendid remedy. EVE3Y CORK IS BRANDED "R. ELLIS & SON, Rl'I'HIN," and every label bears their trade mark, without wh.cli none is genuine. Sold by Chemists, Hotel Keepers, Con- fectioner*, and Wholesale only from R. ELLIS & SON, Ruthin, North a ;e-. A Hint to Visitors and Others. MARGARET JONES, OF THE "MERIONETHSHIRE ARMS," North-gate Street, Aberystwyth, DEALER IN LEFT-OFF APPAREL, BEGS to thank the Inhabitants of this Town and Neighbourhood, as well as the Visitors, for the support she has received during the last 20 years. and respectfully solicits a continuance of their kind favours. M J. would be happy to wait personally on any parties who may have useless or unfashionable Attire to dispose of. Liebig Company's Extract of Meat. AMSTERDAM EXHIBITION, isg9, FIRST PRIZE, being above the Gold Medal. Supplied to the British, French, Prussian, Russian, Italian, Dutch, and other Governments. One pint of fine- flavoured Beef-tea at 3id. Most convenient and economic stock." CautiOn.-Only sort warranted genuine by the inventor, Baron Liebig, whose signature is on every genuine Jar. Ask for Liebig Company's Extract, and not for Liebig's Extract of Meat 300 Gold and Silver Watches to select from, QAT No. 4, PIER STREET, Aberystwith. J. TRUSCOTT, SBSatctmafeer. Uetorllrr, £ tlbet= smitt. OPTICIAN, ETC. Established, 1848. Gentlemen's Patent Lever Watches, in £ s. d. £ s. d. strong Gold Cases, frem 1010 0tc 25 0 0 Ladies' ditto ditto, from 1010 0 to 20 0 0 Patent LeverWatches,in Silver Cases,from 4 4 0 to 10 10 0 Flat Horizontal Watches, ditto, from. 2 2 0 to 310 0 Warranted to perform correctly, & a Twelvemonth's trial given. The most complicated Watches repaired and ad- justed. Watch Glasses of every size and description fitted immediately. B~ST" Gold Chains, Wedding Rinas, and Platesold according to weight. THE MARVEL OF SCIENCE. (ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM.) HEALTH AXD MANHOOD RESTORED r Without Midicintj. Cure yourself bY the Electric and Magnetic Self-Adjusting Curative. SUFFERERS from Nervous Dibility, Painful Physical Depression, Palpitation of the^e^i Ult: Hc(ul and Ears, Indccision, Impaired Sight and Memory Indujcstion, Prostration, Lassitude, De- nHZ*°and Limbs' r°$* i? R,lerM and APPctite, fains in the CAN NOW CURE THEMSELVES ly the On !Y Ciiaranteed Remedy" in Europe, protected and anctlOned by the faculty. Details free for One Stamp by WAXTEB msKi Esq., Medical Electrician. PERCY HOUSE, BEDFORD SQUARE, LONDON. N.B.-Medicine and Fees superseded. In proof of the WONDERFUL CURES effected, Invalids can lare the "ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC CURATIVE" on PRIAL, with reference to the leadiug Physicians of the day. Established 1840 as Surgical Mechanician, &c. A TEST 6RATIS.—Send for Details. CAUTION. y.B.—This it the only acknowledged Curative Appliance as »» tie at the various Hospitals, and recognised by the Medical Fact/My of Great Britain, and none are genuine unless had lirectfrom Mr Walter Jenner; mho cautions the public against i person using his name, and imitating his discoveries. Vide Prize Medal and Hospital Reports. J. W. ROGERS, Auctioneer. Valuer, & General House Agent, MANCHESTER HOUSE, ABERYSTWYTH. SALES of every description of Property in town or country conducted with punctuality, com- bined with moderate charges. Sales and Valuations, Accounts Audited, and Debts Collected upon reasonable terms. Cash advanced, and all Sales promptly settled. Ponterwyd, near Aberystwyth. DESIRABLE LEASEHOLD INVESTMENT J- W ROGERS HAS been instructed to offer for SALE BY PUB- LIC AUCTION, on TUESDAY, MAT loth, 1870, at Capt Lester's, GOGERDDAN ARMS HOTEL, Ponterwyd, 2 WELL-BUILT COTTAGES, close to Ponterwyd, near the Turnpike Gate. 43 years ua- expired. Joint Rental, £8. TO BE LET, IN a Genteel Villa, situate one mile from the -L fashionable Watering Place of Aberystwyth. Two or Three BEDRROOMS comfortably Fur- nished. Apply for particulars to J. W. RoGERS, Auctioneer, House Agent, &c., Manchester House, Aberystwyth. SCOTTISH WIDOWS' FUND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. THE largest Mutual Life Office in the United Kingdom. Realised Fund exceeds £ 5,000,000 Annual Revenue £ 600.000 Floating Policies amount to Jbl4,370,369 Profit realised during the seven { £ fm |ft years ending 1866 amounted to j £ 834>183 ,0s- ld- The whole of which was divided amongst the Policy holders. R. WEBSTER, Agent. ESTABLISHED 1S35. LAWN MOWERS & GARDEN ROLLERS. GREENS' PATENT LAWN MOWERS have proved to be the BEST, and have carried off EVERT PRIZE that has been given in all Cases of Competition. MANUFACTURERS OF GALVANIZED WIRE NETTING. GREENS' PATENT HOT WATER BOILERS. Drawings and Price Lists free on Application. THOMAS GREEN & SON, SMITHFIELD IKON WORKS, LEEDS, and 54 & 55, Blackfriars Road, London. S. BENSON'S WATCHES CLOCKS GOLD JEWELLERY' (JI all kinds. Of all hinds. Of Sercest Designs. LEVER DRAWINC-ROOM BRACELETS HORIZONTAL DININC-ROOM BROOCHES CRONOMETER CARRIAGE EAR-RINCS KEYLESS CHURCH LOCKETS CHRONOCRAPH HALL AND SHOP NECKLACES Mr BENSON, who holds the appointment to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, has just published two Pamphlets, enrich and embel- lished with Illustration one upon Watch and Clock Making, and the other upon Artistic Gold Jewellery. These are sent post free for 2d. each. Persons living in the country or abroad can select the article required, and have it forwarded with perfeet safety. 25 Old Bond Street; and the City Steam Works, SO 4b 60, Y.mdc&te Bill, London. [PREPARED SOUPS ob-0-COP- IX (r PINT & QUART TINS ^)| Beady for Tirnnodiatft um I MOCK TURTLE, OX TAIL, HARE, JULLIENNE, REAL TURTLE, &c. MANUFACTURED BY CROSSLi PURVEYORS TO HER MAJESTY, I SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. RETAIL OF ALL Grocers and Italian Warehousemen; ^=====^=====^ 1854. .0. 13, Great Sr. ABERYSTVVYTH. DAVID THOMAS, Watchm^^er of Watches cleantd and repaired on the shortest ngtice. Jewellervrel,air- ed aDd TO or- der. WEDDING RINGS Gold Chains, &c. T" ER & L..RRINS i WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. j Pronounced H Be careful £ by Connoisseurs to ask for II THE ONLY j4' LEA & PERRINS'" j;"GOOD SAUCE,1^^ SAUCE. j: •»* See name on wrapper, label, bottle, and '-1 j stopper, bold by Crosse & BlackwelL London, =' fj and by all dealers in Sauces. |{ jj BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ;J LEA & PERRINS, I | WORCESTER. J READ THE WARNING VOICE. A SPECIAL WORK FOR PRIVATE IN- STRUCTION. By HENBY SMITH, M.D., of the University of Jena, Author of the "People's Guide to Health," icc. THE WARNING VOICE, a medical work (160 pages) giving the NEW SPECIAL TREATMENT for the perfect cure of Nervous Debility. Painful Dreams, Mental 'and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Memory, Indigestion. Prostration. Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy M.d Appetite. Pains in the Back and Limbs, Timidity, Self Dis- trust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Uc. With New Chapter on the Lse and Abuse of ELECTRICITY for the Cure of Nervous Debility. Contains many letters from patients vi lio have tried the so-called remedies without medicine, provji.g that ELECTRICITY IS NOT LIFE. ILLUSTRATED with Cases and Testimonials from fateful patients WITH MEANS OF CURE USED in each case. Sait free by post to any address, secure from observation, on reccpt of two stamps. Address—Dr. H. Smith, 8, Burton Crescent, London, W.C. IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY TATIENTS. CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN WITHOUT FEE.—Dr. SMITH will, for the Benefit of Persons suffering from NERVOUS DEBILITY, &c., on receiving a description at their case, send his written opinion, with advice and directions, for the most successful treatment &Rd cure. Address—Dr. H. Smith, 8, Burton Crescent, London, C. SMITH'S WORK- SAMUEL JONES begs to inform the Public tint s he has commenced Business as a JOBBIN? SMITH. All work executed neatly and with os- patch. Locks repaired. Keys fitted, &c., &c. North-gate Street, Aberystwyth.