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Pisallaittflns Jrftlligtntt,


Pisallaittflns Jrftlligtntt, HOME, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL. < A HILL SWALLOWED UP BY AN EARTHQUAKE. —A Panama dispatch says much damage has been done in the vicinity of Quito, in the province of Imba- bura, and in many other places, by earthquakes. On the 2nd of December several shocks were felt, and on the 12th continued shocks were felt from noon till morning of next day, when a shock of extraordinary violence oc. curred. The inhabitants," says the Panama Mail, "were terrified, and rushed from their dwellings, fell on their knees, and implored for mercy. During the latter part of the day thirteen distinct shocks were felt in Jipijapa, each one being accompanied by a violent wind storm. On the 13th December another terrific shock was experienced. Several times since many shocks have taken place, but none created great alarm until the 2nd March, when there was one of unusual severity at about midday; but the most terrifying one of all took place on the ord, when be- tween Pedemals and Cabo Pasado the earth was seen to open and emit a hillock of stones from thirty to forty feet high. Behind or near the spot where this occurred stood an earth hill about sixty feet high, which suddenly and entirely disappeared., Around the base of the hillock is a circular popd of salt water, and for a long distance surrounding that the earth which before was hard and solid has become soft and spongy. The inhabitants of the locality have become positively terror-stricken, and no inducement will take them within a very long distance of the spot. u "I ANOTHER POLAR EXPEDITION* A great polar Expedition is being prepared in Sweden, for they ears 1871 and 1872, under the direction of Professor Nor- denskjold, the celebrated scientific leader of the Swedish expedition of 1868. Parry » attempt to reach the Pole by pushing on to the north of Spitzbergen is to be repeated, and it is proposed to winter on one of the Seven Islands. Professor Nordenskjold intends to proceed to Greenland this summer to purchase dogs for the sledges and procure some necessary information. t A JOKE IN CONGRESS !—A Philadelphian editor has just perpetrated, quite unintentionally, a joke, almost as good as that wicked one of Sheridan's, who, when found drunk in the street, hiccupped that he was Wilberforce. During the debate in the House of Re- presentatives on the Anti-Polygamy Bill, Mr. Hooper, the delegate from Utah, and a Mormon, of course, warmly defended and eulogised polygamy, citing the example of the Patiarchs. The editor of one of the Philadelphian papers, knowing of only one Hooper in the house, saddled this speech on the Hon. S. Hooper, a decorous and respectable Boston merchant, a representative of puritanical Massachu- setts, and a pattern of strait-laced propriety in life and opinions. After reading the honourable Samuel a long homily, the editor wound up by attributing his backsliding to a visit paid by him to Salt Lake last autumn. Mr. Hooper, anxious to vindicate himself from such a charge, brought the matter before the House; but so ludicrous did the idea seem to members of his giving utterance to such sentiments as those im- puted to him, that it quite upset their gravity. When Mr. Hooper proceeded to read the article peal upon peal of laughter greeted each sentence, until even his own sense of propriety gave way, and he joined in the general hilarity. THE PARIS NEWSPAPERS.—A short time ago there were as many as 420 newspapers and reviews published in Paris. A new journal, entitled Le Petit Palais de Justice, was started for the sole purpose of giving a full report of the trial at Tours, and ceased to appear after that celebrated proceeding. Of the most violent democratic papers, the chief are the Marseil- laise, Bappel, Cloche, and Meveil. The Journal de Paris is not so advanced, and of the same class are the Parlement, Soir, Siècle, which latter is not nearly so violent as it was in the days of absolute personal govern ment. The Liberti is a Liberal paper, but favourable on the whole to the present government. The Temps and the Monitewr are both independent, but the latter, like the Gaulois, is somewhat inclined to the Opposition. The Figaro, the most universally read paper in Paris, professes to be entirely independent, but has a slight bias in favour of the present Govern- ment. The Constitutionnel and the Patrie are thoroughly Ministerial journals, as are also the Etendard and the Peuple Franeais. The Public is Rouheriat, and the Gazette de France Legitimist. The Paris Jowrnal and the Debats are independent and scarcely political; the latter, however, being supposed to hold Orleanist views. The Monde, the clerical organ, is also rather Orleanlst in its opinions, and the Droit and the Gazette des Tribunaux are purely legal journals. AMIABLE MUSICIANS.—An Indian newspaper in reporting the sudden death of the gaoler of Darjeel- ing, says a suspicion arose of his having come by his death by foul means, on the ground that, as he was a very tall man, the Booteahs had probably had poison administered to him in order to rifle his grave of his splendidly lengthy thigh bones. It appears that parties of Booteahs occasionally prowl into Darjeeling on dark nights, and desecrate the burial grounds there, in search of human thigh bones of good length, which they especially prize and make trumpets of In the present case, however, a post mortem examination showed that the gaoler died of unsuspected abscess of the liver. BLOWING HOT AND OOLD !—A Paris paper re- marks "The Dtbats has, during the last two days, presented a curious spectacle, as In one column an article appears ap- proving highly of the plebiscite, and in another a long argu- ment against it. M. Saint-Marc Girardin ia the champion of the former opinion, and M. Frevost-Paradolof the latter. This diversity of views testifies certainly to the perfect inde- pendence of the writers on that journal; but, then, how greatly does such a circumstance lessen tha value of that print as an organ of public opinion ? How can the Dtbats hope to influence the mind of its readers, when it blows hot in one part and cold In another on the same subject?"— Oalignani. AN INTERCHANGE OF GIFTS.—Le Gaulois says that Marshal Prim has recently made a present to the Emperor Napoleon of 20,000 cigars with gilt ends and ornamented with the Imperial N., also gilt on each cigar, which is estimated to be worth nf. In return the Emperor has sent to the Spanish Marshal a pair of vases of Sevres manufacture. AN INTERESTING FACT.—"A recent perusal of Sir Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology," says a correspondent "reminds me of an incident which oc- curred about ten years ago. I was then shooting in the north of England, and my gamekeeper having drawn my attention to some wild clicks which had settled in a spinney, or shaw. as they are called in that country, I succeeded in making a right and left out of the five that rose on our approach. I sent them to London as a present, and from the crop of one an acorn was taken, which my friend planted in the garden. The result is that a thriving young oak promises to become a grand old tree, and a monument of time to future genera- tions." A FATAL FIRE.-—On Monday morning a fatal fire occurred at Norton Lindsay, a village about five miles from Warwick, by which two elderly ladies, named Mrs. and Miss Horten, lost their lives. Mrs. Horten occupied a farm, and resided at the farmhouse with Miss Horten, who was her sister-in-law, a daugh- ter, and a female servant. About four o'clock on Monday morning Miss Horten was aroused by a smell of fire, and she and the servant, who Blept with her, managed to escape by jumping from the bedroom window, a distance of 14ft. or 15ft. Mrs. Horten was also aroused, and was seen to go to her bedroom win- dow, but, it is supposed, from age and infirmity, she was afraid or unable to leap from it to the ground. The fire was extinguished by the villagers before the fire engines arrived from Warwick, but the lower portions of the premises were completely gutted. The deceased were found in their bedroom, and, from the fact of their being partially dressed, it is presumed that they were both aware of the fire having broken out. Death, in both cases, had been caused by suffo- cation, as the bodies were uninjured by fire. LIFE AND DEATH IN PARIS.—A Paris corres- pondent writes -— » vw m>4m.flhe proportions of an epidemic as small pox Is on tfcefcefiHne. BU persons two pf them females put an end to their lives on Satartay W_ four by the good old plan of shutting doors windows, and chimneys, and kindling a brazier of charcoal, and others by the summary process of the rope. While these people are in sucu a hurry to shorten their days a gentleman who ia en- Joying the hospitality of the governor of the iloquette prison en attendant the guillotine, ik.nxiotls t. his, and petitions M. Jules Simons to of his proposition for the abolition of the^ Short of Tropmann there scarcely could be r>rtlnlni titled to sympathy than the petitioner'11 questiai?88 £ «* drunken Belgian footman who eut off thr head of his mis- tress, Madame Lombard, with a carvingiuthe presence of her paralysed husband, some wet> »g°. and tried to do the sane by the cook and a woma- who had come to her assistance. GRAN* OF PRECEDENCE,Her Majesty has been pleased to grant to the cKdren of 4116 *ate IIon' and Very Rev. Edward Eic^D., Dean of Glocester (whose eldest surviving B £ *» Francis^ William, now Baron Dfnevor, succeeded''0 the title in October last), the samerank and precedes which they would have enjoyed if their late ,ather had succeeded to the barony. The children*™ survive are:—Henry Rice, clerk, rector of Grea' Rissington; Mr. John Talbot Rice, Odlington-hou? > Charlotte, wife of Alexander Cameron, clerk; Edward Bankes, of Soughton-hall, F1¡ø;, and of Rhys-villa, Weymouth, and late Canon of Glocester and Bristol jand Lucy Horatia wife of filliam Sweet Escott, rector of Carl. ton, Bedford. AN ABSENf MAN.—Father Gratry has been lately named pi'ector of the French Academy for the coming half-ye4* Several academicians did not view his appointment without some apprehension, knowing him to be BWce the death of M. Ampfere, the most absent mm it France. One day in going to the Sor- bonne, v-he'e he was giving lectures on theology, he fancied tb*t he had forgotten his watch, and then drew it out of his fob to see if he had time to fetch it, wheh, in fact, he went to do. AUSTPALIAN DIAMONDS.—The work of mining for diamonds is going on quietly but steadily in the Mudgeedistrict. It is stated that the Australian Dia- mond Sines Company have forwarded to England 984 stales in all. Other parties besides the two Mel- bourne companies are said to be doing well. Scott and party, just befote the Christmas holydays, washed 12 loads and obtained 110 diamonds, weighing 3 £ dwt., equa to 26 catats; nine of them weighed one carat each They sttte their earnings to have been jE12 a we«. The statement of the correspondent of a Sym'ey journal as to the products of the Mudgee gold ani diamond Mines having been called in question by a lo-al newspaper, a meeting was held on the 20th of December at Two-mile Flat, at which resolutions /tere passed Confirming the statement made by tbe correspondent, and appointing a committee to collect statistics. It was not long before a list was made up of 36 persons, who certified to having found diamonds, in all abont 2,000, of which some 600 were sold in New South Wato and 1,200 forwarded to Melbourne. Besides this, there are many diamonds in the hands of Chinese and tthers of which no accurate account could be obtained. It is stated that several diamonds have been found hsar Dubbo, an inland town, in another part of NewSouth Wales. A TFLRLATENED STRIKE IN PARIS.—"For some days Past," says the Gaulois, certain placards have been posted in the suburbs of Paris urging the W/wlr»r|«n.Ja Afiarr'- -nil. fereTilnrdiB- posed to attach much importance to these incitements, but the authorities do not hold the same opinion, and we are io & position to state that the police have adopted measures of precaution. One placard runs thus Baspail iiyery ill, Flourens is in exile, our Deputy Roche- fort is in plson. Why in secret ? Let us obey the directions which hav< been posted on the walls of the (Faubourg, Let all Francecommence a strike, for we have n8 deputies. The Left is wet paid to say nothing. That is clear as daylight. Up, peopll, and drive away these leeches. The authorities have not thought it necessary to con- fine troths in barracks; but the peace officers have been offered to remain at their posts from the 10th to the 15tt of April. The manufacturers are not well satisfied as to the disposition of some of their work- men, aid fear a desertion, induced by the pressure of a few liaders." CHILDREN IN ARMS, PARIS, 1830.—The very children fought. A boy ef fourteen seized the bridle of the hoige ridden by the Marquis de Chabauves, com- mandl{o of lancers. The horse, tossing up his head, lifted ;he urchin from the ground. In that position the y<ung bulldog blew out the officer's brains. Some of thj Poly technique students, mere lads of ten or twelve, crept under the muskets of the soldiers, ana then ired their pistols i»te the men's bodies, un Spar,an boy of less-than ten returned from a cna g withtwo streaming bayonet wounds in his tbigns, an still refused to ceaBe firing. At the °, Tuileries, a Polytechnique student caHed through the railings to an officer, and told but to surrender on pain of ^termination, "for liberty and force were now 1D the hands of the people." The officer refused to obey an<| moreover, presented his pistol, which, however, milsed fire, The lad coolly, thrust in his hand, seized thi officer by the throat,; and putting the point of bis sv«brd near it, said, "Your life is in my power. coild cut your throat, but I will not shed blood," oftcer, touched by this generosity, tore the decoration fr>m his own breast, and presenting it, B*d, jorave ytung man! No man can be more wormy than you tI receive this; take it from my hand. Your name "Pupil of the Polyteohnique School,. replied the young hero, and immediately rejoined his companions. In one of the skirmishes with the Royal Guard, a piece of artillery had been left in an open space swept by musketry fire. A Polytechnique lad ran up to the piece and clasped it with both hands, crying, It is ours I will keep it. I will die rather than surrender jk His comrades behind shouted, You will be killed. Come back." But the boy held the cannon J ugh all the fire, until the citizens reached the piece and saved him. M. Giovanni di Aceto, an Italian youth, only seventeen, shot an officer of the Royal Guard, who was about to run through the body an ex- sergeaat of the 17th Light Infantry. This lad, at the head of thirty citizens, fought gallantly at the Hotel Porte St* Martin, the Rue St. Honord, and the Tmlleries.—Diekcns s All the Year Bound." MURDER OF a MAN AND WIFE.—A double murder is reported by the New York papers. On the night of the 20th March, the charred remains of a noftn named Lunger and his wife, residing at Ulysses, Tompkins County, were found in the ruins of their house which had been burned down. The skull of the man exhibited a fracture, and it was discovered that his daughter and aman named Ferguson were missing. The girl was traced to an hotel in Pony Hollow, Schuyler County, where the man had left her. She said that Ferguson came to the house on the Sunday night, and murdered her father and mother with an axe whilst they were in bed. He then set fire to the house, and compelled the girl to go with him. Love for the girl and the opposition of the parents is said to have been the cause of the crime. Ferguson has been arrested in Pennsylvania, and is now awaiting his trial. CONTRACT PILGRIMAGES.—The two parties of tourists travelling through Palestine under the ar- rangement of Mr. Cook, include sixty ladies and gen. tlemen of England and America, tweny of whom are ladies, The two divisions move generally a few hours apart, but at chief resting-places they encamp near to each other, and the arrangements always bring them together on Sundays. Their first Sabbath was ap- pointed to be spent at Jaffa, but, owing to the delay of the steamer at Port Said, they only arrived there on Monday morning, the 28th of February, and on the pame day they commenced their journey towards Jerusalem, where, after visiting the Dead Sea, the Jordan, and Jericho, they spent their first Sunday. Thence they travelled through Judea, Samaria, and Cxililee to Nazareth. The health of the two camps has been generally good. They found the country in a sad state from the results of drought, the want of water, and the greatly enhanced prices of food; but, twenty-four hours of copious rain h?d wrought a wonderful change in the general aspect of vegetation and in the spirits of the Arab population. It was feared that a military escort might be needed to pro- tect the tourists from Moslem fanaticism, which attri- buted their distress to the visits of "Franks," a term which includes all classes of Christians; but there is no interruption to the course of the parties, who conduct religious services in' the camps with perfect freedom. In these services the Rev. Newman Hall, of Surrey Chapel; the Rev. Arthur Hall, of Edmonton; the Rev. John Pulsford, of Edinburgh, and two American ministers take friendly part. After visiting the north of Palestine and the Lebanon, the programme provides for trips to Cyprus, Rhodes, Smyrna, Ephesus, Con. stantinople, Athens, and other places in Greece, reo turning by Italy and Switzerland, the tour to be com- pleted by the 1st of May. THE LAZY NIGGER.—Somebody writes to the Chicago Tribune from Vicksburg, Miss., that when he arrived m the State he was positively assured by almost every (white) body that "the nigger wouldn't work. Proceeding to the verification of this assertion by personal observation, he was somewhat surprised to find that the nieger was the only person who did work —that all the stones about his "indolence and shiftlessness must be taken with several pounds of allowance that he is advancing under difficulties which would totally discourage a great many whites, such as the rent charge af 10 dols. or 15 dols. per acre for his land; and that, with about half the fair pIa. v which is usually considered necessary, he < I r up money. A SINGULAR TRIAL.—The suit in Paris "Toulat v. Prince Raymond de Broglie" has been again adjourned. M. Teulat claims 100,000fr. damages for having been shut up in a lunatic asylum by the Prince, who for that purpose obtained a medical cer- tificate, and an order from the Prefect of Police his signature being necessary in Paris. The defence is that M. Teulat, who was tutor to the children of Prince Auguste de Broglie, fell in love with the Princess, one day presumed to kiss her, and when the Prince died persecuted her in various ways. Prince Raymond, finding remonstrance useless, concluded that the man was mad, and to shelter his sister-in-law pro- cured his incarceration. M. Teulat's counsel explained that his client had never exhibited any other madness than that of love; his only,folly was his adoration of the Princess. He accused the Prince of an abuse of power, and Dr. Lassfegne of having lent himself to a conspiracy. Maitre Dupont, in terminating the plaintiff's case, said that the Jesuits were mixed up in the affair. The counsel for the defence. Maitre Nicolet, laid before the court an account of how the Princess, now dead, had been persecuted by the plain- tin she had been unable to go out in her carriage without being followed by him, and had up to the last moment been pestered with passionate letters of immoderate length; she had been haunted by M Teulat, who had passed whole nights under her win. dow, and had dogged her steps when she walked out. It was under these cirCamstances that the Prince regarding M. Teulat as insane, had obtained his in: earceration. A MAN POISONED BY MISTAKE.—A few days ago a case of sudden d^ath occurred in Edinburgh which should have the effect of cautioning heads of families as to whom they send for medicines, and put- ting chemists on their guard as to whom they supply those of a dangerous character. A boy had been sent for" paragoric" by his father, (a brasefounder) to a chemist's in the city, but he seems, before reaching the shop, to have forgotten the name af the medicine, and asked for something which puzzled the Bhonman. Several liquids were named to the lad, and one ofJhese was bisulphate of carbon- a solution often asked for by messengers from shoemakers, who use it for patching boots. The lad stated that that was what he wanted and the shopman furnished him with it, carefully labelling the phial, in the usual way, and puttine on — it the word "poison." When the phial was* home, it would appear that the lab< I sot cs 1 examined, and^J »?e man was supplied 1 \h,qmd,lunate man ^^rought. The mil ] \h,qmd,lunate man ^^rought. The mil ] thfcVlTson. ^inafewhoum A FEARFUL SCENE !— day er»ning, a man rather ,n Lond apparently about sixty years "»pec* the recesses on Waterloo Bridge, jf the stone seat, crossed the balu^ the outside parapet which extends the bridge. The man appears t his suicidal intention just before he the parapet, as he screamed loud. attracted the attention of many people, however, offer him aid insufficient ti within a minute or two of his crossing th and having struck against the buttresses 01 he was killed inøtantaaeously. AN EDITOR "COWHIDED."—At aboti yesterday (says the New York Tribune of i, » while Mr. George Wilkes, editor and prop | Wilkes* Spirit of the Times, was walking leisure, Broadway, near Pearl-street, he was hailed by I William W. Leland, formerly of the St. Julian B The major approached Mr. Wilkes and asked him an uncomplimentary allusion bad been made to h.$ (the major) in the Spirit of the Timet of the 12th ins It is not known positively what reply was madebyMi Wilkes, but it is supposed that he did not make a ] satisfactory explanation, for the major, without more ado, raised his cane and brought it down with terrifio force upon the head of Mr. Wilkes. In a moment a large crowd collected, and Mr. Wilkes, his face bloody from the wound, ran into the dry goods establishment next to the corner of Pearl-street.. Major Leland pursued him and repeated the castigationm the store, breaking the cane over his victim's head, but an officer of the Broadway squad had by this time arrived, and took the major into custody. Mr. Wilkes refused to make any charge against his assailant, and the latter was released. The following are the words to which Major Leland took exception. They occur in an editorial in Mr. Wilkes's paper on the 12th instant: Major William W. Leland is a notorious swindler and scoundrel, whose infamy is common as the air. He would not be believed on oath by any ju?y in New York; and adding beastly cowardice and brutishness to his dishonesty is discountenanced even by his own brothers for his frequent cruel beatings and kickings of a addition to being adorned by every womanly vlrtW, has Dome him several children. GRINDING OLD FOLKS Y OUIfCl AGAIN.—At a late grand masquerading entertainment, dosing the season at Sandusky (Ohio) one of the most amusing features of the show was a mill for grinding old folks young, which was all as life-like as any peforxnance could be. Fifteen or twenty men dressed in the garb of crooning grandmothers, were picked up and thrown head first into a hopper. The crank turned with a steady motion, grind, grind, tmtU they all dis- appeared—a pair of heels in the air being the last thing visible until a young lady boancedontatasMe ""U^"A^iEVOLVER.—We iotlb^flWcwTOi, JJ5 said to have occurred in a Utica restaurant A man recently entered the place and ordered aTenr elaborate dinner. He lingered long at the table, and finally wound up with a bottle of wine. Then, lighting up a eigar he had ordered, he leisurely sauntered up to the counter, and said to the proprietor, "Very fine^innerlLlandlord; lust charge it to me; I haven't got a cent." But t don't know you," said the proprietor, indignantly. "Of course you don't, if you had, you wouldn't have let me have the dinner." "Pay me for the dinner, I aay!" "And Isaj I can't" "111 see about that." said the proprietor, who anatahed a revolver out of a drawer, leaped over the counter, and collared the man, exclaiming, as he pointed it at his head. Now see if'you'll get away with that dinner without paying for it, you scoundrel." "What is that you hold in your hand 1" Bald the impecunious customer, drawing■ back. That, sir, is a revolver, sir." "Oh, that's a revolved Is it? • I don't care a fig for a revolver; I thought it was a stomach pumP I" A NICK QUESTION TO BE DXCIDBSJr-A very curious case has come up in the courts New York, in which the matter in dispute waa or not cer- tain parties stood to each other ia *?? "lation of hus, band and wife. Singularly enouipKi* w** the woman who maintained that she had nevar man, had never lived with J^*11 ^jrandthat his claim to be her master was fraudulent The action was for sl^j V anderous Words on which it was in^ted- hJth?, FTj is either my wife °^y "P0^ man, Mr TUT,».1II **»E defendant, swore that he was m* ried Jn Mi £ Moore in October, 1864, in St. Church, by the Rev. &%P* M'ChPp$k- agister of the church corroborated IT. "testimony. A deposition of the officiating clergv- Ilio, whe died two weeks ago, was read by plaintiff* -ounsel, to the effect that he had Ro^ell, bufc that he had only a vague recollect*?11, of the features of his bride, and could not be cOTtaJB whether the plaintiff was the person or not. A great deal of con^ flicting evidence was submitted to the jury, who wefe so bewildered by it that they unable to agree upon a verdict, and so no decagon "^vedat, and Miss Moore and Mr. BonneU Me iett&ee to up- hold their respective theories of their relations to each other, i I8IIL 10-