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HOME, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL. DECEIVED IN HIS BRIDE !—Nothing being so highly conducive to domestic happiness as a good sordid "marriage of convenience," I quote the follow- ing trial from a Paris paper (remarks the correspondent of the Daily Telegraph):— A charge, brought by a railway Inspector named Girraux, against a matrimonial agent named Angot, for detaining a security ot the value ot 300f, was heard a few days ago, at the Paris Tribunal of Correctional Police. The plaintiff had applied to the defendant for professional assistance, and the latter had in consequence introduced him to a young lady possessing a fortune of from 35.0001. t0 40,000f., besides ex- pectations from a rich uncle disposed to apoplexy. Garraux had lodged with Angota railway bond of 3001., as an earnest of the fee to be paid him for his services; but the match having fallen through in consequence of some Indiscreet questions put by Garraux respecting the past history of his intended, he applied to Angot to return the property. This the latter declined to do, alleging that the marriage had only failed in consequence of the unusual susceptibility of the suitor. The tribunal, considering the charge not sufficiently established, acquitted the accused and condemned the plain- tiff to pay costs. AMERICAN PRICES.—A correspondent of the Louisville Democrat, complaining of the very high price to which clothing has risen, represents that if he wants to take a trip to Europe, and to go provided with a few things "no fella can do without"—say a black suit of superfine West of England cloth, a wearing tweed suit, an overcoat, a silk hat. a pair of boots, a pair of goloshes, a dozen pairs of French kid gloves, and a dozen socks—he will be charged 324 dols. for them in Louisville. His plan, therefore, for a trip to Europe is to buy "over there." He says he can go from Louisville, via New York, to Liverpool (in second cabin), get these clothes there, and after paying for them have enough of the 324 dols. left to pay his fare both ways between Louisville and Liverpool, and 80 dols. over to spend while staying in the latter town. WHAT WILL THEY EAT NEXT ?—Bear's flesh is at this moment selling in the Paris meat markets at the rate of five francs the kilogramme, or Is. lOd. per pound. The consumption of horse-flesh is increasing rapidly among the poorer classes in the different quarters of Paris. There are now open no less than fifteen butchers' shops—four of which are in different meat markets—for the exclusive sale of the new "viande," and there are four restaurants where horse- flesh is the distinguishing feature of the carte. At particular places in the provinces horse meat has become a staple article of trade. At Caudebec, for instance, seven to eight hundred kilogrammes are sold daily in the market. AN ECCENTRIC ENGLISHMAN.—A paragraph concerning the death of an Englishman at Vienna is going the round of the journals In that capital. His tall stature of nearly seven feet exposed him often to annoyances from idlers in the streets of Vienna, but all of which he bore with the utmost gravity. He had long since attracted public attention by his extra- ordinary conduct. Last year he sold the reversion of his gigantic body to a museum of natural history, and with that object had himself photographed in a nude state although wealthy, he received without hesita- tion the money for the sale. He was accustomed to take a walk always at midnight in all weathers. In winter his favourate pastime was skating, and he chose in preference the slopes of steep places and difficult spots. In that pastime, according to the Austrian journals, he met with his death, as in decending a hill at Dornbach he fell over a heap of stones, and frac- tured his skull so severely that he died four days after. DEATH FROM HYDROPHOBIA.—An inquest was held on Saturday, at the London Hospital, on the body of Richard James Mason, aged four. Deceased was with his father in a public-house, at Millwall, on the 27th of December, and whilst playing on the floor a large dog came into the house and bit the child on the cheek, and then ran away. The child was taken to the London Hospital, and was discharged in three weeks as cured, but symptoms of hydrophobia appear- ing, he was again sent to the hospital, and died in great agony on Thursday in last week. In accordance with the evidence after a post-mortem examination, the jury returned a verdict of Death from the bite of a dog. The animal was shot, but its owner has not been discovered. POOR FELLOW !—A well-dressed man, named Alexander Reid, committed suicide, by taking prussic acid, in a London lodging house, last week. The following letters, one addressed to his brother and the other to his daughter, were found in his pockets :— Dear Brother, I have lost my work, and before this reaches you I will be no more. I cannot live a burden to you. If you can in any way send the note to Miss Blake please do so, for my sake. Your affectionate but unfortunate brother, ALEX. REID. Dear Eliza, When this reaches you I will be no more. Be kind to your mother, and think sometimes of your unfor- tunate Daddie. I cannot live a burden to anyone again. I hope you will do welL Don't fret about me. I don't know what I am saying or doing. In death, your affectionate DADDIE. MR. BRIGHT'S PRIVATE CHARACTER.—In one part of Mr. Bright's complaint, we (Lcndon Times) most entirely agree with him. Nothing can be more unfair, nothing more unhandsome, nothing more unjust, than the private attacks of which Mr. Bright has been the object. The public has nothing what- ever to do with the manner in which he conducts his business, nothing to do with his relations with his workmen, nothing to do with stories which may be collected from rivals in trade at a distance or hostile neighbours on the spot. It is only as a political character that we have to deal with Mr. Bright, and that certainly with sufficient material, without in- truding ourselves into his business or social relations. THE COST OF A PRIZE OX.—Mr. Harris, the breeder of the ox which won the Smithfield Cup, has published in the Banffshire Journal a debtor and creditor account of the career of that animal. It originally cost 571. its expenses at the London and Inverness shows amounted to 10L, and its keep from September, 1864, to December, 1866, at 7s. 6d. a week, to 44l. 5?.; in all, l11l. 5s. Against this outlay Mr. Harris places prizes to the amount of 9l. 10s. won at Forres, which is within a few miles of Mr. Harris's Farm, Earn Hill; of 81. won at Inverness, and of 25l. won in London, which, added to 701., the price to the butcher, just leaves a balance of li. 5s. in favour of the breeder, plus the honour and glory of feeding the best ox of the year, the Highland Society's silver medal, the Smithfield Cup (valued at 401.), and another cup given by a cattle-food maker, also won at Smith- field. Mr. Harris, in reply to the observation that 7s. 6d. seems a small sum at which to estimate the weekly keep of a prize ox, declares that he is ready to keep any number of oxen at that cost, provided the animals are at least thirty months old when they come into his hands. THE FASHIONS IN PARIS.—The Paris cor- respondent of the Queen writes that fashions are assuming much of the Spanish character. Mantilles are being generally worn, and the latest introduction in bonnets is called Sevillane. It is a most becoming shape—square, like a Catalane—and is worn forward on the forehead. It is formed of lozenges of jet, bor- dered with lace thickly worked with jet beads, and fringed likewise with jet. This lace falls on the forehead, partially concealing it; another piece of lace passes under the chin en benoiton. Either velvet leaves, a small white rose, or cerise carnation are fas- tened at the side. Among the newest head-dresses is the archduchess, composed of two rows of ribbon starred with pearls, one row at the top of the forehead, and the other at the commencement of the chignon, and to the latter row a double scarf of tulle illusion is at. tached. This style of head-dress is made with dia- monds and lace for a Court toilette. The small wreath, called Mignon, consisting of light foilage, with a large dragon fly on enamel placed at the side, and with a spray of leaves falling over the left shoulder, is like- wise novel and becoming. A MARRIAGE IN HASTE!—An Australian paper gives the following :— On Saturday, October 27, a buxom damsel of some 23 summers was a passenger to Maldon, her maternal home, by one of the Maldon coaches, and a stalwart miner, hailing from Cornwall (" near Englandtook a seat by her side. They were total strangers to each other, the man being from Bendigo, on the look-out for his brother, and never having been in Maldon before. However, on the Journey they ei> joyed a pleasant chat, and it is to be presumed became mutually enamonrtd of each other. At all events, it is a fact that on reaching Maldon a whispered conversation took place, and the r amsel instead of going home, took the arm of the swain and proceeded at once to the residence of a minister, who, upon satisfying himself that both were sane and of mature age, agreed to tie them up. When called upon for their names for the marriage lines," the question had to be mutually asked and replied to. The lady then went for the ring, while her lover of an hour gave the necessary information. The ring was got; and in something less than four hours after meeting for the first time the two were "no longer twain, but of one flesh." The happy pair then de- parted for Bendigo A COSTEBMONGERS' TEA MEETING.—On Friday evening the building known as the City Baths, Golden- lane, Barbican, London, was filled inside, and sur- rounded without, by a very motley and rather noisy assemblage, the occasion being "A Costermongers' Tea Meeting," which had been got up by some mem- bers of Mr. Spurgeon's congregation. Great efforts had obviously been made to get up a clean and decent appearance; but the tiaces of hunger, drunkenness, and vice, were still horribly obvious in the faces of many even of the younger persons present. Mr. Spurgeon appeared to produce the most impression, the assembled costermongers cheering vigorously even when he exposed their drunkenness, idleness, irreli- gion, and violation of the home duties. SHOCKING DEATH OF A BOY.—On Saturday morning last a man employed at the works of Mr. Nicholls, lime-burner, found at the top of a kiln near the Charlton Station of the North-Kent Kailway the remains of a boy about 14 years of age, all that was visible being a part of the head and one shoulder, the body and legs being, entirely consumed and incorporated with the burning lime. Irom mqunes made it was evident that the remains were those of a lad named Charles Church, who was formerly em- ployed at the works, but had recently had little or nothing to do. It appears that the poor boy's father is dead and his mother had deserted him, and that being destitute he bad for several nights slept close to the kiln, where there is no doubt he was suffocated by the carbonic gas. STATISTICS OF RAILWAYS.—England and Wales possess 9,251 miles of railway, and their joint area is 57,812 square miles, Scotland and Ireland have 2,200 and 1,838 miles, for areas of 30.715 and 32.512 square miles respectively; hence England and Wales have one mile of railway for every 6'25 square miles Soot- land has one mile for every 14 0 square mile and Ireland one mile for every 17'7. Scotland, being a thinly inhabited country, has the greatest railway mileage in proportion to her population in fact, she stands at the head of all European countries in this respect. The population per mile of railway in Eng- land and Wales is 2,186; in Scotland, 1,409; in Ire- land, 3,182. Now's THE TIME!—Mr. John Martin, of 1848 celebrity, publishes a long letter in the Nation upon his favourite theme—the repeal of the union. "There never was," he writes, "a time since O'Connell's death more favourable than the present for a national repeal movement, if Irish patriots will but join to make such a movement. And a national movement may soon be formed if the catholic hierarchy and clergy of the National Association will decide upon taking repeal for their object. The Fenians in Ireland would soon give their adhesion to a repeal movement to which the catholic bishops and clergy were committed. The Irish of the colonies and of England would give it their sympathy and aid. Even the Irish of the United States, when the reality and earnestness of the movement became manifest, would turn all their hopes to the attainment of self-government for their dear old country by the peaceable way of repeal." A WINDFALL FOR THE EXCHEQUER!—It ap- pears that during last year there was a payment of r 8Ucce8pion duty under one will of the sum of 150,z60?. The same estate contributed 42,000?. to theprobate duty, the property being valued at 2,800,OOOl.