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Utisallairaras Jiitdligtitte,



EPITOME OF NEWS. BRITISH AND FOREIGN. The American Congress has passed a bill requiring the Government to make its sales of gold in public, and to the highest bidder. The Irish Times states that it has been determined to provide a residence for bis Royal Highness the Prince of Wales In Ireland, where the prince will, In future, spend some portion of every year. Official returns show that there were 265 bears killed in the state of Maine during the year 1866, 109 being killed in Penobscot county alone, and 45 In Lincoln township. It is said that his Holiness the Pope recently thus touched off the heads of our Liberal party, lately resident In Rome Lord Clarendon," observed Pio Nono, I like and understood. Mr. Gladstone I liked, but couldn't understand. The Duke of Argyll I understood, but didn't like. Lord Russell I didn't like and didn't understand." Sundry artists and other clever men of Paris, weary of rltnlnlllt la mode, have formed themselves into an asso- ciation 1Unatoire. The twelve original members had their first dinner last week. No person is admitted who is not in peasant's dress, with blouse and cotton nightcap. The menu of the first dinner at Brebants was a pattern feast: cabbage, soup, roast mutton, cheese, and salad. Dessert, apples. Wine on table tn jugs. A law exists in Germany to prevent drinking on the Sabbath daring Divine service. It runs thus" Any person drinking in an alehouse during service on Sunday, or other holiday, may legally depart without paying." Sixteen thousand dollars have been subscribed in New York for the failill-a of the unfortunate men who were lost fiom the yacht Fleetwing, and they are to have a theatrical benefit in that city, at which the principal New York actors will perform. The Memorial of Amiens states that the town of Lille learnt with affright on Saturday last that M. Pollet, head of an important bank in that place, had died suddenly in the night, and that the house the next morning had stopped payment. The liabilities are estimated at fifteen millions of francs. A conference assembled at the invitation of the National Sunday League, was held on Tuesday, in St Martin's Hall, London, to consider the grounds ot difference of those who advocate and those who oppose the opening of the national museums and educational institutions on Sunday. The Bremen ship Maria, Captain Meyer, is shortly expented at with the library, painting*, and other effect* of the ^^otte. The cargo constat* of 622 chest*, Insured for 20,000t. There was a great Reform demonstration at New- castle on Monday. The coaly town showed that It has become no whit less earnest than It ever was in the cause of popular freedom. A great out-door meeting was held in the afternoon, at which many thousands of working men were present. A few days ago a young man named Reed, son of a farmer near Honiton, Devon, was out walking with his father in the fields. Suddenly the gun, which he carried In his pocket, went off, and wounded him gp dreadfully that in a few hours afterwards he expired. One of the smallest elephants ever imported into E"(iland arrived at Liverpool on Sunday last, In the ship Frigate Bird, from Rangoon. This curiosity is only three feet high, very docile, and, on Its way up from the ship to the house of the naturalist who bought it, went into a public-house, and, Inserting the end of Its trunk into a jug of beer that was on the bar-counter, sucked up the contents, much to the surprise of those present. The United States' government is preparing for an active and vigorous campaign against the hostile Indian tribes of the extreme west. Troops, horses, and munitions of war are being concentrated at Leavenworth, Omaha city, and other points on the Upper Missouri, and the campaign will begin with the opening of spring. All the military posts on the plains are to be strengthened at once, A general attack and massacre is feared from the Indians, and the frontlei settlers are In greaftkead ot their lives. The opening of the French Chamber is announced for Thursday, Feb. 14; and it is a rather curious coinci- dence that the two great events of the se"son, the opening of Parliament and the inauguration of the Exhibition, should be fixed for two great festivals of the Church—St. Valen- tine s day and All Fools'-day. On Sunday night, Mr. Fisher, surgeon, Hudders- neld, committed suicide by shooting himself In his bedroom with a revolver. The shot entered his right temple. His gearing the report went upstairs and found him lying dead on the floor. There was a. great ball at the Hotel de Ville, in t «0Ij £ hur,day, in last week, when some thousand ladles and two thousand gentlemen partook of the hospi- tality of M. and Madame Haussmann. The great event of the evening was the dress of Mme Rlmsky Korsakow, the train of which took up standing room for about ten men. A large boiler at the Helton Coal Railway, Sunder. land, exploded on Saturday, doing immense damage to property, but very little injury to persons. The work— from which the workpeople were absent at the time-were reduced to ruins, and several other buildings In the neigh- bourhood, Including some dwelling houses, were seriously damaged Two or three persons were struck by flying debris, but were not seriously hurt. An odd illustration of the habits of mediaeval prleuts In England occurs in a treatise now being edited for 'he Early English Text Society, Mirk's Duties of a Parish Priest." The writer is instructing the priest how to baptise a child, and suddenly pntl in, "But if you are too drunk to say the words of baptism In their proper order. what should you do? Don't say them, by any means. Wait till another time." Let us hope that the necessity for delay did not occur very often. An interesting race has taken nlace between two American clipper ships, the Luis Walsh and the Charlotte W. White, both of Belfast, Maine, from Calls 0 to Algesiras. These two vessels sailed from CaUao on the 26th of Septem- he,, last, at the same hour, and kept company for fifty-four days, passing Cape Horn on the twenty-sixth day. On the w ,°r jMmary lnet afc^n off Gibraltar, when the Luis Walsh won the race by twenty-five minutes, after a passage of 1^4 days. The death is announced of the Countess of Devon. The sad event took place at Powderham Castle on Sunday. Her ladyship was married to the Earl of Devon in 1830. She was sister of the late Earl Fortescue, and is aunt of the present earl. The deceased lidy leaves two children- Lord Courtenay and Lady Agnes Courtenay. M. Thiers, when informed of the changes made in the French Corps Leglslatif, is said to have observed The Emperor gave, and the Emperor hath taken away; glory to the Emperor." c The medal purchased by the contributions of 30,000 Frenchmen, to be presented to Mrs. Lincoln as a token of respect for the memory of her husband, was transferred to the widow, without pomp or ceremony, the other day, by the agent sent for the purpose. It is stated that the Rev. W. J. Butler—the gentle- man who was elected by Bishop Gray's friends to the Bishopric of Natal, now occupied by Biohop Colenlo-has, after consultation with his advisers, decided to "postpone" his acceptance of the office till he has received "more satis- factory information concerning the circumstances of his election." In October last, a shipwright, while struggling with a policeman, at Liverpool, fell into a graving dock, and was killed on the spot. He managed to inflict several severe in- juries on the policeman which caused his death on Friday. The Sunday Gazttte compares the several Reform Bills Introduced by Liberal Ministers with the Derby Reform Bill of 1859, and with the exception of the attempt of the latter measure to curtail the privileges of freeholders In boroughs, sees no reason why the two great parties In the State should not come to a satisfactory settlement of the Reform question. One day last week, it being a fine, cold day, one Ernest Mahner Jumped into the Rhine at Mayence, and swam a considerable distance with the stream. The hardy swimmer has long dubbed himself the German Apostle of Health," and by example, as well as precept, endeavours to make his countrymen as indifferent to cold and fatigue as Tacitus says they were. The Minister of War in France has just decided that In future every man In the army, in addition to the ordi- nary drill of the branch of the service to which he belongs, shall receive Instruction In fencing. A watch has been patented, without hands, that shows on Its face no figures but those which tell the hour and minute looked for. The figures are displayed as they are wanted, and no others appear on the watch face. Young Mortara, whose abduction some years back caused such excitement in Europe, has Just entered the Church of St. Peter's, at Rome, as a novice, before joining the order of regular canons of 8t. Jean-de-Latran. at Rome. He Is now fifteen years old. A letter from the Grisons reports the fall of red snow to the depth of three Inches. The fall lasted about two hours, and was succeeded by white to double that depth. The phenomenon In qnestion Is not uncommon, and Is due to the presence of a microscopic mushroom, the proto-coctus nivalis. We regret to say that the Earl of Derby, who since his return to London had enjoyed excellent health, Is now suffering from an attack of gout. A clerk in the General Post Office of fifteen years' standing, ha* been charged before tbe Lord Mayor with stealing a letter containing a bank post blU of the value of 1072. He was remanded for further examination. Great distress prevails throughout the country, owing to the high price of bread. The English Independent announces that the Rev. Henry Christopherson, late minister of New College Con- gregational Chapel, St. Johm'e-wood, is about to take orders in the Church of England. The third of Mr. Goldwin Smith's lectures on the Political History of England was delivered on Monday evening at Manchester. Mr. Goldwin Smith selected Pitt as the subject of his lecture, and confined his remarks to the earlier portion of the stateman's career, intending to take the latter portion of it as the subject of his concluding lecture. A Newsboy of Toronto, named Henry Martin, has fallen heir to 200,000 dollars, in Texas. A feature of the French Exhibition is to be a Japanese coffee-house, with eight genuine Japanese girls, already on their way to Paris as waiters. It is calculated that about 300,0001. has been lost to the men in wages alone by the recent strike In the Iron trade, while the contributions which the ULion gave to some 3,000 out of the 12.000 loeked out did not exceed 10,COOJ„ leaving a net loss of 290.0°0l., and by far the greater portion of the hands had no assistance whatever, and were compelled to endure the greatest privation and suffering. The Eusealduna, a journal of Bilbao, in Spain, states that on the arrival of a train at Brujala a few days » *»x third-class passengers were found to be com- pletely Insensible from cold, and two are not likely to re- cover. The windows of the carriage occupied by them were not even glazed. Notwithstanding the repeated cautions which the public have received against the use of green paper for covering the walls of rooms, &c., from the dangerous effect. so Insidiously produced by the arsenic which forms the basis of the colouring matter of the most attractive buea- another death from this cause has just taken place at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. The death of the Marquis of Exeter, which has been for some time expected, calls up his son Lord Burghley to the House of Lords, and thereby creates a vacancy 10 the House of Commons for North Northamptonshire, as well as In the Treasurership of the Queen's Household which Lord Burghley has held since Lord Derby's accession to office. If the Mexicans have not yet succeeded in making tbemselTes a nation, they have, at any rate, made themselves a difficulty. Their destinies form a subject of embarrassing Interest to more than one great Pewer, and a complete puzzle to the whole world. They are regarded as a people 'in- capable of self-government,' and they have certainly never yet been able either to govern themselves or to accept a Governor at the hands of any other nation. "-Tima. An appropriate memorial of the late Mr. Joseph Sturge has been sent out to Jamaica. Memorial" is scarcely the word, for the fund which was raised at Birmingham was expended in the purchase of lamps, and bells, and clocks for some of the native chapels, to the great delight of both the missionaries and the coloured people. We have to announce the sudden death of the Countess Dowager of Jersey, which occurred on Saturday night at her ladyship's London residence In Berkeley-square. It appears that, after a cheerful dinner, and to every appearance in excellent health, the countess shortly after ten o clock went to her dressing-room. In a few minutes the household were alarmed by a violent ringing of her bell, and, on an attendant going into the apartment, the countess said she feared she had broken a blood-vesseL Medical aid was Immediately obtained, but to no purpose, for her lady- ship expired shortly before eleven o'clock. Colney Hatch madhouse at present contains over 2,000 patient*. The question between Mr. De la Poer and Major Wombwell Is, after all, not settled. The case was before the Court of Exchequer In DubUn on Saturday, and it Is I stated that the defendant now means to fight It out ) the Court of Exchequer In Dublin on Saturday, and it Is I stated that the defendant now means to fight It out ) The allegation la that Major Wombwell on the 29th ol December said of Mr. De la Poer, publicly, He's a- Fenian," meaeing that he belonged to the Fenian brother- hood. Major Wombwell "traverses the defamatory sense imputed." The Maasachnsets spiritualists have been holding a convention in Boston, which Is characterised by the usual blasphemous nonsense. A model spiritualist is under arrest in Norwich. Connecticut, for attempting to murder his daughter. HI* proce** has been to deprive her entirely of food. He began by restricting her to a diet of one bowl of puel each day for twenty-one day* for the forty days fol- lowing she had, by her own showing, nothing to eat or drink. Finally, she crawled out of a third-storey window and fell to the ground, where, badly hurt, she was dis- covered. The inquest in reference to the ice accident in London, waa brought to a conclusion on Monday. The Jory returned a special verdict of some length, finding that the catastrophe was accidental, but attributable to the ice being over-crowded. It urged upon the GovernmenUhe necellity of investing the police or park authorities with powers to prevent persons in the parks venturing upou Ice If it be In an unsound state, and suggested a reductfon in the depth of the ornamental lakes in the metropolis. It praised the efforts made to save life, expfMd tympathy with the friends of the deceased, aDd commended the Humane Society to more liberal suppor* from the public. An Austrian phyfic^?', Meyer, who was with the army in the camp»^|? »ast year, has committed mur- der and suicide to the debtors' prison, at Bremen. tended to go to America, and as he was without means a relative, u f g' Undertook to pay his passage and "t'theform*; w T t Jhetr "rival Bremen he found tb»* «»«' fo*mer had already sailed. He fell Into debt, »nd waa in consequence arrested. Hi* wife having visited "irterv h« hind k a penknife, and then opening \° death- He was only thirty-one years of age, and his wife twenty-five. ^as reached the John Bull that a serious iegai nitch has most unexpectedly arisen with regard to the prosecution ot Mr. Eyre by the Jamaica Committee. "Its exact nature has not been allowed to transpire, bat it Is re- ported to be of such a character as may not only compel the agitators to desist from extracting funds to attack an officer and servant to the Queen, but may enable Mr. Eyre to indict those promoting it for conspiracy. Certain statutes are said to have been overlooked by those who drew up the case for counsel's opinion, which have a most direct bearing upon the above points." A person in London wishing to prepay a letter to Rome has to pay 8d.; but If he poats his letter without pre- paying It, it Is delivered in Rome for 6Jd., and letter* from Rome to England, whether unpaid or prepaid, cost but 5id. Several English gentlemen residing In Rome, have applied to tbe General Post Office for an explanation of this anomaly, but can obtain none—at least none that they can under- stand. Mr. Hill throws the blame of the overcharge on the French Post Office, and the gentlemen reply, that If the French Post Office make an unjust overcharge of 2kd. on each paid letter from London to Rome, It should be the special duty of the English Post Office to see that the im- position is abated. Upon the subject of the tombs of soldiers buried in France, the Emperor Napoleon has addressed a letter to Viscount Hood, of which the following is a translation "Palace of the Tuilerles, Jan 20, 1867. Sir, I learn with regret from your letter, that the tombs of the English officer* killed at the battle of Toulouse are In a state of decay. Soldiers who fall on a foreign land belong to that land, and it is the duty of all to honour their memory. I shall take upon myself the expense of repairing these tombs. Receive the assurance of my sentiments.—NAPOLEON." The fortunes of the great Hungarian family of Esterhazy appear to be on the decline. Prince Esterhazy's celebrated breeding establishment at Ozora, after having flourished for nearly two centuries, has been brought to the hammer. It had been very much reduced a few years ago, and family circumstances have now rendered its entire discontinuance necessary. Twenty-six horses, the last that remained, were sold a week ago, and fetched good prices. The celebrated jewels of the family, including the pearl embroidered suit, the hat with its diamond plume and band, the sword and scabbard studded with costly gems, are also, we have beard, In the possession of a well-known Jeweller In London Tennessee legislature ekes out his Income by .ervlngas a waller In a restaurant. wX°rkTbfr»nSf?hP?rain been partly under water this p £ tri>,M.8Wollen al,the streams and rivers in the Inorth and East HI ings: and what were before fields and meadows, h8ve been turned into vast lakes, spreading away for miles Many of the road* were under water, ana on Saturday fears were entertained that railway communl- cation would in some instances be cut off. A man was lately ridden out of East Haddam, Connecticut, on a rail, for having ventured Improper atten- tlons t^ a married womnn. A black girl at Shelbyville, Indiana, has com- menced a suit against a white man for breach of promise of marriage. Three men were killed, and seven others seriously injured, on Monday. while hoiotlng up timber at tbe carriage works of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company. at Manchester. A load of timber had been rahed to the npper storey, when the chains of the hoist snapped, and men and timber fell to the ground. The Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Rail. way Company have made a» rangeroents for supplying the engine-driver, guard, and stoker of every train with hoi coffee at various station* on their line during severe weather. A sad case was disclosed at the Liverpool coroner's court on Saturday A poor woman named Brown, the wife of a labourer. was without food for two or throe days, and pelng unable to afford any nourishment to her infant child it died in her arras from sheer hunger Neither Mr*. B'own nor her husband bad applied to the authorities for relief. The coroner directed that 5*. should be given to the mother from the poor-box. Some of the Spanish journals state that M. Borella, propnetor of the tIokl de France at Madrid, and Hotel de P«^O' offer* to supply 400,000 dinners a day at Paris during the Exhibition, at lfr. a head. They are to consist of soup and three dishes. Some persons were examining a horse at Rosy-sous- ? an,mal, having been Incautiously touched, kicked out with great force. The blow struck a bystander straight In the breast with such force that the man's death was instantaneous. The Great Northern Railway Company intend to open their branch line from Doncaster to Gainsborough on the 1st of March next, the works being in such a forward state as to justify this expectation. The Queen has conferred the rank of baronet on Sir James Emerson Tenent. who, among other public services, li the author of the recent scientific works on Ceylon. There is no prospect of a settlement of the wages dispute in the Staffordshire Iron trade. The men appear to be adopting the policy which led to the last disastrous lockout, accepting the reduction in some districts, in order that they may fight the masters ift detail, and support the men who are out In the districts where a strike Is resolved upon. The proposal of her Majesty's Commissioners for the Paris Exhibition to present at one view, as nearly as practicable, every publication which has iisued from the precs of the United Kingdom during the year 1866, haa made, it Is stated, very successful progress towards com- pletion. Upwards of 3,000 volumes have been contributed by the various publishers as a loan for exhibition, and almoct all the leading firm* In London and Edinburgh have lent in their publications of the year, including many of a magnificent and costly character. ''A large leopard attached to a menagerie exhibiting In Cincinnati escaped from Its cage on Monday, and after devouring a couple of small dogs attacked the elephant. That animal, however declined to be eaten, and In a few moments the assailant found itself hurled against the bars of the lions' cage, bruising it considerably, but still not daunting it. In the meantime, the keepers having armed themselves with iron bars, succeeded in capturing the ferocious animal and re-caging it. to th it its iream of liberty on New Year's Day vanished."—American Paper. It is stated by a Florence correspondent that at a dinner given In Mr. Gladstone's honour by some members of the Italian Parliament, the right hon. gentleman delivered a speech that excited the admiration of his entertainers, so intimate was the acquaintance displayed by the English statesman with the language and literaure of Italy. Unfortu- nately. It had been especially requested on the part of Mr. Gladstone that no shorthand writer should be present on the occasion. The Times draws a lesson from the fact that the Republic of Chill, a little State with an Income of a million and a quarter, and an expenditure of a million and a half, has applied to this country for a loan of 2,000.0001, and the application has been answered by an offer of 17,000,000i, and a scramble for the stock at 11 premium. Nothlng can be clearer than that there is capital enough and to spare, and that money is lacking for the purposes of industry, not because It is lost, but because there Is a fear of losing it. The Times gives some particulars about the health of Lord Llanover, which has been the subject of numerous alarming paragraphs in some of the daily papers lately. It appears that his lordship has never had any Illness, although he has been suffering from a severe operation recently per- formed for a tumour in the cheek, which came on after a blow from the rebound of a new gun, which he was trying. But it II the opinion of his medical attendants that he Is in as favourable a state as they could possibly expect under the circumstances, and that his natural good health and rigorous constitution are uninjured. th^t«DinaU^ 4.merican news 18 the letting of Time! chnrch- The New York before » ,»Jt took place off the evening of the 8th Inst., belore a very large congregation, Mr. PUlsbury officiating as auctioneer The highest premium offered vu 650 dols., Dut several choice pews fetched above 300 dols. premium. The total receiptslast year for pew rents and premiums amounted to 43,000 dols.; this year they will exceed 60,000 doll. All but a few back seats were disposed of at the auction. The Paris correspondent of the Morning Post gives an interesting account of the Russian village that Is being formed In the space around the Exhibition, and of the peasants who are engaged In forming It. The moujiks he tells us. are by no means pleased with the French capital; but It was observed during the late severe weather that they were somewhat less despondent than usual, and on seeing the snow fall one of them exclaimed, Ah, well, there Is somethlnR good to be found here," and opened his mouth to catch lome of the fa11lrg tiakes. n An inhabitant of Lyons left his home one morning recently on business. In the evening a woman with whom he lived went to meet him. She found him lying insensible In the snow, and set to work to empty his pockets and remove his watch then she tried to take out his earrings, but not being able to succeed, she cut off both his ears with a pair of scissors She has since been amsted. On the 24th of January, at the Parsonage. Henley- in-Arden, Warwickshire, died Mary, the wifu of William Howard RUF8..J1. LL.D.. the well-known special correspon- dent of The Times The deceased was second daughter of Mr. Peter Burrows, of Kllbarrack, oounty Dublin, and was married to Mr Russell la 1846 During the height of the Crimean war she went out to the East to her husband, and was by accident present at the battle of Tchernaya, where she rendered asslstanue to the wounded Russians During Mr. Russell's absence In India In 1858 she had a serious illness, from which she never completely recovered and, after the death of her last (born November 14, i860), she sank gradually to her rest. other day a well-dressed young man called at a ? shop In Ludgate-hlli, London. He made some warmth 'J16 remarkable change In the weather and the with a handfoi* and took ofr hl» hat. placing It, together He put tMeo upon HI. da, SJ shop was rather dark, and the intending purchaser moved towards the window apparently to get a bKetter lf suddenly opened the door and ran away, leaving his hat and stick. He did not return, and as the articles he left behind him were not equal to the value of the rings the police have been asked to look out for him, to give him an introduction to a magistrate. A mysterious case of suspected murder is reported from Warrington. The body of a brewer, who went out shooting wild ducks a week ago. was found on Friday, In a secluded place, watched over by a faithful dog, whose howls had attracted a casual wayfarer to the spot. The man had evidently died from a gun-shot wound received three or four days previously, and it was at tirst thought that he had sholi himself by accident. But his gun, found lying by bis side, was afterwards discovered to be loaded in both barrels. His pockets were not rifled, and he was not known to have any enemies. If not murdered, It is thou^t likely that he may have been accidentally shot by some offi» person out shoot ing at the same time. On Monday a Reform demonstration in connection with the National Reform League, comprising a number of working men belonging to trades' unions—Joiner*, stone- Lr,> shoemaker*, cork-cutters, metal bricklayers, <fec.—took place In Exeter. There was *on' accomP&nied by four bands, and a public Thf.i g at which Sir John Bowrlng presided, iQere little or no enthusiasm in the city, scarcely a na? or banner having been exhibited at the house* of the citizen*. There were, however, a good many in the proces- sion, and many of the manufactories were closed for the day.