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¡li5ttllantøus |nfeIlig £…


¡li5ttllantøus |nfeIlig £ Mt. HOME, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL. THK SAD COST OF WAR.—A saving of half a million in the Army Estimates and a reduction of more than 800,0002. on the total charges for military expen- diture will be hailed by all as steps in the right direc- tion. Our outlay is less and we shall receive back more, and from each cause the pressure on the taxpayer is lightened. We still spend, indeed, very much more than we did even in the years which succeeded the Russian war. The Army Estimates, which in 1860 exceeded seventeen millions, have been gradually reduced to 14,348,0002., the amount which Parliament will be asked to vote this Session, but so recently as 1858 they were no more than 12,819,0002. Something has been done, but much remains to be accomplished, and it must be a matter of regret to every one that the disturbed relations of the world compel us to advance so slowly in the way of economy. The nation will not readily reduce its military service to the state of inefficiency in which it was a dozen years since, but it refuses to believe that an efficient army cannot be maintained without an annual expenditure of fourteen millions. BENEFITS OF A SEVERE AND LATE WINTER.— There is always one hopeful consideration about a severe late winter, and that is, that as regards the pro- mise of the spring and the coming crops, both of fruit and grain, it is always much to be preferred to a mild winter and an unusually early spring. No true agri- culturist or horticulturist needs an explanation of what Job meant when he spoke of "the treasures of the frost;" and it needs no great amount of rural lore to understand the injury done, especially to the fruit crops, by tempting out the buds with the promise of an early spring, and then blighting them with the late frosts of April and even May. As a rule, severe and late winters are followed by mild and unbroken springs, and those again by abundant harvests. May the omen be good in the present season. A PLEASANT DISCIPLINE—.The subjoined ex- tract from a letter sent to his parents by an inmate of one of our reformatories gives such a jolly notion of punishment, that I cannot resist sending it for pub- lication (writes a country vicar). May we not imagine how some poor half-starved, hopeless child of sin, hearing of such delights, n.ight think it no bad specu- lation to qualify for so much roast beef and plum- pudding ? One small theft would seem to him an easier and shorter path to that to which even a long con- tinuance inwell-doing might scarcely lead. Surely a sense of sin and shame, and a certain amount of suffering, should not be forgotten amid so much fun in the work of reformation :— I hope you enjoyed yourself at Christmas, as I did and aUonr schoolfellows. We had roast beef and plum-pudding for dinner, as much as we could eat, and we all sat round the fireside, and sung and danced, and dressed our room with holly. We did enjoy ourselves. I should like one of you to come if it lay In your power, which it does cot. You would not know what the place was without being told it looks like a private house. We took our band out at Christmas and played; a lady gave us a supper. We had plenty of roast mutton, and got home at 11 o'clock. FRIGHTFUL RAILWAY ADVENTURE."—The Greenock Advertiser says:— Scarcely a day elapses without the appearance of a sensational paragraph regarding the tremendous adventures of a clergyman or some elderly females in a railway tram, with a madman or a sailor labouring under delirium tremens. In common with brother journalists we have received an account of one of these rencontres experienced by a townsman in a down train from Glasgow on Saturday evening. When the train was about to leave Paisley, a passenger entered the first-class carriage, of which our informant was the sole occunant, and, after the start, asked, with a German accent, if the train stopped before it reaehed Port Glasgow. On being answered that it did not, he deliberately let down one of the windows. Our correspondent instantly had in his mind's eye the fate of Brlggs, and, in order to show that he was not unprepared, pulled out a knife and proceeded to cut some tobacco. After filling and lighting his pipe, he still kept the knife open, under the pretence ot keeping the tobacco in proper order. His agonies while passing through the tunnel were frightful, and his relief on reaching Purt Glasgow was proportionately great. Here the German for the first time opened his lips, and commenced a conversation in which he displayed much intelligence. Shortly before reaching Greenock he relapsed into silence, and our corres- pondent's suspicions awoke afresh. Immediately after passing the cut at Hill-end he started up and looked in- tently at our correspondent, who thought, as he phrased it, "it was all up," and prepared for what ii called" a vigorous resistance." Who can describe his joy when the dreaded foreigner proposed a glass of beer on arrival ? OOP CANADIAN SQUABBLE SETTLED.—The last news from Canada is calculated to dispel any fear with respect to future abuses of our neutrality on the frontier. The judgment of the Recorder of Toronto on the Burley ca.se" has been unanimously confirmed by four Judges, including the two Chief Justices of the Queen's Bench and the common Pleas, and the prisoner, Mr Burley; has been given up to the American authorities. At the same time a Bill founded on our own Alien Act of 1848, has been in- troduced by the Attorney-Genera), Mr. Macdonald, and carried by an overwhelming majority in the Legis- lative Assembly, for the prevention and repression of outrages in violation of the peace on the frontier of this province." We may hope that so prompt an act of legislation, coupled with a practical proof that even the existing law is not ineffective, will go far to reassure the American public as to the apprehended repetition of the St. Alban's raid. The original miscarriage of j ustice in that instance was no unreasonable ground of complaint, but it was entirely due to the perverse ruling of an individual Junge, who has since been suspended, and an indemnity is proposed by the Canadian Government. A MUNIFICENT EEWARD.—A Paris omnibus conductor on Tuesday found in his conveyance a bundle of Bhares payable to bearer, of the value of 13,500f, and hastened to deposit the securities in the hands of his superiors. The following day the shares were handed to the owner, who, with a wonderful im- pulse of generosity, gave the man the liberal reward of two francs! A DASHING RUN THROUGH THE BLOCKADE.—A Limerick paper says that the Evelyn, three-funneled steamer, which left Foynes some time ago with a cargo of army clothing from Tait's factory in that city, ran the blockade most successfully and ent-red the port of Wilmington, where she was unloaded, and having taken in a full cargo of cotton beca.me regularly beset on all sides by the Federal fleet then attacking Fort Fisher. The captain, becoming desperate at the thought of being entrapped, put on full steam and passed through the whole line of battle ship3 amidst a brisk fire. She arrived safe in Nassau, and is now probably on her way to Liverpool, after performing her dangerous misuion. As IT SHOULD BE,—A staff of railway officials, named conductors, are now employed upon all the through trains between London and Perth, by the west coast route. The '-conductor" is » bigh class official of the most civil, polite, and obliging disposi- tion and whose duties are to see to the comfort of through passengers, their special care of their luggage, and safety of both to afford all necessary information incident to the journey; to intimate the junctions where passengers may require to change from the main line or stationswhere the journey may be broken; and otherwise to make the fatigues and cares of a long journey as pleasant as may be. AN APOSTROPHE TO THE POPE. The Arch, bishop of Paris, who is supposed to favour the impe- rial view on the recent encylical in a manifesto read from the pulpit on Saturday, thus apostrophises his holiness:— Your blame is powerful, 0 Vicar of Christ, but your bless- ing is far more so; Gjd has placed you in-that chair between the half century that passes away and the half cen- tury that we live in, to absolve the one, to inaugurate the other. To you belongs the task of reconciling reason with faith, freedom with faith, political exigencies with those of the church. Vested ..Iththe threefold majesty of religion, years, misfortune, you can do no act that disconcertsordit- courages nations. D aw forth from your pontiflc soul one 01 those worus of amnesty f"r the past, of assurance for the present, and reliance for times to come. THE CHINAMAN'S CLOCK.- The "Sagon Courier" of the 20th of December states that the governor has presented to a Chinese merchant named Ban-hap, at a public audience, a clock of rich and beautiful work- manship as a recompense and encouragement. Ban. hap has distinguished himself by his intelligence and and enterprising spirit. It was he who hrst conceived the idea of building at Cholen a house with upper stories, which did not fail to attract the attention and excite even the astonishment of the native traveller. Ban-hap, though a millionaire, haR been keenly alive to the honour of this distinction. He has arranged the most beautiful apartment in his house for the reception of the clock and he spent one whole day in holiday attire and paying visits, followed by four coolies carrying on a gilt pedestal the gift of the governor and th i brevet conferring this high recompense. A FRENCH MODE OF DOING BUSINESS.—A most extraordinary revolution in the ordinary course of affairs is about to be inaugurated in Paris. On the site of the old Theatre Lyrique a huge building is in the course of construction by a company of trades- people who are to start a new principle in the art of buying and selling. There will be sold in this gigantic warehouse every imaginable article of food, dress, fur- niture, ironmongery, &c. The purchaser on paying for his goods will be banded a receipt which he will keep, until by successive purchases he has receipts for 100 francs (41.), on presenting which the company will exchange these for a bond for that sum. At the end of every year a lottery will take place, and if the purchaser be in luck and his number comes out he will be repaid the whole sum spent; but if Dame Fortune be not propitious, he may have to wait fifty-nine years to recover the money he has spent. Thus, if any one buys a coat, price 41., at the end of two years, if he is fortunate, the 41. is paid back to him or to his grand- son, A.D. 1923. This sounds awfully like a joke, but the company is positively formed; it starts with a capital of 20,000,000 francs, and has paid down three millions for the ground purchased. N ENJOYIIENTS OF KNOWLEDGE. — Lord Uranvule, at a meeting the other day said maxim'that*U'ed when he heard the maxim that knowledge was power, Yei, and knowledge is en joyment too." With regard to this saying a Wend of his and one of the most distinguished and men in the country, had told him that he believed the cause of his having read so deeply was owing to the poverty in which his early days were passed. His friend could not then afford other means of enjoyment of any kind. n a or CURIOUS FANCI-.—A Roman Catholic clergy- man of our acquaintance, residing not many miles from here (says a Limerick paper) takes particular delight in having the rents in the clothing of the children of his parishioners made whole whenever he observes them. It is quite usual for him whilst riding tdongthe road making visits, to quickly alight from off his horse, and pursue an urchin until he captures him. The considerate priest takes him a prisoner to his ma- ternal parent, and, if she be not provided with needles and thread, he produces them himself, with which he makes her perform the work in his presence. Some short time since during a ride, he met an old man who had once occupied a respectable position, but latterly from adverse fortune, resorted to the alehouse to drown his troubles. His pantaloons were torn in many parts, and he was cautioned to get them mended im- mediately. He replied he would do 80, but neglected av. own mvex we interview ne was met again Dy tne clergyman, and the torn garment not having been mended, he received a souud caning for his disobe- dience. On the arrival of the priest at his own resi- dence he was somewhat astonished to find the old man sitting on the door step, and, in reply to an interroga- tion, he said that he bad come for a good trousers. His application was granted, and his personal appear- ance has since undergone a sensible change for the better. FRIGHTFUL DEATH BY MACHINERY.—An in- quiry was held at Birmingham on Saturday into the death of Caroline Kerr, aged 18. On Tuesday the de- ceased went to work at the button manufactory of Mr. Rohnr. A witness, named Elizabeth Bayieej was at work in the shop on the same afternoon, when the de- ceased asked about her work, and the witness told her to go to Mr. Bay lee in charge of the engine and get the boards nailed up. Deceased said she Rhould not, but would sweep her bench or lathe first. The witness continued her work, and did not notice what the de- ceased was doing till she suddenly heard ber cry, Lizzie, Lizzie and on turning round saw her gra- dually loosing hold of her hand from the bench which she had been cleaning. She disappeared, and her head came in contact with the roof at each revolution of the shaft, making an indention on it. The witness called for the engine to be stopped. The Deceased was then taken from the shaft, and Mr. Sproston, surgeon, was sent for, and on his arrival pronounced life to be extinct. The deceased wore a crinoline at the time of the occurrence. The jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death. MISTAKE IN IDENTIFYING A BODY. — On Saturday morning some great excitement was caused in Burton by the rumour that John Thomas, who it was supposed had been murdered by being drowned h the Trent, had made his appearance in that town. Thomas, who ia a bricklayer, and formerly worked for Messrs. Lowe and Sons, builders, and for Messrs. Bass and Co., brewers, had left some time since. The body of the unfortunate man, when found in the Trent, was by some persons in the town identified as the said John Thomas, while others denied it. The police, on hearing that Thomas was a native of Shrews- bury, immediately communicated with the authorities there, and two of his relatives arrived in Burton on Wednesday and proceeded to the union workhouse, when, after a careful examination of the body, they identified i* as that of John Thoma", their brother-in- law. This having taken place, the body was interred in Burton churchyard, at the expense of Thomas's relatives. Strange to 8!y, however, John Thomas arrived in Burton on Friday evening from Cannook, and many of those parties by whom he was known in the town immediately identified him, and informed him of what had occurred. Thomas is rather stouter built than the man interred, but his appearance is very similar. The unfortunate man who was drowned is now supposed to be a tramp. THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON IN SOCIETY.— He (the Duke) was at a ball one night, and as usual could not find a partner. Inheriting his father's taste for music, he consoled himself by sitting down near the band, which happened to bd a remarkably good one. By-and-by the party broke up, when the other offi- cers present were taken home by their lady friends, whilst young Wellesley was, by common consent, left to travel with the fiddlers. Old Lady Aldborough on one occasion put the Duke in mind of the circumstance, after he had become a great man, at which he laughed heartily, while she added with naivete, We should not leave you to go home with the fiddlers now." It was a favourite story of hers in illustration of the Duke's want of small talk, and she told it thus :— "We had a. picnic party near Dublin. I took Wellesley to the ground in my carriage, but he was so dull that I threw him over and brought back le bean Cradock (the first Lord Howden). All the other car- riages having started or being full, he had nothing for it but to return with the band. I reminded him of the incident in the height of his fame, adding, When I left you to go home with the fiddler, I little thought you would ever play first fiddle yourself.' (The first story is Captain Gronow's vsrsion, the second that of Lady Aldborough.) LORD STANLEY ON THE PERMISSIVE BILL!— Lord Stanley, M.P., in reply to a long letter from the Secretary of the United Kinsdom Alliance, writes as follows:— I thank you for your letter of the 27th. You are right in thinking tbat my opinion of the working of the present licensing laws Is unfavourable, and that the alteration in them.t. which I look forward as both probable and ex- pedient, is in substance that recommended by the committee ot 1854. I am quite aware that the opinions of the United Kingdom Anianee are held by a considerable numbsr of per- sons i i the working class, and by a majority of those who jegard temperance as synonymous with total abstinence from strong drinks. But nothing either in your letter or in the publications of the Alliance, most of which I have seen, removes the objections which I entertain to what is called the Permissive Bill, which, in common with the great bulk of the public, I hold to be an nnjustifiable encroachment on the right of individuals. I do not propose to argue the question with you, but simply to state that my ideas in regard to it remain unchanged. As to the local measure proposed for Liverpool, I have given no opinion upon it, and prefer to wait until it shall be introduced into the House of Commons. That there <re objections to it is certain; &nt I oo not believe it is in any sense a measure promoted t>y the censed Victuallers. At least, I have received a memorial xgainst it from a large number of that body.—I remain, your obedient servant.—STANLEY. A THOROUGH SLAVEHOLDER.—During a debate in the Confederate House of Representatives on the 2nd of February, Mr. Wigfall, of Texas, said he was not in favour of putting negroes in the army. Presi- dent Davis had stated that two-thirds of the army were absent from duty. If these men were returned to their posts there would be no need of negro soldiers. Mr. Brown asked How will you get them back?" Mr. Wigfall: How! By placing that great captain, Joseph Jchnston, in command of the army of Georgia. Do that, and these men will require no invitation to come back. I am for fighting ior Blavery and for nothing else. The patent of nobility is in the colour of the skin. I want to live in no country in which the man who blacks my boots and curries my horse is my equal. Give negroes muskets, make them soldiers, and the next subject introduced for discussion will be miscegination. The negro wench will be placed upon an equality with our wives, mothers, and sisters. There are white men enough on our muster rolls to win this fight, and I thank God we have now in command of our armies an officer who will so direct matters as to insure success. THE SEQUFL TO A PRIZE FIGHT IN AMERICA: The Philadelphia Pressnf the 3rd has a long account of a priza tight which had just taken place there in the presence of some 1,200 people:- Just as it was over an alarm was given that the military were at hand, and every one was on the scamper. Sc*tierirg shots were heard, and the whistling of the deadly leaden missiles were soon distinctly audible. Numbers made their escape, but some two hundred and nfty were kept within the encloiure by the bayonets of the United Statei regulars, who seemed to relish the idea oi shooting a few 01 their prisoners. All were ordered to fall into line, and the prisoners wtre marched to the Claymont Station. The prisoners took every opportunity of escaping, and by the time the train arrived at Wilmington there were not more than sixty, and some of these afterwards escaped. The party were marched throneh the streets like a drove of sheep, and placed under guard in an emp'y building of the most filthy description. After two hours detention the party was marched to the City Hall, where they were kept standing for nearly an hour to the delight of the gaping citizens. All were ultimately turned over to the mayor, who, on Friday, discharged the whole lot with the exception of the unfortunate loser, Ward, who was bound over to answer. REWARDS FOR GALLA>TRY. — At a special meet- ing of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, held on Friday, dr. Martin presented to Captain Hockley, of the Canard mail steamer Canada, a sextant; to Mr. Neville, fourth officer, a silver medal; to three of the crew 51. each and to Mr. Walton, of Deptford, a passenger, a silver medal, in recognition of their courage in rescuing the crew of the barque England, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, which the Canada encountered during her voyage from America up the Irish Channel, in November last, in a heavy gale. PECULIARITY IN ITALIAN N^MTS.—1 TAKE this opportunity of noticing that English reporters are liable to make great mistakes in the reproduction of Italian names (says a Turin correspondent). Our country do not seem to know that it is a very general custom in Italy (in fact in official documents it is almost universal) to sign first the family name and afterwards the baptismal or Christian name, as it is called. The practice is logical, and in conformity with the relative positions of the adjective and the substan- tive in the Romanic languages, but as far as I know, it prevails nowhere but in Italy. The second Italian, now in custody, 0n his own confession, for complicity in the murder at Saffron-hill, erroneously called in the newspapers Gregorio, on the supposition that this is a surname, because it figures in the last place in the prisoner's signature. Gregorio is simply Gregory, and the man's family name is Magni. The mistake is con- tinually repeated in our newspapers. HORRIBLE, IF TRUE.—A letter from Wurtzburg, Bavaria, in the Petit Journal, gives the following account of a scene said to have taken place in that town on the 25th ult., but of which we find no account elsewhere :— A Frenchman named Boulages, a native of Colmar has for some tim- past been exhibiting, with great success, at vvurtzburg, as a lion-tamer. On the day above mentioned ne entered a den containing a lion and lioness, and made So through various performances. The spectators loudly applauded. Elated by these plaudits, Soulages de- termined to do something more extraordinary, and for that purpose he collected in one den a lion, a lioness, a white near two olack bears, four hyenas, two wolves, and a tiger, rie then entered himself, whip in hand, but the door was scarcely closed when the tiger made a spring at the white J. "Laa *be signal of a terrific struggle between all tne beasts, who appeared at once to recover their natural ferocity Soulages, hoping to intimidate the animals, fired P18*51 *hot? a' the tiger and white bear. This act ealed his fate, for the tiger, leaving the bear, sprang on his keeper, threw him down, and began to tear him with teeth andcla^g The other beasts, rendered furious by the smell of blood, all fell on the unhappy man, and in a few minutes be was torn to pieces and almost entirely devoured, in the presence of the horror-stricken spectators, who were power- less to render assistance. A DANGEROUS PARASITE.—Among the success- ful candidates for the prizes of the Academy of Sciences may be mentioned Dr. Zenker, of Dresden, for his important researches on the Trichina Spiralis. This microscopic worm, which lives coiled up in a sort of cystus or pocket, was observed about 1835 by Mr. Richard Owen in the flesh of certain animals. In 1850 Dr. Herbst, of Gottingen, found by experiment that the trichina was transmissible from one animal to another by ingestion, and Drs. Virchow and Leuckart confirmel the fact. On the 12th of January, 1860, a young girl was admitted into the hospital of Dresden on the supposition that she was labouring under typhus fever, but there^were some symptoms wanting to confirm this opinion. The girl died on the 27th, and Dr. Zenker, on dissecting her body, found to his astonishment many thousands of trichinae in a free state in the muscular tissue. Their not being encysted was a sure sign tbat they were of recent importation. In the intestines he found a vast quantity of adult trichinae, male and female, and perceived the bodies of the latter filled with living embryos similar to those existing in the muscles. Thus Dr. Zenker, for the hrst time, proved that in the same person there may exist adult trichinae in the intestines and their larvje m the muscles; so that the latter could only have got there by piercing the intestine, either by direct migration or by the blood and chyle. Upon inquiry he found that the girl had eaten pork from a pig killed on the 21st of December, 1859, and that both the farmer and his wife with whom she lived had been attacked with similar symptoms, but had recovered. From all these facts Dr. Zenker arrived at the conclu. sion that there exists in man a disorder resulting from the immigration of trichinae from the intestines to the muscles, and that this disorder becomes mortal when the immigration is too considerable in consequence of the ingestion of a large quantity of meat tainted with the parasite. No sooner did this discovery become known than it was confirmed by further observations throughout Europe. In Germany, especially in those places where raw pork is used, hundreds of cases were discovered, even assuming the form of an epidemic, where trichinated pork had been sold. EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN PEASANTRY.—The Russian Government, as a consequence of the emanci- pation of the peasants, has just taken measures for the diffusion of instruction among the agricultural popula- tion. An additional budget of 450,000 roubles for the year 1865 has just been decreed, so that the budget of Public Instruction now amounts to about 1,300,000 roubles. This supplementary budget provides for the founding of village schools, of 11 new gymnasia (colleges), for the purchase of books, paper, &c., for the poorer peasants, for supplementary payment to schoolmasters and professors, for the purchase of scientific instruments, for the establishment of labora- tories and museums, for the reorganisation ef tbe University of Warsaw, for the foundation of a Poly- technic School, and for other schools for teaching agriculture and horticulture. THE GALLIC COCK VICTORIOUS.—A few days since much agitation was perceptible in the neigh- bourhood of Wattrelos, a French village near the Belgian frontier, and one would have thought that an f invasion of Belgium by France was impending, for a body of Frenchmen carrying sacks passed the frontier singing Jamais en France l'etranger ne regnera but the truth was that a cock-fight on a grand scale was coming off between the fancier! of the two countries, and that the sacks contained the champions of the Gallic cause, who were to sustain the national honour against the best birds Belgium could produce. Tour- coing, Roubaix. and Lille represented France, and the amateurs of Courtrai, Menin, and Ghent supplied the boldest champions they could get to do battle on the part of Belgium. The arena of contest was a Belgium public-house near the frontier aud the victory was keenly contested, for more than one bird remained dead on the field. The French birds eventually triumphed, having won seven mains against five. After the battle, the contending parties fraternised at a banquet, where friendly toasts were drunk to the health of both belligerent parties, and were loudly ap- plauded. VICTOR HUGO ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENT.—The Guernsey Star publishes a letter from Victor Hugo, in which that eminent writer says — In France Felizzioni would have been condemned for murder without premeditation to a temporary punishment. The English sentence is wanting in this great corrective— extenuating circumstances. Let England in her pride reflect on this. At present her criminal legislation is Inferior to that of France—imperfect as this may be. In this matter England is behind France. Would England regain in an instant all the ground she has lost, and leave France in the rear? She can do II". She has only to take this one step—abolish the punishment of death. This great act is worthy of a great nation. I invite her to it. The punishment of reath has lately been abolished in several of the republics of North and Sou h America. -It is about being abolished-if it have not already been-in Italy, in Portugal, in Roumanta, and in Greece. Belgium will not be long before she follows these noble examples. It would be admirable forEoKland to take the same initiative, and show by the suppression of the scaffold that the land of liberty is also the land of humanity. TESTIMONIAL TO DR. GUTHRIE.—About six months ago Dr. Guthrie, the celebrated preacher and philanthropist, intimated the resignation of his pas- toral charge in Free St. John's, Edinburgh, owing to the state of his health. In testimony of his eminent public services, particularly as the founder of tbe Edin- burgh Original Ragged School, it was resolved to in- non/6 a public subscription for a testimonial. Above 5 OOOi. were contributed by 774 subscribers, and on Monday the testimonial was presented by the Lord Provost in presence of a crowded assemblage. The surplus over 5,OOOZ. enabled the committee, through Lord Ardmillan, to present Mrs. Guthrie with a silver l t8ekV1Ce' va'ue 1^51. The inscription on the silver plate bore that the testimonial was contributed on the rev. doctor's retirement from public life "by a large number of subscribers of all classes, and parties, and different religious denominations, in token of their ad- miration and regard for his personal worth, his dis- i^-d endowments as a preacher of the Gospel, and his inestimable services as a large hearted Chris, tian philanthropist." A WELL-FED PAUPER.—There is at present in the Rathdrum Workhouse a pauper inmate named Gurran (says the Wicklow News Letter) He is a young man and rather delicate-looking. His appetite can scarcely be satisfied, the following being his allow- ance per day, viz. Six pounds of white bread, six pounds of meat and vegetables in proportion, six bottles of porter, one gallon of new milk, and an un- limited quantity of stirabout, made of patent oatmeal and rice. He also drinks in addition to the above two gallons of water. He is under hospital treatment, and on the Ovoca electoral division. ADXILIARY ARMY FORCES. — The capitation grant of 30a. to Artillery Volunteers, which last year took 29,223i., will require 33,000?- this year. For the Light Horse, Engineers, and Rifle Volunteers the vote for the capitation grant of 20s. was 101 032l. last year, and is now to be 101,700l. In the disembodied militia. the number of the permanent staff stands, as it did last year, at 5,070, and the numbers to be called up for 27 days' training are also as before—namely, 128,969 the number to be called up for seven days' preliminary drill prior to the annual training is raised from 9,537 to 18,790. The vote to be proposed for the Yeomanry Cavalry provides for pay for 15,913 officers and men for eight days' duty. The votes proposed this Session for the axiliary forces are as follows:—Volun- teers, 334.900?.; militia, 786, 400l. yeomanry, 91,000l. enrolled pensioners, 30,000l. army reserve force, 10,090?. The charge f->r clothing fo^ the last two forces brings the whole amount up to 1,25S,300?., which is 9,591l. more than was voted last year. To this must be added 29,000l. for retired allowances in the militia and yeomanry, and the expense of arms, ammunition, and artillery and engineer stores for the Volunteers. CANADIAN WrNTER PASTIMES.—There was a skating carnival on the 2nd of February on the ice- bridge (says the Quebec News). The day was beautiful and clear, and there could not have been less than 5,000 persons present. The young ladies carried off the palm for difficult and graceful evolutions, and were de- cidedly ahead of the masculines one young lady in particular, the daughter of one of our Lower Town merchants, surprised and excited the admiration of all present by the gracefulness of her curves and figures, and the perfect ease with which they were performed. The grand n bonspiel" of the Curling Club comes off to morrow. During the moonlight nights the ice-bridge will be the great centre of amusement. RESCUE OF CASTAWAYS AT SEA.—In the Gulf of St. Lawrence is a well-known reef, the Anticoati, a bleak, desolate spot, which lies a little out of the track of the Quebec and Montreal steamers. In No- vember last the steamship St. Andrew, Captain Scott, from Glasgow to Quebec was parsing this reef, when a number of men were seen to push off the reef in a small boat aud make for the steamer. The St. Andrew waited for them, and took them on board. It was then found that they were the master and crew of the ♦k'k Clarinda, of Aberdeen, which had b^en lost there. Tbey.had been nearly a fortnight on the reef. The St. Andrew alt10 took from the same reef a number of the crew of a Spanish bark, who had been on the reef nearly a month. Both parties had a moderate supply of provisions, but had very little water and ,fuel. They lived in tents made from sails. As the 8,t Andrew was one of the last steamers going up the river befor. tbe passage was frozen up, it is probable that had not the castaways reached the St. Andrew, they would have perished during the long winter, urtfter up the river during the same trip the St rew fell in with and took on board the crew of an pg ish schooner, which had been run do«n in a col- T?!!0ni a reCent meeting of the Local Marino f m 1 ,at Liverpool, Mr. Snuith, on behalf of the Board Pr«r8en,ted to Captain Scott, a handsome Miver mounted telescope as an acknowledgment by her majesty s Government of his humanity and kindness to the castaways. The captain, in acknowledging the gift, said that this was not the first time such a pre- sentation had been made to him, but, greatly as he valued the gIft, It was a still greater saUhfacd^n to him to know that he had been instrumental in saving so many of his fellow-creatures. BANKS —A Parliamentary return made up to the 1st June, 1864, shows that there were then in Eugland and Wales, besides the Bank of England with its 11 branches, 140 private banks of issue with "208 branches 61 joint-stock banks of ist-ue with 441 branches; 138 private banks not of issue, with 64 branches; and 56 joint-stock banks net of issue with 303 branches, besides four branches in Scotland a branch in Ireland, and 14 branches abroad. For Ireland the return gives six joint-stock banks of issue, with 191 branches; four joint-stock banks not of issue, with six brancbes, and four private banks not of issue. For Scotland. 13 joint-stock banks, all banks of issue, and having 591 branches. LOST IN THE SNOW.—On Sunday morning A party of miners leaving the Rosedale Ironworks in the North Riding were the means of saving the life of a fellow workman on the nigh moors.. The substance of the narrative of one of the men is that they were "aiming" for the village of Gillamoor, when a dog belonging to one of the men commenced howling near a bankside, some distance over the moor. At first no attention was paid to the dog, but as he refused to follow his master the whole party went to see what the dog had found. On arrival they found a man in a state of the greatest exhaustion and nearly dead with cold and hunger. Close by were the remains of a turf hut, and in a few minutes the dry turf was formed into a fire, before which the poor fellow was rubbed and covered up by the warm jacket of the rough but warm- hearted miners. Before starting on their own weary journey they had provided themselves with food and rum, and the half-starved man in a few Ws was able to eat, and also to drink, and to tell his de- liverers who he was. He g_aye the name of Ward, and said he was a native of Chepstow. In crossing in search of the Rosedale mines he had got lost on the moors during: the storm of Friday, and had fallen into the bed of a watercourse, partially trozen. The track of the poor man's struggle to get out was plain enough on the snow, A horse and cart was procured at the nearest farm, and Ward, wrapped in a horse rug, was taken to the Pickering Railway station, whence two of his friends accompanied him by the night mail to York, whtre Ward said he had friends. < Although without food for 48 hours and exposed to the storm through two nights, VY ard was wonderfully re- covered, and able to walk on Sunday night. THE TOMB OF JAMES III. OF SCOTLAND.—The researches made in the grounds of Cambuskenneth ] Abbey during last summer, by the Royal Society of ) Scottish Antiquaries and the magistrates of Stirling, i will, in all likelihood, be productive of much good to the town, and also cause this fine old ruin of the 11th 1 century to be repaired, and the tower, which ia so much admired, saved from destruction (says the Scotsman), t If funds are available it is proposed to improve the en- trance, open up the built-up windows, and make the ( ground hall a suitable place for receiving antiquarian ) relics, and for tourists resting. The most interesting | fact in connexion with the Abbey was the discovery of the tomb of King James IIf. The grave was found f near the spot where in old guide books and histories it ) was indicated to be, and was covered with a marble s slab, bearing the marks of iron bands and sockets, at- i testing it to be the last resting place of a person of noble rank, and in all probability that of the unfortunate monarch. The grave appeared as if it had been dis- turbed at a former time. The whole circumstances of the discovery were laid before the Queen,, who most graciously signified her wish to erect a memorial stone or cross over the remains of her Royal ancestors James III. and his Queen, Margaret of Denmark. The wish of her Majesty was brought before the Stirling Town Council, who at once and with the greatest pleasure unanimously assented to the pious and thoughtful de- sire of the Queen. During the excavations, several large oak trees were found in one of the foundations. These were carefully removed to a place in the tower. Having lain for 700 years in a wet soil, the oak has become of quite a black colour. It is supposed that, owing to the bad foundation, the trees were used for the t urpose of making a proper found, and supporting the pillars and arches of the choir. THK ORIGIN OF STAINED WINDOWS.—At the earliest time in the history of glass-painting the pre- existing mosaics appear not only to have suggested the invention of stained windows, but to have been the mine whence the patineos drew some of their materials (says the Builder). There is a striking passage bear- ing on this point in the treatise of Theophilus, a trans- lation of which you will find in Winston's Hints on Glass-staining." Theophilus was a learned and pious monk, who wrote in Greek several treatises, but when, and at what time, no one seems certainly to know hut, from his perfect knowledge of stained glass windows, he most probably lived about the thirteenth century. "There are found in the ancient buildings of the Pagans, in mosaic work, different kinds of glass, viz., white, black, green, yellow, sapphire, red, purple; and the glass is not transparent, but dense like marble. They are, as it were, small square stones from which are made works inlaid in gold, silver, and copper. There are also found various little vessels of the same colours, which the French, who are skilful in this manufacture, collect; they fuse the sapphire in their furnaces, adding to it a little clear and white glass, and they jtpake tables of sapphire, which are precious and UHefulan windows. They make tables of purple and green in like manner." The supply of coloured glass by the Pagan mosaics would not have gone very far in supplying the demand for the great manufac- ture of the thirteenth .century windows. The French, there is reason to suppose, were quite able to make all the coloured glass they wanted, and to supply the wants of others even beyond the seas. In the seventh century they were noted for their glass-work. At the end of that century Bishop Wilford brought glass- makers from France to glaze the windows of Hexham Church, and also those of the cathedral of York.