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4&nr ftoiiton CcrrrfsponbEitt.



IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. Tn the Hnuse of Lords on Feb. 20, Lord Lyvedon drew attention to the official report of Colonel Jervois on the defences of Canada, by which it appeared that this province is almcst destitute of the means of resisting any attack from the American States. It was useless to say there existed no danger of tn attack. There could be no doubt that the ftelii t; = ;inst Great Britain was very strong in America. During the last four years It had been increasing, and recently more Importance than ever had heen attached to what was called the Monroe doctrine He then allnded to late events on the Canadian and American frontier and the hnstile order issued by Goneral Dix, tne Commander of the State of New York. It vas fortunate that this order was cancelled by the Present, but it indicated the existence of feeitngs that might at any time produce hostilities. It was a matter for the serious con- sideration of the Government, which he hoped would avoia a doubtful and ambiguous course in de*flng with tne q tiou. He concluded by asking what erasures were intended to be taken with reg ird to the defences of the province. Lord De Grey and Ripon admitted the importance of the question, but ts to the report of Coionel Jervofs, It really contained nothing that was not perfectly well known to all -;vho had taken any interest in the sub- ject In produe/flg the report he denied that hi had been guil'y of nay official Indiscretion. It was necessary, before askivg the House of Commons fer a vo'e of money for fortifications in Canada and applying to the Canadian Assem- bly ta join In the expense, to lay the information this report contained before Legislatures. It referred chiefly to two questions,—the nature of the defensive works re- quired, aud the measures taken f"r the organization and training of the Ctnafjiat) Militia Her Majesty's Government intended to apply 200.0002. to thefortincttions of Quebec, of which the sum of 50,0002. would be applied to the works this year. The Canadian Government would undertake the works of Montreal. He trusted that in a short time their American possessions would be placed in an adequate state of defence. The E>1rl of Derby would rather have refrafned from touching upon the delicate state of affairs existing between this country and America but the pressing danger which threatened the frontier of Canada, as well as the danger that threatened our commerce hy sea, impelled him to speak. They were told that 200,0002. were required to supplyfortiflcationt for Quebec, yet there was only 50.000J. in the estimates for the defence of Canada this year. They were told that her Majesty's Government were preparing the defence of Canada in case danger should threaten. He asked if dangers were not threatening now. Lord Granville said the preparation of the report was a necessary step to take before asking the Legislature for the funds that might be required. The Government had been charged with having suddenly changed its policy on this question, after neglecting the defences of these provinces for years. But it was only within the last three years that thi Canadian Government would take up the question. Hnr Majesty's Government had necessarily waited till it could come to a better understanding with the Government 01 Canada. The province was bound to bear a fair part in its defence but if it did that, England was bound to assist. After a few words from Lord Lyttelton, Lord Malmsbury thought, if the Government intended to assist Cauada effectually, it should have done more than take a vote for 50,0002. only. If the money was necessary at all, it was necessary at once. But the whole expenditure would spread over a considerable time. Lord Ellenborough thought that Car ada must be earnestly defended by the Canadians. If it were not, the aid of Eng- land would be unavailing. The danger might come at any moment, and it was to be regretted the Government were satisfied with applying 50,0002. to the work- of Quebec. He suggested that the Government should not ie guided by the statements In the report alone, but consr the opinions of the Duke of Wellington, who had studied che question very carefully. Lord Russell defended the Government from the charge of having neglected the defences of Canada for many years, by stating that if the House of Commons had been asked a few yearl ago for a vote of money for the purpose, the necessity of the works would have been questioned and if asked whether Canada itself was disposed to join in the cost of such defences, the Government must have answered in the negative. As to spending the money required, in a quiet and secret manner, where could Buch a sum as 200,OOOt. be found without the knowledge of the House of Commons? He excused the feeling that had been excited in America by the depredations of the Confederate cruisers on Federal commerce, though legally the Americans had no claim on England on acoount of those losses and he rejoiced, though the abolition of slavery was not the object of the civil war, that the recent vote ol the Federal Congress had sanctioned the abolition. Lord Derby asked whether any measures had been taken to meet the increase of the American armed force on the lakes ? The Duke of Somerset saId the increase was notified to the Government only in November, and since that time the navigation of the St. Lawrence had been c'osed by ice. After some brief conversation the subject dropped, and their Lordships adjourned. In the House of Commons Colonel W. Patten, in accord- ance with a promise made on a former evening, moved a new standing order :—" All questions before committee on private bills shall be decided by a majority of voices, and whenever the voices are equal the question shall be resolved in the negative." This practice would be In accordance with that adopted in the House of Lords and on the judicial bench. Mr. Hodgson opposed the motion as being likely to do more harm than good. He thought the odd number of five or three, would be preferable to the equal number of four.' Mr. M. Gibson considered that the argument prevailed in favour of giving the chairman a casting vote. Colonel W. Patten said the Committee of Selection would have the greatest possible difficulty if there were a return to the old number of five on each committee, inasmuch as there were 595 private bills to be disposed of. The motion was negatived without a division. Sir Coiman O'Loghlen asked the Secretary of State for the Home Departmenr, if it was the intention of her Majesty's Government to introduce this session any measure to regu- late the law of marriage in the United Kingdom, or to insti- tute any inquiry by means if a committee of this House, or Royal Commission, with a view to future legislation. Sir G. Grey said her Majesty had been advised to Issue a commission to inquire into the law of marriage in the United Kingdom. Mr. Hibbert obtained leave to bring In a bill to permit capital punishments to be carried out under certain quali. fications within the interior of prisons. Sir G. Grey said it would be desirable not to proceed with the second rearlinjt until the commisaioners reported. The Game Licences (Ireland) Bill and the Dublin In- ternational Exhibition (1865) Bill passed the committee. The Civil Bill Courts Procedure(Ire and) Act (1861) Amend- ment Bill, the Election Petitions Act (1848) Amendment Bill, and the Pilotage Order Confirmation Bill were read the second time. Mr. Longfleld (for Mr. Whiteside) moved for leave to bring in a bill to amend the constitution of the Court of Chancery In Ireland, and to reduce the number ot Judges In the Landed Estates Court. Leave was given. Mr. Augustus Smith rroved a resolution "That the office of the one Secretary rendered capable of sitting or voting as a member of the Commons' House of Parliament by the ninth clause of the Poor Law Act, lately vacated, ought to be abolished." He assigned his reasons far believing that the office in question was unnecessary, and urged the great EX- pense of the Poor Law Department as an additional reason for the abolition of the office. Mr. VUlers justified the retention of the office, the ex- pediency of which, he observed, had been several times discussed, and no sufficient reason had been shown why this office should be abolished any more than that of the Under- Secretary of any other department. The work of the Poor Law Board had much increased, additional labours having been lately cast upon the department, and if the office in question were abolished it would be necessary to appoint another Commissioner. After a few further remarks Lord Palmerston observed that there was no reason why there should cot be an Under-Secretary for the Poor Law Board, as in other departments, and he hoped the Houte would not assent to the motion. Sir H. Willoughby and Mr. Newdegate made a few obser- vations, and upon a division the motion was neea'ived by 193 to 17. Mr. Villiers moved for le .ve to bring in a bill to provide for the better distribution of the charge for the relief of the poor in unions. Mr Henley suggested certain points regarding which, he thought, information was required. Mr. Locke observed that the bill would be of no advantage to the metropolitan parishes that rating would not meet the evils attending the displacements of population there. Leave was then given to bring in the bill, and the House adjourned, In the House of Lords on February 21, the Lord Chancellor broughtm a bil to confer jurisdiction in equity upon the County Courts in England and Wales. Under the present circumstances a comparatively poor man might die possessed of 120t" or even 150t, and he might leave behlod him a widow and children. Should disputes arise as to the disposal of this pioperty, the parties wiil be unable to get a proper settiementbicause of the expensive nature of the procedure. The noble lord said he would on a future day introduce a bill forbidding any action to be brought in County Courts to recover any beer Icore. He then moved the first r6ading of the bill for amending the County Courts Act. The bill was then read a first time, and their Lordships adjourned. In the Honse of Commons, Mrfc S, Fitzgerald gave notice that on going into supply on the army estimates he woulll call attention to Colonel Jervis's report on the defences of Canada. Mr. Kekewlch asked the President of the Board of Trad.) whether his attention had been called to the large numl}er of wrecks which have lattly occurred on the north-west coast of Devon and Cornwall; and whether it was the in teution of the Government to establbh a harbour of refuge on that coast for the protection of the shipping. Mr. M. Gibson said there had been many wrecks on that coast, but It was not the intention of the Government to propose any vote of money for a harbour of refuge. There were other parts of the coast on which there were more wrecks. Mr. O'Reilly called attention to the present mode of recruiting for the army, and moved an address for the appointment of a Royal Commission to inquire into the subject. He urged the expediency of putting the system of recruiting upon a proper footing, looking at the way in which our army was raised, and that the precent was a fit time for inquiring into the subject. He described the existing mode of recruiting by crimps and recruiting sergeants, and the extent of the desertion of recruits, which was carried on by an organised system and he pointed out the vicious manner in which volunteering from the Militia to the Line was sometimes carried on. He made various suggestions for augmenting the sources cf supply to the army a.nd for increasing the inducements to enlistment, by modifying the term of service, by localising regiments— tht TT'hem with particular counties or parts of afte^long service 'and by UlCrea,ing the pay nortance^fe^t,Jf»Mfled Per'onal knowledge to the im- ported toe motton^^D^ ^gimenU with localities. He sup- beUevecf 1he°sald spoke i" favour of the motion. He .j™1 aal»< that recruiting for the armv was almnnr. at a dead lock, and thought manv of Mr » a mo, at were well worth, of consideration SUgge3CtoDS After observations by Sir G Bowver and Bit II tr {-rne The Marquis of Hartlngton denitd that rec' Itl y, at a standstill; on the contrary, it was troty l remarkab e regularity. He admittt d the great fm^riT™ of the subject but he did not think the a|pointSent of a Commission of Inquiry expedient at the present time Th» subject had not been lost sight of; it was under con lideration of the military authorities. He admitted that there were evils intheaysterrrorecrultlng, but he thought the schemes suggested by Mr. OTRellly could not be relied upon. Ee discussed some of these suggestions, and repeated that be did not think it desirable to appoint a Commission to consider this subject. Sir J. Fergusson dilfered from Lord Hartington as to the material of the army, which was, he said, losing some of its t>°Mr aSculiye^d Mr. Whalley having made a few remarks, find Mr. O-RHliy a brief reply, the motion was withdrawn. Mr. Balnes moved for leave to bring- in a Bill to extend the elective franchise in boroughs In England and Wales, the object being to make the borough franchise an occupation of 82. instead of 102. He thought the end of a Parliament a fit time for the introduction of such a measure. After a few remarks by Mr Ayrton and Mr. J. Powell, leave was given. SII C O'Loghlen moved for leave to bring In a Bill to amend the Law of Libel, and for more effectually securing the liberty of the Press. He explained the object and main provisions of the measure. Leave was given. Mr. Whalley moved for leave to Introduce a Bill to reDeal i0 much of the Railway Construction Facilities Act, 1804, as prevents the Board of Trade from proceeding on theaonlica- iion of promoters in cases where any railway or canal :ompany affected in any way by the proposed undertaking may lodge notice of opposition. ° Leave was given to bring in the bill Mr. M. Gibson, in a Committee of the whole House, ob- tained leave to bring in a bill for the protection of inven- tions and designs exhibited at certain industrial exhibitions In the United Kingdom. Mr. Newdegate obtained leave to bring in a Bill for the commutation of Church-rates. The orders of the day were then proceeded with, and th e House adjourned. In the House of Commons on February 22, the notices of motions stood thus Mr. E. Craufurd.—Bill to allow affirmations or declarations ¡.J be made instead of oaths in all civil and criminal nro- jeedlngs in Scotland. Colonel Sykes.— Address for copy of a despatch frem the Secretary or toe ttomnay government m reierenc «« M'Dougall's Disinfecting Powder, &c.. Mr. Scully.—On second reading of Criminal n^se8' pftm~ denee) Bill, to move that it be committed to Select vorn- e*Scullv —On second reading that it^ha demeanonr Evidence and Practice to move committed to a select Commits.

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