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,-(Due foukt Comspntat.


(Due foukt Comspntat. doom it right to state that we do not at all times indentif" OUTSJIVCS witl1 ollr correspondent's opinions.] The visit of the Queen to the Princess of Wales is not only a pleasing trait in her Majesty's character, but it adds some little to the hope so generally enter- tained that ere long the Queen may mingle more with her people than she has of late done. Her Ma- jesty, it will have been observed, still wears widow's weeds, which it is now scarcely probable she will ever abandon. When the Prince of Wales was married we all re- member how addresses of congratulation poured in from every quarter of the kingdom; and though there wa a strong family likeness in these addresses, newspaper edi- tors liked to give them and people liked to read them. The hirth of a Prince has alio given rise to numbers of congratulatory addresses, but comparatively few of these have seen the light. The loyalty of the people has, however, suffered no diminution, and I hear that -his has been in some instances manifested in a way which, however honourable to one side and gratifying t.<* the other, is contrary to etiquette. To people about to make presents to the Royal infant it may be said, d'.m't, for the Prince and Princess cannot in strict etiquette receive them. In fact, it is necessary to attach a. price to anything submitted to the Royal family, and this quite destroys its character as a present Our aristocracy and memfcera of Parliament are coming up to town pretty rapidly, preparatory to the meeting of the Legislature, and everybody is looking forward with more or less interest to the approaching session. What are the prospects of Legislation, is a topic that is eagerly discussed in political circles. For myself, I pretend to no prophetic glances at what we may, still less, what we shall have but I think, nevertheless, that there are one or two signs which in- dicate coming events. From the tone of the speech of the President of the Board of Trade, I think we may look forward to some measure on the rights of neutrals and belligerents in reference to the building and equipping of ships. I think, too, that there has been NO much discussion lately, as to the treatment of Townley and Wright, in reference to the law of the several cases, that we may reasonably look for Bome measure as to the bearing of ourcriminallawsonalleged lunatics while the oases of both Wright and of Townley seem to point to an attempt to establish a Court of Criminal Appeal, an institution which has long been ad vocated by an influential portion of the public. There have also been discovered so many flaws in the re- cently-passed Bankruptcy Act, that an amendment of that measure is very likely to be brought forward byGo- vernment, if only to forestal the Opposition. This latter word reminds me that the Conservatives claim to have gained strength during the recess, and it is said they will not be slow to try that strength. A dissolution during next session is confidently looked forward to by many, but I would remind my readers that there is no necessity for this, as the Parliament does not die a natural death till 1865. It is pretty certain, however, that the natural course of events tends towards a dissolution. Should Government be defeated on any very important measure, this tendency will be all the stronger. Foreign topics—America, Germany and Denmark, Japan, &c.—will necessarily occupy a large share of the attention of Parliament during the coming session. We seem destined indeed to be nearly always discussing the affairs of other nations. We shall, however, soon see what we shall see. The Parliamentary dinners, which will shortly take place, are the overture, and then the curtain will rise for the great legislative drama. Meanwhile, it is pleasant to hear that the Premier has all but re- covered bis severe attack of gout. It ia said that the Chancellor of the Exchequer will have a surplus, and there are pleasant rumours of consequent reductions in taxation—in income-tax, malt duty, fire-insurance duty, &c. But much will depend on the war-like or peaceful attitude of the Continent when the House meets. The prevailing topic of the day is the rupture between Germany and Denmark, especially as war has now been resolved on, on the part of Austria and Prussia, who decline to accede to the request of England to retard the entry of troops into the disputed Duchies. If anything were wanting to make the Germans more unpopular, and the Danes more popular in this country, it is this hot haste on the part of the former. England merely urged Germany to accede to a fair request, on the part of Denmark, that the eruption of German troops should be delayed until the Danish Parliament could have time to consider the proposed modifi- cation of the November constitution. But Ger- many will not wait—so says the last news at the time I write—and war is resolved on. There is but one hope. Austria and Prussia cannot, for two or three weeks, pass the Eider, and by that time our Parliament will have met. I hear that the very first question that will be discussed, after the Address is passed, will be this Austro-Prusso-Danish war, which everybody deprecate?, and which England most heartily desires may be avoided. Perhaps the voice of the English Parliament may do something to preclude Austria and Prussia braving the entire opinion of this country. Meanwhile our Ministry will not wait for the voice of Parliament, and there are rumours of a most pressing dispatch having already been sent to Berlin and Vienna, subsequent to the receipt of the news of the last exhibition of German fury and obstinacy. The so-called National Shakspeare Committee is in a very bad way, and has not yet recovered—some say it never will recover—the blow inflicted on it by the resignation of nine of its best members. As to the proposed 30,000?., the prospect of ever getting a quarter of it by the 23rd of April is very dim. Mean- while, the Stratford committee seems gaining strength, and the opinion begins to prevail here that it will be best for the London committee to allow itself to become absorbed in that of Stratford. To speak in sporting phraseology, the betting is 3 to 2 on Stratford. The appointment of the Rev. Harold Browne, B.D., to the bishopric of Ely, gives pretty general satisfaction. The new bishop is a tolerably High Churchman, but not very high. The best feature about the appointment is, that there are no Colenso proclivities about him. An inquest has been held here on a servant who committed suicide. The tale may be summed up in three words — seduction, desertion, suicide. The cowardly miscreant who drove this poor girl to self. destruction was one of our country's brave defenders —he was a soldier. The coroner, addressing this de- ceitful coward, said, I shall send the letters written by you, and found on the deceased, to your command- ing officer to see if something cannot be done to put a. stop to your prowling about this neighbourhood for the purpose of seducing young women." As well might the coroner have said he would send the letters to the Pacha of Egypt. The commanding officer can do nothing. The fact ia, that the law should be al- tered. Admitting that in all such cases the fault is equal, the punishment is unequal. The seducer goes wholly free, except, perhaps, of the sting of conscience. Alas it is as true now as when Goldsmith wrote the lines :— When lovely woman stoops to folly, And finds too late that men betray, What charm can soothe her melancholy. What art can wash her guilt away ? The only art her guilt to cover, And hide her shame from every eye, To bring repentance to her lover, And wring his bosom, is to die. It is far from cheering, however, to think that, during the century or so smce this was written, we have still left our laws on this matter as one-sided as ever. TTiere was much discussion, some time ago, on the cru«l danger of sensation performances. One of our managers, at whose gardens a "sensation" perform- ance terminated fatally, thereupon promised that no performance endangering life should ever again take place under his management, and he has kept his word. But I regret to say that both at the Alhambra and the Agricultural Hall there are nightly perform- ances of the most dangerous character, and that the public seem to relish this risk of life as much as ever. It would be too much, perhaps, to expect that Par- liament should step in to prohibit such performances but I sincerely hope that, in case of any fatal accident, the jury will bring it in "manslaughter" against the manager of the place of entertainment where the "accident" occurs. This would bring managers and performers to their senses. On dit that the old copper coin is to be called in. being made an illegal tender. I believe an Act of Parliament is not required for this, but it may be done by an order in council. Be this as it may, the sooner it is done the better. Lycurgus made the Spartan money very heawy and cumbersome, to prevent people hoarding itwp. At one time, our copper coinage was hoarded up, on the other hand, for its actual value in copper. That time has gone by, and it is to be hoped that ere long we shall lose all vestiges of the late cumbrous copper coins. The present is incomparably superior; but I confess I should like to see even an improvement here. I do not see why we should not have nickel pennies and twopenny-piecas, like the Belgians. A five-shilling gold piece, too, tow that crowns are no longer coined, would be a great conve- nience. But the chief want is undoubtedly three- penny and fourpenny-pieces. The demand is in- finitely greater than the supply. On the whole, I do noUthlnk our coinage is equal to the French for con- veniencej but great credit is due to Mr. Gladstone for*what he has already done in adapting it to our want*








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