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.- -'--:......---THE SPIRIT…




HtkcIIitMoits JitftUipa.


HtkcIIitMoits JitftUipa. EQUITY AND LAW.—A most interesting cause has just been decided in Paris (says a correspondent), which is so striking a homage to equity against law that it is sincerely hoped tha,t the judgment may act as precedent in all future cases of the same nature. The brave and honourable General Beuret, who was killed at Montebello, had inherited the fortune of his brother, who had died unmarried some years before himself, without taking time and opportunity to legalise the position of an illegitimate child he was bringing up, and whose education he was following with the greatest care. General Beuret had always considered this fortune as a sacred deposit, and had always declared it to belong of right to this child. By his last will and testament, made a day or two before the battle, he re- signed it to the little girl, appointing guardians and trustees to see his intentions carried out. Some ille- gality in the form of this donation inspired the shabby, mean-spirited, collateral heirs of the General with a hope that Providence might be sleeping, and have for- gotten its promise to watch over the fatherless, and so they have attacked the will, and failed, being awarded nothing but costs. ODD SUBJECTS OF THE KING OF YVETOT.—The Abeille Cauchoise mentions the death at Yvetot, in Nor- mandy, of an old man who was buried in a coffin of his own making. Having a taste for carpentering, he fifteen years ago, made what he called a paletot de Vetemite for himself, but, finding a customer for it, and several others which he afterwards made, he sold them, one by one, always taking care, however, to have another in store for himself.—There was also buried in the same town, and on the same day, a woman, seventy years of age, who for the last thirty years has never been seen dressed in anything but white. Even her wooden shoes, and the walking stick she always used, were painted white. She employed herself in winding yarn, and the basket in which she carried her work to her employer was also white. She adopted this pecu- liarity, it is said, as a sign of mourning for the death of a brother to whom she was much attached. THE DANGER OF TATTOOING.—The Journal de Rouen" states that the medical statistics of the Marine having shown that several cases of loss of limb, and even death, had occurred from the practice of tattooing, so common among seamen, the maritime authorities have recommended the discontinuance of the practice. A FAIR ExcusE;Our fair cousin Fanny (we dare not give her surname) says she really is surprised at the ridiculous complaint which men keep making about crinoline; for of course they must admit that the widest petticoats cover but two feet !-Paitcli. BRINE OF HERRINGS, A MANURE.—The" Journal d' Agriculture Pratique publishes an article pointing out the great advantages to be derived from the use of the brine in which herrings have been cured as a manure for land. This brine, according to the experiments which have been made, is specially suited to land rich in carbonate of lime. It produces very marked effect on wheat crops, increasing the produce both in grain and straw, and preserving it from smut; and when applied to rye, oats, colza, potatoes, and vegetables of all kinds, materially promotes their growth. It may also be used with great advantage for beetroot intended for feeding cattle, but must not be applied to that root when grown for the fabrication of sugar. This brine is applied in various ways. Some farmers spread it over the ground immediately after the crops are sown, while others mix it with the ordinary manure. From the quantity of herrings caught and pickled, it is calculated that 45,000 hectolitres of the brine might be annually devoted to agriculture. PRESENTATION OF A MEDAL TO A ROYAl, CHARTER HERO.—A. silver medal, bearing a suitable inscription, has been presented, at the Liverpool Sailors' Home, in presence of the boarders of that es- tablishment, to George Suicar, boatswain's mate of the Royal Charter at the time of her unfortunate wreck, The medal was sent to Liverpool by some of the in- habitants of Stanhope, near Durham, who had read of the gallant conduct of Suicar at the wreck, and who noticed that he had been quite overlooked in the greater interest excited by the deed of Rodgers. It was Suicar, however, who first tried to swim ashore with a rope, when he nearly lost his life, and he was afterwards of the greatest assistance in saving the lives of those who survived the wreck. Suicar, who is as modest as he is brave, never complained of the neg. lect with which he had been treated; and it is grati- fying to find that his conduct has at last been properly appreciated, though by strangers. He is now in the employ of the Mersey Dock Board as a dock gate- man. CHARGE OF EMBEZZLEMENT AGAINST A CLERGY MAN.—The Rev. Henry Godden Garrett, late curate of Chesterfield, Derbyshire, has been charged at the Derby assizes with taking and converting to his own use, on the 6th of December last, 18l. 3s. 9d., the pre. perty of the Rev. George Butt, vicar of Chesterfield. This case excited intense interest, and the court was much crowded. The prisoner was last year the curate of the parish church, Chesterfield, of which the Rev. George Butt is vicar, and the offence charged against him was, that he appropriated a sum of money which had been collected in the parish church, in aid of the Church Missionary Society, and which had been en- trusted to him, to his own use, instead of using it for the purpose for which it was collected. Evidence having been gone into, the judge said he was of opinion that it was a case of civil liability, and not one for a criminal prosecution. There was a second chargo for stealing 10s., the property of the, clothing dub, but Mr. Boden declined to offer any evidence'. His lord- ship said the jury would return a verdict of not guilty, at the same time they could not but lament to see a clergyman placed in such a disgraceful position. The 1'9 prisoner then left the dock; but as he was going out of the court-door he was apprehended on a warrant by Superintendent Radford, of Chesterfield, on a charge °«2 en^zlement at Cardiff. There was a second omcer m attendance with a warrant against him. BARK Y. BITE—The Romagnoles are threatened with excommunication for their desire to get out of the Bark of St. Peter." They declare they have no objection to the bark of St. Peter. What they object to is the bite of St. Peter's representative. -Pttgich. A MATTER OF FACT GENTLElIAN.-Pitts is a fast man, a sharp man, a man of business tact, and grm e ,owetit cash price and then says, Y-r v. ifbout, and if I don't find anything that suits me better, I'll call and take this." Now, Pitts is partial to the fair sex, and quite lately Pitts said to himself I am getting into years, and may as well get married." His business qualities wouldn't let him wait, so offhe starts, and calling upon a lady friend, opened the conversation by remarking that he should like to know what she thought about his getting married. Oh, Mr. Pitts, that is an affair in which I am not so very greatly interested, and I prefer to leave it with yourself." But," says Pitts, you are in- terested my dear girl, will you marry me ?" The young lady blushed very red, hesitated, and finally, as Pitts was very well-to-do in the world, and of good standing in the town, she accepted him. Whereupon the matter-of-fact Pitts responded, Well, well, I'll look about, and if I don't find anybody that suits me better than you, I'll come back THE FIRST OF OUR UGLY PIIINCES. Cbai-les Stuart" was the first of our very ugly Princes. Even his young mother recognised the ill-favour of her boy. "He is so ugly," wrote Henrietta to Madame St. George, "that I am ashamed of him; but his size and fatness supply the want of beauty. I wish you could see the gentleman, for he has no ordinary mien. He is so serious in all that he does, that I cannot help deem- ing him far wiser than myself." Of the Plantagenets, Prince Charles has only the stature. He is so fat and tall"—it is again the mother who writes to her old friend, her Mie" St. George—" that he is taken for a year old, and he is only four months. His teeth are already beginning to come. I will send you his por- trait as soon as he is a little fairer, for at present he is so dark that I am ashamed of him." In this res- pect Charles did not improve; and, to the last, Rowley" remained as swart as a raven.-Thc Book of the Princes of Wales. THE PRETTIEST LITTLE BABY IN THE vV ORiD.- The only one point upon which the female sex is ever unanimous—the baby in every case being, of course, the lady's own .—Punch. MISS NIGHTINGALE'S "NOTES ON NuRSTNG. Any one who reads these notes without being moved in the depths of his heart, will not understand the writer of them by any amount of description; and those who have been so moved do not need and will not tolerate it. The intense and exquisite humanity to the. sick, underlying the glorious common sense about affairs, and the stern insight into the weakness and the perversions of the healthy, troubled as they are by the sight of suffering, and sympathising with themselves instead of the patient, lay open a good deal of the secret of this wonderful woman's life and power. We begin to see how a woman, anything but robust at any time, may have been able, as well as willing, to un- dertake whatever was most repulsive and most agonising in the care of wounded soldiers, and crowds of cholera patients. We see how her minute economy and attention to the smallest details are reconcilable with the magnitude of her administration, and the comprehensiveness of her plans for hospital establish- ments, and for the reduction of the national rate of mortality. As the lives of the sick hang on small things, she is as earnest about the quality of a cup of arrowroot, and the opening and shutting of doors, as about the institution of a service between the com- missariat and the regimental, which shall insure an army against being starved when within reach of food. In the mind of a true nurse, nothing is too great or too small to be attended to with all diligence and there- fore we have seen Florence Nightingale doing, and nsisting upon, the right about shirts and towels, spoon-meats and the boiling of rice; and largely aiding in reducing the mortality of the army from nineteen in the thousand to eight, in time of peace.-Once a Week. LENT IN PARIS.- The Tablet says that Lent in Paris is no longer a black Lent," as may be remembered in Ireland during the present generation. The use of eggs is allowed on every day during Lent, excepting the three last days of Holy Week. Meat is allowed, at one meal, on fovr days of the week. Milk and butter are allowed at the collation, except on Wed- nesday and Good Friday. All persons, however, who avail themselves of these exemptions are required to make compensation, through alma. To show the necessity of compliance with this obligation, the mode of applying these alms is pointed out. Half is to be placed at the disposal of the secretary of the arch- bishop, in aid of the free Catholic schools for the poor, and half is to be applied to the diocesan seminaries. To facilitate the discharge of this penitential offering, two boxes are placed in a concealed place at the en- trance to the sacristy of each church, where these alms may be deposited at the discretion of the giver, and without communication with any witness but his own conscience. AN OLD RHYME, WITH A NEW REASON. Annexation is vexation; Division is as bad Thy rule, Louis, it bothers me, Thy practice drives me mad.— Punch,






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