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THE MARKETS. MARK LANE, MONDAT. The morning's supply from Kent and Essex was very small and the attendance was fair. More money was asked, but only a slow trade was found for good samples at last Monday's advance. The foreign trade was very limited, but holders were asking full rates. There was a fair supply of Scotch malting barley this morning, which only sold slowly at pre- vious quotations. The secondary sorts were dull but there was a more ready sale for low grinding foreign. The malt trade was quiet, but full rates were paid for select qualities. In oats there was only a limited trade, but needy buyers of fine qualities occasionally paid rather more. In home- grown beans there was generally very little change of value, but the tone of trade was against buyers for fine old English Peas and beans in limited request. Prices:- BRITISH. a. s. WHEAT ..Essex, Kent, and Suffolk, white, per qr. 88 to 49 BARLEY.. Malting. 30 to 36 OATS Essex and Suffolk 20 to 25 BEANS Mazagan 32 to 38 Tick and Harrow. 34 to 4A SEED .Canary.per qr. 52 to 00 Carraway perewt 36 to — Rape per qr 60 to 54 Hempseed ..per qr 33 to MARK LANE, WEDNESDAY. The supplies of English grain this week are small; of foreign wheat and oats there have been no arrivals, and of barley moderate To-day's market was badly attended. The bulk of the English wheat left over from Monday being held for the full prices obtained on that day, remains unsold. Foreign is in very limited request, and its value is the same as last day. Spring corn of all description is steady, at last rates. LIVERPOOL, TUESDAY. At our Corn Exchange this morning we have had a fair at- tendance of both local and country millers and dealers, and wheat has commanded a better sale at an advance of fully Id. per cental over the rates of Friday. Flour is held firmly at extreme prices. Indian corn attracted a fair consumptive inquiry at the quotations of last market day higher prices were asked at the commencement, but were not obtainable. Oats and oatmeal are both held for a slight advance, Beans, peas, and barley all maintain former rates. Linseed cakes are 2s. 6d. per ton dearer, and offered sparingly. LONDON SEED. Linseed is in short supply and firm. Bombay spot, 62s Calcutta, 49s to 61s Cargoes of Azoff on passage sell at 60s 3d to 50s 6d delivered. Rape advanced to 66s and 568 for fine Bombay, and 47s 6d to 48s for Calcutta. Of the latter, large parcels were sold for arrival, at 49s, delivered. MARK LANE, MONDAY.—Crushing seed was no dearer, but firm, and cakes continued a very ready sale at full prices. In seeds there was little passing in consequence of the un- favourable and backward weather, but prices of red and white clover seed were unaltered, as well as trefoil. Canary very dull. Mustard, rape seed, and other seeds remained much as last quoted. POTATOES. Supplies have been short to the metropolitan markets, and only a moderate business has been transacted, at the follow- ing quotationsYork Regents, 130s to 150s; Scotch, 90s to 130s; Scotch cups, 80s to 90s Dunbar, 90s to 100s. METKOPOLITAN CATTLE MARKET, MONDAY. The arrivals of cattle and sheep into the port of London from the Continent during the past week have been mode- rate. The beef trade to-day was very slow, and 4s 10d per stone, the top price for the best bullocks on offer, was only made in a few cases. The supply of sheep was again short and unequal to thedemacd, and in consequence the trade was quite as brisk as last week, at prices varying from 4s 4d to 5s 8d per SIbs.; but business was done in some very fine sheep at 5s 10d and nearly 6s. Both veal and pork were scarce. Calves below the ordinary supply, and the conse- quence was that the sale was active, and prices 2d higher per stone. Prices :—Beef, 3s 6d to 4s lOd; mutton, 4s 4d to 5s 8d; veal 4s 4d to 5s 8d; pork, 3s 8d to 4s lOd. HAY ANDJjTSTRAW. The supplies to the London markets are moderate, and prices steady at to-day s market:—Mardow hay, 65s. to 85s.; clover, 85s. to 105s.; straw, 25s. to 30s. per load.