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Mr Balfour's Opponent.

Parliamzntary Items.

The Morocco Conference.

Japan and England.

The New French President.


IDyserth Castle Alterations.

The Congregationalists.

Confirmation Classes.



THE BIBLE SOCIETY. Annual Meeting at Prestatyn. The audience which assembled at the meeting of the Prestatyn Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society (held on Tuesday) more than half filled the Town Hall, and auiougst them were to be seen members of all the Churches of the town. The chair was taken by Mr H. R. Hughes (Bank House) and he was supported on the platform by the iievs. J. It. Ellis (deputation), 0. J. Davios, M.A. (Vicar), Ezra Jones, J. Kelly, W. Lowys Davies, and Mr John iiuglies (Plas Eden) Hon. Secretary. Letters of regret at their inability to be present were received from the Revs. W. Bell and M. F. Wynne. After a hymn had been sung, and prayer 0. offered by Rev. W. Lewys Davies, the secretary read the report of the local branch. The Chairman remarked upon the interest exhibited in the work of the Bible Society as evinced by the attendance that evening. He doubted whether it is possible for anyone to be associated with any cause which should command more widospread sympathy than this. Speaking of the origin of the Bible Society, he reminded his hearers that that committee of noble men who met in London 102 years ago, and listened to the tale of Mary Jones, told them by the great Thomas Oharles'of Bala, undertook a task which not many would have had the courage to embark upon. The difficulties which had then to be surmounted were enormous, but to-day we have the encouragement borne of successful efforts, we have every inducement to do our share on the work, and it is to be hoped that every succeeding year will find us ready and willing, as Churches, to join together'heartily as we have done to-night, thereby proving that our belief in the word, and our attachment to the cause, is sincere and strong. The Rev J. R. Ellis delivered the principal address of the evening, his remarks being set forth in Welsh and English in equal degree. He devoted the greater portion of the time at his disposal to a review of the effects of the introduction of the Bible into Hindoo life. The great difficulty which the missionaries have to contend against is the dual life led by many even of the most prominent of the native population of India. During the day they will conduct their business and act in every way as becomes citizens *of a civilized country, whilst in their family life, away from the influence of Christianity, they return to the old habits of Hindooism. On the other hand the truths of the Bible are exciting a great influence in every direction, and the Bible is being read by large numbers of the intelligent classes. In proposing a resolution pledging the meeting to efforts to further the interests of the society in this. locality, the Vicar spoke of the wide-world character of the work under- taken by the Bible Society, and of the 400 languages into which the scriptures have been translated. He promised, as far as his own congregation were concerned, that the society should have every support from them. The motion was seconded by Rev Ezra Jones, supported by Revs J. Kelly and Ben Williams, and the meeting closed with the doxqlogy.









Increased Grants for Education.