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POVERTY CORNER. <"A LITTLE WCRLD.") A CITY SUORY, BY GEORGE MANVILLE FENN. [ALL BIGHTS RESERVED.] CHAPTER VIII.—{Continued). Jared Pellet had just finished a morning practice, for he had had to work hard to reduce his wild semi- extemporised style to the requirements of a quaint choir. He had pushed in the lasts top, and left his long stool, closing the organ with a sigh, before lift- ing the Ipcker to his seat, and depositing therein book and MS. He had drawn the red curtains along the rod when he had entered, and on leaving drawn them back again, so that he stood confessed before Ichabod Gunnis and for a stranger to see Jared Pellet stand confessed after one of his ethereal musical flights was like taking him from the seventh heaven and putting him under the pump. It was worse than going right, into fairyland at the back of the stage on pantomine night, and staring dismayed at the dauby paint, canvas, and confusion. That the being whose celestial music had thrilled through the hearer's frame? Yes, that quiet, shabby, worn man, who tuned pianos for half-a-crown, and carefully repaired every description of musical in- strument. Ichabod and the organist stood face to face, and whatever the failings of the latter, the former was no pattern of worldly beauty for as to personal ap- pearance, he had been rightly named, had there ever been any glory to depart but the sole reason for the boy bearing his quaint cognomen was that, at the workhouse where he received his early gruel, the authorities had worn out the twelve patriarchs, and the twelve apostles, while the number of Abels, Davids, Solomons, and Jonathans who had left their walls was something startling, so they had tried Ichabod for a change, the Gunnis being an after ad- dition, as will be explained. Ichabod's leather breeches have already been delicately hinted at, but it has net been said that they badly fitted his fourteen-year-old limbs neither have his blue bobtail coat and his vest, ornamented with pewter buttons, been mentioned—buttons bearing a large capital "G." There was no star of merit upon the left breast of Ichabod; but a pewter plate was ttitched on close to his heart, to keep him from being smitten by the pity of those who saw his absurd garments, and also to act as a label, and to show that he was number fifty-five in the list of scholars belonging to that most excellent gift of charity, Gunnis's—which sveryone who knows London will tell yon is a school where so many boys are educated, and made moral scarecrows and Ichabod being a fondling"—as he was called by the workhouse nurse—was by some means or other unknown entered at last, to the freedom of his parish, already over- burdened, and became one of Gunnis's. Six o'clock, Ichabod," said Jared, "and don't be late." No, sir," said Bod, as he was familiarly termed. And then he began to spin his muffin cap by the tuft of colcured wool upon the top. Don't do that, my boy, or you'll pull off the tassel," said Jared, as he prepared to descend the stairs, while the young gentleman addressed, evidently per- ceiving how disfigured his worsted cap would be without its red tuft, tossed it high in air, to nimbly catch it again upon his head, though rather too far over his ears for comfort of wearing. Then, listening to the descending footsteps, he threw off his coat, and went down upon the boards in a sitting posture; but not of the common kind, for though one leg was down in a normal posture, the out was stretched out far behind, so that it appear as if the joint had been reversed. Up again and now one leg was tucked over his head, to the greater danger of his leather pants; then the other leg was tucked over, and the boy down prostrate upon his chest, so that he wore the appear- ance of a dislocated frog, whilst his countenance beamed with satisfaction. "Ichabod!" cried Jared, from below. Comin', sir," shouted the boy, trying hard to untie himself, but in vain although, after a couple more calls, he could hear the re-ascending steps of his employer. He twisted, he turned, he struggled, but he was like a mouse in a wire trap; it was easy to get into his present state, but return seemed im- possible. Higher came the steps, and the boy struggled again to free himself, till, just as Jared reached the door of the organ-loft, the unpractised tumbler rolled over upon his back, and stared with upturned eyes over his forehead at the organist. "Why, bless my soul!" exclaimed Jared, what a dreadful contortion The boy must be in a fit." "No, I ain't," blubbered Bod. "I'm only stuck." Stuck exclaimed Jared. Yes—stuck," whimpered the boy. "Can't get my legs back, 'cause I've got shoes on." Stuck—shoes on repeated Jared, in a puzzled Way. "Yes sir," wept Bod; and if you'll pull down one, I can do t'other myself." Jared stared at the imp for a few minutes, as if he took him for a sort of human treble clef then seizing the uppermost leg he set it at liberty, and the boy re- duced himself to ordinary proportions, and stood erect, with one arm raised ready to ward off the expected blow. How dare you play such tricks as that in the church, sir?.' cried Jared. "Suppose you had become fixed like that—what then ?" Ichabod evidently did not know what then," so he did not say, but snivelled, and rubbed one eye with the cuff of the coat he was about to put on. "There, go on down first," said Jared, smiling grimly to himself; and mind and be punctual, there s a good boy." The good boy, now that the danger was passed, went down grinning, when away he darted out of the porch, forgetting in less than five minutes all that had been raid to him respecting the practice. CHAPTER IX. J A R E D' S DREAMING. JARED'S must have been a more than usually patient disposition for the same evening he arrived at the church at the appointed hour, to find that Ichabod had not come nor did he make his appearance when his master had opened the organ and seated himself to wait, and gaze dreamily in the old reflector before him. There was a strange life history to be read in that reflector, as Jared dreamed on, time after time; re- calling his first severe illness, and its following weak- ness for many months, solaced by the attentions of the usher's little girl, to whose house be had been removed from school. This was a pleasant oasis in hislife journey, in spite of suffering and long weary months, during which he never left his reclined position, succeeded by a long lojoum in a London hospital; and all from an un- lucky blow given by his tyrant brother. Dreams many in that old church—of early man- hood, and years passed as usher in his old school, While his brother was prospering in town his love for his old playmate, Lizzie, and the bar of prudence which stayed their marriage; the failure of the school and his efforts to gain a living by teaching music, eked out by the trifling salary he obtained as organist of the little town church—an accomplishment taught by love, for Lizzie Willis had been his teacher, and taow gave up the duty in his favour. Floating before him always, scene after scene his Application to his brother for help when he first reacbed London in search of a more lucrative post; the refusal, and subsequent rage of Richard when he found that Jared, the despised, had married the "oman who but a short time before had rejected him r~Richard the prosperous. Then they were in London, and, somehow, happy in their struggle— eTen though on the second day after their arrival the bankruptcy of a firm threw Jared out of the employ- ment he had gained. CHAPTER X. rATTY's MISTAKE. MATTERS wore a rather serious aspect at Duplex- tfeet, though for a whole month Jared had enjoyed all the sensations known only to the wealthy. He bad been congratulated by his family, who looked upon him as a sort of musical god, or, as at least a Musician worthy of ranking with those fiddling and trumpet-blowing angels they hfcd seen once, upon a holiday, smiling benignantly in a clouded heaven upon the ceilings at Hampton Court Palace. He had congratulated, too, by his brother, who invited uim to dinner, and then put him off twice—ending, though, by announcing his marriage with the wealthy ~trs. Clayton, widow of a merchant captain, and desiring that bygones might be bygones, and that Jared, his wife and daughter, would spend the after- noon and dine with them at Norwood on Christmas ~ay. Jared had said "No," but Mrs. Jared "Yes," •or no opportunity ought to be passed over which Promised reconciliation between the brothers—for -hose estrangement her woman's tact told her she Was partly to blame. So arrangements were made for the flock in ~uplex-street; a neighbour—no less a personage than Mrs. Purkis, of Purkis's Shoe Emporium— Undertaking to be shepherdess for the occasion. Clothes were compared, and what Mrs. Jared called jUade the beBt of, Jared himself devoting quite an j*our to the brushing and nap-reviving of his old ~'ack coat and trousers. Many an old scrap of half- forgotten finery was routed out by Mrs. Jared for "cr embellishment, after long discussions; while as Or Patty, when did a fair, open-countetianced young girl look otherwise than well in virgin white, even though it was but a cheap book-muslin made up at "onto, with very little regard to fashion? A t the appointed hour a cab deposited the party frOnt Duplex-street at the door of Richard's little Place, at which door they arrived after a drive along gritty gravel sweep. The stout and gentlemanly Gutter was there, and received them with frigid courtesy, two doors being flung open by as many gentlemen in drab and coach lace, which tall parties lr>d\ilged in a laugh and a wink behind their hands 1\t the expense of Jared; though number one—the jjnder butler—afterwards tola number two—the 'ootmaii—U^t the gal wasn't so very bad." And now the brothers liad met, and Jared, the been introduced bv Richard, the rich, to his wife, mte wealthy widow ot Captain Claytoti, oi the merchant service. There was another introduction, though, performea by Mr. Richard Pellet in a condescending fashion, that brought something of a flush into the face of one present—namely, Harry Clayton, who, however, seemed to forget all the next moment, as he made his stepfather frown upon seeing the attentions paid by the frank, handsome young undergraduate to his blushing niece. Jared, too, felt troubled he did not know why, for he dwelt with pleasure upon the young man's face, as it shone in opposition to the stepfather's scowls. The conversation rose and flagged but it was evident to Jared that there was a cloud overshadow- ing the meeting, though the young man heeded not the glances of father and mother, as he chatted on to the fresh, happy girl at his side. Doubtless to a grandee of the London season Patty would have seemed slow and backward in con- versation but. to the young undergraduate t hIre was something fascinating in the li'iire, ingenious girl 811\1 in "pite of lo iks, hint?, nud even bread remur.s, which tur,.ed Jared's morocco covered elixir into a feat of thorns, Harry laughed and chatted on through the dinner. There was everything at Norwood for the spending of a pleasant evening—everything, with ore excep- tion. There was what Jared called in confidence to his wife "the fat of the land;" but though the said fat was well cooked and served, and there were luscious wines to wash it down, yet was there no geniality—the warm welcome which makes the poor man's joint a rich feast was not there, and the visitors partook of portions of their meal in the midst of a chilly but exceedingly well-bred silence. Jared was not at home, and he could not help flinching from the ministrations of the men in the coach lace, while he felt quite hot when the gentle- manly butler asked him in stern tones if he would take champagne. Not that conversation was entirely wanting on the part of the elders, for at times Jared listened to the thrilling narrative of his brother's speculations, and of how much money he had made; learned some- thing new—what a fine thing cash was, how powerful it made its owner, and how he enjoyed its possession. Then Richard pitied kindly Jared's want of business tact, hinted how much more might have been made had both been business men. and concluded by wish- ing him better days, and drinking his health in a glass of port—a port purchased at Sir Humphrey Phulcrust's sale, so he informed Jared—at one hundred and twenty shillings a dozen Jared, thinking the while it was very strong and harsh, and flavoured of the sloes he had gathered as a boy, while a dozen of the ruddy fluid would have paid a quarter's rent in Duplex-street; so that altogether he quite trembled, and felt as if he were injuring his wife and family as he sipped and sipped like a man who was engaged in swallowing sixpences for fun. When Richard Pellet was not frowning upon his stepson, he was very active in promoting the comfort of his guests, after the same fashion in which he had Savoured his brother's wine—telling them how much port was in the soup, how much he paid for the turbot in Billingsgate, and how he gave a crown for the lobster. As for the turkey, that was five-and- twenty shillings, and bought on purpose for their coming. Many other things were equally expensive, so that Jared and his family thoroughly enjoyed the epicurean feast, thinking all the while of their own humble board. Homo would keep rising to his mind 10 that, before the dinner had half dragged through its Blow length, Jared was wishing himself back in Duplex-street, playing at forfeits or blind man's buff with his tribe, watching the while that they did not meddle with any of his musical concerns. Money and business, business and money, were Richard Pellet's themes, and on the golden string they formed when twisted he harped continually. But it was not only in speech that you felt the money, for it was peering out of everything, from the mistress of the house, with her massive gold chain and large diamond rings, down to the very carpet on which she trod. There were books in gilded bind- ings that had never been opened, a piano of the most costly kind that was rarely touched; there was every luxury that money could purchase; while there, the very essence of his cash—grey-headed, bushy, and prominently-browed, very smooth and flossyj and always chinking a few sovereigns in eith tr pocket— was Richard Pellet, looking down with a pleasant patronising smile of contempt upon his g tests. Some people are such fools!" he seemed to mutter to himself, as he pitied poor, comely Mrs. Jared, who appeared to be neither surprised nor dis- appointed, but took all with a quiet, well-bred ease, and did not in the least allow stout Mrs. Richard to sit upon her—metaphorically of course—in spite of her violent flame-coloured moire; neither did she eeem to be crushed by the conversation, which varied little between the weather and the dinner. The repast might have been full of constraint for the elders; but to Patty it was a scene of enjoyment, for Harry Clayton, awake now to their meaning, laughed at his mother's remonstrant looks, and ignoring those of Richard, was more than ever attentive to the bright-eyed girl, who, in her light- hearted innocence, chatted merrily with him, listen- ing eagerly to his accounts of cellege life—both thinking nothing of the wealth around in the enjoy- ment of each other's society. It, was of course, very provoking but in spite of all hints to the contrary, now that they were in the drawing-room, Harry would linger by Patty's chair. Would she play ?" Yes, she would play. And sing?" Yes, and sing, too. The first skilfully; the latter in a sweet little silvery, gushing voice that was bird-like from its purity and freedom from affecta- tion. For Patty was Jared's only child, with her father's love for music — the art which he had loved to teach her, at times, too, when often and often called away to perform some simple domestic duty. Richard Pellet seemed surprised, and listened in silence. Mrs. Richard forgot herself so far as to clap her hands, and call Fatty "a dear little darling." But, gazing upon the group at the piano with the eyes of her lord, she felt that this sort of thing would not do. Apparently, too, acting upon a hint from Richard, she kept framing blundering excuses for keeping the young man near her—excuses though, so trivial that Harry only laughed good- humouredly, and then made his way back to the young visitor's side. It was nearly time for tea, and Harry had coaxed the girl into the little drawing-room, to show her some sketches, and the photographs of the elders. Jared and his brother had their backs to them, hard and fast in a discussion upon money—Richard telling his brother what a deal a sovereign would make; Jared the while in a state of doubt, from old experience of how short a way it went, whether there really were as many as twenty shillings in a pound. As for Mrs. Jared, she was seated in a low chair by the fire, and being beamed upon by Mre. Richard, who had exhausted the weather, finished the dinner, and was now at a loss for a fresh subject. The sketches were very interesting; so much so that Harry was obliged to explain them in a low, subdued tone, when taking advantage of their posi- tion, he, with a heightened colour, drew forth a Iprig of mistletoe, and held it before Patty's eyes. No, no," she whispered in a low tone—so low that he probably did not hear it—" no, no that is only for children." The licence of the season," Harry whispered, as with one hand he held up the sprig. Harry!" roared Richard Pellet, leaping from his ehair, for he had been seated opposite to a glass which betrayed every movement of the young people. Harryi" he roared and the young man, with eyes eaat down, but raised head, stood erect and defiant before him. Come here," he exclaimed, striding towards the door, while as the delinquent followed him from the room, Jared and his wife distinctly heard the words, That beggar's brat (To be continued.)








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