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JUST WHAT PLEASES ALL. The Delight of every Household. ANCHOR TEA. ANCHOR I TEA ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR TEA I PER Is- 4i, Is. 6d., Is. 10d., 2s.,&2s.4d. POUND. THE —— VERY BEST I VALUE MONEY CAN BUY. ANCHOR ANCHOR tea ANCHOR tea TEA ANCHOR TEA PER s.4d., Is. 6d., Is. 103., 3s., & 2s. 4d. POUND. ee that the Winged Anchor is on, Every Packet. RRADE -"2' A se that the Winged Anchor is on Every Packet. t. necessity in every Home. ANCHOR M- TEA -a. ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR TEA PER Is. 4d., Is. 6d., Is. 10d., &, and 2s. 4d. POUND. OLD ¿J. BY AGENTS IN EVERY TOWN. ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR TEA -4 PER Is. 41, Is. 6d., is 10d., 2s., and 2s. 4d. FOUND. JOotl Tea 110 longer a luxury. l'he Low Prices and Superb Quality p ANCHOR IK AS make Goo(i tJa no longer a luxury, but a Household Necessity. For AGENCIES, apply to CHO THE ANCHOR TEA SO. 22, BEER LANE, 1 AND lh Great Tower Street^ £ o.rj»oj, JE.C. r Christmas and New Year Stationery. JONES A SON, "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, ~W £ m I 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare, NOTICE I Beg to anBoynce that they have now on Sale a Large and J VERY CHOICE SELECTION OF Cliristinas & New Tear stationery HHK XL JtJ J\_ JL/ From the Best Markets, including the wy THIS. I. LATEST NOVELTIES IN muI Christmas & New Year jB With appropriate Verses and Mottoes. GIFT BOOKS IN CHOICE AND ELEGANT BINDINGS, I Christmas Tree Ornaments, Bon-Bons, &c., I AN EXTENSIVE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF I FANCY GOODS, Suitable for Presents, together with a Great Variety of TOYS, of Home and Foreign Manufacture. I LOT -S ,IEII s !I DM I IC TO BE GIVEN DURING 1893 A 1894. Full Particular* DUIN UO TO ALL USERS OF VENUS SOAP. on each Wrapper. Por 120 Wrappers, Timepiece No. i, tin. Dial will be aent. I Picture of the Statue Fop 200 Wrappers, Timepiece No. 3, Bin. Dial will be sent. YENU8 DB MILO, For 350 Wrappers, Timepiece No. 3,91n. Dial will be sent. ™!z,e„r$,]?y *4 in-> mounted, .For 400 Wrappers, a Gentleman's J Handsome' *) will be seat. I For 25 Wrappers,"and* ■or 500 Wrappers, a Lady's (Keyless Watch j will be sent. For 60 Wrappers i In Handsome Gilt Frame. BILLIARDS & BAGATELLE.—-Hennig Bros., Ltd., 29, Hi^hSfc. (oornerof Nov Oxford St. ),X/c»ndott,'W.C. The old-established Sc well-known firm of Billiard Table makers, cm supply cverykindof requisites for I>iUi»rd«& ilagatelk at Yerjloweit Frice*. t'bony-buttea Uues t! I'l&ln Ash <lo. 1 Chalk 1J- gtota, Cloth for ull Biz? table 62/6, RaHs 21/-set. Write for »am;*les& price lint*. Kia.l&B. — "RTLLIARD AND BAGATELLE TABLES. A LARGE STOCK of NEW and SECOND-HAND 1 AiJLfjS always on ftand. WRTTE FOR PRICE LISTS. O. HI)WARDS, KINGSLAND ROAD. LONDON. N.E. WW: SOAP (for Delicate Skins), ^x^biet*" & T,%blet CREAM (for Itching, Face Spots, &c.), lIlt, 1/9. POWDER (for the T-oilet, Nursery, &c.), 1/ 1/9. BOYS who wish to earn pocket money, on Fridays and Saturdays, by selling News- papers, should apply at the Aberdare Times Office. LINUM CATHARTIOUM PILLS, agreeably aperien 9d. 1*. ijd., 2a. M. Of all Chemists 2: "8-1.R Abrilliant Ka in half, ti afti.,e. S,rt:6-4 I -WITH HA'LF 'T -A.-BO, of o,rcti i-a t — THE EDINBURGH Life Assurance Company. FOXJasrrjEiD lssa Invested Funds £ 2,060,580. Annual Income £ 278.533. Moderate Premiums, Increasing Bonupss, Un- doubted Security. HEAD OFFICE-Edinburgh. Midland and South Wales Branch Office, 16, Bonnet's Hill, Birmingham. Policy holders er.taring on the With Profit" scale enjoy from the outset tbe benefit of parti- cipation in the surplus funds to the extent of Nine-tenths of the profit realized from all sources, and at the same time they are entirely exempt from any of the rijfks of partnership or of mutual liability. The BONUS ADDITIONS amounted to £431,503 at the Rth division in 188Ji. The following are SPECIMENS OF BONUSES on Policies which have become claims during 1878-1885 *• t? O a £ P. 2 & £ £ >*5 g.« o §3 §< <P 5^ HS-l f « 1 £ FT I~S. d. 53 75 2077 2 707? •> 0 4» 78 500 805 2 805 5S tl t-i 99 1000 2410 17 3410 17 0 42 73 1000 458 19 1458 lt> 0 80 W« SOO 45 i 3 752 3 0 37 I 94 400 M3 0 1023 9 0 34 82 2000 1984 19 I 3&32 19 0 27 84 500 019 16 1119 '(I 0 24 69 999 S75 1' J 1574 13 .0 Claims are payable immediately onpipofof I death and title. I Thf) next division of profits will take place a& on 31st March, 1892. All ordinary Policies have of the < ompany's Non FoRrEiTrite System, -^b^reby rolicy-holders arc sevuied agaumtloss by non- payment of premium. Agents at Aberdare:- Mr. CHARLES M. LEWIS, Londocatid Pro- vincial Basz. MR. GEORGE ABRAHAM, National Bank of Wales. ])ir. L, JONES, Abordal-e Timer Office. TO NERVOUS SUPPBBEBS. -V JurfnnWished. ine experience of an Invalid, written as a Tfriiiiiiiir In aiid showinp 13i6 nifiadis of EeM-Cure T'a-e cured mm sell. Single copies may be had (post free) by sending stamped addressed enveloj>e to ARTHUR DIXON. ESQ., HOPNSLOW. MIDDLESEX. I A DirO "MAIE iRRfeuLARrriEs OBSTROCTIOKS. LAIi 1 iLOa S3iyE9 AT tAST.—A lady having in vain, every advertised remedy, has at 1^vorRd_5 sypPiepeans of self-oure, partioulars of which <^Kqui.uc.rrip..on Banrdngs, Qh^ncarr Lane. London, W.C. ESTABLISHED I SSI. BIEKBECK BANK 30, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. TWO-AND-A-HALF per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repavabl;- on demand. TWO per CENT. on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on the mini- mum monthly luiJaaces, when not drawn below 49100. STOCKS and SHARES purchased and sold. The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full particnlars, post free. FRANCIS RATONSCROFT. Manager. MADAM FRAIN'S H rAMOUS rEMALE MIXTURE. The most POWTERBUIt and EFlTBOTIVK on earth. For the most obstinate cases. "Will not jnjuiw the most deli* eate. SFrice 7s. 6d. (strongest lis, bottle).'aPost free 6d. extra. HEEBAl INSTITUTE, 3 B, Hackney Roa d (opposite Shoreditoh Church), London, N.E. Sund at once Stamped Directed Enve- lope for particular* and proofs. I wiil forfeit £ 100 for every testimonial that is not genuine, and they can be seen at any timlk "CHLORO-LINSEED" COUGH LOZENGES, post free 7d. Of all Chemists. SYMINGTON'S j GOLD PEA MEDAL FLOUR For Soups, &C. EASILY DIGESTED. Sold in Packets and Tine by Grocers everywhere. Patentees and Manu/ctctttrert BOWDEN STEAM MIILS, Market Harboro'. -I Free by post on receipt of Two Stamps to postage, 244 Pages. PUERILITIES AND DERANGEMENTS i^Fep,atiy" and CJ™D BT THE POSITIVF RK- wrITOO B00K 0F POSITIVE RE- v I??' NAT^RE. AND USrt F ALI^ THE POSITIVE MEDICINES WHICH WERE USED BY DR. SMITH FOR THIRTY EARS ARE NOW PUBLISHED IN "THE oOOK OF POSITIVE MEDICINES." nv^p/pTiV8 inJai+Uabie t0 the NERVOUS and JDYSPEPTIC, and to those whose Constitutions have become Debilitated from Ir^ularifcies of Life. Intemprance, Climate, Over-taxed or AbncPfl Energies, Late Hour?, City Life Worrv, Brlin Txt' Ape or GIVES THE NAME IN ENGLISH OF ALL THE MEDICINES for x.e cure of all Diseases of the Nervout System, ^ervous Debility, Mental and Pbvrfca! Depreasion! Palpitation of thc Heart, Kcises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight, and Memory Indigestion, Loss of Energy, Pains in the. Back Constipation ^tilnshing, Hysteria, Timidity, Self distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Muscular Relaxation, Loss of «iesp, Fault* Nutritioo, Loss of Flesh, Weakness, Pimplesi Diffidence, Loss of Nerve Power, &c., &c. GIVES THE NAMES OF THE POSITIVE wmTM** F0Ii THE CUEE 0F E^H SHORT, SIMPLE, AND PRACTICAL IN STRUCTIONS FOR THE CURE OF ALL DISEASES BY THE POSITIVE REMEDIES. In this GUIDE-BOOK OF POSITIVE RE. MEDIES" will be found a LIST OF ALL IHS^AajiS, ana everychlug Coua^y Invalid should know for SELF-TREATMENT Sent direct from the Publieher, H. SMITH & Co., Positive Remedy Laboratory, 26 Southampton Row, London, W.C FEMALE PIL18, DB. SMITH'S FEMALE PILLS ARE A POSITIVE REMEDY IN 4LL OBSTRUCTIONS AND IRREGULARITIES to w hieh i' .i:: subject—Headache, Depression ol Spirit, Sickness, S&ilowness, of the Skin Pimples Rn<Kache. and all Dischargee, Att-'f using these Pills, tii? body and nerves are restore to Bealih ap<f Vigour. Sold in Eoxe.i (containing eufBeien f0 r May be had direct rom th» roprietora on receipt «f Thirty-four Bt&mps. gent b> OBtto any address. H. SMITH ft Co.'s Positive Kemedy Labor»to»»4 J SS, &ktaipt«& &«WiLoa«vtt Tf-C, RANTED, AN APPRENTICE to the V Printiog,-Apply at the office of this paper. f r AT YSGOLION SABBATHOL. Newydd ei Gyhoeddi, A il-argraffiad o JSGWTDDOBIG O'R IAITH GYnEIG Yo cynwys GWERSI HAWDD O'R YSGRYTHYRAU DDYSGU DARLLEN A SILLEBU, JPrti Ie., neu 9c, y Ddwiin. I r LYFBAU o bob math, yn Gymraee a IL-i Saesneg, at vasanaeth Ysgolion Sabbothol I ar werth gan JONES A.'J: MAB, SWYDD.F A'R "ABERDARE TIMES," rfl, C ommfirr.ial-placo, Aberdare, COAGCLINE.—Cwnect lor Broken Articles, 6d. and 1 postage 2d. Cf all Chemists. I ro. atef anB <at COUflHS AM op 4 m Aft,&, POWELLS BALSAS or ANISEED For ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, NICHT COUCH, INFLUENZA, HOARSENESS. AALL. LUNG TROUBLES. SAFE AND RELIABLE. Established 70 Years. See Trade Mark on Wrappers. Beware at Imitations, SOLD BY CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE. In Bottles. b Iii ZfJ. i/0, and 11/. WILLIAM JENKINS, Certified Baiiif to ,) (f Levy Distresses for Rent under Law of Distress, Amendment Act, 1888. Address-GLEBLAND, MERTHYR. Distance no object. I I PNENIXOILMILLGOIDT Liverpool, PHCENIX PURE" CALF MEAL Per 17/6 Owt. Delivered at any Station. SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS, "R EECHAM'S PILLS, gBECHAM S PILLS Are nniversally admitted to be worth a Ouine" a Boz for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, sucb as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, FulBess and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold fhille, Flash, ings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Oostive- neas, Scurvy and Blotches on the Sim, Dillturbed Sleep. Frightful nreata", and all Nervcas and Trembling Sensa- ttoot,&c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in countless cases. Kvery sufferer is earnestly invited to tty one box of heae Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. < "Y^r0RT11 A GUINEA A BOX I For emales of all ag«ss tbey are invaluable. No female I should be withonn hem. mere is not a medicine to be foucJ equal to then, for re»nov;ng any obstruction ot irregularity of the system, r ukeu according to the directions given with each bo* they win regtore female* of all ages to soune asu .-obuet health. This has been proved by thousands wao have tried them, andfoacd h« benefits w hich are enstited by their use J^EECHAM'S PILLS. JJEECKAM'S PILLS. EE CHAM PILLS. I For a "Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all DM. orders of the Liver, they a,'t like magic, and a few doses will be found to work^°"de" on the most important organs in the human »*cu,ne. They strengthen thewhole f-amtem. S '"»t rr&.siexioiD, fc/in- back the keen etije oi aac »:onso into act-.on witn be resebud o health the £ -faole physical energy of the hncian frame. These are Facts testified continually by members of aU c1a»e« o« «t^iety, and one of the best gnaranteea to the NervOT-aDdDebiUtotedis, BEEGHAM'S PlL Lfc h«ve the LargMt^l* nf anp Pait*t Medicine in the world. EEC HAM'S yAGIC COUGH PILLS gEECHAWS MAGIC COUGH PILLS. B MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remedy for Co«^hs in general, Asthma, Bronchia Affections, Ho»rani^»b £ taei,8 of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Ch^t. these Pills sUnd nnrivalled- They are the beat e*e* offered to the public, and wi'l speedily removetbatt enseof oppression Vnd diffiealtr ol breathing which »i«bti?r.«?eprivePthe *»tiei,t cf U, any p»rsea i'lLl.b a and the mos violent WS6 ^>11 in a short time be remove*, Prepared only, Wholwate and Retail by the r -J KOMAb»E«C HAM, St. Hoiens, LaM«8hire' and by all Druggist* a#0 ^atett Medicine Dealers every- »o««, ^id. AJP as. &d. IAOH. ytiga pagwopo um w ime xmp HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT Are acknowledged by all to be THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILY USE. Manufactured only at 78, NTEW OXFORD STREET, LOJTDOlf, And Fold by aU Medicine Ytndmi tkroe&wut the World. Advice Gratis, at the above address, daay. between the hours of II and 4, or by letter. i PRINTING OF ALL KINDS AT THE ABEEDABE TIMES OFFICE. ADDRESS CARDS. CLUB BOOKS.. BUSINESS CARDS. ACCOUNT BOOK^^ CLUB CONTRIBUTION CARDS] CHEQUE BOOKS. CONCERT TICKETS. DELIVERY BOOKS. TEA TICKETS. STATEMENTS. PAY TICKETS. MEMORANDUM FORMS. WAGGON TICKETS. CATALOGUES RAFFLE CARDS. PRICE LISTS. MOURNING CARDS, HANDBILLS, POSTERb, and BILLS BALL CARDS. of every description in Black er t> r Coloured Inks. BALL PROGRAMMES. ART UNION TICKETS. „TT_ ART UNION TICKETS. CIRCULARS. MACHINE RULING. PROGRAMMES. BOOKBINDING. CONDITIONS OF SALE. ™ PROSPECTUSFS ACCOUNT BOOKS of nay pattern. PROSPECTUSES. | NUMBERING MOST MODERATE CHARGES. FOB COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. I BR.-J. COLLTS RROWNF.'S I IMligyi C0LORODYNE iwKSSmBmBiSBns il lE.. J. COLxJS BROWKK (late T^IAJtRHtS A, !>T8B8PtERT. Aedly the best, and also from # sense ol DIS- X/ wbtERALBOAKDofHRA-LTH, duty we ow« to ti e profess-on a^i'hs I COVERED m BBMEDY Jo deno^ Lonaon. RKPOBT that it ACTS aa a « we are of opinion that the vhich he eptaMd the word CHLORO-J CHARM, one dose generally sofficia&t. »»b«titntioii of any other than Colli* is the 80LEpr. GIBBOK. Army Medical Staff. Cal- Browne's is a deliberate breach of faith i?T5NT?R' M the compoeitionj eotta. states: "SDOSEfi COMPLETE, on the part of the chemist to preseriher *t Chloredyne. cannot possibly be dla3 LT CURED M» o? DlARRHtKA." patient al^.—We ili-c. Sir. faith- j jove^^AnalysisfOTgeaiawanstaiiTS^f^ai Sraas a <Vy_ fnjvrtmr*.SVMES ft CO., Member* of ^eftring enminat;on). and wpee the tti&F Ohmrftt., rarasayaaai XrOam, Sit ttinla has never been DnbUii»d.u Is en-; v- r Mce^Urnernmruxroe's Chemists. 4ent that any statement to the usnaon. that » mnwaiiid i« iJmtiH with We congratulate yon w>n.T\&. 3. COIiLia BROWNE'S i Browne's f alorodynemugtbefal»c. j iwitstlaB thto jytlv-jJLJ CHLORODYKE is a liquid me- This Caation fannnnsssri as man-r! ^'as earned for iUelf dictoe which assuages PAIN of Persons deSSW ^*523 a remedy of EVERY KXND, affoni* calm, rt I representations. "*1 «««»» .qu«rtion| freshin* aleeg VfeTHOtrr HEAD- >K.iciuijMOWII-J tSShZl gagaaajSi'iwfg-—_ °^?a'i5 £ .srUT"" Sr/ENTORof CHI.ORODYNK, tha3 their sejenm there wiU bT^t I ilVIUggY. SPASXS. COUa the whole story of tht, de/eud*nt oent. We eanld mnJtirfy inst»noMi a^JCJ TAJ^TIAXCOW. HYSTXRIA. man was deliberately nntrne. and he] vt/htltam of the extnorainarr .WmctI. resrettedto say itlSidbeenswoni to.—I O OILIS BEOTWK'wT *P O A?fT_ CAXTHOlf.—The See TXr iWJiaTiSthTaftL 1 OBCLORODYW* in *1-IMMEKB^gAL.Eof this REMEDY jiiwm I »^«g<»wpetTOalBlw»ra«|j>n3^Sn «Mg» y?- .fc gwtorato Bou Kastssaciwan. STATIONERY & FANCY WAREHOUSE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 4*1, Commercjal Place, Aberdare, JONEl & SON, PIt INTERS, BOOKSELIIES, STATIOITERS, 4"6, i DE PLAIN" in0J0TA'NnYPfiTAT<.n»JlDveS' i":« in '"g« "d..Hed 0( i-c., to ohich they in,it. ,mnlf0„ Y "d FANCY aOODS' "it,W« PRBSEBTS &c., to which they invite attention. R^riarge St0ckw f ^'A0*1 In,tToument«. deluding Concertinas, Fluteg, Banjos,Tambourines Drums FOP eTgTm ^DE TOY*15' Doll. P" Ur?e§t and hnT "lected in Town of HOME tni Roalet eGa^V.^ Doll8Jn gre« Chess, Draft., .nd Draftboards, Dominoes, fnrf Tnl Fl T 'r Wf.rkb°*C8' Mon*y B«*«, Fsnoy Boxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfumery. Ink ri1 P V Co°ver"t,on C«d«. &c. Comb, and Brushes of the best q^ii^ Tebscco Pouches, Cigar Cases. L«lie.' Bag., Purse., Albums, &e„ &c. f « OBSEBVS TBS ADD21ESS— ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE 81, COMMERCIAl-PIACE APVRI)ARE. OBSEBVS THE ADDBESS- ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE 81, COMMERCIAl-PIACE APVRI)ARE.

