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TOUTTURE CUBED.—S. J. SHERMAtf, -LVHemifc Specialist .M, Chancery I*ne, London, and M,~Kinc Street. Manchester. Boett on Bnptnre and Tnua— pott frm. TOWLE'S PENNYROYAL and STEEL PILLS for j. Females. Quickly correct all irregularities, remove all obstructions, and relieve the distressing symptoms so preva- lent with the sex; Boxes 111. ljd. and's. 9d. (the letter con. taining three times the quantity) of all Chemists. Sent any where on receipt of 15 or 34 staamps by the maker, E. T TowLB. Chemist, Nottingham. Beware of imitations, in jurious and worthless. WANTED, Miners, Shipwrights and Engin- W eers, and all British Workmen to note this advertisement. You require the most nutritious and finest flavoured bread, and can have it by using D.C.L." Yeast. Sole Manu- facturers, The DISTILLBJiI COMPANY LIMITED, EDINBURGH, who w;U"gladly send sample on receipt of Fourpence in stamps. Ask your Grocer, or whoever you buy your yeast from to give you D.C.L. aud stop using foreign yeast. The Xmas Number. THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. JL Contents for December, 1893. Fudd'nhead Wilson. I. With Portrait of the Author. By Mark Twain. Old Dutch the Master.: Rembrandt. By Mis Schuyler van Rensselaer. Bembrandt and The Night-Wateh."—Jan Steen. With Engravings by Timothy Cole. By Timothy Cole. The Advent Aogel. (" The Centnry's Ameri- can Artists tieries.) By Ella Condie Lamb. Chats with Famous Painters. Illustrated. By Wallace Wood. fj. The Five Indispensable Author. By James Kessell Lowell. /■ General Grant Writing his Memoirs at Mount McGregor. Memories and Letters dwin Booth. Illust. By William Bispflan. The Casting Vote Illustrated. By Charlee Egbert Craddock. The Geutler Side of Twe Great Southerners. By George W. Cable. Hector Berlios. By the Composer of Sol- ammbo." With Portrait. By Ernest Reyer. Topics ot the TiQle-Open Letters-In Lighter Vein Price 1. 4(1.; Ped Free. h.7d.; per year, pest free, 16s. Of ail Beok»*ller« «ad Newsagents. London: T. FISUEH tJNWIN, Pateraoster Square, £ .C. I CURE FITS I AND TO PROV. rr • r will GIVE A BOTTLE of my *em«TY for Nothing, s* JL that Sufferers may bar* aa ^ppoitaaity of testing th« truth of what I fearlessly state." -Because «*hers have foiled to cure you is no reason whyyot* ihoold contiaueto tnner. Send at once for mfTKEATSS&siid a FREE BOTTLE ef medicine. tttMM you nothing for a (rial, aad |T WflL CUM I Address: Mr B. Q. HOOT, 28, Endslcisfc Garten, B«etaaRoe4 LONDON, N.W MB. YOUNG undertakes the Sale by Auction, or Private Treaty, of Property, Furniture. Stooks, Ae. Valuations for Probate, Transfers of Hotel and othflt Busineseea. Life and Fire Aseuranoes, titff Cellection of Bents, Management of Eetatei, Mortgages, Arrange- ments with Creditor, and the Business of a Public and Prime Accountant. 7, Tredegar Place, Newport, Mon. An Eminflnt Medical Specialist who iel duly qualified Surgeon: ON SOCIAL PURITY AND THF. IN- FIRMITIES OF MAN* Addressed specially to young-men, with afvice on Health, and containing Becipes thjtf will restore the nervous and debilitated to the full power ef Manhood. Free for th^-benefit ot all who desire a safe and speedy cure, without the aid el Qnacks Send oiie stamp to prepay postage. Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir- mingham. COUGHS! COLDS! INFLUENZA!. w ASTHMA t\ RONCHITIS /VONSUMPTION STHMA 11 RONCHITIS I rONSUMPTION STHMA I/ RONCHITIS! ONSUMPTION STHMA 11 RONCHITIS 11 ONSUMPTION STHMA I f RONCHITIS I CONSUMPTION STHMA 1/ RONCHITIS "ONSUMPTION CONGREVE'S — Rtj^r.Congrtw's Book BALSAMIC ELIXIR JjjmCoNSUMjrioN AND In Bottles 2/g> 4/6, 11% E^Other Chest Diseases 11 and 22/- I I Post Free for 1 from of allChemistsanc! Patent I I jJPB The Author, Medicine Vendors in the U/PMIO United Kingdtw-'— London, S.E. ONGREVE'S I IALSAM n T ONCE ONGREVE'S |< ALSAM /I T ONCE ONGREVE'S I 1 ALSAM 11 T ONCE C ONGREVE'S BALSAM AT ONCE ONGREVE'S I BALSAM fl T ONCE ONGREVE'S ALSAM IX T ONCE THE FINEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. "FOB THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." PARPTIRA tURIFIERl KTAND RESTORER} FOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD JU from ALL IMPURITIES, it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent care. It Curex Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neck. cu res Sore Legs. Cures Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy. Cures Eczema. Cures Ulwrs, 1 uref Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter, M'oiu whatever cause arising. J I to i* the only rlal specific for. out and lllit umatic Pain: ft removegprthe cause fr<m the Blood and Bonea. W As this Mixture is plea to the tall.e, and warranted free from ^Vthing injurious to the most delicate coaptation of either sex, from infancj to oldMge, the Proprietor solicits sufferwrs to ye it a trial to test It ri Tnlue. W THOUSANDS O^TTESTIMONIALS. "CLIRKK'S WOOD MIXTUBK is entirely rrHl from t-oy poillfl metallic impregnation, does not cuntuig uny inuMou.i ingredient, aud i* • good, safe, and O-»-iul JPFILKIIIB."—AL».ID SWAIK TATLOB, M.IJ. K. K.jR Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence aud i » —— 1 <87, St. George's-road. Hall, Jan. lith. 1893. I tltouunt it w»n my duty to let yon know what Clarke's llloo t Mixture baa 40ne for D.e. Alter suft. ring fur Ib, pe vewra wltb abscesses 00 my arm tUtti let;, mm tbe doctors not being aole to do me any itood, 1 itin ibauklul to fay, after taking a few bottles of TOfU Clark 's Blood Mixture, I am restored perfect health "Ilain. and w/tuld bave the wbole world know of YOUf wonderlul medicine.- Yours truly. Miss HoTMTOX." 7, Cunonburv-park North, London, N., Jan 13th, Iti92. I bad a Tery bad arm tor eight or bine months, and had medical advice, which did not benflt ma much I met. a gentleman at the Crystal Palace, and h% told me a triend ol his bad a carbuucle on his leg, and tliat your Bloud Mixture cared him right out. He advised aie to try it, which 1 did, and alter taking loiir lis !Jd. Ijettle^, I am glad to tell you the place healed quite u^, and 1 have not felt anything ot it hjuee I have no objection to your publishing this cure. lours taithiully, A BOSHIB." TMIHtlHANT ADVICE TO ALL.—CleaDse the vitiated blofl whenever you liud it" inlpurltles hunting tbroulfb the skin ill pimple-j eniijiimn, aDd sore» cleanse H when rou find it obstructed and sluggish in the VelDS; eleanse it wheD it is loul—y«iu 1 «-eli ttfif will t.rll you when. Keep Jour bluod pare, and the health vI" the system wiU toiioW. Sold in I'ottles 2s. !)d. each, and in cases con- tailling six times the quantity, J I H.-sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of longistaiulin;; ca.<e«. By all Ui-1 KMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VEiN DMRH throughout the world, or sent to any address un receipt of 3.1 ur 132 atampa by the pro- prietor, THh; LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN. Write for the Jfew Pamphlet on Skin and Blood Diseases with lull direi-t.ono lor diet, JLC., 0 secretary. Lincoln and Midland Ccmutiee lJru; Comp»ny, Vjincola. Sen post free. TRADE MARK—BLOOD MIXTURE. Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE and do act be persuaded to take an imitations INPAMJAMMT, Sxaaxoir 1894. ABERDARETOCAL BOARD. AT A MEETING of the OITHKBS and RAM- PAYBRS within the District of the Aber- dare Local Board duly convened and held at the VESTRY HALL, ABBBDARB, on WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of DECEMBER, 1893, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, Mr. RBBIJ HopKiN RHYS, Chairman of the aaid Local Board, being in the Chair, It was proposed by Mr. REEa HOPKIN RHYs, and seconded by Mr. WATKIW JONES bOKAB, and doly resolved: That the Owners and Rateribyers within the District of the Aberdve Local Board do coneent to and appro of the promotion of a Bill by the sudTLocal Board in the ensuing Session of Eftrliament to author- ize the said Local Board te execute the Worka and exerci the powers following or some of them (Bat is to aay) To construct and maintain an additional Reservoir, Condpits, or Water Mains and other Wqfk« for increasing the suppl r of watfr to the District of the Loca Board or to any part or parts there f. I To enabl ) the I Board to purchase land and s acqiare easements in or over land, and 3 m e and carry into effect con- tract ac/eements, and arrangements for the afemaid purposes, or any of them. To borrowmoney for the aforeeaid purposes, and to grant mortgagee or create and issue Debenture Stock. To confer upon the said Local Board all such powers, rights, and privileges in reference to the aforesaid matters as may be con- sidered expedient. That the costs and expenses in reference to the promotion of the said Bill shall be charged upon and payable out of the District Fund and General District Batea of the aaid Local Board. BEES H. BUYS. Chairman of the Meeting. IN PARLIAMENT, SESSION 1894. ABERD ARELOCAL BOARD. A SPECIAL MEETING of the Aberdare Local Board will be held at tbe Board Room, Town Hall, Aberdaie, on Friday, the 12th day of January, 1894, at 12.30 o'clock in tbe afternoon, to confirm the following resolu- tions passed by the Board on the 14th day of November, 1893, viz.■ That it is expedient for the Aberdare Local Board to promote a Bill in the^Bcauing Session of Parliament for aii Act to authorise the said Local Boardjo execute the Works and exercise t powers following or some of them (toSt is to say) To construct and maintain pi additional Reservoir, Conduits, or ater Mains and other Works for increasing tbe supply of water to the istrict of the Local Board, or to a part or parta thereof. § To enable the Local Boarw to purchase land and to acquire easemats in or over land, and to make and emrj into effect con- tracts, agreements, d arrangements for the aforesaid purpimM, or any of them. To borrow i oney for e aforesaid purposes, and to rant mcftgsgea or create and issue D< ture tock. To confer ipon tie said Local Board all such pc ers, ights, and privileges in refereno to taa aforesaid matters as may be consi eredfexpedient. 2hat the 00. nd expenses incurred in re- lation to the promotion of the said Bill shall be charged npon and payable out of the District Fund acd General District Rates of the Local Board, and that the Board are hereby authorised under and in pursuance of the Act 35 and 36 Victoria, Chapter 91, to apply such Fund and Rates in payment of such costs and expenses accordingly. Dated this 29th day of December, 1893. THOS. PHILLIPS, Clerk to the Aberdare Local Board. ABERDARE LOCAL BOARD. Private Street Works Act, 1892. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a Meeting of the Aberdpte Local Board held at the Board Room, ijt the Town Hall, Aberdare, on the 22nd day^n December, 1893, It was resolved—" That/Cne Specification and Plans and Sections renting to the private improvements of that /art of Hirwain Road extending in length 101 yards or thereabouts, and commencing at ft point in the said road opposite the boundary wall between Gile8. Court and Evans' Place, a,nd terminating at or neorly opposite the pine ejid of the house Number 57, Hirwain Road\aDU the estimate and provisional apportionment or the cost thereof submitted to the Board by the Surveyor, be approved, and that this resolution be published in accordance with the provisions of the Private Street Worka Act, 1892, and that copies thereof be served on the owners of the premises shown as liable to be • charged in the said provisional apportionment." Dated this 27th day of Deoember, 1893. THOS. PHILLIPS, Clerk to the Board. Town Hall, Aberdare. EADErS PILLS. JGADB'S Gour A RHEUMATIC PILLS THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAIN AWAY. EADE'S PJLLa. oollega Park Villas, Keasal Il< JL Green, Laadon, W., May, h^AUE'S PILLS. 1801. t X Dear Sir,—I feel it my duty EADE'S PILLS. to tell von I had Rheumatic tL XT t,;08t once, and had to stop at bome for three wHll. I canDot de8Cribt: the p-tin I suffered. I read year advertiaenent, and looked nuon it aa all others. A brother *i«uainian said, It Try them." I did 10 THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAIN AWAY. i.. few bour., ami 1 wa. able tQ resume my work No one aaed be frightened te take them. 1 hare recommended Gi OUT them te all whom I have heard T complaining of Mheumatiam, Gout, UHBUMATIHN Lumbago, Neuralgia, Ac. 1 hope nu one will doabt my statement.— Ci OUT Your* sincerely, J JAS. PETTEN6ALV RHEUMATISM Mr. C. IUDE. | £ ADE'S QOUT RHEUMATIC ^ILLS Prepared only by George Bade, ft. Uotwett rotd. London, B.C. ;jW .1 Held by all Chernial^in Buttles, Is I ad « N. JjUDt'S QOUT J J^HfipJuiTlC plLLS. THE BEJT MEDIO^E FOR BILE, THE BfKr MKIJjflNE FOK WIND, THE BEST^HEDU^RE FOR INDIUESTION, gADE'S jf^^TI-BILIOUS JplLLS. These excellent Pills promote a due and healthy secre- tion of Mile, restore the lone of the Stomach, and prod. a healthy act on of the Liver and Bowels. JgADE'S A Nil-BILIOUS pILLS quickly remove th. irritation and feverish state of the Mornich. correct tbo morbid conditi n of tbe LWer, reheve tbe system of all impurities, which, by circulating in the blood, iOJuriolUly affect tbe action of the Kidneys, aDd, It, removing tbe cause of so much discomfort, restore the vital energies of body and miud. J^ADE'S ^NTI-BILIOUS J)ILLS are sold by all Chemists and Medicine Veudors in Boxes li. 1U. asd is. 9d. Sboulrt an, difficulty be experienced in obtaining these valuable Pills tile Proprietor, UIOISI KiPi, 73, tioawtell Ro.d, Leadoo, wiU forward them Fust Pree, vi receipt of remittance. ■gADE'S A NTI-BILIOUS pILLS. ASK FOR AND HE SURE YOU OBTAIN jgADE'S A NTI-BILIUUS pILLS. A Large and Carefully-Selected S TOO K OF SCRAPS, Suitable fir SCBEENS, SCRAP ALBUMS. &c?f' is now on Sale at the Aberdare Times" Office, 31, Commmial Place, Aberdare. J AGENTS WANTED to push first-class MACHINERY OILS. Liberal Com- 1 mission.—Boa 31, Post Office, Liverpool. i A Pleasant and Profitable Pastime ] for Winter Evenings. >< r AN EASY COMPETITION. £50 INPRIZES For the best Copies (^Examples in HOLLOWAY'S NATIONAL DEWING BOOK. THB EgOPRIETOR OF HOLLOWAY'S ZILLa AND OINTMENT Offers the above sum as Prizes in a Simplev and Interesting Competition. For full particulars see this week's CHRIST- IAN GLOBE," "SPARE MOMENTS," or LONDON JOURNAL," obtainable from any Newsagent or Railway Bookstall.








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