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JUST WHAT PLEASES ALL. The Delight of every Household. ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR TEA PER Is. 4d., Is. 6d., Is. 10d., 2s., & 2s. 4d. POUND. THE VERY BEST „ VALUE MONEY CAN „ BUY. ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR ANCHOR ANCHOR EA Is. 41, Is. id., ls^ 2s., & 2s. 4d. See th4 the inged Anchor is ery Packet. TRADE MABK* Uutf the. Vine** Anch..r.< on j'scs.et. A necessity in every Home. ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR f TEA ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR TEA PER 18. 4d., 1s. 6d., Is. 10d., 2s., and 2s. 4d. POUND. SOLD BY | AGENTS IN EVERV TOWN. ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR TEA I ANCHOR !■■ TEA ANCHOR TEA PER Is. 4d.. Is. 6d., Is. 10d., 2s., and 2s. 4d. POUND. Good Tea no longer a luxury. The Low Prices and Superb Quality of the ^LNCHOR TEAS makeGood Tea no longer a luxury, but a [Household Necessity. For AGENCIES, apply to THE ANCHOR TEA CO., 22, BEER LANE, AND 441, Great Tower Street, I* UOJTMfOA, :B.C. Christmas and New Year Stationery. JONES A SON, "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, I 31, Commercial Place, erdare, Beg to announce that they have nowJJn Sale a Large and VERY CHOICE SELECTION OF Christmas & Ne^fear Stationery J From the Bestljltrketa, including the /ATESJTNOVELTIES Ch^fefias & New fear /1 With appropriate Verses and Mottoes. GIFT BOOKS IN CHOICE AND ELEGANT BINDINGS, Christmas Tree Ornaments, Bon-Bons, &c., I AN EXTENSIVE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF FAJSICY GOODS, Suitable for Presents, together with a Great Variety of TOYS, of Home and Foreign Manufacture. FREELY IN THE HARD#8T W Af HKM ITJIB OEST SALE OF 1 lb. TAJFl ETS HE WO J* £ l>. 3f"> IT A fN A re-production of TH^^PLgNPrPPICTUBRt^^ n 1 jj I Q RE.A.D "THE CHARGE OP LIGHT BRIGADE I n IO n ILLIARDS & BAGATLUM.-N-iff A-V Ltd.,2D,Ilighgt.(comorot] rhe old-ertablishecl & well-known AM Of .bd. BILLIARD AND BA2GkTELLE TABLES. A LARGE STOCK of,X and SECOND-HAND TABLES always on FOR PRICF, L( Do D. ON EDWYP.DS. IUNGSI.AN3D ROA THE SKIN FOR OflAP (for Delicate 3ki«& (JRy, ATfrffor Itching *faoe Ac-), 1/11, 1/9. POWDER (for the Toilet, Nursery, St*.), 1/ 1/9. J*" BOYS who wish to earn pocket money, on B Fridays and Saturday! by selling News- i papers, should apply at the Aberdare Times Office. TiTNUM CATHABTIOUM PILLS, agreeably apenen 9 d, 1». 1 Id., 2s. Of Of all Chemists. Z E]3 RA G! ol,is, A brilli,-int bl -ck iiolish, r in half tite cot; R WITH 'f oi Y, BI THE EDINBURGH Life Assurance Company. FOUNDED 1823 Invested Funds £ 2,060,580. Annual Income £ 278,533. Moderate Premiums, Increasing Bonuses, Un- doubted Security. HEAD OFFICE—Edinburgh. Midland and South Wales Branch Office, 16, Bennet's Hill, Birmingham. Policy holders entering on the With Profit 8Cale enjoy from the outset^ benefit of parti- cation i? the surplus M& to the extent o vr;_A tenths of the prof! realized from all Stho »m JLe they are entirely S^t'temfeyofth&lk. of partnership or of mutual liability. j§ The BOlfUS ADDITIONS amounted to £ 431,603 atfthe 8th^liyision in 1885. The following SPECIMENS OF BONUSES on Policies wich iaye become claims during 1878-1885*— 1Îi- 1: i .t-ti' -fc. tel g! -fc. tel g! til <fi gee* *<*0 £ i £ si £ ~T' 63 75 3090 2077 707T 0 49 78 500 305 2 806 2 • 44 90 1000 2410 17 3410 17 0 73 1000 458 19 1458 19 0 39 DO 300 45« 3 752 3 0 37 94 400 MS 9 1023 9 34 82 2000 1931 19 3932 19 0 <17 84 500 619 16 1U9 16 • 24 69 999 576 13 1574 13 0 39 DO 300 4M 3 752 3 0 37 94 400 013 9 1023 9 0 34 82 2000 1931 19 3932 19 0 <17 84 500 619 16 1U9 16 • 24 69 999 576 13 1574 13 0 Claims are payable immediately on proof of death and title. The next division of profits will take place as on 31st March, 1892. All ordinary Policies have the benefit of the ROMIANV'S NON FORFEITURE SYSTEM, whereby rolicy_holders are secured against loss by non- payment of premium. Agents at Aberdare:- Mr. CHARLES M. LEWIS, London and Pro- vincial Baak. liB. GEORGE ABRAHAM, National Bank 01 Wales. Mr. T L. JONES, Aberdare Timet 0. mo VEBTQuSJUFrsSESS. JL ,#iist pttbtjfohed. Tiie experience of an valid, Vrntten as a warning to others, and sliowinp the nufns of Self-Cure by hascured himself. Single cjftie* mar be had (post free) by sending 8AR^'HUK^IX^ ES^. HOPXBLOW. MIDDLESEX. I AnirO "MALE IRREfiSUUttTlff AND,0BSTRVCT101IS. LALIIto THE DIFFICULTY SOlVtflT LAST.—AladyhaTin* fc. W« tried ia rain eveajSadrertlsod remedy, has at last discovered a simple means ofjNHi-cure, particulars ol which ■he will forward, free <tf oharp^to her poor suSering sex, on receipt of stamped addressed Jirrelope.- 8end at once and waste no more time and Jjpney B(pon worthless pills, mixtures, and other so-called remetfesof.fBis class, which cause pain, siokney, and injury to the nmteirf', without having the necessary effect. Write, with full Jnope and confidence, to'MRS. ST. CIAIR, It, Sou thampton HtaMings, Chancery Lane^ London. W.C. ESTABLIS B 1. BIRKBEQK BANK 30, Southampton BuildiiylfuChanoery Lane, London. TWO-AND-A-HALF -petJ?ENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable onjjjfaand. TWn ner CENT* on QroBRNT ACOOX7NTS, on the mini- baUnc«*%hen not drawn below ^lOO. STOCKS and MTAMS purchased and sold. The f TPK-HKmr ALMANACK, with full particulars, post tree. FRANCIS RA VENSCBOFT. Manager. MADAM FRMN'S SI FAMOUS fEMAj^B MIXTURE. > The. most POW1EUIUL tmk JBFFKOTIV* oft earth. For the most obstinate easdf ViU not iaJn*e ttie mortdrifr ««>^ ,'1Price 7«. 6d. (st^nttSTlls. bottle).HPost ftee_?d. HERBAL INSTITlTTE,l)OIackney Boad (opposite Shoreditch Church), London, n £ ..fend at once Stamped Directed Env» loDe for varticulart and; proof*. I will forfeit £ 100 for wtg S5mcnht that Is not genuine, and they can be seen at apy UBK> CHLORO-LIN SEED" COUGIl LOZENGES, post free 7d. Of all Chemists. SYMINGTON'S GOLD PEA MEDAL /FLOUR For Soups, &c. ^EASILY DIGESTED. Sold in Packets and^Kns by Grocers everywhere. Fatenteit and Manvfocturtri: BOWDEN 8TEAH MILLS, Market Harboro' ■"N Free by post on receipt of Two Stamps to postage, 244 Pages. DEBILITIES AND DERANGEMENTS i OF THE GENERATIVE AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. CURED BY THE POSITIVE RE. M DIES. THE BOOK OF POSITIVE RE- MDIES. THE NAMES. NATURE. AND Uge, F ALL THE POSITIVE MEDICINES WHICH WERE USED BY DR. SMITH FOR THIRTY YEARS ARE NOW PUBLISHED IN "THE õOOK OF POSITIVE MEDICINES." This Book is invaluable to the NERVOUS and DYSPEPTIC, and to those whose Constitutions have become Debilitated from Irregularities of Life, Intemprance, Climate, Over-taxed or Abused Energies, Late Hours, City Life Worry, Brain Toil, Old Age or Disease. GIVES THE NAME IN ENGLISH OF ALL THE MEDICINES for he cure of all Diseases of the Nervous System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight, and emory Indigestion, Loss of Energy, Pains i e Back Constipation, Blushing, Hysteria, Ti ity, Self distrust, Dizziness, Love of Sol itud|j Groundless Fears, Muscular Relaxation, LOBS ofifsleep, Faulty Nutrition, Loss of Flesh, Wes^niess, Pimples) Diffidence, Loss of Nejhre Power ,2c., &c. GIVES THE NAMES Off THE POSITIVE MEDICINES FOB/ THE/(CURE OF EACH DISEASE. I iff SHORT, SIMPLV, AND PRACTICAL IN STRUCTIONS FOR THE CURE OF ALL DISEASES BY THE POSITIVE REMEDIES. In this 41 GUIDE-BOOK OF POSITIVE RE. MEDIES" will be found a LIST OF ALL DISEASES, and everything that a Country Invalid should know for SELF-TREATMENT Sent direct from the Publisher, H. SMITH & Co., Positive Remedy Laboratory, 26 Southampton Row, London, W.C FEMALE PILli. DR. SMITH'S FEMALE PILLS ARE A POSITIVE REMEDY IN ALL OBSTRUCTIONS AND IRREGULARITIES to which Females are subject-Headache, Depression of Spirit, Sickness, Sallowness, of the Skin Pimples Backache, and all Discharges. After using these Pills, the body and nerves arerestore to Health and Vigour. Sold iu Boxes (containing suffieiea for the Cv re) pirce 2s. Ud. Way be had direct rom tn. roprietore on receipt of Thirty-four Stamps. Seat by Poetto any address. B. SMITH Co. Positive Remedy Ltbenttoty, so, tktupton Row,Lea40» YftO* WANTED, AN Jo»PRENTICE to the NV Printing.A|rply at the office of this paper. AT YSGOLION SABBATHOL. Newydd « Gyhoeddi,Ail-argraffiad o EGWYDDORIG O'R IAITH GYMREI& Yn cynwye GWERSI HAWDD O'R JTSGRYTHYRAU DDYSGU DABLLEr SILLEBU, Prit Ie., neu git y Ddtotin. LYFRAU o bolpfmath, yn Gymraeg a JL-J Saesnee^kt wapiknaeth Tsgolion Sabbothol ar werth gangr jojkrss jAJX SWYDIjpA^ft "ABERDARE TIMES," dl, C ommercial-place, Aberdare. COAGULINE.—Cement lor Broken Articles, 6d. aod 1 postage 2d. Seld everywhere. Cf all Chemists. m COUGHS gpLSAM op 14 0 F. POWELLS F BALSAN 01' ANISEED For ASTHMA, BROHCHITIS, NICHT COUCH, INFLUENZA, HOARSENESS, and ALL LUNG TROUBLES. SAFE AND RELIABLE. Established 70 Years. See Trade Mark on Wrappers. Beware of Imitations. SOLD BY CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE. In Bottles, 1/11,2/3, 4/6, and 11/. WILLIAM JENKINS, Certified Bailif to Levy Distresses for Bent under Law of Distres8, Amendment A<& 1888. Address—GLEBL^ND, MERTHYR. Distance no obj ect. PHENIX OIL MILL CO.LD. Iiiverpool, "PHOENIX PUBJE" CALF MEAL Per 17/6 Cwt. Delivered ail any Station. I SAMPLES ON APPLIOATION. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. OEECHAM'S PILLS, BRECHAMIS PILLS, jgEECHMI'S PILLS t,nl»«rsallv admitted to be worth a GulDea a Bot fer Riiinaa and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the SiABeadache, Giddiaess, Fulness and Swelling f&T MMis Dl»inessand Drows.ness, Cold Chills, Flush. Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costive> niS Scurvy and BlotehV. on the Skin, Di.t-rhed Sleep, pS'htful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sens*. Hons &c Tbeflrst dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This'is ne fiction, for they have done it in countless cases. Vw«™ ..offerer is earnestly invited to tiy one box of WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. virrORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX \-(/ „ nf all ages they are itrainable. No female should be withoutt hem. There isjot a medicine to be fnnnd mml to then, for removlbg any obstruction o» f the system. 1 .taken according to the directions driven with each bo»' they will soon restore of fn aires to sound a|d robust health. This has I ™* bv thousands wha Jhave tried them, and found ki £ hfrtU OEECHAM'8 PILLS. lOEECHAM'S PILLS. iJj F BEECHAM PILLS. For to We stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Dill. orders of th#L«»er»tl,ey act hlte magico and a few doses will found to work wonders on the most important orcans in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring J""v ,v v-en edge of appetite, and arouso into action with hereseknd o health the whole physical energy of the human frame- These are FACTS testified continually by members of att classes of society, and one of the best ntarantees to the Nervons and Debilitated is, BSRCHAM'S PILLS Largett&aU of any Patent 3 £ edieine in tkt JgBECHAM'S KAGIC COUGH PILLS -OEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. JgEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial Affections. Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Onnression of the Chest, &c., these Pills atand unrivalM* Thev are the best ever offt,red to the public, and will sneedily remove thatt enseof oppression and difficulty 0 1 breathing whi b btl depri the tiont of rest. lAt any person CoirGH PILLB a trial and the mos violent ceugh will in a abort time beremoved. Prenared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, THOMAS BERCHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire' and by all Drullutll ad Patent Mediciae Dealers every. where. BOXBS, 9^D« IS. H<1. A»D SS. M. KAOS. [ PMNHOVI MTU VBI MOB Bo* HOLLOWAY'S PILLS &.MNTMENT Are ackn^rle^ed by all to be THE BEST MEpfgiNES FOR FAMILY USE. Manufactured only iriC HEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON, And Sold by all tfedieine Vendon throughout tAt World. Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of II and 4, or by letter. PRINTINC OF ALL KINDS AT THE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE. ADDRESS CARDS. CLUB BOOKS. BUSINESS CARDS. ACCOUNT BOOKS. CLUB CONTRIBUTION CARDS] CHEQUE BOOKS. CONCERT TICKETS. DELIVERY BOOKS. TEA TICKETS. ^STATEMENTS. PAY TICKETS. ji MEMORANDUM FORMS. WAGGON TICKETS. CATALOGUES RAFFLE CARDS. PRICE LISTS. MOURNING CARDS. HANDBILLS, POSTERS, and BILLS BALL CARDS. f of every description in Black er Coloured Inks. BALL PROGRAMMES. ART UNION TICKETS. CIRCULARS. MACHINE RULING. PROGRAMMES. BOOKBINDING. CONDITIONS OF SALE. ACCOUNT BOOKS of any pattern. PROSPECTUSES. NUMBERING MOST MODERATE CHARGES. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. oi C R ORODYNE M jj is I of Cholera itself. wo: witnessed tta m XHX OBKAT surprisingly controllinv power. Q IFEflFIO We have never used any other form of fPR this medicine than Collis Browne's, 5 y Mjpni nil AI from a firm conviction that it is deci. ■ -«-VT.»«irnn Wl^nnrneiiT dedly the best, and also from a sense ol .1 |B. J. OOXiilS BEOWHI (We Tl duty we owe to th. profession and ths JJ Army Medical Stall) DIS- JL^ GKNKRAL of HEAL^l, pQ^ic M ws are of minion that the a BBMBDY to denote T^domBEPOWlhatit ACTOhasa ;aUtitntion of mny otW than Collfr which he caSned the wort 0HMM- C^BM.on« 4<*B Browne's isadelibemte brs^^Vftttto i BTlrt. Dr. Browne is the SOLBDr. OIBBON, Bw.Ua» on the part of thechemist to j«scriber tCmCMTOB. and, as the egmposltion patient ^ke.—Wear*. Bir. faith. mt Chknrodyne eanaot possiblr be die- LT COMB K1 of DLABHHCKA.. fuUrrours. 8YMB8 CO., Mmmbmjf eoveredl^Anal^isCorfaniesuDstaneis from BTMH A Co^ Pharmaceutical FIURLINA. Soiittf af Ortmt Britnim, Bit •daMiceumbiationj.aadshieethefor' Ch^bists. Simla. JSsa.i,lSS*. EaMilmet th* Victrtft Ck»mim. Sent tSat'anj sSSe^mt*tot^ rftort ^alii,-Wemrfie you upon T^^chLOBODYKE ^irtaQJ ^tieeeiT. £ SXhmi br^Sfi tmuS aSiST*. 'iww^eiiSke leprseentationa. wheUier a better ia imported, and we ACHB. and IJ( VfcOBATKS the 1\a j nnr.T.xs »»nwy«'S shall be rlad to hear of iU nudinjr a yo— system when exhausted. 3 CHLQBODYKB. Vioe Chao- place In rr*rvAngk>-lpd<anhoros.Tae OOI«I»X* ilOWIl'l wih, SlrW/PAGB WOOD stated other brands,we are happr to say, are Jj CHLOBODTKB notAr eats ^TFL PAI^TTATIOK. HT.MIA Bee IV HsMt, Jslr isth. 1SS4, uiti^EOJ tss ta Diarrhcea and ^iven rise to many UNSCBUPU. Dy^ntcry jSpaam^Cramps. Meuralgia. toifsiMlTATION^ Be earefulto L_ iffi! rri ▼omitin* of Pregnancy, and aa a obKrrs Trade Hark. Of all Chemtatk CroW*OpTTKTSis the x»va teneral sedMlve, that have occurred 1.14a s, m and4a.Od. PAT,Tit Axx y i» in under our personal observation during i(i.in«nm. TLrauJUT^lTA, OOUT, OAKOBH, many yean. In Choleraic Diarrhcea. Sou MAirficroui, TQQwigAfmm -ttvr»TnrATieM.t and even in the more terrible forms J.T.DAT«KPOBT AOt-BussellBLW.IV STATIONERY & FANCY WAREHOUSE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JONES & SON, PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c, DESIRE to inform the PUBLIC thst they have in stock • large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS &c., to which they invite attention. A large Stock of Mnsical Instruments, iacluding Concertinas, Flutes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drums flarmonicars, Mouth Organs, &c. The largest and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and FOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Workboxes, Money Boxes, Fancy Boxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfumery, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Cards, &c. Combs and Brushes of the best qualif;r. Pipes and Tebacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albums, &o., &c. -:0:- OBSERVE THE ADDRESS- ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE ABERDARE.

