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V GENTS WANTED to push first class: Machinery Oils. Liberal Commission.. Boa 22, Post Office, Liverpool. GENTS WANTED at ABERDARE, MOUNTAIN ASH, and DISTRICT, tor ifst Class Insurance Co. Good terms and salary »d to suitable men. Superintendent, 27 Upper ^ynroddyn, Merthyr. jRADLURY & CO. (Established 1850) are open to appoint a few additional Agents r the bale of their Bone Manures, &c. To armors and others haying a good Agricultural naectiola, a good commission will be paid. orks, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton. atchwork I Patchwork! Patchwork! A GENTS WANTED.—Ladies/ Families & others to try PATCHWORK •ARCELS, containing '200,, assorted pieces of eautifnl Prints, suitable for quilts Cushions, prons, &c., One Parcel Is. 6d.; Two 2, 9d. Ilir 4s. 9d Carriage Paid. Remnants, &c. OYD & 00., 47, Yarburg Street, Manchester. n Eminftnt Medical Specialist who is a duly qualified Surgeon. N SOCIAL PUHITY AND THE IN- Eminftnt Medical Specialist who is a duly qualified Surgeon. fVN SOCIAL PUHITY AND THE IN- U F1RM1TIES OP MAN. Addressed 'pecially to youDg men, with advice on Heatth, nd containing Recipes that will jgsfcore the iervous and debilitated to the^fttH power of Manhood. Free for the benefit ot all who desire 1 safe and speedy cure, without the aid of uacks Send one stamp to prepay postage. Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, '<ir- Mngham. rPHE MATRIMONAL JlERALD AND .1 FASHIONABLEMAgifliAGE GAZEIIE is the original and only KSbognised Medium ior High-class INTRODUCTIONS. The largest and most successful matrimonial agency in the World. Price 3d.; in envelope. 4 £ d.— Address Editor. 40, Lamb's, Conduit-street, Londou, W.C. A Who suffer from NERVOUS DEBILITY LOST Vieoua, EIKA^STBD VITALITY, Tjr\pVTT KTTIXEY DISBASBS A Treatise ex- JJVJVll plaininKlftie renowySMARsTON treatment, hv loc.nl nhsorptia/0^the only positive cuio To without Medicines, will be srnt in |ka — plain <or Three -tamps, u/l P !\| T<r» BBMEDYCO., i49 £ Hi^H I • Holoorn,Li ondoni MONEY LENT WITHOUT BILL OF SALE.-A Private Gentleman is desirous of making advances upon Promissory Note alone, at 5 per cent. interest, to male or female, without sureties and strict iy private, for any term not exceeding 10 years. Apply for prospectus and scale of re-paymenta to G. H. SHOVE, Esq., 21, John Stre, Aildphi, London, W.C. Appointed by Ruyal Warrant Makers to H.M the Queen, and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Ine only Makers holding a Royal Warrant for Horticultural Implements. GREEN'S PATENT LAWN MOWERS, With IMPROVED SOLID LINK STEEL CHAINS. They have stood the test for upwards of twenty- five years, and have carried off EVERY PRIZE whIch has been given in all cases of competition. They are in constant use in all j#ie Royal Gardens. Their superiority over those^ all other .Makers is universally acknowledged. They will cut either shorjc or long grass, bents, &c.. wet or dry. THESE ADVANTAGES NO OTHER LAWN MOWeRS POSSESS. They are the simplest in construction, the easiest to work, the lqast Kable to get out of order, little noise <vh £ n in use, and are the MUol DURABLE LAWN MOWERS EXTANT. EVERY ONE SENT OUT IS GUARANTEED to give entire satisfaction, Otherwise it may be returned at once Free of C08T the Purchaser. They can be had of all respectable Ironmongers and seedsmen in the United Kingdom or direct from the Manufacturers, tEOMAS GREEN & SONS, LIMITED, SMITHFIELD IRONWORKS, LEEDS, AND SURRY WORKS BLACKFRLARS ROAD, LONDON, S.E. Carriage paid to all the principal Railway Stations in the United Kingdom. Illustrated Price List Free on Application. KAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent anodyne expectorant, 9id,, 13 £ d., 2s. 9d &c. Of all Chemists. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE IB EECHAMS PILLS, B EECHAM'S PILLS, "J^EECHAM'S PILLS, Are universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a Box for BHions and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach. Sick Headache, Giddiness. Fulne»s and Swening *fter Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flush of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of less. Scurry and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed ftieep, hese Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be VrrORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GTJINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX SForf amales of all ages they are invaluable No fcmah ould be without them. There is not a medicine to D lound equal to then, for removing any obstruction ^regularity of the system. If taken according to w directions given with each box, they will soon restor females of all aires to sound and robust health, lnis na been proved by thousands who have tried them, and foum he benefits which are ensured by their IIse. J^EECHAM'S PILLS. J^EECHAM'S PILLS. T> EECHAM' £ >ILLS. /b EECHAM PILLS, j Pnr a Weak Stomach.^paired Digestion, and all Dis- For a VVeas -A act hke magIC( and a few doses orders of the Liver, w wonderg on the most important will be found to o. They strengthen the whole organs in the human mac |ogt complexion, bring muscular system, restore in aTouso into action with back the keen edge of appetu > _hVBical energy of the the resebud of health the J? testified continually by human frame. These are F»CTS one of the best members of all classes of 8,°S.ieS-tatedis, BEF.CHAM'S Flarantees to the Nervous andjueuiui Medicine in the ILLS have the Largeet Sale of any tOo rlel. Tt T c "OEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILL&. T>EECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. B EECHAM.'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remedy for Coughs in general, Astbma, Broncbial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, T'Sh*"f iie(i. Oppression of the Chest, &c., these Pills stand unnva Thev are the best ever offered to the public, and will speedily remove tbat sense of oppression and difficulty bV«»thinJ which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let aiv nerfon gi°e BEEfoHAM S CotfoH PlLLS a trial and t £ e roost violent cough will in a short time be removed j and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Prepared only. bEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, w^by ^Druggis" ^tent Medicine De#,er" every" where. IN BOXBS) l». *»p M* "0H- 1- vvLb &).IfIOI.n. W,,B **°* Christmas and New Year's Stationery. .;¡.f:' -Ð I W Jk JONES Sl, SOM, ABERD AKEjlMES OFFICE, 1 ?1, Comm^ial Place, Abcrdare, «^ MHTIPC I to announee th^they have now on Sale a Large and fe IMW I lUt. ft VErfcHOCE SELECTION OF I ===== i Christi^f & New Tear's Stationery IT? V 'A TiI th°BestMaker8-i,,ciudinsthe I Trtfe I I^EST NOVELTIES IN ^^J^u-istmas & New Year's With appropriate Vt«r^»<s aud Mottoes. QIFTBOOKS IM^HOICE AND ELEGANT BINDINGS, Chri m Tree Ornaments, Bon-Bons, &c. AN EXTESrSUVE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF FANOY GOODS Suitable for Presents, together with a great variety of TOYS of Home and Foreign Manufacture. PRINTING OF ALL MINDS Vs AT THK -J? ABERD ARE TIMEj/ OFFICE. MOST MODERAf £ CHARGES. ADDRESS CABDS £ BUSINESS CA11DJ CLUB CONTRIBUTION CARDS^' CONCERT TICK|TS. TEA TICKKTS. | PAY TICKKTS.| WAGGON TICKETS. RAFFLE CARDS. MOURNING CARDS. BALL CARDS. BALL PROGRAMMES. CIRCULARS. PROGRAMMES. CONDITIONS OF SALE. PROSPECTUSES. T— ———————————————— CLUB BOOKS. ACCOUNT BNOKS. CHEQUE BOOKS. DELIVERY BOOKS. STATEMENTS. MEMORANDUM FORMS. CATALOGUE. PRICE LISTS. HANDBILLS, POSTERS, and BILLS of every description in Black or Coloured Inks. ART UNION TICKETS. MACHINE RULING. BOOKBINDING. ACCOUNT BOOKS of any pattou. NUMBERING KAY'S COMPOUND.—Asthma and Bronchitis are im- mediately relieved by it. Of all Chemists. 7(

THE EDINBURGH Life Assurance…


