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lPree b' Y POSt on receipt of Two Stamps to pay postage, 244 Pages. JjEBtHTlEg AND derangements The generative and nervous P bSi' CURED BY THE POSITIVE RE- THE BOOK OF POSITIVE RE. LALT" THE NAMES, NATURE, AND USE t4HE POSITIVE MEDICINES WHICH VK4Rs SED BY DR. SMITH FOR THIRTY °OOJ NOW PUBLISHED IN. THE Thi tT P0SITIVE MKDICINES." is invaluable to the NERVOUS and «ave k.5 Ic> and to those whose Constitutions to te« Int me Debi!itated from Irregularities of ^OergiJ^Pranee, Climate, Over-taxed or Abused |°il, n, Late Hours, City Life, Worry, Brain {K EvpT Age or Disease. GIVES THE NAME x e carp OF ALL THE MEDICINES for tetvons ?! a11 Diseases of the Nervous System, £ »lpitj.t; ebiHty, Mental and Physical Depression, t r» t °f the Heart, Noises in the Head and i^igeRf- ision, Impaired Sight, and Memory, j°n8Un^n' Lose of Energy. Pains in the Back* to^st tvD' Blnshing, Hysteria, Timidity, Self- *ear* {.ziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless tv?^rUin Uscu^ar Relaxation, Loss of Sleep, Faulty ^den Loss of Flesh, Weakness, Pimples, OjY-J56' ^°88 °f Nerve Power, <fcc., &c. NAMES OF THE POSITIVE F0R THE ^URE OF EACH ^JorTk SIMPLE, AND PRACTICAL IN- 18 FOR THE CURE OF ALL BY THE POSITIVE REMEDIES. GUIDE-BOOK OF POSITIVE RE. ISEAS will be found a LIST OF ALL J^lid Jt' an(i everything that a Country nt <iittS?°uld know fo* SELF-TREATMENT, from the Publisher, H. SMITH & Co., ofi °8itive Remedy Laboratory, Southampton Row, London, W.C. l»I >-Li. JJ SHlTH'g FEMALE PILLS OBSTa ARE A POSITIVE REMEDY IN ALL Which TJITIONS AND IRREGULARITIES to ft spirit y a,es are subject—Headache, Depression lc^ness»iSallowness, of the Skin Pimples, oi?ter «« Discharges. <>r anif the body and nerves are restored V W Cun>\ 8old in Boxes (containing sufficient PS*fee 2s. 9d. May be had direct from the jjre1606'1*1 °f Thirty-four Stamps. Sent by ^a«w ^'0,'s Positive Remedy Laboratory, outb§MPtou It ow, London, W.C. ^°HN E. KEI^KY, ^TEntee and Manufacturer of ^EAM PACKING, W1ST0M. NEAR MANCHESTER. 'lUaje Platted Elastic Steam Packing Oh PisjoN RODS, PISTONS, PUMPS, &c CHALK PACKING, HYDRAULIC PACKING, GLYCERINE packing, b LEAD rope packing XVI "lloles,CyliiiderCovers, Steam Joints, &c '^A^E STEAM PACKING RINGS, e*>ery description of Packing, SQUARE, AND FLAT. the^68 an^ Prices on Application e^'st\nguislied Patronage of the Biitisb ike }j Admiralty. UrPble Corporation of Trinity IIoute J London. \jESTAELISHED 1864. MORIS' WRITINC S^OPY'NC Ink Sold all Stationers. :[11 ltzGHr 2HING IN THE RIGHT n PLACE. i^OHAM'S PILLS by thousands to be worth above a j. °rdep ^EA A BOX, for bilious and nervous ih 8Uc^ as w'n<* and pa*n atthe stomach, sick J^alg giddiness, fullness and swellness after ,a*ineM and drowsiness cold chills, fleshing 64;- » loss of appetite, shortness of breath,iostlTe- 8>S'rvv.blotcneson the akin. < "uro«d sleep, dreams, and all nervous and trembling ^0«h- 0°s, &cc„ &c. The first dose will gite relief in •flutes. IWdi'l? no fiction, for they have done it in thoo- 1?& oh?^Ca6e** The Proprietor of these Pills have- ?»a||eBa,,Jed (at great expense) a patent for them, he whole ivorld to produce a medcme k its « ?111 ^0r ren^0V'nS the above-named com- ekit $,and restoring the patient to sound and lasting ^^sep?uerer '8 earnestly invited to try one box and they will be acknowledged to be GUINEA A BOX. few dnies of a11 aSes these Pills are invaluable Qhs11 aU oh.»es of.them carry off all' gross humours ig fed. fUct'on8» and bring about all tha# is re* for ? '"edirit, ma'e should be without tbem. There »y8fre,iao>iriI.e to he found to eqnal Beecham's Pills, ^Vitkl"1' If t °t*truction or irregularity of the «*JtP«5*ch w acc°rding to the directions given to 8oon^ "17 will soon reitore females of all r°hust health.; A C^m'8 Magic Cough Pills. llSafurms. Coughs ift general, Asthma, I and"re?ithing, Shortness in the Breath, Wn *•« Pi])s pPressior of the Chest, Wheezing, ()Kl? ler »Dv nr ?Dd unrivalied and anyone labour- £ the above complaints need only try ^oii„r the prove that they are the best ever s« HnQ-public> Asthitfatlc and Consumptive d'ffl^Peediivr8ene88, and opprdssion of the Chest. etalt il re I aitient that sense of oppression and Conifo Of rest thing, which nightly deprive the $0d ^.to thno ^hey (jive almost instant relief and e,» hp-i ^^ted with the above distressing Wain»cr8.0t»s .^lec,ed, dangerous complaints: Let Tru. 8ivd Rfc^hled with any of the above com* m°st Yir,EcH AM'S COUGH PILLS a trfal. Pam Cough will in a short time b« re- c°iti u« ODohFe Concl»sive than arguments, and to Pffi raooog. T<.8Qch facts as the above would be Pr°Ve tin. • extraordinary sale of Beenham's 8afe_|1,stakably that they are one of the a,1d «1p1, Medicines at the present day for C». ^inp n will not be found in any house, the w doses of these excellent Pills. (J0v °rds««i> e Public are requested to notice that 'f hff..r,lll>ent ogham's Pills, ot. Helens," are on the 0,l» th»^ mP affixed to each box of the pills; th* rePared are a forgery. W^Prietr** h RDd sold wholesale and retail, by Se?tCa4^ire in' Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens, *ta £ ffp.b?Xes at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. •JJb. from the proprietor for 11,15, or 26 %ld^i^i^0gittl and FaUnt Medicine Dealer in the F-U directions are given with each box# SAND. .— White's London Cement, Plaster Paris, Mortar Hair, &c., all of the best quality, at EVAN THOMAS & CO.'S, Ironmongers, and MINER'S Lamp Manufacturers, V Mi l* .1 11 E Pj^tE ON APPLICATION ODOURLESS, SMOKELESS, PORTABLE, SAFE, CLEANLY AND BOONo. ^'W rippingijlZes Q&aJ LJA^I a PB,zbTmed*l ppr Cooking Sm stoves Sm stoves I ROM RAKE, BJOU fRY, HMld: j t>ü OKWHT WILL DO THE WHOLE WORK OF MTCHEW FIRE, I CAN BE LIT OR EXTINGUISHED IN A MOMENT. 8AVE KEEPINa A FIBE IN WABM WEATEEB, COMFORT AND ECONOMY IN SUMMER COOKING. J\>r* o • r>f T.*mT> Tl'a'nrs throuchont thr> World. Fnll Illustrated Iiirt and n»me,of n««Wrt wA b.3 ;rwjir| .1 o- ?h -"r*> « »o Ookerv, fre*> on unplication to tha Soto MftDlUftCtnWfi, OB Wwpi 9* T7TE *T«T>TOX COMPANY. BTRMIKGRAML p 0 Pears' Soap Fair white hands. Bright clear complexion 1 Soft healthful skin. — /f'fr" LATEST NEWS OF THE WAR IN EGYPT. The loUewing ootioes are selected from the Thousand Newspapers which quoted and expressed most commendatory opinions of the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE'S SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE SOUDAN, iNOLtrsiMO Despatches frou Kobti, Gakdcl, Mkrawi, and the Latest Inteluoenoe from Kqartoom. THE PALL MALL GAZETTE says of the heroic march to the Nile" The palm for description must be given to the Correspondent of the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE, whose despatch is not only much the longest, bat also the most vivid in its colouring and realistic in its narrative." THE ST. JAMES'S GAZETTE says of the dashing fight before Metammeh:—" Nothing seems to have escaped the attention of the Correspondent of the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE; and the whole story is told with a quiet and full particularity which-to use a very hackneyed phrase—leaves nothing to b desired." THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE of Feb. 1'complains of Lord Wolsèley' confused despatch relating to Gen. Stewart s) brilliant success;" and adds: 11 Among the press telegrams the next morning the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE'S was the only good one." BOLTON EVENING NEW8:—" There is news this morning of a most startling character regarding events at the geat of war in the Soudan. The first authority for the information Of the Fall of Khartoum was the LONDON DAILY* CHRONICLE, which has been conspicuous for exoeUent accounts of recent battles in the Soudan." PENNY ILLUSTRATED PAPEA; A veteran War Correspondent, Mr. Charlefe Williams, won the Press laurel for hfs animated account of the Battle of Metammeh, in Mr. Edward Lloyd's popular newspaper, the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE." I NEWPORT ECHO:—" All authorities are agreed that the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE takes the palm for its masterly desoriptioq of the battle before Metammeh." THE SPORTSMAN" Many people have been struck with the vivid pictures of events which succeeded Abu Klea, and which appeared in the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE." THE DOVER STANDARD:A Compliment to Journalism.-The graphic accounts of the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE Correspondent with Genetd Stewart's force have attracted great attention. • THE SURREY ADVERTISER AND COUNTY TIMES" The battles of Abu Klea. and of Gubat will in the hands of some future Napier-like historian All a glorious page in British records. Fortunately the story is at hand in the columns of description telegraphed by the Special Correspondents of our daily contemporaries, notably by that of the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE, which a consensus of opinion in press circles admits has shot at once to the front in its splendidly-written account of the last battle in which our little but gallant force under Stewart rolled back the tremendous onset of the Arabs." NEWCASTLE DAILY JOURNALThe tele- grams of the fighting before Metammeh were through- out of the moat brilliant character. The palm for des- cription must this time be given to the Correspondent Of the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLED MANCHESTER DAILY NEWS" The most con- secutive narrative appears in the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE, from the peii of Mr. Charles Williams, and th«i descriptive touches in this long account are just what one might have expected from such a prac- tised writer, whose telegrams go to the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE." GREAT ImOKDOW Sixty-four Columns, One Penny. DAILY GHJOTICIIE T* i iinrmiTffi GREAT SUCCESS. Sa"' More Late News than any other Daily Paper. To be had of all Newsagents. TELEGRAMS.—News ancl Correspondence from all LAW.—Speoial Reports of all Ch&neety and Civ# parts of the world, from our Special Correspondents, Courts. by Wire. TRIALS from all Courts of Town and Country. LEADERS by the most able writers of the day. POLICE from all the Offices. PARLIAMENT.Wire laid on from both Houses into MARKETS from all parts, specially reported. the Office of this journal. SHIPPING.—Wrecks and Casualties, Foreign Arrival^ SPORTING.—Latest Racing, Betting, Cricket, Football, SaiUnKa and Arrival*, Mail and SteanuWp Rowing, Sailing, Athletics, &o. NOTICES OF THE DRAMA • AGRICULTURE,—Latest Agricultural News from all Our last night's Telegrams from all parts Of England) parts. Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. CHEAPEST A|TC> BEST ADVERTISING PAPER. Advertisements MUST be pre-pai^. Post-^ffl^^rder^to Remade payable at Lndgate Circus, to EDWAR8 OBce^JMILY CHBONICLE BUILDINGS,FLEET ST..L0ND0N. E.G. W RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVEJi, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND,BOWELS, Thev invieorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, anddre invaluable in all Complaints uicidental to Females of all ages. For Children and the>iged they are priceless, THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old. Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOB DISORDERS OP THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. FOR SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseased it has no rival; and for contracted and stiff joints it aCts like a charm. ,4. RENOWNED REMEDIES. ^THEPILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVEJi, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND,BOWELS, Thev invieorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, anddre invaluable in all Complaints uicidental to Females of all ages. For Children and the>iged they are priceless, THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old. Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOB DISORDERS OP THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. FOR SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseased it has no rival; and for contracted and stiff joints it aCts like a charm. ji. The Pills and Ointmen^<are sold at Thomas Holloway's Establishment, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON; \lso by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. i\d., 2s. gd., 4s. 6d., fcu 22s and w each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity of the smallest siz« the T&c Tx fthe i ii she sixteen the 22,. size thirty-three and the 33*- size fifty-two tunes die quantity of the smaller Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language. N.Bfc-^dvi9A "Gratis at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 4) P' ^7 r THE NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD OF WALES. Under the Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen. THE ABOVE WILL BE HELD IN Aberdare, August 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th, 1885. —A The List of Subjects may be had from the Secretary, Price 3d., by Post 3^d. An additional Subject English Essay, We Objects and Prospects of New University Colleges of Wales," Prize £ o 5s, given by Dean VaueKan. Adjudicators —Principals Yiriamu Jones and H R. Reichel. The Essays to be sent in n later than I uly 18th, 1885. All persons who have Apartments br Beds to Let the Eisteddfod Week are requested to send their Names and Addresses to the Secretary as early as possible. A Register will be kqpt at the Eisteddfod Offices. 11, Canon Street, Ab&rdare. J. R. LEWIS, Gen. Sec. STATIONARY & FANCY WAREHOUSE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JONES & SON, PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c, DESIRE to inform the PUBLIC that they have in stock a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS &c., to which they invite attention. A large Stock of Musical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flntes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drums Harmonicars, Mouth Organs, &c. The largest and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and FOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, (-'het-.s, Drafts, and Draftboarda, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Workboxes, Money Boies, Fancy Braes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfumery, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Cards, &c. Combs and Brushes of the best quality. Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albums, &c., &c. :0: ,i; OBSERVE THE ADDRESS- ABERDABE TIMES" OFFICE £ 1, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE LLYRliAU CYMHEIG, AR WERTH GAN SJ ONES A • I M A B, 3 l V~ £ „CUM^> Eli CIA L-P LACE, ABERDARE. PERFORATED TOILET PAPER AND REVOLVING HOLDE THE PATENT PERFORATED TOILET PABBRIS fS^If STRONGLY RECOMMENDED^^ FOR USE IN EVERT UOVSaBOhD. Xt Consists of a roll of paper perforated At^tagtSlar intervals, placed on «>«.••>••••••< mm a handsoms holder in such a manner that tin roll can easily revolve when BrAAiiAiiif the paper ia gently polled. Each rolprifitains 1,000 sheets. The holder, BbUUNOMY. can bad in various fltrlMTwhen onee attached to the wall,will H last any length of time, and^aHSof paper to re-fill can always be obtained. ■ HEALT H* TterMritt of this Paper are PHMPHRT ECONOMIC HEALTH, AND NEATNESS. j i uUIYIrUlt I • U one^jtrttS, this specially prepared paper will always be afterwards used. I I NPATNCCO Enfl^TBronze Holder, with roll of Paper containing 1,000 Sheets, oom- I l"tn I IlLOOi 2s.; Rolls of Paper to re-fill Holder, Is. each. Holders and Paper kept in stock by Chemists, Stationers, and Ironmongers. Lathers 0. 4%P C-k cgt Po al) 6,0' r: CZ) 0. Õ. For TSE EDINBURGH Life Assurance COMPANY, FOUNDED 1803. Invested Funds C1,950,000 7 Annual Income £ 250,000. Moderate Premiums, Increasing Bonuses, Un- t doubted Security. Head Office— Edintowfcfy Midland and ^outh Wales 'Branch Office, 16, B6nnet*s Sill,' Birmingham. Policy holders entering on the," With Profit" scalb enjoy from the outset the/benent of parti- cipation in the surplus funds to the extent of Nine-tenths' of the profit realized from all sources,.and at the same time/ they are entirely exempt from any of the risks f of partnership or of mutual liability. The profit realized at last Investigation (1878) enabled the Company to declare Bonus additions exceeding £ 300,000. Su<A additions ranging from £ 1 2s. lOd. to £ 10 ps. 5d. per cent, per annum according to the endurance ot the Policy. The following are Specimens of Bonuses on Policies which have become claims. • 00 *■,6 el? Sis « n.gfl < IS II II *LL £ 1 P4 ■P £ /B- £ » £ g. d. 95 ?00 822/13 13 668 10 0 44 fifl 1000 2634 8 3034 8 2os3 4 6 « 69 \To ll4 6 t!Vz U 2f° I 6 61 02 500 lo$" oil t 7 6 46 90 300 613 fl ^6)) ( 4 53 f7 X 5 ,7« 8 il M son 454 7 7 483 15 0 t« an nnS %74 6 W 8 828 « 0 l» 86 1000 J3*7 >» IHl iSSS 16 8 29 80 1000 no73 3 on^a 3 1358 10 5? 600 h6M 6 30^ 6 8°46 '7 « si U 4fl3 ( iM 10 ,9?0 10 607 5 0 84 75 1000 8§0 17 J*§0 if nes |2 8 77 ml sis 10 was 10 1348 5 0 The next diviaon of profits "will take place as 31st March, 1885. All ordinary Policies have the benefit of the Company's Nojk Forfeiture System, whereby Policy-holderaare secured against loss by non- payment of premium- gents at Aberdare: en MyT ES M. LEWIS, Loudon and Pro- V 7 ylhpial Bank, MKJC>Xi. JONES, Aberdare Times Office. JAMES BOURNE, BILL POSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR, 4| Napier Strpet. Moantaia Ash. All coders received will be punctually attended to on the shortest notice. AT YSGOLION SABBATHOL. I Newydd ei Gyhoeddi, Ail-argraffiad o EGWYDDORIG O'R IAITH GTMREIG, Yn cynwya GWERSI HAWDD O'R YJSGRYTHYRAU DDYSGU DABLLEN JL SILLEBU, Prit 1 c., neu 9Cyff Ddwsin. "II LYFEAU o bob xnath, yn Qvmraeg a XL Saesneg, a^ wasa^aeih Ysgol'ion Sabbothol JONF^ A'l MAB, SWYDDF^K "ABERDARE TIMES, ommor 3T,'Commercial Placp, Aberdare. SPECIALLY WHiSTBAMDS. FROMTS. COLLARS; I sn Ffl* Bookbinding! Bookbinding!! BookbindingUf A. G. CREEDS 100, Gadlys Road, Aberdare, PRACTICAL BOOKBINDER, RULER, AND ACCOUNT BOOK MAKER. All kinds of Reading Books Bound in any style at the Lowest possible prices, with Neatness •and Despatch. Veneered Tables Covered with real Leather and Designed in Gold. P.S.-Please Note the Address:- 100, GADLYS ROAD, Absbdars. Aberdare Mineral and Aerated WATER WORKS. J. W. McEWEN, Wholesale Agent and Licensee for ZOEDONE. In Mineral Water Bottles at Lemonade prices, sold at Hotels, Inns, and other Licensed Houses. Highly recommended by The British Medical Journal," Medical Times," Norman Kerr Esq, M.D., II. A. Allbutt, Esq., M.R.C.P., and other eminent authorities. ZOEDONE IN SPLITS. Ask for McEWEN'S Celebrated and fine flavoured Choice G I N G E R ALE. McEWEN'S AERATED HOREHOUND BEER, Invigorating Tonic and Nerve Restorer. McEWEN'S Full Flavoured and Delicious Orange Champagne and Champagne Cyder. McEWEN'S MAXODONE, Excellent Nerve and Brain Restorative. Ask for McEWEN'S HOT TOM, So much in demand and appreciated during last Winter. Own special make. Ask for McEWEN'S SPARKLING GINGER BEER, Lemonade, and Soda Water. All made with Special Care and Best Materials. ¡ WorKs: Clifton Street, Aberdare. Ile GJGDGILGF SURGEON.-D.ENTI-t-,T A 66-page ILLUSTBATai^R3^«M?jSf5WlCH5BSH fAXPHIifiX, ORAXIS^iM ■flKKaUlUUUMMBH k Pom Fre».—ChrUtim^Jnum I tl>1 W A My* £ »" Thi! •hoajro* re»d wmmmmtKUammmmmmumti toflsa wbert prize medal teeth and workmanship bt Bid generallj Mid for most interior deotUUy. td lb SINCLAIR^I? OF ALL -T,~r -I CROC £ RJ^& OILMEN The Family | f J| | J SAVES^TIME, FUEL, Wash with- LABOUR. out the misery of A f A Tr H The Magic a Steamy House. }fy f\ l Un Cleanser! Bewap^ of CnAP Wm ^|LIM^TIONS!^ mt for SINCLAIR'S." A lady writes to The Queen, M it saves time an? material; economises fuel, as I the clothes require less rub- NCLAIR, Southwark, London,S.E. ■M WABB1NQ (»t Home).—Leitei from » po*eh«^T w ol Bradford's' Vowel' A1 Macbtne, Ul "Ialwavt liltedU.etpeciallv for1?rivgi»f miBH Olid Mangling, but I must ctmfits 1 never ^RSSSSVC&rjti talued it half at muck at it mnrved until I ttad your Theory ami practice abottf the nothing pari. We uojrfiud it FK.BYKcr,and mveh more t ta&ufqrfyry lhan putting th$ 0lIl." ■ Washing Machines from £ 2 15s., ■ 8en* carriage free and trial frca. ■HH|BsESi^|ov ■ ManglM from £ 2 5s., Laundry Requi- sites^6f nil kinds. See Catalogue ■|BnBgg«|aH9 comaining 70 illustrations, and the Apininna of 500 purchasers. Box Churns, Bu(€i Churns, and Dairy Utensils of aU kiiMs. See Dairycatalogue, free by post. Taos. Bradfoka aniACo., Hieb^Holborn, London; Victoria 8Uee^ Man- old Street, Lirerpool, IB I CYCL £ S. COVENTRY JrfCLE CO, IMPERlAlTWORKs!' OOVEKTRY. Dhjatfated Lists on ApplicaUoa* ycWilWsxfa Libtral Ttrnu to Agtnit, CaflaliaffliI tricycles. Bad LEGS t The GREAT REMEDY!! Wonderful Cures throughout Ellwand 111 Innu- merable Testimonials (many from Ministers) sent. Easy Terms. Describe case to Dr. ClarksoijfDarleY. Ripley, Yk». "T RICE^^KHEUMOILS give Immediatk Rklizt and Ultihats Cuu to the greatest sufferer from th»>dreadful pains of Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, Ac. Price 2/9 per bottle, of all chemists in the world. Barclay SonF, gi), Farringdon Street, Lon* don, E.C.; or ftjessrs. Goodall, Backhouse. & Co., Lcaedl, ww foriraidabotU#, oariiac* paid, on reccipt of 8a. j TunMrSjlano^SDMl^S^wr^orMtMl^MaMM'. m*. J Aasataan' turn. Shantw wtth a lit joor ItaomoaMr f 705.°.D# • iM jnaVdroa bm a not*. BonouaMi Hratba a| J fatfcjtaUMttak UTS; aa« Bmom M*daLL(»*» iatanutioaS 1 /OHM O. M0XT001(KBnC*TuB •' Ikutw3 npi ■nil Trim >umw i» n» imim ON SOCIAL PURITY AND THE IN- FIEMITIES QF MAN. Addressed specially to young nieb, with advice on Health, and containing Bedipes that will restore the rarvous and debilitated t° the full power of Blanhood, Fre^for the benefit of all who desire a\ safe and effeedy cure, without the aid of Qaacks Seim one stamp to prepay postage. Aadress S retary, Institute of Anatomy, bir- f minghanv NATIONAL PROVIDENT I FOR KUMAL INSTITUTION LIFE\5S^RANLCE. I FOUNDED 1888. ACCUMULATED FUND, £ 4,000,000. I&AIH8 PAID IM>fSDI A'MtV on PROOF of DEATH* TITLE jWORKtlJ Q EJXPEN SEaJTOOUT1» PER CENT.otthi IKCOME. ( QiVlOllMt, OttJKTKCHURflH STREET. LONDON, B.C. I AOKNT8 ^UATSD WHERE NOT REPRESENTED. THE MANCHESTER Fire Assurance Company. ■ ■ i ESTABLISHED 1824. apital, £ 1,000,000. Annual Income (1882), £ 270,000 HEAD OFFICE- Manchester. Midland and South Wales Branch Office, 16, Bennett's Hill, Binninghan). This Company Assures Buildings, Furniture Rent, Merchandise, Goods, I Farming Stock Shipping, &c., in Great BijJtain, the Colonies and Foreign Countries. It possesses, in addition to the Paid-up Capital, (subscribed by a numerous and wealthy propeietarj) large Reserve Funds, and thus offers to Insurers the most ample security. The Policies of this office extend to and cover losses by Fire occasioned by Lightning, and losses caused by explosion of gas occurring jo the building insured without extra charge, AGENTS 4T ABERDARE*— ifcR. CHARLES M. LEWIS,London and Provin- eial Bank. j. GEOBGE ABRAHAM, National Bank of V Wales. JONES, Aberdare Times Office., BOYS who wish to earn pocket money, on Fridays and .Saturdays, by selling News- papers should apply at the Aberdare Timet Office. „ BENSON'S NEW PATENT (No. 4658,) LUDGATE WATCH, Silver Gold IS A "SPECIAL STRENGTH" SILVER ENGLISH LEVER, My best London Make, WITH THREE-QUARTER PLATE MOVEMENT. JEWELLED THROUGHOUT. CHHONOMETER BALANCE, WITH DAMP AND DUST PROOF PATENT RING BAND, AND EXTENDED BARREL, IN STERLING SILVER DOME CASES WITH CHRYSTAL GLASS FRONT WINDS & SETS HANDS, OPENS AT BACK, MAKING IT A BETTRR WATCH THAN ANY £10 WATCH IN TilE MARKET, ITS ADVANTAGES OVER THE OLD AND FAULTY FULL PLATE BEING ENORMOUS. AS THE "LUDGATE" WATCH WILL LAST ONE HUNDRED YEARS, IT NEVER BREAKS, AS IT CANNOT BE OVERWOUND, AND NEVER NEEDS EXTENSIVE REPAIRS. IS A BETTER TIMEKEEPER, IS A BETTER WATCH. AND IS BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OTHEa WATCH SOLD FOR £10 IN"'TOWN OR COUNTRY. WILL STAND ROUGH USAGE OF ALL KINDS AND IS THEREFORE THE BEST WATCH AND EQUALLY SUITED FOR WORKMEN, RAILWAYMEN, MINERS, GENTLEMEN. Bors, AND ALL WHO REQUIRE A PERFECT WATCH OF EXTRA STRENGTH FOR HO.VIE, INDIAN, OR COLONIAL US" MADE IN THREE SIZES. (As sketch) MINERS, & RAILWAY ME\'S, EXTRA LARGE SIZE, AND FOR GENERAL WEAR, MEDIUM SIZE. SENT FREE AND SAFE AT OUR RISK TO ALL PARTS FOR £ 5 5. 0. CASH OR P.O.O., PAYABLE AT G.P.O. PRICE IN 18-CAHAT GOLD CHRYSTAL CLASS CASES Twelve Guineas. Sl'E IALLY NO i E tha t vir J. W e i is the only maker of It Three-Quartei I late Kiiglish Watch for i'5 5 tti.d that our i Wa'tihotbe b,.1i th"-u. i. of all \V atchujukcr in 'he Ki \i;y .jili, fiom nt of t;.t- P.it^nt .tvl&iit.s will be proCHnieil against ;ook explaiiaug tue ddvantages of thi* Watch over the Full Mate Engli.-h Watches sold by all other makers, will he s»ri]t Tost Free on application, to J. W. BENSON, J. W. BENSON, WATCHMAKER 10 II M. THE iJU.EY. THE SFKA i-1 \C IT) i Y 62 AND 64. LlDu.Tr, 1LLL, E.G., AND 25, OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDJN. 1411tistrated Pamphlets of Watches from S2 to £500, Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks, (House. Chimed and Turret and Musieal Boxes Free on Aj»plic:iti i lub (.,a f'o 1)F Fkikndly riKS o \ill find their/ I neniiip- ,■< estabh-iii.ij iubs i utigate atch, as rt is «vortii ;r.-n. ■ L £ lo\r»ore taan any English Watch sold al.. there e hound to supersede H 11 others it, the M arket. SCIENCE IN PENS. ,tIIt#- Writing made eas\ b v th^ u^oT BA: ES WADE ATTD 0 SCI KNTIFIC TKEB^Cr.^OU v i1 PKN AS SUPPLIED TO MSK MAJESTY'S FuKCKS U>-K ING TO* EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN. To be obta^ied of JONES & SON, A her dan Times Office, Aberdare. 62, High Street, Aberdare^/ W. PARKER/ Monumental Mason and ScuJ^tor, HAVING REMOVED to the above com- modious premises has every facilitv for executing in Granite, Marbles and stone. Tombs, Monuments, Head /Stones, llr;.ve Crosses, etc with dispatch aod at greatly Ie. duced prices, designs of wmch can be had on application. W. P.. in returnin^y^HS wai tnest thanks to b t thd inhabitants 'g«-V^(tllv of Al-enuue and ne ghbourhood for c liberal support .iocorded him in the past, b^gs to solicit a continuance of thj ,t support, a^uriug them that all orders en- tri sted to hvat shall be promptly attended to, anXturnefkput of hand in a superior workman- likenratTner at very moderate charges. -,J¡ HEALTH, 'D STRENGTH* INSUREO BY SELF-R £ S^ORER, DR. BELL'S PATENT VOLTIHC BEITS, A Soft an& fosMv* cwtfoTjfcerzoiisuess. Nervous DebUtt* Loss of Power/. o-:uimption &c. INSTRUCTIONS Giyts; AvVAY, showing snfTerers torrihey may be curofl and -ecovfr Health. Streiipih, »nd Manly Virout WITHOUT the UI> of MKDIC1NE, mis.O partis .'s as to rr^hnrn. ditt, &c. "ill be seat free by pos. i receipt of Two Stamps. \Addreas, \v. WPJGHT, Secrt-wry, Vo: .» House, 175, W&rdout Stree^, Oxford Street.. Cio"do«. ,v The curatyt nowers of L.ese Ufej,.»ms .:¡e:ts M9 11 maiprCUouB.—Vide Pi ts?, — '*■« —— ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLgk" is warranted to cure all discharges ffprtNlfie Urinary Ortrans, in either sex, acquired Qrconstitu- ional, Gravel, and Pains in the &aék, Sold in h( Boxes, 4s 6d each, by all ChertH^s and Patent Medicine Vendors or sent t^-Uny address for 60 stamps bv the Makers, Jhe Lincoln & Midland Counties' Drug Comparty, Lincoln."—Wholesale Agents, BARCLAY,* ISON$, London, and all the olesale lieu