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ISEEiEiyj^gy^ij»iiaia "J post on receipt of Two Stamps to pay postage, 244 Pages. AND DERANGEMENTS SY^OPTHE GENERATIVE AND NERVOUS Htb •• CURED BY THE TOSITIVE RE- THE BOOK OF POSITIVE RE- F *>. THE NAMES, NATURE, AND USE ^Elfp tJHE POSITIVE MEDICINES WHICH >"BAft\USED BY DR. SMITH FOR THIRTY oOotj- ARE NOW PUBLISHED/ IN "THE OF POSITIVE MEDICINS^ ^8?F?S?k is invaluable to the NERVOUS and ha»e r^^lC, and to those whose' Life T tCome Debilitated from ^regularities of mprance' Climate, Over-taxed or Abused Toil nij Ijate Hours, City Life, Worry, Brain- FW„Age or Disease. GIYKS THE NAME tl>eci, LISH OF ALL THE rMEDICINES for all Diseases of iW Nervous System, Pata;ns. Debility. V -aKand Physical Depression, Bl»rg ^ion of the Wat, Noises in the Head and '^ecision, Impaired and .Memory, C0tJi. 10n. Lose of Energy, Pains in the Back' Blushing, Hysteria, Timidity,, Self- ^eara. vr ziness' Love of Solitude, Grouiixlless Nvitfjt- SCular Relaxation, Loss of Sleep, Faulty Loss of Flesh, Weakness, Pimples, Glv^°e' ^°88 ^erve Power, &c., &c. X„ MfiriWx THE NAMES OF THE POSITIVE DlS^INES FOR THE CURE OF EACH; W§rSl £ f SIMPLE, AND PRACTICAL IN- Dl8EvJi0Ns FOR THE CURE OF ALL In tv BY THE POSITIVE REMEDIES. guide-book of positive' re- will be found a LIST OF ALL Invalid and everything that a Country Sent di 8 0u^ know for SELF-TREATMENT. rect from the Publisher, H. SMITH & Co., 2 positive Remedy Laboratory, 6 Southampton Row, London, W.C. ,^Kai AJLK PI ajiN. R. SMITH'S FEMALE PILLS °SSTr^E a POSITIVE REMEDY IN ALL *hich fTi°NS AND IRREGULARITIES to S £ ^Din>e?-a^es are 8Ubject—Headache, Depression "^iackarV ckness, Sallowness, of the Skin Pimples, Vter ,?'■anc^ a^' Discharges. these Pills, the body and nerves are restored p thetjn.^? .Eour. Sold in Boxes (containing sufficient „T0Prie,o^e' 9d. May be had direct from the 84 to an. receipt of Thirty-four Stamps. Sent by o & Positive Remedy Laboratory, Southampton Row, London, W.C. John E. Keirby, ATENTEE AND MANUFACTURES OF ^TfcAM PACKHS G, S*INT«N. NEAR MANCft^STKR. ^Uare Platted Elastic Steam Packing p0R PISTON RODS, PISTON^, PUMPS, &c FRENCH CHALK PACKING, BYDRAULIC PACKING, GLYCERINE PACKING, 1\.1tt) LEAD ROPE PACKING ncie8, CylinderCovers, Steam Joints, &c GAUZE STEAM PACKING RINGS, everV description of Pac\ing, OU^D, SQUARE, AND FLAT, and Prices on Application | e disting^nisbed Patronage of the Biitish H Admiralty. 0l%<iur(il>te Corporation of Trinity House London. 1864. Lyons l TRUING SgpGOPYiNC "s- -k Stationers. -= SIGHT lHINO IN THE RIGHT PLACE. ^EECHAM'S PILLS A HE admitted by thousands to be worth abovea dUorH BOX, for bilious and nervous i5s such as wind and pain at the stomach, sick &)e»i e' giddiness, fullness and swellness «fter ?'8, dizziness and drowsiness cold chills, flushing J "eat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, cobtive- # .8s, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed/sleep ^l8htfu/ dreams, and all nervous and trembling lotions, &c., &c. The first dose will give relief in suM"8 is fiction, for they have done it in thou- in» °^.cases, The Proprietor of these Pills have- cj-li^tained (at great expense) a patent fer them, he t'le whole world to producea medcine Efa: '° them for removing the above-natned coro- eaitjf'aD^ ^storing the patient to sound and lasting t,e.Y sufferer is earnestly invited to tty one box Of ese Pllls, and they will be acknowledged to be Fo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. Qs aO; females of aI1 ages these Pills arte invaluable aii them carry off all gross humours 3°'red °,Sst,lUct'ons, and bring about all thaf is re- Is °o ijIpj-*? 'etnale should be without Itbem. There r rernoviC,ne to f°und to equal Bdecham's Pills, s5stenj l"8 any obstruction or irregularity of the ,tl» eaVh w ken according to the Erections given ^fe8 to 8n„v? they will soon females of all B«oJ?i.and robust health. 6c«aia's Magic Cougii Pills. T^cult/ for Coughs in general, Asthma, ] i'Shtnees a°j?reathing, Shortness in the Breath, these p^i ^ppressior of the$hest, Wheezing, U|»der 8tand unrivalied and anyone labour- » BOV «of the above complaints need only try to tk' Pro^e that they fare the best ever RC P»b'ic, Asthmatic and Consumptive i.^ey sneprtMar8eness, and oppression of the Chest, a „fuy remove that senle of oppression and r„leot ftf breathing, which/nightly deprive the »v.8'" They give almost instant relief and an^' ^hcn sc afflicted withlhe above distressing Person nefelecied, dangeiius complaints; Let vi?t8 ftivJ5 troubled with Iny of the above com« N.„HE G B.EECHAM'S GT)UGH PILLS a trfal. jlfed, 1 Violent Cough w^ll in a short time be re- ^toment ^^0re conclusiyrf than arguments, and to p-?,erfluousPo £ 8uch facts-' as the above would be K ProvB* le extraordinary sale of Beecham's 5?gt and s rn,nistakablyithat they are one of the and *8t medic",n^s at the present day for ter takin Slc^ness wilfnot be found in any house, ». ^aOtj0\ dose^of these excellent Pills. \I?e *orda « PubliCfBre requested to notice that V^°Vernmp«»^^eed^m'a'Pills, St. Helens," are on the ftot on *tamp affixed to each box of the pills: vVrena;pH y are a ^Rery. Pronrsfi only> and sold wholesale and retail, by °-r' T* fceecham, Chemist, St. Helens, VIn bojes at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. Btamp8. -L ,re^om the proprietor for 11,15, or 26 lTnii*d%ngdw^90i't"lnd paifnt Medicine Dealer inth* direotieoe are Riven with each bo*. S A N .L W hite's London Cement, Plaster Paris, Mortar Hair, &c., all of the best quality, at EVAN THOMAS & CO.'S, Ironmongers, and Miner's Lamp Manufacturers, f ^f M'S &: ■ItJS ./t M E A P RICE ON APPLICATION OUBLESS, SMOKELESS, PORTABLE, SAFE, CLEANLY AND ECONOMICAL. %4 DSPPINGILITE'S IJQ BC^SI OIL COOKING SHOVES WILL DO THE WHOLE WORK OF kitchen FIRE, CAN BE L,T 0R EXT!N3UiSHED ,N A M0!ViENT- SAVE KEEPING A FIBE IN WABM WEATEEIi. \p§s»- COMFORT AND ECONOMY IN SUMMER COOKING. \prices frw a v.- g$t*frc^r>rnr>n%em attI T-Amr Dealerfi throughout the vrarid. Full illustrated List and narae of will bJ^>rwrtTd_itl. co^c'eo Gnido to Coolcerv, on application to the Sola Manufacturers, ou roccipt 0* pOOT v*uu» P ears' Soao Fair wlpte xBright clear complexion S,oft' healthful sldii* LATEST NEWS OF, THE WAR IN EGYPT. The following notices are selected from the Thousand Newspapers which quoted and expressed most commendatory opinions of the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE'S SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE SOUDAN, INCLUDING DESPATCHES fbom KORTI, Gakdul, Miskawi, AND THk LATEST Intelligence FROM Khartottm. THE PALL MALL GAZETTE says of the heroic THE SPORTSMANMany people have been march to the Nile" The palm for description must be struck with the vivid pictures of events which succeeded given to the Correspondent of the LONDON DAILY Abu Klea, and which appeared in the LONDON DAlLy CHRONICLE, whose despatch is not only much the CHRONICLE." longest, but also the most vivid in its colouring and THE DOVER STANDARD:—"A Compliment to realistic in its narrative." Journalism.—The graphic accounts of the LONDON THE ST. JAMES'S GAZETTE says of the dashing DAILY CHRONICLE Correspondent with General fight before Metammeh:—" Nothing seems to have Stewart's force have attracted great attention." escaped the attention of the Correspondent of the THE SURREY ADVERTISER AND COUNTY LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE and the whole story TIMES The battles of Abu Klea and of Oubat will is told with a quiet and full particularity which—to use in the hands of Some future Napier-like historian ffll a ft vftry hackneyed phrase—leaves nothing to b desired." glorious page in British records. Fortunately the sW^y THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE of Feb. 1 complains is at hand in the columns of description telegraphed by of Lord Wolseley's' confused despatch relating to Gen. the Special Correspondents of our daily contemporaries. Stewart 8) brilliant suocess and adds: "Among notably by that of the LONDON DAILY' CHRONICLE, the press telegrams the next morning the LONDON which a consensus of opinion in press circles adtfrite DAILY CHRONICLE'S was the only good one." has shot at once to the front in its splendidly-written BOLTON EVENING NEWS" There is news this account of the last battle in which our little but gallçt morning of a most startling character regarding events at force under Stewart rolled back the tremendous oniv-t the seat of war in the Soudan. The first authority for the of the Arabs." information of the Fall of Khartoum was the LONDON NEWCASTLE DAILY JOURNAL:—" The tele- DAILY CHRONICLE, which has been conspicuous for grams of the fighting before Metammeh were through- excellent accounts of recent battles in the Soudan." out of the most brilliant character. The palm for des- PENNSJtiLUSTRATED PAPER: A veteran War cription must this time be given to the Correspondent Correspondent, Mr. Charles Williams, won the Tress of the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE." laurel for his animated account of the Battle of MANCHESTER DAILY NEWS:—" The most con- y. Metammeh, in Mr. Edward Lloyd's popular newspaper, secutive narrative appears in the LONDON DAILY the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE." CHRONICLE, from the pen of Mr. Charles Williams, NEWPORT ECHO:—"All authorities are agreed and the descriptive touches in this long account are that the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE takes the just what one might have expected from such a prac- palm for its masterly description ot the battle before tisBd winter, whose telegrams go to the LONDON Metammeh." DAILY CHRONICLE. aRBAT LONDORT PTBWSPAPBR. Sixty-four Columns, One Penny. DAILY CHRONICLE (rrnrrrrn GREAT SUCCESS. så/c, More Late News than any other Daily Paper. To be had of all Newsagents. TELEGRAMS.—News and Correspondence from all LAW.-Speeial Reports of all Chancery and Civil parts of the world, from our Special Correspondents, Courts. x J?? ^jre- TRIALS from all Courts of Town and Country. LEADERS by the most able writers of the day. POLICE from all the Offices. PARLIAMENT.—Wire laid on from both Houses into MARKETS from all parts, specially reported. the Office of this Journal. SHIPPING.-Wrecks and Casualties, Foreign Arrivals, fiPOBTING.—Latest Racing, Betting, Cricket, Football, Some Sailings and Ar"vals, Mail and Steamship Rowing, Sailing, Athletics, &o. NOTICES OP THE DRAMA. AGRICULTURE.-Latest Agricultural News from all Our last night's Telegrams from all parts of Englanfli parts. Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. CHEAPEST AND BEST ADVERTISING PAPER. Advertisements MUST be pre-paid. Post-Office Orders to be made payable at Ludgate Circus, to EDWABD LLOYD, Fleet Street. Oflice-DAILYCHBONICLE BUILDINGS, FLEET ST..LONDON. E.C. ,eB -7' ■ m.r ■mill 111 RENOWNED REMEDIES. HOLLOWAY'S. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS, They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints mcidental to Females of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceless. THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. FOR SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Thomas Hollo way's Establishment, 78, NEWT OXFORD STREET (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. i\d., 2s. gd., 4s. 6d., I ik» 22s. and 33J. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity of the smallest size the 4t. 6<f."size six the. lIS. si¡:e sixteen the 22S. size thirty-three and the 33s. size fifty-two times the quantity of the smaller Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language. I N.B. Advice Gratis at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. THE NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD OF WALES. on Under the Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen. THE ABOVE WILL BE HELD IN Aberdare, August 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th, 1885. The List of Subjects" may be had h'oin- the Secret-try. Price ;3d., by Po.it :+1. An additional Subject—English.'Es^ay^-The Objects and Prospects of New University Colleges of Wales," Prize X5 5s, given by PqUn V^ghan. Adjudicators Piineipals Yiriamu .ionos and H R. Keichel. The Essays to be sesst ja^not later than iii 18th, 1885. All persons who have Apartments or ?><!s to Let t-io Eistoddtod Week are requested to send their Names and Addresses to the Secretary as early as possible. A liegister will be kept at the Eisteddfod Offices 11, Canon Street, Aberdare. J. n. LEWIS, Gen. Sec. ST A TIO N EI i & F A N C Y W AIIE H O US E "A BEHDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. _n_- J OWES & SON, PRIMERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c, J.:í. 1 1:1 1 'j (. .i) V V L ;:) J;: 1.1 ,v '.J 0 k) 1. -1. 11 V u, v, 1 l/.SniE to inform the PlM.LlC (lint tlu v have in stock a large and varied assortment of LJ PLAIN find FANCY STATION YJAY 'ana lA?\CY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS \c., to which tli<~y invite aUer.tion. A hirjjp Stock of Mufical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, Hanjos, Tambourines, Drums II armonicars, Mouth (-'rpans. &c. The largest and !;<-• s=t selectpd Stock in Town of HOME and Fon LIGN ivIADE 10\ &. Dolls in great vnvietv, ( hf.«s, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Konlfctte Cam's. & c. erkbost-s, lic-r.i'y Boies, Fancy Boxps, Ilimtnel's Soap and Perfumery, Ink find Inkstands, Conversation Card-, Sc. Co;r,!is! 1í;¡(! ;• vusT.es of the best quality Pipes and Tel: ere i'oitches, Cigar ( ases. ].?.<li, s' i-ags, Purses. Al'eunis, etc., Sre. :0: CBi-.EIlVE THE ADDRESS— J-:F1;PA1,J inn S" UPrlCE 31, COM^I EllCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE I I-lAFliAU CYM IlEIG, f ii ¡;' ('5, 11 ir.. 1'Q All WEJiTii CAN 7>/ JONES A 1 I A ;> i T () M !•: K ( 1 A L-P LACE, ABERDARE- D'D PERFORATED TOILET PAPER AND REVOLVING HOLDER. THE PATENT PERFORATED TOILET PAPER is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED AST s%h FOR USE IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. It consists of a roll of paper perforated aL.«fgular intervals, placed on g tM«tMMMtM.tM<*<. tut*r a handsome holder in such a manner that, the roll can easily revolve when ipflAiiftUU the paper is gently pulled. Each rolPxOTitains 1,000 sheets. The holder, which llEGUNOmi. can be had in various stylos;" when once attached to the wall, will feS last any length of time, and rgjte'of paper to re-fill cau always be obtained. 1 HEALTH. Tbe-meritg of this Paper are iPHMFfiRT SCONOMr; HEALTH, AND NEATNESS. luUlflrUn I « if once.tried, this specially prepared paper will always be afterwards used, I MCATM £ OQ .Price: Bronze Holder, with roll of Paper containing 1,000 Sheets, com- | Ifl 5-n I lib OO^ plete, 2s.J Rolls of Paper .to re-fill Holder, Is. cach. Holders and Paper tILULlLLLU.. are kept in stock by Chemists, Stationers, and Ironmongers. v- iathers Ffeeiy 0 I ,-Tor^ THE EDINBURGH j Life Assurance Company.' POUNDED 1823. 1 Invested Funds £ 1,950,000.. Annual Income £ 250,000. Moderate Premiums, Increasing Bonusqfe, Un- doubted Security. i HEAD OFFICr-Ediiiburgh. j Midland and South Wales Branch Office, 16, Bennet's Hill, Birmingham. Policy holders entering on the With Profit" scale enjoy from the outset the benefit of parti- cipation in the surplus funds to the extent of Nine-tenths of the profit realized from all sources, and at the same time thet are entirely exempt from any of the risks of partnership or of mutual liability. I The profit realized at last investigation (1878) enabled the Company to declareaionus additions exceeding 1300,000. Such additions ranging from £ l 2s. lOd. to £10 15s pd. per cent. per annnm according to the endur/ince of the Policy. The following are Specimens OF Bonuses on Policies which have become (paims. sx u.d A si by C> tr 7- 3 ted ejoa) 5-c — ti ji < c £ s £ s. d. 9! OOO HA'Z 13 11*2 13 668 10 0 4-1 99 1000 2634 »/ 3H34 8 20S3 2 6 43 89 1500 3108 5/ 4FINS 5 V680 2 6 51 »2 500 L»IF UJ L%\L '4 958 7 6 46 90 30:1 J 0 541 2 6 53 88 300 460 11 '6M 15 537 15 0 12 87 700 1<!49 K 15 1153 16 8 4-1 86 300 Si/a o 483 15 0 Hfi Q0 500 674/ 8 828 0 0 19 86 1000 S 1668 10 8 29 80 1000 | r"3 3 1358 10 0 oi ci 1500 Io2.9 O O0/6 0 2046 17 0 34 75 495 4f ,920 "> 607 5 0 32 75 1000 17 1'98 12 6 23 77 1000 Y i ^3o 10 12,18 15 0 The next divisW Pr°fits will take place as 31st March, 18»5'. All ordinary Pcui°ies have the benefit of the Company's Eoveeitwke System, whereby PolTcy-holders secured a gainst loss by non- payment of premium ents at Aberdare — Vr. CRABBES M. LEWIS, London and Pro- vincial Bank. Mr. T L. JONES, Aberdare Times Office. JAMES BOURNES- BILL POSTER AND DJSTRlSUTOR, \48, Napier Street; Koimtain Ash. All ikdera i»e6lyed will be punotually attended to on the shortest notice, A.T YSGOLION SABBAT1IOI .t' iVell'yr!rll'¡ Gyllo(,(Itit, o y EGrWYDDORIGr O'R IAITPI GYIlil'lG Yll eynwys ■- GWRRSI HAWDD O'R YSGlIYT HYlt A U DDYSGU DARLLEN A SILLEBXJ, Pris lc., neu 9c. ij Ddwxtfi. | LYFEAU o bob math, yn Gymraeg a 1-j Saesncg, at wasanaeth Ysgojieli Sabbothol ar werth gan JONES MAB, feWYDDFA'E "^TiSEDARE TIMES, 31, Comme G1 Place, Aberdare. 31, Comme,yeial Place, Aberdai'e. SPECIALLY WRISTBPNDS, SUITABLEFOR SH I RT PROMTS. COLLARS. BooklbWing! BookMnding!! BookMndingll! A. G. CREED, 100, Gadlys Road, Aberdare, PRACTICAL BOOKBINDER/RULER, AND ACCOUNT B06K MAKER. All kinds of Reading^Sooks Bound in any style the Lowest pojjfrble prices, with Neatness jtffid Despatch. Veneered Tables Covered with real Leather Designed in Gold. I P.S.—Please Note the Address :— 100, GADLYS ROAD, ABERDARE. Aberdare Mineral and Aerated WATER WORKS. J. W. McEWEN, Wholesale Agent and Licensee for ZOEDONE- In Mineral 'Vat-a Bottles at Lemoiurdo prices, sold at Hotels, Inns. andotherLiccn.se;] 'louses. Highly recommended by "The Biitish Medicai Journal," Medical Times," Norman Kerr Esq, M.D., It. A. Allbutt, Esq., MJi.C.l' and other nnillellt authoritios. ZOEDONE IN SPLITS. Ask for McEWENT'S Celebrated and fine flavoured Choice GINGER ALE. McEWEN'S AERATED HOREHOUND BEER, Invigorating Tonic and Nerve Restorer. I McE WEN'S Full Flavoured and Delicious Orange Champagne and Champagne Cyder. McEWEN'S MAXODONE, Excellent Nerve and Brain Restorative. Ask for McEWEN'S HOT TOM, So much in demand and appreciated during last Winter. Own special make. Ask for McH WEN'S SPARKLING- GINGER BEER, lemonade, and Soda Water. All fcnade with Special Care and Best Materials. t W^ks: Clifton Street, Aberdare. #' ;.3 ILLUS A U.. eyMfyjiiu-, ty^iulwbere prize metial teetli aud workmanship «^b6h*^»^h»rgi>3 g3Qer»lly paid fur jnost inferior daatistry. ^5Sio %fklhi4 r/iTT- 'V"* f*i eHs & oiLn»e>j //?. j y 5 RSS gri SAVES TiilE. ETTEL, LABOUR. oulikemisn-jof |;||ATPO The Magic a b.eamy avuse. M i Cleanser! m, Eewareof^OAP Citation's! Ask or" SIIvTCLAIR'S." s or J-1 lally writes to The Queen, I rceømme:;ù it to every » housewife; it saves time and material; economises fuel, aa the clothes require less rub- KAptyil IS bins and no boiUnff. JAMES SINCLAIR, Sontlnvark, London,S.E. J WASHING (at Home).—Letter from a pnrcliftEet of Bradford's Vowel' A iTMachine, Vj3 I alicayt liked it,especi(6tg }v* Wringing -5 and Mangling, hut I mut) confess I never f. — 'fil valued U fialf as nuch as it deserved until I i:, 'J read your 'theory arid Practice' ubom the ( '5^••al vashuttj part. Wenoujvd ri l-KKri 'T end C- v'S '->*■ w«'7i more satitfaciori/ titan putting tht v ■ -jrA r:■ f «■ tcashing out." y r £ sm Washing Machines from £ 2 15s., J "f sent carriage free and trial free. Si Maqgles from £ 2 Gs., Laundry Requi- «ij<rs of all kinds. See Catalogue ifi ilteSyroiitaining 70 illustrations, and the opinions of 500 purchasers. 1V>X Churns, B«(frel Chums, and Dairy Utensils of all kill. See D y Catalogue, free by post. Teos. Bkadford and Holborn, London; Victoria Street, Man- chester; and Bold Street, Liverpool. m IB I c YCt-iES. Mim. COVENTRY TiYCLE CO, LIMITED, jk 'ffifiWAL WORKS, COVENTRY. ^JJ^trated Lists on Application. V v/v/A vv^v*§#f Liberal Term* to Agentt. TRICYCLES. "P AD LEGS! The GREAT EEMEDY!! -1.) \111.1 "rfu: Cures througiioui- Ej^»*and 1 1 Innu, nvcrable Ter-timonia's vraany troIn sent. J' -sy 0'. v.iis. I':4 «i'riba I)i! ¡ -y.R".Mey, -"ks. C OILS give — IMMEDIATE IlELIEP ilna ULTIMATE CnRE to the p.vutefct sufferer from the dreadful pains of Ra*uimatism, P.iifumatie Gout, &c.frice 2/9 per U.u'e. of all chemists VI llie w°rld- Barclay & Sons,35, Farris-suon Street. Lon- sden, E.G. or Meerra. Goc-daH, Backhoaae. & Co Leeds, will forward a fcoule, carriage paid, on receipt of 3s. "'s ,° THfl CELEBRATED Vis unrira.'led for Joindf* > Gardeners', Foresterh' Farmers', and ^mftteurs* U6e. Sharoros with <i spittle. Ask your Ironmonger to 5?' °.nt; L.u lie won't, drop me a note. Hcnonrable Mention at Sana ExLibttiori««878; and Bronse Medal, London International Exhibition, 1SS# JOHN O. MONTGOMERIK, Turn o' Shantei" fitoae, Ho^Worii, Df&avre, larboltoa SMUoa, B.S.O., 8c«tliw<. ( "OCIAL PUlilTY AND Till-: 1N- V/ FIRMlTlES OF MAN. Addicts, d specially to young men, with advico tit, HeaUh, and containing Becipf:8 that will restore the nervous and debilitated to the full power of Manhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire a safe and speedy cure, without the aid of Quicks Send one stamp to prepay postage Adqress Secretary, Institute of Anatomy. ir- iuim^h;im. ,iF-Y-' NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION HFE^S:E. I FOUNDS'*1835. ACCUMULATUB FUND, £ 4,000,000. 'I,ATI ;ar.ATSfSPAID IMMEUbCtRLY on PROOF of DEATH &TITI.T; WORKING EXPEN3STS ABOUT SPUR CKNX. or the INCOME. OiTICES—48. OSAOEOHUKCH STREET, T.ONDGK. E.C. AGENTS .WANTED WHERE NOT REPRESENTED. TIlE i\i AX( HES i'Kli IJ Fire Assurance Com pan v! tI, ) ESTABLISHED 1824. ,1 apital, f 1,000,000. Annual Income/ (!S82), X2-, 0,000 e HEAD Ofi-ICE—Manchester Midland and South Wales Braudi Office, 16, Bennett's Hill, Birmingham. This Company Assures Buildings, Furniture Rent, Merchandise. Goods, Farming Stock Shipping, &c., in Great Hrita/n. the Colonies and Foreign Countries. I It possesses, in addition/to the Paid-up Capital, (subscribed by a numerous and wealthy propeietarj) large Heserveí Funds, and thus offers to Insurers the most Ample security. I he Policies of this offic^ extend to and cover losses by Fire occasion/d by Lightning, and losses caused by explosion of gas occurring in the building insured without extra charge. AdESm AT/A HEUI'A MiA';IIAKLES M.IjE WIS London and Provin- Aal Bank. B. UkEORGE ^BRAHAM, National Bank of Wales. MR, T. I" JONES, Aberdare Times Office. I QYS who wish to earn poc^at.BnrcTfey,~t>ir i 5 1 Fridajrs and aturda^f;17y selling News- pap Irk should appU-fft* the A.herdare Times QjEace. BENSON'S NEW PATENT (No. 4658,) LITDGrATE" WATCH, Silver Gold -P1010 IS A "SPECIAL STRENGTH SILVER ENGLISH LEVER, My best London Make, WITH THREE-QUARTER PLATE MOVMEFFT. JEWELLED THROUGHOUT. CHRONOMETER BALANCE, "WITH DAMP AND DUST PROOF PATENT RING 13AND, AND EXTENDED BARREL, IN STERLING SILVER DOME CASES WITH CHRYSTAL GLASS FRONT WINDS & SETS HANDS, OPENS AT BACfC, MAKING IT A BETTER WATCH THAN ANY £10 WATCH IN THE MARKET, ITS ADVANTAGES OVER THE OLD AND FAULTY FULL PLATE BEING ENORMOUS. AS THE111 LUDGATE WATCH WILL LAST ONE HUNDRED YEARS, IT NEVER BREAKS, AS IT CANNOT Bit OVERWOUND, AND NEVER NEEDS EXTENSIVE REPAIRS. IS A BETTER TIMEKEEPER, IS A BETTER WATCH, AND IS BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OTHER WATCH I SOLD FOR XIO IN TVN OR COUNTRY. WfLL STAND ROUGLi USAGE OF ALL KINDS AND IS THEREFORE THE BEST WATCH AND EQUALLY SUITED FOR WORKMEN, RAILWAYMEN, MINERS, GENTLEMEN, BOYS, AND ALL WHO REQUIRE A PERFECT WATCH OF EXTRA STRENGTH FOR HOME, INDIAN, OR COLONIAL USE. MADE IN THREE SIZES. (As sketch) MINERS, & RAILWAYMEN'S, EXTRA LARGE SIZE, AND FOR GENERAL WEAR, MEDIUM SIZE. SENT FREE AND SAFE AT OUR RISK TO ALL PARTS FOR £5 5. 0. CASH OR P.O.O., PAYABLE AT G.P.O. PRICE IN 18-CARAT GOLD CHRYSTAL GLASS CASES Twelve Guineas. SPECIALLY NO IE that Mr J. W nenson is the only maker of a Three-Quarter Plate English Watch for S5 5s., aud that OM Patent "Ludgate" Watch cannot be had through, or of any Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any infringement of the Patent Rights will be proceeded against A Book explaining the advantages of this Watch over the Full Plate English Watches sold by all other makers, will be sent Post Free on application" to J. W. BENSON, WATCHMAKER 10 II.M. THE QUEE il, THE STEAVt FACTORY, 62 AND 64. LUDGATE HILL, E.C., AND 25, OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDON. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches from jEa to £ 500,- Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks, (House. Chimei and Turret), and Musieal Boxes, Free on Application (lub Associafonsi. — F^uemen. SruRETARIBS OF FRIENDLY .Societies. :,ge.\ts. ami others will find their flncotres con iderabh. ;i crfas^d hy establishing lubs. foe the n«w Pnteiit "\iudgate \Yntch, as it is worth fr-ir< £ o £ lft more thap any English Watcl. sold «nd ther^re bmnid to supersede all others in tb» Ni arket:- SCIENCE IN PENS. —— Writing made easy by the use 6t BATES WADE AND CO.'S SCIENTIFIC TREBLB-4R0UND PENS. AS SUPPLIED TO HJilf .majesty's FORCES DUR- ING Tirj^fGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN. li) be obtained of JONES & SON, Aberdar» jTTimes Office, Aberdare. 6k,^igh Street, Aberdarey W. PARKER, W. PARKER/ Monumental Mason and Scubnor, "T I AVING REMOVED to the aja^ve com- XJ. modious premises has every facility for executing in* Granite, Marbl and intone. Tombs, Monuments, Head tones, Grave Crosses, etc., with dispatch d at greatly re- duced prices, designs of w ch can be had on vv application.. W. P.. in returning iiis warmest thanks to the inhabitants generally of Aberdare an4 ^neighbourhood for tjre liberal support accorded (Him in the past, bpga to solicit a continuance t( 4that support, assuring them that all orders eo- \rusted to him^shall be promptly attended to, alsd turnejKmt of hand in a superior workman- liketotffTner at very moderate oharges. 4Ifl' c,l' STRENGTH* QTU1TS AND WBHTM ENERGY INSURED BY USING THE GREAT SELF RESTORER, OR, DR. BELL'S PATENT VOLTAIC BELTS, A Safe and Positive cure for Nervousness. Nervous Debiiit* v Loss of Power/'onsumption &c VN^PRvUn^vI0^S, 61^ AWAY, showing sufferers 4T Tecover Health, Strength, WITHOUT the AID of MEDICINE, iXt? "3 asrcgir-ien, diet, Ac., will be sen* eJt,^y p°3l ro<5^Pt of Two Stamps. «^^?ressX Secretary, Volta House* 175, i?LXUr Oxford Street, London, W. ^TheNajuaMfvo powers' -t iese liie'giving oelts U9 Simply marvellous.—Ft tie IHcct, ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILt-f?"' is warranted to cure all discharges frorn the Urinary Orarans, in either sex, acquiredjM' conRtitti- ional Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 4s Gd each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors or sent tfl" any address for 6t)' stamps bv the Makers^The Lincoln & Midtan*' Oounties' Drug Cojga^any, Lincoln."—Wholesale- Agents, Barclay *& Sons, London, and all the- w\olesaleH|)»yfe'g.