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WOODWARD, poster, Town Crier, &c., IGlI STREET, A BERDA RE, the Public and Tradesmen srr?TT^la': ^e Rents the Largest «•; the District, and is Orders/for Posting, &c., in -+krainan. HHrwain, Cwmdare, Cwm- Dth r parts 6f the District. t 0n Application. tracts made per Quarter or Yearly. I College, Swansea. PRINCIPAL yf WILLIAMS, M.A. (Glas. B-D. (EdS(\) View, sheltered situation, healthy -room, spagfous play-ground, well- bed foreach boy "°%soi»(f diet, discipline strict but eLcH& £ po'wer. Backward puplis attention. Twelve pupils passed ^nations iu 1881. Terms strictly a s Hotel, Aberdare. I I ORDINARY at this Hotel "eld iu future at One instead of 6 o clock as'previously. 1 j?r a^so ii'fornis t e public that :«a C QfPFEE, TEA, and RE- in connection with the V/^een fitted up with every ^venMice and comfort. SL. OXENHAM, Proprietor. 1R. SMITH'S (',f treatment by the Positive Remedies. ''f' 1,r jorm of Debil ly and h'ervo f-i?; Ve* v r';i "1' .zes. free by post. in It receipt of Three Stamps, to p Postape. *ING AND HELP TO INVALIDS ERING FROM DEBILITATING A SPKCIAL MEDICAL WORK ON I iE. SYMPTOMS AKD TREATMENT, toting AND NERVOUS DISEASE, [TIl'S POSITIVE KEMEDIES. PHkET gives a LIST OF DEBILITA — SPECIAL D SEASES ANU THJilR REMEDIES. describe* the Causes nd Medicines used by the Doctor in hit. i FOR THIRTY YEARS: It is written d to enable INVALIDS to form a correct f their disease. By the aid of this hook, n diseases caused Iry indiscretion will find >1 tion of the disease ti^y are suffering he Instructions whiib will enable the <1 ('urr, without PERSONALLY CON- MEDICAL MAN. JVDVICE and INSTRUCTIONS by 'he £ U8Hnc'8 have been Cured of r ttVo«», Biishing, I'ilitv. Hysteiia, P,0»ical n timidity, 641 fcelf-.tistiust, 3f j.i I'izziness, e H* arN Love of Solitude, fiead and Groundless Fears, Muscular Relaxation, &c., e- resulting from ex- '8«t amj bxustion of Nerve j r, Power, the effects of Overtaxed Energies*, rSy, Enervating Habits and other abuses of the 1, Sistem. "k vlill be found everjthing COUNTRY should know to Secure Health, Strength, Ong-life, and avmrl tbp ) ifiimitie of Old 00 Gases of Nervous Ucbittw Cured loniais given. the Invalids' Sand-Book an -he Cure ct all Diseases. — Sent, free b) post for Three Stamps to In Envelope. "jjBooks cannot now tie left II i. the post "led for, unless in the wiper's own name, lt'r SMITH. 8, BURTON CRFBCENT, LONDON, W.C. S?* 0F CLARKE'S^ 41 PILLS to cure all jjjRscharges from the I18' either sexjBcquired or constitn- and Pains uf the Back. Sold in each, by alL'Chemists and Patent .?"°rs; or Best to any address for 60 Makers, The Lincoln & Mid!and ru £ Lincoln."—Wholesale «CLA" & Jbons, London, and all the Iro OStTANT DISCOVERY. No More Suffering ^7. °L l»as proved an invaluable iu r^5^hen rabbe^^er or near the Topunrrs a? *° iowELS OR Wow,, strengthen?the "l*-61? of ierv»us weakness and depression .,■?,?'"?! V?arrow KT, Liwws, AND CHEST, bfo inralid NEIN ?SeaS" st this Ointment can bo obtained. despair Rheumatism, ?nd Neuralgia. y formidable and dreaded diseases, with nocturnal xxig twitching*, muscular cramps, and sciatica, will treated by mi* Ointlnent. It is most important nttwrt be thoroughly and effectually conveyed „ P«res of the ski* to the affected parts, upon 1 bring its soothiiig influence to bear, and thus S eomfort, and security* The Pills should also be P**Jflri*te doses to lessen the Inflammation, and to &s|Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, d lacerations of all kinds. Ointment heals, in a remarkable \y «nd VwJlcaration, softens the stiff or contracted u* proud flesh to disappear, and foul and loath- ia A 10 come converted into healthy healing tnese effects are not temporary, but ture radical ula and Old Skin Diseases. IDLTV^ certain remedy for ail diseases of the skin, i crthV, °TphcMed-. Scurvy, ringworm, blotches, luable Unguent^ ^>sor<^ers» **e once Eradicated mt, *°ld at Professor HOLLOWAY'S stable Vendor L?ndon,; abo by nearly and Eov»« o. throughout the Civilised a *65, at ,s. ijd., ss. gd., 48. 6d., ns. aa«. t0 *ach Pot and Bo*. "d Advice can be obtained, free of efcanre V SUMMER FASHIONS FOR 1882. HENRY Is W I S' S s OW-IK Iooms Are now OPEN with a Choice Selection of all the Latest Novelties in MILLINERY, MANTLES, PftESS & FANCY GOODS, &c., SUITABLE FC^Ry^HE COMING SEASON. 11, Commercial Place, Aberdare. SAN I). White's London Cement, (Plaster Paris, Hlortai I Hair, &c., all of the best quality, at EVAN THOMAS & CO/S, Ironmongers, aiicl Miner's Lamp Manufacturers, -D /I M -E PHI C BcrN, APPLICATION A LARGE AND CAREFULLY-SELECTED STOCK OF SCRAPS, Suitable for SCREENS, SCRAP ALBUMS, &c., is now on Sale at the Aberdare Times" Office, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. 13XLSAM op cf OJ> COUGHS, BB^NCHITOS, ^ASTHMA, INFLUENZA, NIGHT COUGH, &c. See above Trade lark on every Bottle, and insist on having POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, Sold by all Chemists & ledicine Vendors tatyjboit the World at 1/ii & 2/3. STATIONERY & FANCY WAREHOUhK "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JONES & SON, FRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c, DESIHE to inform the PUBLIC that they have in stock a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS &c., to which they invite attention. A larpe Stock of Mnaical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drums Harmonicars, Mouth Orpins, &c. The largest and best selected Stock in Town of IJOME and FOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboaj-ds, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Workboxes, Money Bores, Fancy Boxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfumery, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Card", &c. Combs and Brushes of the best quality Pipes and Tobncco Pouches, ( igai Cases. Ladii s Bag*, Purses, Albums, &c.,&c. -:0:- OBSERVE THE ADDRESS— •AliEKDABE TIME^" OFFICE 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, AlJERDABE -Z

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