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WOODW ARD, Poster, Town Crier, &c., TIQIT street, A BERDA RE, 10 inform the Public and Tradesmen that he Rents the Largest in the District, and is ^eive Orders for Posting, &c., in oeramau, Hirwain, Ctvmdare, Cwm- 1 °«ier parts of the District. List on Application. ^tracts made per Quarter or Yearly. J .d College, Swansea. Principal JGAfc WILLIAMS, M.A. (Glas. B.D. (Edin.) *"View, eholtered situation, healthy 1-room, spacious play-ground well- ortnituries. separate bed foreach boy l wholesome diet discipline strict but teaching power. Backward puplis attention. Twelve pupils passed 9.Inluations in 1881. Terma strictly 'l'l's Hotel, Aberdare. I OBDINARY at this Hotel oe held in future at One instead of In.e o'clock as pieviously. PHetor also informs to public that >ened a C OFFEE, TEA, and RE- f-jT BAR in connection with the uch has "been fitted up with every Convenience and comfort. Convenience and comfort. SL. OXENHAM, Proprietor. ¡ DR. SMITH'S of treatment by the Positive Remedies. of trtry form of Debil ty and Nervousness. Verk, 1M Pspes, free by posf. in 00 receipt of Threw Sumps, ta p Postage. tNING AND HELP TO INVALIDS ■FKRING FROM DEBILITATING N A SPECIAL MEDICAL WORK ON ?SE, SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT, -ITATING AND NERVOUS DISEASE, IITH'S POSITIVE REMEDIES. "PHI ET gives a LIST OF LLBILITA— D SPECIAL D SEASES AN U THEIR REMEDIES. describe* the Causes and Medicines used by the Doctor in liib FOR THIRTY YEARS: It is written LED to enable INVAMUS to form a correct of their disease. By the aid oi this book, jut dise»>6es caused t.y indiscretion v»ill find 'r j'n.'n of the disease they hre suffering the Instructions w b»« h will enable the lnrj a Cure, without PERSONALLY CON- A MEDICAL MAN. LhT,ADVICf: »nd INSTRUCTIONS by f ii. I0usa»fl8 hare bren Cnred of a. ^I'il it y. Dt. .1°^ 'j'* Heait, .1°^ 'j'* Heait, livild .5* #nci ry. fcr*y. • b«ek, ?*< Brushing, Hysteiio, Timidity, Self-distrust, liiznrss, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fetus, Muscult-r ReiaSHtion, &c., resulting from ex- haustion of Nerve Power, the effects of Overtaxed Energies, Enervating llal'itsand ether abuses of the System. ett will be found everything COUNTRY "lioiild know t<« Se. «rt Health, Strength, °«g-life, and avoid the ) i.firmitie of Old Cases of Nervous Dcbilti Cured Itnonials given. Invalids' Hand-Book au •—w e diseases. •— ent, free by p»«t for Three Stamps to ">>n Envelope. ca""et now i<e left Ri the Post e i-r, unless in the saucer's own name. SMITH, 8, BURTON CRKSCENT, LONDON, W.C. ar??t°P CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS all discharges from the rizene, n either sex. acquired or constitu- a,el, atid PRins in the Hack. Sold in y by all Chemists and Patent 8 • or sent to any af'diess for 60 Maker, -The Lincoin & Mid and ATWL ComP^Y, Lincoln," Consulting apothecaries H til, Lincoln.—WhoL-sale w CLAY & SONS, Londea, and all the "onaea. JH 'AY Blood Essential to Life, health and Strength. *11 other known Medicines for Purifying they are available for T Tremedy- I" conge-tions a«d ZiZZZ JaA- L,VRR'. ,h.cy q"i^ly remova the Bourns, they*1 act'n",pat,?n lr'd disordered itant matter from the "e aPenent; «a*. cramps, uvd painful sripin^ Cana1, an<i Headaches, Nausea and Stomach, Loss of Appetite, id Lowness of Spirits. ong properties of thest Pills soon produce » in the seastitution, removing all excess of *•. palpitation, pains after e-itinjj, and giddiness, apptiritc, ole&r thi# complexion, and •allh. Mother's Friend. Females' Specifics. 1 family should know the value of these Cj? «i 3"Ocumnlations and restoring suspended pr fj,] l?*^1» at various critical periods of female life "Cyond measure they can be taken safely by tad txs invaluable in ail children c tated Constitutions, Trem. and Loss of Nervous Energy. Nervine Tonics they correct on }v<:a'Kuesse»- Tl.ey act 10 kind'y, yet so K]' ,.u»ctioni of dieestion* that the whole body r • r Is Pu,ified, ana the muscles become firmer e ?re sufferers from Nervous Weakness iD — ^ve th»m m. C»ir and honest trial. *U *•* *°W &t Professor HottOWAv's j Stwet, Loadoo, also by nearly kta*. M«dkcme throughout the OviU&«d gd-, 6du, uv. »v, dvreetieaa m aflbnd to 88Q Box wd Pot, aod IA *"y language. -44vise can be obtained, tree of obarge., by 144 tM above adteeM, iaUy, totoreea tlaa nd wr 1t!r ttttew. SUMMER FASHIONS FOR 1882. HENRY LEWIS'S SHOW-ROOMS kre now OPEN with a Choico Selection of all the Latest Novelties in MILLINERY, MANTLES, DRESS & FANCY GOODS, &c., SUITABLE FOR THE COMING SEASON. 11, Commercial Place, Aberdare. SAND. White's London Cement, Plaster Paris, Mortar Hair, &c., all of the best quality, at EVAN THOMAS & CO/S, Ironmongers, and Miner's Lamp Manufacturers, e/j? M li M IP .1 JI E PRICE ON APPLICATION A LAHGE AND CAREFULLY-SELECTED STOCK OF SCRAPS, Suitable for SCHEENS, SCRAP ALBUMS, &c., is now on Sale at the Aberdare Times" Office, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. 44 'I AjE MPL COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, INFLUENZA, NIGHT COUGH, &c. See above Trade Mark on every Bottle, and insist on having POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEEO, Sold by all Chemists & Medicine Yendors throughout the World at 1/1 i & 2/3. STATION Ell V &- FANCY WAREliOUlSH: "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JONES & SON, PRINTERS, EOOESELLERS, STATIONERS, &c, DESIRE to inform the PUKLIC that th<y have in stock a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATION EH Y ana FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS &c., to which they invite attention. A b'r^f Stock of Musical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drums flarmonicars, Mouth Organs, &c. The largest and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and FOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, Chess, Draffs, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Wcrkboxes, Money Boxes, Fancy Boxes, Rimtnel's Soap and Pt'rfullI"ry, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Cards, &-c. Con.bs and Brushes of the best quality Pipet and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. LadiiV Bags, Purses, Albums, &c., &c. -:0:- OBSERVE THE ADDRESS- •ABEKDAKE TIMES" OFFICE 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABEltDARE

