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MOUNTAIN ASH LOCAL BOARD. The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the abovo Board was heldiu the board-room, Workman's Hall, on Monday, when the -following were pre- sent — VIessrs. D. Morgan (.chairman), I. Yeo, D. Davies. W. Bevan, \V. Morgan, J. Griffiths, D. Coleman, T. Edwards, J. C. N. Gray, D. Thomas, and W. Little. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. THE PROPOSED NEW ROAD TO PENRHIWCEIBR, Referring to Mr. W. R. Smith's interview with the Board at their last meeting, the ( lerk II stated that he had noflieard from Mr Smith yet on the subject of the resolution passed .by the Boaid, therefore nothing more could be said at present. A letter had been received from Messrs Simons and Plews, 011 behalf of Messrs. Nixon, Taylor, and Cory, stating .that .they should oppose the new road and object to any money of the Hoard being contributed towards its construction. The Chairman Can they tell us they won't pay the rates ? The Clerk They don't tell us that. Till an answer to the communication to the Ponrniw- j c-dbr Company is received the matter must .how- ever stand over. The Clei'k also read a letter from Mr Thomas Williams, deputy coroner, referring to an inquest on the-body of Thomas Hursley, who lost his life in .crossing the railway near Penrhiwceibr, in which.the .jury had requested him to com- muhicaito with the Local Board, drawing their attention to the defective state of-the road in the above neighbourhood, i The Chairman A very sensible letter. NEW HATE. The Clerk: The rate is the next thing. This is-the rate of 81 in tho pouud made in con- formity with your .instructions. (New rate book .produced.) •! The Chairman proposed, and Mr D. Coleman seccttded, that tne rate be adopted aL\d sealed with the seal of the Board. r This was agreed to. PRIVATE IMPROVEMENT EXPENSES. Mi-s llopkins, a widow, waited upon the Board in reference to a claim made upon her -for private improvements near her property, bhe said she coiud not pay as the times were to) bad. The Clerk said toe demand made upou her amounted to £ 15 os"b|d. T4v5._ Chiurmaii said Lord Aberdare was interested 111 the adjoining-property and he had consented to pay £ 4 lis 8,^d provided M.rs. Hopkins paid the reuiaiudor. Mrs, i;qj)kfns she owned two cottages* She got 13S per month from one, and lived ill the other that was all she had to live upon. T'he Chan-tnan remarked that the property was not heavily incumbered, and she might raise a little more money upon them. Mr. Hopkins having retired, the Board, after a brief disscusion, agreed to accept payment by instalments of -10s per month, on her signing an agreement to that effect, otherwise that she be summoned for her proportion. surveyor's REio-glf. The following was read — To t ie Ch'iifman and Members of the Mountain Ash Local Hoard. Ccntlemcn,—ln my last report I made a short statement iu reference to the complaints of the water ill Darran Las and promised to report, fully thereon I find-the c'anaee of complaints arises from the following:- 1st The water is turned.,off from that district to feed the boilers in the yard. 2nd. i he filter bedsaro-in bad working order. 3rd. The pipes are corroded iu this distritt, and thereby .prevents the full quantity of water'. As to the first I am told that, Mr Gray has given instructions that the water must not on any account BE turned otf for the HSO of-the works. The filter beds are new .undor repair, and I would recommend you to ask't.le coipipany to relay the fnaiu water pipe in High-street, and the Branches of Rock and Cardiff-streets. I reported fully upon the fall and force-of water at stated points soiiio 2 years ago, those streets have the lowest pressure of any ;int iu the town, btit in case of the above being remedied, I have no fear whatever, but that sufficient force will be found to extinguish a fire at any of the above streets. Lha,ve seen Mr Bell since the last meeting, and he states that if the Board carry out 'the work required at the top of Allen-Street that the company-is prepared to'pay 'their proportion of the cost. lie objects of the. company carrying out the work as he feaye they may have a diffi- culty in getting paid for the portion belonging to the other owners. ram pteastJd thIS matter is now settled. I would recommend that you give the Surveyor instructions to get in tenders subject to the plan and specification, approved of by your board, and lay the -tenders before you at the next meeting. I bog to draw your attention to my report upon the.,parapet wall and channelling required in Allen-street, which was deferred in conse- quence of my absence. fbeg to lay before you aJ'lan and Estimate of the proposed road from the "viiskin to Penrinw- ceibr Colli«k'y. As you will see by the plan and Gross sections, I have taken great trouble in levelling two longitudinal sections and 13 cross sections off each base. I propose 'two gradients only, the first one in 155 and the second ouctin 105. I have endeavoured as far as practica'ole to get the filling to counterbalance the cutting, but in consequence of Major Vaughin Lee keep- ijig the road up to his boundry (low) it will increase the cost of this portion. Major Vaug-han Lee proposes carrying the road 30 feet to the end. of his boundry. I do not think it advisable to continue, that width. You will see by the plan I proposes 20 feet road from the Miskin to that point. I propose connecting it with Qlyn Gwyn-street as well as the main road. I find notice was served Upon Mr T\ Charles, of Ty'r Arlwyad, August 30th, 1878, to erect a closet, the notice has been complied with, but he has not deposited a plan. I would recom- mend tliatthe clerk write and ask, Mr Charles to forward a plan by the next board fheeting. ni 1'ecoihmeud that notices bo postbd in Clip and Stream streets declaring the said streets to be completed to the satisfaction of the Board, and that the same be declared to bfefcoirie public highways. i ho footpath at St. Margaret's Church is com- pleted to my satisfaction. <:> I beg to lay before you a plan showing a Closet which I consented to bti erected at the back of the Aberdare Hotel, as it is a great im- provement upon the old closet, which was in the cellar of the house. I -would recommend that it be passed. I beg to lay before you a plan showing a shop ana two Cottages to be erected by ivJ-r Hy. Sinitii at Penrhiwceibr. The plan neither shows pavement in froutoftfie premises nor dimensions. This is contrary to the bye laws.- 1 beg to remain, gentlemen, your obedient servant, JNo. HERBERT JENKINS. THF. WATER SUPBLY AT DARRAN-LA6. Referring to the Surveyor's report, Mr Gray stated that if the pipes were corroded and worn out he would see that new ones should be sub- stituted, PAHAPEj WALL IN ALLEN-STREET. The Chairman remarked that the intention was to erect a six-foqt parapet wall in the above street. Vi r Gray considered a wall of that description very dangerous as children would be getting on the top of it and might fall over. rhe caual was more dangerous than the brook. 0 Mr Yeo As Messrs Ni-xon have agreed to carry out the work on their side I think it only right we should do the rest. Mr Gray: Well only do our part as far as our property goes. The Chairman proposed that the wall near Ffrwd brook together with the kerb and channelling be carried out as soon as the funds would allow. This was agreed to. TENDERS FOR WORK IN CEMETERY-ROAD. The Chairman proposed that tenders be advertised tor, -to be in by next meeting, for carrying out the private improvements at the top of Cemetery-road according to-the plan and sections. This was agreed to. RoAD TO PENRHIWCEIBR. Mr T. Edwards thought the matter of the proposed road had better stand over till they heard something more about it. I The estimate of cost of the road was passed round to the members present. STREAM-STREET AND CLIEF-STREET. The Chairman proposed that notices be p isted up declaring the two streets above mentioned highways. This was seconded by Mr Yeo and agreed to. MR H. SMITH'S PLAN. The Chairrnan proposed that Mr R. Smith's plan be returned to him in order that the same be.rectified in accordance with the bye-laws of the Board. This was agreed to. INSPECTOR OF LODGING HOtfSES' REPORT. The following was read :— 0 Mountain Ash Police Station, 26th, May 1879. To the Chairman and Members of the Mountain Ash Local Soard. Gentlemen,—I beg to report, that I served a notice on Thomas Wall, 60 Phillip Street, Moun- tain Ash, to reduce the number of persons in the house from 15 to 9, Since I served the notice, I have visited the house and found the notice complied with. I also beg to report, that the 1st lamp on the foot path in the wood leading to Duifryn, has not been lit once, during the last fortnight.— I rema.m, gentlemen, your obedient servant, JAMES 'OHNS, Inspector of Loiging Houses. THE LAMP IN DUFFRYN-ROAD. '1 In answer to a question. Sergt. John's stated that there wns some defect in the lamp referred to in Duffrvn-ro id. The Chairman remarked that in that case the Board could riot expeciithe company to keep it lit. MliDXCAI. OFFICER'S SALARY. It was o-dered that the Clerk fill in the form applying to the L'bcal Government Board for JE20. being -half the salary due to the Medical Officer. FINANCE REPORT. The Finance Committeee's report was read and adopted. here was an overdraft on the bank of £ 130 9s 6d. Cheques amounting to I Y, -4 2 s (id were signed THE SCAVENGING CONTRACT. Mr D. Davies complained that the work of the scavenger and. road contractor was not properly attentod t., in the neighbourhood of the gratings were never cleaned and the scavenging cart did not come round. So loiv as the ;:oard paid for tho work he thought it should be done. Mc. T. Edwards said ttie grating his house also was net half looked-after. Tho Cnairmaii proposed that" the scavenger be requested to attend to his work .about viiskin, Mount Pleasant-terrace, and Napier-street, or that tho Surveyor fine him for negloet. .vir Gray suggested that the Board request him to attend to the scavenging generally. This was agreed to, and the proceedings then terminated.







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