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ABERDARE RCIAL AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, CONDUCTED BY THE T. J. JOSEPH GEORGE, UNIfy no USE. 3IILA AD PLACE, ABERDARE liSTABLISHED 1865. i thorough conducted on sound prin- ciples. rate attention is given to each Pupil. TERMS:—ONE GUINEA. F H Y SU FFER!" TBY GNK BOX OF EVANS'S 'US AND LIVER PILLS. hich is the best known remedy for and Liver Complaints, the Piles, and Gravel. sequence of numerous private recom- dations, the Proprietor has at length iced to bring these valuable Pills into tice, feeliDg aasur d that a general trial fully prove their superiority and aub- the important testimonials, already Pills consist of a careful and peculiar e of tLe choicist Vegetable Aperients; e every recommendation of mild opera- snccesstul effect, and r« quire no restraint etneni whilst taking them they act Iy, on the livtr, and disperse morbid ac- >ns; the intestinal functions an* rendered >y their use, and their regularity con- er the Pilla have ceased to betaken. bt- tound a most efficacious remedy for laments of the digestive organs, and the arietiea of bilious and liver complains, by more or less of the following symp- r quent sickness, acidity or heartburn, !) giddiness, spasms, flatulency, tender- •• region of the liver, c<>stiveness, piles t-1, yellow jaundice, drowsiness, loss of wind, depression of the spirits, pains ie loins and back, scrofula, scurvy, impuritio of the blood, rheumatism, the stomach and sid indigestion, in- fo, palpitation, pimples en the fac. &c. Pills speedily remove irritation and a tate of the Stomach, correct the morbid IIf the Liver and organs aubs-rvient to and promote a due and healthy secre- le. otes, Is. 11// and 2s. 9d. each', by Post, i. anil 3s., direct from the Proprietor, 'ANS, M.R PS., Dispensing Chemist 14, C OMMEliClAL-STRKET, HDARE, GLAMORGANSHIRE; And from all respectable Chemists. 7le Agents—London, Jr. Svittm k Co., and Bristol, Pearce .5' Co.; Acker man, "oxarcl .s. Co. Retail—Aberaman, Gadlys, Williams] James Lewis, George ferthyr; Bryflmatcr, A. M. Jones; B. A Gcorqe; lihymney, F. Dixon AliI,. T. Ê. f ivinx Llanelly, Jacob isuuc Jones, ilouLxcller, Trehirbirt. RS. TILTLEY, tivACHER Of 3H AND ITALIAN SINGING, PIANOFOltTE, &c., S ABERDARE every WeeJs. For ,ther information apply to MRS. TaLEt, lpr- errace, Aberdate. upil-9 i, aitll/d for the. Profession. W ifisms Lozr.ltGi S iv'medicated linseed extract ,e,7d. Kay Hra»., Moclpcrt, and all Chemists. T. PRICE, DER AND CONTRACTOR, SERINE STREET, ABERDARE. otife Repair? of ttery description done rily. )ttfopDB ESSBKCS OF LIVSKKB, for Colds and •es bins cases put of ten. Sold by all Chemists. n-X- _u- P I L ikl —1 ty of the Blood.-Enfeebled Existence. lieine embraces every attribute rrtntTirod in it ponfral re rood it overturns the fonmlfition of disease [v-e food "LnA i mi in re air. In obstruction or con- le liver. Inn" .bowels, or any otlier orgiins, thfter dally serviceable and eminently sjieoessfol. They t in reading In everv family, bein* a medicine hie utility for young persons, particularly to those ;tIWti008. ness, Xiosg of Appetite, Head- i, and Lowness of Spirits. lis effect a truly wonderful change in dehiUtntod they create a healthy Rppotitp.. corm-t intii- re woes* of bile, aDd overcome giddiness, headache, III At the heart. others and Daughters. is one thine more than another for wbioli In" it i- bbaoir parifring pmpertil". p jwrially their n.;in;.l' nte W««l from all unporities, r-movim^ dan- ilioni. anl r^nosriivr sn«j*rvied sfy rftion-. Univer- im the 0111 prand r^tjjedy for female complaititii, ever fail, never weakan the system, aud always rhat is required. stioa, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. wifferiiu; from wiy disorders of the liver, stomach, tu of digestioa, gh»nW have imniwliote recourse to a there is no madtaine loiown that Mte on tbOM Bpioiats -with MCh eeriaki MCC&M. II Ointment are sohl at Pmfasaor TToiil/lw/vV 3 ti, 633, OxtarA Strosi. London, ttao by nenrty ibble Vendor of fchjdtotae tlirwi^iowt the Cl-vilisetd Me and t'ot<v. at Is. i^d., Xs. 4s. 44.. M»m The amalled Bag POls ctmttuois four doacu the laàQ- Pot ti Onlwent oote ouaoe. d4,40ti#,m are afhmd to ePl¡t'4ot Tka and Pot, and > tmy tenp-mqr-, nmta Tttrkieh, Arabia, Anuoiuiin, or gblnese HENRY LEWIS FOR MILLINERY, MANTLES, COSTUMES, AND I FANCY DRESS MATERIALS I" SSOW ROOMS ARE NOW onBisr- 11, Commercial Place, Aberdare. CARPETS! CARPETS!! CARPETS! Cretonnes Cretonnes Cretonnes H. LEWIS, 11, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE, ILL show on FRIDAY, the 31st instant, and following days, several THOUSAND YARDS OF 0 HEMP, FELT, AND TAPESTRY CARPETS. The Largest and Cheapest Stock he has ever offered. March 27th, 1876. RHYS ETNA JONES Has just received an excellent VARIETY OF WOOLLEN CLOTHS, And \8 prepared to make np GOOD MEN'S SUITS from £ 2 5s. Ode to £ 3 15s. Od. NEW GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT AT 35, COMMERCIAL STREET, ABERDARE. D. L. PROBE RT, of Cwmbach, v!TOVO> fr'end«, aud the Puldic FF^nerally, tl^t he has juRf. OPENED the above „ e 'be occupation of the late Mr. DAXCE), with a Large and Superior Stock of all kinds of GROCERY and PROVISIONS. ■ ■ :o: THE LnWF.ST POSSIBLE PRrcEn CHAtOKfl fofe At.L GOODS. T. WHITSUN JONES, AUCTIONEER, HOUSE A K D COMMISSION AGENT, 35, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. -+- Auction Rooms and Second-hand Furniture Stores. GUINNESSES EXTRA STOUT, BO.TTLED BY THOMAS TODD, HIGH STREET, ABERDARE. lETTER FROM THE DUCHESS OF EDINBURCH'S LAUN'DRESS- |l|pp^k I am vrTy much pleased with your SQUARE BLUE. I ^aV8 n,°W j1 it^or s°nie time, and both for far any I have hitherto used. Yours re ot S A 1, AstA Rf -L I N II, SQUARES. GARDNEtL" Is the FINEST for the LAUNDRY, supcr- sedes Tlmmb and Indigo Blues, is niioquallcd 0 J Ifal for Beauty of Tint, for Economy in use, and BEWARE OF w K ^U for not injuring the Clotlios. INFERIOR IMITATIONS To be had of most respectable Grocers, Oilmen, &c. -or'- "1" o. STATIONERY & FANCY WAREHOUSE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JONES & SON, PIt I NTERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c., DESIRE to inform the PURLtC -7 h^p in stock a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS, snitable for PRESENTS, &c., to which they invite attention. A large Stock of Musical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, Saiijo-, Tambourines, Drums Harmonicars, Mouth Organs, &c. The largest and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and FOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Workboxes, Money Boxes, Fancy Boxes, Rimmers Soap and Pfrfntn"ry, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Cards, &c. Combs and Brushes of the best quality Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albams, &c., &c. -:0:- OBSERVEjTHE^ADDRESS— "ABEKDAllE TlilES" OFFICE,. 31, COMMEllCIAL-PLACE, ABEliDARE.
