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ABERDARE COHMERC!IAL AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, CONDUCTED BY THE & £ V. J. JOSEPH GEORGE, UNITY HOUSE, highland place, abebbare. •LSTABUSUED 1865. fc "Cation thorough conducted on sound prin- ciples. Separate attention is given to each Pupil. TEKMS:—OXE GUINEA. "WHY SUFFER?" TBY ONE BoX OF EVANS'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS. Which is the best known remedy for ^*LIOUS and Liver Complaints, the Piles, and Gravel. IN consequence of numerous private recom- ^endations. the Proprietor has at length TWA* *N(^CED to bring these valuable Pills into "C notice, feeling ASKUR d that a general trial more fully prove theiryfiuperiority and sub- FECE'*1^ 'MPOR^ANT' testimonials already AD^ESE consist of a careful and peculiar JJIM,XTURE of the choici st Vegetable Aperients; »• EY Unite every rec<irain< ndation of mild opora- ON W'TH suecessfuWffect, and r. quire no restraint R confinement whilst taking LH< M they act PPCIFITIAUY on the liver, and disperse morbid ae- NSULATIONA; the intestinal functions AR^ rendered Rular by their use, and their regularity con- 'JJUE8 after the Pilla have ceased to be takpn. II will be found a most efficacious remedy for derangements of tht digestive organs, and the varieties of bilious and liver complains, by more or less of the following symp- JOOjs :—Fr. quent sickness, acidity or heartburn, "^SD-AEHE, giddiness, spasms, flatulency, tt-nder- NPS8 in the region of the liver, c<>stiveness, piles and gravel, yellow jaundire, drowsiness, loss of FCPPetite, wind, depression of the spirits, pains Heroes the loins and back, scrofula, scurvy, ETY8IP#las, impurities of the blood, rheumatism, in the stomach and aid- s, indigestion, IN- SOLATION, palpitation, pimples on the fac, &c. fhpge Pills speedily remove irritation and a e*erish state of the Stomach, correct the morbid Condition of the Liver and organs subservient Jo 'gestion, an<^ promote a due and Liealtbv secre- tin of bile. Sold in Poxes Is. l^r/ and 2s. 9d. each; by Post, 18.4d. end 3s., direct fi um the Proprietor, EVANS, M.R P.S., Dispensing Chemist I 14, COMMERCIAL-STUKET, ABERDAHE, GLAMORGANSHIRE; I And from all respectable Chemists. ^}^kuhsale Agents—London, If. Sutton k. Co., and p91-MatJirr; Bristol, Pearce <5* Co.; Acherman, Leonard 4' Co. Retail—Abcraman,, Sims, J^'D'jist; (iadlys, William* James Lewis, George •own, Merthyr; Brynmawr, A. M. Jones; ~\j'n>re, R- A Georf/e; h'hymney, F. Dixon; ^fountain <i*k, ,il>A James Llanelli/, Jacob *^ughes. MRS. T ILL E Y, TEACHER OF EEGLISH AND ITALIAN SINGING, PIANOFORTE, &c., YRISITS ABERDARE every Week. For 2 further information apply to MRS. TILLEY, Glo'ster- errace, Aberdare. Pupils ft awed for the Profession. j^^obo-Linsj!HB I,OZE>*GKS. a medicated linseed extract, « i post iree, 7d. Kay Bros., Stockport, and all Chemists. B. T. PRICE, 13UILDER AND CONTRACTOR, CATHERINE STREET, ABERDARE. House Repairs ot every description done ^atigtactorily. Compound Essence ot LIICSBBD, for Colds and ^D6hs, cures nine cases put of ten..cold by all Chemists. -fee tonpurity of the Blood.-Enfeebled Existence. This ernbr;ioes every attributeroqvurcd In a peneral domestic remodv it <werturn3 the fotinckition of disease why defective food and impure nir. In obstruction or con- of the liver, luntrs, bowels, or any other organs, those are especially serviceable and eminently Successful. They _^c,uld be kept in readiness in every family, beinsj a medicine incomparable utility for youub' persons, particularly to those feeble constitutions. I biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Head- ache, and Lowness of Spirits. ^hese PUls effect* trnly wonderful chanoi? in debilitated *W»*titntlons. ns thoy Vreate n healthy appetite, correct hidi- remove excess oKbile, and overcome giddiness, headstche. Palpitation of the heJEft. Mothers and Daughters. If there is one thm^ more than another for which these r|H* are famnin. it h their purifying properties, especially their P^wer of clnansin;? the Mood from all impurities, rr-movin<j dari- ^'oas PonTes'ion<. and renewing snspended secretions. T'niver- adopted a-i the on« praDd remedy for female complaint- fills never fail, never weaken tlie system, and alwaj? ln? about what is required. Indigestion, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. nr ?ersoBS sufterina; from any disorders of the liver, stomach, 11-« Pr of dioestion, siiould have immediate recour.e to fts ^)er9 uo medicine known t.liat acta ou the^e eonaplaiats with such certain succcss. and Ointment ara sold at Profesfior HOILOWAT s 6:]^, Street, London, also by wiiH to i .^ywv/tfkbU'. Veni1<* of tiicmfrbnut the <Vili v ri»' Bo*es and Pot,, at U l^d.. 2.s*9d.. 4. fid., l-ls.. 22> »3s. each. The smallest Bote of Pills contain* four dozen and the sI1l:îUest Pot of Ointment otic ounce. Printed ''ifectfoiM arc ofTixecl to e:i"h TInx and Put, and !l be bli4 18 any Uuii^Jnr^. cvenjn Turkish, Arabic,>Vm»eriian, x- ^eisiau, or't'Liiucae. i\o. 1" HENRY LEWIS FOR MILLINERY, MANTLES, COSTUMES, AND FANCY DRESS MATERIALS SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OFEN". 11, Commercial Place, Aberdare. CARPETS! CAll PETS!! CARPKTS! Cretonnes! Cretonnes Cretonnes! H. LEWIS, 11, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE, w ILL show on FRIDAY, the 31st instant, and following days, several THdusAND YARDS OF HEMP, FELT, AND TAPESTRY CARPETS. The Largest and Cheapest Stock he has ever offered. Alarch 11th, 1876. RIIYS ETNA JONES Has just received an excellent VARIETY OF WOOLLEN CLOTHS, And is prepared to make up GOOD MEN'S SUITS from .62 5s. Od. to J63 15s. Od. I IMPORTANT NOTICE! EVAN LLOYD, A P,EE, ABERAMAIST, Being about to remove to his NEW PREMISES, will offer the whole of his STOCK at an I IMMENSE REDUCTION! NEW GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT AT 35, COMMERCIAL STREET, ABERDARE. D. L. PROBERT, of Cwmbach, BhCJS to inform his friends, arad the Public JT'nerally, that he has just OPENED the above PREMIERS (forimrlv in the occupation of the late Mr. DAXCE). with a Large and Superior Stock of all kinds of GROCERY and PROVISIONS. J ———— :o:———— THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES CHANGED FOR ALL GorDCI. T. WHITSUN JONES, AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AND COMMISSION AGENT, 35, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. An.-tion Rooms and Second-hand Furniture Stores. Sautter FROM THE DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH'S LAUNDRESS AM V<R-V MUC'1 P'<,ASE4 W'TH your SQUARE BLUE. BEAUTY of COLOUR and it far SURPASSES any I have hitherto used. -Yours resrectfullv, &:Lam 0 SARAI-I U-f-l M. p SQUARES. Is the FINEST for the LAUNDRY, super- sedes Thumb and Indigo Blues, is unequalled 0 ] Um m m for Beauty of Tint, for Economy in use, and BEWARE OF for not injuring the Clothes. INFERIOR IMITATIONS To be had of most respectable Grocers, Oilmen, &c. < STATIONERY & FANCY WAREHOUSE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JONES & SON, PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c., DEsrHE to inform the PUliLIC ViAue in stock a large and varied nssortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY ana FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS, &c., to which they invite attention. A large Stock of Musical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drums Harmonicars, Mouth Organs, &c. The largest and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and FOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Workboxes, Monpy Boxes, Fancy Boxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfumery, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Card", &c. Combs and Brushes of the best quaiity Pipea and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albums, &c., &e. :o: OBSERVE^THE; ADDRESS— "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, CJMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. LLYFIIAU CYM REIG, All WEKTH CAN JONES A I M A B, 31, COMME RCIAL-P LACE, AB ERDA R E. » Pris cyhoeddiedg. Pris cynygedig £ 8. d. £ 8. d. Es boniad Burkitt sr y Testament Newydd •• •• ..1116 110 Eto, vn rh wy to >. • ■ •• •• 1 10 0 Esboniad y Parch Christmas Evans ar Lyfr Dadguddiad ,.026 026 Geiriadur Duwinyddol ae Ysgrylhjro\ gan y di^veddar Parch J.T.Jones ..0 6 0 0 6 0 Hanes y Nef a'r Ddaear. eto 013 0 g 13 0 t Daearyddiaeth Ysgrythyrol, eto •• • •- 0 13 0 0 13 0 Parhad mewn Gras, eto 0 6 0 0 6 Qanes AtfredFawr.&c., eto •• ..01) 10 Catecism y Parch. D. Davies, Pantteg, y dwsm 0 3 0 0 2 0 Eto, y Parch. W. Davies, Rhydyceisiaid, eto •• ..0 3 0 0 2 6 Hanes Bywyd Due WellingtoQ 0 2 6 0 2 0 Oratoria Mor Tiberius 0 8 0 0 8 0 Drych i Blentyn, gany diweddar D. Evans, Penj graig, y dwsin 9 1 0 009 Rhodd Mam, y dwsin ø 1 0 0 0 6 Tv Tad yr Iesu, neu olygiadau qr Kef, yn rhwym fJ. 2 6 0 2 6 UdgGrn Sion, (Llyfrau Toaau) W 0 2 6 0 2 6 Cloriany Cysogr -r ?• •• :? 040036 Clog SPRING & SUMMER FASHIONS, 1876. WILLIAM SARVIS, CARDIFF & MARKET STREETS, ABERDARE, BEGS to announce that his New and Extensive SfifOW ROOMS will be Opened on SATURDAT, the 6th of MAY, when an early call will be esteemed. DEPARTMENTS. MILIINEBZ v • MA1TTLE 820W EOOtt Large and Choice display of Alillinery and A most extensive collection of Freneh and Trimmed Chip Bonnets, Plain end Trimmed Chip English Elegancies in Silk, Matelasse and Fancy and Fancy Hats in a gr,at variety of Shapes, fixtures, the new Frenctl Polonaise and Princess Caps, Head Dresses, Feathers, Flowers, &c.,&c. Fichu; some t.ry beautiful designs in Lyons Silk Velvet Mantles and Paletots. The Dust COSTUMES. Wrap in all Shades, &c., &c. New and Select Paris Designs in Black and LADIEO OUTFITTING. Colored Silk, and also Silk and Fancy T. xtures Ladies'Outfiiting and Children's Department, intermingled. The styles sire exceedingly attrac- Fancy Pet'iooats, Dressing Gowns, Toilft Jackt is, tive and varied. Dinner, Walking, and Morning &c., &c. Children's Dresses, Boy's Suits, and Costumes, in all the Fabrics of the Season. Infant's Millinery of all kinds. » COFFINS! COFFINS!! COFFINS! SAMUEL MORRIS, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 64, BUTE STREET, ABERDARE, BEGS to inform the Public that he is prepared to supply COFFINS of all kinds, at prices as low if not low r than can be obtained of any other person in the neighbourhood. S. M. also takes this opportunity of thanking the Public for the supp6rt he has received during the past twenty years, and trusts he may merit a continuarce of tin same in the future. S AND. White's London Cement, Plaster Paris, Mortar Hair, &c., all of the best quality, at EVA JPT HOMAS'S, Ironmonger, aird Miner's Lamp Manufacturer, %-It d is n it ,j it x:. PRICE ON APPLICATION THE EJV1PEU0R OF KUSSIA AND THE CITY OF LONDON. Ilia Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia h *s conferred on Mr. J. W. Benson the appointment of Goldsmith to the Imperial Court, in spprecisrfon of* Vf. Rrn«on'» artistic production of the GoM < Casket [ resented to the Empiror by the Corpuration of the City of London. §1 W TJENSON, v » » • AJ lo the Queen and Roys! Family To H. R. H. the Prince of Wales Csperial appointment). M »ker ot the C hrono_ raph, l>v v Inch the IMslby anil all g^eat races are timrd. Pr ze Medallist of London, Dublin, and 1'ar s. L.U IXiATE HILL, LONDON. E.C.; & 25, OLD BOND ST. T "V\7" XiKNSON incites attention to the Breq liledj T t • JO vantages whic he i> enabled to offer to purchasers by the of ,-t( am power and the employmenf of a lar^e staff of skilled English aud loieign workmen lhe highly satiefactory porforn.an-je of his Watches and flocks is recognized by the Press ar d the Public The prices cha-Lred, in e»er\ in-tanre a^e the lowe>t, compatible with O.y ELT English Clocks, far superior to foreign, designed by 1A English artists, manutactured on tlie premises and to be ob- tained nly at the al>o»H estalilishmt uts Clock Cases made to harmonize witb the architecture of mausi. ns, country houses, C H ES. From *2 to *200 Guineas. Rail way Guards, Sailors ▼ T Soldiers, Miners, and Workmen's Watches (of extra strength), JEWELRY and Plate for Presentation, &c. V\ atehes and Clocks repaired by skilled workmen. Old Jewelry, Silver, and ^Watches exchanged. heI'e%v Pamphlets on Turret and Church Clocks (with testimonials), &c., and their itai-Diture. THATCHES. From to MO Guineas. Rail way Guards, Sailors e oft C H ES. From *2 to *200 Guineas. Rail way Guards, Sailors ▼ T Soldiers, Miners, and Workmen's Watches (of extra strength), JEWELRY and Plate for Presentation, &c. V\ atehes and Clocks repaired by skilled workmen. Old Jewelry, Silver, and ^Watches exchanged. and Slrippers heI'e%v Pamphlets on Turret and Church Clocks (with testimonials), Watcht s and C'ot ks. Jr welry and Plate (profusely illustrated), sent 'lhe abeveskt-tch i-ep;esei.t> tin l'erpe;ual Ualenoar, post flee t-juji, jor rwo stamps. '"uhout" berng^re-^e^Vron et?me8t»)\mlel "fi rbp)"^ H ^-dwic^Pice'd^r Ha.n' 'J' M "ij 7**TeUC" by keep a perpetual register of seconds, minotes, hours, 'd '>• 2*. «d., Lilt, is. <Ja\}<, uct-ks, uiouths, and >ears; show old and new muuum —ihv rul»lic are c^utio&ed against niisrepre&ei)U.tion« -ityle; phases ot the moon, and Tariationsot heat & cold, ana attempts to sell Spuiious Imitations CoAQtJLiNE.—Kar's best Cement for Broken Articles, 6d.< Is.. 2s Sold elsewhere. Kay Bros., Stockport. Just Published, post free 3id. NERVOUS DESILITY, and how TO CURE IT, WITHOUT EXPENSIVE CONSULTATIONS and EXORBITANT M H.blCAL I EES. M owing tlie nefarious system of terrorism and extortion practi ed 011 real or imaginary su"erers from nervou* ud other fllSUrdertl hy a certain class of tntdical practitioners This pamphlet is Hot an advertisement or preface to expensive consu tatiuns and high medical fees, but is designed as a warning and a caution tr those who sutler from nervous debility, at the same time pointingYut the means ot se f treatment (M htch can be followed without rete.ence to the author) and containing the necessary prescriptions and dietetic rules to be observed during the treatment; by one wlio has suQcrerl trom nli^pIaced confidence in medical imposition and quackery- London; H BRUMI.KY, 15, Edith Villas, North End, KAY'S COMPOUND ESSRKCB OF LIWSMD, a demulcent ex- pectoraut, for loughs and Colds. Sold by all Chemists. 23, IRONMONGER LANE, LONDON. (THE OLD 1I0USE.> J(-) [INS T()N'S CORN FLOUR IS THE BEST If QUITE FREE FROM ,A nULTER \TION.Lancet. IT IS DECIDEDLY SUPERIOR."— Lancet. I have examined Johnston's Corn Flour and find it per- fect y pure and nioit- excellent in quality. "ben boiled with milk it IIlIords i ompleie i.ourishmeHt for Children and per- sons of week digestion." CHABLBS A. CAMEROIT, M.D F.R.C.S.I. Professor of Chcmutry, Royal Cellege of Surgeons, Dubliu. HEARSES AND MOURNING COACH RS. ISAAC THOMAS, XJNDERTAK ElPt, 21 and 25 SEYMOUR-STEET, ABERDARE, BEGS to Hjform the public that he has pur- chased t?ie HEABSE3 and MOURNING COACHES frdfn Mr Sarvis, draper, and eOIl- sequ ntly is prepared to undtrtake the entire management of Funefals. He can now supply Coffins, Shrouds, Hears a, Mourning Coaches, and will also undertake the building of Brick Graves, so that relatives may be relieved of all care in this respect. His charges will be found to be less than any other in the Principally. He is also prepared to send Hearsis, with feather plumes, or Mourning Coaches to any part of WaIt's, the whole jbeing of the best description that can be produced. OBSERVE thf ADDRESS :—; 24 & 25, SEYMOUR-STREET, JiERDARfS Select Classes for Young Ladies. THE MISSES JONES ARE open to receive Young Ladies for instruc- tion in Music, Singing, French, Drawing, and Dancing; on very advantageous terms.— For further particulars npply at 3, Gadlys Terrace, Brynhyfryd, Aberdare. Inventor of the Chifionnier Organ. t4 0 tII1 CHIFFONNIER ORGAN. THE ABERDARF, Harmonium and Chiffonnier Organ lIJANUFA CTon Y. B. H PHILLIPS, Harmonium Manufacturer and Inventor of tltr CMffonnier Organ, RESPECTFULLY thatikathe Profession, C'ergv, ip, Gentry, and the Public in pencral for their kind patronage in the past (havii g sold over 400 HarnWuums Chiffonier Organs), and hopes to have a continuance of their favour. Trade supp ied with an kinds of Fittings, Piarn s, i meriean Organs and Harmoniums, by Alexandre ai:d Christophe and Etienne, always in stock at make's' prices. Harmoniums reptd ed on the shortest notice, Harmoniums supplied to Churches, Chapels, and Good Templars OH very easy terms. Experienced workmen al«ray.- on the premises. St,O,v ROOMS—C, Gadlys-road, and 6,,Per. se erarue place. Testimonial—From Pro essor Parry, Pencerdd America- Fellow Countrymen,-I have much pleasure in recommending the Chiffonnier Organ for its mellow and pipe-like tone. and for its external appearance. Wishing the maker all the patronage he deserves.— I am, your humble servant, "JOSI PH PARRY, Mus. Bac." Catalogue and list of Testimonials on application. _u- MONEY TO lend,?* good FREEHOLD o» LEASEHOLD SECURITY. For furtho particulars apply to Mr. J. T. HOWEILS, Solicitor. Public Hall Offices, frehei bert. Kit's Tic PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia, Faeeaohe, Ac are a, Id by all Chemises. Kay Brothers, Stockport. MONEY TO LEND, on good Freehold or Ltasfchold tS« etirity. — Apply to DAVJI R^CHAHDS, Solicitor, 34, Cwioc-street, Aberdait 0-LENFIELD. GLENFIELD. THE! QUEEN'S LAUNDRESS SAYS THIS STARCH IS THE BEST SHE EVER USED, GLENFIELD, GLENFIELD. tjlOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE."— JL See Dtfatercttiotty, cbap. xii., verse 33. WORLD FAMED M Bh I f I Trade Mark,—"Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Blotches, Ulcerated Sore Legs, Old Sorest Glandular Swelling, Cancerous Ulcers, Spots, Pimples, Pustules frnls, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Heads, Sore Eyes, F.rysipelas, Itch. Scurfs, Discolors ations of the Skin, Humours and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short, time by the use of this world famed Medi-* cine. Thousands of Testimonials from all Parts. JMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL. Cleanse the vitiated Blood whenever voti find its impuri- ties bursting through the skin in pimnleS, erhptionB) er sores, cleanse it when yon find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul. ar«d your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste and warranted free ffotB anything Injurious to the most delicate constitution of eithef sei, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. (CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIX TURE is Beld in Bottles, 2s. 6d. eaeh, and cases, containin» six times the quantity, lis. each sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of cases, bj all Chemists and Patent Medicine Yendora throughout the United Kin$rd<">ra and the world, or sent to any address on receipt, f M0 or 132 stamps by the Proprietor, Wholesale All Patent Medicine House* London Depot 150, Oxford Street. F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High-street, Lincoln. T. W. Evans, 14, Commerical-street, Aberdare Attn .RICHARDS, 12 and 13, Cardiff-street, Aberdar DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men, on H F.ALTH. ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out Certain impediments which render married life unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who v».lue health, strength, and mawhowd, and wish to attain a happy old age. — Post free 011 receipt o two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute o Anatomy, Birmingham. ESTABLISHED i860. SECURITY IN CREDITING. FLINT AND CO.'S BHIT1SH AND FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. Bead Offices:—58, Cheapside, and 1, Bow Lane, E"C. Branches—Manchester, S8, Mosely-street, and 6, 8, and 10, Bond-street; Blackburn, 3, Taeketts-street; Leicester, 42, lielvoir-street Edinburgh. 72, Princes-street New. cattle, 53, <irey-street; Glasgow, S3, Kentield-ntreet, Arpyle-street; Cork, 70, South Mall; Dublin, lo Heiu-y- •treet. IN the interests ef trade, and at a heavy ex- penditure of time and capital, these Offices have beeu established. The Agents and Correspondents, both British aud Foreign, have been selected with care. Constant communication is maintained with the various Bureaux des Renseignements of the Con tinent, the Intelligence Offices of the United States, and the British-AmericaD, Indian, Aus- tralian, and other Colonics. A traRted confidential vehicle of information a plain answer to a plain question is given. Truth in the report, safety in the transaction, is the end desired and sought for. TERMS £3 3s., JC5 5s., and £10 10s. ana upwards, per annum. N.B.— Banks and their branches contracted for. All telegrams, Accounts lor Collection, Com- mercial Inquiries, and all other communica- tions to the London Office only. Dratts crossed Natioi.al Provincial Bank of Kng- land, to Flint & Co., LendoD. NOTICE.- In this office, a Debt, after ap- lication is made, is not lelt to die a natural death. Promp, efficient, and voluntary advice is j<iven to Subscribers as to best means of recovering game. If in London, a jlerk waits upon him (in the country, by post) and obtains from him such in- structions as will enable us to recover debt with out any further troeble to Subscriber, and with- out any attendance of Subscribes beinsr neces- sary. ENTITLED TO—40 Inquiries on Great Britain: — three stamps each Inquiry evrr- j inquiry sent to three or four eor- ( resp.MiJentP. „v- Gazette weekly, and index quarterly gister contains ovtr a million names.) Any additional number of Inquiries at Is. 9d. < a«h. „ L. gal a.ivke at any time, or any nam- ber ot times, tree ot charge, on any commercial question „ Lulls upl ink lor Miibj-ct to the follow- ing commission :— b per cent, from £ 2 u> £ 20 per cent, from £ 20 to £ 1(K), and 1$per cent, beyond or subject to prior special arrange- ment. WORLD FAMED M Bh I f I Trade Mark,—"Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Blotches, Ulcerated Sore Legs, Old Sorest Glandular Swelling, Cancerous Ulcers, Spots, Pimples, Pustules frnls, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Heads, Sore Eyes, F.rysipelas, Itch. Scurfs, Discolors ations of the Skin, Humours and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short, time by the use of this world famed Medi-* cine. Thousands of Testimonials from all Parts. JMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL. Cleanse the vitiated Blood whenever voti find its impuri- ties bursting through the skin in pimnleS, erhptionB) er sores, cleanse it when yon find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul. ar«d your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste and warranted free ffotB anything Injurious to the most delicate constitution of eithef sei, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. (CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIX TURE is Beld in Bottles, 2s. 6d. eaeh, and cases, containin» six times the quantity, lis. each sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of cases, bj all Chemists and Patent Medicine Yendora throughout the United Kin$rd<">ra and the world, or sent to any address on receipt, f M0 or 132 stamps by the Proprietor, Wholesale All Patent Medicine House* London Depot 150, Oxford Street. F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High-street, Lincoln. T. W. Evans, 14, Commerical-street, Aberdare Attn .RICHARDS, 12 and 13, Cardiff-street, Aberdar DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men, on H F.ALTH. ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out Certain impediments which render married life unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who v».lue health, strength, and mawhowd, and wish to attain a happy old age. — Post free 011 receipt o two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute o Anatomy, Birmingham. ESTABLISHED i860. SECURITY IN CREDITING. FLINT AND CO.'S BHIT1SH AND FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. Bead Offices:—58, Cheapside, and 1, Bow Lane, E"C. Branches—Manchester, S8, Mosely-street, and 6, 8, and 10, Bond-street; Blackburn, 3, Taeketts-street; Leicester, 42, lielvoir-street Edinburgh. 72, Princes-street New. cattle, 53, <irey-street; Glasgow, S3, Kentield-ntreet, Arpyle-street; Cork, 70, South Mall; Dublin, lo Heiu-y- •treet. IN the interests ef trade, and at a heavy ex- penditure of time and capital, these Offices have beeu established. The Agents and Correspondents, both British aud Foreign, have been selected with care. Constant communication is maintained with the various Bureaux des Renseignements of the Con tinent, the Intelligence Offices of the United States, and the British-AmericaD, Indian, Aus- tralian, and other Colonics. A traRted confidential vehicle of information a plain answer to a plain question is given. Truth in the report, safety in the transaction, is the end desired and sought for. TERMS:—> £ '3 3s., £ 5 5s., and £ 10 10s. ana upwards, per annum. N.B.— Banks and their branches contracted for. All telegrams, Accounts lor Collection, Com- mercial Inquiries, and all other communica- tions to the London Office only. Dratts crossed Natioi.al Provincial Bank of Kng- land, to Flint & Co., LendoD. NOTICE.- In this office, a Debt, after ap- lication is made, is not lelt to die a natural death. Promp, efficient, and voluntary advice is j<iven to Subscribers as to best means of recovering game. If in London, a jlerk waits upon him (in the country, by post) and obtains from him such in- structions as will enable us to recover debt with out any further troeble to Subscriber, and with- out any attendance of Subscribes beinsr neces- ENTITLED TO—40 Inquiries on Great Britain: — three stamps each Inquiry evrr- j inquiry sent to three or four eor- ( resp.MiJentP. „v- Gazette weekly, and index quarterly gister contains ovtr a million names.) Any additional number of Inquiries at Is. 9d. < a«h. „ L. gal a.ivke at any time, or any nam- ber ot times, tree ot charge, on any commercial question „ Lulls upl ink lor Miibj-ct to the follow- ing commission :— b per cent, from £ 2 u> £ 20 per cent, from £ 20 to £ 1(K), and 1$per cent, beyond or subject to prior special arrange- ment. „ Monthly settlements. i acts jor Al embers 1 his Office make each and every inquiry (no matter how closely it follows on a previous inquiry) tlie subject of a fresh investigation. References to more than i0,000 firms. Our system ot Debt Colltcting is much approved 1. Our Registers and Reference to Correspond ents at ouce show Debtors ability to pay. 2. No spending good money after bad. 3. Special facilities iu County Couita. 4. Judgment against Debtor in 12 days. 5. Attendance to prove debt unnecessary. 6. Commission. 5 per cent, under £ 20, 2 & per tent, above, 7. Prompt Remittance. 1 carefully revised list of Swindlers, with their latest aliases kept ai tlits office. TO BE LET, tent, above. 7. Prompt Remittance. 1 carefully revised list of Swindlers, with their latest aliases kept ai tlits office. TO BE LET, ^•EFERAL very coHveni.nt VILLAS.—Apply O to S. B. Wit £ h ml, Victoria House, Aber i lare-i LIXSXBB LOMIKGRS, a aolidiftM line tad tea, laxative IIIDIt ernu'c«>iit Hi post tiwe, 7d. fcay Bros.. Stockport, "d xl Jlienii»t». KAT ? C01"ttdt' Pàsi;C1! M' LissnEfi.—Attack. Wtti Bronchitis tre immediate!/ 3 by it. E-cl* by Chemists. v GLYEY A vV Y for the beifefrt erf nervoaf puflPref? svii-T fri^y Cure themxelte-4 l>V t!,e o-w ivsw tern of treatment, v. n»» heep SUCCest-ful ro thousand# of rases of nervous tenera debit.tv, lost 6f nieft failing siglit, •pllep*-> ronsumpfitm indltrention, headache, ztlri the list ct eavf-tf fiiseases ko»wo arf ner-OBS OwmplaintS, menv of winch hati been up by the doctns u, quite iccifrable SeUfi four penny starups tri Dr. THOMSON, 55 RartholotneWrnad, Kentish TÓWDAt. Lrfindon, and he will fnrv»ard, free six doses of tbtf medicine, witn flifeCtions for use, bv the aid 01 .hlCb every one May neiver rermanent health in a very short ttius saVing^ th- niselves a life of misery, and the exi- tortionate cbaftres if those who ad»eftiMe to cure diseases. Fxtacts (rom uetifra? 1 estimonials: Myj.eneiaJ heilth is sn murh th it eTen my friends have re4 marked the CfilJTJlCc In nt appearance. R, W." u My stomach i* in a v jtate. and oj.0 enjoy mv meals now"; J. W." I- was so iierrsnis Wehire t-.ltinjr yowr ,medicine. that I was unable i" IrTite I T." The tienibling of the haBds and lent rs is iioiie, I have bad no palpitraioti, of the heart or liradarhe. Since I took it Mis. G.L." '■ ;\I v wile' for yCavs fom nervousness, giddiness in the head, p in across toe ♦or» l?ej«J. and loss fYt" appetite I dm 10:<010: to pay your medic ne eurert her in a very short time. (;,<1." friends consider your cure of my case a pureet Kev. J Hsircourt." BEARDLESS FACES & BALD HEADS. A Physician who for thirty years has practised in Diseases of the Hair, ha« d scoyered a POMADE which ha pledges bu honour will in efefy esse Restore the Hair in baldness fioni an I cause, and prodtioe whiskers and mous- t tachios eyebrows, &c. For general and toilet use, if" nourishes and preserves the hair, streotrthens and preveHtB* its faliinsr Off, checks dryness, and testoretl the proper co!our. eradicates and rlai driff, keeps the head delightfully dean :10<1 and the hair soft and glossy. Ladies willflnd it promotes the curl aud wave if the bair, at d that the exquisite perfume is un que a d hot atdr tainable in a ly other oompout.d. Beiny tree from any ininridiis mint-ral or other admixture, it is used by tbntisahds at Mothers in the Nursery to beautify hair, atid prevent baldness, IIcLrt or any failing in after life. The Recipe, in plain English, which any one can prepare at home, for a few pence. ftiM be swrit free bypost, on receipt 01 a directed envelope and six penny stamps, by Mr. H. ERN EST I 11, Crown Terrace Ha^eiato.k Hill, London. ADTlCE GRATIS. A He&ical man up- wards of twenty-six years in Londou practice, baf published a work shewinc the ti ue cause of Nerroua Mental, and Physical Debility, lowness of spirits, indigos tiou, want of energy, premature decline. &c,; witb thef means of enre wherhy the following maladies are speedily and permanently remored and vigorous health restored. ETery form and faiiety of debility, spermatorrhoea hilt situde, depression of spirits, loss of elergy and appetHe, ■ p.insintbe back and lir-r,bs, tiniiditv, self-distritSx, urju- 1Jil,lI!, 1.1" of solrtude; gr nndisss fears, palpitation of th» lie rt, noises in the bead aud ears, indecision, impaired sitzlit aId nier:ory, indigestion ai d bodily piostration of the \vl.o!e svsteui. The most important fact that theae airtimaii; oouiplaints, may be easily remored is clearly demon?tra>eu, and the entirely Jlew and Uniformly success- ful treatment as followed out by the author fully explained$. by which all sufferers are enabled to cure tiicmseJT«« per- fectly, and at the least poSsilih cost, without takioe WtelC roerticine, or ri-nnmir a doctor's 11m, lite boftt sent on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope, by Dt. RUssELL. til, CLARENCE RO\D, TOWN, LOND(.)N. Thousands of sufferers who have fallen ioto a bid state, hare borne grateful testimovy to the Vatoe and siniplieity of the advise given, witich has perfectly restored them tr bealth.| TO THE NERVOtTS AND DEBILITATEDi EVERY MAN Hi's OWN DOCTOR, a New Work on tl.e Self-Cure of ell diseases, by • never fdilin" mode 01 tieataent successfully practiced by a Hospital Pby»ic»aii for many years past TkW k. is a true guide to sufferers from spirit*. los" of memory, be3dacbc, dimttess of sight, deafness^ indigestion rheumatism, pains in the back and limbs, loss of appetite, p ilpitation of the heart, coujrh, prematture. decline, cousunipt,ou, prosti atioe, lassitude, nervaos bihty, and any lorm of mental or phyMcal weaki>eMv resulting trom loss of yjtalty or itei-ve powcr, which, it not urresitid, ende in enrly death or chranic disease, In, hundreds of c sen patients have cured themselves, after electricit i, quack medirines, and ordinary medical* men, have to give relief. A eopy will be sent tree, va receipt ot two penny stamps, by the publisher, Mr. Ermist, (7, Crown Terrace, Haverstock thll. London. II this reitittrkable Work, an nccoaipiished PhysiciiiiL^ Will hrinp con.fort to many who have been the victitnsof quacks, impontors and incap^i le practitioners."—Medical Journal. "There is no qnaikery or learned mystery iff this book, but a plain exposition "t the causes symptomor. and rational tre*ttnet't of lhia» perniciout) ciaaf of diseaser aJJ set forth with the clearness of a practical man, wlif wishes to be Understood, and the earnestness of a eon. scieutious n'88, who only wishes to be useful. DublizL, Hospital Gazette work is popular in every sense of the word, and its uoith is untold, tho e who Asset from a ieei.ng; of shame, eonsir^ tilt: faa«ily physictea." belfaAt Mbgrazine. MAGIC TtEMEDi. ONE BOX O* J TI E ERNON PILL instantly teNeviw ktiA speedily cares nervousness and prn.-r-jl weekneae. The (irst dose will convince the IIct-plle gf Itw naireiloiM power in any cases of iadi-estion depression of. spirts, rou à. palpitation of the heart, rheumatism, deatneas, headache, stomach and liver complaints, and all forms of nerroaa irritability. It strengthen*, renovates, ami gives healthy t ne to the brain *nd nervous system. 'A box sent pett tree, receipt of four penny stapips. by Dr. V CH NUN lfl.Ryland Road, Ket tish 1 o« uK London. Thousands of testimonial* from grateful patieuts attrrf the wonderful ettcicv ef the T E*Nl)S J'ILL N ERYOUS DISEASES and TAMit IN SPEED Y (TRE. An original- Work on rea causes of IMPAIRED KNEKST, PRKMATTTKB DtCLl^F., Kl'KCTL- 1\AL DERANGEMENTS and the various disorders of the SEliVE STRUCTl Rf.S. llijs t ssay has been justly eonsid«.red the (!KEATEST WORK Of THE \GK it describes tbe csnsea. symptoms, and mode 01 treatment to fee adopted to ffiect a permanent cure of ail the n,ort dangerous mal dies. Amongst these ilre, N KSYOU S DE KlLlI Y leadiDjlto a thorough breaking up of the coasiiuticn AFFEi TIOJJS of the EYES and f aKS, ending in IOTA L ELI> DSESS and DE \FNESS MEL AIT. CJ.lOL) and DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, terminating in INSANITY P \I N" in the H" CK and LOINS forerunner#^ of FATAL AFFECTIONS OF THE KIDNEYS. 4c. Da. Vernon has for TWENTY Y EARS devoted himself tt> thi# class of diseases, «nd has discovered a most MMI'Lft AlfciTHOti OF TREATING- THEM, without tha use ot at^r deleterious drug, it .s Worthy of note that until recently tha physic an had a delicacy if, treating eases of Debility s mply because such disorders did cot reccive due attention aud were thus left to unqualified persons, much to the pre. judice ot the IIulr..rer. Stich a state of things had wduce4 the author to puhlislt his experience for the benefit ofthoa* requirieg aid fiom legitimate sources Sent post free c« receipt owo penny stamps by Ur. Vernon, 19, By land I:o» £ Kenlish Town, Loudon. EKVOUS 4ND PHYSICAL DEBILITY^ Kesultisg from errors or any o her cause.' not as treated by Quacks with mineral powoas and coloured water, ti ffiectB^llv cared by a noyel and biibly surce^slul of treatment, diicovned bv the advertiser who after many jears at extteme sufltring was completely restored to sound health. Preonptod by feelings of humanity, he tbus: make" known means, by which every sufferer is enabled, to care bimaett- perfectly AND AT the feast possible eMi, wittaput ing recourse to advertising empirics or- their rauutad. nostrums. He will be happy to forward the pantiquUrfl to any:, sufferer on rec ipt of a stamped and directed envelope* -Address Mr. J. T.. Sehevl, i" NiogrAge Cresenji. Fulbam, London- OA NS and MORTGAGES.—MOVET to LKND in SUMS of I50 an-i upwards, upon. Personal security, at Five per cent, interest, repay- Personal security, at Five per cent, ;nterest, repay- able from one to seven year? Also, several SUMS upon Mortgage of freehold and Leasehold Property, from 8i per cent. Terms, ten to twenty-one years. No commis>i<an ehar!!pd,-Appl:v, personally, (pre- ferred,) or by letter, to Messrs. Beran. 10, Inn Fields, Lnn¡;1uu. W. C. K.B.—Interest is pay- ble half-yearh, and is not required in advance. HEALTH A SO.URCE OF HAPPINESS. IMPORTANT MEDICAL AND SOCIAL WORK. By HENRY SMITH, M.D. Jena). 1.111 rpad Edttlon, 140 paures, free by post, two stamps, li el,volope.. 1"^EBILITATIXG AND NERVOUS DISP -a. E-xSr. S their ( Stise, Symptoms, Consequenees. aaA ("Ur« GIVK^ OR- SMITH S TREATMENT (the result ol wenty-siS v ears' spe i„l p rL..) lor ,b, Cui-e<rf2 o; tho Nervous System, ervsus M> n«3 fil.1 tI '^ePressibn, Palpitation of the heart, ^oiae* is Kars, lrd^cisinn. IniflnirpH SijI- ;n.»i Memory- inai^estion. Loss ot Energy, tains in ihe Back, Constipation. Blushinp Hysteria. Timiditv, Se4f-di_tru8t, dizziness, Mua-. ^ilar Kelaxation, &c., resulting lrom Exhaustion of NervC fower, the efi'ect of Over-t^xed Energfies, Enervating Habitat Brain lotI. Late liours. Over VNork, and other abuses at t £ 2 system hich, i' neglected, end in premature dchlie. tilV AHVICh. AKI> INSTRUCTION, lUustratei w=tk Cases and 'P^-timorials, witb means used in each casa. Glossary of Medical leiais. iuiportaat HuW to bs obsarv^ by Patients j Free by post (ill p«ee.«), seren stamps in envelops- V/L^OMAN; Her Duties, Relation*, an4 #'™t,;rPviUOU' Su''ject8 treated: Girlhood Mudenhooda Courtship, Marr.age, Motherhood, Female Education, WomaJ# as a > tfe" W oman as a Mother, &c., ie It is a traatiw 08 ,ul-i,ct, 01 vital import. to Woman K. A hprciiii Edition, BnACTrrrl/1.* lLi.c9TmATEB WlH JIUGKITIINFIA ON VVOOD, OIOTB gilt, ODØ SHILLING IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. DR, H. SMITH, the Eminent ">peciali«t^ who has devoted twe.K'v-six year* •*> t.lje lrt.»t!ucnt of Nerrous and Debilitating i^iscaaea, will, tor beueHl dT those who cannot eotifTtlt ?fnn on leoeivine dilcria. tion ol their casi' -eud Jitv.n tr±% ,.f sharra wS advice, lor their rcotonation to !,t 4u\h_ ,flde'ntiM*l form of correspondence sent free Ifv ^ost A^<L|E « Dr, H. SMITH, 8, Burtea cr..oa-. v> ,Q,