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IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. T 6F LORDS, May 22, Lord Derby, in reply to «>ra Granville, who said it was understood that France and JLtaly had agreed to some new proposals suggested by fi-pr- many, Russia, and Austria for the pacification of the revolted provinces of Turkey, obseived that ihe e v j.r<>pos*)s of ih« ♦>l*ee ^wt IE ha<4 been MSBsi.teJ to by France and Ita-ly bnt Jne British Government, after cauful c.>»'Si"erit.ion. felt theni.etves unable to give their consent to them, ihiu 'h he was not able to afford any information re-pectu g them at present, because, as far as he was aw..re, they were Dot yet lorraally communicated to the Porte. Lord Carnarvon moved the second reading of the Cruelty to Animals Bill, the provisions of wtiich are founded on the Recommendations of the commission appointed to inquire Ibto the practice of vivisection. The Bill provides that Vivisection should only be performed with a view to the ad- vancement of human knowledge, the proloncation of human life, or the alleviation of human.suffering that it mutt take place in a registered place that it must be performed by a person duly licensed by the Hume Secretary; that the animals mutt be put under the influence of auestiieties that Where pain would be prolonged after the anaesthetic tff C's had subsided the animals should be killed and that experi- ments should not be made by way of mere illustration in lectures to students. The Duke of Somerset thought the able Report of the Commission of Inquiry on the subject went beyond the legitimate conclusions to be drawn from the evidence, and hè regarded the Bill as going further than the legitimate results of the Report. He quite agreed in the provision of the Bill that there should be no public exhibition 01 expert- ments, though he should object to their being carried on in Perfect secrecy, and he feared that the Bill was calculated to Put a stop to all original research. Lord Shaftesbury thanked the Government for bringing m the Bill; and after a short discussion, in which Lords flenniker, Airlie, S'anley of Alderley, Winmarleigh, and Cardwell took part, the Bill was read a second time. jQjW»e ^other business being disposed of. their Lordships ad- In the HorsE OF COMMONS, Mr. Disraeli replied at some to a question, addressed to him by Mr. M. Brooks, as probability of the Royal mercy being extended to the offenders still suffering punishment for breaches of their allegiance to Her Majesty in connexion with the Fenian con- spiracy. He began by informing the House that there are at Present in custody only 15 prisoners who came within this category, and he declined to admit that the two men who had been convicted of murder and sentenced to penal servitude Jor life could be described as political offenders. Of the nfteen only six were in prison in England, and referring Particularly to the case of one Devitt-who had been convicted with one Wilson for the same offence-he pointed out that while Wilson had been sentenced to seven years' Penal servitude Devitt had been sentenced to 16, which showed that, in the opinion of the Judge, Devitt's case had been marked with aggravating circumstances. But Wilson bad just served his time, and it would be Impolitic and unfair to choose this moment for putting the more heinous offender on an equality with him. All the other prisoners -Were military offenders. Three were in prison in this country, and theirs were aggravated cases; the remainder bad been transported to West Australia. Two had worked out their time and were free, and the others probably were In a condition very different from penal servitude. If they were pardoned, it must be on condition of absenting them- selves from this country, therefore their position would not be much changed. The others were cases of an aggravated character, which could not he lightly overlooked. aLd at the Present moment he was not prepared to advise Her Majesty to extend mercy to these prisoners. Mr. O'Connor Power moved the adjournment of the House to order to enter his protest against the decision of the Ministry. Considering that the whole country was rejoicing at the return of the Prince of Wales, and that a memorial Praying for a pardon had been signed by 133 members, It — Was not unnatural to expect that the Government would OaVS extended the clemency of the Ciown to these men. Mr. Anderson, on the other hand, cordially approved Mr. Disraeli's decision, and, with regard to the Manorial, said that statements were made In obtaining the Eignatures Whlcb were not in accordance with the facts. He himself had refused to sign it unless the prisoners convicted of mur- der. were specially excepted. Mr. Biggar remarked that only a country would be afraid Of pardoning half a dozen poor Irishmen which permitted a German Prince to command its Army, and was governed by Prime Minister alien in race and religion, who had truckled to Prince Bismarck. Mr. Parnell contended that the evidence against the two prisoners found guilty of murder was not conclusive; and Mr. Callan, in warm language, repudiated Mr. Anderson's statement that the signatures to the Memorial bad been improperly procured; but Mr. Briggs and Waddy both declared that they had signed the Memorial on the explicit understanding that it did not include the cases of those who had been convicted of the Shedding of blood, and the latter added that, after the temper manifested by one or two Irish mem- berg, he almost doubted the propriety of releasing men *bo might come under such influences. Mr. O'Connor hPower, however, explained that In canvassing for signatures ~e bfcd stated distinctly that it would be ior the Govern- ment to draw the line between the different classes of Prisoners. Mr. M. Brooks expressed his regret that he had put the question which had drawn such an answer, and also had provoked such language as Mr. Biggar's which he entirely repudiated for himself and the other Irish members. Mr. Stacpoole, Mr. P. Taj lor, Colonel Beresfnrd, and Mr. Butt made some observations, the last conletding thit the two prisoners mentioned by Mr. Disraeli had only been technically convicted of murder, after which the subject dropped. lu answer to Mr. Bruce, Mr. Disraell said it was true that the Government had been unable to concur entirely in the Proposals drawn up by Russia, Austria, aId Germany, and addressed to the Porte, but umil these proposals had been presented to the Porte, it would be uuf iir to lay the papers on the table. In answer (o Mr. Beresford Hope, he stated that the Whitsuntide holydays would expend from the rising of the Home on Thursday, Junel, to the following Thurtdny. The Report of amendments of the Merchant Shipping Bill occupied the remained of the evenii g. A number of new til antes, were proposed by various members, for the most part revivals of questions discussed and decided to Committee, but nearly all were withdrawn or nega- tived after a brief conversation; Colonel Beresford, however, went to a divlaion as to the clause which he again moved to compel passenger ships to carry rafts and other appliances for saving life, but he was beaten by 178 to 85. »«HIOif I.8?* r*lsed *be question of compulsory classification, but his clause was negatived by 178 to 85. grain cargoes and the deck-loading Clauses were dis- cussed at considerable length, and Mr. Piimsoll renewed his endeavours to modify or to extend them according to his special views, but was unsuccessful, except on one point. An rfbendment moved by him with the object of prohibiting jj"*oiate)y and entirely the carrying of all deck loads of in the winter months, which was negatived by the mai°rity of eight in Committee, was carried against government on this occasion by 162 to 143. Aijfl ',on< amet,dments were inserted In the BUI by Sir C. carr>tog out promises which he had given in Com- °b Thu^d** u'^ma^e'^ was or<*ere(l to be read a third time f*16 other business was disposed of, and the House ad- journed at a quarter to two o'clock.


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