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ABERDARE COilMERoiAL AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, CONDUCTED BY tHE REV. J., JOSEPH GEORGE, UXITY/HOUSE, HfGBLAXD PLACE, ABERDARE. I E^^slished 18G5. ^ucati t l,°n thorough conducted on sound prin- ciples. Separate attention is given to each Pupil. I Tresis: — £ 1 Is. and 153. "WHY SUFFER?" TRY ONE BOX OF EVANS'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS. Which is the best known remedy for X0Us and. Liver Complaints, the Piles, Iand Gravel. >• c°t>8equence of numerous private recom- T^^dations, the P oprietor Vas at length pujjj. lntiuced to bring these vallfable Pills into *ill 'c tlot'CP! feeling usmir d t^iat a general trial s,ant^°rti ProTe their superiority and sub- Jeceiy8^ jir,Por'aD^ Xesliinoniats already aQm'686 consist of/a careful and peculiar the 1Xtu,re the choic/st Vegetable Aperients l'otf V'ute every reccuromindation of mild optra- 0p w'ith successful eflfect,. and r< quire no restraint taking them;they act cujjj 011 '^le livpr, and disperse morbid ae- yp ll,&tion«; the intestinal functions art.- rendered t;t, 1 ar bj' their use, and their regularity con- X() e§ a.*ter the Pill8 have ceased to be taken. al,y bi» found a m ost efficacious remedy for 8ev e,an?('nie"'8 °f the digestive organs, and the Itt ? i Varitties of bilious and liver complains, t0tfn kj" more or less of the following symp- h Ins :-Fr, quent sickness, acidity or heartburn, ^'d-che, giddiness, spasms, flatulency, t< nder- e*s in thil, region of the liver, costiveness, piles J1"* gravel, yellow jaundice, drowsiness, loss of ^Petite, wind, depression of the spirits, pains Cl"ss the loins and back, scrofula, scurvy, r>'sipsla8, impurities of the blood, rheumatism, ^alns in t]le stomcch and sid< s, iudigestion, in- at ion, palpitation, pimples on the face, &c. fe 'le8e Pills speedily remove irritation and a CoVe!?s.b state of the Stomach, comct the morbid ition of the Liver and organs subservient io ?^stion, and promote a due and healthy secre- 11011 of bile. J Sold in foxeSy U. iy <wd 2,. odt earh hy p0^ Is. id. und 3.S., direct ft urn Ike Proprietor, T, N EVANS, M.R.P.S., Dispensing Chemist 14, Conii eecial-strket, I ABERDAHE, GLAMORGAN HIttE; Aiid from all respect ubie Chemists. I ■brictale Agents—London, TP. Snttcn k Co., and '• Mather Bristol, Pea ice$Co.; Acktrman, ser. Leonard # Q>. Retail—Aberaman, Sims, ,fuS9Ut; Gadlys, 1) Wiauis James Lewis, George °u>n, Jtferthyr Brynmawr, A. M. Jones; i*e're» R' -4 (Irr.rne; Rhymney, F. Dixon J°untain sisk, sibci James; Llunelly, Jacob *uyhes. MRS. TIL'LEY, TEACHER OF ^n&IISH AND ITiLIAN SINGING, PIANOFORTE, &c., ISITS ABERDARE every Week. For 20 further in formation apply to Mus. Tjlley, Glo'stpr- errace, Aberdare. Pupils tiained for the Profession. Ct* -LiNsviii) LozkjjgXs. a medicated liiiReed extract, Post lree, 7d. Kay r s., Stockport, and all Chemists. B. T. P CE, B. T. PR&E, Guilder anp contractoe, CATHEEINE BTEpT, ABERDAEE. „ "?> House KepairS^of every description done ^'sfactoriiy. tofAu's Conpoukd Esbkncb of Linsjib, for Colds and Koh, eures nine caees.out of ten. Sold by all Chemists. \i ——■—— Universal Patronage. ^'r+ n]l siifffrorK from f-cncral or }nofll tnkelienrt and in t"t)r wivke of t^:f■'r.r'.f v-ho B"crilK> their restoration to t),e nsc of Hm.i.uwAVs Oixtmknt ANn I'itj-s. ^"rnatitw in th<» tnuyclo"! <>r joints, grmty psins. nenraldo < h |rtv,s*' era miw B»«d spn nvdio twrtclies depart un«1<T tii>- .Movmput mf tlie^-a ndli'r rompjica. I'.ticJ nil kind- fl: \fil1:¡tJr, cfit«!s<>on. inft:lt111J\:1tiIIH. arc The !pnl[1t-j"n Hollowny'< Ointment :md jj ,s !iav<> iKvpHrrd tVir'iisliMlt iiio )inl»ituijl« tilohe should t!(! "T <VVf'rv iitttictod ivrsvn L'iv(" them a fair tml iKforc ¡)¡una;; ol relief qr abundomiig liojie. ^roncliitis, diphtheria, Sore Throats,,Coug-hs, and Colds. j Thi» OintnVnt. rnro. wl-iftn ev«ry other means hare th 's n spv0«eiirH romed.T for all derantrements of the J'ront and cho^t. or wheezing will be promptly "■nioTed l>_r rnbbfug in the Ubfuent. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. — Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcers. i. It 191 MH-jrisynp how qnieWy n sore, u)c<r, or wound, deprives ■Cbe body of strength and unfits it for the duties of life, and it /yl^a wonderful to watcli the effect of Hollowa.v s hoalja^ it is used accordiaz to tho printed directions, assisted bj,- appropriate doses of the Pills. Gout and Rheumatism. be cured with the greatest ocrt^aiNty if larpe quantities r, Ointment \x> v.-cli wurkod into the Afflicted parte. ,3 treatment must tie jwrsf>v<itiii(rly followotl for Pome time. ^as^Lrted by powtirful dof Kolloway'g Fills. TUeso j*nsrying and soothiog renvedl&j demand the earnest attention of Persons liable to rheumatism, tfaat, sciatioa, or "Other painful of the mtuoto, nerres, or joints. T^6 Ointment and PHIs «ro mU at IVofeswor H08Xowat*S KstabtighnK-ii*, IUTX, Orford Street, London; atao by nearly Msfteotobte v>n<S<w «f Mediobte thnoughout the Civfllaed in Koxen and Pot«, la. ljd., 2n. 9d>, 4«. 6d.. lia., 82s., and *"». The TV»x of BtiU contains f«ir dooea; and the oni«n«Kt Vot of Oiatment one ounce. printed ffljwtiom are affised to eaqhBos: and Pot, and can be 11. hi any* l*jBgTMia«, in '1'w-k.iodt, Arabic, Armenian, IVraian, or Chine* Xo. 14-4 HENR L E WIS FOR gLlJ- MILLINERY, ■ r:j « MANTLES, ™ V -F COSTUMES, t'" i AND 7~. Fancy DRESS MATERIALS! SHO "W BOOMS IR, 33 ONTO "W" OPEN- 11, Commercial Place, Aberdare. CARPETS! CARPETS!! CARPETS! Cretonnes! Cretonnes! Cretonnes! 'J. H. LEWIS, 'P 11, COMMERCHL-PLACF,, ABERDARE, "7 ILL sho-w on FRIDAY, the 31st instant, and following days, several THOUSAND YARDS OF IfEMP, IrELT, and Tapestry CARPETS. Tne Largest and Cheapest Stock he has ever offered. 71 larch 27th, 1876. R II Y S ETNA JON E S Has just received an excellent VARIETY OF WOOLLEN CLOTHS, A-pd is prepared to make up GOOD MEN'S SUITS from 12 5s. Od. to 1315s. Od. I IMPORTANT NOTICE! V EVAN LLOYD, D R .A. P :E R ABERAMAN, Being about to lemove to Ms NEW PREMISES, will offer the whole of liis S-TOCK at an IMMENSE REDUCTION! NEW GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT AT 35, COMMERCIAL STREET, ABERDARE. D. L. PIIOBYIIT, of Gwmbach, BEGS to inform his friends, awd t\e /Public generally, that he has j«st OPENED the abore PRt.MISKS (formerly in the occupation of the late Mr. Dance), with a Lartre and Superior Stock of all kinds of GROCERY and PROVISIONS. b -:0:- THE LOWEST POS-fBLE PHICEs CHANGED FOR ALL GOODI. T. WHITSUN JONES, AUCTIONEER, H 0 US E A N D C 0 M M I S StON AGENT, 35, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. :===t==- Auction Rooms aim Second-hand Furniture Stores. Taff Vale and Midland Railway Companies' Goods. ==-=:=- WILLIAM "D..AVIES, CLIFTON STREET. Desires to inform the Tradespeople and^Inhabitants'of Aberdare that he has been appointed Agent to the alpove Companies »#i • « }J »■ The most prompt attention will be given to the COLLECTION and DELIVERS of all Gootls, Parcels, and Empties entrusted to his care. Eurniture removed to all parts of the town mi district. W. D. will most willingly render any information respecting rates, &0. Aberdare, January 14th, 1S75. lETTER FROM THE DUCHESS OF EDIMBURCH'S LAUNDRESS I am wrv much pleased ■with your SQUARE BLUE. COLOUR and it far SURPASSES any I have hitherto used. Yours respectfully, SAITAH IN Is the FINESSQT fUor AtlRic, ELSK. UNDRY, Buper- 0 sedes Thumb and Indigo Eliic!s ii.iiiiequallcl W for Bemity of Tint., for Econottiy in use, and BEWARE OF for not injurmg the Clothes. INFERIOR IMITATIONS WsM To be had of most respoctable Grocers, Oilmen, &c. STATIONERY & FANCY WAREHOUSE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, Commercial Place, -Aberdare. JONES & SON, PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS', STATIONERS, &c., DESIRE to inform the PUBLIC dv Have in stock a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS, &c., to which they invite attention. A large Stock of Musical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drums Harmonica™; Mouth Organs, &c. The largest and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and FOREIGN MAi>E TOYS. Dolls in ^reat variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c.^Workboxes, Money Boxes, Fancy Boxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfumery, Ink and Inkstands, CofiVersation Cards, &c. Combs and Brushes of the best quality. Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, Qigaf-Cases. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albums, &c., &c. '( — OBSERVE ATHX^ ADDRESS— ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE. ABERDARE. LLYFHAU CYMR-EIG, AR WERTH GAN JOKES 4'I MAB, 3 1, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. ] &L i SPRING & SUMMER FASHIONS, 1876. WILLIAM SARVIS, CARDIFF & MARKET STREETS, ABERDARE, BEGS to announce. that his New and Extensive SHOW ROOMS will be Opened on SATURDAY, the -D 6th of MAY, when an early call will be esteemed. r. DEPARTMENTS. -:0:- MILLINERY. MANTLE SHOW ROOM. Large and Choice display of Millinery and A most extensive collection of French and Trimmed Chip Bonnets, Plain and Trimmed Chip English Elegancies in Silk, Matelass? and F.'ticy I and Fancy Hats in a great variety of' Sia; Textures, the new French Polonaise and Prii-oess Caps, Head Dresses, Feathers, Ftowers,&c.,&c. Fichu some very beamiful designs in Lyons Silk Velvet Mantles and Paletots. The Dust COSTUMES. Wrap in all Shades, &c., &c. New and Select Paris Designs in Black and LADIES' OUTFITTING. Colored Silk, and also Silk arid Fancy Textures Ladies' Outfitting and Children's Department, intermingled. The styles (ire exceedingly attrac- Fancy Petticoats, Dressing Gowns, Toilet Jackets, tive and varied. Dinnpr, Walking, and Morning &c., &c. Children's Dr sif?, Boy's Suits, and Costumes, in all the Fabrics of the Season. Infant's .Millinery of all kinds. COFFINS! COFFINS!! COFFINS! fr SAMUEL MORRIS, CARPENTE R/A ND BUILDER, 64, BUTEy.^TREET, ABERDARE, BEGS to inform the Public that h(v4n prfpared to supply COFFINS of all kind?, at prices å8 low if not low r than can be obtained of any other person in the neighbourhood. 8. M. also takes this opportunity of thanking the Public for the support he has received during the past twenty years, and trust- he may merit a continuance of tho same in the future. SAND. — White's London Cement, PI aster Paris, Mortar Hair, &c., all of the best quality, at EVAN \JL A) M A S' 8, Ironmonger, and Miner's Lamp Manufacturer, .4? M JIM JP •. £ IS JE. PRICE ON APPLICATION7 TEE EMPEROR OF HUSSIA AND THE CITY OF LONDON. flia Imperial Majesty ihe Emperor of Russia h^s conferred on Mr. J. W. Benson the appointment of Goldsmith to the Imperial Court, in appreciation of Mr. B> nson's artistic production of the Gold Casket presented to the Emptror by the Corporation of the City of London. §T W T?ENS<)^. «J • » • JD I'o the Queen and Royal Faicily To H. R. H. the l'rince of Wales Tsp«tal appointment). Maker ot the ('l.roi.o: raph. l>v \slticfi tl.e Deiby aud all great races are tiiiu'd. Pr ze Medallist of London, Dublin, and Paris. LUDOATE HILL, LONBON, E.G.; & 25, OLD BOND ST. X "IJKNSON invites attention to the unequalled ad A3 vantages wl.ic tie en^b'e.l to offer to purchasers by the use of stram power and the employment-of a lar^e stiff of skilled Kuulisli and foreign workmen The highly satisfactory perforir.an'je of )||» V\ atcl.es aril Clocks i* reconnized l.y the Press aud the Public T'»e prJw«cha'Ked, in ever\ iiirtanre »•* the lowest, compatible with TV, OV fc^bl V, Kn^lish Clocks, fnr snper'or to foreign, designed by -L F.ngttSh artists, manutuctured on the premises, nd to be ob- tained «nly at the abov estyl>li«hments Clock Cases made to harmonize with the architecture of mausi. ns, country housei*, &c., and «ith iheiru.rniture. "V\TA1C11 ES. From 1 to 200 Guineaa. Railway Guards, Sai'ors Soldiers, Miners, and Workmen's Watches (of extra ttrength), LOCKS. Frotu I to 1,100 Guinea*. J E\V ELlfV and Plate for Pre* en tat ion, &c. atches and Clocks repaired by skilled workmen. Old Jewelry, Silver, and Watches exchanged. V atches cent tn all paits, safe by post. Merchants and Shippers supplied. new Pamphlets on TurretaDd Church Clocks (with testimonials). Tl.o .imp «Ti otc-i, Watches and C'ocks Jewelry and Plate (profu»ely illustrated;, sent 1 he above sketch i epreseuts Uif I erpe!ual ( ah-ndar, pU3t free eaeh for wo .tamp« Independent Seconds, Keyless Watch The hands, K without beinsr re-set fron time to tin e f. r le-P year, H ,W." 1Ken„on 8 N ew u 01 k> "Tune and rime Tellers," published by- keep a perpetual register of"e(ondI! 'n^nute^, hoM.-s! H^cke, P.ccadil.v. Pla.n, 2s. 6d, (..It, 3s. days, weeks months, and years; show old and new CAClION—'Ih,. Public are cautioned against misrepresentations style; phases ot the moon, and variations of beat X cold. an(i attempts to sell Spuii.uis Imitatims Coagulike.—Kay's best. Ceiffent for Broken Articles, 6d., Is., 2s cold elsewhere. ,JCa/' Bros., Stockport. HEALTH A SOURCE OF HAPFINESSI IMPORTANT MEDICAL AND SOCIAL WORK. By HENRY SMITH, M.D. Jena). Lnlargad Edition, 140 papes, free by post, two stamps, i j envelopes. r\EBILITATIXG AND NERVOUS DIS EASES; their Cause, Symatoms, Consequenees, ana Cure J K tHIS WORK GIVES DR. SMITH'S TREATMENT (the result of rwecty-six years' spe ial piaeticf) for the Cure oi' all Diseases ot'-the Nervous System, Nervstis Deif'.lity, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the heurt, Noises in the Head aud Kais, Indccisiou, Impaired Sij;ht and Memory, Indigestion, Loss ot Enerpv, Pains in tbe B^ck, Constipation, Blushing, Hysteria, Tiiuiditv, Selt'-distrus^ Dizziness, Mus. eular Uelaxation, &c., resultinp from Ejthaustion of Nerve Power, the efleet or Over-taxed Energies, Enervating Habits, Brain Toil, Late Hours. Over Work, aud other abuses of the system which, if neglected, end in premature decline. GIVKS ADVLCh AND INSTRUCTION, Illustrated with Cases and Tertknorials, with uieims used in each case Glossary of .Medical Terms. Impoi'taHt Kuloa to be observtid by Patients. Free by post (112 pages), seven ttamps in envelope. V\7 OirAN; Ifer Duties, Relations, and Position. Su' jcets treated Girlhood Maidenhood, Courtship, Marriage, Mwtherhood, Female Education, W oman as a W ife, Woman as a Mother, &c., &o. It is a treatise on subjects of vital importance to Woman. Is.B.—A Special Edition, Beautifuli.t Illttstbated -with Engravings ON Wood. Cloth gilt, One Shilling IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. DR. II. SMITH, the Eminent Specialist, who has devoted twenty-sii years to the treatment, ol Nervous and Debilitating Diseases, will, for the benefit of those who cannot eonsult him personally,on receiving descrip- tion of their ease, send his opinion, free of charge, with advice, lor their restoration to health. A Confidential" form of correspondence sent free by post Address Dr. H. SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London, W.C. Just PubUsbed, polt free 3^i» N EHVOUS debility,- and HI)\>'¡-I'O CPRE IT, 1- WITHOUT EXPENSIVE CONSULTATIONS and. EXORI5U ANT MEDICAL r EES Jiiiowjn^ tht-ut-f..riot.< system of terrorism^ and exturtiotf prytti cd on real or imaginary sufferer? from nervous ijjfid other disorder* by a certain class of mrdical pi*W5titu;ners. 1 's pamphlet is wot an advertisement or preface to expen>ive consu tations and high medical fsea^ but is des'gntd as a w ariiiii^- and a caution to those wlirt suffer „frflm nervous debility, at the same time pointing oat the m £ nns ot so f treatment (w hicli can be f.illovved without Teleience to the author) ami containing the necessary prescriptions and dietetic rules to be observed duriui; the>^rj»atiiient; by one « bo has uufltred from uii.-placcd Gor.fiueuce in medical imposition and quackery Loudon H BxoM) EY, 15, Edith Villas, North End, S.W. Kay's Compound Essbnob ob Linsbed, a demulcent ex- pectorant, lor Coughs a^ic^olds. Sold by all Chemists. 23, IRONMONGER LANE, LONDON. (THE OLD HOUSE.) JOHNSTON'S CORN FLOUR IS THE BEST "QUITS FUEE TROY1 ADULTERATION."—Lancet. 11' IS DECIDEDLY SUPERIOR. I have examined Johnston's Corn Flour and find it per- fê<,t,y pure and most excellent in quality. Wheu boiled wilh m Ik it affords tompleie uouriahment 1vr Children anti per- son of week digestion." Charles A. CAMKROW, M.D., F.R.C.S.I. Professor of Chemistry, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin. Select Classes for Young Ladies. THE MISSES JONES ARE open to receive Young Ladies for instruc- tion in Music, Singing, French, Drawing, and Dancing, on very advantageous terms.— For further particulars apply at 3, Gadlys Terrace, Brynhyfryd, Aberdare. Inventor of the Cliiffonnier Organ. m :a jj a w OJ CHIFFOjSTXIER OROAtf. Tll E ABERD/RF, Harmonium and CMffonnier Organ MANUt/lCTOR r, b\ H7PH I LLI Ps Harmonium Manufacturer atid Inventor of the Cliiffonnier Organ, RESPECTFULLY thai,ks the Profession. Clergy, Gentry, and the Public, in general for their kind patronage in the past (having sr.id over 4-00 Harm.urn* Chiffonuic- Organs)/and hopes to have a coniin.uancr of their i.-tvou: Trade supp i-d with all killds of Fittings, Pianrs, .American Oigar.s and Harmoniums, by Alexandre and Cllristophe and Ltienne, alw:t}'8 "jn stuck at makers' prices. Harmoniums repai ed on the shortest notice. Harmoniums supplied to Churches, Chapels, and Good Templars on very easy terms. Expeiiuneed workmen ahvaya on the premises. SHOvV HOOMS-6, Gadlys-road, and 5, Per- ee, erance place. Testi.monial-From Professor Parrv, Pencerdd America— Fellow Countrymen,-I have much pleasure in recommending the Chiffonnier Organ for its mellow and pipe-like tone, and for its external appearance. Wishing the maker all the patronage he deserves.- I am, your humble servant, Jos::ph PARRY, Mus. Bac." Catalogue and list of Testimonials on application. Money TO lend,good freehold or iTi LEASEHOLD SECURITY. For further p-articulars appl)- to.MJK'T. HOWELLS, Solicitor, Public Hail Olliees,Vrelierbf,rt. Kay's Tic PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia, Kaeeache &o are sold by all Chemists^ Kay Brothers, Stockport, MONE^ TO LEN0, on good Freehold or Least hold b(/urity. — Apply to Davii. R ichakds, Solicit^r^'34, Cnuoc-street, Aberdare. GLEN FIELD. GLENFIELD. THE QUEEN'S I LAUNDRESS SAYS THIS STARCH IS THE BEST SHE EVER USED. GLENFIELD. GLENFIELD. "THOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE."— J2 See Deuteronomy, chap, xii., verse 23. I WORLD FAMED Trade Mark, Blood Mixture." THE CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER SKIN DISEASES. Eruptions. Blotches, Ulcerated Sore I.egs, Old Sore?, Glandular Swelling, Cancerous Ulcers, Spots. Pimples, Pustules Px'Ir, Carbuncles, Piingworms, Scald Heads, Sore Eves. Erysipelas, Itch. Scurfs, Discolors ations of the Skin, Humours and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short, time by the use of this world famed Medi- cine. Thousands of Testimonials from all Parts. for cleansing and eleannjr tlii- blood from all impurities can- not be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy. Skin Diseases, and sore of all kind It is a never-failing and r-erinaneut cure. It Cures Old Sore Cures U!cer<rted SOfP, on the neck Cures Ulceiltei Sore Legs Cures Bteokhe&d-i, .'r Pimples on Face Cures Scurvy Cures cancerous FI -er Cures Blood and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular dwellings Clears the Blood from all impure M atte From whatever cause arising- As this mixture is pleasant o the taste, and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex. the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it. a trial to test its value. Thousands of testimonials from all parts. Sold in Bottles. 2s. Cd. each, and in cases, con- taining six times the quantity, lis caeI-I-sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great m jority of long-standing cases,—by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors i-hroughout the United Kingdom and the world, or sent to d.u\ address or receipt ot 30 or 132 stamps by Wholesale All Patent Medicine Houses London Depot 150, Oxford Street. F. J. Ciarke, Chemist, High-street, Lincoln. T. W. Evans, 14, Commerical-street, Aberdare AND .Richards, 12 and 13. Cardiff-street, Aberdar DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men. on H EA LTH, ITS 11LSTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to many, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing' out certain impediments which render married life unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who vJue health, strength, and manhoed, and wish to attain a happy old age. — Post free on receipt o two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute o Anatomy, Birmingham. Established 1860. SECURITY IN CREDITING. FLINT AND CO.'S BKITISH AS» FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. Head Office* :—56, Cheapside, and 1, Bow Lace, E-C. Branchet—.Manchester, 88, Mesely-ntreet, aud (>, H, and !0, Bond-street; Hiaekburn, 3, TackeUe-etreet Leicester' 4'2, iielvoir-atreet Edinburgh. 72, Princes-street New! cattle, 53, Urey-gtreet; Glasgow, S3, Keniield-'xtreet, Argjie-street; Cork, 7U, South JiaU: Kubiin. iu Henry! I street. IN the interests ef trade, and at a heavy ex- t penditure of time and capital, these Utiices have been established. The Agents and Coirespondents, both British and Foreign, have been selected with care. Constant communication is maintained with the I various bureaux des Renseignements of the Con tinent, the Intelligence Offices of the United States, and the British-Amcricac, Indian, Aus- tialian, and other Colonies. A trusted confidential vehicle of information; a plain answer to a plain question is givn. Truth in the report, safety in the transaction, is the end desired and sought for. TERIIS:— f3 3s., 15 5s., and R10 10s. anJ ihwards, per I annum. í N.B. — Banks and their branches contracted for. ■X?* All telegrams, Accounts ti'/Collection, Com- mercial Inquiries, and all other commurica- tions to the London Office only. Dratls crossed National Provincial BaLk of Ell," land, to FfilNT & Co., London. 0 ExTiTLiiD to—40 Inquiries on Great Britain:- I three eta/iips each Inquiry -ev.r- inquiry>sent to three or four cor- re* pedants. Gazette weekly, and index quarter (register ccntaius over a million names.) Any additional number of Inquiries at 18. 9d. each. m Legiil advice at any time, or any num- ber of times, tree of charge, on any commercial question. „ Debts applied for subject to the follow- ing commission 5 per cent, from £:2 tn 120 21 per cent, from .€20 to I'lOO, and li per cent, beyond or subject to prior special ariunge- ment. J „ Monthly settlements. Facts for Members: — This Office make each and every inquiry (no matter how closely it follows on a previous inquiry) the subject of a fresh investigation. References to more than U),000 iirms Our system of Debt Collecting is much approved 1. Our Registers and Reference to Correspond. ents at ence show Debtors ability to pay. 2. No spending good money after bad. 3. Special lacilities in County Courts. 4. Judgment against Uebtor'in 12 days. 5. Attendance to prove debt unnecessary. 6. Commission, 5 per cent, under £ 20, 2i per cent. above. 7. Prompt Remittance. A carefully revised list of Swindlers, with their latest aliases kept at this office. a:r NOTICE.- In this office, a Debt, after np- iication is made, is not left to die a natural death. Promp, efficient, and voluntary advice is given to Subscribers as to best means of recovering same. If in London, a clerk waits upon him (in the country, by post) and obtains from him such in- structions as will enable us to recover debt with out any further trouble to Subscriber, and with- out any attendance of Subscribes being neces- sary. ° TO B-t let, SF.FERAL very canvenient VILLAS. — Am»lv to S. B. V^tOhul, ViCtoria Huu^e, Abei I KAY'S CoMP.rxD I'peust'K of LijrstiB.—Asthma se(f Bronchiws are iiir7nedia«.f^_v r, Jieved by u. Scid by aH Ctemist*. < IYEN AVt A Y for the benefit of nervou. suffejers who ftl,,} cure themnelves by ti-e new «ye. tem of trehtment, wtiuii us been su^:ces>ful it, thousand* of eases of nrrvous and uenera' debil fv, of .emory. failing niplit, epilepsv, consumption i«iVme*ticii, pidri iness* headache, and the long- list ot teartm uiseases known as ner ous complaints, many of whirh been given up by thedoetois as quite iDcnrrahle. Semi four penny xtjwups to Dr. THOMSON, 55 Bartholoniew-roa<i, Kentish Town, Lonnon, and be will forward, post free, six doses of tba tnediciue, directions for tise, fA" the aid of bich "vpry one may re«i>ver rermunent health in a very short timt*, ttius saving themselves from a life of misery, and the ex- tortionate churees of who ;.dverti<e to cure ibeaa diseases. l-Xt.ictd from seneivil Testimonials: My general health is so much improved that even my friends have re- marked tbe change in my appearance. R. W." My stomach is in a healthy state, and I can et.,toy my meals now. I was so nervous before t-kin){ your medicine, that I was unal,le tA write. The tiembling of the hands ai*d knees i* irone, TJ 1 ha-re had no palpitiitioii of tbe heart or headache, since I took it. 3dr». G.L" '• Mv wife sufleied for yours fiom nervousness, giddiness in the head, pun across tue forehead, and loss of appetite; I am thankful to gav your medicine etireri her in a very short time. \(; "My friends consider your cure of my case a perfect miracle. Rev. J Harconrt." Beardless faces & BALD heads. A Physician who for thirty years has practised in Diseases of the Hair, has discovered a POMADE which be pledges his honour "j:1 in every case Restore the tiair in baldru-ss from any cause, and prlJtfnce vhiskers and nous- tachios. eyebrows, &c. For general and toilet use, it nourishes aui pr eserves the hair, s'ren^thens and prevents its falling off, checks drsnest, and restores the proper colour, eradicates scurf and r!a"nriff, keeps the head delightfully c edn and cool, and the hair soft and Kln*sv- Ladies will find it promotes the curl aud waye of the hair, aid that the exquisite perfume is tin que a d not at- ta-nable in allY oilier compound. Be-iiiy tree fiooa IUty injurious mineral or other .o1lJJixtttre, it is used by thousands of MothCTs in the Nurse, y to beautify children's hair, and prevent baldness, scurf or any failing in after life. The Recipe, in plain English, which any. one. can prepare it home, for a \e'" pence, will be 561l1t flee by post, on receipt o! & directed envelope and six penny stamps, by Mr, H. ERNEST, I;, Cronn lerrace Haversto^k Hill, London. AD"\ ICE GRATIS. A Medical man up- wards ol twenty-six years in Londou practice, has published a work she^n^ the tine cause of Nervous Alental, and Physical Debility, lowness of spiiits, indrtr tion, want of ener y, premature decline. &c the means ol cure wherbv toe following- maladies are speedily and permanently removed and vigorous hea th re>-tored. ivery torm and variety of debility, spermatorrhoea last situde, depression of spirits, of ei ergy and appetite, p-iinsinthe back and limbs, ti1Diriity, self-distrust, diz. zincss. bve of solitude, pr uudlesii fears, palpitation of the he-rt, noiies it, the head aud ears, indecision, impaired s¡"ht an.' p;;e,n! y, indigestion acd, bo iily piostration of the wl,ole; svstpm. 1 he most imj'Ortant fact that these alarming complaints, may be easilv removed is clearly i demoiisti ated, lict the entirely and uniformly success- ful treatment as followed out by tbe author folly explained, by which all sutfereis are enabled to cure themseues per- fectly, and at tho least possible cost, without taking quack medicine, or n,lJllinc- a doctor's bill. "he book \111 be sent on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope, by Dr. KUSSELL, til, CLARENCE IWHJ, KKM iSh TOWN; LONDON. Thousands of sufferers who have fallen into a b d state, have borne grateful testimony to the valor and simplicity of the advise given, which periectly restored them tr health. T'l THE KFIiVors AND DEBILITATED. VERY MAS HI'S OWN DOCTOR. A Np\v ork. on the Se.f-Cure of all diseases. I>t b never failing mode of tiestn-c-nt suqcessfully. practised by a Hospital I'hysioai: for manv years past This }^o*"k is a true puide to snfti vers trons depression of flplTfh. ( joss 01 imu.cry, headache, dimtst-i-s of sight, deafness, indigestion rheuniatism, Fains in the back and limbs, loss of appetite., palpitation ot the heart, ronuh, preraPtnre decline, consumption, prostiLtion, lassit: de. ner\ons d«- hilitv, and any form of mental or physical weakueus, resulting from loss of vit-.Itv or nerve power, which, if ■ not arrested, eDds in early death or chronic disease. lim hundreds of patients have cured themselves, after electricity quack metlicir.es, and ordinary medical n,on, have failed to give relief. A eopy will be sent free, on receipt of two penny stumps, by the publisher, Mr. Ekvist. 17, Crown terrace, Haverstock Hill, London. "I his remarkable Work, an accomplished Tlivsician, 1IiIÑ¡,.llrwg couitoit to many wbo .t. Ueeo the "ictilD!toC q«ac*« impostors and incllpot11e prartitisners."—)I«IM Journal. "Itiere is no qua.kery or learned mystery in. this l/o<.k, but a plain exposition i>flbp cao«*-s symptoms, anu rational trt'^trxeot of titis pereictous £ iafiant cuseaes, all set forth with the clearness of a practical niaa, who wirihet* to be Htnier-tood, and tbe" of a cou .• Hcientioufi rnan, w ho only wishec b« DuhHtt. t H ('&pIta! work is popular in every Mm** of the word, and its worth i" untold, to tho c who JanJl" frotu a feeling of Khatue^ coosult the family physician** —Bel^a^t Mrg:azioe. HE MAGIC REMED1. ONE BOXUF* -*■ THE A ERNON I'lEL iA*«tantly telievi^s and, speedily cHres nervousness and pen-ral weekness. Ibe first dose will convince the sceptic of maive'lous power ilil any cases of indigestion, depression of spirts, couth, palp.tatif'n of the h(.art, rheuuiatiMii, d £ &tuese, headacUe, stomach and liver Complaints, and all forms of nervnua irritability It strei^theas, renovates, and gives healthy to the brain and.jjervous system. A box sent po-t tree. receipt of four penny stan.ps, by itr. VERNON, lu Kyiand Road, iiei tisb Tov u, LÜl1dou. Thousands of tektirooniak from grrateful patients atteet tU« wonderful ethcacv of the erso« Pilu 4 N ElfrOUS DISEASES and THEIR NEr.TOIJS DISEASES and THEIR 8PJ.F.DY CUKE. Ar. original V. ork on the reft causes of IMPAIRED TIT-vL l'-N'EKGS", PKEMATUitB DI-.CLIIfK, A L DLR ^yaEME^TS and tie vnrioue disorders of the > F. KYE STU-U-CTURES. This t,a a has been justly considoed the CREATEST MKDICAL U ORK OK THE AGK; It describes the causes, symptom^ and mode of trestKient be adopted to eflect a permanent cure o fall tlie ruost flAnperoua Dntl dice. Amongst these are N ER"\ OUS DE: 111TY leading to a thprough breaking up of the eonsitution; AFFECTIC'NS ot the EYES and KAB8, end in k in I UTA L BI, Vt KLAK- CHOL > and DE I' HESSIO>" OF SPIRITS. terminating in IN"S.a.VIT\ :PAlN>inthe BACK and LOINS. forertmaani of FATAL AFF £ CTK>N<? OF THE K»HJ*ET«. kG. Dr. Yernon has for 1 W ENT^ YEARS devoted himself te thi| c'ass of diseases, "nd has discovered a' most Nihipit METHOD OF TREATING THEM, withont th» use ot aay deleterious Jt :s worthy of note that until recently.tktf physic.an had a delicacy in treating cases of Debili^ s mply because such disorders did rot receive due attention, and were thus left to unq*>al)fifd persons, mnoo to the pre- judice of the sufl'erer. fcucli a state of thjaps had induced the author to publish Irs experience for the benefit ofihoN requiriep aid li ora legitimate scurces Sent post free on receipt owo peiitijr stamps by Dr Vernon, 18, kylaod Fn»<. Eenlish l owu, London. IV KIIVOUS AM) PHYSICAL DEBILITY.. II Resulting from errors or auy o her canto, not as treated by Quacks with mineral poisons and coloured water, ti eflect«ally cured by a novel- l.ii;hly successful aiude of treatment, discorvred by the advertiser who after many >e#rs Qit extrem* saflering was completely restored to suend health. Prompted by feelings of humanity, be thus makes known wfwni by which every soiftcrer is enabled to cure hiintelt. perfectly and at lur teast possible cost, without how- ing recourse to advertising empirics or tbeir vsut\t*d nostrums. He will be happy to forward the particularll to nny, sufferer on rec ipt of a lltanppd and dire,ted eitTelope. —Address Mr. J.T., Siwkii., 7, Musgrare Creseat; FulhatD, London- Loans and mortga^es.—money- to LKND in SUMS of £ 50 and upwards, upon Personal security, fit Five per cent. ii:terent, repay- able from one to seven >ears. Alao, seTPral SUMS upon Mortgage of ireehold ajsd Leafehold Property, from 31, per cent. Terms, ten to twenty-one years. No commission charged.—Apply, personally, (pre-' ferred.) or by UtU:i;,io Mcsws. Beran, 10, Lincoln'* I n LnnduÚ,. ^—Interest is pay. half-yearlv, and^snut requ.red in advance. LiysuBB Lozengfs, « soliK>fi..d iin-el-a Uxstire act deinu cent, 6i.; post Ires, id. Kay Bivs., Stockport, ud al Caem^fiU. L- imm HEAItSES AJ\DMOUKNi: Q COACHES ISAAC THOMAS, 'J 24 and ABEIlDAPJ:, T>EGS to inform th^ P„jJic that he has rar- rmru^ HKAl.'SES and MOUiiXI\!G COACHLb jrom Mr Sarvis, draper, ar.d con-' sequ ntly ig prepared to undertake the tlltire man gprnent of Funerals. He can now M:->_dy Coffins, Shruuds, Hears«s, Mourning Coacii>"« lird will aisu undertake the buiMirg of Brick or- yes. so that relatives may be r- li< ved of all c jrt. i- t'tis respect. His charges will be f >m d to Ue ku" than any other in the- i'rinci^wli'v. H" alsi prepared to send Hearses, wiMi f -Mner pium or Mourning Coaches to any pirt t,( 11!tI, fcte whole of the best descrtption Uint'can be produoed. J OBSERTK TIlE ADbREgg • 24 & 15, SEVMOUtt-miKST., BF.RDARR OhotI6."tli