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ABERDAltE C°MMERCIAL AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, CONDUCTED BY THE FTEV. J. JOSEPH GEORGE, 22, PEMBROKE-STREET, ESTABLISHED ISCJ-J. i)d ^CATICN thorough conducted on sound prin- ciples. Separate attrition is given to each Pupil. TERMS:— £ 1 Is. and 15s. MRS. TILLEY, TEACHER OF j SS&LISH AHD ITALIAN SINGING, PIANOFORTE, &c., VISITS ABERDARE every Week. For H- further information apply to MRS. TILLEY, » ^lo'ster-terrace, Aberdare. Pupils trained for the Profession* — ABERDARE SCHOOL BOARD. Two Certificated Mistresses Wanted. THE School Board require immediately IWO CERTIFICATED MIOI M.RIAI.O i J1. Annual Salary of £ 80 each, one for the I^YDCOTD Schwls, the other toR the Abernant CLLool3. IJ, Applications, with copies of reports and > EA'Li«nonials of a recent date and^tating age, to E 8ENT to M<. on or before Wednesday, the 27th ^tant. THE Board reserve the right-to select the School 0 ^'hich THE successful applicants shall be ap- Knted. B, ORTON GERY, Clerk. ^^DARE, October 1 4TH. 1875. TO BUILDERS. THE ABERDARE SCHOOL BOARD are J desirous of receiving 1 EJS DERO for the RIDING of the Fence Walls and repairing the AT the Cwmdnre Schools. rd ,R,iculars of the work to be done MAY_ BE 'AIOED and the Sptciiication seen on appiica- T° David Griei, the Cleik of the Works at his "SR}^TNCE> Clifion-TI-reet, Aberdare. -RENDERS to be sent to the undersigned at the ^^CESOFTHE Beard, High-street, Aberdare, on R BEFORE Wednesday, the 27th instant. R. ORTON GERY, Clerk. TLI October, 1875. WILLIAMS & CRURCHILL, 16, DEAN STREET, ABERDARE, GEXEEAL JOBBING FITTERS, TURNERS. AND SMITHS. ESTIMATES given for all kinds of Smith Work. Steam oikIother Machinery repaired. SHOEING EXECUTED. CHANGES MODERATE. All Orders punctually attended to. I rr W C L ARK e7 SURGEON-DENTIST, I <• PARK-PLACE, CLIFTON, BRISTOL, ]]RGS (O inform the Gentry and Inhabitants ol 1 Aberdare and the neighbourhood that he may "c Cwu-ultud on the first and third Tuesday in every Ot,tJJ, at MR. Richards, chemist, Cardiff-&tieet. I. W. CLARKE'S lengthened expciicnee as a E,iti.st, enables him to guarantee the greatest skill AH dental operations and he trusts that atten- strict integrity, and moderate charges wi,L °CURE for him A share of patronage. The follwing gentlemen have kindly allowed > LCIR names to be given as referees :—G. Grcig, Esq.. ? York-place, Clifton E. Pros-er, Esq Brighton-park, Clifton (late of Pontypool) F. Eacock, chemist, 72, Stokes Croft, Bristol °llins, Pharmaceutical chemist, 2, Royal 1'ro- ^ENADE, Clifton J. M. Shattock. Esq., Runnington F^'DGE, Durdham-park, Durdhani DOWN L. fhouias, TS(LV 7, Sherborne Villas, Clifton. lestimvuials. Having known Mr Clarke aud his soil for many years ns 0Peratin(r Dentists, and secu much of their work in making fitting artiticial teeth with every iinp.ovenieiit, Inive greatest pleasure in bearing testimony to the satisfaction ^pressed by many of their patients in numerous operations, to ihe comfort tliey have derived from their mechauit-al 0rk—HDWIN M'HIITLLIT, Chemist, Triangle, Brisiol. > t&ve consulted Mr 1. W. Clarke, jun.. professionally, and very m«cti pleased with his skill and dexterity. I shou ld be too glad to avail myself of his ability as a Dentist,, in .J10 absence of his father, my Dentist, in whose skid 1 have greatest confidence, and to whom I confidently recom- all my patients. 1 am confident he will give satisfaction 0 aU who may employ hiin. L have no doubt lie will succeed all his undertakings a. lie >)■ is work well and thorough- ) —IkVkg T»AD, Mirgeon, H, ork-place, Clifton, liih 0,0. donsulta'ion Free. Universal Patronage. f T>r nil pnflVrprs from peiwrnl or local di-cosc tnlcolic^rt ntid "4 low in th<> wake of tlimuamU \»ii« nswril« their re torntion 5 1'Mlt.li to tl.c «.-e of Honi.ow.w's OINTME.NT AND FII.T.P. tupunioti-'in in the muscle* < r joints. p»<ut.v j>oi"S uenrsil.nc "'t'turcs, cramps find sfr.smi'die twili'he- dej.rirt ui.di-r t!r.' °f«ipl.,yniont of these noble remedf s. 7M leps, nil kim.^ \(1111111: nieer-, sorc^, burn. rutMiou.; inOmnmntion", arc 'liliefcty conquered. Tim reputation 1 IoIIowhV's Ointment mid .'ils have nci|iijred trironpbout the habitable Globe should LLL!in, P ,.VCRV ;i micte'l i erstfu to pive tlicni a fair trial before ^pairing of relief or abandoning hojje. bronchitis, Diphtheria, Sore Throats, Coughs, and Colds. Thi< ointment. wiH cure, when every other means have »<nlo«l. It is n soverc') ron,ed,' fo^r all derangements of the "'rout nnd cho-t .-crMcil coi. or wheezing wili be promptly fWllovtxl by rubbing in tbo Lnguent. Bad Leg's, Bad Breasts. — Old Wounds, Sores, and "Dicers. It is snr;.ri.ug i.iv ■> -ore. ulcer, or v. r' iid. d.-priye? .*«» body of sitr< f-it-for the du;i..i' life, :t Gintm«nt, when it is used according to theprlutedturectiona, tttid a^eislod by api-rupnate oi tae I'ifls, Gout, am Rhcaniatism. ^ill bp cur< d vir;; 1^ t, eoit/dxt l;lj'r> r;unnt .ties $,tlw tttntm.-ut i« well vorkol iut» ti'e nftiic..tsl p:irt,s. trefttnicnt niu t be XM-rseveringly follcwed for sc.me tin; ;].1Ji.! Aulv nMMted Hs powerful doses of llollovray's rills. '[llc;e 1^'rif.yiija Linci sootbing remedies demnnd the efj-rne.st. attxaition of aUp«wbni li»Wo to rbeumati-ra, ^ut, .sciatica, or-other j aininl ^octious of the muscies, nerves, or joints. The Ointmejit and fills arc wild at Professor ITOT.LOWAY S K^tabliviumrit, .W.Ii, Oxford Street. I.ondwn; also by ncsu iv' res-rtoctatrk A.endor of Medicine throughout the Civiiisi" *crld, in Boxes a«d Pets, Is. 1^4., 2,s. 9d., 4s. 6d.. Ms., 22s., and «3s. cach. The smalkst liox oi PWU contains four rf^^cn and the smallest Pot of OintBieiit one ounce. Full printed directions aro affixed la e,ida Box and Pot, and can be had iu any evea iu TarkisH, Arabic, Ameman, i'eniui, or Ciiiuese. 15—4* .r 11; Commercial-place, Aberdare, Oclober i Cth, 1876. MADAM, On FRIDAY Next, the 22nd instant, I intend EE-OPENING my SHO vVROOlkS with a Choice Sclect:oll of GOODS-suitable for AUTUMN & WINTSB, WEMt. I would call your spccial attention to the Lines enur.;crated IJCIOW, as I shall be able to oiler them much under value. rI hanking you for past favours/ and hoping to merit a continuance of the same, I rem airy lladam, yo-ars obedient.lv, I HENRY LEWIS, j 2,000 Yrrds'of BLACK SILKS. FRENCH KID GLOViiS, Is. 11 |d. prr pair. BLACK & COLOURED SATIN SKIUTS. TAPt-.STR.Y CAIWETS,s. 7Id. per yard. 3,000 Yards of RliJLONS, in nil tho Newest HOUUOCK'S LONG CLOTHS. Ladies and Gentlemen's SILK UMURk'LLAS. ,b- Tali' Tale and Midland Bailwaj Companies'- Goods. W ILLI A M D A V IES, (J.TJ.FTOJY STilE E7, Desires to inform the Tradespeople and. Inhabitants of Aberdare that be has been appointed | Agent to the above Companies. | The most prompt "t'TXion will Ix1 <>i v<;n lo the C(.-LLLCI XOTs r.nd J.>HLiT* of ali C.ooos, Parcelr, and Emj-i.-tt ontrus'ti'd to i;i- cert'. l;\ii'ii!tu;v ro-isovt-d to all j-ar'.s of Uie lov;n ond tiistf-iot. W. D. will moo vviliinplv rondor any inforujati'iu rt-sp.- ciiiig rates, S:o, Ab< rdarc. Jai;uary I4fh, 1S75. I w A > i 1 k3 /I JJo White's London Cement,. Plastej* Fans, Mortal' Hair, cnil of the best qoaiity, at li ¥ A X T II fi) MAS' r', Ironmonger, and Miner's Lamp Maniifaoturer, ■TS J' 7'^ 7Tf^ 7^ -p ?v^> 'p'y $. *-• 14 -mjJ* £ i-.i _fei. M-u • P H 1 C E ON A P P L I C A T í O N ) COFFINS! COFFIN8 COFFINS! r' -l.- i 'C. '4. it .t-" (.. '1 h. "j e 8 SAMIJIiiL MORRIS, I CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 64, CUTE SU'REP/i', ADi.RDARK, BEGS to inform the Public that he is pivpand to supply COFFINS of nil kinds, at prices &s low if not low r than can be obtained of any other pernor, in the neighboorh.od. S. M. also takes this opportunity of thanking the Public (or the support he has net-ived durine the past twenty years, and trusts he may Illlrit a continuance of th-; «anus in ihe fui.nre. .1.1. C E M E N fin ll. I' J 0 J N i) A V I E S, I BUIL f) (■: r?, &c., j 10, SE Y M O f-Ji 8THEI T, A li K1? ]> A R F, Ageiit for the celebrated PIT CEKEINT, for stopj/iin.; leakages, etc., i OicTLAND, A PLASTiJi Or PANI^b SAND, &c. ') The Pit Ccnunt, used like mortar in the- construction of Pit and Sea AYal's, Weil. Clients, Tanks, ^c., < fl. ctnally stops all b akagc-s It Las Lun tesfrd r.nd cxf< nsividy tif-i d at the ovvoll Dullr\ n and other Coilioriis in the county oi GL.mortar, "lid »1i;lwhere, :,1;(1 highly appvovt-d of STATION EflY & FAKCY W A 11 EllOUbE "ABEKDARE TIMES" OFFICE, SI, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JO WES & SON, PRINTERS, EOOESELLEES, STATIOSIES, PT C J.t ,1 .L! .L1i I.J ¡J £; L; 1. -L I.J e" DESIRE to inform the PUBLIC tin: h in stock a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS, &c., to which they invite attention. A larjic Stock of Musical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drums Flarmonicnrs. Mouth Organ' &'C. Tho larpcst and best selected Stock in 'lown oi iiOME and FOHLIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, Sic. Workboxes, ?ilo'ne)- Boxes, Fancy Poxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfumery, Ink ar.d Inkstands, Conversation Cards, &c. Combs and Piushes of the host. quality. Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladii-s' Pairs, Purses, Albums, &e„ Ssc. -:0;- OnSERVE THE A ".A1ŒI:IJ.\lèE TIMES" OEEICE, 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE.

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